The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, September 24, 1836, Image 2

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gg~g~L ? ( From the Charleston Courier. < Cat- Jackson au.ltIic Charleston and Cincinnati Rail ' Road We expressed a strong doubt some time since, whether (Jen. Jackson lud declared ' himself hostile to this great enterprise, j ?? stated in a Tennessee paper, and we are happy to learn from the following c*-j tract of a letter, received in this ci'.v, Irjnii ( n distinguished member of the H:ir in} Nashville, that our doubt was rightly cn-i tcrtaioed. Nashville, Aug. I; 44Willi (Jen. Jackson's hui-' tihtv to the Charleston and Cincinnati ?> .i i i i./.lii.if. there is anvl Itau ivoau, i i.v m>i w.... __ _ , ihini; in it The first intimation of llic-j kind, whirh uc heard here, was that het had expressed a decided hostility to the! Road, somen here in the Eastern part ufj this State, hut his most intimate friends deny it. Th*y state what I have no; doubt is the fact, that he spoko rather! doubtfully of it* accomplishment: but so far from his conversation being hostile to the Road, directly the contrary was to be! inferred. Mad Gen. Jackson been at' Knoxvillc during the session of the Con-j vrnlion, and witnessed the deep enthusiasm i which pervaded that body, particular)' the J members from the .South and West?and i the hied and resolute earnestness, with) which thev seemed te? be imbued. 1 think j nil doubt as to its practicability or final accomplishment, would have vanished from his mind, it certainly is a stupendous. a magnificent undertaking. The history of our species has proved that natural obstacles, however apparently iosurmountablc, have been obliged to s icld to the power of "man*? mind." Who, forty years ago, would hare believed that the immense products of the valley of the Mississippi would have been floated down on the bosom of that majotir stream, and the Manufactures of Kurope and the product? of the South returned in vessels, which seemed to stem the mighty torrent as if propelled by magic. Could it have been supposed !."? years ago, thai t!ic human mind could possibly have contrived I _ I nay ntodc or weans of travelling, i?y the traveller at the cm! <?f 'J4 hours from his Marl, should Cod himself !> or 400 miles from his staffing point' When we voc what has been done heretofore, is it lint a guaranty that almost any thing can be accomplished hereafter? Fulton was denounced as a chief ical tnodtcan, yet he lired to see the 'stormy ware, rirrrcomr, by his invrntion. Columbus was derided as a hair-brained adventurer?a bedlamite ??-?r in t,i? Ii(V?.timr. he received "" lli'l Tlt^ . ..? , 'chains for rrovrn-a prison for a world* yet the discovery of this nighty continent and the impetus it has given tn the arts and science*. an?l legislation. and iU mighty effects npon the moral. social and prditical relations of mankind, hatr been the consequence ol his 'hair-In ained madue??.' We live in an age of improvement, 'l'he mind of man I* almost as boundless as pace, and the effect of its ; ?ur< rfnl operations upon the future, cannot be even imagined. I trn?t. nav, believe, the dav is not far distant when \ on and I shall see the smoke of the cars of the Charleston and Cincinnati Iluil Knad ascending to H?**en, and the products of the Soutii t 1 _.l | and n?i wnirun~ oy rac.i -jiuci m ?aj.o Mucce&sion. " OFFICIAL. ij^-i /wj,, ) Quarter* of li?e Army ) J***' J Adjutant General. Office } 3? W- ) nasi.rnglon. S<Ft. 16, 1S3C > I. The Ma j?>r (ieneral CornmantliDj in Chief ha? rrccircil the official account of the attack ma'Jc on the *21* I of August, by Major Fierce, of the l*t Regiment of Artillery, on a large body of Indian? collected at the sue of old Fort Dranr. in which, with a force of only lit* men. he complete!* surprised and routed .-il> mi 3(10 warriors, and .?:J*-<1 and wuundc 1 a con stderattl? numi^r ol them. II. The conduct of the officer* and men engteed in this enterprise, like those who attacked a superior force at Mteanopy. under the gallant and much lamented Lieutenant Colonel Hciimao, i% deserting of the highest praise. III. It is with much satisfaction that the Major (iflieral rrrurs to the conduct, ou all occasions, of the trooj?? of the regular a/my, who hate hern srrnug in Florida. agairst the Seminole*. NHhrretrr they hate had an opportunity of meeting wic inr* i ?i * i 41 t u *? ??i mi i nj'iii* "? palUmrv wt.rilix of tt imhlrr ti*-l?!; and the Major tirtwrul canrini, Million ! cp ?m . 111V. Cu'itr'tipl.iti- 111 fc.icnftrr* oil' goffering whir h llirv havi ?\ pi rirnrrd <r the arduotn dniirs impo?r<l on ihrm; n! which 111ry hare home w itii a f..ruuiili and guhmi^ion to ?li?< iplnir that rrlh-i t honor on the rharnrtrr of t!?.* Amrrirm armv. nn(i rntillc* iIiimm t.? i??c -ippr<>ha tiou atnl r.yuri! of their {joveriitncut 3n< countr : |*v oriirr of ALKXANOKK M \COMH. Mnjur drnrral ('nmmanthng in ( ftifj S. (!oon:r, Ad Aiij dm. .Nr? Ohi.p.a\<?, Sept.J \lrrim Wn Imir !*tii Carorrri With t! sight of a letter from ihe interior of Mvuo III which it ih said ttint a project i* on foot i invito the nonhorn stat-s r?f tin- Krpuhhc 1 Mexico with the Republic of Texas under 01 lodepcndant Government. The letter dated Zacatecas, July at states that a disaffection through the nortbei provinces of Mexico is great and still mere sing. an?l speaks of tlie advantages of : independent ?tnte like tliat of Texas. Tl state* who apjmar to l>c in favor of an Rili.*in< wuh Texas, are Tatnaulipas, ?>ari Lu Zacatcca- a part of J i!:*c?. Nncto f<in -'oabuila, Durangrt, Sinaiod, Chihuahua, Sonora, the territory of California, and New Mexico. Tlu? principle object of all these itates appear to be thai of forming a new republic til connection with Texas. The division of Mexico la not a new design, and now under the many favorable circumstances, the empty treasury, tlio distrac tion reigning through the country, the present sJtuatiou of Texas, and her inevitable independence, all tend to increase the probability of the project of an alliance between these slates possible. Th?* letter show* evidently that much good would be the result of the success of the design. It also confirms the information which we have given of the internal situation of Mexico. New Orleans, Sept. 7. Kareiv has our city, loo fruitful in srcncd ol" blood been marked by an occurrence more appalling and disastrous than thai which signulistd the night of the 5th. i It is painful to go into a brief review of the causes which led to these deplorable! transactions, but it is our duty so to do, upon receiving such information as can be relied upon. Since the d?a:h of Mr.1 Bru\ by (>i<|ticl, a very considerable excitement has prevailed in our city against the latter, and was much augmented upon Ids hfinfr disehareod from the confinement ..... -"8 O I bv giving bail. | (liqucl it is known. wa? first brought i before Judge Prcvnl, one of the associate justices, who alter hearing testimony, and the law baaring upon the subject gave his decision against the admission of Ciijucl to bail, who was then committed to prison to await his trial at the ensuing' ; session of the Criminal Court. This decision whether jtM or not appeared at least to he a popular one. which however is by no means an unerring lest of its i soundness. | The decision of Judge Prcral was based ion the act of iHiT. by which in capital j offences, and some other enumerated ones, | the accused was precluded from the bene j til of bail. t'pon the failure of bring admitted lo j hail by Judge Preral, tlic counsel for (?i.quel obtained a writ of habeas corpus, I tip^?n which lie was brought before Judge ! Ilermudcz, hr being empowered as a Judge |of the Probate Court, to issue and dctrri mine on surh process. After a long exaf ruination of witnesses, and a patie nt atjtrntion U? council on l>otJi tides. Judge Hrrmudrz, on Monday last, derided thai i the accused had a right to be admitted to ; bail, which was accordingly taken in the sum of 815.0(10, and (ii<jufl discharged from confinement. j It was apparent that public feeling was still aeain?t the decision, and that some excitement wa* occasioned bv is. Little however ?!i-J wo imagine that it would rx; tend so far a? to produce the lamentable \ result* of Monday night. On this night it appear* that some personal friends of Mr. Hru\. ? ho had hern killed hv (Jiijnrl, 'in company with tercral other individual*. I feeling rtasporatcd at the release of (?iftjucl, and the Judge who had hern the author of is, prorrrded to the rrsidenre of Judge llermiitlrz, with a ricw to Lynch him, or to indict somo severe punishment ; 1 U j?[' .1 >1 II |IVl K?ll. 1 They knocked at the door < f hit house, which, upon being opened bv him, ?omc individual* demanded if he vrcrc Judge Bermudcz, and if he were, that lie muii I come and go along or march with them. I One of the individuals, Mr. Bailey, we arc Informed put hi* hands on the Judge, using some f'?rcc, with a riew to get ' ei along, in consequence of which. *cjftle ensued, which resulted in the dentil of j Mr. Bailcv, he being stabbed with a sword. A Mr. n wa- .t the same time engaged in the attack "n the Judge, and w as killed by the di>ehar^r of a double birrrlliMj gun. hv a voting man passing the night in I it w ' ,,u?r Lit the Judee. Ft>oti the death jof r?e individual*. the others in front ; immediately left. The?e are in substance the particular* of this lamentable busincas, ho far ??( hare heard. That two vottng men of tine pr?>kpectk, who held a highly j respectable standing in Society, with c large circle of relative* and friend* to In mcnt with bitterness thrir death, shoult hate lent thrinselrr* in an cril hour It the?c most unfortunate and illegal inea |sure*. i? to us a source of unaftcc'.ct grief ? Ituilruit The Wa*hingtonian, a penny paper published in Washington citv, rontaim ! hi advertisement from a Col. I'ainibrou! i in which he give* notice that lie ha* til* i r.nrrn! .1 inoilc of t>re*rrring house* fron tire without treat expense. I?V pailllini ?| thern ujih a composition latel) di*m rcred i which not only flinders thciil from bciii; ..burned, but also extinguishes the llime* I llf proposes to rnnkr an experiment, !'' uinr ami plarr for the exhibition of whirl [ ari* to be nninnl by the Mayor. I o jln* etbuM, In* say*, t\s n small hon?e f will In !>?:?!: of mitcni or twenty Irrt h 1 cli j .arnl ten or twelve *i|ii.arr, painted wit ; this composition, in tho midst of am! n the (list.nice rf three or four feet frot ic twenty barrel* filled with cunbustibl r* I innlrnaU to vvbo li tire will l.r. nui.tin In which w ill herome * >| violent, that tt wi of rotiMime in a few minute* tbarrel* ? ic ashes without in the least injuring th I* hou*e?. The dooi? and window* nt* on :<l will he open, end the fire will rape witlii rtt and without; the other will lie closed, an a- within it will be placed a cat or dnf, nt in a cloth coat; one or two pound* of jm lie powder, or more, if desired, will I ce throw n on the floor when the barrel* shu is have been consumed, anil it will be see f). that the honccs w ill !?o prrfjctlv nninjure ahd also ail the articled Contained in the one that is closed* The heat shall be so ; great as to melt several pieces of lead j placed on thi roof, and to bend a small bar of iron, upon which a small plank, in the shape of a weathercock, will be at-' fixed. "This paint can he made of any color. and of high finish; il i* exceedingly durable, so thai alter several months it will be impossible to detach il exrept by ihc aid of the chisel; becoming petrified, neither the air, water, nor fire can alter it?the ??*t'i"i- nrrr it mnv he drunk vv ?i it i iv nit it iimifl - ~ with much benefit l? the health. It will not be more expensive than the common paint which is generally uscrl lor houses., It has moreover the ndvaatagc, if laid on in several coalings, of preventing leaks in the roof." Three Prizes of $30,000 ! Tucnlv-five Ihoihaiid dollar* 6 of'20,000. 13,000 G oflO.OOO All tkr above to be drawn in October. \?. i _ i>4_\ menus cmiiiu ru!ii|ii.uii ??j w. prizes in this month. and the only diflirullv will be to deride i:i which of these ! Magnificent Schemes they .shall invest their money. To assist litem we will first P'?ir.t out GRAND CONSOLIDATED, Class A. To be drawn at \S iliuingluti. Del. \\ cdncs > nay. uctoui-r i:?. Rich nnd Splendid Scheme. 1 StKI.OOO, CO OtH?, 11.310. 2 of 1 3.000, 2 O! 1.1HKI, 3 ?.f 3 of 2.3<?0. 12 ?.f 2.<KKh 13 of 1.300. 73 of |,000, 100 of (>00. Air. *Vc. Ticke:> only CO dollars. Certificate of a package of 23 uholc j tickets in this Macnificcnt Scheme may be had for 273 dollars?packages of halves i and quarters in proportion. Capital 25,000 DOL8. VIRGINIA STATU LOTTED V, CLASS NO. H For t!ic benefit of the Town of Wells burjj. To lie dratvn nt Alexandria. Va. Salurdnv, Oct. 1 ISJO SCHEME j *'25.000, 8,000. 5.000, H).'2..T.M; JO of I -.000, 10 Of 1.505). 10 ? f 1.000. 'do of 500. -A c. \ r. ! Tickets 10 <!<> ? Share . in proportion. | Certificate of a packajjr of *dM whole ! Tickets wiil cost unit Mlt) dollars. ila!iri i itnl .Iinrlnr. i r, fir .t n>i rl 111 n l)i-'n\ Mot 1l> - r- i ? i send your order." to Fortune's Home. Tnenlv prixefiolMOO dollar*. VIRGINIA STATU ! LOTTERY Class 11. For the benefit o! the Petersburg Benevolent Mechanic Association. To be drawn at Alexandria, Ya. Haturdi), October K Capital* io.tvo r?.ix>o. 3.3 i? 12 2 of 2,r?oo 10 A VTOO oi RUO. See. Tickets 10 dollars. 1 4 ?. .{ _ ?t ?c u I .1 It'll IIHIU tU .? I'JI >.| I1IIUII Tickets vrill be sent lor 130 <!. I!.tr ?.? Halve*, Quarters and II* in proportion. Orders for tingle* ticket* or packages must be addressed to J. Kylvrntrr, 130 Uro.ulunv, N. V. 30 prize* of I.OOO dollar* Virginia State Lottery, CLASS NO 8. For lite benefit of the Mechanical Re ' ncrolrnt Society ol .Norfolk. To be drawn i j at Alexandria, Va. Saturday, Oct. '~2. ! Capitals l; .10,000 10,000, 0,000. :i.i 10. :i,ooo, *..\r>oo, (l 3.000,50 of I .(MM). Ticket!* 10 dollar*. 1 A certificate ol a package of 2T> whole tickets will be acnt for Kill dollar*. Pack* ages of Share* in proportion. .' TlirUrfat II If rami B3SS--3, NEAHI.Y AS M \N V rillZES AS lll.A.NKS. : VIRGINIA ST./TIC ii I.OTTRY NO 7 For thrbenrbtof the town of Wheeling, f To he drawn at Alexandria. \ a. Saturday ? October VJO. I **S0. Si ll KM i:. 30.000. 15.000. 5.000. -i.ihmi 10 of I 1000. 15 of 000. 20of 500. 20 of 100. 30 hi of 300 At it i Tif koth 10 dollar*. ? A r?*riifir.itc of n parkajm of 25 wltolr ' ticket* trill h?* sent lor 130 dollar*?parkI. ?c?'h of nharrtt in proportion. II S: J. SYIAK.STKK, 130 Broad wnv N V O - - - ? r I'll lion Jorkcy I 'luli Rarr* i?* Tim Fulton Jockey I'luli Rare* *vil " I Htir?dav tlm thirteenth o I? I " (Mil It* III ?' MM * - n! Ortol?i?r nrxt. Hl>t ?I a y * ?* rn< p |\ro inil< "I lip.Hs. srroml and 11?ir?l tin\ * rarr 0111 ii mile lira!*. A swecpftlalic on the lirsi urn o , soruiuj dm * xftT the main rare, lor a.vldli II liorsrs lite dollar* rntrnnrr. ii.' J. J. KM II \IU)SnN. Frr v. ill I*'0ptciplrr I**?111?<1 PA 03X0 IT A 313 "i MILLINERY AND W< AJCT T, V A at A 3 , The subscribers ropcrtlullv anonticcs to their friends in Cauulcn. and the public ?renerallv. that thev have commenced the r* ~ # above business under ihe brio nl" Mrs. Daniels & Miss Law, one door above Mr. J. Duniap's store, where they will be happy to execute all orders in their profession with neatness and despatcli. They have Just received from ,Vew York an excellent assortment of mm W a t tJ ij of the latest ami most fashionable stvlc, with all other articles in their line, which will he sold on the most r< n*on?hlc terms. The Ladies of Camden ami the adjacent country are respectfully invited to call and examine for themselves MILS. DAN ILLS & MISS LAW. The subscribers will also keep on hand * - i _.i: ... v -I. an excellent assortment e? buuu-.i rmnu kid, Morocco and I'runcilc bLII'i'KRSi. 1). & L August 'iO- ? tr ('amdtn Orphan Society's Acadeulv. AN Assistant is wanted for tins institution to teach Penmanship. Arithmetic and the other ordinary branches of an Kn^li-h education. Undoubted testimonials ttiilbc reijuired, both for Literary and Moral quaiilicatioiis. Applicants, staling their terms and naming their reference* f?r character, will applv (all pontage paid) to MUSK* HOLBKOOK. M. I). Principal. (' o. s a. Jniv 1U--2.V. tf Medical College <>f tlio Stale of South (atolina. T!.j? Miiiinl / (> <-1 ii r f < 1 tl tills Institution, will ho resumed on the second Monday in November, in the following branches: Anatomy?Itv J. Edwards Iltdbrook, M. D. ?9?r^rry?By John Wujjner, M I). Obstetrics?Uv Thomas (?. iTiolcau, M. I). Practice *f Jlcdicinc? By S. Henry Dickson, M. D. | Physiology?By James Moultrie, Jut:. :M. i) I Materia Malic a ?By Ilenrv R. Frost, M. n. Chnnic'rv,?C. I*. Shepard. Pen >n.nrotor of Anatomy?F. Wurdci man- M. 1>. HENRY K. FROST, Dean. * ??il .'HI FOli V first rati- I'nlrooil, v*|;n |? tvrli .T?"Miiaiutt'tl with tin* ri-if, and a ?jnod Deck jJleafr Onl) run one scaxjii. ALSO, ! A New Iload WAfaOA sad four good llOKMvS, vr? !! lirrtV-r and accustomed lo hauling about . low it, ami i! wauled I will h:re a good Drito anv |>?*r?on purchasing the same. ( A bsrgtin ?tll be given, il application be , made soon, and terms lil?cra!. If not sold by the first of Oatobcr neti, will be wold to the highest bidder, on thai dav. i JOsKPll Ci. C LARK. Septeml?er 3--.*W tf NOT!CK~ Till"'firm heretofore rxis'.injj under the fir.n oil VKITMKH A. HuNM' consequence iif i! ? death ?>I the lormrr. \va? v?-?| on the I<t<!.r. < l M.?\ All demand* due bv. and to tin concern irill be attended by the subscriber who having purchased the entire iniert ?t of the I concern, will continue thr bu*in? -;s on his < own account. The stock on baud will be i disponed of al reduce d p*ires through the summer months for casi . or to those who arc puurlual in their pv > "enls. Country ' merchants will find it lor their interest to call (an his object is cash) and examine his slock, as hi is deli rmined to put goods to them at a shade ai o?e cost. K. W. HONNKY. Managers ol Klecliuii For kn>linn Dintritl, AT CAMDK.N. ' Hrtijamin (iass, Jaiui s M'kaitt. 1i Ilonne\. ftv >li| f A I I I Iv I*. ; rt iu i i.i/. I Kr<!. Howrn, Samuel J"*, inylur, Jolin Motlv. at- Msi:\n -s. | Dnnirl n<'thn:ir. S.tijiI. Minrlir-cn. A1 , cxamlcr M'Caski!!. VT silkci k S MILL | nfi)jhinin M'l'ai, IJuhori i urnrr, Jo*. I.orkhart. j AT W.\ON\S ()I.!) IM.ACK. T\ rc M il all \. Lt\i I'alc, (iillim Sowi el. AT (iOOOWIVS STORK. Thomas Sm\rl, William Prakrlon!. Jesse Kilgorr. AT MIIKKT \| III LI.. James II. Currton, l,n' Ihxoii. IJolaml Corucliu*. AT !-T.\T KOCK. ? ... i. .1 Un.i v...i J. i lii i 1 !( to lie j. Da I \ I 1 ?\ I I , V. . . ? I M>] Milirr. I' Tin* cWtinn tn take |?!aro on 1 lir srrond ; j Monday and Tuesday in Ortohcr. lor a ?'Member to ('ongrr?s a Senator and three II Representatives. aNo lor Sin rili and OrI'idinarv. Tim Manngrrs to tu *? I on Wed1 nr-dav in I'amden In i mint the Vote* and declare the ?leciion. September llh *>13:"'I i ?? Head Quarters, CAMDEN, Sept. 16, 1630. In pursuance of (ieneral Orders from the Commander-in-Chief, Col. Joliu Che>,mit's Regiment of Infantry and Col W. J. Reynolds'Regiment of Infantry are ordered to parade for drill, inspection and review, on Wednesday the 12th day of Ociobrr next, at the Bradford Springs itt Sumter District, instead of the 11th day ol October as heretofore ordered, the line in tic rrmly lor review at o' clock M. '1 he commissioned and r.on com missioned officers ot both Regiments arc ordered to parade for did! on Tuesday the eleventh J i.'av of October next. al" the Bradford Springs in Sumter District, at ten o'clock A. M. T'iv rcspcctivs Regiments niB extend tliesc orders. The Staff officers of the Brigade trii I attend the Reviews in the Brigade ordeicti I,.- 11> > fnimnandcr-irrChief. By order ol Brig. (Jen. 5- W. CANTEY. J M Dr.?AL*3$rKK. Brigade Major Regimental Order. ) Camden. Sept. 10 S In pursuance ol* .in order from the Com n?:indcr-in-(*fii< f, i!ic 2*?M Regiment S C Militia will parade at the Brndj'ori! Springs lor review, inspection ond drill, on y?eti? nestlay, l*d:h October next, brined and equipped. according to law. The line will he formed at 10 o'clock A. M Commissioned and non-commissioned oflicrrs will assemble the day* J?r viou*, on Tuesday. 11 lit October, at the Bradford Springs, at 10 o'clock, for drill By order of the Co!. J I) MURK AY. Ad *j itKd Reg. S C M S* pi. !? -HI?if NOTICE-; All persons hat in:? any tifiiiands against the Kstate of Ilnbcrt < 'unuin^ham. dccM. arc reoucMed t-> present their accounts properly attested \\ ithin the time prescribed by late.?Also those indebted to the K*tatc will be required to make immediate pavmcnt or Mich arrnnpenients as will be satisfactory, bv t!?c lirst day of January IK Al. JOHN. S (T.NNJNGHAM. Kx'r of KOKKKT (USNINUIIAM. Sr;?lrrnl?rr 17? U?r I" FOIi ALE. 8.000 PAIR OF Nr^rnESS&^Slioes, ^ \r "Mniiti far * tsr?*?! t \? ir. of t lie bcsl matrritls an t ! v (ai'I.ful workmen, which tvjl! ! n . ? w .>* any ?>t" ihr Kind ant! quality in :: arkct. Also Lrathcr for main. in ihr war, ? n the most rrasonatilc tern;-. <"u?h paid l'?r jjrcm or ?!rv bides, and J?*ati:iT ?P<i sinu s jjiren in rxriianjc. Planters ire respectfully requested to rnll and examine. \pply ?>ite door w Le? vv and Iltiglj^on't ^tnr?-. to the subscribers. JOHNSON & A L* ST IN. : September 17-34-h " " ? Ml t IN. It. Ar.v ({iiantity ot shoes win oc made to order on the shortest notice. COMM LTTE1) To tlie Jail of Kershaw District, on the Htli Sept. a negro man who says his mme i? ANDIIKW, ami that he belongs to the Ksi? e of KoLmti Dow. in Sumter District ; Andrew is an African, between 50 and 60 year* of age, olect -1 inches high. The owner is requested income forward, prove property, pay charges and take hint away, ' or he will b? dealt with according to law. J AMDS YICKEUS, Jailor. Srj?trn.her IT?15 l--tf Spoilin? Intelligence. A Swrrpslakc open for three t ears old rolta and fillies, to he run for on the day preceding the regular races over the Cam ilcn course, ir.iJc hrals; entrance HIIIU, lorleit ^>0, three or more to make a race: r|n?.rs ViOih of October next. Persons \ri??111n2 to make entries can do so by forwarding their names, color, sex, sire and <lam of lite cntrv to the subscriber at Camden, at any time hefore the VJOth Oct. next. JFSSI-: S. NETTLES, See'v. Jnlv 10?tf (T/^Tlto Editor of the Courier, Augusta (in. will gne the ahotr a place in his paper. until the -ibh t)ciohtr next, and foru-nrii 'tis nri'i.unt In the subscriber. Sheriffs Election. %^rIIEKF. AS, .1? 1?n NY est, Esq. the * * present Sheriff, has Irnderrd his resignation to His Excellency the (?ovcrm>r. to take effect, ns as a successor i? ?;uahlin! to ? nt? r upon lite duties of his office: Notice is hereby given Totlie Managers < t election, tor Kersltaar ,v* - - - I I . . il.? refuel tilartiii) UI Sine I, lO ??!) Il | I >M* .11 I lit ?f ? ? I ? 1'inn-. j of election withisi <:?nl lli*tnct, on Moili.'n nml Ti.tmIii. tin* tilth ami 11 th days nf October next, lor the election of a Shenil to hiu'j'lv ihr vacancy occasioned by the resignation o| the present incumbent .IOIIN J. BLAIR, Clerk. S< ptembcr III??tf notice! i IN order to <0(110 the affairs offARPEN. TKR & BONN BY. it 1 1 cense* necessary I it...1 ?ll 1. .1 *vr liufnrii lhr? wi<ii <111 tirum uiri iiii in 'MI ...w '! 1st of Jnntinrv l.->-: sic i ! ' It < lnscd fortli j willi. Tliovp inn r? i: is presumed. ; will come ft.m ii I lurther notice : i ami rotiij'l\ w it!i tlie nluu request. i: W. ltONNEA June I 1" tf