The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, July 09, 1836, Image 3

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THE JOURNAL.: 0AMDESTmV a. ligu fl YSeveral communications intended for this day'i paper, came to band tow late for insertion.? We again notify oar contributors that Tuesday is the day on which all shatter intended for publication must be rcceired. THE FOURTH OF JULY. Early in the morning the firing of cannon announced the approach of ibe birth day of a great and grateful people?part of which was solemnized ta toe Mouse ot Uod by an acknowledgment ol our obligations to Hj* in whose hands is the destiny of nations. After Divine service, many ofour citizens both of the town and district, convened at Cool 8pring, where they partook ol s sumptuous dinner given to the Kershaw Volunteers, by tbeir gallant commander, Col. Jonx Chcsfct, whose polite invitation afforded us the gratification of being present, where we witnessed, with the most pleasing emotions, the desire on the part uf all to unite in feeling and sentiment in doing honor to these to whom honor is so joslly doe. The regular toasts we have not been furnished with, and therelorc leem it inexpedient to publish part of the volunteers drank on the occasion. RAIL ROAD?MEETING. ! i ft is stated that r.-vcn Rail Roads meet at the village of Syracuse in the western part ol New York, in the oat skirts of which forty-two acres of land sold for 42,000 dollars. Wr have seen by a late paper that ?t a meeting of the German Jews, held at Hamburg, on the 21st April, filcrn hundred gmden Napoleon's were collected for die purpose of purebssiog a service of plate for toe celebrated Irish Orator O'C'onttL, as a mark of gratitude for bis able advocacy. In behalf of tbe Jews, in the British Parliament. We want no better evidence to prove O'Cosscu. a christian GOING All BAD. Or. Ljuoseb, President of tbe Southsrark Literary Society, in a Lecture delivered before tbe members of that Institution on the subject of Rail Roads, stated that be bad lately travelled at the rate of 60 macs an boor?that the machinery u cotnpentmt to accomplish with a sufficient power of steam from 70 to 00 in an hour, and that the whole distance of the Birmingham Rati Road, which will be when completed one hundred and twenty miles, will be traversed by the passenger , cars in one hour and a baif. SURPLUS REVENUE. The bill lor tbe regulation of the public d?-po?i:es which has passed both Houses of Congress has received the signalo.c of the President and has consequently become a law. Tbe mode of distribution will be lound among tbe acts published on another page of this day's paper. GEN. SCOTT. This distinguished officer has been recalled from tbe south. This measure is thought lobe necessary tram uc asrrrv munf ciuuog aciiT<*a mmicu 1 and Other officer* ia the srrtice. ADJOURNMENT OF CONGRESS. On Monday last, this body, by jaint resolution,' 1 to hare adjourned. In noticing U?c day tjw j painted Cjt adjournment, an editor at ICchmonu, | ays: *' flee tkel day been fixed njv?o by that nUr ?<? ' WKmbijr to gild the eW of the moot uupotrnl, ' acrrilrytld disgraceful kwciq U?a'? U*c countrv ever;1 saw." " ! i One migki suppose that U?c Congrrwof the Urn* | ted Stale*, were, to reality, a mere automaton in the j < hand* of the Executive, bat for the he!, thst if; < they were *o disposed, a/mcst an jr thing could be |' made into a law ia despite of the Executive and ail , his officers, whore concert would be observed, and ' coaaeicacc thrown aside. Yet in this land of free- J dots, where every one baa a right to form an opin- j ion for himself, and act accordingly, it cannot bo j supposed, either that Congress is "servile" to the ( Executive, or " disgraoefol" to the country?only jj so far as it may adhere to the true letter and spirit i of the Constitution, and opltold the Executive of- ! freer in the fhithfu! performance of bin duUes to Jti?; conotry?and thus fiuatrato tl.-c wild and danger- { out theories of apostatised and defeated politician* . 1 Independence bec...mea "servile and dirgtaccfut" | in the eyes of torn* if the course adopted , ) should happen to be contrary to tlrir panicoUr at- 1 price?this is the case in the present instance. Again, in lite next paragraph of the saute Article, c ere find the following beau Ufa! nwrwsa ** Con(Tea* has been in session a, ward* of six (?! tnontbs, at an expense to thecounUy of near half a; million of dollars. What bu it done; .f^pracma- * ted, says the Telegraph, for the era coast, ana the * payment oi leases sustained by the fire in N? w 1 York 1 Nerer did so many great and vital ?,ijpcu 1 press for the early consideration of the National 1 Legislature?the new model of the Post Office, the c regulation of the DrywitM the Pobln* Lands, the r disposition of the Surplus Revenue, the intrestigs- 11 tiou of Ibe notorious and nefarious ny dee da in t he " diplomacy ol Whitney and the 1'et Hank*?these J' and many others demanded prompt and decisive lr- ' gialation.'' J * We would aak who has dane so ranch to prolong j, tlic present session of Congress, and dcfi-ai every li important measure before that body, as Hx?bt A. v Wise? The whole Via Bi/rrs party has not; * done as much to the " iuzratt" of the country as a thai single individual; and yet poor Vas and his J' friends must answer for the siu* and tollies of the ! L opposition. " O Shame !?Where it thy blush i" And as a dernirr notice of this body, the rcry j learned editor say* : i A w.i ..r .. _ .j r . i -I *,r i ? ?^? W? Ml. li CUIU^PWU ll'l Ulf WW* VI J shallow, btaw hug Jackson demagogues, ?l>o I???e ; atUiocd (Kit by glorifying his ititiif, nu<i it the d coaclaiMC" 3i *tw r congress. >aal careei, Iijjw to b hare purchased office by their unlimited aubsenicac7 to his will. Wo only vc?*h thai this was the H jasl *aa?on ot tl?o pt?*-?nl (Jongreii#, end that the : 4lli of July f1* to wiUiess not merely their tcinpo- f< their final dispeiwon. 8mbed the sailor was not better rehered from the burthen <>t the old , ?! man of the s?ea, than would be the country from the 8 legislation of an assembly of federal minions and ! slavish pirtivni, whose rule of action is the jmhi j ^ pleasure of an arbitrary chief, intent upon timing J his authority to % fiTorite. and the tendency oj . who** measures hat an invariable direction to federal supremacy and consolidation." Farther comment is unnecessary?this language cannot be misinterpreted. From the National Intelligencer. JAMES MADISON la ?o aotti! The last of the great lights of the Revolution, the brightest of those great minds, which, like the pillar of fire of old, conducted the American Israel through the trials of the scarcely less important era following the Revolution, and gave to his country the repose, aecurity, and hamuness of a wise, regular, staple, and consolidated Government; this Eurc and Icautilul and oeiiign iigm naj at lasisuna plow the horizon, and .? quenched lorerer in Una world. Glorious indeed has born its long roarer, and though no more to be seen, it has left a radiance in the firmament at which his country will long gaze with admiration end gratitude. For more than thirty years, the name of Janus Man so* has, more than that of anv other living man, been associated, in the mind of United America, with the principles and the fabric of our Government. He was the principal architect in its construction, il he did not lay its comer stone.-? He lived to sec it endure many trials, survive great dangers, and to promise endurance for ages lie died on the of Tuesday, the 2?lh of June He was born on I ho lGlh of March, in the year 1751; and was o! course, whrn be died, of the patriarchal age of more thau eighty five years. His end, visibly approaching for some days before, wssuch as that of a good and great man ought to be. His faculties undimmed till his latest hours, be expired without a struggle, free from pain, tree from regret, and front cause of reproach. From the Washington Globe. GENERAL ORDER. Kitv I) r ? a r?rr ) ""June 30~ I&J6. $ 7 tJu Ojfctr* of tk .Vary and Mann* Corf*: The I'leaidrnt of ibc Cnitrd Slate*, with deep affliction, announce* to the Nitj and Marine corps the death of the illustrious ?Uteaman and patriot Ja*M Machos, latrl'residrnt of the United State* who died at MontpcHcr on the morning oi the inst As a testimony of the high arnac of feeling for the lock which oar country bu sustained in the death of thia great and good man, and in which the Nary and Marine corpa participate with the whole American people, the {'resident direct* that funeral honor* be paid to him by the Teasels of the navy in our own and fbrcigu porta, by wearing their colors halt-inzat, lor one week; that twenty one minute gun* be fired at each naryr yard and in all public vessel* in commiaaion, at Ix o'clock, M.. on the day after this order shall be rrceirrd; and that the officer* of the >ary and Marine corps wear crape on the left arm fur six month* MAHLON DICKERSO.V Communication*. run nit cia?t> iot-axAL. Mr. Editor?-In a communication signed. "Ma- \ tiy good and trut c-.en," it appears that f bare been, nominated as a candidate to represent the district at the cruroing election. With due reaped, I most beg Irarc (through llie medium of the Journal) not to be considered as such. J. C. UA1LE. rcn rite ctxpc.v jovn.%11.. Mr Editor: I ob?rrvc by a communication in your paper of the iiolb nit. that 1 bare been proposed "a? a suitable person to rrpresent our election district in the U- S iVnjtru. ' To who hare conversed or communicated, citli mc on the subject, 1 have already made known that 1 should not be a candidate for Congress at the approaching election. As, bowerrr, 1 bare been proposed in your Journal, I ask the suae medium, through which, with doe rcsnect to those n ho suggested my name, to decline bring on eon mdcred. HLA.NKLIN I. MOSES. roa rni cisats tov oil. Mr. Krurofe ?The dcpositr bill, as it U called, having Iwcome a Un? , and the sum of money to Which each stair, according to its provisions vr.dlj tie entitled. being supposed lobe rrry considerable,; it becomes an interesting question, 1st, whether' South Carolina srtll irceire the money, and lid, n Ul shall be tUn.e ?ilh it if site dors f According to my own opinion, not new, hot of long standing, the Federal Treasury never should have been in such a situation as to render ntcciwa rv the toeaaore above stated. That coarse ot policy on the part of the General Government which produces p.-ctmiary plethora is utterly erroneous, if not unoonstilulional, because it results from a rcale of duties which takes moor - out of the pocket; >f the eititrn for no wise and legitimate purpose.' I\?o much money >s corrupting to a government in ' i greater degree than to an individual Alt history leaches the doctrine, and our own experience fur? itahe* to my mind the same testimony. Bat ibo money is and will be in the Ticasury.and however mpropcrly and erroncooaly there, it most he dieward of. It is better in the hands of the stairs than aider the immediate and perpetual control of the fuvernmeat of the United & talcs, executive or legislative, whether through the agrney of the pel ranks, as they are called, or otherwise. In tl?* Later situation, while it will enrich private corporaions and become a fond for grand electioneering lurpovrs, it taever subject In the hasards of bring o?t, and will not antwrr tlx we purposes of genera) ouvenience in promoting the cou niercial prospertyoflhe whole country, which it might to subena f ?? 1st low. ,.f a.L..^ Mat I " ????'? U| UUI JP'IMMW?MV?| J ioo?inj, it th<* gome time, that we shall nrtn get. he full proportion u? which we are entitled accorling to the ratio of our conttibutt n it is not tin- J ike hall the otbr: measures oi government, a] hoicc of evils 2d. What shall be done with it * 1 nggrrfffcul tot in a dogmatical temper, that the greatest bene* it will result, and it will be more equally and uai ' rrsaJIv distributed among the people of South .'arolina, by placing the lund in poaaeaaion of the, lank of tlie Stale of South Carolina. Through' he mother Bank and her branches, (he greatest mount and the widen distribution of banking fa* ililies will l>c afforded to the people, and wbatev* r may be the income will be in ibe public trraaury n aid ol Lairs, or as a substitute for I. em, in aid; f the means of paying our public debt, or subject r> appropriation* lor public and general purposes, ['he Bsnk, likrwm, "'ill lure always the most con* enient meant of meeting such requisition* of re* ayroent as may be made, if indeed any be ercr rude From the present scale of revenue, it is not ikrly U?at I .e government of the United Stair* rill ever h re occasion to ntakr such requisition lor! ny honest purpose, except in case of war I submit the above merely to invite a comparison . f opinions among those who think upon the subret. Ithuuidbe ha, py to hear of a better nlanj Iwn mine. CAMDEN. row tiic citves jotmxxL. Uh July, 1K1G, Sumltr Diilf id. Tlx* neighborhood about the Clarendon Orphan'*; kradcuty dined togrtbrr; Judge Richardson and . Dyon, E*fj. prr??diiig. An oration, in tin* proper spirit of the dar, wan.' rlivoted by Doctor \Y. L Feldcf, tlic following I Mat* drank: _ j' I- Our glnrimur futon--it Inn doubled the itatr*. ran^d oni population, Irom three to fiArc n >iltion>>, and increased our wealth an hundred >!d 'J. Tit (onflitvtion of iht Vmitfd Statrr.?The lieet anchor of the t'niofl, and guarantee of I ute Right*. :* The I'ri rid tot of ihr I niitd Staffs.? Great in j rar, *j??r?,-?us and firm in peace I TUt dot* nor of &rytft l 'urolinc.?Zej'od*. igdant and f!U 1 c r- * 5. The Ccngrts* of tie Vnded Sutej.?Moreoi the Spartan ia their speeches, and leas of the Turk in their Nations. G. The Volunteer* to Florid*.?They command our thanks, and raise high the patriot's pulse. 7. 7Tke independence of Tcuu.?With General Houston at their bead. a Party Strife.?Its cause has ceased; let justice bare her turn; and the only questions be. 44 Is be honest?" 44 la be tahkfol to the Constitution?" 41 is be qualified?" j 8. Southern Cotton, end Morthern Commerce.? , Supporting and suppoitrd, ther grow together. 10. Southern Institutions.? fbey baffle all aa sanlts, and derive rigor Iran every inrestigalion. j 11. The memory of Ricmabo 1. Masbiso.?A son worthjr of Uan-nce Manning. His conduct and integrity won tbo confidence of bis country, and left bis death lamented by all who knew him. 12. Henry L Pinekuey.?tit baa aimed right, and shall bare jnstke. 13 I reman?To man, as the Union the 8tates, interwoven as oir other-sell. 14. Jhlonsas and Michigan.?From the extreme South and the North, t'tey ccmc equally welcome to our common heritage. 15.? The memory of General Sumter.?He was all came ?n<: good, tits merits rf??*iojpitth the District of bis name. 1C.?The memory of Colond Thomas Tartar.? lie was the pattern of s worthj man, sad s patriot. 1? ?Tit Charleston omd Cincinnati Rail Hand.? Let no petty jealousy arise, in the intermediate coarse of tins peal enterprise. 18?The Judiciary.?Faithful coder any modificauoo. 19.?The Prophet*.?Cu*r,t aluou*, and W asms, against Jacksos. Has the removal of be , Deposites, or the Veto on the Bank bill, begfared | the country ? or, have we forty millions of surplus ' money, to raise op other Prophets ol Evil, out of good ? 20.?Tit French.?A little sick of indemnities, ' bat true to their bond, without mediation. 21.?The Eludith Government -They have been liberal in the Picnch squabble. Let them be respected. 22.?The South American PejmUke.?We fear their changes may be less republican. 23.?Santo don-Ai Hocsvos has taken his horse, saddle and bridle, let him run but upon him. { 31.?The Seminole ami Cteek War.?Where sleeps the sword of 1814 ? 25.?-1he laM hat haft this ftar.?K long fall, growing consumption, and plenty of the ready for short staples sod long cottons. Jackson gold, or new bank bills?all oome alike,44 if eamd to spear my dear " 20 ? The States.?" Increase and multiply." This last butb presented twins, but what father of the . land, would cry oat stop! Commercial BrcorU. Revised and corrected Weekly.?Jala 9 Cotton, 14 a 17 50 Corn, 90 a 96 Wheal. I a 1 37 ! Floor, Camden MUis, *10; cotmliy 8 DO a 9 SO i Fodder, ' 1 M ' Bacon, 14 Whiskey, 35 a 40 COMMITTED % r?10 the Jail of Kerahaw DitJlSk JL trict, a Mulatto girl, who wfkJa calls her name Matilda. 8he it 0about 22 years old, 4 feet- high, and taya the belongs to Richard ?BB&Ward of Edgefield District. The owner it requested to come forward, prove hit property, pay charges and take her war. JAMES VICKER8. Jailor, K. D. July 9-24-tf. * 4 SOUTH CAROLINA sr?mr,Rdistrict. Jr ft XHEKE wet committed to the ft Jail of Sumter District. on tho 28th ult. a likely yonng negro man, about 6 feet nix inches high, possesses an intelligent countenance and manner of speaking, seems to be twenty years of age, says he waa raited by Benjamin Btanehard of Williamsburg District, and passed thro* various hands into those of Bcnj. Greenwood, of Baker County, Georgia, from whom he ran away about two years since. W. E KICHARDSON, Sberifl 8. D. July 0-94-b NOTICE. Tkl Rira the ?b?enre of JOHNC ! U WEST,M?j. A. R. Ruffin uau-j thorized to colled the debit doe the late firm of J. M. Nioloo A Co. J. BISHOP. July 0-24?if List of Letters Raaaiaimg in the Post Ofice at Cam&cn, 8 C. Juty 1, 1836. A? Mft. Mary Allan. * B?Leonard Bee be. Jat. L Bcilljf, Vincent BeU, Jefferson Breedco, Washington, C?Mr*. Aon J. Collins, Jas. Cloud 2; John G. Campbell. E?Miss Sarah C. English, Abraham Eddy. G?Gosaway Godbolt H - Dartd llolman, Etbeldred W. Ila well, Alfred Hammond, Jonathan Hayes, AIM Hayes, Richard Hoot J?Sarah Jackson. K?Jcphtha Kelly, Esertoo Kcnnerly; t l?in l.? f n liur- Un Ra. bccca Lowry. M?ILdick Moscly, A of us M'Dooiki, TIkm. M'C ready, Roderick Murcbeson, John Mmhershead, D. M*Cir>kill, Allen M'Caskill, Angus M'Strccn. Hugh M'Call, Joseph M. Marshall: N? John A. Neilson* K?Edmund Reynolds, EL II. Rogers, TIkw. Richardson, Geo. Riddle. S?Tboj. timith, I)a?id Scott, Mrs. Martha Shircr. T?Saml. P Thompson, Wm. J. Tiekling. W?Mr. Watman, Ben. F. Watkins, Wm. R. Youug. P. THORNTON, P. M. notice! ri 11IE proprietors of Lanier and Green's JL Feny, aire notice that they trill pe Lilian lo the next Legislature for a rccbarier for the umc. / May 7.?hm To Sooth Carotiia Plaster*. A splendid Cotton PUuitation in Mississippi for sale. THAT valuable plantation, known by the 4 name of 8UMMERFIRLO, situated in t Hiods county, (Mississippi) immediately on , the Rail Hold from Vicksburg to Clinton and Jackson, (the seat of government,) 25 miles from the former, and the same distance ' from the latter place; 12 miles from Clinton, is now offered for sale?the fnoprietor hav ing determined to cnange nts occupation.? , To give a minute and detailed description of ' ' the property, is deemed entirely oaoecessary, t as no person it is presumed, would make such a purchase without examination. Suffice it '* to say that this tract of land, which consists 1 of 800 acres, is decidedly the roost valuable, of its size, of any in this section of country. * With one exception it was all entered at an * early period, wheo the whole country was open to select frotn. A large part of it is i Rick Cone Bottom Land, Baker's creek, a stream of considerable magnitude, affording excellent mill and gin sites, running through 1 it. 1 About 100 acres of the tract extends into 1 the kills and covers a beautiful building site and settlement, it bciog quite elevated, and far remote from all local causes of disease. ' Indeed, the whole neighborhood in which 1 this land is situated a reputed very healthy. The improvements of the place consists of ' 250 acres of open land, a good gin and press, t negro cabins, dec. p With this plantation would be sold 14 1 working bands, all young, likely and acdi* 1 mated; or the number would be added >o if J desired. Also, the stock of horses, mules, 2 oxen, wagon, working utensils, dec. c There is a growing crop on the place, coo* sisting of 120 acres couoo, besides corn, oat*, dtc. which would be sold with the place if ^ desired, and possession given at any time the purchaser might wish. If pre fared, the land would be sold without the hands. Any rcaaooabte time will be given, upon the payments being well secured; but the < price would be much reduced for prompt pay- I meats. 1 This property will be shown, and the terms [ made koown, upon application to the sub- t scriber, on the premises, or to A. Jackson ? Burke, Amsterdam, Miwaaippi. J An- inquiries m regard to this property, t | which may tw eommuntcaied by mail, will be I responded to by either of the persons herein ? named by addressing a leuer to Amsterdam, j Mississippi* c JAMES BURKE. , june 24 23c 1 The publishers of the Charleston Conner, j Pendleton Messenger and Camden Journal, f will please give the above three insertions and forwaid their accounts to my address for payment, also a paper containing the adrcr' EK6LIII 8EBBS THE nheiibm are now receiving a ropy!j o*' Eoglieh Garden Seeds, of the growth of IKP which they eaa recommend wife great eoafidrtr to their fhende and ctwtocner*, as wing frrsh an genuine. Among which are the following Earljr Doteb Cabbage, Garden Cm, Late Ontch do : Giant Aeparagms, Large Earl/ York do Cttrfcd Panto*, " Sugar Loaf do White Solid Celery, Largo Ornmhead, do Luge Globe Artichoke, t Mooalaio do Long Orange Carrot, Green Glased do Early Oiange Horn do Early Carted Savoy, Somtnrr Both flantah Col wan or ColUtda, Crook Kecked do Carted Scotch Kale Red Clover Seed, Earlj Cauliflower, Loa; White OcJua, Lite do Short do Early White Brocoli, Early Juno Peat, m Parph do ' Early Charlton do Plat Bihortowe. do ' Early Garden I lot* pur Early Banef Twwlpi Eerly Dwarf Marrowfat , Late Plat Dutch do Large do Early do do Bishop's Dwarf Prolific Yellow Mai tree do do White Norfolk do Dwarf Green Imperial < Aberdeen, or 8ec*ehdo Royal Dwarf Prolific do Yellow Bote Ban do Early Speckled Baaae Lane Fhodere Sptoabe "Mohawk do PriAley do do Dwarf Pralifie, white do New Zelaad do W??ite Kidney do Umw Blood Bert, Early CUma do Early Turnip do Flno Lima Polo do Yellow Sugar do Chiewee Pole de English Yellow do Early Maxagan do i Prraeh Sagar do " Long Pod do Mangle WortseU, Large Windeor do I Swelling Sugar Parsnip, Virginia HcoMoaoy do i M Gormaey do Earn White Ttaeearora Long Bcariet Radieb, bora, Scarlet Short top do. Fltat do Iau Sal mood do Sugar do White Tornip do Red Planting Oomm Red do do Yellow do do Black Winter do Early Cabbage Head Curled Endive, Lettuce ' Long Oman Cucumber, White Curled do Karlw tin dc J- ' StUifjr or Vegelabie j Hard/ Tester do Ojftrr Brown Dutch do PeppcrgTssa, or Cot tod Magnum Bmram do Crow, White Muatatd Seed Kino Cantelope Melon Large Tomatoes Nutmeg do London Flag Leek Orren Citron do Smooth Orange do Pine Apple do Red Onion Seed, Persian do White do Sea Island Watermelon Broad Leaf9age Cayenne Pepper. 8weet Basil Tomatoes Shaped do Tb/me t Sell do Sweet Majorom ? Purple Egg Plant do Lavender Nasturtium Pot Mangold 1 True Tart Rhubarb Catnip 1 The above catalogue of seed completes tlie assortment of seed for this olimatc, s general stock of which will alwa/s be kept on. band and eold at die usual prices. YOUNG A M'KAIN: SUMTER HOTEL. 3 THE Subscriber informs his friends o and iho public, that he has taken the it House formerly occupied by J. Goodman b and more recently by J. J. Exum as a o Hotel in the Town of Camden, and near the Court Uonsc, where he is prepared to n reccirc company, and flatters himself that * those who favor him with their company c will be satisfied with tneir accommoda- tl tions. i K. Rcrra. u May J3._3P::-tr. sWorrcW. WILL be sold on the 6tb of July next on the plantation of Charles Damn, Jee'd. oo Jacks Creek, Sumter District BOUSES, CATTLE, JBOGS, Sheep, Goats, Household and Kitchen FURNITURE, Plantation and Carpenter Toeus, uora at* roaaer FISH SEIN, wd many other articles too tedious to menion All rams of five dollars and above fire on i credit until the first day of January next.? All sums under five dollars cash. Further Notice. \ LL persons having demands against the LM. estate of Charles Marvin dee'd. are terebj notified to render them in according o lair. All those indebted to said estate ace eqoested to make payment. 8AMUEL HARVIN Administrator. Jnat 25?22?c Assistant Qr. Master's Office. CHARLESTON, JUNE 18,1830. rHE Subscriber hereby gives notice of his readioessto adjust and eettle all claims against be United States, tor expenses incurred, and supilies fumkbed on account of the Militia and Vo. nntrcri from the Stale ot South Carolina, (except rilhio the neighborhood of Savannah and Aogaw a) lor the defence of Florida, in conformity to the iforunonj of an Act of Coofim, approved May Sth, IU36, which is published for the information if concerned. JOHN L Eh'GLE, Assistant Qr. Huter. m AN ACT [V> provide for the payment of expenses incurred and snpplies furnished on account of the militia received into the aenrice of the United States for the defence cf Florida. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re** rresentativce of the United States of America in Joogresa assembled, That the Secretary pf War e, and be is hereby directed to cause to be paid be expenses that bare been incurred, and the ?upu tlics that have been furnished, in the States of forth Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Louisiana, and he Terriloiy of Florida, on account of the Militia revived into the service of the United States foe he defence of Florida. Provided, That the ac~ * moata for these claims shall be examined and an** Li ted at the Treasury, as in other cases. Sec 3. And bo it farther enacfed, That the Secretary of War be authorized to cause the militia ailed out lo defend East Florida, by Generals Clinch and Hernandez, <-r by Gorcrnor of Mid Lie and West r lorida, and such other militia and rolnateera aa hire been received and mastered into he service of the United States and regularly dia? itarged, to be paid in like manner with the votoneers and militia ordered into serrioe under orders htm the War Department. JAMES K. KOLK, Speaker of the House of Representatives. ^ M. VAN BUREN, Vice President of the United States, and President of the Senate. Approved, May 38lh, 1836. A. DREW JACKSUH. Jay 2??24?ani THE undersigned, at ^|ypK^|owncr> of public wagghns, give notice that AttDB> their waggoners are not permi ted, in any in pay for hsultug, otherwise it an by i: ct, that (hey are allowed no perquisite* d persons will be proeeeded against who shall pay for any one article hauled as over load. To or from the ferry. for a four horse team, the rates for hauling trill be 81 23 and boat yard 81. The following will be considered as a load: 10 Bales CoUoe, I 2 Hds Motamc* or Sugar, 12 Bbk rivor, j 4 Tierce Aioe, 10 - Ftab, I 3,000 lbs. tVjffce, 10 M Liquor, I 12 Sack* Bolt, 10 M Stone Lune, | 50 Coil Rope, 35 P*?.Cottoa bagging, | 30 Keg* Nails. ). BISHOP & CO. | HAYMAN LEVY, JOHN WORKMAN, By W E HUOHSOtt. W. C. WORKMAN, | JNO. M. NIOLON. JOSEPH O: CLARK, | By 8AML.J. YOUNG. Julj 2.?23-c Clerk Wanted* A young man who has a knowledge of the tnercanlilo business, and can bring a good recommendation, can find a permanent situation and a good salary by addressing a letter to "J/ Jf." July 2.?23?if. WANTED, A good english teacher, for the F'ee 8chool in Camden, to commence on ihe 2d Monday in Jolr. Apply to C. J. SHANNON, Sec'y. andTrea'r. Corom'r. free Schools, K. O. June 18. j. gooss-ACT (From London) Taiiar and Habit Maker. Respectfully informs the citizens of Camden, and the public gclerally, that he intends commencing the . . bore business, and hopes by strict attenion to the duties of his profession (o tnert n shaic of public patronage. July 2?23?if NOTICE. rhc subscriber with a view of closing the * looks of I). & J.Clark: also the Books f J. t*. Clark, respectfully informs those ndebted on either of the above, that the ooks will be found at the store formerly ?-J ww w - _ . .1 . It. A fi cctipiea oy nr. v.emicre, inai ?ir. u. Villis is authorized to settle the same in ly abienee, by note or otherwise, or they rill be placed in the event of default to omply, in the hands of a gentleman of lie bar for collection, as tbe books must e closed. J G CLARK Jnno