The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, October 05, 1853, Image 1

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Ile DEVOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGHTS, DEMOCRACY, NEWS, LITERATURE, AGRICULTURE SCIENCE AND THE ARTS -- -.I--- - - - - Wi. J. FRANCIS, Prop-Eetor. out } $ TERMS--Two Dollars Per Annumn m -. ln Advanc. . VOL. VI. SUMT1EINVIL LE, S. C., OCTOBER 5, 1853* NO. 49. TIIE SUMITER BANNER IS PUII.sHED 'EVERY TUESDAY MIORNlENG BY W. J. FRANCIS. T E RMS, TWO UWI.LARS in advance, Two Do)llars anti Vifly Cents at tie expiratioin of six tonths, or Three Dollars at the end of the year. No paper cliscontiued until all arrearnues are PAt I). 1ltess at time option of the 'roprie-tor. ttW Advertisenents inserted at St-:NTY FIVE Cent% per squart, (12 lines or less,) for the first, and half that stum fur each suisecjtumit "nsertion. ElY The numbher of insertions to be markceI on ill Ativertismenicits or they will be pnbli-shed *\ntil ordlerei to be miscominued, anid charged aceordingv. 229" ONE DOLLAR per siuare for a singla inserion. Qitarterly auid Monthly Advertise rnents will be clirged tie same as a single in srtion, and seimi-rmtmitlly the sane as riew orse MISCELLANEOUS, OUR HONEY IION. Be Aw MAy 26, 18-. "Mly it-r, said Pred this mornin,-"1-1 don't think 1 caln go to chureli. B11t, of couise, you cai go. I don't fel-I like . Iyself this itmorti ng."-"1 don't won der at that hve. indecd, you dott look yourself. liut I expected as muCh." " You, Lolty !" ad Fred opened his eyes. "Why, I knew what would come miof it. H ere were you omit till twelve a'lock"-" It wnted : ter,' Said Frel. as it T. 'itiarler ciutld ae in" diflrenc. "TwvIvle o'chnk." sadi, fimly. "aillowing f1r wate. bef'ore u dtnue hm. itu."' "I tui yiu was ot t alk i:. wim Tom-," :1ind Fred tapped the Iile.. -'Well, if' I iitm-,st -av what i ti nk, F,-. I don't lige Mir. Triiepenny. -do-no like-h im !"--"I d iont vish yu( lo like hii, my dear. Yo'rto iI enntd iive mne; atnd to I mX'cie 1uanc i in uist rit ously and conscientiot.-ly is a,4 much as any votiatl ('til be eNp-eled to (4t. I 're tnc) reasonable hiumsband can ask (-' ler." l-But thiis I xodn't seem to liLen ti. welvn o0ek,"-A eeat edm. "W .-11. What en iL t o tal d> an bi T n wrnd6def Toing it' the' indw d e"-Joumightf han.. vonle to bed," said tle. to hed ! And yott oul Wi'hy. what (.n1n von think mel.1 ma.1ie of?" lit lie uanly looked at ie 7rot mider Ili.s eyes. anid laighted. "l lot a stiek or :1 sttne."--"Cerintily nI y di~ iiV41arling, I IlIy perhaps he pe.rmn it-to b m''serve -in ymur own piettrrsque heguage {nite the 'reverse. Qeitie the reve-se," land he again tapped tihe table. "'Ntm Iove" said 1; for I thougit 1'd at once nip) P.hat notion in tie bild-"ioi f Coii us, 1 donl't wish, il (et, I s-.hotuld never think of' suich a thinig, as to desire to control yo u in thme chi ci'e of' vnu ftiends. It I don't like Mr. TriJ10mien ny, why I c:in't help it; and there's an end. But what I wish to s:ty, mty love, is this--oh, its Ino laughing umat ter, fOr Pin qiite ill earnest, I assuire Vm -- if Mr. Truepenny thinks lie's to keep you out till twelve at night, ani I'm to go to bed; if he thinks that"--"t I don't believe," said Fred comilv, -lie thinks anything of the mat ter. Iiideed, what is it to him whether You never go bed at all ?"-C"Of' course, nothing. Only I'm not goin' to sit iu) and saymu nothing. A wumant's not to be kelt out of her bed as if her soul wai't her own." "W i, ymurI soul doesn't weir a night cap, dues it ?" asked Fred. meaning t~o be atggravtinmg. "I don't know that," said I ; for as l've said, I wias determined to nip the notion in the - b)Ud. "Nevethtleless"--fr I wasn't to 1be put ofr'--"what could you talk of till twelve o'clock ?"-Fred said noth-I ing, but looked( tip at the ceilingr. "No~ good, I'm surme," said I, in a bit of pas sion, and before I knew it. "Calot! cried Frederick, and his eyes flashed, as I'd never seen 'em. And then in a moment lie looked kind, and I thought sad; and hold ing out his hand he said, ]ookinig at me and his eyes softening, "Lotty, love don't let us quarrel." My hiear't was in my throut, and my arm -about his neck. "tWe shall never qtuar rel, Fred," said I. "Biut what I meant to say wvas--whmat an odd per'son Mr. rtepenniy is." "Odd ? A most ex cellent fellowv ?" said Frederick, with energy. "Of' courmse. You wouldn't have any other for a friend ; I know that love. But what I meanit is, he's so confused-so bashmfulI." "Yes. A bachelor's fault. I was so myself once. But it's wonderful what conifidence marriage gives a man. Kiss me, my -darling." "There, now, Fred ; it's Bunday," said I not knowing whamt to say. "But why should Mr. Tuiepenny be in such a twitter when lie sees me ? Hie blnsbe~s anid stanmmers, an--~ yourti beauty, no doubt, said Fred. "Nonsensa !"--"A solemn truth. Ahl! my dear. it's a great coinfort for timid men thait beaty, like the elephant doesni't knowv its stmrength. Otherwise, how it would trample on us! !tha a laet, Lotty, if you- had only known half your power, yhu'd never have married me. Certainly, not. But then womemn never' do. Looking glas. thingsq. When you consented to take me, Lotty, I don't know that I didn't feel quite crushed by youar condescen. sion. Quite crushed. Yes; the last knowledge ia woman ever acquires is a proper sense of the power i her owni beauty. Otherwise Lotty they'd nev er throw it away upon us, but live and die like the roses. Don't you think they would ? Like the roses ?"-- said nothing, but was just gently pulling his ear, when the church bells struck out. 11f it isn't church time," said I; "I'm dressed. Nothiig. but my bonnet." "Well, Lotty, you can go withlout me; yes. you''--and then he pauised, mid looked at me, I thought so strangely, and said--"no, miy love: you shall not go alone. We'll go together." XVith this, he left the roomu;'anaad a sudden shadow SVeeimCd to Cull about me.' The next inometit the servant introdii. ced "Mr. Truepenny." WVith his fiace the truth flashed upon me that--that I didn't, know what. Uiat. iistatlv, I feAt !eso!lved to find it out; anl so, -1n a iuiaite, was in my very bestspirits. "Frederick," said I, "will he here di reet lV. Ile's preparing for church." -Chlurch said Mr. Truepeniny, as it' tie word halt stuck between his lips. "Don't you ever go to elitreb, air. Truaepeiay ? I Iain "-" Always," said le. "But tho ftet is, when one eoies to the sea-side"-"Peter's boat," I observed very -eriousIv, "waw; at tte sea-side." "To be sure, certainiv." said le; then he loto'ked at tie tte~ of his bo(41t, :IId flitei it, 1lie pattern of the carp ll; in feet, aiNwhere biat :at rte. l l lie e'tiil he:, iadid said..-- ill tit( wortldl as it' he wa tIk kig of prawnf s -" in told lithre's vevy "4101 IgAeach. inig aboluth "I shmnld ha1pe lr. TIllpeanany, that there isgiod presihing every where; liat is, ai piersons .1arte oa lI do.sedfI ut listen to it.'' .M r. TraC. petmy--4iis v-yes s'iil (ina his boot ItowVed. "I hape,' said I, "you will aceonpany us ito dAitreb ?" '"'hat !. I ?' why not f" Sid FI-ed etmilag into the ihoir. Mu iben, aTohin,'we'll t ake~ a w.alk--4tolty . uewai to -the It. hien we ticil 9l diiec, and conirtahj close the day to . ee "'WelI. I_.-I --l've nao Mhje , - r. Tru' peanat-, ais t hog'h despeately makving upl his uind to endm-ae flw- wirst ".\ nIn St admimble I'm tt. jIestv. n heie 'rinev "' a Fred. "Indetd f' ?. hi i Mr. Trae i'.. aif he( wi-lhed It) bI asoi)d. s Ca v"rit at 141ighton.. hiO.s m) v,%.-ne.iv mild and1( v.eCll-bred. T1,h4 u lt I,.; Ip.,I 1lie poimys andt vaanities t1 this. wickel worba le --maatIoi ourge~s t1. Itmxisale~ sinner wh<li, ke<-p cai'tiagt-s-gerentiv. tenderly. Fr all t he wrl as it "i'h . tall of I'veocks fiithiers you'd dust, -o many iaage.,s of Dresdtn Chi a." 'Thait's Iuckv," "WhlV Im-kli v: I asked--for there was 4jiething in the imaal's manner. "1 mn to sIy le staniatered, "that tihe're are tiitles whenl tie dolesan't iike-like omaes sints to) Ibe-lullied--ihat i.,. not at the sea side." "Qui te ighlt TOI. .' aid Fred who I could see hliiig haimaa oat. "Very well ill onoe's owIn parih-li elianarh, but"--"W'e shall Ie too late," said 1. and I raan from the room; and inl a aninute-liver did I put my jolnnet (tt SO (iuick-iln a inintie I u'ns realy. The churci was extremely full-ax we afterwards ibund-6br the season. .Fredleick wast pa~rtieauliarl v seario us: and for Mr1 . T.ruaejermyai. if~ he'' Ib eeni list en inag to his owna cond -mnetd sermaoni, hae couldn't have been motre solemn i. It was odd, tool, I thoughat, the glances lie now anid thieni cast toiwards mue. And pzaticuilarly when the clergymnai said and~ lie seemed, I areally didl tiak for the mianuite, as thaough he wvas hooking right into our pew, whaean lie said -"Thou shialt do no v mrdr,,--at the very words, Mr. Truaepenniy let his prayer- book slip, anid made such a start to catch it, that lie drew all eves upoQn us. I saw Fred~erick coalour sear let and bite his lips as hic glanced at his friend. At last the service wvas over, aand we got away.-"A very nice searmoni," said Mr. Truepenny, trying to say somlethaing.--"Vecry sooathiang." I added; for I kiiew he was half-asleep all thei timne.-"Yes; that's it," said he: "blut that's what I like, when I come to a waterinig place; Something quaiet, somiethiang to think over."-Well we retuaraned to the inn; (and somehow we got through the day. I don't kaiow how late Mr'. iTupen would have sat; but, for all Fre-d's noids aand wianks, I was determined to sit him~a ouat; At last-it was necarly twelve-at last lie wvent away.-"WXe shiallI meet in the amorninag said F red to him.-"Of-of' course," said Mr. Tlruepennay; and theca withl the awk wvarde'st. bowv in the world, lie loft me anad Fraed together.-"We'd better go to bed ,"said Fred, "Isn't it late?" -"Very," said I; '-anid for my part I thought Mr. Tr'auepenny was never go. ing."--I wvent into my room, and there upon my table-was a slip of paper, written iai Josephine's hand, with those worh..-"If 11 unr/I lm. :naster, you'll not lot hin gct up to norrow mdrning!" And now all the horror was plain as light! "Get up!" I thought--Rid all a woman's resolu tion cale upoan me--"only let ie once get him well to bed, and do does nl't get up." I liste2ned for his footsteps. Ie caime. I met him with a smile; and didn't I lock the door?-Punch. The Willces Nightcap. Mr.-, who does'nt live more than a mile from the post oflice in this city, met some "ilortliern imieni with south ern principles, lie ot her evening, and extending to them the hospi tailities of the Crescent City, visit'd so many of our principal saloons and "marble halls," imbibing spiritual consola. tiona ais they journeyed, that whein lie left them at tleir hotel at the mid. night hour, he hi-t. deciledly elt, thut he hiad "a brick in his ha.t."' Now, he las a wife, an amiable, ac complished, and be Ia ultiill lady, who loves him devotedly, but she finds oMie thu lt with hiil anil thai t is, his too fre qient visits to the pliacesl where tlese "bricks" are obtained. Afler leaviag his fticAdq, Mr. pauised a Imomeit, tolkl his bearings, and having strapped a course on the pri nciple that conLtinuall, angles mieet, I ade sail for hinie. In dne course of tin he arrived thire. alnl was not. very miuch1 astonmislhed, but rat her frighteneI, It o find his worily lady sit ting up fr lhim. She ailys does. She srniied wheln lie cameic iii. That alIso .lse al wars does. low azr von, dear l" she aid -(ou stLYed out so late thatt I feared yoni hamd been tkn si." "II ie-ain't siek, wife; b-but donat yon tlink I'mn a little t-tiglt." Imit ltha is n otling--l have si mniy frinlds, as vou say, vou mu ust jo'i thaei inl a "lass.i once in wile. "Wife, Vy111'r1e too good-the truth is, I oni (-druink." "t. no, ideed, myi dear--fmii-.:r hiit even..nlthIiler hrllts wouldift hurt .o.-Now. suplpose, yout0e11s I Sk'ttch :dc w til jlst. a.s a ni cap), my deart" M-You ar ,t kind, mn ar, yij half I Inow Iim d-druiik."' "O4 t, () il a julep too muheli, love, that's al! "Yvs. jul-jul'vep! MicMasters lmakes 4uch,1 ftiff 'un1!", "\Wel, tak aO glass of alte at any r-fe; it ca:ihalot hu-t yttu. dear; I vant to mywh', befl-0re I retir." Thle l h vate to opnii a btt tie. anid as she p!aced two timaiblers helblre her on tile sit-- artd. she pilt in one a ve-ry po twed fil cat-tic. Fillingif tle glass with he Ifainiiig ale, she luImded tm one with a be-witching siile to her Ilmshanld. Suspicin cae1 cl ilupon hli, mind. Shae hald lever befoi-e beena so kind ul'ena Ie was drunk. le lt:oked It the ghtsm, raised it to his Iips-then hiesitatedl. "I)tar, wON t Von .Inst taste inine, to 1anake it sweeter", said he. "Cortainly, love,'" replied the lady, taking 1 imotlaftIld, which she was verv careful nit1 to swallow. Sispictioll vanai-hetd, and so did the ale, emetiv, aind all, dlowi tihe throat of the satified liwhand. A fter spittini lnt tle a -te, I lie lad y fiinishied her glass. but seeied inl lno rr to reti r1'. She lixed a tfoot- tuib of wvater befor'e aii eas-chaai r, as if she inatenided to b athle her beautiful Iittle feet. Iltt smiallI as wvere those fe'et, t here was not water eniough in the tub to (cover themia. Thle hu:sbaind Ibecgana to fLi, mI'd lie wvanted to retirae. "WVait only a fewv mmoments, dear," said hais havinig spaouse. '-1 wat to recad the newvs in this aft t-ertaas Dralt. foundll it.,1 i r oke. A. lew nainautes more elatpsedl, and11 the-n, :an d tlheii-O(, y e gods anmd l)an o, thle Lo1k --what a ti me! Theln huis banmd wans placed ini the easv-chair. ie began to understanid why the tub was thieare; lie soon learnled whaat. ailed him. Suifliee it to say, that when he arose from that chair, the bi-ick had left, his hat. It hasaa't beena there sinace. lie says he'll nevear drinak anonther ju lept; lie cani't hear- Scotelh ale, but is ''death Iion lemiontaade." lHe hives his wife better than ever. "l'1u1s lilov wilo wotio - urrnen 13JE TUAN Sna:A.."-The Ch iraqo Pre*ss cottains ai call, signied by ai large num. ber of citizetis, addressed to those who wish to perpetuate the remem-. branice of noble deed, by contributing to thle protpose~d mionumlaent to Knudi~ Iverson, the Norwegian boy, wvho was lately darownted by some other bovs for refbsing to steal fruit. 'They waat 81 000. Somae of his oilder comapanions held haiim tinder water until life was extintet, in order to compel him, by fright, algainist his repeated refusals, to enter andt rob ani orchard. 'The ed itor of the Press acknowledges thme receipt of onc letter containing $10, and another containing $100, towards themronutment.....lm re. A S-rn-rux-o CA.AMITY, Mr. N. P. WXillis, who his been for some time past, writing in his usual felic. itous St.yle, sketches of his pleas alt home oil the ludson River, fur. nishes the following to the last number of the I llomo Jon(itrnnh "A startling enlamity breaks in up. oil this liite.1 history of what happens at home. Close to o r gate at the door oftone of our 'nearest and most valued ntighbors-a lovely girl was stiuck (ead by lightning. A friend who stood with her at the mo ieit, a young inarired lady whorn shc had ciiose to visit, was at great sutflerer, in be m p-rostrated by the satmte (lash and paralyZed 1rom1 the waitdownwards ier lif' spared at the cost of tortures inex;r~si ble. It is hard to make a reCord of this-fitly, I mean, for the suddeed reading of those around its and the careless reading of" the pub lie at large. It was paragraphed1 in the city ipairs, mnd read this morn in g by tlhioIsanIls who have already Iibtgottett it. Yet to Its, who saw the flash-and t rembifed at the titnder-to its, who blit just before hdol seen the victim, surrunded. by f.iends, hap py and attiired---th 1e llush . and glootm f' the ehntity niy boit ngit aroind its, .itt1I a feel ingr as if we Iinulst still gtaisp and'J f"141 our olvn precious ones to our blosteml-it iN an1 event, for w li'l Col) imit Iassing Imentin is not enotgh.-Strong words crowd up to tell it, throgih, to the hurrying world, with the chtinis of new and presenit 0101liets t ~ Lrke i em eta nfi 4tis ir tioning" of anI "accidenit" ag-ainl is bult. riI eeition-a rer.aIlling' of whaitws fliig to the past, 'iith ' esterdar. '.lhe bonisclold froimi whi-h this finger of' lightning phicked it.s victim, noi teret, at tt( u i tle, as m1 any w as tii tysiiersons antd they were tinostlyV in siht, grouped atboit upin tle grIOlimds in fi-one, 4f t1Ly-ho. the sutltiry heat at th 94so. of the Sal) hath aiternoon -bou:ht ery (one tof] l 6 ;-. "The ven ,bairderS ha beei :he rte'Jience ft'th mimeyl Gooliiiy, a11i t ot ti m i~ e tim. meiorial. It is a .p-read and pictulres tie old house, so buried in trees anfd vines, athat you canl hard ly see a corner of it, and its igeld lit active and beloel mis:tress. (a widow ofegt, :an', siste -ofI the velenra ble fiiend atwl ieighbor of whim I hive liboIre spokeil,) was st-tted uiider thie wilich for'm the avenue to tle front. porch, anid fe'l wlewards with the shoek of' tie fhtal fhah. The trm ooP of chi bIren. several of' lier own rinldchibren i a :l t hiei. w ho were art her u1 lot theL mienches anud wrhas ben, but a moment out uoI thlie grassy hiIlock where thle st roke f'ell, ulit were seit to ward the house to avoil the coinlitg .-,ower. The telegraphie wire, whieb c" illeceted and poitted tle stroke, hugt! ill a relaxed cirve withini six feet of the sumntitit. of' th1i hilimek. (a favo'rite play-grund fort lie chil dren and fluid here eitered the grounil, though the aidjt intinlg post aii4 wires for half a mile were slivered and torn aprt. The ,I;\- was darkelning, but sare a drop ofL raill had yet fallen. Alis Gihimur had been etattii g witi a handsome boy-admirer, blit left him to take aside thle confidenttial fi'ientd who'se guest, she was, that shte mtighit r'ei het' ai Ietter'. It. waus from her' mother', (a widowv with this ontly daugh~ lter:) itnrd reh!ttedl to some visit a-. b~oit whIichi thle mtotment was seized for a girli-h tking oft coutntsel. Th'ley pai'Sed outt of' the gate, cr'ossedl ov et' thei r'oad to be out oif hea:ring., mand steofdtinder' the t elegr'aph wire, whiere the lettetr wats opeined. 11er lij's were scartce parted to read when the flash camie-ani arrow ofitense light shooi.t inig along the wire anid lintditng those whoi stood wvatchting tem. A s(camt of pierceing aigony alrose with thmecrasht of thte thuntder'. A look toward the glore-'one of those whltni they had seen ai mtoment bief'ore, lying pro~strate Sthe otheri ufpon hter ktnees, withi hatnds strtugglinig wildly upwa rds-and the trutht wats r'evealed. Fr'omu joyous life, htealth andI beauty, every piulse~ heating with the promis of as hap p~y aL miorrouw, that young creature hadi( beeni sit tunioned itt an itnstaint. So compfl ete an extincetioni of life itt an intstanit is doubtless ia mter(ifuil spaing of' the usual pain of' death. The Countt enantce of' Miss G.iimour showed no sufferinug. Faint putrple streaks followed the veins uponi the left side, andi( the~ skint was slightly broketn upfon the left side, and thte left foot; butt the per'son wats niot othterwise disfigu red. A recovery fromo a fpartial injutry by lightnting, however, is probably as se v'ere pain as could be endured. T1hte escapie of~ the electric fluid from the body sudldently surchtarged with it, is described Tby thte surviving comn pannion of' Mliss Gilmouir, as a fierce anid scorchinig issue of fire fromt every pore. With that power of thought, ire mtained to her site imagined i timb the sudden beginning off the anguih1 icolCelivable of'anothe r wor-'l-The paralysis of her limbs, though con plete f'or a while yielded ulitinatelv to medical treatment. and she is likely to regain the use of them, partially at least; though the nervous systern is doubtless shattered beyond remedy. hlow diflicult it must be, through the tears of such sufifering and sorrow as are crowded together by an event like this, to see where those recompenses are which philosophers tell us, make hum11anl allotments eqiua. Goon TEMIIE-it IS GOLD.-If pCOPI generally knew what an advantage to them it was to he cheeril, there would be fewer sour faces in the world, and infintitely less ill temper. A man nev e, gMils anyhing by exhibiting his au neevance in his face, much less by burst ing ito a passion. As it is neither manly nor wise to yield, like a child, pettishly to every eoss, so it is alike holish and aburd to allow fe.-eljnejs of :mflger to deprive us of self' contrL. '1 Lert never was I man in ally conltro versy who lost his temper that did not come ntear losing his cause in conse riuence. If ever i person plays the gamiie olf his eneiiies, it is when he is in a passion. Acquiiitances shun men of prove-'rbially ill te- per; friends drop away from them; even wives and chil dren l-a-n to f'iar them more than to ve. Iliousands of men owe their vant of success ill life to neglecting the control of ltheir temper. Nor have they. thin ex clase that it is an infiriitv which (anlnot be re I'llt in ed, for wasih ingtn, thoughi natiraly of a most pas SiCnte dispositioln, disciplined him self tilhe passed for a person itter lv impassive. No man who neglects 11s itiemper cal he happy, any more than he canl make those happy aronol. Goeod teiper is gol, is healti, is every thing. 1:'d telpeer is a curse to the possessor.* and to society. Tun. AIISoNAIY SALAiR.-While IuV. A . Worcester wa; laioring a Im. ng t0h' Cler-kees in Georgia,a '00 ti4 ihinig to 'fiind occasion rt 1e cuisatio en against the missionaries, vis ited the station and began to catechize Airs. Worcester as to their etmploy ments among the lIndians. After ie enivingr answers which impressed him with the idea that their babecor wasar Sunuo-s and selfdenying, lIe said, "W ell. I suppose your hushband gets at very high salaries for suich a service?" "O yes, sI replied. "How nueh does lha.- get, r .adam-flYe hindred dol (I)' "Oh. m11o rC t hmi tlLt!' (nC ihoii anld dollars?" "Oh. more than tlimu!" One tiouisand five htndred dol hars?"' "h, much more than that!" Yes, a liundred-fold in this present time, and in the worbl to come, life cv erhlsting!" "Plih! it was money I meant," said he. "As to that, sir," she rep-lied, "the projperty here is own eLd by the ml ission, and we have tle preomise o suich a living as you see, while we ar- aile to rendelr such ser viee' as I have spe'ken (it." BL'o'iA'rIoNx OF- rIMa C1RAV.-'lln. eli- this hicad the Alerchant's Ledger has some very curious and ititerest ing caleuili ons. It estiianvtes the average of births per second. tor thle last eighlteen hunm dred and fifty-three years at about 815. This wouled miake the whole numi her ofnhuia I:eings who have lived sinice tie b)irth of' Christ about thirty two thiousande millioins. DIeduct ing fromCii t his numbinler tie int huniidredl aind sixty mnillieons, thte presenit population of' the globe, and it leaves thle number thirty-one thtou sanid anud forty mu iis "that have gone to the grave. O)f t his num ber the estimate is that nine thousand muiillionus haive died E~ighit thoultsanld mtillioilts by flunaii ande peestilenee. Five hu~ndred millions by martyrdom. Five hunndr'ed and eight miillions by intoxienting drinks. Th'irteeni thousand millions natural ly or other-wise. By this testimate it will 1be seen that was atnd strong dritnk have setnt one0 third (of' the humatn race to a pr'emal tur'e grave. Tu- MOS-r BEAUTIFUJL lIAND.-Two elam ining wvom en were discussing one dlay what it is which constitutes bcau ty in the hand. They ditll'ed in opin ion as mnuchas inl the shape of' the beatu. tif'ul member they were discussing. A gentleman frmicnd presented himtself, anid by common confsenit the question was ref'erred to him. It was adelicate mnatter. Hie thought of Patris and the three goddesses. Glancing from one to the other of the beautiful hands presenit ed to him, which, by the way, he had~the cunning to hold for s'ine time in lyis own, for purposes of examination, lie replied at last: "[~give it up, the qutes tion is too hard for me; but ask the poor, and they will tell you the most beautiful hand in the world is the hand that gives." - "13 RY THE I IATenr."-'Dear Wal ter,', said Mrs. Gray. "New Year is comling with its warmn hearted greet iiogs and el stal gatherings, to dig the grave for old animosities, polish bright er the chain (f f-iendship, and draw closer about the leart the cords of love for home and kindred.- It is very sad to think of the separation between you and your brother; 'Frget and forgive, said the sweet peaceiaker, as she passed her arim caressingly about her husband's imek." w. "Pshaw! Emma."said her hiushnnd, "woman never go to the foundation of' any thing; you seem to forget the cause of' this alienation; you overlook the provocation roceived; you forget the benefits he has never acknowledged by the word of'gratitude, of wLich lie has been the recipient for lbng years; and then this last afli-ont; I will not bear it said Mr. Gray, rising and pacing the floor in his impa ienee, "no, not from my own mother's son." "No, I do not forget,'' said Mrs. Gray mildly, I " know you arc the in jured party, I know lie has abused yoir generous kindness; so much the more magnanimous in you to forgive. If there rinain in him a spark of the no bleness you poss'ess, it will be fanned into %t flame by youiI- generosity. Re member, you Were ohckied in the same cradle, nirsed at the same breast, lulled to sleep by the same nursery song, re peated your infint prayr at the same knee. Any one can recent an injury, dear Walter, it, were Christ-like to 'turn the other (cheek." Toars filled the eyes of the loving huishnumd, pressing his lips to her fore h-ad, 1'e.... t... I naea had "h " m %0we,"y on are an anige!, Mary-it, shall be as you say." mIFN AND LAmE.-Il the days (if our fbefathers there were such things to be met with as mTen and women; but now they are all gne, and in thir 'lace a race of "ladies and gctlemenihas spiung up. \Vofien uid..girls are among the things ,that, were; but "ladies"' tire foucid every where. Miss MarinCa1 u wishing to see the wonien %Nards in a prison in Tnessee, was an - by the w rd eu, "'We have nn kidies here at pres ent, madam." Now so far as the la dies were corneerned, it was v-ery well that none of them were in prison; but it sounds a little odd-ladies in prison! It would seem bad enough for women to go to such a place. A leeturer, discoursing upon the cliaracteristics of woman, illustrated t hus:-'W ho were the last at the cross. Ladies.' \Vho were the first at the sepulehre? Ladies." On the mod ern inprovement we have heard of but one thing that beats the above. it was the fiinishing touch to the mar riage ceremony, performed by an ex ruiii te divine, up to all modern refine ments. When he had thrown the chain of Iiymen around the happy couple, he ctoncluded by saying: "I noW pt-b inounce you husband and hidy." .Th'e audience stuf'ed their handkerchiefs in. to their mouths, and got out of the room as quickly as possible to take breath. ENCOURAoE YOUR OWN MEC1ANTCS. -The disposition cannot be too much rebuked, let it exist in any town it may, o send to distant parts for products, which could be etiually wiel furnished by the mechanics of' their ow'n town'm. This will appily to nations as'ell as to towvns. No one thing can he mor'e positively injurious to the real initerests of' any towin than to go over the heads of its mechanics, and buy elsewher'e. It takeQ out of the place money, which justly be longs at home. It discouragres and dr-ives a vay honest and enterprising mechanmis. It precvents them from advancing in prosperity, so as to add to thei~success of their tbwn. 'Wherev or you see poor' mechanies you are very sure to see a poor town. The pr'ospierity of both are identified. We regret to believe that there are pecrsoins who think that no article can be good for any thing unless it be an impjorted one. Such ar'e pests to the town in which they live. They' do whait they can to retard its .progress, and discourage its eitizens. It is wvholly wvrong, unjust and foolish. Ev ery real friend to the place in wvhich he lives should do all he can to on courage its mechanics, and he who has a right conception of' the duties of a good neighbor and a true American citizen will ever take pleasure in doina so, and not run after every thing that is foreign, fr'om the foolish ides that by doing so it renders hIm a nmi of the ton, by such ani act of' deep injus. thec to his own fellow-citizensa-- Wea T1enu. Wh/sig. "My'.principal method for defeating heresy," says John Newton. "Is by establishing truth. An Individual pro. poses to fill a bushel with tears; now, if 1 can fill it firstewith; whet, I 4efy is nttemnt Mercantile Advertising. There is, perhaps, no city in the world which, at this time, is making such rapid progress in w'ealth and imi p'ortance as Now York. improvernent of every kind is going forward there at a rate which has never been par alled in the history of any similar metropolis, and which seems to bid delizice to competition. We may chafe as we pleashe ht this amazing prosperity of our neighbors, and deprecate that centralization of trade - nld inlluence Which it is alleged she is endeavoring to efI'ct upon this. con tinent, but it cannot be denied that a superior commercial energy, enter prise and intelligence are the only causes that are creating the difi'rence between her and rival communities; and that the result flows solegitintate ly from fair land generous ekertionsfto attain the position of the "Empire City" of America, that none an just: ly inake it the subject of invidious re rnark or r'sistanee. It is'bbvious-hat every year is adding vastly to the business activity and resources of New York. Merehants from all quarl ters of the old and new world- are flocking there as to a great central mart, where capital, and skill, aiid industry, may find the most advain. tageous field of opeeition; and, aided by the irnmense foreign means which are thus brought into direct combina tion with those uf her own citizens, New , York is how increasing, - with snrprising rapidity, her power and prosperity as an emporium. She is expending far more money than pny or all other cities in this country upon canals and roads designed to coneen trate, as far as possible, in herself the thdusabd streamn nf island com merce; she is continually multiplying the humber of the steam lines which are uniting her with the ports of evi cry sea, and making them tributary to her metropolitan growth; and grand eue and with a shrewd"Abt"jn ' viding herself with. those agencies which not only attract, but constantly keep an immense transient p9pulatiert within her limits, she is construct: ing hot'ls which WIZ palial in char acter, incrensing her places of popular aiusetent, iud doing whatever else she finds it necessary to do in order td promote her welfare. One great secret of her success, un doubtedly, is the effort to keep the world advised of what her resources and attractions as a metropoi's are: New York business men, aware of the importance of the newspaper press as a channel fir gaiting a wide and ad vantageous notoriety, have used it withi the same liberility with which they. avail themselves of every means .of agghandise ment, aid are reaping the bentihts of their ivise economy in this particular. In a paragraph upon this subject in the New York Tribu-)e re ceitly, it was stated that thetihai ted annual expenditure of the business imen of that city, in advertising alone, is nore than two millions of do[ lars, bf whieh three-fourths are spent up, on their own journals. "W e count this," - says the article, "among the influen ces which are steadily concentrating .: the whbleshle trade of the co'ntry more and ttibre upon New York. The remark is certainly a just one; 4nd 1e regret that a fact so thoroughly ap preciated .and acted upon by the .peo ple of -a rival city is so little understood antd takeh adv~antage bf here. While ' New York journals, croivded with the advertisernetnts of her therchants,' me chanics and inan ufactu rers, are circula ted thickly throughout the United States, as wvell as abroad, those of Pfld adelphia presenlt, comparatively, nro adequate exposition of our commer cial character and advantages. -This- id a serious drawback upon the businerd prosperity of the city.e-PAila. U, S. Gazette. Mus. PAavrwovoN sEAa. "Diseases is 'very vari6 Id Mrs. Partington, as, she rom a street conversation witl 4 jdg~~cs-. - "The doctor tells me tit poor old Mts. Haze has got two Jtikles on her lungs! It is dreadful 'think of, t declare. The diseases is so varioirs!, One day we hear of people'sdyinug of hermitage of the lungs, another of browtn creature; hero they tell usbof ha elementary canal being- 'out of k.dr, there about th~e tents of tb$ .tlfratt here' we hiear of' the neir'ology ibh~1d head, and there of an etnb~rgo -n bone side of us we hear of meni beiri klled by getting a puund of bb f i i.sar-, cophagus, and -there ftn b~~ ~l~~ diaoot~ering his j oular n. Wtg. 'chatice so, that l declareI~n~'&p how to subseribe for sny 4~~ o a-days. New nanie andilak the place of t well t o ~ b~ ~ar 2%onsin''t~ dt ~ i~ oa ditposi Oanr 6 4 in Mmien ca- and Eurepa t