The tri-weekly herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1865, April 13, 1865, Image 2

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THE TRI-WEEKLY HERALDo NEWBERR, S. IuRSDAY KORlING, APRIL 13, 185. The communication of Srutus' is ;oo ra dical to meet our views, and is girdn. a Aace in a spirit of accommodation. The high parties al luded,to will, we hope, survive the severe casti gation. _________ - - Ineresem'in Subscriptin.. As noticed last week-tie price. o -the Herald is, fromn-tbs date, increased to 'FIFTEEN DOL LALRS for three iionths. Parties sending us ten dollars for subscripion will be crAited with that amountfor two months. 'B Found.. The body of Dr. BYnnan, who was a.cidentnt ly drowned at Asiford's Ferry, several week ago, was foued on the 3rd inst., washed up in r bottom of Mr. J. Hare's plantation, about nine miles below Alston. -The face was entirely ten off, and the identification only made 'certai by - papers found in the pockets of the'clothes. We learn that the body was interred on Mr. 'Hare's Pla0e. Gool zacking. We are indebted to a friend for the' followi:1g recipe for making the above valunble and almost indispensable -article. Take of sweet -potato one.part, cut, parch and gtind as if for coffee, add half as much lamp black, and mix the two together with an eqnal poriion of mDlasses and water sufficient to make a pbste:. All thvit is fur ther necessary is to apply to the shoe or' boot, and with a brush and elbow grease, a polish will be had which will take the shihe out of the Cele brated Mason's blacking. Try it... ThetArmies. Sifie the announcement of the fall and loss of Richmond, and the falling back of Gen. Lee, bui little has -been.heastdof either Lef'so- Johnston's armies. It satisfies us to think that they are :in tact and in the right place, and we cannot but feel that, io-day, with the giving up -of the long contended for capital, our condition is better than before, and the army of Virginia, relieved - of that wearying straggle, is now ready and ablc to stsike where the blow will be *felt. Trusting inpthe ability ot our great leaders, Gen's. Lee and Johnston, we hope and wait. Late EiRmors. Just before going to-press a rumor, of 'a re * .freshing character 'if true, reaches this place, that Gen. Lee has had engagement with Grant, at Strawberry Station, which resulted in opmp4te success. Loss of-the enemy .said to bo heavy. This news conmes via. Chester, and from an officer said to have been seen there who was wounded *in'the'fig8t. Date n'ot remembered. * ~ Through a gentleman from C-olumbia, it is also reported, that a body of Yankees are at .Fort Motte, a station on' the South Carolina Railroad, *and that they have ii~ waite the town tf Sum tar. Within an Ace. -Did you eier meet with a disappofntme~nt, grievens, bitter, sore ? to be sure,y'ou hav'e, and can appreciate o.r sad trIal.- Blessed are ly -who expect notmfng ; but whsen a,promise is held . .out, placed right under obes nose, who can be blamed for bui,ding.a hope upon it. -Such was our cay. Led aw&y by an igntusfatuus,we were most terribly deluded, and lookt%g for a sub stance, grasped only a shadow., D~o foa.. 1e eggs, freshL ones ? We do, and unfortuina y seldam get them. Resting fron the week's lab or, - . on Siturday morning last, rumulating~ on the ,fu S - tur, and hoping, like Micaw ber, that "something would tu'rn up," we -hearga .scratching at the door ; so unusual a sound did not denote a gub seriber's entrance, so instead of -the common *corne, in,' the d.oor-was gently opened, when .in walked a lady visitor, Mrs. Hen. She seemed agitated, and quickly walked the .length - of the .office, back and forth-, up the utiddle and down, pi-ying into every hole and corner. With quick . perception, sharpened by appetite, it was' divined our friend wished to lay'an egg-not as-ggsed to be the custom,on our table-on the floor, in some -corner. From that moment the erg, large, fxesh, white; or perhipsbrown,se.emed ours;'and rarious were the dispositipnsproposed to,be'made of it, but alas for all human calculations. 'Just in the very nick, was alnibst in our hand, up comes a sub. for his paper. His voice was loud and harsk,,Mrs. Hen became alarmed, did not like his looks either, and with a flutter a m%cackle, .rushed but of the door he left cipen. ad luck to both, it was a rascally' and fontd pro(eeding. Who got the dgg is not .known, we did not, a.nd * there"a thec rub. TIlE SiArTE MILITARY ACADrMiEs-Are to .be located at Greenville, S. C. The Furman University biis3igs willabe used for that p ;urpose. 8 W tFor the Herald.] ABnrILLE, S. Q April 11th, 18>5. Ma. EDitoE :-1 beg you will space in your columns, to speak of the extraordinary of the ladies-of this place. For last four years, I have traveled over nearly every State in the Confederacy, and I gave never yet seen their kindness excelled. Entirely devoted tb the cause,ihey do a, 4 in their power to re lieve.the sufferings of our soldiers. Twenty-four of these ladies, have established here, a most spiendid hospita. lhe government has not aided them in the first particular. They furnished the hos'pital with Ads froin their own houses ; buy all the nediciMes ; and hire the steward and nurses. Each I*dy takes a day to supply the iospital with.provisions, and each vies with the other An brining the host cgoi'e delicacies. I assure you, the hospital -is well furnished. A I glance is suficieTit to eatisfy any one, the piace. is kept by ladics. Soldiers, sick, de.spo;dent, and tired of ihe unequal struggle, are. thcre re ceived with the greatest ,kindness; their suffer. ings-arp relieved, and their hearts cheered. They catch. the spirit of the undying patriotism Qf the ladies, and go-forth more tetermined to prose cute the war to the bitter'end. The ladies, not only receive the soldiers at the hospitel, but take the"i to their houses, and give them every com fort they need.. Many pobr soldiers, who bave Passeo long, dreary monthsin prison, will remem ber with love and gratitude the noble ladies of Abberille. They will love to tell their fond mo.hers, how they were treated by these, good 1atlies. Where all are so. kind, I dislike to particular ize'; but'! must be allowed to speak of the ex treme kindness of Yrs. Kerr to every, soldier. She does hr part at the hospital, besides, her hous*e every night is crowded with soldieh. Not one cent will she receive for her kindness. Of i tA-soldiers force her 'to accept money, which she never keepe,-ba turns over to the hospital treasurer. She is the. kindest lady I have ever nlet, and my heart'will ever beat withjoy at the remem berance of her name.-', Yours NO MONEY. [con.IcmpATED Eichm.nd. 4 The fall of this City alth6ugh not unexpected is deeply, to be lamented.. As the Capital of the Confederacy it is of the utmost consequence that it should have been held, for if anything contri buted to the cOnfirmation -of. our. governmental integrity, in.the e yp of the great powers of Eu rope, it wvas that our seat of Government re mnained intact and defiant, although ail the efforts gf our enemies he.d bgen exhausted to eapture it. It is almost.lamentable, too, to think, that after, the brilliant su,ccesses of the Confederate arms on the soilgf Virginia, frorn the victory of Ma .assas; in .fs61, to' those ofSpottsylvanis and the Wilderness, we should have been constrained at IAst .to surrender the prize which our fanatical foes have so-long striven to wjn. But, although this be so, adld the day of the evacuation of Richmond may be4ell termed a darik one for Ihe Republic, it is mere fat.uity to suppose that out great cause is thereby endangered, or that we still have not the abfility to achieve apr iudepen -d,ence. All that is required is, that, our Rulers, our Generals, should rise up and meet like men, the issues that are upon them,~ T he-Countay is. unfortunately cursed with the presence, in thie Executive Chair, of Mr. Davis ; but he occupies [his seat by virtue, of the Constitution and the Laws; and melangholy as the fact is, he cannot te displaceld fvom the position he so unworthiiy NN. He has the power, ho6wever, to afford us some reli'4f by the selection- of Advisern, who can command the respect of the people, and properly administer their Departments, ,and now *is the time and the occ'asion~ for him to do so. Let the Secretary of Stat.e who has no higher pretensions to statemanship than low cunnin'g and pettifegg ing sgacity, be replaced by a man of high tone and diplomatic endowments. *Let us have a See retary of the Treasury who knows'something of political economy and the principles of finanoe, who can sum up accounts and' calculate without making mistakes to the tune of millions, and has other claims to merit, as a statesman, than dun ning as a tradesman. Let us ,have a mian of comn mon.sense and en.erg to conduct our Postal sys tern, and\ot a Drone, like Mr. Reagan, who seems to have bgen sleeDing for the -last three moifts, and to be oblivious of the existence of his fellow countrymen. Let us have an Adjutant and Inspector'General, who understands t:he or ganization of an Army, such a's the one we have raised, and not an old fogy, bred in the school of "Fuss and Feater," and who imagines that- the rules agid systein of .warfare, suited for 3812~, are adapted tp this. age ar4l this people. Let the hordo'of worthless and incompetent officers who have been thrust into phee by favoritism and politica'intrigue, be relieved fromt positions to which they are unequal, and4 let sucevss and hon ors be the reward of the'brave and virtuous) not of tho adheining and the corrupt. What we want is brn,jfner. boldnesa, energy, commono *enre. PI Let us have men who possess. these requisites, and, from that day the glorious bamee of those who would be free, shall be -borne a0i6ted:bjough all tl trials we may hereafter. eniotfnfer, .:rBRUTUg. T Among tle horses captured on Gen. Chesnut's place, ie Kershaw District, was the 6uperb-stal lion pre-ented to President Davis by tw Viceroy of Egypt., One of- the Yankees, after riding the animal through the streets, took off the saddle, and p4tting him on the back, remarked, "You'rc too fine to ride in these parts, and we'll send you to OW Abe'." WORTH KNQvfNG.-If persons in a house on I fire. have the prese'nc6 of mind to apply a damp' cloth or handkercheif to their mouths and ngs trils; they could effect-a.passage through the dense smoke; but the surest mode would be to enveloye,the head.and face complete'ly 'in the damp cloth. ,o Royal Arch Masons of South Carolina: Compicis Our Grand High Priest, Dr. A. G. MACrEY, being tv.ithin the linc- of the enemy, 6and beyond.tte reach of our corrmsp-ondence, I assume the autliority vested in me by the- Con stitation of the General Gran.d Chapter, of gra4t ing Dispensations, receiving Communications, &c., until the Grand Chapter 6f South Carolina shall,otherwise order and provide. Given under ray hand and seal at Edgefield C. H., tflis 22d day of in the Year of Light 5865, and of the DiscoVery 2395. ANDREW RAMSAY., {L. '.] - Deputy Grand Eigh Priest. IRON, I10N, IRON. HAVE ON HAND A LARGE LOT OF TIRE and HOOP IRON, which I wili exchange for PROVISIOMS of any kind. A.'HARRIS. April 13 tf NE W' G 0 ODS, A. HARRIS% T HE following comprise only a few of the many articlos to be found at my store: COFFEE, SUGAR, PEPPER, RICE, SODA, JND)IGO, COPPERAS, LOGWOOD, TACKS. A large lot of , Coates $pool Cottn, Together with an assortment of Summer piothing, SHIRTING, OSNABURGS, COTTON YARN. COTTO2 CA RDS, &c., &c. - Call soon, on . . H AF TS. April 13 ,- 11tff NY STORE and for SALE a 3hoice lot of de%i rable GO0 US,t-such as' OSNABUTR&S, -SHIIRTWNE, LIVERPOOL SALT, YAN, PRiNTS.' Bleached. Shirtings, Black &. White Glazed spool Cotton WATCH KEYS ALINANAg'S FfR 185,! (Miller's' & Clar'ks), together with very many other articles of .gene .rat use, which will be SOLD oi- EXCHANGED. Ap 4, tf - M. FOOT. .WANTED, B Y two LADIES--refugees from Columbia-I SITUATIONS as TEACHERS in a privatej family..' Soth a're comnpetentC to teach -the ENG LISH BRANCHES and the rudiments of MUSIC. 'Address. MR8. J. G.< GORDON, t e Caf-e of Mr. R. T. Capers, t Apr. 8, 3t. .Newberry, C. H., S. C. I Caps, Caps. - 01 0 00 GUN CAPS, a goo i English ar L'J,V.'J'Jticle,'for sale by r Mar. 30., 4-f ,B.' H. LOVELACE.. $'10GReward, Dead er Alive. R 'UNAWAY from the subseA'ber about the 1st" of January, my boy Togey. He is about " five feet, pine or ten-.inches high, dark e-omplex ion, thick lipped, with upper front teeth out, I will give the above rpward for the said boy, j dead or alive. R. MOFFATT,' Ap 4 4t T ' ' .Mpff'att's M Roads. Imp.rtaut 0EIC s Tihe Payers, TAM w pared'to, the -BACON of L'the year-1864. All" .whether pro. lucers or not) who slanght 25o lbs. nett PORK, are re4uired fiq in o.f the same to me. ' All producers who have no; aIfad ere ,urns of their .crops to -me, arft0fiff i is )f the utmost importance for themL to d .o at >nce, in order to secure credit for the saMe pou heir money tax. I will be found-at the ciee ottheCommissibu r in Equity. JNO. B. CARWILE. Assessor Tax-hi-K rd 'Newberry Dist. Apr 4, St T. 'Sugar, Sugar, Sugar. 3 BARRELS. of GOOD BROWN SVGAR, just received and for.SALE:or BARTER by ap 11 10 tf B. H. LOVELACE. Brown Shirting., y \{1[i.yards BROWN SHIRTING,just re - O ) U U JU ceived had for sale or biser by ap 1110 tf . H. LOVELACE. HEADQUARTERS, SEVENTH REG'T S. C. CAVAYRY, CA3P NEAR RicuxoND, March 10, 65. O FFICERS and soldiers of the Seventh Regi ment of So4h Carolina Cavalry, who are now ab'sent without leave, are called tipon to e turn without. delay to. their command. Many brave men linger to prQteet-their safer ing homes, or to engage the enemy upon thewr wna soil. Cowards make the same exense; but by remaining V.bsent from their pos in the army, they weaken opr strength and postpone thq hour f victory'and peace. Soldiers must promptll return, orbepublished as "deeerter," arrested as "deserters," and pun ished as "deserters.": The destMnction of raflroad, i& no, excuse. Brave men wilt mikg their journey on foot, or oni horseback, and rejoin their po?ts Of duty in the trmy. It will be no.excuse to a soldier tht .e is -doing duty in another command; this can only be permitted by an order from'the- Commander in-Chief-without his order it is a thilitall crime'., t is especially urged upon men to' bring with hem good horses. Being dismounted will sot obtain for them new furloughs, but trasfera to infantry. t .., A. .. HASKELL, p Colonel Severith Reg't So C. Cav.alry. Apr. 6, 4t. I-Ieacdquarters ENROLLING OFFICE, NEWBERY, MAH.. 1865. I The attention of fol.ders returng hoe e 'on furlbugh in Newberry District, is apia aled to the requirements of paragraph 11 Gen-, ,ral Orders No. 141, A. & .G. .0. series of I863. II. The order referred to regnires thtsolditero eturning home on furlough or oil rWj4-ug. places at which they. will stay during furloii. will immediately report to the negest Enrollm )fficer, who will keep a register oT their naime?, 'escrptive list, lace where stationed, by whom' . ' b'e furlongh was graitted and- the tinie at which t expires. - III. When a soldieron furlaugh is,at the expi-~ ation of the sanie,-unale to travel tothe Eot ital Examining oard, he will be ordered b ere he Board' of Examiners' for 4.onscripts,U. Ih oard f' th.ey thipk proper will reeommend an . xtension of furlough not to exceed thirty, daym'. IV. In cases where, from sickues or wounds soldier is unabl4 to appear before the Dfosrd of llaminers for Conscripts, he will send up to the. su-oling Officer swith f4urlough, a,certificate. f ' us attending physic' , giting a full aiatement ,f his case, which '~fcate, if approved,. wll be eferred to the Board for its action. - V. A strict comnplian-ce with the, above*gequire nents wrill be promnptly enforced. F. N. WALK.ER, March 21.12 Capt.&E .ND NOTICE Io Sualidansf IruSi??868, - UTARDIANS, 'TRUSTEES,. C0MMyrtEES [and RECIVERS, are required to nme heir ANNUAL RET'URNS to this O0fce, by the st of March next. -SILAS'JOHNSTONE, C. E. N. D>. Com. Office, 'Newberry Dist.,-Jan. 16th, 1866. Jan. 21, amo. The State of South Caltua. EXEQUTIVE DEPARTMENT, - S-CotasBiA, March 27,' 1865.f L'HRE ,invasicn of the State has rendered it proper that the Legislative Department of. he Gorgranment. of the State be CONVENED ; hat such measures may be adopted as the wel are of the State may requi-e. And for that pur ose the niembers of the Senate and the House f Representatives of the State -of Soath Carolina re heieby invited to.assemble at Greenvilld on. UESDAY the 25th day of APRIL, 1865, at 12 ~clock, m. By ti;e Governor. A. G. MAGRATH. IFFICAL :W. S. ELtIorl, Private Secretitry... A Apr. 4-0o. Cook Wantede G0D COO, .WASHER & IRONE,h . IWanted to hire from the owner. None of' our free wanted~ Apply at this offce. ' M~arch 21 ti - -