The Sumter banner. (Sumterville, S.C.) 1846-1855, April 12, 1853, Image 1

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-~ * r - ]DEVOTED TO SOUTHERN RIGHTS, DEMOCRAC ,NEWS, LITERA - *. -U --*ar it.T S--lr - xn Advance L.OVTH.R. RIGTS RVILMERAO, NEWS, LITRAUR,,CINE18DT5E3.T. >MISCELjLANEOUS. Reco1icCtioiR4 of YM'. Calltoui. The following aiticle is from the pen of a young lady of Alabama, whose reminisceLce will be read with all the more pleasure for the scarseci ty of personal anecdotes of the great Southerner It is a pleasanil yet mournful oc Odpation to recal ,tle hours spent in tie society of th i gI-at and pure statesman, and tc dwell upon the im * fe8siou made b- his conversation and appearance. Mord particularly do,I prize these minories since he is no longer among .s, and I know the privilege of listonil. to him is never again to be enjo3jid. Taught from childhood to admir I mignt almost saf-worship his eh.acter as a states man" the first time beheld him is indelibly impressed ipon nly mind. The. fame of an cloq eut minister of tie hospel had dra: together the inhabitants of the htto vilage of P. and the surrounding guntry. Glan cing carelessly over. the church, I was attracted by t!3 strilking ap. pearance of t gentldnan just then entering a pew near 'Ie 0n I occu pied. His hair si!vred by age, form erect, the penetrn'ing ghtnce of his grdy eyej togecFer with the thoughtful oepressiou if his face, "marked him as no or'jnary man." Atdertainirig who he is, L could Aseatcely t'epress ai CX)!amnationl of delight and surprise. Tli man I ad. mired-more than any liv ow one was now before -me. Tho rrainider of the services were lost onvio my at tdntion was occupied in wathling hi-n. Ie. joined in tile servi5s of the church with great devotion of man ner-and paid undivided atyntion to. the sermon. In a short.4'me iv fied I rode to Fort lil a friend to , eturn a call Ars. 4llion, with old fashioned'.lfospitali,- inii-t ed that we should spend the]dav. To approach Mr. C. in a rbr1 to speak to him then, I had anti ated; but to know him-for the first tine iu his own home, him alog with his family,-was,-ep'leasure as unex pected as it was agreeable. No young person draws near to a great main for the first time without a feeliing of awe. I longed for, yet dreaded Mr C.'s appearance inl the draw\iiig room. When lie enitered, awid I was presented to him, the simplicity of his manner, and pleasing, quiet con versation, soon assured me, and I felt perfectly at my case.. lie was very agreeable to young people. en tering into their amusemnients and oe eupations as if lie felt and eniiijoyed them. With his sons his inter course and influence were very hap py. le treated their opiniois with respect, at the same time correcting them when erroneous. One in stance I remember. One of his sons, a thoughtless lad, who had already learned to prido linself upon be longing to the aristocracy of the State, where aristocracy of Iirthi is prized more than in any other State in the Union, spoke of thme impor-ti. S.nent curiosity and iniquisiti venmess of the lower class. "My son,'" remark. ed Mr. C., "'you ust not coin mence life with such wvronmg imipres atons. If you can give inform.ationi to those who have not your- ad van tages, give it gladly, anid loarni from them in return. Some of the best lessons of my life I have lea rned fronm Pthose beneath me. If they have less education, they observe imore closely than we do. I never- meet a laboring man who seems disposed for conversation, but I listened to his remarks and ask him questions." -Turning over a portfolio of en gravings for our amusement, Mr. C. held up to our gazec the most mis erable daub in the way of a portrait I ever beheld. It was the head of a man, with fiery red hair, stamiiing up as if eachy hair was electri fled; eyes without expression, aind Wot4th and nose unptroportionate. "l I you think this a correct likeniess?" lie asked with a peculiar- simile. 'I received this a flew days since, with an acopayn letter- reque1s. inai look of may hair , froum a younig lady who adnmires umy chmaracter', and has had so many desriputionms of' me that she thinks she can paint a co'r rect likeness of mpe. This is the re suit of her expieriment.' 'WVhy did you not return it and jnform her that it was unlike?' I ask ed. she attributes it to me, I prize it as such,' be replied. 'I wrote, thank. ing her and sent the hair.' In the afternoon Mr. C., conduct ed us through his gI rde i Id orchard. lie took much interest in agriculture, and had the most pro ductive orchard and best regulated farm in the country. The day soon drew to a close. I shall ever re gard it as one the most agreeable days of my life. I saw Mr. C., of ton afterwards, frequently in his own house, but never alone with his fami. ly. My admiration of him grew with my acquaintance. Never was man more beloved by those among whom he lived than he was. I visited them a short time after his death; a gloom of pervaded every iouseliold, For all felt they hadl lost a friend. [.elw York Times. 'WolF Nusrse-4. Tils; story of Iomiulus and lietnus being suckled by a wolf is accepted as fabulous; but the following state ment is strictly true. In the kingdom of Oude, some ten years ago, a male child of about eightcen months old was niissed by its parents. It was supposed to have been carried away atnl devour ed by the wolhes, wiich are verv plen tiful in that part of the world.. Every winter inunbers of chilren are destroyed by these animals, not onilyi n (ude, but in our own provin. ees in the north-west, About reveti years after the child was missing, a mani who gained his livelihood by shooting in the jungles saw a Iwolf and several cubs, and with thetu an animal such as be had never seenl before. It was like a boy, but ran upon all fours. The mlad-.o llowed the animal. . but was 'unale to te.gA: ii t- ii t. days air wards sUCCc e Id in taking tle animal alice. It barked, rather snarled anid gr wl ed ike a wolf, and atteillited to hilt. its era. tor. The she-wolf an'd her eis F.. luvel the inman for some dis:ance, auid several times show el - ,.i I of gdei- a sesclau thlemd :h, as the nan was armed, the (i d venture t" a-tack Ilim. :in'i at h1i tler retirniel to th jn. Te :mimal was exlii'a it-I at Lue nolW, and1. caulsed o 'l... I was, evenuitv hmki-- t" "lne of the autliities (Oan EljiJ 'fii cer) who had a cage 1na.ele 1. it. 'I'l it was a humitan beinhg n (Inc coun l doubt, thoug.!h it never stood erect, awl lever itteeCd4i anv souind eXcep it a growl, or a h1arse bark. It refused every description of Foil that was cooked for it, .1and woubull on ly eat law fl-sh, which it would de vour voraeiousl v. Cltes were iade for it: but it tite thlm off with its teeth. A r:i . - 0. w i i fr. m the pirs If its s;i , ;Iu, its sin was covered witi short thin hair. Tle simiell was that of the wolf, by whom it hal heena bronm.lit up. It was very partial to Ihard boies, and would chew and digest them as a (log woul. In a word this ai nma hadl adop tel all thme I hbits of its 1fis. ter-mother- the sh e-w~olfI. Crouds ofi niativyes everuy day came i to hook at the strangLe creature, anid at last thme won who had list the chibil was aaong the spectat is. ]By certii tarks upon t he anii imal sh e recognis. edl in it, lier nissing' on'sprinig; hut she wals by no men(:is antxiouis to have it restoredl toi her. On thme ciinary, she regarded it with extreme hoirror very'i' lileanms weire resorted to, to tame the hoy; but withmout effeet. - Shut up ini his iron eage, he seemedti to pine, and woul never touchel food until forced to do so by the pains of Ihuniger. It wouhl I have been dan. gerous to let him i go onut of lie eaige; for lie was as savag:.e as any wil beatst of the desert. N umnerous at teinp ts were miadeC to tiec Iimii tom speiak ; but lie ut Ltered no sounids he. yonad those ailrueady menitioniedl. le lived for about a year', and becamie in that ti me a Ii vinig skele toti J ust previ'u to lis death lhe said a few words, which the man who haud elharge of himt understood to be these, '&e'Lr dardikurta.' (My head aches.) This is not thie onily inst anee on re cord of a wvolfi having broughit up a young chil, whom it had carried away from its parenuts. Some four teen mionths ago an aimral was tak eni in the dlistrict of M\ozufifornugger', and brought to the station of Meer-ut. it was a boy of about five year-s of' age. and a mo revoltine ght ia would be difficult to conceive. The palms of the hands, and the soles of the feet were as hard as the hoofs of a horse. His movements were as nimble as timse of a iu'rikey, and not unlike those of that animal. Several English dogs which saw this child shewed a disposition to attack and destroy it (this was, of course, pre vented), while the child in return snarled at the dogs, and shewed its teeth, as though it were upon these weapons that it would rest its defence. This boy, too, like the one taken in Oude, refused to eat anything but animal rood- uncocked; nor would it touch even that inl the presence of a hutnan being. Ii the provinces subjected to Brit ish rule, a reward of 5 rupees (10 shilliigs) is given for every dead wolf, by the ma gistrate under orders fron tle Governtment. The natives, however, usually contrive to bring them alive to I stationi, where tle y allow gentlemeii's d-slgs to worrv themzi to deatl-fiw a coisideration ill IIIneV - rii('iiols to taking tleil to the Imagistrate anl I cla i ninig1 the reward. The sport is no doulht a very cruel one -tied up as tlie wolf1 geei-tilly is-bitt peopi- have little symplitIhy for a beast whIo will ofteni enter tie hiit uf a vilager bN tight aid carry iwa a child from its mother's side. These deprelatio Is have of' late years becotine less fre quent than they were formnerl v, alni ee lolg, it is but reaItisonble to sup pose, they will be of very rare (Ie eurrence-albeit the titter extinction if the race iay Le regarded as hopc. less. Sizagutlarti Pheno (bll tesson1 abotiiti ftvFeet. aid nfining io wa te, flierititled tt dig ti l deier, as Ohw s, ace h1a 1 lee beies hiz l tion ha fI raid , shilt I l h sink it dh-e1er, that the sill, wol. fidi ill, if' hel atte v. Id t M& -o 'I'l- arc .rtliigl% :ilaandoned it, dt.w ing plaitiks acuoss the iltithi t re n-(t aCcident, intending t. flil it up I t. ~ i kia aga*in w1: he ie h d lit.l air forcing its uIi itl.1ion, the well. 'Ihis Coitiiued fo.1r s' ine lays, V when thle cutrret of air btecatne reversed, ait there was a streittg draft dow n wards, so itie I 'o that ligiht substan ees broughit near tit etevieus in the planks were ins. talldy drawi in. Ile then procured a piece of, pumip log, about two feet long, with an appa ture of* two intehies in diameter, :nud inserted this Iliitu . in i.e , I .i 1l'ankl Iie m11: :s it !it-es itself in. t, (to l l, th1iis 1t e, iikes a roar it sotind which cain lie heaid for nearly a in; ile. Ii fiact, this well sens now to per6f ri all the breath ing finet tonis of a huge pair of lungs, althloughi thle inhahati'oni antd exhiala tionts coni titnue for a mu ich pte ieu tilati ini ally aiinaal nlow knowti --as it is sineuies seveial days in lraiwint ini its ltreithi, al as loig time itn foricing it out.! is goiintg on, lby pulling: their caps over the end tif the tube, toi see themt thiriwni several feet in the air. An. titheri'fact is, that thle respiiratoiry or ganls ofi ihis biretiniig mionister seemi tt bie enttirelyv undeilc d' teicontril oft thle a imis; hieret-si tat, in wh'llition doubille lart f! thermiiieomtr andt hat a ebange~ trtm a lowt ter to, a higher degree of tempi~erancie, theL iiihalationi growt~ less antd less, unti it is inall v iliercepible; thent thle air cominieli. ces rumsing tut- the current gra w. ing stron~tger ail str-ingier, ititil the weathier htas bteconni- settled, after w hich it a gaini sail shles to a wait all. other deprjiessin aof. the imercuryv, ''to take ~in ano1thei r brmeathi,"-- ' Catturau. The itunder ron-I , put hisoo hirimid. dtler wei-iie.!. C iti lei li iie at therw-ty yet s an iv , wv itho .ar eafr! The Wild Man C ght at Last. It has bcen tle cu .om- witi cei tali Arkcainas editors. % - lfher I. otnt t; IIte usual sliply o ( -j LItjetndoub ex citement," "horrid purders," "despe rate afflrays,.&c. &c. to trump up the "wild man of the wfods," and ehase him round from on ' editorial to ano ther, until lie finally ecoies lost amid the vast and itrip etrable L swamips that abound in theseavild region?. Aln. ny were the strang6 and .unirvellou stories told ablout the noden Neloi:c hadnezzar, anld while rela-ig aid nub lishing thern froIn tinie t' tiine, w. lit. tle drearned that we had s veritable wild noan in our own pOpilous Colin ty of Lauderdale, and ithini five fiiles of our qu1iet little otf Flo rence. Yet such has been the ficet, and it, now beeolISes~ ur turn to tell i strange and wo ndProus talt , v'iiying the oIII-i-epleated nhige 't, uith is Stialn ger t hru- fictionl .' "A' Sinthf linr over triee yno s Mygo, a 30 years of a"1 , st oppd lit tai a if'ho-d hulanoling. ituiated4At the foot of' tlhe Ai cle Sh lk iiiJ:1 mluntv. Ile avh nan- asGo. rdrig tr' on- liin.1x: c4,4'*' E ,i oo. . (, oil ealm. wit hI a v . 41%% tis h- . I1 uhf ammiily d(se(in1 fim: 4 i i' e r u%.I til of14- tIlt ( the llne l. u Itrr se-~O :on a( the lat of the Slloa-n. O oinis re 4 Ido Uog af:e:-hi. mligrItoIry (.11 ol'ann .n oInl all gone here .-iy .. is (44 1 1110C livaas .' i' o(J II he 'onI. Mc14duct0 was w, -erved It). be stline. tI i'ts exce4nt 4 ie tlrhoi'ph ' ~io I A fa itttil, anid aipi'rac u t o h . ell' oilv. After a ini hIf. too.k up i, abodt ill on4. t.ose numertunaves uhieb are thund i ile high :1i(" pleciption 41 IuIIl -kirit ing abliog the NiFbrii t-i1hre to it Tennei11 riv r. f.41431 Shoil Cdvk It, FlTren(. The one selected by this po4r iteast. %wiS s'tinated a few 11 hndred yirdls froi tie ferry, and near thpgpilblio r.nidi. 'Ji wiosi aff CII I-t Il. ie it t11 w t .(I I fl' fill -st 4'1. I ntneh. a il 4mvvy '. r jeors 1ens1i upon him141 bO, all~wf tufrs f hm < le ear !a' l d i I' 0e 4 4 - ,I a to,n . I. itly --' r ' i tol t :,. chorli In 4 4hc kiew Ii .4k i 1 4liv l-w %;Ii h i, - i nof ti-4s li hal aver ff ti ! i - 1 -rl4 0 j '-'0:! il1. I\ 1 ' o.:.,, I~v., 14441 Iiunting- \ver th< h ollo-o riv rills knw u and~ conversed. Il w')h hi'!. bunt. lie obtntl eited all per~suaft siln too ghole w6ith thlil, 1111d warled theirn agpainst anly aiiItteIpt 4lto c-oerce him. Thie 11)tne wncit I' b'uileanli nr it. t I t Il-ir s1 a1 ng'-,e i tIl*'erh'- . :111d ill ('.. II I ll y will se-ve-ril 4itliers, returnegic l tit tile tice, but. G)inIs had g4)ne. e'lltv watcihed the phac- tr several da Vs hut hle Iever Iein .. ' led inn4 4.a~o.n'l to hua t fbuitises and~11( vcIouredVI tht- hills. The ogs soons st riiok i:''n 41 n trail, :i4 dao1hed I otun11d41mler fI ir I .i n than t wo inil .I. tl th No Ii of Sh : Creek; bu1t. owini Ii lh Ingd ch: aeter f tle cout , Ih lhor.eo' cohibl noot keep1 up1, :1111 l ti. fuIgitiv,. wasl loost til tile wa':ters o-f Shoal (hiree-o. edi, on41 inan4 bli ev ed-' - ioo- uh'o e I t ~o. boy~ behboing~ to Alrh. A\, P. Net-lv re.. pote to hisa:oa-tter thato h',"'h:iol s'e ni 14 inlII: 11pon1 th lib luff-, nier a notod caive on the yho1:1tat ion'i of*.hn142cIe Poser. Ai.\Ne-ly iiledhiatvI'en colleted~ a nInheIldro etlernen m/l proceed'4 ed 044( 14eariIng th l144ult h of lbi- a's e theor ti-toverl'oI the0 .si\'o 4 .. .rm4 of ihe. ti01' u bo'lo 14 It li'4o' . I 00oi oo'il:ot,,1 ru. lb' pahl no :.1- i :.4 to theoil I n o-n to. com' :o .n .' 00nt- ofth hi- foot. IIe ibt 04 4'mne 0on0. II 4 e, : ot f rt 001 iity. ''- 04 a 1~. ilo~ li ot' abort .iseg :04.! od ub eihed. lb-- ~ a i ttol1i . l- po g all4 de4 rip tiol i~g lol we sIotil (0 init 4if 4tjt I , It h alo- loa t ioI oel fee 0, oal o I. l \ I ai b:14 L- eteriined to ione 1 nt 4(4 n 11 . I'lle prot e'stedl that h1e lid:nbllne no mini har'i'o. :iinl -i. egged to be14':1'Iwed t ocon Iinue~ hi- - solaoa lile' : in h0 Iinally I u bntlh lhe did1. m1al0 when't & hoeard last -oft him he was- sutlloig 4) ': a violent col, conoltraIted no114 ((4 dou V his suid deon eb~lmygn fromt a woor - . hanI 1 avag'e to civilizedt lif. The( long dletalin ed 4:M a v e w hiebi wve ha~ve felt bliondo .I 10 In lhis siln. guila nd ext10 o rd440~ inary I . . foo tids o.ur induhiIno int ny olhhsn mmio-a reflections which it naturally suggests, and to which our feelings strongly in ine us. W hether this poor creature has been the victim of sin, of sorrow, or of iad ness, he has an equal claim upon our humanity and compassion- We mean to go and see him and write to his friends, (if he has any in East Tennes see)and beg theni to come and re clain him from his wandering life, and as he has not lived, may at least be permaitted to "die among his kindred." Florence Gazette. Editors. Editors are generally thought to be rather useful members (f community, after all. It is something with them as it is with the camels of Arabia, that come laden with sweet spices, and receive only stripes and coarse fidder in return. Evervbody loves to read the news, and shako his sides over some rich anecdote; but. whether the editor gets paid for his trouble in supplying the intellectual treat, is one of the last things that dis I urbs the quiet of most readers. Edi. tors iitst be the servants of' every body not oily clains to ie master, but a very s re. ri master too. it the ser V_ itt do not please in everythir.g. Ne.?ws inust come, at any rate; and so iil -st aimeedtes and witty sayilngis oneie', and S mictlhing must come in ev. ery paper liat will create a litugh aid drive otitfhe b lui'es. If it be lt so, lp my paper" is the first sahita tiom lait en-ahelus 1he Iploor editor's eye car. Biut how is all this to be done! News inmusm exist befbre e ittirs can get hold ()f it. Ani if ancedotes will not. tirn themselves ill), who is to blame? Must the editors sufler because the wo'dd. sonetinies takes it into its head to lie down and take a nap. In this diflicult state-of things, when !o many bricks are expected and no straw tAiinished , d. edijtor- have concluded with Itvo jfi r ag robtsies, penents, that, to stepped fir the want ten such things will not 1aerg in the natural co.urse of thing. he- s eatboat disasters. rail ritad actidtment-,, and Canlillene exloii. sions all colle ill vrV naturaliy. the editor gets the steam up sIe-s in thie vein of :mecommodating his gulli ble readers. There are a great ninny .iurnials im this country that can -do up this business to a charmi, ani Ilte thing w ork well. But it is said that tlie Irish, who are a wide awake beele, kiiek the Yankees entirely ill. tirely into the rhade in tihe linle of fur nihiing thr lling articles as occasion may cal four them. The Irish papers ive a i ee lilng supply of langlia. , iruns, and It oIrribly interes I h'g frts. It, is but little consequence whether y %.know tle punl or the ii1inr. der was dne'iio - the editor or the per sn i wlhoim lie attrilutes it. Ilis i,. -a t pi- anth - iing. Ier I editor is inl tite hotel. The prin ter's devil enters, exclaiming, y want a small paralgraph t fill out thie coliimn, si:r." -. sa Vs about tel lines, sir." "Wecll, let tie see-Oh! tell him tee bun a child to deathc at fl'aterjburd." Fri'mt the Iheility with whieb sonie .1 ccur Arineruican piJapers get up the horiie antd the quee'(r, we should thinik they were travelin tg rap id ly in the huootstep s of' their illulstrtious irish pred-essors. But whaut woculd ytou have thlemi do? They inst eithler'in vent, ior starve, they saty, aind come ve ry neatr starin g, at the best 0 tem pora! 0 mores!- Oliae Branch! TuE: CIrax o1" PE:uia.---We re iimntber can old lady wiho was so re itimrkablyV eet nmcitical that site c lhad a pair of' shoes inadle ihrc little girl. withiouit stiles, tfer ti-a shte woil wiear I themiibl n'[ his bidlv, ho wev'er wa-s tne miiati chir Alr. Waiscon, uce bt lie laite Alarqu~iis oef Ioekingltiu , a hie die]rted a Iinind to topeni ier himt a <ha werc. iin wthitch was ani old shirt, that lie mtight putt it oni. IHinig askedi why lie wmi-lied toe chin ge his Iiseni, andt he see ill, lie itepliedi : "Il1-cause I atm tioltd that the sirt I die' in mnust. hce i le maii peopt lcisitt, mochi that is goodet Itceniugh ter hier !"' Thiis was as hadl as lihm e atio unce, withI her last breathi, bh-wm cci itt inchl ee candtle, "'because,'" said shie, "I can see to die in thle dlark."' J orluend TIranscript. Ah.ut--"W by, n.y dearest, Albert, what~it mire youe cry ig for ?-so good, twm c, as ytoujae beein all day !"' Spoiled Little Boy--'lIt et.hno ! I've eaten so,-m-miuch b-beet antd turkey, that I cain't cat any p.p-plum p-p-pupidding !" Wsrneditor says hef ead eggsad !ttal s fr"enfut RAILROADS.-In a recent num ber of the Railroad Journal, we-find some capital remarks on the advan tages of railroads, which we extract: "It is well known that upon the ordinary highways the economical limit to transportation is confined within a comparatively few miles, de pending of course upon the kind of freight and character of the roads. Upon the average of such ways the cost of transportation is not far from fifteen cents per ton mile, which may be considered as a sufficiently cor rect estimate for an average of the country. Estimating at the same time the value of wheat at $1,50 per bushel, and corn 75 cents, and that 33 bushels of each are equal to a ton, the value of the former would be equal to its cost of transpor tation for 330 miles, and the lat ter 165 miles. At these respect ive distances from market neither of the above articles would have any commercial value, with only a com mon road as an avenue to mark at. But we find that we can move property upon railroads at the rate f one-fifth per ton per mile, or for one-tonth the cost upon the ordina ry road These works, therefore, ex tend the economic limit of the cost of transportion of tle abovo articles to 3,300 and 1,650 miles respectively. At the limit of the economsical move rnent of these articles upon the com mon -highway, by the use of rail roads, wheat would be worth. $44, 50 and corn $22,27, which sunis re spectively would represent the actual increase of value created by the iit terposition of such a work. "It will be,scen that gie valueiJ lands is affecte.d by railroads it - name ratio as' their pro watbrcoru iilie inm< cinity of a market, inny be worth, for the culture of wheat, $100. Let the average crop be 22 bushels to the acre, valued at $33, and the cost of cultivation at $15, this would leave $18 per acre as the nett profit. This quantity of wheat (two thirds of a ton) could be transport ed 280 miles at a cost of one cent per mile, $3,30, which would leave $14,70 as the net profit of landI at that distance from a market, when connected with it by a railroad. The valte of the land, therefore-admit ting the quality to be the same in both cases--would bear the same ratio to the assumed value of $100 as the valu3 of its products, $14,00, does to $18, or $82 per acre- which is an actual eation of value to that amcunt, assuming the correet. ness of the piremises. The Sane calculation may, of course, be ap. plied with equal force , to any kind and species of property. ' We clip the following from the Chicago Journal, as to the arran c ments of railways in Eigland, suloe of which might be imitated wit h profit: "The railways are well buiit, and the first el ass cars are g fo, though the second class ai-e poor-. Eaeb apartment holds eight persons, and three apartments to each car-. The engines ai-e much lowerci than ours, and apparently more simple. Tihe engineers have no covering, being x posed to the weather, and sometiimes have to wear- wir-e masks to pr-otect their faces; htaggage many times is put on the top of the passenger- (-ars and covered with canvass. When they connect car-s they screw them together till the huimpters touch, which makes the train a solid body , and prevents that jolting which is often so unpllleasant on ot r roads1(1. Thet G reat Westerni riad has- a seven foot track and a double track, wh lich is usual on all roads. 'The carriage way is cairried ei thei- underi or ov'er the track-this is required~ by law, and ha to be tak n into considlera tion inj estalishing thle grade, and adds vastly to the expense; there are ewcurves or few grades- usual ly runintg ver-y direct and very les el. I have learned a fact that wav prove inteiresting to our- railroad me-n; that is, that they ta-e the clay and make a layer about five inches thick, an the top) of it is placedl a la ver- of fine or waste coal abg~ut oni" inch thick, then another of clay, then an ither of' coal, repeating' to the height of about five feet. Th at is set on Sie and bur-ned about one week, when the clay becomes unaformned brick, umand is used for ballast on the road, anud answoers about as good a pr pose as gr-avel- saving theo expgnse of r-emnoving the clay nndl ednr ibat gravel. . It is also frequontdo where there are slided of a rn ing a portion of an o'nb'nknent - will stay the rest. - This was neW t me, though it may fhot be to youxleav dor."--e Px ANECDOTE OF TlE PRESiDNC,., A correspondent in 1Yashingtn (~n .-hes us with an anecaqte of. Pierce, which will give our eq some idea of tle man. 1iftuth politician. A few daysni t 6 President appointed an indiv Ualto a responsible and lucrative of distant part of the country, n h recommendation of two-of thern"V States Senators, and the Snatecon firmed the appointment. Thu grai fying event produced an exhilaratin effect upon the successful aplicant'. fur office, who so far forgot himsef as to indulge in a 'glorious joiifica tirn.' As lie was lodging at a fash. iu:miable hotel, his disgraceful conduct became known, and was. freely dom. - menited on--indeed, it becamoho 'town talk.' The Senators io had recommended him to the favor-, of, the President, finding that he had disgraced himself, and was.unoiRth of confidence, waited upon.the resi dent, stated the facts, and asked fo his removal from office. ien,' said the p-.-nu4ent ii replr, 'this Tias nominated by me, or your recoininendation, and at your solicitation, to an office undertld government, and the ioinin. iftojad - confirmed by the Senato You now say that his habits, are inteinperaW ard that he is unworthy of'the sitia tion. But if I 'were to remove him now, the consequene woula be inevi table ruin to him.: The sbawea.nd oitetattend ing his dis'unas in tlee im the- intoxicatingr bowla would become a confirmed inetiae whereas, if this conversation' is re. peated to him, lie may ani probably will reform, and becone a soberand exemplary citizen. I shallo move hilm from office for this offouce --but this, as it has been the.irt so it will be tie last time I. can for give him.'-Boston Journal. JO1111 RANDOLP OUTDONA.4of the many amusing anecdotes of ithis eccentric man of Roanoke iwe do not believing tho following was.- ever im prmnt: lie was through a part of Vir ia in which he was uracquained during the mean time. lie stopped i . ring the night at inn near the'ark; of the roa(. The inn keeper'. tya a fine old geitlemen, and no doubt of" the first families of the Old Dom io-l. Knowing 'who his distinguishi ed guest was, he endcavordd di rig the evening to draw hitno a coilversation, but failed is -all -' efforts. But in the morning hdti Mr. lailolph was ready to-stat,r6- - cal!ed for his bill, which on being pro. was paid. Tho landlord still anxius to have so:no conversafio with lhim began as follows: "Which way are you travelling "Siar!" said Mr. Randolph with a look of displeasure. "I asked,'' sail the landlord, which say arec y'ou travellingV" "H[ave I paid you my bill?' "Yes." "Do I owe you any thing any imore'? "Well I'm going just whereo please-~-do you understand?" Tfhe landlord by this time got some. what- excited, and Mr. Randolph drove ofE. lut to the landlord's sur 1um-is ini a few nuinutes (lie servant me. turned asking for his master, which Qf' the forks of the road to take: Mr. luand,.lph not being out of .hearimw <histanice, the handlord spoike- to -the top) oft his brcathi, "'Mr. Ranidolphi you dlon't owe me one cent, just tako which road plae It is said that the air turned blue, n th the curses of Randolph: TI-:uma n APJr me '1ANs--ln B'ton hey lhav e a fi re-ahni itelegrauphiytehu h - whien connecteth, sets .all tho' firehMhlis iigu~i at O tinme. A dafo'-ne 'o~ the wires of theo Alorso'Teugreiph h"i New Yor'lk gost in contantawith the~ Eir o Telegraph ini Bouruand in. st'untly Ki ag's Chmapelh bella bet~i strikeing fire at~rapid rate, onudthetire aphpara Itus~ of this district wvere all dra wi 'out before the cause:was'dire~ovored..u Rig m os-abells inu Now -.l - st srto long bell tpropl hu-t il i very estriking illustration4 uagn~etism annihilating srace.,