Orangeburg news and times. (Orangeburg, S.C.) 1875-1877, April 03, 1875, Image 1

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1 as pyaw " 'SATURDAY? MOVING AJ^UL I 3, 1875. 1| ] i .)>:? ii r tf?yi;</.Tx?itc:<tktr. hiii b 1 ? ;. SI8TRUNK. & RISER,! .. Have: HEMO' ki) ?cxt a r to;-r -\V;rMG^ELICY'S, Whtkk t\ic\} l&Wconiti&Uj ui>\ Hand a full nKsoHftcnt op , ... .*. . . , ."' . '1 Such as. ? ? 1 Kinim 3Ua*fu LA;'D' MOLASSES,' " 1 "FI.?17R. RICE, S ,,\ vr^V^.U'EE, ESSENCE COFFEE, CANDLES, STAUCH/ rniK-d,!1'''"' -POAI?. CANNED TOMATOES,' OYSTERS, ? $ EOIiSlELs, I'KACHJiSi S Alt DINES, . ;COXCENTRATED LYE, &c$ A lie above tin, will be glad to sec their friends ami the public at any tjiuo. | ?ALTHOUGH my losses 1JY THE LATE' FIRE'.tLtS fcEEX HEAVY", I am STILL | prepared to suppn n,y (vistonicrs and tho'puWio generally with everything iu ilia . il (mm* b Bry Goods, Groceries & Hardware ;. ,. !?.;'< I . i ? LINE at my-USU-vL MODERATE PRICES?'. D. LOUIS. 1875 tf HAS A STORE you piH find R.'tl eat WOljSKS on, red fTjouT l?e lij led St dies, vices lange liVri#7S^fC?<i Red u'lilt.- ish'ortAjt "fticd. ? Moe'i mix hand : doltiot |.le:i3c ,\ve or foi v on .at mice. . . j;.\MBI/,U. K S!,AT'.H... n a i^fe-i& - '0. ? fillip {RUSHES, am) . PATENT MBDICIP.XS, IfCLES, kNHlKS, |0,? Ac. 1, orders Lo ut O^c KES. ? WITH ' GOODS . From one end ic the other, F.CENT FIRE he lost very HEAVY, but'is able still to SOTPLTMiis po# R33||^^ CANNED TRUI'PS, OYSTERS* PICKhKS, I ft I Notwithstanding Hie GREAT EIRE and the LOSSES met wiih, I have on hand and Will constantly keep a FULL SUPPLY of t .. . , . B, ? \< :'. ? 1? |i ! :(? i -.1 11 ?;? ' ., , ... I |t) ?? And the BEST CHE.WING TOBACCO and FIVECENT SEOAR ui tho town, besides other fine Brands, with many other useful article* . rieasojcaU and EXAMINE for yourselves. L. RANSDALE, Brougliioa Street. jun KV 187? IS ly , ( . ? ... 1 l / :?? m Sonic Hanl Mowing. For meanness, vulgarity, nnsliness and general cussed ness, commend us to a genuine March day, such as Wed nesdav, lor. instance. J-iko a sneak llwof oY fancy pickpocket, it lir.<t made its 'appearance, alI suffused witli-siuiles and' 'silhsiinie aiid approached us wj^h* many' promises of pleasant .and ngrcc Stliilo^ day.' Just,' as the, little misses i wcrcalf' on their way Jo school with I their flaxen curls nicely brushed back ! and carelessly gathered with a ribbon; i the little boys with their round abjut j jackets* chubby, and everybody ; stirring about with n consciousness ! thai .spring was surbly* upon .us* the I insidious monster, faking advantage of I the sdverity with wbicrr?Wll animated !| nature regarded his propitious advent,' it whips ..faround, begins blowing like the veryt- mischief. . In a short time it [got up a pericct gale; old blinds am! ,>ar,tilion doors got on a big'? frolic and Junged and slammed like a lot . bullaloes. Tho wind hh^gf^^^ JPIUIIIJ 11,0 pieces of animated calict fm Inmbjumc. Knnc.wcre taken iii M waited along through the murki A nwrilbcr of old ladies are missing ffljfo) here and there can be picked up pieces of lace caps, spectacle frames, jAril.ess slippers and triangular capes, 'growing that the loss among them was [vJry great. Aged gm ill einen had their Hp* Mowed completely ofl and the Iftit; fnjgments of ih/irold roots of de cuiyed teeth blown away. In one iiittance one old gentleman was blown o\|eV the Kimball House niuTluis never btiin heard i'rbm since. The-wind car inMfaway all the macadamised poi tufoa.of JJn?ad street, and Hinging lhe sfdies with such force at the passers jjyjjis to kill quite a number of ijegroc?. ,wj{pHnad clung to la nip posts for safety clerks along Whitehajl stiqet had. r^Utads blown o?\wJjht\utiin oxjf uo ft2 -tev-ciVc 1 crks froiy> U 1 UijcJvviy>. wIa&M'-^;Avh'euV^ak*of ?skiul and' spl^'tneirheaus open, aim/ too brains werc'scaitercif all Uvcrthe to^ of the ear shed in a coat two inches thick-. Their remains Were car ried over Stone' .Mountain and left in the centre oi* Uwiuncitcounty. One undmhnct bad the into shreds and the hipp.d her eyes out and she Wifl sent to the blind asylum. The rairnad committee from Klberl county wai blown oil the track and the heels olitheir socks torn out. John James atu Major Crane had two-thirds of ] thcr mustache carried away, and they lotted the remaining hairs in J nines' bitdt vault for safe keeping. The wiuf played SSL Patrick's day in the niojniiig on the telegraph wires and the)precession of Irishmen marched to llidltuhcof the music. The- bridge on Jiraid street floppet} about like a skein yarn swung over a bed post or vvetituwcl hung over a bush. Meador's hoiso ami dray, left, on the street, were bhjyii on tepcand crashed through an a(|;oiniag booming bouse and settling (lorn in a room where a drunk man wiy'sltcping, awoke him and seeing the sc1 imagned he had a night mare, screamed- terrible. The ciVniu at tho Barracks had ihj L*?ls tho lirecae m me centre oi uwim litt'J girl witb a su skjfls whipped into shr.fls whinp.d I'ci A lloninrknulo PPfij^ y ? ? ??'?-/, "Talk about (lojga as is, sagacious," ic narked Air. Gnmmpn, as lie lyapcd, back in his chair,^hrew one leg/over, a pile of exchange.*, add ran life fin gers through ^ns~ gray hair?: J*'Talk'' ,about smart /logs, J. rnised.p rtpg once which was just jynsid,crably(l,hcijniart est ai.imal ;I'ever saw or read. of. NcVer k\iW wlmt breed ho'-ivRfe; lilnii o' peculiar?^s jemed to jtytfVe nll'"flio best points pi' the wholo'species.: He camo to mo in a singular manner, too, when lie was no murn'n three< months old. Heard a'scratehm\ntx the door, one cold winter, lnoynin', . as i I was mukiu' st lire., Opc.;;cd. the door,- and in walked (hat Wo pup,, 'j hp. first Tln'ngiiib done" wn/'to'Wipc'his feet on the mat: 'I heiyhu puihod it' st 'pi up to the stove, nmusct do.wn 1 bit 'ir-'nntf l eid his pa-ws Vip to warm. l\?ier "he uol ctunfortnUjo. he Risked mo to adopt him into the/ family.. i MMtfUp* SjjjfflUfltttp' troth now, and oi' " 1 n,i* reilnl h.iMjlto sav that Unit e C0UldC J MMf?'* pieSBRnHTiu the Krt |>, PJ|P actual I vft^fds nooks, his man ' ?'^l-V.VnYfd'ye call Jt ? pnntominc, ' Ji^0 perfect that I k|icw.,jiist What !Tic'wanted. I never went much on dogs as a general tiling, but I couldn't go back on one of such cxtraordipary proiliisp as this. I kept liiiiiJ and wc named him Kassier, j IIc wa??s imita tive as a Chinnmau-*^<eked up thing faster'n a child. He took U>-the chil (Iren right away?liked them us well as though they : had been his own brothers nnd^sistors^?and lliey eome' to consider him as ouo "of the family. He learned all that was ? possible from the limited facilties afforded -on the farm, Before he was a year old ' tie could rido horses, tend the baby, 'pick up chips, and do a thousand other, useful.and amusing things^ Olla, my oldest boy, had learned him to whistle and It would do you.good to nftVeHsccn Ihtssjer utilize that acto:up)i?htiientJ You know a raldnt will stopifBu?you:; whistle to it. AVuHj!_whe?i hc^pt ai^cr. ? a .rabbit, and it. Wiu. about \ugfct away 'fVoui nuifflSc'U stop and whistlp. The ?ifooi fen *rtiii>it;>^v?M ? r ^|i^?Sfc i 'Xt^lui^^w^tf:ii?v'c' him .'? ) yi^'lir^Ps^'.HKnVi a it\]hhtio.r *^^Lti^ j 'when Vc'^Vcht tru't' dbon hu?lpg-^ilU^ "j that dog. No need to cut down any trees, ?$llp would jiist skh:. up a lice ; like a squirrel, and shako a coon or a' possum out inajilly. One of his fa* vorite- pastimes was to take a' small pail Utfd go out in tho ineadov; and drown out ground-hogs, getting the wrier from a pond in the neighbor hood. ' Once I look Kassier to town with m?, and us it was election day. I al lowed myseli tx) get rather more liquor aboard than 1 could conveniently car ry. About Uireo o'clock in the after noon I started home, taking the hdl road track. ''I had not good ??iboJ ?' fore the. whiskey made mo stupid, and I laid right down on the track, und*, went (lead drunk. " Rassler tried every way to gel me oU'to the side of the road, but 1 was heavy and senseless,: > und he couldn't budge me. A train was coining, and in ten minutes more 1 would have been run over. Now,' gentlemen, what do you think that dog did ? Excuse me, but I can . not re pi ess the rising tear when 1 think how that animal saved my lifo. He grabbed my red biumatiiia 1 handker chief 'frorti my pocket, ami riti toward ttrain, and signaled ? it,.jautktby < irge,, ufpl saved mci.Yes 'But in his death he exhibited a ater degree of gratitude and intelli-' ^ce thru ho had ever done befpro. BS? boys had learned him to smoke, HfflWic became such a slave to tobac |?ut I feared it would impair his 1? B&~m(''iiiries. 1 tried to break him S^apufeablt by whipping him, but it ? V*'\otI. .He'd steal ofl'some place Wkc, im s.nte of all I cold do. Bfitt^night he weht to sleep in ^?^wUh a pipe in his mouth, sfafell out on some straw and HwLlc place was in a bluzc. lad up in time to arouse BHBmm^I enable them to get out, HI Hbt save anything. While Saved by a Scared Dog. ., r The. { V/?k?ff^fe?^i%s)wt|k-So-hi?> cruel fun, and we never supposed it could ever be" alfyttiiigeW'lhat the-' 'device onco saved geverah men's lives, ?as- hcKe.jrctatfedjhyiUwa Cincinnati ?n but Jt snows by how unexpected? ['means 'flfiliVdnflicfe so'm'cTlnle* reaches men in danger.';.The psbtesS and the iuestuiwbjo^aw,. sffmpjMnejh^uite ob ridiculous: v c-'-^a * A^pViVarc* lctteY friWfeff' Foi t Si 11,; ItnlinniTorri.t6f.y^ives tbo foUowing ..accouuVTotjftUvIrieni??aes> in a strait: , "(Jiirnoral Jonn braiih, of the ^rflcVh niflllitry^vllR^urmen. was emplnydd-'^dn 'sumo-.detail, some twcijty-five,.' wilc^j./fcojnrfj^iis post. ?nsft^ki TO4urPriscd by a body of one hundred or more nmiiritetr^fftdia'iW;J,^c',/tof1e8 either kio ivaa'.?>iyv,! Comanchc?/j tfiom this ! reservation. As |heir,.purpp,3e "as un i mistakobly. liostjU. lie and his men lost no'1 time iii1' takinVnlo the only |?vail?bie shclVct7 'anoM^?fralo wal luw. whexe,? .in tt very. uncoiii tortable, ,*opiJt|i?ine^n)o^itio?,iifiy managed to Pi^5f?? ^M??Srp lbeii enennos at a distance for the day and night. 'a7ief''^i;:nmnrVflKgil1inwevert their' Ku'ihirings - Vor - '-want) of fund and water became rathNer senqus, and some thing had io he doiie. C'or.ppral Smith was eq?al: 16 ' the^s'1'l?alf'oii: taking a piece of -Iiis ovfl'tawC&s&m} the only substitute for paper ty> bo had/he ?rote fastened it carefuiU&l'o,fhe jieck of a. small',' -,v 7 iYlMPHm"'ah* which had ibUou^ ' ; \ fort; then, batteringf^. Btaened it to the.dogum;s, ;i?Hh^Ihe pr?siod. -Pv iW . BP^The Indians; ty^uS^^^mBSk^ act ol ibijavadi^^VBuxnSi nmih>uA a|||erapt the tune he. started, the dog reached the post. Succor wr?f'Tiulflediately sent, ohmJh'lho ?hmeeico^rioral and his ?kit** ' Mirsfiai .of the! Repnttft Aiming the A incficans who attended n ball giri.i ae:ilto\f*?tel do Ville, Paris, when John X? lifasp.Dj wae our Minister there, V'?s,J^e|cs Spicer,of Kentucky. Jack, 'rusticdf tno dress ?emcwhut strong, and 'Spiffed epau lettes on his shoulders large" enough to start, four n^ps-gonerahj^ jjbjbusincss. ? we,nt, I\\m$*W%ik \Tafilc;JW)?Jd?heu the Marshals ^^t^^m^^^U1^ same, a 1 ways f akuig ttic post-of honor. Tho day ttftertHe* batytf a^lPcttn&l ou our Minister to FraiiceJ whofetaited up a convorsatiou in, the - following-, way : "I, %ah Jaclc^ou^ej^ the ball last evening. ?"-I was, sir; 'aha*''Itatl 'aftiigh old time." \?t ruft* <>h ai !?tt'}-vt "For which you were, indebted, I suppose, to tho higji old company you got nnxcll Hp with. Isy tue wav, how &MM& ymf ?.'?ttsso<?lrfte\<3(''?w1i h tho Maishahs??','.!.^ ilhji <>? ll-wTci ce i'Xlovt;|BH? vjrtiifi.. fa njy office. They wcro jAiarsIuils (|f Franco, while I rim nothing elsetftaiVaMarshal of the Ripuolici ?" I' Slto^etf ^y com mission, and 4ook p'o^in?o?Sf^aigly." "By,righ(t o$yQU*,pj^ ,^V*hat do you mean ?' .. ,..!? -Reada'n!dS(ic!i",frn',*l,flA t> ? Horo. Jack "pTeierfUfae Mti Mason \viihr a . whiteyi brown -pupes?, with a ^ b?g i ope.ugl?,,,jfcjg, ,tjVn&gr P0UDd 'N^Vhat iW'' ilid'tiftme'^Kcaven !a this JiHvii l>*4 J JJ .:^no Ii ?{tcvtil ? *'Myv commission jold?lai^l?il,' I ceiyed in 18q0, wUq^Xnsatsto/l ing tho census iu Ifrantcfort1'; don't' Tntttrl1 ^rtfOel on chisr*v* ?:i:? .b?>fii *I don't moan anvtbii?f tes mo ^ 'MarsJiaJJ.oX^ t intorid to have*"*