The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, April 19, 1854, Image 1

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DEVOTED TO SOUTIIERN ITGIITS, DEMOCRACY, NEWS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE SCIENCE AND THE ARTS WILLIAM LJIS - Pn - -l.b - TERMi-$21N ADVANcE ; O I S . I C - A D O 3 .,1 . VT I I I . S U M T IE V I L L E , . C ., A P R .1 4 1 9:, 1 6 4 TflE SUMTER BANNER. IS PUBLIH siE E"cry WVednmesday iorn'iig BY Lewis & Richardson; TERMS, 'l'TW O.LARts in adevance, Two Dollars antt Fifty 'onts at it expiration ~f iix mnthits or Three Dlollars at tle enl of the year. No paper discontitiel toil all arrearaees are rAI>, unl'ss at the tliion of tht l'roprie-ior. L' At!ivertisenents inserted at 8i-VI:NT'Y FIV - Cents per squart, (1.2 lines or less.) for the first, and half that sunm for each substltseint insertion, (Ollicial ad vertisenents the stn each tim1e). ;9" The nulber of insertions to be markel on all Acivertisements or they wAl be pnhlishleid until ordered to be discontiniuei, aund chargei accordtingly. f~r" ONE' DOLLA R per square fora single insertion. Quarterly and llonthly Advertise ments will-be charged the same as a single in sertion, anId sotni-imonthly tile sante as new tines Fromu the Model American Courier. Blondel and Richard COuur dleLeon. ny17 S. A. STUART. PART 1st. A ftrin more active, light and strong, Ne'er shot the ranks of war along, 'l'i modest, vet the minnly mien, Might grace the court of inaiden titeen." It was moonlight-n4sst pure and lovely-hathiing mountain and valev, river and plain-stootling oil' the jggred and hairshi outlines tlat dy. oight brought f.rth into glaring oofir mity, and shading into sodtness, with its veil of silver, beauties that were al most too brilliant, when seen by the light of the sun. 'T was a true lover's evening-jst such a time as i, old hearts Speak best of love, with the pale planet looking downupne as s teo he h'lait ev edn donuo ht ssehdee iebefore and since. It was now beamning upon two beings, with hearts as loyal and true as ever beat bltenth her r ,a. Thetg gnle Alice nol~sd r Rbet'sfiir ariideni, to k:eep her tryste- w'ith icer lover here in the greenwood ; and the I timid maid started every now andI then as ti rustle of the foliage, stirred by the night breeze, came upon her lar-and her sweet lips tremtbled, tough he, who now stood at her side, holding the little hand ill his fond clasp was a stahart fIr, ho stmed fully capable to do his duty in protecting the young maiden01. " I miust u lste, else my good fAlher will awaken,' said Ike sweet, tremiyong voice. "Oh ! how I wish that he loved you, and then you Could comes 'neathl his own roof. Indeed, Sir Mlinstrel, I like not these forbidden interviews." "' Tis our last, gethtle Alice-at least for a long timue," sighed the young man. " Ere I again behold you, my feet must travel over many a league. So, give me some moments yet, whilst I swear, beneath this pure light,. to love thee ever as now, and to cling toyour nemory, whether in court or in camp. on the battlefield or at tour nament-and to hold it as precious as I now do the moments you so grudg ingly grant Inc." Not grudgingly. 'Do not say it, for you know Full well how angered is my father against you. Yes, certe ! though I be his only child, lie would send me forth fromj his love as ingrate. were he aw;are that I met you, l'!on del. Oh ! you know all this, gentle sit', buy' yon cannot say his hatred to one 92'your calling ! iFurthermnore, lhe djefars tatno vassal of'France shall "And yet, ouir noble Ki~ng, I lichard, he of'the Lion Iheart, for whomi your father still mourns, and sighs to see himt on his rightful throne, to the crushing of the usturper Lacklantd even he, my friend and master, is of Norman blood-his mother a princess of France. But, I blame not you, my Alice ; an old man's prejudice is ever strong. Only promise to lovec me. and to keep fiiith with me, whilst I wander forth in my pilgrimage. Smi e on mie, my gentle onte, and pray our lady, and the holy saints to have mue in their holy keeping ; say, ini your owni h1onied tones-'hste~t thee back, to thine own Alice, for' site will not, be light of love." " I do bidl you hasten back, wh'len gou have fulfilled yotur noble mission; anid I need not tell yu thaiit my orisoni shalhl ever be to the lloly Alotheri and1( the btlessed sa inits, that you ma re.1) tunsafel y to our liir counmtry- alas! tierr ic .Ettghi no litnger ! liho, in thie maruy lands y'ou mulst, tra veise, gon w''l see f.-irer' mtuaidtns, wh'lo will gladhly smile on tihe gallant imitrl ti devted fiOlIriendi of' Enmglandi's capj " Wl'hen the siln .'-hinii, wYe see nt the stars-ev'en so will lmy love Itr yon keep br'ight the miemiiiry of youir gentle loiveliness; andi hinderil tie fromi 's,ta wing thliuhtmlt or g lanice, save Vinl slt'h' be ti tutbo.le. iihe ':ihnee dl:itit shall cherish your mennory both flnully and proudIly ; and that through all Imiy dreary pilgriinage, iny thoughts will turt to your love, as my star of hope, wishing no higher happier reward than the right of claiming this little hand, when EIngl:d-again the merrie slhll see her Lion en the throne." ("hul grant it !" softly iurnmured the maiden. " Bless you, dear Alice, for that prayer. And now I will call Margery and go with you to the postern. " Oh ! no, you mutst not go indeed. It were safer by Ghr to let us speed alone ; f an t. y ithter's huntsnen are lurking about, and should they see you. I dread the eonsequences. iet us say fhrewell, even now; I pray we may soot) meet under happier auspi ces. If it will cheer you on your pil grimage, know that you will ciarry eve ry hope and every prayer of Alice of Braniteyne along with y in; and, the hiost joyful sound she can hear, will be thy voice, when thou returtnest to iny (outntrv," And tlhe loving, sorrowing maiden bent her head inl tears on her lover's bosoin, as they thus bade each other nl1ieu in that old forest, 'neathi the ,moon's ruellow rays. PART I . " The Troubaionr, o'er m1fatny a plain, Ilath roained unilweiari d, but in vain." T:e still was sinking behind the iurm-'eld hill. t'f' ( '-tmoly, whi- a traveller, w :ry iln f~ot sure, stood within the shadowv of a hug hattie mlented pile, over the irate of w Itich w0 shield lunig, as all invitation to nim. he weary, to ent er. The heart efithe ilLgrim sank sadly within him as he azed around on the fhir scene, now ;orgeous witl the hues of the dying lay and the rose tints thrown o'er he water only served to remitind him ,f home, for distant. as I.vel v, and oh! tow longed fur. lie "had wandered till many a utile, seekint. fbr him . .. h I~t :. fo.l t :n. - . t low, toil. wrn. weary, and spiritless, c stood-as I said before-in the ;ladow of the old l'rowning (astle. \ horn hung near the gate, and restingI etire he con d suin mnmn sullicieitt lreatlh to wind it. he blew a blast. nother-still aniother. No answer mame to his sumiois-anod lie throws it rom him, as almost exhausted he sinks on a rook, just hathed in the mn's parting hearms. Oh ! Richard, my roaster, what hae I not -icountered for thee ! and yet 'tis in vain. Through the fhir phiis of my native 'rovenee, in the hostile land of France, have I sought tidings, hut without :success ; aml now my heart is sinking ,hopelessly within me ; and I feel as if I could lay down here--aye ! even here, beside these inhospitaible walls, and die, were it not for the thought of my fhir-haired Alice. Sadly, most sadly, comes into my mind the relelrbr:mee of our happiy dlays, crc you, ily Kin". were wedded to the stately Ierengai ia, or I had knelt in homage at the feet of yii gentle ladyclove, \ lice of brantevite. Al ! joyous indeed, were those davs! Andi, when tired with our nuire miiaiilv sports, we seized the harp, and miale the walls echo again with songs o battle and of kiightly decd,. 'ven nOWe, eXhalusted and tlespairini!, onie it our olfaniliar airs is stravinig ithrouighi mty brain, as if it, wouild (hinl havte words.'' And thie ini strel unstrung fronm his b~ack the simail dust-ceovered harp, o'er w hicht his fmigeris wandered ill mielody. wil, yet, beatifil, till at la-t breal ing forth in, fuller amA more inspiring notes, lhe joined to lhe accompilanimienit the mausic of his mellow voice: '' 'ITiine hour is come, and lie staike is set, 'lThe Soldan~ cried to the capt:ive Kiiight And the sonl sot thet i rophe&t, ini th.o .gs, are Iniet, 'ITo gaze on thie feairfuli ighi~t Bt, tbe our faith. by your hips confese:cd The faith of Meeca's shrineC, Cast down tie red cross t hat miarks thy vest And life shall yet he thine.'" TIhe mlinistrei patused ini his son~g, and swept the striniigs ini ai nelodlious symph.~onyv, for it was the pice where his kingly corDpii n 4.1liustafly chii imed with the refrain. I ark ! whait soundi comte -now to his ear ? I-s it, (lie sigh ing ofthle eve ne-s, thus brooing over the niemory of the hi''art, has1 shiapedl its symp1 at hy inito the follow ing thiiitly echi.edt words thait are now borne on the quiet sum1 mler air: " I liav e seen i tie flo w of ii mhsomi's blood Aiti gaz~ed with undaiedtIi eye; I hiae t ornie t shri'e bt cros thro(li' fire and I ha~ve stood whesire thouis:liik; by 8.iem's Iliave fallen for the faith divie, Andil tthe faith, that rc'redf their clo-sing' houiirs, nolw piale mnolt trembinig with th le re ii4Awal of hoiije. " (ian it. h( 1 it imy King that I have at last discove ed ?" And gasping with new ardo and clanting forth with renewe strength the third stanza, in orde again to hear the refrain, and thu give certainty to his awakened hope : " Art thou the sun of a noble line, In a land that is liair and blest ! And dost not thy spirit, proud captive pin Again on its shores to rest ! Thi ine own is the choice to hail once mtr 'I'he soil of thy fathers birth, Or to secop, when thy lingering pang; arc o'er, Forgotten, in foreign earth.'' lie paused. Again is the strali caught ip ! This time, so loudl v an< distinctly to his expectant car, that h ean(ot think it the sighing of the breez or his own iinngination : "I'heri' are hearts that sti'l, thro' all the past, Inciangingr, have loved moe well There are eyes, whose tears were ,t reari inr fast, When I hie my homie lareweil Ilut better they wept o'cr the warrior's bier Tihan the Ap state's living strain ; i itre's a and, where thise who love( when here, Shall !meet, to love again.'' 'is be. Thank (God ! My prine -liy king "--And could A lice have seen himt in thanktiness prostrate himt 'elfI, she' would have still better loved the nolrle heart in whom she trusted Now, with his whilone weary eye ialianit with joy, he tore a seraf, o ptar'hmeiiint fromn his scroll upon which be treibIlingly traced worIs of hopi :nni cheer, then attaching it to the ar mow. provii e I as a iiuienet ger, lie sel: it whirling through the air, now so still ito tile casemven t., from whence he heard the song and where lie had jnst eei the scarf waving. Again camne that sigh f rth, as he tood gazing, with his heart on his lips No sooner did his eve catch the first lutter of the silk, than he turned to wails the north, atd sped on with re sewed st rcngt h, and :t heart nerved t< my endr:nice for England. On tie scrip he had penined save thy searf, and I will back to Eng and at oinco, to ransom thee with crliadl pieces, or stir ui thy ruourniin unl i ithlifdI people to redeeii tlei 0% '42ed ti,(ulrarcl wViih the sword. In hiaste, thy fidthtiil servalit. et 1r1oND1:..: P.\~ritt i. .!he'ard ;!hol he rhtll h ri rowne \huic in sand Iin leftane rhetvc round And a thousaiid harps, with t' sheal! r:ng When :nerrie linglhiu hais her king. Once niore in the duin old wood: were the lovers met: but this tiun tis not toi witness how those tim< hearts speak ; but, to see how old Si. Robert. of liranevne, greets his kini' and lutch loved soiereign, R(iehart Plantagenet, surnamed the Lion-heart IlIe approaches the old baronial man ,ion, with a chosen retinie of Ibravc hearts. and true, that have scarcely let) his side since his arrival from his priso keep, ihr in the forests of (ern:ny On his right rides an old noble, full o yeairs and of honors ti nii: left hi: fitithtiel tin-streh-friend. loi.dle. 110 htital rodle other nobiler and his Mer a'-:rios. Now 'e do . ;: thze trouililltir it his tat't ri edl, travl-.taintedil dioibh t arm wo ini (lit sard als, Iut e:isel bravely it pulrleL aial gold--wiith his laces, I jewe-ls, his phiinnes, :ied perius-lo ire conwts thus drnehy decked (ort t w'on 1ar his bi h- the tiri Alice. NO corneis lie empty4 hi'iiiled to do his wi, kirng has givein him i broa huii 111Is, art riebi. mial hie now rble -ide hv~ side speedt him inii hi- sutt Anrd thle:e, ini coveredl mateway, b lie siehe of her fit her, '-timids the gei tle ldy of his [eve, wvith sumiles ani h!ushies flit tinig o'er lier sweet. (hee, rt she stands to greet her sovere-ign. Th*Ie qulick(3 eyeto love has niote liidel as lie thus rides; and her lit tI hiemi , is heating rapturously at thi thouight, of t his mecetirg. 'Thou"h Ii couritesy and~ fe'alt~y her knee is bowe to thle kin,. yut her womlaii's heart1 hent.i Ii hurnbleness to weleoiiic hc mn'ins/rtl b ack to Enigland, an~d he hove. Yes : though ilihard lbe well bh hbved, and claimr~ the f/rs/ words froi thone coral Iip s,yvetIe he irlshes ha siles of w eome are the mieed < lier hieart's soveiriigi anid lover. "' Aly own A lice "-he has whispe( ed, ini tonecs the echo (of ant l'oliani harj 0Si oft, so ejSWeet-" I )os:t t hout, it deced, joy to see ime back in your in land ? And al i Inow elaiii thy Ii tle hiarnd as imy birighitest rewardlU " Au-t weilcoeuat thou, the trurst an I siincere, tu-.lan~li I and iiy hiaml butt, thou well liu''vest, that t honih love thee enii irely, y et itnuot, I youi taike t hat which is rmy fhthrer's liest ow. I hit, see ! 'The king is no tin g on, andl we niiiist i b iow."' Ando into the wide ol hall did th< all go, with its roarling fires peil hi;~ aiih thieeingly, and where thec king seated himirelfiin the chatir of ati arranged by the hospitable old knight. " Aly ol friends," said thle kinig,ad dressing Sir Rolcrt, who stood in at r teinlaiice. " It gives niC touch joy to be nider thy goodly roof once again-our - lady and the good llondel be thanked -and if thou wouldst still add to the measuic of iiiv contelnt, grant me one request. Sec, I di not comnidn.iiiI as a king, but carnestli entreat is thy Sfriiend." ()"h ! m liege, speak not tihes !" depreented the kuidit., as he essayed to bend hik knee, but, was prevented by I i:liaid. "lhou knowest full well that, I and all that I have belongeth to thee, to dh as thou wilt, now and at all tines." "Sayest thou tlis in good sooth ?' replied the king. " Then be not an. "ered. that, I dispose of one parcel ac cording to ily wsThes. lH there ! .oiie one sununor the Lady Alie. And come hither Ilso, rlly geud Illon dcl, fir I have a tfi;isu.i d , i I wou-m fain pay, even t hogi it be by poach ing on anothcrs pro rty." here the rustlini of silk, and the slight, quick step & timid love, and the Lady Alice is Ihanding before the king, with her ight curls floating around, veiling hd fauir, blushing face, antd by her side heels the dark-hued, but handsome iistrel of Provence, whose noble ioro, in its pride and strength, seems liie the oak to the ten (1ril. when comnpacd with the fragile, shrinking maideni The king, rising, joins their hands, 'id speaks the word of betrothal era t amazed old father has the power to T).terrupt them. And then how could hi remrain in anger with that gent4" girl, whose dove like, pleading ey's, are swimming in tears of hope -id ahppiiess, as she loiks up to him ! le looks at llon. dcl ; he allows to pass in review through his mind iis constancy to his idolized Alice ; his quitting her volun tarily, to fulli! wth zea! his noble nil grinage, despairing, yet still clinging with the tenacity- of devotion, to some shadow of se.47 n he must reward. And shall b, Robert of lranteyne,-always foremost in fealty and homage-shalf he he Inwilling to give his part, in recompence to his Sovereign's deliverer i lie again looks upon the pair, and his heart sattr: still more, as he catch. es the look -f tenderest. devotion, whicii llondei i-ows up in the .uiw .irl. A cting, fl oim these miiotiv-s, he r -lalce the tiny hani of his chii in hat of :lie not',. nii'nst el, saving: "Tal:e, then the re-:1d of thy do vItion t< thy :.g. and 0f thy cons.t:atn cy to thy lady love. Aly prejudice must. vanish before the weight of my gratitude. lay the prayer of her father be answered, that henceforth ye mr.ay be a happy as your pire love and loyalty deserve." And the old hall echoed again mid again with a glad shout. unrestrained even by tho kingly presence; and manya Iua:s:ail Iowl was drained that dlay, to thle health of the brave ruinstrel and his la iv lo ve, fair Alice of 1Iran Tran .t. ! r':c" "re rvts ri .11p/1.: ..liu rr. The Little Mysteries of 4rcamt UWriders. S.ome excito their brains hv means .ci:n. lik e a steain engine. l Ie fires u its th in nng ndolyg>e u I' eth- retreat in thle st reef. I'L epiie cre, Iin-gs were :.* t las raudiani .vithi lighti tile ftaiili pot whlo bieggedl his (-at ft Ilend lim i then grn (u1 ire of its e ysb wh~ iich to write. \'ietr H ug-i, when lie dwelt, in Par i-, miade nearly a ll hsverseswhl 3jpriienmiIiingr ah~il theL cainail, liea h e b each of the .Isle of J1ersey, that ht n laboris anmiid the wild screams of th< Ssea gulls. 3 Janin, fhe fim 011shulttle hiroself up r coij uses ii theI iiidst of ci-'nveriaioni r and wuhile talkii4, of -omiethinig else. laL~ae lived duiring thie da~y lik< thfie rest oif the wor'ld-lie looked, he~ l i-tenied, lhe talked with his friends d but said niothing resembilling his writ ing!s; he was gayv ;nd fill of haughiter I Ic e ent, to bed at six---rse at mlid ., iiighit and drian k ai cup~ (ioif cee. Theri i- he was eindiied wiith a double capiacity ri --then lie bee:inne hulninlins-h-Ie knew~ .everytIhinlg- thien lie revealed all ht hadl (b serived- lien lie expen ded w hat y lie hadl gathlered din g the day-ftner ;lhe sketched thlloe admiirabile pictiire I anid diseli sedl fthi '- sfaritlinig revela d ti'os. 11 is dife af dea-,.hi: o tnight-life~ a reality. wv As rot. Alhexmiler iDutmas, I believt lie had no rec.'sos to any secret man y no-i vre. ie n( iever stoppedCh~--hie wr-ot Ii andI talked with eqjual aniimationt. diX lien lie set to work, Ito t ok (ill'hh L'. coat atal his gallowse.-lite a .a stripping to fight-and then ho neve paused. I remember going to se, him one day at Havre, at the ilote Frascati. Ho went down with me it the garden ; I left him a moment t< speak to an acquaintance. When came back, Dumas had returned t< his desk, resumed his unfinished line and completed some dozen besides. Nothing ever disturbs him. I do not know how Laimartine corn poses ; I sup~pose he dictates. In 18-I when lie had purchased by so great ar outlay of devotion, latigue and danger the ingratitude of France, I went often to see him in the morning a little be. fore day. I always found hin in the bath, and more than once, he said such beautiful thiigs, si grand, so admirably expressed, that I took pen and paper and wrote them down as he spoke and left them on the table. France could not, I thought, aflord to loose sneh brilliant creations, and I fncied to 10 ttI-,*Q11 a.j,6, IIl"rr, ;)to nf I learn from one twho was itI mfL3 with Chateaubriand, that he had a very singular method for creating that ex citeuent of the brain, which most writers seek through the aid of tobac co ; he would promenade bare footed on the cold marble floor, and thus the same sort of irritation of the mucous membranes which proceeds cold in the head was produced. There are some who take other people's books and diligently copy thea!" IWIANKLIN AS A BOOBS ELIAt, The following story, of Frankllni' mode of treating the animal, called in those day's ' lounger,' is worth putting into practice occasionally, even in thie age and generation : one line morning, when Franklir was busy preparing his newspaper for the press, a lounger stepped into th< store, and spent an hour or two look ing over the books, &e, and finally taking one in his hand,- asked the shop boy the price. 'One dollar," was the answer. -' ar,' slid the lounger, 'can' you take le:,:, enn, ,.hc..y 'No, indeed one dollar is tre price. Another hour had nearly passed when the lounger asked, 'Is Mr. Frank lin at home?' 'Yes, he is in the printing oflice.' 'I want to see him said the loungc The shop-btoy immediately informe< Mr. Franklin that a gentleman wa in the store wanting to see him. Franklin was soon behind the counter when the lounger, with book in hand addressed him thus: 'Mr. Franklin, what is the lowes you can take for this book. 'One dollar and a quarter,' was th ready answer. 'One dollar and a qnarter? Wh your young man asked only a dollar 'True said Franklin, 'and I coul have better afforded to have taken dollar then than to have boon take omit of the oflice.' The lounger seomn'ed st'-prisel, a wi-hing to end the parley of his o\v making said, 'cone, Mr. Franklir tell ne what is the lowest you e take for it. 'One dollar and a half. - (hne dollar and a half? Wihy, yo 'f0'e-red it you self for a dollar and quarter.' 'Yes,' said Franklin, 'and I had be ter have takenm that rice then, thanm dlollair und. a haelf niow. Thle hmniger paid down the prie and w~ent about his business-if' he lha aniy-anid Franiik liin retu-ned into tI prinitinig ohiee. A I ha('I-HrEAnnn.: YuLLYrN.-TlP Slunitsville (Texas) ltemis say-s:" man11 named John M. D~owling carri hero a feve weeks ago to work as tailor-, with II. M. Clopton, of' 01 town. Ie is a native of' J3rookly N. Y., and wvent to Mur'freesboro Treunn.. sonie years ago, where he ma ried a yotung lady of weaCilthy connlo ions, named Miss Mar'y Smith. TI lady acquir'ed sonic property f-rm he relations, ini the way of negroes, and the two concluded to conie to Trexa the slaves were sold, and Dowling i taiuied theo monecy. They had oi child, since dead, and the wife is no encientec. A week ago, D~owling gatl cered all the'mnoney anid other valuabhe of his wife, and sloped, leaving lhi per-f'etly destitute, ie went tio Ne O)rleanis, andl is thought will go bat to New Yoirk. lie is about five i'et nine inchehs high, sal low comiplexio; andt the point of' his proboseis loot towvards thme heavens, as if it scornc connectioni with his rmouth. Hfow ti lady ever caine to mimory him, is mystery to us, for she is a very han some11 woman. lhut ther- is no accouni ig for I art e. W hat efh'ct, lhe had lef'.. h were sold a fewv days ago, and a for was raised by Miessrs. lhinf'ord mr Clopton, eniouigh to send lien back her' f'rienids. She left in the stage < - WVednesday, a broken-hearted, dest ted(, pluindered woman.--Edgflel A rT c Bea~tatif launiac. 3 " T Mn fire that on my bosons preys, Is lone as some volcanic Wso, No torch is kirdleid at its blaze A funeral pile." In the morning train from Peters burg, there was a lady closely veiled, in the same car with ourselves. She was dressed in the purest white, wore gold bracelete, and evidently belong ed to the highest classes of society. I1er figure was delicate, though well developed, and exquisitely syrnetrical; and when she occasionally drew aside her richly embroidered veil the glimpse of the features which the beholder ob. tamed, satisfied him of her extreme loveliness. Beside her sat a gentleman in deep iourning, who watched over her with unusual solicitude, and several times when site attempted to rise, he excited the curiosity of the passengers by detaining her in her seat. Outside the ears all was corifusion ; passengersLQpjing! to baggage, porters useal hurry and bustle aittetiathg the departure of a railroad train. One shrill warning whistle from the engine, and we moved >lowly away. At the first motion of the car, the lady in white started to her feet with one heart-piercing! scream, and her bonnet falling olF disclosed the most lovely features we ever contemplated. 11er raven tresses fill over her shoul der, and clasping her hands in prayer, she turned her dark eyes to heaven ! What agony was in that lonk ! What benoty, too, what heavenly beauty, had not so much of misery been stamped upon it. Alas ! one look told a mel ancholy tale. she was changd As by the sickness of a soul ; her mind Iid wanderel fron its dwelling, am her e'es They Imd not their own lustre, but the look W hich is not of earth ; she was become The queen ofa fantastic realm ; her thought" Wert combinations of disjointed thiings, And forns, inpalpable and unperceived Of others right, familiar were to hers." Her brother, the gentleman in black was unremitting in his efforts to soothe her spirit. lie led her back to her seat; but her hair was still unbound t and her beauty unveiled, The cars rattled-on. and the passengers in groups resumed their conversation. Sudden , . ly a wild melody aros. ; it was the - beautiful maniac's voice,'ricl, full, and inimitable. Her hands were crossed on her heaving bosom, and she waved . her body as she sang with touching l pathos -'She is far from the land where her young - hero sleeps, , And.lovers around her are sighing, But coldly she turns from their gaze and weeps, For her heart in his grave is iying ! "She sings the wild song of her own native plain, Every note-which he loted awaking Ah ! little they think, who delight in her strains, How the heart of the minstrel is breaking.', lier brother was unmanned, and he wept, as only man can weep. The air changed, and he continued ] " Hlas sorrow thy young heart srhaded, As clouds o'er the morning fleet ! Too fast have thoso young days faded, That even in sorrow were sweet 1 If thus the unkind world wither Eacb feeling that once was lear Comte, child of misfortune ! come hither, i I'll weep with thee, tear for tear." a She then sang a fragment ofthc beautiful hynmn "Jess, lover of my soul, r Let me1 to thy hosom fly.'' Ano thier atteinpt was made to risc pwsprevented, and she threw her '. self on her knees beside her br-other, e and gav-e him such a mournful, entreatl ing look, with the plaintive '"Sav-e me, my brother ! save your sister !" thai e cearcely a passenger- could refr-ain fr-om Sweeping. We say scarcely, for ther< e w~as one man (was lie a man ?) whc a called on the conductor to "put bei rm out the ears." Hie receiv-ed the opet ~, scorn of the company. His insensi ', bility to such a scene of distress al. r- most defies belief; and yet this is, in c- every particular, an "o'er tr'ue tale. e Shvauld he ever read these lines, may mr hzis marble heart bo softened by the mrecollections of his brutality! s, Again, the poor benighted beauty raised lher bewitching voice to one of e the most solemn, sacred airs: " Oh where shall rest be found, Rest for the wveary soul." . is ir And continued hetr melancholy chai v until we reached the steamer- Mouni k V'ernon, on hoard of which wve de Lsconded the muagn ificenit James Rivter the tunhappy brother and sister occu s~ pying the "ladies cabtin." llis was d a sorraowv too profounid for ordinar3 me consolation ; and no one daire intrudt a So far upon his grief as to satisfy hhi j. curiosity. t- We were standing on the promen r tade deck, admiiring the beatutiful scene d ;y of the river-, when at one of the d landings, the small boat pulled away to ftrom- the shore with the unhappy pair n en route fo'r the asylumn at --. Sh< *r- wvas standing erect in the stern of thi d- , boat, her white dress and raven tress es flittering in the breeze..-Tha boa h.' .F" filtJ returned, and the steamer moved on for Norfolk. They were gone! thlat' brother with- his broken heart,- that sister with her melancholy union of beauty and madness.--Courier. Ko-IMME11i slain ill tkea Fieid.. It seems that this is not a fret self' governing people.: It seems that the executive and legislaitvo officers cos en by the people of this countif have to answer fbr their official acts at the bar of Europe, and that M. Kossuth' is the high presiding functionary at that bar. The most august legislative' tribunal in the world, the Untited States" Senate, in the exercise of undisputed powers-powers not questioned in this country-is taken to task- by that notorious individual for its refusal to ratify the nomination of Mr. Sanders as consul to London. le has ad. dressed ;t long letter to a gentleman of this country. to oaerate pno .1a, . We yield to no one t' the- most affectionate kindness to Mr. Sanders. No of - could nore rejoice athis pros perity and happiness than ourselves; none could more regret the occurrence oft ;thng tending to injure or to'inor tify him. Bint our relations to Mr. Sanders cannot in anywise alhct our estimate of the officious interference of ang European power, or any European prince, leader, or demagogue with the affairs of this government. By what right does Kossuth seek to influence the counsels and the actions of this government? He is not a native of this country-he is not a natural ized citizen. His home is in Europe. His interests and ambitions are all there. When a fugitive and a wonder er, he was welcomed to our shores like a friend, and wasfeted like a prince. IHis progress through this country was a succession of triumphs. Cities opened their gates to him with glad ness, and their populations flocked to greet him. Our hearts poured out to him and his attendants the sincerest sympathy, and o-r treasures Were be stowed with lavish prodigality. His only feeling towards us should be one of gratitude, But how does he requite our kind ness? He returns to Europe and writes letters designed and calculated to dissatisfy our adopted citizens wiih the actions of our governnent. Ie seeks to transfer to our peaceful shores the strifes, the wars and convulsions of Europe. A wanderer from his own country, without crown, sceptre, office cr power, he erects himself into a mon arch over the foreign apul'aton of the United States, and haughtily issues his orders and his edicts to them. Does he forget that his contrymen here are free? Does he forget that they have solerrnly renohced their allegiance to all foreign kings, princes, potentates and powers, and taken the oath of allegiance to this free country? Ile treats them as if they were a for eign host, encamped a'mongst us to c. ury out European views and pro jects. He seeks to influence, in favor of his plans abroad, the votes they have acq'ui-d in right of their naturaliza tion. lie seeks to. prejudice thum against the United States Senate, because that body has not thought fit to act as he would have them act. We believe that M. Kossuth, wheni amnongst us, did more by his vanity, his ostentation and his officious in solenice to i njunrc the cause of European repubnhlican progress in this country, than all the despots of Europe could do. IHe alighted amongst us as a god; lie departed from ths A humbug. lie went up l ike a sky-rocket; he caime down like a stick. Wash*ington Sentinel. STIjIJLANTS OF GREAT MENi. It is interestimig to notice the difl'er ent articles which have been taken by eminent men, as stimulants of' mental faculties. It is interesting as showing hmow dimetricaily Opposite means may procure tlie same effet in various sys tems ;- and it is interesting as showing how much the mind symp~athizes with the body. Ialer dIrank plentifully of' water when he wished for great activit. ty of the brain ; Fox, for the same pur pose used brandy. The stimulants of Newton and lHobbs were the fumes of tobacco;- those of P~ope and Fonte. nello, strong coffee. Dr. Johnson at one pecrioid of his life, was a great wine drinker ; but in the latter part of' it, found stroing tea a good substitute. Don Juan is said to have been written mmder the infhuonce of' gin and wat-er, and it is reported that a certain legal lord of great learning and taletit plica himself' hard with port when he wishes to shine. Pitt was a great drinker of wine; Sheridan, also, was fonid of his bottle. D)r. Paris tells us, tat wheni Mr. Dumi~ wished to make an.etra ordinary dispa of eloquence, ho al. ways put a - ster p laster on his cheat a few hours beOfore hie was to aj)Ofak in order tiint it might tiriate the Trjain~ by sipathy during hIs snaach 4