Orangeburg news and times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-1877, October 16, 1875, Image 3

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TWO.DOLLARS PKR ANNUM. )? ? ? ? V.(.?.J? AN,: p <>TJR COUNTEY. VQLUHTOnrHfAUr 5f HT SATURDAY M'OENINQ-, 'OCTOBER 16 1875. ALWAYS IN ADVANCrj. NTJMBER 35 rj-1 -?j -p^ TAYLOR COTTON GIN. ORDER IT EARLY. Teofe tlie Silver Medal at ilae Orangcbnrg Fair In 1872. And Took the Diploma In 1873. It is of Light Draught, Gin3 Rap idly and gives a Beautiful Sample. 5?rlofi I5?3^^?i?*pe^?ft?r First ?HA^GEBURG and BARNWELL The fallowing gentlemen are using the gin: R E Clark, Esq., Dr W W Wnnna maker, Jacob Cooncr, Esq., Jacob Keitt, Esq., Maj J H Hydrick, Hol in & Argoe, J F Witt, Esq., J W Smith, Esq, D C Stoudemire, Esq., J W Culler, Esq. McMIO OR A This HOUSE is' now open for the rccep ition of BOARDERS. GUESTS well taken ?care of. The TABLE amply supplied, and :* HACK meeting each train at the Depot. T?rms Moderate. may 29 1875 ly .A. CTA^X) Dr. J. Q. WANNAMA KER & Co., beg to inform the public that they arc better prepared to fill Ord era than ovej^J^foEe.*! The Orangcbnrg Drug Store BhaifrftSil Qionra be provided with competent persons for filling Orders with dispatch, so from ? .now henoefoward the people of Orangeburg need not be placed in a dilemma to know where to find a Druggist. We also expreai .our grateful thanks to the public for the rrmtgruuaimous support given us, and with mtrictcut attcoticdi to business?hope to ever ^maintain their confidence T STATE GItANGE FERTILIZER, AND' THE CLIMAX," 'Two firet class, pure bone, amtuoniated Fertilizer*, for .sale -by D. JENN1X(.JS & tftOX*.aud-F.4>> A'l'KUN, Agents, Charleston. C. C^e^^^^ trtbhm^e^tmmU^^nW,j ?given, i'lease soud for circular. aug'28?3iu The Cordial Ralm olSjricnni audTouic Pill*. NERVOUS DEBILITY, Wow??er obscure the cause may 'be irbldh tsontributc to render nervous debility a <lb<fft?e no prevalent, afiecting, an it dues, nearly om>?41ra3f of out adult population, it is ? ruobmdraly fact that day by day,and ?earby year, we witness a most frightful in crease of nervou* .s?ections h'on\ tl?e flight oat neuralgia to the more grave and extreme forms of NERVOUS PROSTRATION, I? characterized by a general languor or TTonknoHs of the whole organism, especially of tha nervous system, obstructing and pre Tenting the ordinary functkuw oftfciture lience there is ?!^C&rB Wc*dJ stahi^Hhe* " ?ecrotioiis; conatrpSwWf 4drnfry* aTrr^rn^rr-''; oolored ' urine, with an excess of earthy or lime sediment, indicative of waste of brain and nerve .substance, frequent palpitations of iheXf^^^j^wa^^imJmi^ irresolution -of purpose, and inability to carry -jnU> <?fttffft9nyiaiF^ftjtkfat^Il*!tUBH t thing at a time.'? Tlicre is great sensitivc aiess to,impress, though, retained but, anh?rt time, wif? HfllcKernftJhWimiftrifrl^BBli^ tion of the mental faculties, rendering an individual what is commonly called a whittle-minded or llickle-minded man. This condition of the individual, distress ing as it is, may with a certainty becurcd by THE CORDIAL BALM OF SYRICUM AND LOTIIROr'S TONIC PILLS, Medicines uurivaled<*tor "4hara ^(jflfrJtV^ properties and reniaa^h^^y^Tj^WM vous Complaints. Theirefticacy is equally great in the treatment and cure of Cancers, Nodes, Ulcers, Pustule, Pimples, Tetter, Fever, Sores, Ringworm, Erysipelas, Scald licad. Barbers' Itch, Hcnryy-Salt Rhtuin, Dtscolorations,.Ulcers in the Throat, Month and ? Kuse, Sore Legs, and Sores of every character, because these medicines are the very beat BLOOD MEDICINE Ever placed before the people, and arc war ranted to be the nioat powerful) Alterative ever originated by man, removing Morbid Sensibility, Depression of Spirits, Dementia and Melancholia ?S2r Sold by all Druggist*, and will be sent l?y cxpTesato all parts ofJhc_c<>untry nv ad:, dressing the profBif|r,BR}. -Al>(*{*S LOTHROP, M. D.itiR^fSaireWostlrVP Mass., who may be consulted free of charge either personalty or by mail. Send 25 cents and get a oopy of his Rook on Nervous Diseases. angll 1S75 ly FOR S A la la A Fine Black MARIO, 2 good work nORSES and a two Horse WAC10N. Ap ply to Wj A. MER?NKY. sept 4 1875 f 1 in A Romance of Divorce. It is not generally known, says the Cincinnati Enquirer, yet it is probab ly true, that the novel of East Lynne, although written in England, had the groundwork of ils story in a singular mnrriago which took place in this city, the notice and the attending circula te being c< jcr in the ut as. follow! a clerk iq jgdi trwn^ouse,^lf7n love with a young lady whose father was a well to do Second street merchant, and after pro per season of attention the couple were married. Beth soon found out that they were not happily mated, and a marriage of seven years, dur ing which time they had three child ren, two boys and a girl, they mutual icon; was granted) and the wife went home to her lather, who had, through indors ing, lost his business and all his pro perty. The daughter's aud his own misfortunes weighed so heavily upon the father's luiud that during a mom ent of mental alienation he took his. own life, leaving his daughter penni less and to rough it with the cold charity of the world as best she could. wonT(ra,^a*-b',ave little creature, tried every way she knew how to gain an honest living?in fact, workingso hard giving music lessons and doing embroidery for her obi schoolmates that her health gave way, and, having no money to pay her board, must beg, starve or go to the poor-house. To ide of tjie piQtjire, ah w mouths! re-] marrivd, and at the time of which we epettk had uot only the three children by the first wife, but nko iu addition thereto a litt'etwo year-old girl byiflie' second wife. The latter lady being ill, the husband advertised for a nurse ?afrMffifjy&eW ed '-e eye of the first wife, and she, | in 4n-r troubl \ went to the former partner of her heart, tolc^ liim of her sad condition, and app^iecV J'or- tjie position in his hoiipohoidi,..'!;T.|ie,l>(is band knew not \YliaL,to.Kiiy;djntrva?or giving her ample fu??Sl*fb\,Ta??r\n mediate w'nn^^a^k cch be^to ^Rl, ag^in at his officeon the^g^^^ promising to consult his wife^ottA.t^|ie matter iu the meantime. Promptly as per agreement wife No, 1 was on time, as was the hus baud, and from there they weut to the residence, where the two wives bad their first conversation, ending iu which she did, Seemingly delighed at having a peaceful homo oxer iieri ncna, liotwilhsinndingThc vory^rjO^yio1 >?l?li^nrwna>i%iMen.ow ^?crxsqty1 ndc trcatea as any* other help; that she nrist caro for the children?her own offspring?and the other child the same as any hired nurse would do; that she must cat at the second table LR) care for her charges. All those, fflll^ul^moJO?!^?1 <0 poor woman show, never by sign, word or look exhibiting the least evi dence of discontent. What, however, ?nve "gtftfPi the true feelings of ^tiSJBUnrWwNPn seeing another filling the place that she had once tried, as she thought, so hard to fill. The above is from an old Cincinnati paper, but th, senlug^s ttttty- ^^ft] sant with The whole lacts, is stranger than what we have already narrated. When the cholera was raging in our city in I860 the second wife was y Ukwith it, and being in tli? Jliysician that she could liye. but a few hours at the most, as she was then in a collapsed condition, she asked that all go out the room, excepting her husband and the house keeper, when she told how much she dreaded leaving her child amongst strangers, and as a dying wife entrea ted them both to marry ngain. The proposition was a Ptnngo ono. but both promised, and a few months nftsrward, when the second wifohad** been deud a sufficient length of^tiwe not to cause remarks, the two were ngrin married, brought together after a cruel separation of so many years, anc wo believe are now living happily in i.^oiycWcstnEMcfliOUsei.^ ":< ?? * 'd In T The Actor's Old Love. _ r. Macrf^J^^^ived^s^t|njD^ o t from t fie stage more than twenty ie, and afterwards at. Cheltenham, his whare he 187B. Tyja^^fffaw*^ the.27^b0f Ap^V 'dear ones laid in earth." His wifd and most of his children' p1 reded* cd Iv?rW^i^^'M?^. He.worried most happily a second time in 1860. Ket iovcd ffik\ |re^^| 'all itT jealousies, a^^jj dipof equalities hajj freer scope; and we think now with pi et sure of bis vehbral^tmd^blel heal, as wo saw it las^iiifl^T^^a^il' qf the sweet smile of bis beautiful muuUi, whi ih spoke of the calmwjsdouinoff|y gen Ie and thoughtful olci age. \Ve hav 3 reason to knof? ^%T^pdQeJl*J bac z with yearning^fonaneSs? tlfe"' studies and pursuits which had nut dp him tl ie 'fretful'jealousies', the j passionato willfulness of the old tira^s seemed to have fadcdljity'trTo/ dim! past, and no longer marVell'thd memory of kindness done and loyal serJir^'^idbr-cd; h1pff?H| McTf done ' mucii' good' in thd'spliero wliicYi' Providence bad assigned him, and we bei ipve Im d^le^r p ed -to* l*m>w\t(hirt' it J was) not foSl^drW^lte^ divinity that shapes our ends" hnd so simpeddhis "that'lib? w?l'k Was:t'o W\ acccjrn'plished'" uribti'/'tfie's^agb.' 'ftls efr (he' man as wc'(hen ea^v hiru, the kakn .whom we bad known as a highly 'ottUivat,e*l^uP^sentially^kindheait;j ed gcoftleWlt; ""that C w'cT would rather nk wea ;ness Loh lau W ist to Teach Our Daughters. T jaeh tl^enr sellVrclinnce, < y Teach make bread.._r-, m?M lilii i ...... Teach them not to wear false hair. 1 Teach them to wear thick, warm sho^ ? Teach' thorn -hcav.tfl'wash andiron clotncs.,, , (jM-.-.t !>:-.!; ? '- ; !n:.: 1 Tfeach them howtbmake their own dresses. *?t|T Hin T - UM TiaeiitbtHbtn. that/ tt-dollhr is'-'only a undred cents-. |i|ivr ^,ir, Teach them to cook dgdod meal of I victuals. 00 !i ' 1 " ' viciuais. ()i c .y jwt, u v ,j Teach ??U\Qjn. .how. to dam.stockings ] and|s9Wfr9U,,bu>bpnp, ,jp. , [,jUl <ftnn'ii. Teach them every dayldryj hordjj practical comn^Qnjsqnsej- y .? i yj^ Teach ,them to, aqtd.mcyitiit; 5Qr say ycs,and stick id it.. -. '! . ^i??each tfienj to >year calico dresses and jdo i# likb queens. j^JWacJt' them that a good roay romp is worth fifty consu^ptf y^es.^ taxTfcaeh them to regard the morals I |notI^?&^tGeir:Ua^. inch them all the mysteries of the | hen, the dining-room and thcyai and r kite lor. BEAUTIFUL." ' > A LL.EGOKV.~A vsllcr in Turkey.relatesa,beauti ful parable which* seemed even more j beautiful than ..Store's celebrated, figure of the aocusing spirit and re-, cording nngct':' >' ? ? ' ' "Evc^'muri," 1 say3 the derv&i, shoulder, nnd one on bis Iett. When he (Iocs anything good*, the angel on l^llsj right)shmtldcr Wastes it atrtv?i'imd seali it, because what has been well done is'^oVc^fo^cvOtf; ?Vhfcn'ho does cvilj the nngetronij ^bejlcii Tfrites it dowli and waits' Ii]) inidniglit.' If bc foro thftt tinio the man bows his hcArl and exebifnis ''Gracious Allah! I have sinned," forgive me! tha angel rubs "out fihti record; 'but' if not, Kt: midnmht 'lie seals it, and the beloved ntigel on.tjie l^gliL.blio^hler weeps." ? j ? ? ' . ? n i -? \V by is tho sun' like a g^o?'d loaf? Bccduso it'sJigbf wh?i)it rises. A| Council ?Bluffs doctor hobga out a sign .iiWoribod "Uir. H. O. (, Medico-IClectrieio." O! *&|bby Swindle Exposed, 1 ' A1 preluded* exhibition of epirit pow*r\?ii' the large hall of "'aramany HiUy Now York, on Buudny evening, was broken up with much confusion .ahd'?^citime'pt. r George Willis, who cldirneU^'be'n' mediuni, attempted to sliow Jiifijs ability to ring bolls and do tv^riqu8:r>iher^things after he had been Jtrlld^-by^.tfohiiriitteo chosen from the audience;- and Iiis arms had been cn 'closed' it&vir? cases; But the impos ture1 ^R^clccted by members uf the o^mitt^^dud it was fouud that Willis .sb^h'ls hands from the wire coses. ftM^^i?lipped from the cords whicli k bpund hirri sufficiently far to "enable""" H!Sr'"?b perform the tricks ^wjiich *he ^declared- vere done by the fits} j When the fraud was 'announced!oy?~a member of the com mittee, Willis and his business mnn Er f^\rf!pk$L-frikef fled from the Idibgw^tS'Uarc was a large number of persons present, who were much ^urk'gGdj?ttfci tr/e"inipost u ro, - some of , whojii rushed upon the platiorm, broke .l&^^lwouslrjb.eyi?i?'s. cusket, and carricd^way his apparatus. It is be lioyed ^Wt Willis aud those who were associated with him made about $1, 500 from the admission and extra fsc|t ticj?^| Read Your Country's History. In -tlip -actions of Lundy'a Lane a ColonebJO^Neil (General, he to a scratch ou his leg. vJMie wqund was a mattcrof great joy. and he?;;;nuraed it through after days growiiigi^amer, with every year, that the melppry of his bravery might be ever ue$Lrcifihi.' Gradually, from sheer poudcriii^ over his stories he grew to /think} rjlx^;'the success of the battle ?was largely owingto his services. One idsjV? - ? A*)1 vh \ s \ i/o, as 11 e sat n u rai ng his lcgfflid'pondering over the glories pa^O^i'QW'g inan; visiting the family for the first tirao, approached andsmy pathetically remarked,"LinneGener al?"/4 Yes, sir,'' after a pause, with Inexpressible solemnity, "I am lame.'' ??Reeir riding, sir?'' "No," with a re buking- rtcriincss, "I have not been riding.'' "Ah! slipped on the ice, General, and hurt your leg ?'' "No, 'air;" with' actual ferocity. "Perhaps you have sprained your ankle, sir ?" 'With a painful slowness the old man lifted his pet leg in both hands, set it pnrefully on the floor, rose slowly from his jchair, and looking down upon the unfqrtunalo youth with a stare of' mingled wonder, pity and wrath,burst forth in the kumlitutty of rage. "Go read 'the hwtory. of your, country, you Hil-lp-ppy^,,./ : ... -j? ????-. , ?; T^klNQ 't!r Easy.?Old Roger was ?a '-'quee'r Diok< and in his own way made oil th^hgsa subject of rejoicing. His ' sou Ren came in one day aud aaidi: / "'/''' "Father, that old black sheep has got txfo htmba." w "Good,'* .said the old man, "that's *thc i most profitable sheep on the farm." "But ? one of them is dead," said Ren. "J.'m glad on't," said the old man, "it'll be hotter for the old sheep." ' "But t'other Vdoad, too," said Hen. "So much the better, rejoined Rog er, "shcMl make a grand piece of mut ton in the fall.'? "Yes, but the .old sheep's dead, too," exclaimed Ben. "Dead! dead I what, the (Id shcop dead ?" cried old Roger, "that's good; she always was an ugly old scamp." j "Sure pop"?chan.pagne. Musical piracy?Scaling a inarch. A deliberative body?a slow man. Sweetness and light?a love match. Fruit for balloonists?currents in the nift "\Vhcn is an egg not oval? When you turn it round. Ghieknncry?palming oil" an old hch as'a young chicken. A, well-bred woman never hoars an imprjrlincn*, remark. Evergreens'?-merchant t who expect to make money without advertising. P. P. TO^XJEl, Manufacturer of DOORS, SASHES, BLIINDS, FLOORING, &C. Dealer in Builders' Hardware, Paints j Gils, $c. Solo Agent for THE NATIONAL MIXED PAINT CO. THE GREAT AMERICAN FI HE EXTIN GUISHER CO. PAG2 MACHINE BELTING COMPANY.^ S- WJ> FOR PRIDES. OFFICE & ^MEEOOMS Kos. HO and 30 Jlaync and 33 and ?35 l'i?ck?cy Sis. FACTORY and YARDS, Ashley River, West Eud Broad St, CHARLESTON,' S. C. sept 25 1S75 ly FACTORS AND commission merchants, COTTON AND STORES. ACCOMMODATION WHARF & YENDUE RANGE, ? charleston, s. c. J. If. PARKER. A. S. TRUM HO. E. C.. GREEN, Jr. in connected with the iibovo firm. Hepl 25 tf A. MoOOBB, Jr. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER IN SaESaSS CSJMENST, 1*1 ?ster JPttris, And Other Building Material, A 1.80 Jjaticl Plastei* and Ea&tei'ri HAY, Office No. 1 Central Wharf, CHARLESTON, S. c. July 17 1S75 3m COTTON GINS. COTTON BLOOM COTTON GIN, Price S4 00 per saw. MAGNOLIA COTTON GIN, Price 84 00 per saw. HALL'S PATENT COTTON GIN, Price $4 00 per saw. hall's Patent cotton gin with Feeder Attached, Price $5 50 per saw. The above arc price* ih store al Charlts toti. Send for Circular. . C. ORAVELEY, No. Ill Kast Kay Street, Ncrth of the Postofiice, nug 14?2 Charleston, S. C. DR. It. HUNTER ? CO? special practice. Cancers, Tumors, Chronic Ulcers, Scrofula, Ej>ilc)isy, Female Diseases, Liver Diseases, Venereal Diseases, Skin diseases, ami all kindred atllictiuns Sl> CCESSFULL Y TEE A TED. Cancer? and Tumore will he treated with our Specific?, without the use of the knife, without loso of blood, and with but littlu pain to the patient. CONSULTATION FREE. Turin? of treatment easr. Wo have opened n Branch Office at MARION C. II. s. c OtlicP under the Star office, Marion, S. C, opponite tin; Court House. DU. J. MILKS HUNTER & CO. sept 25 tf GEO. S. SIJIRER^ Commission Merchant, DKAI.KIt IN (}R< CERIES, FINE WINES, &c. Agent for Harten'? Planter, Avery'n Plows, and all kinds of Agricultural Implements At New Brick Store next to Duke's Drug Store. ?ept 25?-?R? A CARD. Dr. J. O. WAXXAMAKER ism pos ' session of the Receipt? and Prescription Hook? of the late Dr. E. J. Oliveros. All persons desiring to get any of the above Preparations or Renewal of Prescriptions can do so by calling <?h IV. W ANN AM A K ER, At his l?rng Store. nug 21? 3m IS YOUR fi.IFE W?KTII10.|.; ! CEft'TT/S? . ?? . .'nut* Sickness prevails everywhere, and body complains of Home diiea-e during Ifci? life. When siek, the object in to getJweri;-*^* now we nay plainly that no person in thih! World that is; Buffering with Dyspepsia,^ ttf Liter Complaint ami itH eflbcti, ?;uch as la'-'u>i digestion, Coativejiess, Sieh Headache, Sour ) Stomach, Hoart-hurn, Palpitation of> tho'?-y Heart, Depressed Spirits, Bilio?sticRSjiJ^c^t?O can takeGKKRN'8 Auoust I^wkr_ yitlfr^rt? getting relief and cure. If jou doubt thvuiav go to your Druggist DR. A. O. DUKES-; ed and get a Sample Bottle for 10 cents and// try it. Regular size 75 cents. Two doses j ,;y will relieve you. ? .; ??riUui DR. A. C. D?KES. / [ MOW TO ?UI&E FEVE5* ANJfr"i:1, If any person srtfll-ring with Feveb jlxij | Aouk Intermittent or Bilious Fever will . call at the Drug Store of DR. A. 0. UUKESj '?' and get a bottle of AGUE CONQUIiROR^.' ' their immediate euro is certain, and' th?t , chills will not conic back during that season'.' It contains no Quinine, Arsenic or other Poisons, and * after taking one-half bottje, - j you will feel better in health than you ljavur felt pevhaps for years. It entirely>! v: .-. the whole system, purifies the liver" und" ' other secretory organs. Price ?1.00'p'er ' bottle try it. Asl: your Druggist Hbout'"'"" others who have used it. DR. A. C. DUKES;--f JOHN O GS- RE W \ successor ok ROBERT JENNY. ' \ J { Importer ami Manufacturer , OP SADDLES . , HARNESS. Call and buy your goods, as now is the - tiHie to buy cheap for. cash, the prices being1 reduced to a very low figjrc.. Ilave.your ' Harness and Saddles repaired now while 1 'i: have time to do it at once. '1 Call and sec for yourself next doer to '? Mr. C. D. Kortjohn, Rowel Street. JUST FROM NEW YORK- % .WHO? ARTHUR II. LEWIN DERMATOLIGIST AND PRACTICAL HAIR CUTTER, Respectfully announces to the Citi;wn> of Orangeburg, that he has permanently located himself in this place, and requests a ? share of their patronage. , Call at No. 3 Law Range, opposite Post Office. sept 4 1875 ly OPERATIVE : \f AND MECHANICAL. I BY 1 . * , p A. M. Snider. T. J. Calvert. E?F Office open at nil times. " ESTABLISH KD 1785. ' THE OHROIVIOLIil & SENTINEL, AUGUSTA, GA. One of the Oldest Papers in the Country. One of the Leading Papers in the South. The Largest Circulation in Eastern Georgia, Tl.o Official Organ of Several Counties. PUBLISHED Daily, Tri-Weekly and Weekly.' . The Daily CHRONICLE and SENTI NEL in filled with interesting Reading matter of every description?Telegraphic; Local; Editoiial; Georgia, and South Caio lina and General News; Interesting Corres pondence, ami Special Telegrams from all important points. Subscription, $i0 'ibe Tri-Wcekly CnuoNici.k and Sknt; khl is intended for ]>oinfs convenient to a Tri-Weckly mail. It contains nearly every thing of interest, which appears in tho D lily. Subscription, $5, Tito Weekly CitKnxtcr.e avo Sentixei, is a mammoth sheet, gotten up especially for our subscribers in the country. It is one of the largest papers published in tho South, and gives, besides Editorials, all tho" current news of tho week, a full and aeour ato review of tho Augusta Markets nad. 1'rioM Current. The Commercial Reports' are a special feature of the edition. Sub* scriptinn $'2. Specimen copieaofany issuoFcnl tVfc. WALSH A WUlGlir, Proprietors. Augusta, Ga. bet 2 3t FOR KENT. The New brick Store on Main Street, next door to Kbltn A Uro. Apply to Mrs. ROSA OLIVEKOS. nept 18 1S73 lin