Orangeburg news and times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-1877, May 01, 1875, Image 1

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TWO DOLLARS PER ANNUM. J VOLUME 9. GOD .A-ISTD OTTJR COTTTsTTnY. slWRD?Y^MORNINOrMAY 1, 1875. ALWAYS IN ADVANCE. -? ._jj_?-rr; rrirafce: I t NUMBER It"' i ' VJ ! NOTICE i? hereby civcu of tlio loss or destruction of Certificate of Deposit No. oUl, Orangcburg Branch, Citizens Havings flunk of South Carolina, issued to the lato E. .1. OHvcros, deceased, and nlso of Deposit Book No. W>, of same Brunch, in the name of the said' E. J. Oli veros, in trust, and that I will apply in llircc months from dale for ? renewal of the satno, and for such dividends as may accrue thereon, to the Trustee ami Committee of iliOEuid Bank, at Columbia, S. C. E. BOSA C. OLIVEROS, mar G?1 am 3m. Qualified Executrix. NOTICE TO JTIIE I.Al>Ii:S AND CiEXTXEIttKN OK ORANGE H? litt, MOSES M. BROWN, the .Harber pledges himself to keep up with tlie limes in all the LATE IMPROVEMENTS, as his business is sullicient. to gurunlce the_Anbnyc. JJe Jvill be found ittglnffi ^"ldjj s(Wd. j?v?}r^rcaiJyi'to serve Iiis cnsioim-rRvii-the ?loiie$t.rioticc; api 11_riJi ifvi Im DENTISTEY 55. F. HIUCKIvNFUSS, J>cnti?t OF CHAULESTON, can be found at his OFFICE abovo Captain IIAMIL lvet Street References?Uns. j. P. Patrick, B. A. MccKExrirss, A. 1*. Pklker, M. D., and; Mkssiis. Bklzkr, Bohueks & Co. Nine Ypaaps^rExprirace" y DRUGS and MEDUIENS. PAINTS, oir.s, BRUSHES, axi) PATENT MEDICI ENS, TOILET ARTICLES, . > i , -, Ji CANDIES, . ? f j J CUTLEBV, SEGA US, TOEACCO.S^ 1 have on hand also :i siijdy of ? ?? ? SEEDS .\xn ONION SETTS; ttf-;,' ',?-'??? ??? V"'''^yjiii'irp~Mt'?dt'Tl, <?t4?v$>:i PThe 1 minir) sudukly mir <z?J i?i it; the Poplar Drug Stiii-e iif 1 ' r / ] du. A O- Di k r.s jan l':l I NT I ly Hordes and Mules At ! i;aKKC. .v si/ATinrs .staiilks IN llEAfi OF j. c-r.b. vok.i*:*.s sTout:. \Vliei-e yon wid lind a (': i.Ml'I.ETE -loci; nf tin- liiiesi IfoLSKS ;.ud MULES, thai cum lie florin ed tum I lie ItEST MARKETS in life United es. <lm- !?!??< i" range from $00 to ?'-!'>. All niiliT.1* ti'ih A -it 1 Ii?- fe nirt *st ilotie'c. !f oiiv->?ti-i-'c mvlmnl <l<i noi please wo Will i>i<1 .? .?Jl VOl'l ill once. ? " ?BA.MBKhn k SLATER. dec is 1JS7I him SJIEiUFFS SALES. The State of South Carolina. OIJ.VNCiiiilL'IRI COUNTY. In C'oSfS^oxiiPi.EArf'. 'i \: " ? ?3 fJeorge Bnliver as Cleik 1 Judgment of the Court, _ v? I 15. .'fi Quigly as Trustee | of of James BroWn and 'j Elizabeth' mown his wile, and James Brown and Klizaheth Brown. Fbrerloiurc' By virtue of tlic j Anginen I of 'foreclosure herein, I will sell at public outcry, at ')rangcbnrg ('. II , on the first Monday in Moy next, at the risk of the former pur chaser, 1. All that lot of land with the Build ings thereon, in the Town of Orangeburg, 'mown as the Marcliant, place as represented ,lnt marie by M. L. Baldwin, l!7lli Febr'y, tS7?, containing about one acre, and desig nated on .-aid plat as Lot No. '.'>. *2. Also all that other lot, designated as Lot No. 2 on same pint, at the corner of Amelia and Windsor Streets. Tel ins?One-third cash, balance in two equal scmi-unnuul instalments, with interest from day of side,'secured by bond and mort gage of the premises: Purchasers to pav for papers and recording. In case the cash portion is not paid im mediate'y the Sheriff will rc.-cll .-In* above, property at the close of Iiis sabs, at tlio risk of the purchaser. Tne State of South Carolina. OIL\A'CUCBl)ii(l COUNTY, In Common Pij:as. Mrs.ll. M. Andrews, Assignee") of Win. M. S;ii:?, | Forc vs J closure. J. 1\. Stephens and C (i. | Stephens. ) By virtue of the judgment of foreclosure tiled in ibis ea.eo, I will sell at Orangcbiirg Court House on the Saleday in May next, all that tractor parcel of land situate in the county of Orangeburg, containing 017 acres more or less, bounded on the North by lands of Dr. I>. II. Kunits, South by the. Ldislo river, EaM by estate lands of J. S. dchiiings ami of Sarah rnd Mary Graves ind Wc-t by lands of Dr. B. II. Knolls and Ficklin. Terms cash* Purchasers to pay for pa iers and recording. ShcriM's Oflicc, ) Oraiigcliing C. II., \ E. I. CAIN, vpril 12th, IS7.">. ) S. O. C april 17 id 5 h 1 ? i 1 \2 einl 1/3 -?IT'.'. './'?>-? UM WM - J. WALLACE CANNON, PlKBnix Grocery House, lias im Ji.'ihI :ib imial a chpi''0 Und, wall ?.e_ iMttwi" stock of ? ?** ? FA A til A' <! UOCEKIJ-.S, ALKS, WINKS, LIQUORS, SICCA RS, ige. Also a select assort nu-nt of stX:p?ti: and FANCY DRY GOODS, SI 10 KS, YVhicli will Iiv sohl tit Iiis usually J.OW .1 MUCKS. Also I have now on hand the celebrated HAND & GARDEN J? x, o w One r?f the greatest Lahor Saving Machines ever invented. fall ami examine and be convinced. J. W. CANNON. A Coniimh Thought. i Somewhere on tin's earthly planet, In the dust bf flowers to lie, In tlie dcwdrops, in the siriwliine; Sleeps a solemn day for me. At this wakeful hour of midnight, 1 behold it daSrn In mist, And I he ir a sound ol sobbing Thro-c;h tho darkness?hist! Oh, h.wt! In a dim and murk v chamber, I am breathing life away; Sbiuo one drawn a curtain softly And ^jcateh the broadening day. As it purples in'thc zenith, As it brightens on tlie lawn; Tbaro's n hush of death about mo, And r. .whisper, ''lie is gone." . Early.r.Inrrisiges. Discussion in the British house of commons on t?e subject brought; out information as to tbo earliest agrs at which "marriage may be legally fulcmuizcd in each of the Slates of continental Europe. In Austria it is 14 for both sexes; Hungary, 14 Ibj; males, 1,2 for females; Ilussia, I? for males, iO for-females; Parky, us soon as they 'are able; Italy; IS for males, 15 for females; Prussia, 18 and 1 I; France ami' Belgium, IS ami !?">; Denmark, 20 and 10; Greece, 11 and 12. In "Hesse Darmstadt anil llcadcii the consent of parents is necessary ?n the case of men until they have com ?plotcd their 25ili year; in Iba I of wo men until .they are twcnly-nne. The Completion of IS years by males and 10 by females is necessary in the Netherlands, an.I ? in Suxe-Coborg Gotha 119 male is permitted lo marry heioro I/o has attained his 21st year. Iii Saxojiy the legal age for males is I?; for ft'inalos 10 year.*. According to the amended paragraph of the new (ionium -civil marriage bill, the age would \.A ?c.-peclively 20 and IGyenrs, hv^tciH^'r"> ?n thed^uft. bill. In some of tho cantons .ol .Switzerland the law as tu the ages ol thu contracting parties is as bigli as 20 years for males and 17 for females, and in others as low as 1-1 for males and 12 fur females. 1*31 i in Love.?"Did yoa e ver do anything r? a state of indiHetvlr.v, Miss Julia ?" 1 asked an old swc'-t lieari of mine last night. "Why,yes, certai dy, 'Ar. Perkins? a good many times.'' "What! did it with absolute, total indiderehee " Yesj perfect complete indi/fcrence, Kli." Well, Julia, my beloved,'1! said, hiking her band, "what is one thing you can du now with perfect imlijfei ence;'" ?'Why, listening to you, Kli." j post pom d proposing. A moment afterward my beloved grasped uiy hand convulsively^ looked in my face, and said : "K!i, such a devoted, warnt-licartuj man as you are, often make me feel very happy." "How, darling?1' 1 asked, too hap py to live. "Why by keeping away from me Kli!" 1 haven't proposed yet. The air which ventilates the Nouses ol' Parli'uiuul passes through filters ol eotton-Wool. The appearance of the fillers after having been used is start ling indeed, 11 icy arc of a heavy, in vir ky brown colors, thick with dhs', and loaded with organic impurities. The sieve through which the. air is (irsi passed I a e ih posited near (hem quite a heap of intercepted particles. 111 the aivient ritual of marriage, litering was placed by liio husband on 4&C top of (lie thumb of the iefi band, with ihn words. 'In the name ? ( ilui ballier,' ho then removed it lo the forefinger., saying; 'and of the Son," then to the middle, finger, adding, 'and if the Holy Ghost;' finally, ho left it, as now, on the fourth linger, with the closing word, 'Amen.' A few weeks ago, a lady living in Detroit was assisting her dog jo catch a rat; when it hit her. The bite was supposed to be uccidcn'.al. hut after a fortnight the wound began to grown inllamcd, hydrophobia developed-, anil Abe lady died a horrible death. Sorry. Hu Wasn't There. 1 Ir.iv? referred in my book to Unit corotierte ours who seized an Kgyptian mummy that was brought into town, summoned a jury, held nn inquest on tlic mummy, brought in :t verdict of "Death from causes unknown," and charged the county with the usual fee, with compound interest f'loin, the time of Moses. Well, that still in olliee, and is still entliu.--ia.slic about his professiuii. Last Sunday night he was at church; The minister preach ed a very .solemn sermon upon Noah * Hood, and after it was over I in it the coroner in the aisle and said to hint : "Very impressive discourse, Mr. Wheeler, wasn't it?*' "Beautiful, sir! beautiful,'' replied Wheeler. "And yet it seemed to be hinder mournful loo." "Indeed j Why, it didn't strike me in that way. It was solemn, of course: hut its tendency certainly should lie to lill the heart of every truly good man will? chci rl'uHne-.s and hope.'-" "Oh, 1 know all that," said Wheel er, "hut didn't he say there were several million, people drowned in that Moot!." m "I hcliovo ho did." "Weil, then, I shy thai when I think of all that mortality, and remember that I wasn't a coroner then, and ain't likely to lie who i there's another such a freshet, it makes nie sick. '1 hero uiuj't anything cheerful about such reflections. J feel's if I hadn't been treated right; \s if I'd been robbed."? Mux At!<hr. , .. In Case of t'oisuus*. Make your patient vomits by giving a tumbler of warm water, with a tea spoonful of mu.tnrd in it, and then -end for tlir^dr.fjtur. If it he ncees.-arv to act without the doctor, and the. poi son is arsenic, give large quantifies of mill: and iatr eggs, or ihm rand water. If the pwi.-uri isan acid, give magnesia and water, or chalk and water,anil plenty of warm water I asides. I! it is ail alkali, like potash,give vinegar and water, lemon-juice, or some other safe acid. Always remeiniier the emetic lirsi. I fit he laudanum, strong collee is a good thing to give un i the ddctor comes. Keep the patient awake. Toin presented his hill to his neigh bor^ tide f ir,seryico rendered. The lat ter 1 iokell it over anil expro.-scd much Surprise at the amount. "Why, Tom, it strikes me you have made cut a pretty round hill here, eh ?'* "I know it is a pretty round one," quote Tom, "'and 1 have edfiYc for the purp >sc of getting it Njtiaivd." A. Westen? editor complains that ajl the gtrid things in his paper are cut out am! inserted in other papers without acknowledgement of the sUii?*ce [whence they were obtained. He siys, "Tlieydo not render unto scissors (lie thing-; which are seissor's." What is the dilferenee hot ween a clergyman with one leg and a clergy - man with two??The clergyman with two legs is duly a clergyman, but the clergyman with'otic leg is a clergy maii and a layman < l a hie un I ??? ? - ? ?p? - - - A dandy who wanted the milk pass ed to him at a hotel, thus as!.cd for it -"Landlady, please to pass your cow down this way." The landlady thus retorted ?"Waiter, lake this cow down to where t luv calf is hloatiiig.'' An insane patient at Utic", former ly a seamstress is reported to have had tlu*.v hundred needles tikeu out of her body, w hich she is supposed to have Swallowed (Vom time to time du ring I lie last live years. ".Mother, what is a hush ?'- -'A hush my child? 1 don't know, what makes you ask that question ?'?'Cause the other day i'asked .lane wind made her hack stick out s i, and .-he said,'hush!' -1 * ib" - -- Industry is not. always rewarded. A Sing Sing convict wor ked eighteen months oil a false key, and it was t a ken awayTroth him the day lie com pleted it. Coiuplaint against loiiuno is often a inasked apology for indolence. Items. may be in a moment, width cannot be rebuilt in a Iifo-timc!" Men like us to laugh at tlicir wit but not at their folly. " A woman never tells?that 'which she does not knaw\ ,fl| ?ild a big knave and little honest men will woishiphim. . U' There is no,grieflike the grief which! j does Jiot speak. . _ . . . (;| Pride is precarious, bat virtue ia;p moral. n - ii' i I *rf Kvory good actis ;a flower which; ^ will beautify our final home. - ? } . i .' ' i'Ug - iWtiil The covetous man makes a half pen ny of a farthing, and a liberal man makes n sixpence of it. '' ? f It is snid there is a twenty-thfee-1,1 year-old mhntin Memphis who is onlyrb thirty-cue inches in height. rV "gni Neycr kick a man when he's dpwtt ?%* unless you are sure he can't get, up ?? without your help. . . :< Fj iendships arc never completed till mcii arc bound to each other'by the common' experience of sorrow'.'"' 1. The most popular judge in Missouri'"' just now is the one has decided that a womamis uOhau ofil maid until -shoht thirty-live. Having, been enveloped iu agar" ment much too .big for him, a little boy told Iiis father that he felt ''aw.ul Ioi:e<omc" in Iiis new shirt. One of the' scerewt penalties to which criminals in Holland wcrO ' ili ' ancient timos'bondemned was to be de. prived of the usa of salt. . il nin! ) Owing ta the great supply of din* ? mendsin the. Loudou market,; they..* have declined from thirty to forty pep^^ cent in price.' t \ I A - ????ih'L /was Uorjt ^"'*^B^S5?jBM?^J^ftfc..(3 .Mass., recently, whoso mother was aged nineteen, grand mother thirty six, and grout grandmother, sixty* ?* live. SURE CURE OR A FORFEIT OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS! TO 1>VSPKPTICS rat rri i oslo sljimm:kixg WITU LIVER COMPLAINT, IViTalo or Female. For :i Never-Failing;* Rrm?tlyf i 'trout ly (Ht covtTCU and known lo but one person in thcUiiil;.d Siaics.) l-'cniahs with debilitated Constitution? (of hlinrt or limp; duration) vigorously restored in a short lime. Address CONST ANTIN" E, Ornngohurg, S, C. ('harle.Mon Sen* f ourirr Cnhim hia Union-Jfcmld copy one week and send hill to this otHce. ?mi 21 if AT PRIVATE SALE. l^sixvhig only a few feet for an office, I qIW fox ?ale Iii?? 1 ^iV^'O IjOl in O: ahgchur? on which my present Ofhrc -land.-. It enibraivs nearly one half of a square, anil pns*esses peenliar adv intakes of location. Fronting directly on Court lloitse Square, in the 1 cart of the husincss.)>oriioh of the town, hounded on three sides by Street?; and on two of those sides hy open Squares. It is admirably adapted for l'ri ? vale Itesideiuvi- of merchants, or others en gaged in h?rtiicss in the town, or forn birg? Hotel, or other buildings for l'uhlic resort <>r hiisiness purposes. It will ho sold either as a whole, or in suhdivinions to suit purchasej*&> Terins made known on apolieation to W. M- ULi'ftOX. .Or to .1 AS. IT. FOWLICS apl '21 Ira FLECTION NOTICE. Nif ice is hereby given that an Khciion will take place nt the Town of Fort Mntto mi Mojjdsy liie ?rd day of .May A. 1). 187.% for one Intendant and four Wardens in Ae cordatuw with has iw:t ^?f Oic-Clrnoral A?*rni. My of tin- State ofRwuLb Carolina approved -U.T'i, hotvee* the hours of seven in ihc foieu?on and ft o'clock in the afternoon. The l'o'ls will I). J. Carroll's Store within the corporate limits of said Town, and T.I iiobdwyh (icorgc Drown and M. Wagner are appointed Managers to con due! said election. They nhiill conform iu all particulars to the act of incorporation of said Town. All Tlur-rooms to hcelowd according to law. Wime.-.? my hand and seal of oflice thU loth day of April A. IX 187?. fiEO. llOUVKK, C. C. P. api'l 17 387? St