The tri-weekly herald. (Newberry, S.C.) 1865-1865, April 01, 1865, Image 2

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THEI TRI -WEEKLY TERALD. NEWBERRY,,S..C. SATURDAY XORNIG, APUIL 1, 1865.. - Admiral Buchanan, and Gen. Finnegan, the hero of the battle of Olustee, were in town on Thursday evening. - (T CaptL McJunkin, formerly of the Greep rile. Enterprise, ndw in the army of Tennessee, visited us on Thursday. Manythanks Billy for the'promised skin,, ming, but most re.pectfully decline at presei.t, yottshall have the paper 'in course,' rather than have a 'inuss'. Our Subscription List It'is gratifying to- say, is beginntin ti assume most fair and:amp!e proDortions, and has a cireu. lation, so far, exceeding our expectation, an I af. fords, a fine opportunity for advertising. In this connection we would sy, that some o: our friends who had beeC 'in rbceipt "of the -weckly issue, manifest surprise at not ieceiving the tri weekl. It is not surprising atall to us, for fay ing made the request in the previous issues - .fl who wanted it would say,so we .concladved -of course that the few who did not come ip, cared not tooke it. , We are glad to find, however, 1 that they wer'f only as'eep, and are now wakiing up. 0 & C. Ralroa 'obtravelling public will be gratified to learn that ihe energy giveu to,the repairs,on this road, - will jn anouL three weeks, as we are tola, bring it -in running order as far as Aston. The ;m1e on the Anderson Branch is being also rapiNly repai-ed, arid will be completed ht an eary day. The delay -is owing principtly to the itant of "timber, cOnveiient to the breaks. -The work-shops .at Helena, under tho. efficient managetrieut of Mr. J. B Bro)vie,. are in fine condition, anddoing a full share-of. *ork. We were pleased'with a v sit,- oti. Thursday, *froip Bon. T. C, Perrin, President of the road, i and Mr. J. B. LasSdle, Gen. Superintendent. Patit Larceny. We regrt to r c-d it, but, necessity compels vs to say th.i there arefthieves, on a tmall scalej aOUL Complaints are 6aiv made to us that our -paper fiili to ra:-h its destimnaion 4: some in rtances, atter being reguilarly mailed, or dliver ed. The man who stexl, his neighLor's p: per, ihen it can be had for the 1finig ll 01n foi three nunths, the pfice of one yard or .homZ spun, woid take copprs from a di fioct da:kie. Cres. He is meater than g:r-broth, nd ouzht, to be kitked to death by him- grashoppers. We promise tO skin 'he first rogues noUse who i~ caught in the act So pay for the paf>er fellows * - ~and read yobur own news. - The Xights i Bentons711le. Out of the thiomuasadd one,r uumois, mnd the diff'erent accounits of as many diffPrenit soldiers /passing through town, we sidt the following: Sunday, Mi*nday ar,d TuestTay', the- 1trh, 2Pth * -and 2lst,4-succssioni bCf ights took place, in all 'of which~ the 4Gemy were severely handled: Lnt neithe'r. was considered a general engage -ent of the whole streng?h. -Snny's fighting sup posed to be the heaviest. On' Tuesday. an at 'tempt was matde to fiank'and turn. our left wiig, by a corps of inafantry and a .body 01 cavalry. but wt,ich was easily thwarted. Subseqnently, for' reasons best kn'-,wn to iiself, Gen Johnston fell beck . tp the neighborhood of Smith:fiel,!. Smuithfiel is about 18 miles fr'om Bet-onsville. * Charleston Items Trhe Courer is putlisled reg~ularly, add. he -printers-are piid $20 a week in green backs. The railroad.-is in soperajion to Summerville, and niany of the old b-ands are retained. Legree Yates, Presideit of the .vigilance comn - nittee has,been dismrissed Iroma .the- position of - -Chief of the.Fire Department., Negro balls umderat' e auspices of the .military authorities who furnish guards for the occasion are adv'ertised to take phice nightly. The Courier el..ims that Ex-Gov. Aiken is a consistent unEn mnan, and though unale to op pose the Confederacy never used me'asures againstL the Yankee Governmient. * Sgaees gut your Ga ag. Some men take a peculiar delig,ht in hunting up, aed circulating. the grosst and most absurd - rumjors, and tliere not a few (of this .stripe in our midst, we are sorry to say. Nog we never liked 4these loud-talking, "onder-mnaking, gratuitous news-monlgers, we can sent them a whoie block off, as'they .fly hIere adhete wihdsen$d mass full of: sensaiion stori'es, and will give them~ always a wide berth.. The publie mind is'kept in a continual fever of excitement, and from con stazitly being dedrecd, are inclined to- disbelieve the truth when it does come. A'nother injurious' effect is, that these stories get into' news-papers, and the editors of which are credited' for them, poor fellow& when they are,ai innocent as the babe unborn. To air such we say, squeeze out your gas'bags; and if you can't~ do. better, get .some hind old lady to spin you a litthp yarn and -g- to tinni,g sokminstea of warumors. Metter=from orth Carolina. We are it6receipt of,a.letter frdm our old frient the Rev. E. Watson, from which iie make a fem interesting extracts: VV)L, IN. C. ---, 1885. MEsSRs EDrroRS :-I send _yh some fact! whiZh I th glit yol would like to know. Thii region is .etied with robbera. Their caves are in the mountains and from there they come forti to annoy,. plmder-and murder. Outllts uawlly elect the hoar that is thickest tolled with tl dentst folds of darkness-the bour nost 'cbar acteristic of their deeds ot villaipy-but theze awless-bandits have theeffiontery to look in upct the light Qftinen day and but last Saturday were prowling through oar nei,hbarhood, eating din ner at the of our neighbor with thir gun tcross tirel legs, inquiring who were utiotnist; and who s -cessionists, who. had property and who had o8t, so that they might kuow where tc find the riehest prize. -Their audacity is unsert pulo!is and their crimes sucir as John 'A. Murrell Comn1itted, and.for that robber they would havg been fit coinpanions hd they lived in his. dAy Two of the men robbed last week, were Majol eeail and Jacob Moore. Ngall lost his pistol und mone1y, and Moore his money, beds, etc. The ruffians esfped across the Catawba, but beinc hotly pursued by Carson's menand Jhers, were obliged to leave beh'id them some of their plun der and two of the r wen. While on the way tc join our men in the-pursiit, I stopped at Mr Ttes, whose life had been saved by his little son, sometime ago they entered his house. in the night, and one of hem 'presenting his pistol de inanded1is keys. Lsulrender my keys to r< mn4n, said the old man. Then you shall die said the robber, and st$ping back was atout to firb upon i man tremNing with old age, but hiS little soa qukly running his hands into his father's pocket, drew out the keys and throwing them tc the bandit saved his ;ather's .ite. The7' com pelled Mrs. Tete to unlock all #e drawers and helped themselves to anb valuables as thev liked and this being done they weilt , to the lot, nd robbing it of three fine mule- they: left it haste. A few da~s ago They killed' Miss Grant. Not having' futid as much money as tiey be [ieed Mr. Gr -ut hAd in h-s houe,'otje of them Jew his pi.sol on tbe old mnan. when 'his herose iurhrtcr threW herself betwcea the~ ruffi:n. and 'ri 'll, and received into her own body he he boilCt aimed, at him. While his daughter w:s i the- death struggle, they led her fat ay ,Pd there is little doubt tht.: they killed iimto%o. These murderers stopped for dinner, e!'rg tie fami!y to give thent dinner quickly, Q !I-ey 'werJ trying to capture the robbers wbc 1t kl od Gij; tmit, the partieisais of which he rCcited with as liudh i eling, as thev had shin they le*d her weltering in hier own brdou. NoNody in this nmutaiiious, counfry ae those whose trust in God is unfaiterizig. [From the Mobile-Tibune, 2d.} Meeting of the' LapIes or Mobtlc, \ight Ihefore L'st, ne'r'.ling to publie notice, heeans a biurge nieeting of the pa;riotic.ladies af the rity held a; .the Presby terian- Ohurch on nverniment street: It:wa~s organiized by the seetio; 01 M1rs.. erecy Walker, for Presi'dent, nl Mi.-s Augu-taE Evans' formeecretary; ad was 1(idd Pssed in anI elbriuvnt speerbh by Judge .1 W. l'urken'.- Attel- wlhich the following resolutions were unannimously pasned: Reiliziing theimmine' ce of,the per I that now tirdles ouir land, and thoroughly convineed that 1ll h6 sucrifices,, trials am4d priwationie atteftding Revolution,-are infinitely pr-eferable to the hor rors of snijugation and social and political slave rv-be t *Resolvyd, That,we, the hidies of' Mobile, do most enrnestly and cordially pledge onr snpport to the "Societ'v f' Loyal Confederates," and d'ed eate tunres rvedly our en'irgies and Tlumtence to thke ' mintteflanice of' our' c-ause and ,the ,chievn er C of' nationail independ'ence. Rsorve4 That, during the continnance. of Llhe w( we. will discourage, by exam pie, all ex travaant u' i ggdy,fe.stivities a.c not being in harmony with the~ general distress.of the count ry, md as.~not.implyimt'. a becom~inu apprecia(ioni of' :he grief, b,ereamvement, destihition adid suffering yfnimany thousands of our sex. . Resolved, That during the same~ period -'e will :liscotr.,e by onr exam;ple and~ ipfl;ience all exn enditw.ns of money for i mported articles of dress ivhmieb can lie regjarded onily as luxuries, and n >t us nec5sities andE that we will advise the bet :e'r use o[ Sunch mrnsti-exzp"nd -d either in balls or bal! dres-es-in re ieving the destitute, and especially the of' disabled soliliers.. LINCOLN's RELIGIOUs UA 'Ts.-A Rev. Mir. Adam-, 0: Phibidlphia,i ii la htti thanksgiving discorise, staten, on the authortiy of an usher at the White House, that President Licoln spends every ?orning'irom 4 to 5 o'clock ini rea'ding tihe criptures aind praying, ldud engngh to 'ue heard ii the waiting room where visitors are received. We have hmeird before of Pharisees famous for their loud prayin#. RoGREsN.-RoU)bery an,d store breaking s getting to be of frequetit occurrence in -Ma The body of a- murdered soldier was found near Tlbotton, Ga., a few days since. The skull havI heen smashed 'm with . n ';axe. The body could not-be recognized as it' had been muc~h torn by dogs. Gen. Joseph E. Johnston is the grand-son ol Lucy Henry. O'ne of the sisters of Patriok Henry, of Revlutiona'v memory. A wag seing a lady ata paity wAhivery low itecked dress 4h.bare,arms, exp'res&ed his adfil ratioa' by' saying she oztstripped the' *hble partg. - An enterprising bar-ber. in London +rtising "hgir h-ush' gbymiadinery." Thd Iu di is cyliniriral, I i fixed 'up n a shaft The head t .be bruh2d. is adjusted to the re Volving bristles, :nd in this way the Operation is performnk '08 'UARY. Dim, on. the 27th March, 1895, THOXAS CRO mer; fourth son bf T.honas Croner, Esq., of Lib cr-y Hall, S. C., aged 1.6 years. 3 months and 2&. days. He VOlunteered in the Reserves in Janu arv, and haa just eerinenced a oIdier's life when Providence called him away. He was a brilliant and interesting youth, the strength of his father, the pride of his rmother, and an ornitment'to his countrv $500 REWARID-STAiLEN r11OM ni/stahl, nine miles abore Newherry, C. 1., on the Greeville R. R, a Ba'v Mare h1avy %ith foal, with st'ar in her forehead, hea ry mane and tail. She is very fat, a'ud witl foal in ithree or four iieeks. - - '. A (o %%ql be given for thspprehension of the thief, or $300 for the delivery of the mare. ap I tf * MICHAHIt WERTS. Suga Sugar, Sugar. 3 BARRELA of GOOD BROWN SUGAR, -just 'RECEIVED aud for SALE or BARTER by Mar. 3o., 4-ft 'B. JU. LOVELACE. Brown Shirting. {0\ yards BROWN SHIRTIG,jlst re ceived and for sale or harter by Mar. 30., 4-2t . ,. H. LOVELACE. Capsi Caps. 1 4 \ 0ITGUI CAPS, a good English ar U o .ticle, for sale by Mar. 3o., 4-2t B. 1H, LOVELACE. Shirting. . HAVE on hand a large lot of 4-4 nnd 7-8 f SHIRTING. Osnahurgs, Cotton Yarn, Cotton Card, Log-wood, Indigo, Copperns, Nails, Taeks, and inant other artmcles can be fiJund by callifig at mV store. A. HARRIS. ,Match:8 t~f'ir irn 11re. Iron. WILL trade Tire Iron for two good Milch Cows arid Calves. A. RAB.RIS. Newberry,-.Nirch 28. - tf Wanled. -FROM ONE'TO A HALF DOZEN GOOD CAN.\LE-S7tKS for.which i liberal price will be paid. Apply at this offiice. 31ureh 25. - - tf Cook wadid . GODCOOK, WASBER1 & ,IRONER, 1.nte to hiire from .the owner. N"zne of your free negroes wanted. 1Appl'y at this-offlee. March 21 if TOBN1~D otie. ' TOBONDE MEAND T HOSE WHO HAVE NOT PA ID THEIR TITHE BACON. TTAK'E (his occasin to nQtiy you not to turn .1 over your Bacon to .ny person hut Tithp. Collectors, 0: this Office, or bonded Comumissary ir the field.* The receipts of any but''Bonded men ini the field are worthless. SW. W. W ALKER, (7. A. Newherry, S.".March 16, 1865. Ra'nd Saw Files. A.FEW DUZEN very file H.ANDSBAW FILES. 11Just received and for saile by - Mrch 21 tf ' B. H. LOVELACE. THE S.TATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. - - EWBERY ~STf'T. By John. T. Peter.roir, 1kj., Ordinary of .New-, --- berr. yDIi8tr':t. W THFREAS, Phebe Nates has applied to. meI i for Leta-rs of Admhaistration, on all 'end rinrgulair 'the goods and chat tels, rights and credits 'of Jacob C. Nates, late of the district aforesaid, deceased: Thee We hetef-e'to cite and admnor, all and singular, the kirrdred and .cre' of'the.. said deceased, to be and appear before me,' it our neit Ordinary's CIourt, for the said .District, jo he holde'nattNew.berry C. He on the 10th day of A pril next, to. shew catuse, if any, why the said Adimnistratloin should -not be granted. Given under my -handl anbd seal, thuis 27th day of Miar., in th!e year of' our Lord one thousand egghtl' hu:tdred and sixty-foutr. Mar. 3;. JOHN T. PETERSON, O.s.D. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. 4?y, Joh,u T. Peterson,- Esqui~re, Ordino:ry of Neioherry District.ha ple HI IEREAS Lucy' Gilliam hsapidto me for L'tt4i of Adininistration,' on all and singular the goods and chat tels, rights and credits. of Jameis S. 'Gifma, Fate of the District aforesaid, deceased., These are therefore to cite and admonish all and singular,thc kindred aqd credtors of the'said de ceased, to be anud appear before me, at our next Ordinary's Court for~ th?e said DistrIct,to be hol Jen at Newberry Court Hour.e on t,he 'ith day of, A prl next , to The w cause, if any why tlee said Adminitrationl should not be granted, Giver; uinder my hand and Seal, this 24th day of Mar. in the year of oui- Lord one thousand eght htndr.ed and sixty-fiye.' I-Iadqjuarters / - A i OPWrtarODUth, 1865.S, .emerat, Oder. Ar.2. - In entering4pon thpWOfbe. espigf bn t opentheGeneral-in-!Cbieffiefs asst hat the soldiers who have s long nd so the hardships id dangers tf th,. =R no exhortation to,Oi!2PnW and duty. ' Wiih the libe-ty transmitted' by theWr fa th'ers they have Inherited the spirit to'dend The.choice between war- and abject snb* Missiop i5 before them. To such.a proposal brAve men,with arms~in. ther hands, can hivd but one answer. They cannot barter inanhood'for peace, no the right of self-government. for life or-proper-: ty.. - But justice to them requires a sterner aa m1onition to those who have abandoned tbeir comrades in the hour of.peril. -A last opportunity is,ofArod thewtoe - ant the disgrate and- escape, the. guhMsme&,t of their crimes. By authority of the President of the Coti1 federate-States,a pardon is announced to such ,deserters and men iinptoperly absent, as-shall return to the commands to %hich they belong within the shortest'possible time, not,ezceed. ing twenty days from the publieAtion of thia order,,at the leadquarters of the departient in whi'chev mav be. Those who may U prevented by interrup tion. of communiention, may report witbin the *ime specified'tp the nearest ehrolling'offier or other officer on duty, to be frwarde4-is soon -as practicable, and upbn -presenting' certificate from' such officer showing %:omplio Ace with th;s requiremsent, w;* receive.the pardon hereby offered. Those who have deserted,to the sertiee of. the enemy, or who have deserted after having been once pardoned for 'the M6ate oience, and those who shill desert, or absent thetnselves without nuthority, after the publication of' this order, are excluded from its benefits... Nor-does the offev of pardon extend to other ti'ences than desertion and ab,ne without. permissi'ort. By the satpe authority, it is also 'declored - that no general amnesty will again be grant. *j, ano th6se who refuse to a cept the p)ardou now offi-red, or who shall -hereafter 'desert or absent th'enselves withoit leave, shall suffe' euch punis.huiEnt as the Courts may imposer - and no application for clenjency will,beenter tained. Taking newres6lution from the fate wbich our enemies intend'ir us, let every Xnan 4e vote all hi. eiegies to the common defence. Our re.%urces, wisely and vigorously em ployed, 'a-e amide,- and with a bravE artfts, ustailed by -a determined and unitd people, sucess, with 'God's assist4nce, ca.ttot, he doubtful. The-advanfages of the enemy vl bveabt little value ir we do not . permit thet to ip. pair our'resolution. Let us, then, oppose con.; staev to adversity, fortitude tostuffering, and courage to.danger with' the filag assurance - that He'who gave freedoml to ouit fathei's will hesS the efforts of thieir children.. to preserve, March 18 6 ~ 1 E. LEE, General. H-eatiquarters, ENROLLIN{G OFFICE, NEWBERRY, MAEcu 20, 1865. TThe attention of soid&ers returning iiom' . on furlough in Nevuberry Distriet, is again called to the requirements of paragraph II Gen eral (riers No. '14-1, A. & 1. G. 0. series of 1883. i11. The order referred. to eejires that ,oldiers honme on furlbugh or on r.iasing ph#es ait whichi they will 'stay during furlough, il irm uieitely repart to the ne-irest Etirolling ~ Offier, who tjll.keep a registe'r or their names ' escriptive list, place ivhdie statiolret; by whom the furlough was'granted and the timngat which. it expires Il. When a soldier on furlough is,at the explN i-ation of 'the~ same, unable to travel to the Bog )iad Exainining Bontd,hei will be. ordered before the Boartd of. Examiiners for Conscripts,Tahich Boafd if they' think, proper will .rgeommend an *extension of iarlough not to exceed thirry.days. IV. In cases where, from sickfees or wounds,; a soldier is- uniable to appear before the Board of Eaminers for Conscripts, he will send n'p to the Enrqling Officer with furlough, a certificate of hisatedin1g phy~siciamnbgiting a flull .stateSti of his'case, which certiOcare, if approved, ' II be referred to~ thie-'oard- for its aeion.. V. A strict compliance with the above require-. inens wilibe promptly enforced. F. N. WALKER, March 21 6 * Capt. &.t. O.-N. D. - . JSodiers' Boards -of Relief OFlIICE OF AUDITOR OF SO: CA. Sparan,urg C. II., March I, 1865 'T" this plade.. Ti'e Soldier's Bo.ardls of Relief inDitrits mdii Parishes with .wich there is t:o communication by mai,- will forward their re turns hv hor-e couriers immeudiately upon the re- , c-ipt of this notie. The-expenses of these cou riers will be padid at this office. All othey inpor tat -communications for this office should be for. warded in the spme way. *JAMES TUPPER,-. Auditor of S. C. March 18 STRIPEZS, S1'RIP1ES. ..1OSNABURGS, for Spring and Summer us lor-sa!c by . B. Hf. LOVELACE- - March 21 tf -