The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, September 17, 1836, Image 3

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?'?1E JOlilMI A ,: . CAMDEN, SEPTEMBER 17, lc3ti. Oar reader* will pcrceire by tbe orders published <u (Jus day paper, that lh?- -.rdcr for the drii and of Col Cut* jut s and Col. ktrnolbi ftSnnt-nUt is so Car modified. a* that llwj will asserule for r*vif* on the 1'Jlh October, instead of the lllh, aa hereto/ore ordered. It aifotds us pl?- i?u/c ( > inform onr readers that arc have this week cooclu^.-d the publirtUon of the laws passed at ih i st session of (.'unnress Our coluiuni hare Ik cu crowded tor Ihr la>t four or five month* <* till lite public law*, lo lite ciclu(.<>n of ruatU-r which ire itr mir would be mucli more interesting to our reader*, but per ha nut so profitable 'o oa. We shall endeavor hereafter lo wrrr up agreatrr vanetv than wc have been euablrd to do berrlnfiirt. The suggestion made in our la*l paper, bv a writer over tile signature of " .i I'nitr frbm the Indian Isirui, ui commanding some attention n mr own District, as will be *e?-n bv the communication Inun M t'Uizim of flat UofA." Wr anr pleased to are SO n-mnn! a reaismse lo lite iiif">r?!inii indeed it could hardly be otherwise. .1 a in >(nr nt? rrflocimn ui> bratowrd on the aubject Lrrry one tnuti prrceire at a glance, of what imnirnw importance In tbr proaprrity of Camden, it ml! bo. to make a ^ood turnpike road on the route proposed Our i itiiriu have, with a laudable is a! for the welfare ot the low n, organised a Strain Boat ('?in;4in , and will have a boat navigabng the inn W?<* coming winUr We uoderaUtid alao. thai there will be run ou the river one or two other atrarn boata on private account^ All mutt rrjojer at the plea nog proapect which lira before u?. but thri ruu?t no<rrjotc a* tlioac v; ho have tvothm ? left U? acrorn;?l ?h Mucfi remain* t?> be done \N e irr in a (air ? ji to ajctcod in ircrra*.n~ our facililu-* fin grit, g pio. dure u> CbarW'.nn. and let u* no* look al* rr ui, t?d todriTar to make ouroan ton n morr arcrtaa j Lie to our country furnd* That Camd n potirHri ! natural advantage*. aujtcricr to any in land town in the lair can hardly be doubted, and if the proper | ilr which bu dawm-d on our low n dor a not contin J u<" to brighten, we an on';, blaiur our oun mil* . out/ fviK C-ONUKESS. C.? JOII.N I' R|1'1IAU!>S0:? FOK Tin: STvTr, S. \ \Ti:. Col Jo .N (. lli'.SM T 57 ?Vf arc authorized to itatr lb-', li.e foil..mug g-aiM-mcti iu.vf coan*n;? c i<? u-? j? r i:?<- j 11'iBK of [I <-|in K'nUlirm al ti*uiii~ c!t elicit i.AWRKM:!: I. wur.wur::!, J Oil N I) Ml URAY. M M I.KVY I.RWISJ l'ATTKKSoN, JAM?6 U ILRKIO.V Jj'Wr ?.-r mth titrd ioaat<ot:n~<' W:i t: x I'.'.c in, 1-??j a? a candidate i..; , aT"...v v...- .n * t iccti^a U" W r if *u'd>'fiird U> Bt:-.: un?r ()>mhi f? H. i us ca>dd}'.< :<>i 5(J< :.Jof Kt .'tliiw . 3l '.1,. raiu.r.^ E>-w* UC *U'lKM.irU ti^a uousci1 Jtmrm VV l Ilfj s* a candidal" >-'i '.iic ul .jc o: 0;C::ia.*i > at the ea?uiO? rit-clion ran Tin ? rn'ii. i*:t *i*lh Jo'v .Hf J C Ittjii ? ll.-Jt S.r ?Willi lUc i , ? i jell* u ikV i.fu r, |1 -( Uiri mill r.<* rrqj. ; t.? aiuiou'cr im.i i.? f ID'l illr ln| 'ill rr?! t'? f. :l lh?- ??rsriri t-t c 4. m itfO bv ihr dii'Ji u! lfc? lite huikut.blc 11 u : 1 mdmm. wil!. <: eoxr.. i ru'?v SV:< IU>T. J 11 .1 I v. K il.l. J A..U1.X >N Itll* >w N \Vr ate ?uO???f ti to alatc t.?a? tLr following t <turn a:c rsi.tliilaU-a fu; M?ja; ol t..e I f il*1 ull'in < ?{.? JAMKSC llAll.K. capi- WILLIAM k jouniv.n, ca.ndidatks in laul.ndon K"?l S ? * ? 1 ? i> st r i>i hosi:. 3 ami: H ilic JlAHDsfO.N, \VM liUUGKS board if IJuuth. ( harh:f<-n It* pi. tt, I, o'clock. I*. M.?Tlif Spcri-I I of I1!! li i ||? II th I - * v ' *. ' w ?i \ 111 rc i .. . \n??. U .H * i? tli*? ulicr uiMii r In atiin i?i. i the ce<cs rrpurlril yrsicruai, 3 mure I a^ ; ilinl. i ?. - ? ..'-i ,.i i? \f rj.? I K>VJ>?. I, I w t.1 ... . ... . .... j < '-vtnniiiire >1" tlir U"irl lu?% i* t<? r? | rl f.?r i ihr lasl Uvrntv fmir hour*, t'lftrru ra*r?, t^hoirra?I white-. II Mark* an ! mlunM ' ? Il*r ?lrad, ihr other* under treatment.? 4 If thr mseg tn< nli"Ht d \ ?- *l?-r !a%. U tit ?r? iiart died. Kept. H. I u'cl<wk. I*. M.?Tin- Sprrt.i Cooimiurc of ;!.t II .nril lute |.> rr| tid ( illl I.'iSi !*? ! IV l??ur ?*? Ct,?r% i>l t!h>'lrra ? <"i white*. seventeen Mirk lltr*r dead? the .>i!irr under I rentun nt.? Of the ra*e? rtporiel vc?i< r>!;o, tlin more hate S?-pl f?. 1 ?V| irk, |* \J ?Thr Special ('uuunillce ?l llu* II ?.-?r<I i?? r? j ??ri for |!ir I ?*t tvrrnjv t'.mr l?uiir?. l<> <~i+v* -I Oliolrn; 3 w)hi<'<. ? Mark*. Vi <i a I.--O lite rm'ikrrporli'tl \r?ti*r<l*v three in??r? hare ifiril?- If?#* titer** riwuiili -r. nl. S?' >t 10, I o'clock, I' M?The Sjirrm' C'omiti litre uf t It * 11 *h r I hiivr l> n-p rt for llir I t?l Itrrnh f ?ur I' ?tirthirU ra?r? of Cholera?0 while*. '21 I I** ??'? ! c >1 I f. .1? | I. ? . . ttn/laiP Ipi nlnu> I I"1 r?l, .) Hit ?M.M I ^ II MM * ? ' ...... The cites r< |M?rt> <1 vest r rout li*** crm. S**ptrm'.?fr 1|t|?, I oVIorW, P 'I.? TIM' JSjwrnl ( oMiuiitii ??i t c IV: .r.1 It ' ? purl k?r the I ?m t*. % h .-ir*. eijjhn'?'ii of OwV'r* I i n,-, It> lihi'k-* aii'l Col""''!, tic4il O' .lie i.Ijm1) J*'" Icirfay 5 ui'>r.? b <)i< ,| 5?r{H^?r?l?c,r Ivjtf?. 1 u'?lu-k. I' M ?Th?' 3j??cii! Cv:u nitlco of th'. UjarJ 1; ?. t_> re A- *' 1 port G?r the last iweuty-lbur hours lo cases of Cholera?5 whites, 10 blacks and colored, all under treatment Of the cases reported yesterday do deaths have been returned. , CommunientioBii. To Up tLdUor of ikt Camden Journal. I perceive i the la?l Journal, a question propounded to the people of Kershaw District, by a wriI u*r from th< Indian Land It is one that I have long wished to we brought brfon- the people. I, for one, will join the pe< pie Lancaster, in a petition to tin- L> ifislaiiite lor a turnpike road from the Norlii C rolina line to Camden. I hare hum If lived on the road for twenty years, and know well from nay j own experience, as well as (list of others, the difficulties to be cncounterro in carrying produce lo maiket. . i CiUitn of Flal Rock, K. D. ) F.R TIIa Caupks JorassL Mr Editor ?Aak the 0 <?d citisrna residing between the Yadkin and the Catawba or Watrrre nr- J era to urntr and make a RAILROAD from the J Mountains, through Wilkesboin. is la train Ir, Char- j loitr. I Lancaster and Camden, 1o join the great western Railroad at or near Colombia, which will forma a aure and apeeH?- way t ittaikrl for ibe aalual?lr pr?>ducu -f the r ich and fertile ami of the ?nun- 1 turn of Rowan. Wilkra, Sorry. Irrdrll. Aalie, Caha rn, Mecklenburg. Anaon, Stokes and part of .Montgonx y. m .Noith Carolina ; and Lanrutrr,) Darlington. t'liriirrli<'ld and Kerahaw, in South Carolina It would -lao open a communication with a market for the important mineral prodoc- j tmna of the .ountaina uch a road " would br of , . , _;il 1_ mi|>iifv*iicT vn rwrr j vinagv near uairaca -mi I be inhabitant*, en luiir, ought tn be real. ua in the cauar, to b* up and doing, without further drlav Such ia the rout of MACHAO.N. j Cauidru, l?lh Sept l-3??. Kur tiir t'lauti Jot*naal Tk t greatest g<Mxi lo (Mr gjraltsi n timber la ail public work*, pnrate and n-ctwnil internal* abould be made yiehl to the aboTr principle I'iic apathy <>f NofUi Carolina lo the great work . n??iv ?pokeii of between Sou it arolina and Ohio, ha* been the aabjeet n| fremiti nt remark, 6ut n i* , riot to be wondered at. alien all the contemplated router of the I tail [load p ? orrr but a am* 11 and 1 comparatively unimportant pa t of live stair, and ; render her in reality but litlir interested Lhe | cuiId be easily ar-'usrd to i<? importance, it the ?nr-1 ?cM (inttrad <>t being carriro otfr the hillt . nav j almost mounUin-'iia country of lite Sa uda. llroad, or on tlir ur>( a.dc oft he ( <u?bi river. ?hifh irr nun ronsidrrrd the probable room s j nrrr made lo t?i?i tJie Catawba high up in Lincoln and Iredell rountira, Ihrnee tunning ea?t of I'barlottr five uulrs raal of Lancaster r h Irn milra. raal ot 1 am- ' d> ii five iiolra and tin nee ihrou^li the h-rk ot Black } it?t, on a jj? n;lv inclined plain durct to Cbarie*- | i<?n It would doublJea* be nearer to go weal of Smnterrillr. but the ga.n could be lost in ovcrconi* in 'he bills by "r I be best route to gam Lincoln or Iredell acroaa ti,e mountain* i* not knowu lu ti>e writer, but it ta n tlurmui tli.-.t there ta lumiriit ridge between the , Catiw ha and Yadkin. and the Watrtee and Ltne-h a rrc. k. et lending in the route indieatrd fro?n1rede|| - ,/-i. r. .... - - ? 1.1 * griH-ui r ir w m we pr"Un<J. f"UIU it > i, a t.ngle i tic I Or J p am in lii rrr bundled mib-*. and the tating in btidgce, culrert*, dkc w n d l>r in.met *r, a? the r?dj?e 11 acarreljr inter- , r noted bt a t*<irr cr.urar in ila whole extent "1 iir t-iip ct will at oner br Bern la to aecure tba | rati"- ?>f the t il.ii of llir \ adkin and Catawba with < linlriUiti Thi? ia a K-rtion of coo .Uj" alniotl un*n a ii, and uhillr unappreciated? lU reanurce* sre itnitM-nae. ita imputation prrat ? but ila trade l(i?n it* wciuned ailuati'n. in*i(?nif)rant *1 i.c jrcatral obn-ction South Carolina can offer i? that l>i *o ruittnn; tlic road, her vralrrti population win m a prrat mcaaurr !? deprived i?f it* beni-rncfiu \Vr rrplr ? the road ?hr>uld n?t be are Itoiial, and tin- jjrcate*l benefit In the rreatrat number tlmiM br the luiioj pria*l| ' ? lart bivr VSe ' nie?iia ?( nr. ling with lire ' Larlraloa and llam- i burg liter an nearer market, and their produrtiori* will tlie better bear lranafW*r'.aUon???r il pieTer'rd. run brunch r<wd* to tl?e mam Uunk?one .i? rn I n?? n. \ ik and \ w*?lfr, jntntlr, ?? u d p*? 1,11 *?rll btidft- ltf? t !>? (V.i'U I fr i,ii ! .; f> ; t!.r arrottimi dalit>u of tf at rili-l*. and ?? < ; j'jv tiir:r in that ?it. on tfcr intrt1. mi ill. and a( llir i.ariK- 11 iii*? b J viidruin^ l-Kr x. i,i.] if i\r a* a viaduct In Ifrd? I! and Mn k!<-uburg tin- l?-?t ol I'oat Oak and i 'iii mil. and in l.anraali-r. Krjabaw aod Sum'.rr and < iiarlrvlun district, the lonjj leaf pine would r (- <? f.ij ti,r rnu?t flirt inn i.f I l?c f^a , and which, wt'il a? tlii- 'and no I be ridfr, could br bad (or iitlnti'* P ' I M \ KUII.D?On llir Mb mM. by the Rrr Mr ! 15 r-ningha .Mr Kuri?>T 7. ZtwiLt. of butnU i ?i:lc, to M ta* A * * i t r a J Mimau < (omit a t*rii> rrthnlt if H'/ffft to thr mimttrynf Mn .imm Cisrk Dnlli ib lm?y tU tii* ?"'k til* urijci tir anrrjunj \ *lu. d 'ivn fall, ailliunl thacnimnation li t.rath In* rrirntU-** ?c vtlir A rain inuat Urvar nl illrcli"ii iicturo iff Inn of another victim, in tiir death of ,\]ra An Ci in Tbi? earmplarr wrinun an U-M n in Hanover, .New Jcrwv, pior iTiii 17*1 and .u riilr lifr removed Lo Camden, S t' aiifir aln-ica.dci! until d< alh In ll?c hope t? i<> linlih, l?i mum'Ii'ik- treble and ir< I niif, iIk ??o prrauadt-d |? make en ncunmn n \ n; u ? ltd |t no ll>r auniiner at I foe rrai tl< It '* ' I I.- "I .!> ? ' . I A'lfU-tilie la-Man* tie On cinl at I i.rtil nr? (t lie iiUir ! drat mat inn,) i|f? i a > it*i] at 'It 'In Itiliitua fr? f ? loeit irrin.iiatrd ialatlt nil *7tti Atifuit, ull. -i? 0** afit i lti?- aUJVW in a i e ma f k a Lilt r outride nee, her I rluirii jjirttnr. J a ? l ? I'l ink, rlpircd on tbr miik' (Jav **l On* iimntli . and at |irvri*rlr the Mi4 1 ijour. rlr?? n Iltolilli* . Itt line Illicit vr Ui* |w-notion of r?t? idr:icr, lh<* Uotida ol a lar j??- faroah liatrr Iff n wo t. J, >nj iia inruibrra thro* n into j arjuralr rildra T?? m?r branch alone the UK-lane hoi) prtiiir^r allowi d 01 ininialrf mg lit the ' |f>1 an kun< ol '|c id'difcd utollcf /Ihwnl rr 14 li*r? li?i?r\rf ?rfr roiiaolril Willi Uw reflection, (lull irri * III fi^ m iiirli utrdiral aid I'udld jirrecribr, Of <|lia' drvulttifl ucri-Ml ji'iab tit d?Dr to frlirvr (In iiiiTrirr of |>4 li and v?.|br hrf la ( momenta ' Mui can ?\;l! ?r di 1 ?iiinii sural ihr ami* < ( Ibe lire Irmrf ' I* Diil llialh ihr Mr aM*D/rr of <??hI'? j And alio ran m unl" linn " What d?ral Ibou 1 "I Thrdiinjf rliriaiun liratd tin- hiavenh lurtuf. ! It ma III-? I 4ll|i-i a ?"irr?end ll mi plraaeir. Wiih a 1 aim r? ignatimi to llir (>i*inr writ', |ni| witli a w 1-!I fnundi'il hnjir aahatuiri, jr|( a?li-r|i it|a- ?? her >BMn?ir a arm ' Seldom has Pa;(ii 1 triumphed vi maiitiillr ? ?.?? tlir last ? ? N, 1-1 1 1 .. i, ?_i. u iu. ii?T ?r" ii fin if ^ >' FV* tliat wilft 11??- *11 {>? ? .. Srldm, did tuanv rlie'?Usn gfaira unit** in ??nr r ? A f'"l If'"n ^,r* '% * v ana wi" r j trnt ill l??*t ?if?? n| rlifl?ti ft du ? . and v?a? n-?l ( <>f ?J tanf * IV i? ?r in r*llv ?"lli*ll\i in*-l ,ty >V'l|i dial Kjiim 'i|ti?! ( If f Ii. ?hr ? ? ava tli rn'rd lull* ni'nr l? A fa '.ul-il SimiUi *c'i" i irlH r and p lr?>ii and dii? flu 'I'll" ? rurirlirt f< rim d fur tin?r rl ? ' ii.niittrt, il?.' tilormn nt ul In* rllllrfli id l?y? . I.ll,.-! tx-fii-y>lrnt < liantira, ? i? rn f air ?n ? i h?* ti'-t in i|m ? liat r?n?ld l"f | i? rhriatrun . aim' i l.f ? all* Iwf V.toll litil?l ffi'l th'* nt a pil'ar ? firm and bright A? a ! itairn* *Ji?? wit il?*ri?t?-d t-i lirr children M.itrrnal Irirr ih'hc, nv irttrtne j; r * r # nrn'j Wn111 up n, lie r> r<<i' ? Mini admonition ?i| t'ie l?ordt unit miller tt.i >u rain tdo inemtM-ra ol am iety In tin- * n (datum* of ?ite. innlri-ui d liietui. hn ami aide qualities. prudence. Inr of order, and tnunni oof> b-oiweerifery were full* appreciated in the rir rft- of d >u?e?tic life and tea ill intcrrotir*4- A? a fhrtsttoa?nU& world. ?kt li'trrili'*, rirtjrts'e '? . lie ctck tad ueedv euturcvd esteem, and, in son* < instances, produced grateful returns, which are to)* ruble at 'Kmonsls of her benevolence and charity. What*err may hsTebeen the natural imperfection* of this character, they were all subdued by grace, and rendered submissive to dltistian principle.?' One cannot doubt that the departed now one of the HeavPnlj family, and baa entered into that rdfcl which remaineth to the people of God. Spirit doom'd no more to languish,. In tne punt of mortal wo , Freed from trial, care, and anfttUh? To liic arm* of Jcto* go. Faith, in vition, brinft before 01 Seraph* round the thron- above. Chanting o'er lhc?- thit tweet cbornt? " Welcome to the World of Love." And to earth, that eonnd deareixfmj, Seemt to na a voirt likrtbie-? "Child^rrt', Friendt! Yoer aofTow ending, K<0|nw ine to endleaa Mm* P. Three Prizes of $30,000. Twenty-five thousand Mian 6 of 90,GOO,13,OG* S of 10,0*0 Ai the above to be dram* in October. M) trirnd* cannot complain of lark of priir* in this month, and the only difficulty will he to decide in wbidi of these Magnificent Schemes they shall incest their money. To assist them we will first p?.|n| nut , aara auxog^t^tantooata GRAND (UNMU.IDATED, Class To be drawn at linungton. JM Wedoea dot. Orii-ber 19. 1^3(1. Rirh and * plead id Hrheme. gUiO.tK 0. 30.00U. 20 0UU, I |rTlO. 2 uf 5.(4)0. 2 ?>i 4.000. 6 n( 3,000. 5 of 2.600, 12 of 2,000, V6 of 1,600. 75 of 1,000, 100 of 600. Ac. 6l . Ticket* only 20 Hollar*. Certificate of a package of 25 whole tickets in this Magnificent He be me may be i hml for 275 dollars?package* of balret1 and quarters in proportion. Camtal 25,000 DOL8. VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY, CLASS NO. 6 Fur the benefit of the Town of W^lls burg. To be <ira*c at Alexandria, Va. Saturday. Oct 1. I >30 SCHEME $.5,000. ft.000. 5.000, 3.500.2.332; 10 of 3.UU0, 10 o( I 500. 10 of 1.000. 30 of KStn A. - A wv. uc. ate. Ticket* 10 dollars?Shares in proportion. 1 critical'- of a package of 22 whole Tick el* will <*o?i 130 dollars. Ilalros aud quarters in proportion. De?ajr not lo . arnd your orders to Furtuac'/tHoiac. i l ncnl)' prise* of SIM dollars. ViltUlMA STATE LOT ERY Class 11. For the lK-nrtit ol the Petersburg Benerolent Mechanic Association. To be drawn ?i Alexandria, Va. Haturd*), October 8Ca^ltals DUO I0(1? 50 U IT I 9 2 tff -2,300 10 i I 5t* ,00 t oOO.&c. . Ticket* lO dollar*. A certificate of a packafe of Whole ! Ticket# will be aenl for 130 dollar*.? j Halve*. (Quarters and Kightha in prnpor-1 lion? Order* for aittgle ticket* or pack- j - ** Ita lu* ?fiil e* m bm! lea j U?U?| in. MiKi ? 1 ? J. ttjrlvtfter, I3u Br .4iiw?T. N. Y. M prizrt of 1,000 dollars Virginia Staiu Luitery, CLASS NO 8. For the benefit of the Mechenirel Be* t . v I?mi! S..firty of Norfolk. To U* drawn i A1 \NMilria, Vn. Naumhr, V)rl. , impiUtU io,t?o. n.i-ou. a,uo. '4,000,2,aoo. -i.UW.OUiM Tickets 10 dollars. A certificate of a package of 2& whole ticket* will be sent for 130 dollars. Package* of Shares in proportion. The Great 14 Drmum ?V? | * D3S3wi*SI NEARLY AS MANY PRIZES AS' BLANKS. VIRGINIA ST. /IE I.OTTRY NO . | For thr b? n? fit of the town ??| Wheeling, To be drawn ot Aleaandria, Va. Saturday October *29, IsGfb 8' IIKMK. 30 ooo. 4.000 10 of KkiO, 13 of t,oo. 20of &00. 'M of 100, 30 of 300 <Vc Tickets 10 dollars. A n-rtifirale of a package of 2& whole tickets will Itc aviu lor 130dollar??packngr? ol *liarm in proportion. !*: J. SYI.YKSTKK. KtO Broadway N vl 1 j j 1 111 Con Jorkry Club Rare* I The Ktillon Jockey flub Knees will' commence on I huraday trie wuriecnih o|. j Or loin r next Firat day'* rare two rnilr lient*, second and thini il?y'? race one | i mile heat*. A sweepstake o*> the first and , second day* iffr tin- main race, lor saddle ' horses, live dollar* entrance. J.J. RICHARDSON, gccv. ^ etcnibcr la?34?4 ;" " ' ' .'Head Qu^'teru, CAMDEN, Sept. 16, J836In pursuance of General Orders i?om the Commander-in-Chief, Col. Johu Chei>nui'a Regiment of Infantry and Col W. J. Reynolds' Regiment of Infantry are ordered to parade for drill, inspection and review, on Wednesday the 12th day of October next, sVthe Bradford Springs in Sumter District, instead of the 1 day of Octobe' as heretofore ordered, the line to be ready for review at 12 o'clock M. The commissioned and non commissioned officers of both Regiments are orJered to parade for drill on Tuesday the eleventh day of October neat, at the Bradford Springs in Sumter District, at ten oV.ock I A. M. The Cols, of the respective Regii m?nl? ill ??.!? ? ? WW <!? MKW VlMVIi* The Staff officers of the Brigade will attend the Jieriews ;.n the Brigade ordeied by the CnraroamJti-in'Ctiirf. By order of Mfcj. Gen. J- W. CANTEY. J M Duaumdrk, Brigade Major I Regimental Order, J Camden, Sept 16 \ la pursuance of an order from the Com mander-in-Cbirf, the 33d Regiment A C Militia will nat*d?? at A#? W"-1? - r ?- w..?.?v?u for review, inspection and drill, on Wed* oreUy, I2tlt October next, armed and equipped, according to law. Tbe line will be formed at 10 o'clock A. M Commissioned and non-commissioned officers will assemble tbe day previous, it Tuesday. I lib October, at toe Bradford Springs, at 10 o'clock, for drill By order of the Col. t f* UlIDH V ? *- ? ? ? f ' wnn.i * *U I tXM KCg. BIN Sept. 17-34- if NOTICE. All persons having any demand* against the Estate of Hubert Cunningham, dre'd. are requested In preaenl their arenant* properly aiteeted ?ithin the time preseri* hed by law.?Also those indebted to the Eatate will be required to make immediate payment or soeh arrangement* as will br satisfactory, by the first day of January nesi. JOHN. 8. CUNNINGHAM. Ei'r of ROBERT CUNNINGHAM. September 17? 34?e . pnnfinrn jb. vr KJ rm OJ PA IB OF Negro Shoes, Manufactured thi* year, f the best material* and by faithful workmen, which! will be sold aa low aa any of the kind and , quality in market. Alao Leather far making the eatae, on the moat reaannable , terma. Caah paid for green or dry hides,, and leather and ahoea given in exchange. I Piaatan are rmpMiSwItp Nquwiad u? call | and examine. Apply one door below Levy and Uaghaon'a store, to the eoberri ber*. JOHNSON & AUSTIN. September 17-34-b N. B. Any quantity of shoe* will be made to order on the shortest noiire. COMMITTED j To Ihe Jail of Kershaw District, on the 1 8th Sept. a negro man who says his name ' ia ANDREW, and thai he belongs to the I E?t? e td Robert Dow. in Sumter Di?irirt! Andrew is an Afriran. between60 and GO. years of age. 6 feel 4 Inches high. The | owner is requested to come forward, protr ! property, pay charges and take him away, or he will be dealt with according to law.' JAMES YICKEHS, Jailor. September 17-34--tf Boots and Shoes. The subscribers will this day receive a lane part of their fall stock of Boats aid Slices* Par drulirt uril tterk. J. BISHOP & <U>. Sept. 17::34::* B vNK AGKNty^ C. MA'I'flfMON lender* hi* ?crvire* ii agent for trammeling buiincM n the Banks in Camden Sept !7:;34::tf ???? iTrii! For sale 60 bush N prime Seed Rye. Apply to MlAN.NON, M'GBbdi. Co. Sept* I7:.JM:::b | Sporting Intelligence. A Sweepstake open for thro* yvirs old coll* and fillies, Io b? rup for on the day preceding ihe regular r'ces over the Cam- j den r?rtin?e, mile neat*; entrance 9100, f??r-j frit 9&0, three or ntQce to make a racett close* 20th of October neat. Persona wishing to make entries can do so by fur*; warding their names, color, set, sire and j dam of the entry to the subscriber at! (linden, at any time before the 20th Oct. j next. JESSE S. NETTLES, Src'y. juiv ie--^av-if CP" The Editor of the Courier, Augusta j Ga. will give thr shove a place in his pa I?cr, until the VSOth October next, and for-j ward hi* account to the auhncriber. NOTICE. I IN order to settle the affaire of CARPED*,. TER A BONNEY. it become* necc*?arv that all debt* due them on or before the 1*1 of January laat should be clo ?P(| forthwith. Those intereated, it y, presumed, ill come forward without further notice nd comply with the abo?. c request. E. 7? BONJiEY. June t-10-tf i 'J r ' ^ ' / * I) ggggggg^g I I Managers of Electio For fienbiw Dfeiric AT CAMDEN. BeCUfmn Gass, James M'KaUi, L j^'iiuey. AT c^ETOU'S MILL. Fed. Bouen, if. Taylor, J tfoily. ft # AMB . a I LIBK.nib .1 'Daniel Bethone. 8amJ~ exander M'Caskill. AT HHROCK'8 MILL, Benjamin M'Cay, Robert Turner, Joe Lockkart. 'AT DIX0N*8 OLD PLACE. *Tyr?'JR,IfaHy,'i|eTiPaicf Crtllim 8otr' <1. ' AT GOODWIN'* fiTORR. i Thomas Hmyrl, William Drakeford, Jesse Kilg?re. j AT LI BERT Y| HILL. . | James B. Carrion, Le?* Dixon. Roland Cornelius. AT FLAT Rot K, Jot. KirklamJ, Hen. Joh Fletcher. Da id Miller. The election to lake place on the second i Monday and Tuesday in October, for <1 ' Member to Conpw4. Senator and three ' Repre*eouii*es,.also for Sheriff and Ordinary. The Managers to meet on Wed nesday in Camden ;o count the rotes ' and declare the election. I September I0:.33::tf Sheriff's Election. WIIEKBA8, J .hn C. West. Esq. tho present Kberiff, has tendered his i resignation to His Excellency the Governor, to Uke effect, as un'w a successor is qualified to enter upon the duties of Ilia office: Notice is - hereby given v To the Managers of election, for Keriha ar District, to open polls at the several places of election within said District, on Monday and Tuesday, the 10th and 11th ;day? of October next, for the election of a Jiberiff to supply the varaucy occasioned by the 'resignation of ibe present ioeoimbnnt JOHN j: BLAIR. CM. Sqrtfmbfr 10?33?if Sheriffs Sale By ririue of Sundry Executions to me directed, will be sold before the Court House in Ceinden, on the first Monday end Tuesday in October next, within the octutl hours "f s?Je. One tract of land coniiining , 90 AC R US, more or lea*, on the viiera of B?ir 'r??t Head waters of Twenty-fore mile creek, adjoining lends of Tho naa Selmonds and others, leriedon as the property of Samuel Peake alias Samuel Ted well, at the suit of Summer* dt Cureton, and others. 150 ACRES tan4, nwre?rkM on Graary's Quarter creek, adjoining lands of John J. Mirk' c nrt nl h?r< l.kl<xt nr? am ?k? ??- * .w.*.. ? ? ...? of Mary Arledge, ( (he suit of Isaac Ar iWj Also' ' 8 50 ACRES of land, more or leas, on Grar U r creek, adjoining lauds of t , ??r* and olhern, leeied on as J J?, J.*,,. A,i?ig..d?M,?u? PurehMer. u> pa, foT riHerir? p, H.p.^b.r l^C.^ S K? ?y ?*?'*'"the Conrt of Equilil al Pul>lic u<"(i,,n, before ... - ^ uuri in Camden, on Monday th# 7th Timber lKJtt, all the remaining real estate of Francis H. Lw, \ ic The Home anil Lot* l| 'On King MtrrcU thr LOTS on York 1 Street; the LOT anil part of LOT on Broad Street, formerly belonging to .CJognoU veil si mated for business; the Lota and aroali Brick House, on L?n-rent square; six or eight Lois in .a ? * j mi town eud I the kttn, being th ?ite <*f itw old biiri. yard, now m der ii. Hailc'v (ei.rr. and {i.w?ied in colli>n, o? the ferry road; the undivided hall of ? 175 Acres of Pine Land, Above Kirkwood; , 2,000 ACK S move or leu. known aa the Jumping Gulley tract, on Lynche* Creek. adjoining Carter and olhera HOHK kBd Lot iu Kirkwood Bond and Security payable ia two years intereat payable annually* FRANCE* LEE, | Adm'x of F. 8. LEG, Dec'd. j SfpifmSfr 10? 33?if Medical College ot So. Ca. Quern Street. The annual course ?f lecture* in this Inaiituiion will commence on the second Monday in Norember nvxt. Anatomy.-? Hy Wr4?, llumc, M. I>. Stngery ? By V.. Horry Dca?, M. 1). i Practice of Mnhcmt.?By Thomas Y. Simon*, M, p M\dv tjery, nuii [hitasti of Women and CkiV.r*i ?B> F Y. Porchcr, M. D. Institutes of Medicine, and Metcria Alrdi( ca.? By Henry Alrxannrr, M. DCJkanistry itnd Pharmacy.?By Charles Divio, M. D. * Jirmonstraurr of Anatomy.?By H. ^ . Crouch, M. D. F. Y. PORCIIER, Dean. I August 97?30 . LAW RLA\K8 Tor as'? Rt itiir Offic