The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, August 13, 1836, Image 3

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THE JOURNAL? CAMDEN, AUGUST 13, 1630. FOR CONGRESS. Col. JOHN P. RICHARDSON. FOR THE STATE SENaTE. Col. JO iN CHESNUT. O-Wc arc authorised to state that the following gentlemen have consented to be candidates Jbr the House of Representatives at the ensuing election LAWRENCE L. WUITAKER, JOHN D. MURRAY, M. M LEVY. LEWIS J PATTERSON, JAMES B. CURETON. ron tut. cannes jocrsal. HMCjtrrt asm ju'y. ir^o. Mr. J. C. Wrst"Dear Sir :?With the consent of Joms G. Bonnis, Ei?]. ?t, together with many Oilier voters, request }uu to announce linn as a candidate for Con rcM to fill the vacancy < cca* stoned by the death of the late honorable Ricii az.o 1. Ua.vmvc. WILL. f?. COXF., LEROY SECREST, J. B M'CASKILL. J. .iARRISON BROWN. Fob Tilt Camokm Jocr*4L Mr. Editor .?The following ticket will receive the support of AI.L I'ARTIES. FOR SENATOR COL. JOHN CUES UT FOR REPRESENTATIVES. J NO M. DKSAUSSURE. U tl I I'l l <? ? a ? WM. O. NIXON. TliO publication of tbc 1-atvs of the Union, fot some time, b.? compelled us to wrtbliojd a variety of interesting matter, which at as early a period aa possible we will endeavor to lay before our readers. A.XUlllMi UAULU We bare justice *ired a t account of a fight which took place at Ridgelry'a tni'l, near Blara t'rrrk Florida, between fifteen United Sate* troop* under command of Lieut. Hr.nirr.T, and a party ot 35 Indiana. Lieut. II. wuat hia r ay in th?- tram boat Essay ons to Ptcolata, when he arrjred oppo ite the mill he concluded to land w:;li nine of his men to make an examination of Mr Tutru' plantation, whicu had been destroyed by the ura* gCS the day previous, be had not prw ceded far Uelore be discovered signs ot Indians, and ;in:ncdiatr ly pttrcoed and orertaok them, in number between 10 and 20?ly was soon joined by the remainder oi hia men?in the moan time thr en my wrre reinforced with '?> more warriors, when an actum commenced which lasted for more titan an Hon , terminating in defeat of the Indians. Lieut- II had tire wounded?none dangerously Six of the enemy were seen to fall, and the negro who acted as guido and who understood their language, said that he heard them call sevrra) times u? carry off Uie woon ded. At aeon ?oi Lieut. 11. and bit men bad r. tired OO board the slrarn boat, end w a* under war, the Indians re-appearcd, and cum men red firing upen them. We arc authorize to announce CapL Jawrs C. Ilittt as a candidate f .r Major of the upper U?tuliua to fill ths ?acmncy cocasiocrd by the resignation of Matot D. C. Qriius. r --ISaaOther catoisn will U- found a letter from Jott Maua Town to llic Genrr*l-mClr?f oi ?' tbe Mexican Armies calhnj ca him lo wi>l in a atroUgetn whteh be #aj i* nrccnarr for the safetr of the Republic, and recommend* that the porrrncarnt be m.onued that it ta the wivh of the army for Dictator to be appointed until T>-xa> u> friinrrd Tbui is another proof of :!>?- d.*-m?iun* w Incb have been inriruin; for *ome tine {u?l iu this country, and which is Uhcly to involve a in aciri! war It baa been ascertained from some squaw* capttir? cd in Lowndacx>uHtj^4iiatCh>pt. Brail ban hilled about ?uir warriors in lua engagement with thr Indiana at ChkhaniiaU-hce iwsnp, \?ri} Carolina P.itrttom ? Return* from 17 roun ' tin [tTf, ia the Aa?*M.ii>'/, 136 Van liuro and l4i Wbit* members For Gusernor ? Hf?v *h?, (V 8 ) 7?72> Dud-*,, (W ) <C? I Spaigbt's Mi/srity, Mr. >Mr?N II ^rou>, rl ,? a! j?jr ?-n! in New York, ha* inrniihi J ' ?* Ltmi g Siar ?itt? ti.3fty interest-ng particulars concerning the bailie, and unfortunate aurf-ndrr, at Collrt'i, and tlx* a ifnonlancrt of U*r murder ?>f his unfortunate .elJow aoidwra. roai wma oor of the Rrd Hirer Voiaatcers attached to Fi*?is'? command, who owes hi* escape, to a knowledge of the Spanish Language, which made htm necessary as an interpreter to the Mexicans He was?"Uincd.a prisoner with the Opano detachmrnt, under Major Miller and others, who had been arnt with their companies tr> Goliad He was taken so coachman by ' *? Mat a ir.ntaa trKrn* he* 09. A twrmia. aion to enter the Mexican mh armor, with a *icw tonopf, which ho cfie-cW-d at Vera C:ui It appear* that on the VMtli .March, the unfortunate detachment wan taken to the oulndc of thr fort and formed -int? imc, and the wounde d dra^jgwd from tlteu lasers into !ite yard, undo: ilw*|>Ira?in g anticipation of bcin^ ird i<> Copinu, an > flora thence to tin- Untied Suit-* . tut th y ?e re t toot* forced, by tl?e unexpected icpwt of inuakrlry, on the oulaide of U?e lort, to abindn rrcry oliirr thought but that ol meeting a pirmaturc death? wiucf) in a rerjr lew tnomem* aner, mey met, apparently, without fear or trembling. Col K**>.i)i was then led forth Irout hia room, reatmg on the shoulder o! Srotis, to a corner of the fort, when lie waa ordered to mlcrprrt to bun the following sentence ; ; '"That, for baring come with an armed and t?> commit depredation* and rrrnlulioniie Texar. the Mexican government were about to chastise limi. " A? *oon aa ihe aentenee raj inierpn lid to Fa*KlHr be naked if lie could not are the commandant.! The officer aaid lie could not, and a?ktd why he > wished it Col. K*a i!? tlien pulled forth a Tama- : Me gold watch, be ?id belong, d to III* wn0, a I ht wished to present it to the commandant. The J captain then aaid he could not see the commandant, but it he would giro him the watch he would thank biro -and he repeated in broken English, ?tank ! yon?me tank yon." Col. Faxsi* told him be might have the watch if be would have him buried after be was shot, which the captain said should ba done?" con tod as las formalidadet necessams"? at the same lime smiling and bowing. Col. Fassis then handed him the watch, and pulled out of hts right pocket a small bead pu:sc containing doubloons, the clasp of which was bent; he gave this to the officer, at the same time raying that it had saved his life, as the ball thet wounded him ha I lost part of it* force by striking the clasp, which it bent and carried with it into the wound ; a part of a silk handkerchief which he had in bis pocket, and which on drawing out drew forth with it the ball. Out of the left pocket of his overcoat, (being cold weather he had on one of India robber) he took a piece of canvass containing a double handful of dollars, which he also gave to the officer. Sriios was then ordered to bandage his eyes. and Co!. Faxxix banded him his pocket hand' erchief. He proceeded to fold it, bnl being agitated he done it clumsily, when the officer matched it from his band and folded it himself, and t Id Col. Fa'm* to sit down on l chair which was near and stepping behind biro bandaged his ores, sa ving to Col. Faxsix, in English, " g'-od, good?meaning if his eyes were properly bound?to which Faxsix replied, 44 yes, yes " The captain th n canie in front and ordered his men lounux their bayccUaud ap. proach Col. Fa.nxix , he bearing tbeui near him, told Srtiox to tell Ibcin not to place their muskets ?o neai as to scorch his face stub the powder " The otiiccr standing behind them, alter seeing their muskets were brought within two tret of his body, drew torth bis handkerchief ua signal, *hen they fired, a. <1 poor Ka*ms fell dead on his right si -c on the chair, and frotn llirncc rolled inloa dry ditch, about thee I eel weep, close by the wall. 0 0 * "Twoor three days after Srnos was taken by Capt- Corono to llie place outside the fort ? here his countrymen had been murdered and piled one upon thcothir, and parualiy burnt or rxmicd, presenting a most frightful, horrid and diagosting spectacle, by which, or luund Uiat they had been divided into jour (urUn before Lhcj were ?hot, u liirtf were foot pile*, ?urroun<icd br (ircca of bloodjr clothing, ?hoe?, cap*. |>ock.rt book* and paper* ? Among the rr*t u*? the bloody cap of Fax*!*, which lead* u? to expect he *a? burnt or roaatcd with the other*." Such f?? nJ-!tkc brutality is unexampled in the ot ui -dcrn tgr?.a?d tfcirrrc* to be tignaJiscd, br the errctio ot a sable monument, on the aj?ri of tfiiich ?h*'iiid be u rn tbc blrscbrd bone* of the ilrXican .V to, pointing to hi* victim* grart**, trlhng to futuie generation* what be once had been From tiir Globe. Txla?U? DbPARrsinxT, August tW. IS5G, In conformity with th? rcnluijun of the Senate, }?a*?rd July lit, ISJ<>t directing that "during the ensuing recess ?>f Congress, the Secretary of the Treasury cause tn be publisher', at the comtnrncctnrni (if carh rr.en h, a statement of the amount of fisnhitt in fit#* 1Vi??i*!ift4 fit ilrnTt ?"i-"* * and also the amount ?wrtdin?r in the credit of disbursing ??Circn?f? lite undersigned hereby re--* public t.utirr, lhal "the amount of ti oncy in the Treasury subject to draft," n? show n hv the running account of the Tr? a*urrr, was, on llic 1st insl Vi>arul "tli c standing 'o tin credit ??l the di*bur?ing officer#,*' as shown by tb< return* received, was ?o,t?75.71M) LKVI WOODRUftY. Secretary of the Treasury Honors to Madison.?A grand nocturnal l>r<<cc??ion is to be got up at Baltimore, to pay funeral honors to tin illustrious MaDISON. The report of the committee appointed on the subject, *i\?: In tl.e opinion of your committee a noriurnnl procession i* the most solemn and a( ihe Mine time the most i*npre??irr that can possibly be derised. The intermittent jwjI of cannon, ihr dull dead i ..t !.. m_ i a ta <t._ ?.t ..e _ ??t?u?iu "| ? <?- muiiiru cru, un ?? ? ttuiUMiml t??rc!ir*. ?? ' the itirlanclmlv funeral mttnir, ?|t<>uKl all, in llic opinion if your riiinmiiirr, he unite' in p< rformill" th? ..1wq*o. < of ?' ? mighty Hrarf. i*It# a l .fcii \ . romcmciTKo Pffiar'rd lh;? lile on tlxr 17th ult , at (lir Hod Sulphur Sprrnn V? LEWIS CII'LRH, Em>. in the hist )ear of his ?gv?a resided of this place for ihf last tnrty year* " Tbou art a iuournfal thing O grate. I lit shadow orcr all is thrown , Man build* bright bower* in life's delightful spring Out thou can?t throw thrrn down i "Thou ne'er hath parard an hour S;nrr earih ?a* peopled with her numerous race In u icii lier children hare noi fell thy power Th u gloomy dwelling place. " S<irh is our mortal !?Ie, All that hare been, are now and still may i?c, ?Mu*t dr ?p thrvh'ir th< i) of their human strife And fi d thru r lid II thee. " Vet on times fb-etiiijj w mgs A day shall come who*cjwnetraiing light hhali l?arr the deepest of thy hidden tilings To ututrmai light. " And thanks t? golden faith Tlirtf i? 3. land far betiro. amid the sky, VVhrn- a |>?Mivi*frr ha* eonqwrrd Disoi, V? here Death, and thi/U shall dir. ' Ti* thrrr that we would *0. Oh is it not a glorr-l'Taming ?horr ; Wberr flowcr#udmiI ?ed,t?y raxlh s brrathinj* blow And gnvrs ?r?- dark no in?>re " IN order to pottle the affair* ofCAKPF.N TFU ?V BON N I'V, it becomes necessary thai nil tlrhl* due thrtn on or before the 1st of Jntiuarv Inst should be rioted forthw ith. Tlmse interested, it is presumed, w ill come forw ard w ithout further notice and coinplv with the above mjursl. F. AV. BONN'EY. June 1 -10--tf Jl Good Investment, Titc September Schemes adverased b< low present a favorable opportunity tc ' those who wish to invest small sums and ! receive large returns. The four Virginii ! schemes and the four Grand Consolidated i require no puffing, they speak ' fur themselves. We would only recom< mend pionipt orders as the demand foi Tickets is great. Be sure and addrest S. J. SYLVESTER. * o/k % I IWT *W7 1?JU liroauway, 11. i CAPITAL, $*111*??? VliiUi >1A STATE Lottery. C lass i\o. 8. For the benefit ul the J/.nongalia Academy. To be drawn at Alexandria, Saturday, S. piember 3. Ib36. 'SCHEME 25,000.8,000.5,0.0,3,500.2,322,10 prizes of 2.000. 10 oi i.500 10 < f 1000, 10 of 50.i, 20 of 4j0, 20 of 200, 35 uf 150, Ac. Ac. Ac. ! Tickets 610.?Shares in proportion, j Ortitfcalc of a pickaxe of 22 whole I tickets will be sent for $130. IX lay not to *< nd you orders to Fortune's Home. 50 prizes of 01,000 VIRGINIA &TATE &OTTmtT Class ifo 4 For the benefit of the Town of Wells, burg. To be drawn at Alexandria, Ya Sa'nrdav, September 10 1&36. S( H .VE. #30,000, ft"" """ .-? iui . rt^. a * in 4% rr a n rAM ??JU,UW. 1U,UU , t),UUU. O.MU, I>,V.-U, *^Ull 2,00.?, 50 f 1.000, 20 I.| 5t0. 20 of 300, i Tickets 10 dollars. A certificate of a package of 25 whole tickets n il) be sent for 130 dollars. Pack ages of halves, quatcrs and eighths in proportion Grand Consolidated LOTTERY, CLASS JS'O. 37. To be drawn at Wilmington, Wednesday September, M. SCHEME. 20.000. 10,000, 3.000, 2,tOO 1,230, 20 ol j of 500, 20 of 300, 20 of 200. Ac. Tickets only 5 ilnthtiy. A Certificate of a package of 25 wholt tie! ets will be sent f.?r 65 dollars.?Park ages of shares in proportion. 'List: aits:,it I I Drawn \nmher Scheme, j Nearly as mmy Prizes as i Blanks. 1 VIRGINIA STATE LOTTERY. CLANS No 5 For the beurHi of the Townof Wheeling .To be drsu-n at Alexandria, Saturday, September 17, 1836. Scheme. Thirty thousand dollars. 6,000, 5,000, 4.000, 10 of 1000, 15 of 000, -.30 of 500, 20 of 400, 30 of 300, &c. Tickets only 10 dollars. Certificate of a package- of 25 whole Tickets in this Magnificent Scheme may be had for 130 dollars. Packages of shares in proportion Mammoth Scheme. VIRGINIA STATE LOTESRY. CLASS No. 6. j For th? briielil of the Mechanical BencYo* j lent Society of Norfolk. To be drawn at Alexandria, Vs. Saturday, Sep. *24, 1830. CAPITALS. 30.000 DOLS. 30,000. s.nO , 4.1M>, 3.000, 2,50't 1007 12 100 uf ltKkt 10 f 500,20 of 300, &4 of % & *), Ace. dr. dec. Tickets 10 dollars. A certificate of a package of whole Tickets w ill be sent for 130 dollars, shares in proportion. Orders for single Tickets or packages must be addressed to S. J. SYLVESTER. 130, BltOADWAY, NEW YORK. " COMPANY ORDERS. Bent No 2 I surer Battalion. AN Election ir ordered to bo held at the Court House, on the first Haturday in September lie*!, for first Lieut, a d Hosier? P ll? oj.t-n ln?m II o'clock, A. M, till 3 o'clock, P. M Managers to count the rates and declare the eletion. MARTIN M'DOWALL, { ii. BENJAMIN IIAII.E. 1 *' J s STEWART, Captain. August 1?20?tf I ?1?? 11 I I I J I ? Virginia State Lottery, ,; For the benefit of the town of Wellsborg. jj CLASS No. 4 for 1836. . OBA'Wrf; I! To be drawn at Alexandria, Saturday, Aug >, 20 1836 BOSS ISM. 'j ] prize of $30,000 10 prizes of 1,000 1 1 " 15.000 15 600 I 1 * 6.000 20 " 600! 1 I " 6,000 20 " 400 1 ? 4,000 30 300 i ii o nnn t tn tt nrn 1 1 o.uw w 1 " 2,500 50 200 1 " 2,000 70 " 150 1 " 1,900 100 " 100 Whole tickets 910 halves $5.qoarters 250 To be bad at the Managers' Office, j 96 Broad St reei Charleston S C j I intend applying for a patent right for a plough, which 1 bare invented on a new | plan, and will have some of them for publie exhibition in csmden, in the latter part! 1 of October next, the names of which are the new invented mother's truck plough PEA HEN, and planter's plough, % n AAomt?D nuuo i jcjiv, Samuel j. boatner. August 6 ?28 atotIce ' Beat Company No 2 will parade at the ' usual muster ground on the first Saturday in September next, armed and equipped u the law directs for*drill. ' Percys who hare not enrolled themselves are required to do so on that day or ' j previous. & J. 8. STEWART Csplain. August 1-29-tf. NOTICE. The Subscribers hare this day associated their interests in the /Factorage,and General Commission Business, and will conduct the same under the firm F of ROBINSONSdt CALDWELL Edmoo : siot?'s wbarl. \ JOHN ROBINSON & SON. JAMES M. CALDWELL. The firm of John Robinson dt 8on, will be continued for ihe sciilcmcni of tbo affairs of the concern. Charleston August 1-29-J j LOST7 A box (pine) about 2 feet long and 20 or 22 inches in depth, marked on the top with red chalk "Rev. J J Dubose." ft tree left at the Stage office, in Camden, (M'Adams* Hotel, I beliece) and by mislake, probably, taken from there, i A suitable rewrnrd will be gircn for its ;delirery to Rer. J. Wilhcrspoon of Cam' don, or for any information concerning the said box addressed to the subscriber at Darlington C !L JULIUS J. DUBOSE. ' j August 13-29-c Sheriffs Sale. By virtue of Sundry Execution# to me directed, trill bo sold before the Court f House in Camden, on the firvt Monday in September next, within the usual hours of 1 sale, One tract of land containing 90 ACRES, more or less, on the waters of Bear creek. Head waters of Twenty-fire mile creek, adjoining lands of Thomas 8almonds and | others, levied on as the property of Samuel ] Peaks alias Samuel Ted well, at the suit of Summers & Cureton, and others. /. C. WEST S K D August 13?29?if NOTICE During the absence of the subscriber from catnden, Mr A. Burr is ray authorized agent WM W. BOWEN August 13-29-if NOTICE. MR. A. BURR is our authorized agent in caroden. C C CAMPBELL Sf CO. August 13?29?if < OMM1TTED To the Jail of Kershaw District, a negro roan, who calls his name BOB. ? ' and sayi he belongs lo a man by the name I of Orinand Woodward, living in /Airfield District, a bore Winnsborovgh. said Bob i is about thirty years old, fire feet 8 or 0 inchcsjhigh. The owner is requested to come forward, prore property, pay charges and lake him awiv. JAMES VICKER8, Sailor August 13?2*?if SOUTH CAROLINA SWJB1EB BI8TB1CT. Jeremiah Pitts applicant, I TS. James Branson, Joseph Branson, Miry Branson, (wife of Isaac Branson, Jnn'r; dec*d,) Mary Branson, (wife of Daniel Branson dee'd) Benjamin May, William [ Wilder and Mary his wife, the children of ! Daniel and Margaret Hollady, J. J. Bran' son, Washington Brunson, James Branson ; and Sarah Beers, children of Mrs. Banister, John J. Banister, and children, of Snsanah Banister, dee'd. children of Daniel and Mary Brunson, children of Jeremiah and Volentine Pitts, and children of Lemuel B. Davis, and Matilda his wife John M. Dorgan, guardian adlitem for minora aeiendanls. * IT appearing to my satisfaction that Mary Branson wife of Daniel Branson John Banister, Daniel Hollady, the children of Daniel and Mary Branson, alsothe children of Daniel and Margaret Hollady, James Branson, and Sarah Beers (and others if any) of the Jegal heirs and representatives of Isaac Branson, SeflV dee'd Reside without this 8tate. It istherefore ordered, that they do appearand object to the division or sale of the real Estate of Isaac BrunaoaSenV on or be-'' fore the first Monday in octobei next, or their consent to the same will be entered^ of record, nrti rfitf T nwrta niiiiii/i.n iiCinio, Ordinary & D. July 30?27?h PROPOSALS TIT ILL he received " until the 1 M September next, for fumishiogma-, terials end building a Parsonage House, of the following dimensions, vir one story high, 2 feet from the ground, 20 by 45 feet 14 feet pitch, 4 rooms oo the ground floorr % and 2 in the garret, 4 hre places, 9 doors, 1q windows and shatters, 2pigsas, plaster- *4 ing, painting, brick-work, naile, hinges, &c. &c included. The whole. a A U* ? ?. wl ? ?f J iv vv uiniiicu in ex jiiaiiif vu^ ucai auu whim;, * roan like manner. Lettrrseontaining pr> Stalf moil be addressed to the Ret. C. P. liot, Fallon pontoflice, Clarendon. July 23-26-f JEJ-The Columbia Telescope and Char^ leaton Courier trill please give the above three weekly insertions and forward theirS, accounts to the subscriber for payment. notice. / DCRIHG the absence of JOHNC. WEST\ Maj. A. R. Ruffin is an1 thorized to collect the debt# dfee the late firm of J. M. Niolon A Co. V % J. BJSIIOP. July O-fM-tf . _ - v ___ notice. tub sunscrtoer trcg* leave to tntpra^ his friends and customers, that baring T purchased from Mr. A. CATONNET, his entire stock of merchandise on rerr liberal terms, and added his own to it?he has remorcd to that well known stand, corner of Broadand Rail edge Streets, where, preparatory to bis laying in an entire new supply he will continue selling DRY GOODS, FOR CASH, AT COST, AND GROCERIES, WINES AND.; CONFECTIONARY, on very reasonable terms. From his customers, and those of Mr; Catoxnet'n, he solicits a continuance of their liberal patronage, which he hopes to merit by close ettcntion to business, and> a firm determination, to sell GOODS cheap. W.J. GERALD. April 9-11?ifFresh Cordials?Just receivedRaepberry and Lemon STRUTS, Syrup of Ram, Crane de Rae, Pink Lemon 8jnp, do de Citron, Ratafia, do de Orange, Cnraooa, Parfkit Amour, Create de Nor*a, Hoile de Veous, do de Moil, A nine lie, For tale by Oct. 17. H LEVY. LOOK AT THIS. MK WILLIAM CLAIBORNE, a boot Uie year 1816 or 1817. removed from the County of Amelia, in the State ofVjlS ginia, and settled in some pm of North Carolina; since trtuch time, his friends have not heard from him or been able to asccrtain the place of his residence. A Legacy beaueathed to him by his wife's father, John Bagby, will become payable the 1st of January 1837, and the undersigned Executor of the Estate is anxious that he should come forward and receive it; and that he, in the mean time, do advise the undersigned of the place of hi* residence. If Mr. Claiborne is dead, or has removed from Carolina, his surviving relations or any other person who can give any information concerning him, or his descendants will confer a favor on the undersigned, by communicating sucn lntormaiion by letter directed to him at Kanawha Courthouse, Virginia. TH08 MATTHE8. Ex'or June II NOTICEMr. A. Bur* will act as my agent during my absence from the state. E. W. BONNEY. July 86.?If LAW BLAAKS For sale at this Office.