The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, March 15, 1854, Image 1

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DEVOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGHTS, DEMOCRACY, NEWS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE SCIENCE AND THE ARTS. WILLIAM LEWIS, - 1PROPRIERS. " 0o-fll Our ,tfu lA JOHN S. RIChIARDSON, J. P--., r VOL. VIII. SUMTERVILLE, S. C., MARCI 15, 18M. NO. 20. THE SUMTER BANNERI Is 'Uu.isito Every Vednesday Moriiing BY Lewis & Richardson, TE rMIt lS TWO DOLLARS in advance, 'rwo Dollars and Fifty Cents at the expiration of eix months or Three Dollars at im encl of the year. No paper discontinued until all arranges are rAin, untless at the uption if the lroprietr. fl'T" Advertisements inserted at SEV lEN'Y FIVE Cents per se mare, (N" lines or less,) fpr the first, and half that suin for each sithseitmritat insertion, (Oflicial advertisements the snme each time). $' 'rhe number of insertions to be markedi en alt Advertisements or they will be published until ordered to be discontinued, antil charged accordingly. . ' ONE DOLLAR per square for a single insertion. Quarterly and Monthly Advertise ments will be charged the same as a single in sertion. and seni-monthly the same as new ones Love gives esteem, and then he gives desert; He either finds equality, ornmakes it: Like death, he knows no difTerence in degrees, But flames and levels all.-[Daresns. Written for the Model Arrneric;an Courier. A STONY OF MY WIFI.' AS TOLD BY CARRIE CARROLL. nY PhitL. nJRENGLE. "She is a winsome wee thing. She is a handsome nee thin;, She is a bonnie wee thing, 'lhis sWeeL wee wife o' nne.!" "This now is' very comfortable!" I ejaculated, lazily turning on tlh sofa until I had a fair view of my wife's eyes. She glanced towards me--her cheeks indented with the most lhscinating - dimples in the world--nodded assent, but made no other reply. A long pause ensued, during which my half-closed eyes were fixed dreamn ily upon her, and I was neditating what to say. At last, I broke out with what I certainly did not, a tioiment be fore, intend to say. "What a blessing it is, to have a rosy little wife with the waitrmest heart anid the softest tingors, ever created, who knowrs how to talk when neces-ary, and how to keep silenee when proper, who has the most delicate t!;uch imtag inable in arranging a pillow" "And who isn't at all jealous!" said Fannie, meeting lmy gaze with her Own simile. "[!" 1 stopped short, for I did mnot know how to proceed. Wheat could she mean? After vainly puzzling myself iii silence for some timme, I gave up the task, well knowing that I should soon hear her menaning from her own lips. Sure enough; like a true daughter of Eve, she could tot wait ltng with t. e mystery. "Well, Philip; how do you like Car rie Carroll?" "Mrs. Walter Granger, I suppose you mean? So then, this is it?" "Never nimid that, but how dIo you like her? Is s1* not the same Carrie Carroll whom- I pietured to you a few weeks ago?" "Yes," I replied, hbsitatingly, "per. haps she is, but the (opinioh I have toirned of her in the last three tiys, during her visit, is very diflerni, from that which may fancy hhId-conjured from your description? Ila' not lier ehart*ae ter changed since muarmit? Ila n she nmot borrowved somec Iititib strenmgthi of spirit from her hushand!" ,4 "A trifle, possibly, hut my quiet, retiring friend was never deficienmt in the spirit, which you seem to think, belonags only to the harder sex." "I can believe yoth, Fanniie, for if I ever saw a daish of the secret vixen, jumst enough to mnake a wife charminigly pungent, I have seeni it in the brownm still eye of youmr friend.. IUt- 1 don't b~elieve that she hans more o-f this same spirit thanm youirself, and indeaed, for her husband's sake, I hope she has no less. Take care how you vex her,-fbmr if a woman's eye can speak, sihe will have a little pleasant revenge, anda~ I know what that is." "The mischief' is already done, so that your warning is too late." "WVhat do you meani?" "This afternoon, we were cbatting together, and inciden alvy mnenmtionmed our hiusbanids. Yes,. ine;denually, sir. Somehow, she imamginmed from a chanice wvord or two, that, I had told you the story of her heatrt-afliiirs, and so, she charged mue with the fitet. I juastilied as well ais possi ble, not very well, how. ever, biut could not 1'acify' her. She dielared, thatt she would take the lirst ppprtmuni ty to tell you som te lit tle limtters oaut of my own early history, and' thetn fell busily to wor k in cotlieet ing doenmntis. After satiae I tmuble, hne ibtunid a ti~w foolish letters which I hadI writtenm tat heryears aigo. Thmese slhe meamns ti show yoau mas soonm asps moblel, amid anleas I 'am very amnehl i. lakenm, she will seize her' impportunalily to-ttuight. IIlush! ltere is latr si tp at this v,.ry ii me:ntent. lI'e~a caretal now, and ablte aimll, al-,tn't heo jeal' ta!" S at e ..aoa-h. wath Ibaly h..r self, looking as demure and suggestive almost., as my Iannie ever could. She took a seat by the side of her fIriend and instantly opened a conver satioln in a manner, which I had nev, r befire observed in her. Iler whole appearance was ehanged. The quiet, beautiful woman was suddenly con vetted into the animated and graceful wit;-all through that pleasant malice which sornetimes gives such delicious piqlancy to the sex. As I looked at themt, I cold not help smiling at the contrast. The tratstirmed rattled on with spicy gaiety. while Fannie, half bewildered by this appropriation of her own tharacter, sttcore hardily to maintain her wonted superiority in tongue. Nor did she quite fail. I was not allowed to amuse myself mulch longer as a spectator, for the fhir disputants, with a little transparent mtanteuviring , soon l an:lged to draw ie into the couversatiun. It was very easy to see every movement itas Mrs. Granger gradually edged up the subject to a point, where it would seem natur al, and be in perfect grace for her to the retaliation. Fannie made no eilbrt to lead her away from the course, and I covertly encouraged it, for, if the truth must be told, I was somewhat anxious to know if my wife I ad td lIn( le all of her heart-history. She seemed so learless in regard to the mlat ter, that I felt no hesitation in draw ing out the whole illair. At last, with a natural turn to the conversationt, Mrs. Granger exchaimed: "Pray, Mr. Breng!e, what do you think is the Miost proper penaity fir revealing the little secrets of a friend?' 'Apply the lex lalionis, of course.' "Inl all cases, without any exception ? she emquired doubtfully. "I ktnow of lew cases u here that law ought not to apply. liut speak plain ly, ihr you teai sonetlhing." "Do not blame tmet( then, for remem. ber, you have asked tne to it. As for you, Fannie, I have no fear th::t you cnn dare to en vouitr mouth. The thet. is, sir, that I anm st rongly disposed to tell a story if your wife." "I am all attention. Pray proceed.' And without farther preface, she playfully ernmenced her story. Fannie was f'urteen ~and I lifteen. when we wVere room-mates, and. of coutse, initimate friends, in a boarding school of this city. Iler young life was (te lof-' frolie at that age, as you can very well imia-ine, fron seeing ho now, wIten she has sobered-so slight. ly. So those thought. who saw her in the every-dla' cbaracter tnly, but her 'riends well knew that her joyousnes was only the language of a war and i high heart. Y"~1u are blIshing, l'annie. andt I'll stoll Your hushiad needs no information aS to your (isposition. My own temlperamuent wvas very differ ent.. One day, we were allowedi to ramble in a beautiftl wood, just ol'. of the city. I believe, sir, that Fai e has told )ott sote fi:w particulars of that, walk, but she dial not tell you the wholc that hap. putted to us. She left that part to tme. As we were sauntering along in it delightfitl path, we came under a large. tioble tree, so tetres.hitgly enticing itn its shae It, that We sat down at once on a pile of'soft moss, and be'gat to chat. ilardly a dozen words had been said. before we heard a rustling inl the tree above, and then a rough v'oice cal litin to tis. Wte started to fly, bit t fhe own. er oft thle voice was too quaick for us. andi befcneC e coulid escape, hec S twung downt fr-om a lower limb, and stood di reetly itn our way atnd make i'ools of' you rselvyes now." We said tnothitng, but tl(oked upon the yountP mtonstter withI perf'ect hor ror. I speak fort mnyself, at least; f'or F'annie always declared there w~as no' thing very fi-ightful, only a li ttle nieg. ligence in his appearance. There was soimethinlg, however, whiieb imide him t a tnew character to both of' us. T.1he boy wtas aboutt rour oIwn age, with tno thing very reultsive ini the expression of'his thee, but, thten lie wats dirty, and sC) awfully r'aggel-a real yonung eub I would' alm ost have Eulletn, had not F'anttie putt her arm'z arountd myv waist, andc summl onted up the tm tost sterentgth of' lier eye oc ok .the boy down. '[here is tmutch power' in thocse sririted eyes, ias yott knoew, sir, but it w~as lost (In' the hiar'detted young wretch. Per. hapes he felt, a little ashatmed-l really thought lie did--but lie stod~ tip auda ecitusly antd smiled admltirtintgly upon~f a1 look thitt wotuld have made meI (drop mey-head. "Well, girl, I'll lie bteat if' yott artt't otte of' thle likeliest atnd pirettiest of tem that. I ever see. .1 lerc, take miy ity bird's eggs, thent. ''Tere're as handtcsceome- asiany y'out ever see, antd whlen youet've striung 'emi tup andt pt 'emi aro utnd yourt teck, jutst thIink ofl mie~, wvill yeout~ (telI youi wihat it is, nlow-' - it cloe's mue good to look at your berighlt lace'.'' As- t he Loy he.l out to m. a ,:,.., nest, full of prettily speckled eggs, he actually wore through all his rough raggedness the earnest air of a suiter, making his first ofThr to the beautiful shrine he would fain worship. This, and the real meaning of his 'words showed us, that he had a large heart, uncultivated and run to waste. Both of us were immediately a little re-as sured. In fact, Fannie felt somewhat pleased at this comical expression of his rude admiration, and spoke to bim with less severity than she would oth erwise have used. I ier words poured fourth quickly, and in the deepest flush of earnestness. I admired her in that attitude, almost as much as did the wonder stricken boy myself. "You are a very lazy and wicked boy to leave your work and come out here in this beautiful place to rob the poor bir<}s. Could you find nothing to do at lo"me? I ave you not some way of speitding your time, more profitable to yourself and every one else, than to roani about 'he woods, acting in such a heartless and contemptible way'? You never thought, perhaps, how much real cruelty there is to the weak, inno. cent birds in this vile pleasure of steal. ing their very homes from them. Now, if you are not altogether vicious in your heart, don't do this again. Cone out here in this beautiful grove as often as you please, for it ought, to do you good. But in this silence and in the solemn shade of these old trees, how dare you be a thief?" After she had stopped, the boy's gaze of admiration suddenly changed into a set tIed suIlennes-aluoost pain fill to look upon. Ile spoke between his teeth, as he said slowly "Pretty well done, but you don't know what you are taliing about. I can't, help myself-I've g' t nothing else to do, and I'd rather be out here alone than around with the boys. I don't care if I do rob the bird's-nests. N%w. there you have it right .quare." "Don't care!" cried Fannie, in high and beautiful indignation. "You can't find any thing else to do? Why, look at yourself. just as you are, and see if there is nothing to be done. You are ray;ed and dirty, and you might at least. spend a little time in putting on clean clothes-" "Aiid ruore in getting themt!" Imut tcre. the Iy. "Then you are ignorant, too. You u'tight to be ashamed of that, when (here is a school inl every street, where you can study, it' you will. Don't say you are too poor, for a little work -a very little, compared with your laziness-woul semd you to one of them. You are not afraid to do this -you, who can steal their homes away from the hird's! I eould'ut do that-l have not courage enough to steal." "Look here, now. I a. poor and ignoiant, but perhaps I ean tell you a thing or two for all that. It's all very easy foir a rich girl, who don't know any thing about work, to preach it up to those who can't find it. Ytuil don't know what a life we poor folks are obliged tio live. If I knew how to do better, I would, there's an end of'it. But I can't.' "I ere is some money," cried Fannie hastily, "take that, and begin upon it. Many men have made fortunes on less than even this little sum." "No!" said the boy passionately, and with a diff'erent spirit gleaming from his eyes. "No, I won't, take your nmoey- I can't do that-hut, I I1 tell you how you cah help ne. Just give melL your advice howv to begini." "I really doni't. know what to say," exchlaimed Fannie, ini some perplexity. "\Yes, there it is! I thought so." "I don't. know much about it, but I would learn if' I were in your place. You may take this for certain, that there have been poor b~oys, who set themnselves hard at work-upon any thing at first-and have become great. men. There's Dr. Frankhnt now-he was a poor printer's boy once. TIhere's R~oger' Shermtan ;-he was a shoemnak er when lie wiss young. "No, no, Fanniie," I whispered, "I hiapp~en to) know that, the commont story is wrong here, lie was a retail boot antI shoe mnerchiant, but, not, a shioemak er." "DIon't spoil it, Cairrie. There mare Mr. Girard amnd Mr. Astor, and a host, moi~rc-eniough to clear the way for you, so that it, will look bright aheadl. Now, do go- to work, and make a mani of yourself. Don't be afraid. Why, I know, I could, do it in your place, and y'ou are stroger than mnyself'." "No~w, I r'nhly wish you knew a lit.. tic mnore about, how to begin,'' said he, (coNT-rsuran ON rouwr rtT! PuL.) The beautifiul seedling Camel ia raised by Peter Mackenie. Spruce.street, PhilIadelphia, named "Jenny Lind,"' huus beenI sol to iMess'rs. Ilemiderson & Sin, of' Lonidon, for tvro hutnd red Ilounids, or onue thousanid dollars, and will be shipped in the steamer Uit., of' Manheser;on her next veyaige t'.~ A1~ui-hgst.r. Was. GLMoR SIMMS, Es.-Our gifted fellow-townsman has finished his course oflectiures, four in number, on "Poetry and the Practical," and "The Character of Hamlet," before the Smithsonian institute at Washington. Throngs of both sexes assembled to hear him, and he earned their approv ing suffrages, and covered himself with laurels, lie was to take a run North for a week, and then, on his way home, deliver a c'uple of lectures at Rich. mond.-Charleston Courier. ;- We have been favored, by a a friend, with the sight of a few copies of " Green & Russell's Bton Post. boy & Advertiser," published at Bos. ton in 1760, which according to the list of "the first news papers published in North Amuerica" which list we publish in this issue, was the Sixth paper ever published in America. We take from it the following extracts for the amuse ment of our readers and if permitted will hereafter make others form them. All the copies we have been fovored with, have interested us very much. The sheets themselves present an ap pearance quite as quaint and antique as the pictures we sometimes see of our old Grandamries who..lived a hun. dred years ago with their narrow hoop. ed skirts and powdered hair, &c., and are quite interesting themselves. The letters are all old fashioned ones and a body has to study awhile before he can make out what is printed. And as to the matter contained we make no comments, but leave others to judge, from the samples offered, for themselves. ''here is one thing about these papers which strikes the reader very forcibly, and that is the great anxiety and expectation with which they all at that day looked for the new arrivals from the mother-land and the avidity with which the news from old home was canght, up zud devoured. The editor when he had obtained news however scanty, from Old England, seemed to think very openly and plainly that he had an excellent issue for his readers and frequently boasted of it ; and these arrivals were all re garled as new eras in their lives, and were headed with large and flourishing notices of "News from England" &C. After reading these papers the mind can but refleet how hard and unjust must have been -tie treatment, of the Mother country, and how strong the love k f liberty that could estrange from all that, seemed so dear to them, hearts so loving and loyal as theirs. But here are some of the extracts. They had a queer way of giving notices in those days and we must congratulate the merchants of the present (lay upon the improvement in advertising. If any are curious enough to desire to see those papers, they can be found at Dr. I)Anmo;A's Drug Store, who we have no doubt will be pleased to exhibit them to'any and to all, and perhaps while you are there, lhe may he able to sell you some of those fine things he has just advertised. TUnP ur n WuI..XA DOLt.EY in Camb lridg;e River oni the first of this instant, an old Float, or small Canioe. Whoever has lost the same may have her again, by appleyinig to said Dolley ini Cambridge, pbaying the charge. IN -rnE L AYE GRE A-r FIRSa, a Moho any Chest of'an ordinary Wood was carriedl from the House I hived in to ..utdrew 0/irer, jun., Esgjr., and among some oif his Goods were carried to the top) of Fort.I lill, and was there seen by sev'erai pe(rsonis with my namne wrote on it.--lt's desir'd oif the Per sonl who too0k tle Chiest awvay, wvhether by Mistake or by Design, they would be so kind as to return it, as they have had full T1ime i to determiine whether it be their own or not, I proimilse no ques tions shall he asked, and they will very innech oli ge, Edmund Quincy jan JOiINAT HAN M~oNo, lereby informns his (Cumstomiers, (since the laLo torrible fire by which his D~welling I louse and Store were coisonmed) Th'lat he now impihroves pat of Messrs. John Fi eat,'s ShopIj at tile 1 leart & Crowvn on Corn hill, and a Store in School-house Line, near M r. Anthony Brackets; And has to Sell by Wholesale and Retail, all sorts of I ronimongery, Braizeryv, entlecry aiid Pewter \Vare, WVindow Glass, Allum,- Copperams; Pipes, Enmglish and ~Germna: Steel, &c. &. &o. at the low. est Rata forbm Cash or short Credit. N. 11 The Pr'inters and booksellers Biusiness is still carried on at the Ihart & Crown by Messrs Thomas and John Fleet. THIS DAY PUBLISHED, (Soled at the New Printing Office, near the Towi Iouse, Price Eight Pence, L. M.) A VERY SEASONABLE AND EARNEST Address to the Citizens of London, soon after the dreadful fire which con suned the greatest Part of that fhmous Metropolis in the year 1600. By that revered and faithful Minister Mr. James Janeway. To which is added, Dr. Smollett's Account of said couflagration, and the imputed Causes thereof. Taken from his history of England. LmrcEwlsE, An account of the Boston Fire in the Year 1711. Together wil a Relation of TIlE GR EAT FIRE OF BOSTON, Which broke out March 20th, 1700. And an elegant original Essay on those Sober Facts which no Body should be found ignorant of, and with which eve ry Body must needs be affected concerning that great Fire. c7" The abovernentioned Address is a truly remarkable Performance, :nd wrote in that plain honest old Stile which the most unlearned Reader car easily understand. Ertract of/a letter from Paris, January 21, 1700. Councils are frequently called, and the subjects under consideration are of the utmost importance. The ministry will not give car to any proposals <f peace, unless they be adeantageous and honorable; the cup is fled, and we must drink it. The King's coffers are fell ; his armies are numerous and in good order. F'rance will have on foot, next ceampaign, at least three hundred thousand combatants, by land and sea, and thtey only long for an, opportunity to restore to our arms that lustre and eclut which. have been tarnished by some adverse turns offortune. Our enemies all put together, are not able to fld or maintaim so many troops : they are drained of men and provisions, through the devastation otcsione: by the great number of troops with which they have ('( #.reessivel t over run since the be ginning of this fatal war." We hear thht a great number of troops are ordered to be in readiness on the shortest notice, which it is thought are designed for the cost of France; and we hear a compliment has been irade to some of the gentlemen of the militia, if they have any inclina. tion fhr going. BOSTO.-We hear that Saturday sev'niglt the dwelling Ilouse of Mr. John lachellor ot leading, was burnt down, and great part of what was in it destroyed. Wednesday the Rev. Mr. .Joseph Jackson, was ordained at Birooklinue, to the pastoral Oflice of the Church in that Town: The Rev. Mr. Storer, of Watertown, began the So. lemnity with prayer; the Rev. Mr. Cooper of Coston, preach'd a sermon well adapted to the Occasion, from 2 Tim. 1. 7. The Rev. Mr. Appleton ofCambridge, gave the charge ; the lhev. Mr. Cheelev, sen. of Boston, gave the Right lland of Fellowship and the Rev. Mr. Pen herton, of Bos ton, made the concluding Prayer. The whole was performed with great decency and Propriety. For somne time past we have been concerned about several mnissi ng Ves sels, viz. Capts. Bradford anad Sherrard from London, arid Capt. Sloper from Bristol; who sa il'd the midldle of No vember last hound to this part :But last Tuesday Night,, Capt. Brown, who, was a Passenuger on board Capt. Brad ford, camine to town from Newberry, where he arrived in 18 days from Eu. statia, arnd informs, that from thne 1st of Decembie~r to thre 1st of last Jarnua cry, Capt. Bradford was beatiung upon the Coast endeavoring to get in, anrd had once got, within 8 leagues of Cape Cod ; but the violent North-West winds succe::sively coming on, anrd the WVeather extreme cold, they weore obliged to stand away for the West Indies ; anud somretimne in February last intending for Aintiguan, he was atnack ed by a French Privateer Sloop of 12 Carriage gumns, number of Swivels and :about 100 Men , with which he stood an engagement two I1(ours, and would have beat her off, had not, a cahn come onr, when the Privateer g' t out her oars, and kept under tire Shrip's Qur. ter-s, so that she could not bring hrer guns to bear upon them ; and the e rnay keeping an incessant Fire uponr them, tore the ship very muchr ; and Ine mren being munch fitigued, anud some of their joinuts frost.b~itten, they were obliged to surrender, having sto'od a brave Resistance as lung ans they were aoe ire enemy, as some of tIe-n gave out, had 12 Men kill'd and sonme wounded.-None of Capt. Brad forad's mnen w~ere killed, and only'a Panss-enger, (Capt. Phrilips of this to'wn) slighntly wonurded. The enemny ea ried Capt. Bradford - into Martinico, from whence Ire wans releas~ed, with Cajnt. Bro'wn. Cnnt. Plhilin. and othnrs who got to Goudalonpe and fromit thence to 1instaria, who may be ex pcet'cd by the first Opportunity. TI he Enemy took from Capt. Bradford's people all they had except the clothes that were upon them.-That Capt. Sloper from Bristol, was also blown off the coast, and taken and carried in to Martineco, by two Privateers be fore Capt. Bradford was.--And, by Capt. Kitchen, in a London ship, who arrived at Guadolonpe from Barbadoes they were informnied that Capt. Sher rard, who was also beat off this Coast, had arrived at that Island, his Ship very much shattered, and great part of his Cargo damag'd ; that in the hard (;ales they met with, they were obli ged to cut away their mizen mast, and throw their Guns over board; and when Capt. Kitchen was at Barbadoes, they were surveying the Goods taken out to estimate the )amage: and that Capt. Sherrard was refiting and hoped to be ready to sail by the 12 of March, with a convoy that, was appointed to see the Vessels outward bound clear off the Island. Capt. Brown also informs, ofseve ral Ves els belonging to those Parts being lately taken and carried into Martineco, viz : Capt. Bruce in ship from this place bound to Antigua, Capt. Bryant, also from this port, and Capts. Turel and Cook from Salem. le also says that some of the French people gave out, that they in tend to come and cruize off these coasts. Yesterday Capt. McFarland arrived here from Penobscot ; in whom came four of the Chiefs of that tribe of Indi ans, in order to treat with this Gov ernment for a lasting and honorable peace. We hear there arc now 1S of that tribe, men, women aud childreu, at Fort Powell. Losno:, Jan. 20, 1760. E.tract of a letter from Paris, Jan. 11. " We find that the proposition of the Kings of Great Britain and Prus sia for the holding oi a congress will not prevent England and her allies from making the greatest efrorts, offen sivo as well as defensivo, in Germany and elsewhere. We even-- see that aincu the p'olido doQlaration of Saxony, ItAs true that the comttnuatim,-- or tha war will require fresh expences, which the belligerant powers will find it difli cult to support ; but in that respect our court will not, be more embarrass ed than the others. For finding the necessary ftds, the means, of w hich the Parliaments have complained, will give way to other operations more than their taste and less hurthensomc to the subjects. Money is as scarce with the English as with us, and we know it is with difliculty enough they bear the immense weight of their na tional debt. Besides, we hope that. France is not to be always unfortunate and that the state ' hich has the same interest with her, to maintain the equi librium of marritinme power, and the liberty of navigation, will at length take measures relative to those two grand objects." If the French court cannot be brought into a pacitie temper before next spring, or if they have already given sufficient evidence of their in tention to continue the war with the utmost vigor on the side of Germany it is not improbable that a stro.g sqnudron and a body of land forces will ,oon lbe sent u111 poni anexpd it ion against the F"renich settlements oni the Missis sippi. 'That counitry, which is called ILouisiana, b'y its vast. extent aind the fertility of its soil, greatly exceeds in value all the late eonquests we hatve made in North America, and may be pat on much better footing than Cana da. As it. is situated in a very imild climiate, lit f. r proldinig a great varie. ty of the convenienicies as wvell as the niecessaies of life, it :nay in process of time mtake the French of two much itmportance in America, if they are sutfered to remain in possession. The great river of St. Louis that waters it is navigable for 900 leagues fromt the sea;. the natives have always known it. by the name ofthe Meact Ohassissipi, which signifies Grand Father of all rivers; but the French naturally care less in p onouneing foreign name, clipt to Mississippi. As we are al ready mnaster-s of the river St. Lau rence, we need only got possession of the countr-y at the maouth o.f the Missis sippi ; after which ihere wvill be no reason to be uneasy about what numi bers of French may remain in the in land parts of North America ; for- as they wvould be deprlived of all comu icaztioni with Old France, if such a project should take phlace, they would grtadually lsoe all thoughts of their maother- country, and either dwindle away, or mix- with our colonists, and submit to the British government. MEsBR8.- GUUEEN & RUSSEL.. Please to insert the following in your n~e.rt, and yiou will obligec one of youi conisant readers. Bos-roN! howv art thou distressed ? How art thoui fadlen of late ? th~y beau -y is consumed, thy streets. are laid waste! the raging lanes have destroy.. ed thy goodly house i a deluge of firq hath swept away thy buildings ! Great are the losses of thy merchants, and the distiess of thy merchants, and the distresses af thy poor inexpressible The desolation of fire bath made ny dwelliafs an heap of ruins: My souf mourneth for thy heavy afflictions, and mine eyes weep bitter tears for thy calamities. The horrors of that fatai night, that breathed terrors and do st ruction on the town, when the spiral flames of indignation roll'd like a tor rent, and carried everything before thm. When disdaining to be con trolled, and unbridled in their fury' they flew on the wings of the wind. The impetuous rushing of their forep was irresistable ! they met like contra ry seas. rising in mountains to the skies and dashing their rebounding waves, they overwhelmed thine houses an4 nmade thee an heap of ashes!-What ruinous terror, when the angel of wrath flow thro' thy streets with a flaming sword in his haid. lie was kindled with burning rage, and the flames sparkled from his eyes; a con suming fire was breathed from his nos, trils, which swift as lightning, put town in a blaze : It's threat'ning ip. pearance con ibunded and. astonikhed the most daring and turned wisdom into fully and surprise.-The prudent lust, their sagacity ; and men of under standing knew not what they did. The conflagration was an embleni of that awful day, in which disolution and confusion shall heap terrors on a distracted world ! When the flames that reach to the skies, shall bend tliir lofty spires. and suddenly creep along the ground consuming every - thing they meet: When the pillars of the leavens shall be moved, uni the earth shaken from her fonnditons When the h, low depths of the sea shal be filled up with the ruins of the mountains, and the waters shall hiss in burning flames ; When the surging billows shall be lost in vapor and'steam and the ocean seatter'd into dew - W hen the Hleavens shall nelt with the fervency of fire ; and the stii become like a sea of blood ; When the Moon shall loose her lustre and belle :sternsgim shall sick ens and fade and .t ,,. glittering splendor j When contsreni n tion and fear shall seize the mind, of men, and the secrets of all hea~rts shall belopened.-O that the thoughts of the terrors of that day; that dreadful day, may open our hearts to goodness, to works of goodness, to works ofcharity and benevolence-May a ,due reflee tion and sense ofthe ~snffirings of our brethren--May the distresses of the once affluent and prosperous, and the present miseries of !he poor; may the thoughts of the like calamities being incident to us; may christian charity and umiversal love, and the divine pre. eepts of our Saviour ; may an imita tion of that great and glorious Being, who communicates happiness and love to mankind, of unlimited goodness and mercy ; may the duty, the obedience add reverence due to the divine ma jesty ; may the grateful remembrance of all his blessings and favons ; He who is the author and giver of all things, as well as the protector of man kind, who continues to us all we pos sess; may he inspire us with pity, and enlarge our minds to a . suitable liber ality on this dreadful occasion. May lie also dispose the provinces and isles to contribute to rebuild this once fa mous town ; one of'the first and most considerable on the continent ; to rise it to it's former condit'on, and r'ilieve it's distressed lnhabitinis. And may our brethbren of Great Britain and Ire land, whose charitable donations (ex. tensive as t he greatness and nobleness of their souls) have flowed in streams of exhaustless liberality, from the Thames to the Tagus, and o'er theMa lantie to the main; remarkable for their humanity and generous love tonman kind; as merciful, as brave and as tender-.hearted, as they are honest and true. May we not hope' that they wi'l commiserate our misfor tune: Those that are compassion ate and good in their natural disposi tions :Who raised Carolina. from a heap of ruins restored her .to her for muer splendor?1 May they .who heav en has blessed in a distigiuished man ner, the supporters of the Protegans religion, the strong, the imlpregniable barrier of liberty, the adm'irationEnd glory, of the whole world: ..14y these sons of wisdom, charity . mid benevo.. lence streteh out their hands .t9 into their sinkinmg brat lren, and assist themn to restore and )agafir the~ b isidin 4of one, that was once an E&glsh to'-r, the most populous anda dlAdrishing on the whole continent of Nrt Ameri-' ca : A great part -of it' now -lie- in a ruinous heap of ahes: and *Boston now looks likel a frightful skeleton ;. whose substance. hias, beemj worn and melted downt by an, imiward4 huat and. .burning, fremn s goodly, h ibi Itho n agreness of a. gallJpmg ~ sng