The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, June 25, 1836, Image 3

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* CAMDEN, JUNE 25, lc30. {?j"*The Editor of the Journal will be abaent for 6ome weeks; in the meantime the publisher will endeavor with the assistance of a friend, to give the paper it3 usual variety, if not in original matter, at least in the best articles of lus cotemporaries. Much matter intended for the Journal th:s nn k Lis been crowded out by the publication o! the Laws. Rumour.?It is currently rCjKifted at Washing, ton, that "a plot is on fool to deprive IJccrro* of lac command of the-army of Tcxaa, and place Gen Hjumltms of South Carolina, at at* head.'" We do nut believe it. Gen. Hamilton could not, ho would not. s?aiu lion so ungrateful a proceeding on tpart ot Texas. T!!K INDIANS. The Colombo* Scntirulof the I7th inst. contains the Captain* ( iinmtv) official report to t. v, of air eR^ajreuicnl bet .?-cc:i hi-i company (the Gwinnrlt mounted men) and a party of Indians, on Thursday the 9th mst. about four onles ab'Ve RUAR-JLI*. There were r?;?y 42 whites, and about2o0 In * J #l**- - I in dtaru;. t'Ql ri->iv;>(:uunuiiig u? s"--* ?-? j -regard to numbers. the bailie wtn continued with xral by the Gninaolt trx-pe, until thry were re lirv?d by a detachment ot ctxut 30 iurn froui Tort Jonrt under the com mand of Maj Jxumcji*. Of the Gwinnett trenp there were-ts killed; wounded, CapL Gabsxiv and 3 other*. Of .Maj. Jzrmoa.*'* reca there tryre 4 killed and 3 wounded. Too rUi?i ?The rail* ol N lajjura an- < JTcrrd for tale by the proprietor* They ou-jht n?vi-r to have i-een piimie properly; it trims nacrel.g i-u# to attempt a valuation of ihrui, r. hen lofrw have ventured even a d'sariptw* o! llinr sublimity. The owner howcrcr take* il quite cooly, alaUng that il is an excellent -null *cat*'" Ger.r* Pr.A? are impertrd f-u tis London n?fkrt trout Lisbon' The l*ondon gar.ienerB dctaarui c tut uj?on thcnt tor Wieir protection. At a wceLud of thp l.h?ard <>f DifPClwi of i!k **Kank of Quadra, S C." cu Turmlav 2^-?t, iht fallowing person* vrrrccJccled fitters, vs: W. J. Cashier, J C. WW, Tol!er. AtxxA*Di.n J'?ifs?ost Discount Clerk. If the writer of a oeuaunscati'.n lfom Sumter trilio over tfte sigtulmc cf-A Vuict rs.c* St* tsb/* baj?rrn our h?t paper, !h* wdl be at no luti to account fir the n n appearance of his normna ticn of a candidate for Cwnjjnrt*. it is rndssprnaa qle that perrons nounoatinj; individual* lot ciUti pre us U:r;r-.;j;nr3. Wr ktve reec.vcd through the Pout fficr a corn rauiuratfon, r?-1at<\i- to a recent and \< ry valuali! impntiiiirot in the * t-chantc arU, iu rrWeuc to carr a^e?, ti ^rtlii r mtb a dran;U? ? . the con teinpUUrd improvement, ?*sti? a request that w< should ?j;vc it a p'Uec in cur paper. The commu treating would be aUojc'Jier unintelli^bU; milium ? view of the drawing, and as we have no tinU We rmi v> rrprrip*:ii it. tin* author must pardon a for e.-nituoj tJ?e wh?!e.# MU. KKNWOIITJIV Tula *rnt!r3jan, \\extraordinary power# o Yentitlocu??n, ha# bora the thetnc ef the j?rc?trb?TPTrr tic ku performed, p?;d our To* n a viw during the wreh We were not a.tnoaglbr naiter at h<? ScIook, but from the admiration cxpjr*wd I* thoac who K?ir, kc have uo i"ubt but that In per&rma&Ci? arc a'.i thai hare tern >-:U ef then ffNWMiMum v < ?<* **? *%?. MW, ttv ^iw ' ?aT^>.? ioimuuuicatioKiH. / ;<" ISff (, fritr i Jitsmu.'. Editor ?A ilo *r Iuc at U.c iOj|r?U"li c mint totrra *o pr**|? ?** t o! Fti??at-J* a? a auitabic fari* n t" n prcKtit < ur Ktcctun tin trirt in lix- I S t^ufn-M, msc} tin- u^h yar per to iukui:t h:? Q3iuc to It* people. A. VoTM. ma rr.t r ? sit > /ot ?.* i? Mr. Etitior ?-It is ur:dcriU?^J. and with rooc rejrrel bv ttMWr, tHst our prevent Senator au4 t? ofour itr prrvrnialirc# in lh?" t.av CXprrcacd tJK;i d?-lrtw?iuat <>?? l? t- U:r }?..u? p it e*l !i(V. luiiu;, fr?m undoubted authority hr? informed ot tlua (act. a e rr? j?crlliiili ?,ti< the U?lSo?-inj nnuKa to the pubhe.for thru auj?j>?? at the clcelivu t*? take oUcc in October next, v: Tor the Senate, Jtiil.N CHKSM T For tiic llmikr ai RrpinrnttUvtr, JAAlfc* C DOBY, .\i M |,K\ Y. JAMKS HA!U: In t'ii? arran.;r.m nt, puldic ? n'Kurnl h?? l>cr full: ?' <] l?f il Il4( oi.? ?<!) Or?.);riMrq ?rn m . tin* iiirfir.dmli a? pfpcr p>'f*?o? to rrp:? m-fit 11 Ifnirtrt in tiw u<> Ltinchrt <>t tlx' lir^iiUtui and wrll jn?!or?w? ti and dcvotrdfrir8<i? ol Kr??]?*v hare p'>' rn o!' l?f ? '.i*r-r* s* no lo?s lit lo tho:r intcrr*',* W?* U- lirvr that the {riir a! v<< will >rt thi? on account <>1 tin j;r? rr*pr?*tai?!lity ot cbaiKtrr oinJ. ut.n ?J patriot!* ?ia<i intellectual capar.Iy tt fitch <*ual>'V the M?d<? thnii mtnrd on il. Tit IiV iiapurlmt tro?t Jt c Utn:v wftll srrmc tie* tn-atty >ii|i|Kitt> 1 mtvi ti'hiti **i> tin t mm N 'T?: ?St will le" (TCollcclril bj our t ?-:*?!? t th Mr l>'>ui i>A? n >'.t f*d ti)?* public ill*! ill* ti ru ti vvmJi lo i** c'ltt* dercd a candidal** f-?r tin* ttirr. \V?* h ?p'* h ?wcrcr. ijc juir In- indn* *1 change h;n d< termination .i tn ineet the * i*hr* ?<l vciy large ujj? ?r?tv ot tlic ?otrr* of ihin I)oL?K PrrsbtfUriti't f*r jural A.<seiub't/. ? Ti Pu>?hnrgi it I Jcr ?i?J, o. i??- "H m.?t I* wliir ft ? ; arc Ifidf ?rd lo |1k.\ polucin -j, the editor ol |!m* ? Inflexion OWm r s-iv Tin* proci l <Ji of I lie Oi'll' fill Ae-Ctlth thu* fir. ii.tve ix'i tt nl ct'cp and alitorlunjf i - -- . lv. I.. rtw i Jit? m.?;t prominent u?'.i " tbem, ire tin trialol Mr HariK'S. tbo qui 1uui ol ami th- t-'uteol the Cliur>" Tilt' I lltrr (I ?>t) qi|i'?|{Oli " UMtlf T^'iviJ ! ? II ply i ilit ?! the! I- ft into'* braurli*??." I r??m the muic pije r, t*e lite l??!h?uin^ extract : Writntsdotj Mui n*?g Jmif J ?\n mi dent occurred at the opening ??1 the liu>im of the \<*W?rtiMy tli <? n?t?f ii I it,* vthnli r\ensome aitcutiou anJ latcrvst, nvt only auto the members, but also amongst the rpeclators., It i> generally known thai the Iter. Joshua I<cavitt( editor of liie New York Lraugclist, has withdrawn Irom the Presbyterian church, ami with some others has formed nti Association on Congregation-) principles. He is now in attendance on the General Assembly reporting the proceedings lor Ins paper, and has in In- last number the following remark, and in the following form:' "The Moderator of tlx-General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the tinted S;a C"?, in ihe v.;r ol our Lord, loihi, is n ?S!jw? Ilolcl' r!!!'' Y?r Pr-.ti, of G orgia, rose, and after rradii * this paragraph uuot.-d, that on account ..I' I... i,M tilt tothe M >th raior end the Assembly, r Lc-.\itt b -rr? putted to citing:* in> and withdraw his beat without lue limits oi ibe Assembly. '1 he motion was ,?cc<?nded. The Moderator r. r and rcq c*ted tint tin Iiroti it wiili the leave of the second, would withdraw the nfoiou, observing that tho 1 Aa;ig? ii>i had tor once t Id the truth, if it of\< r should Again : and in the .-pint of Cowjm.t, added that he nev< r jind been insuhed, and did net exjirei lie f \cr would?that a gentleman and .1 c.'iri.sliao would not, and one of a contrary character could not do it, and he hoped the Assembly would view it m the ?a:nc i Mr. P. refuscd'lo-withdraw. Mr. Kingsbury observed, thai last night lie had heard .Mr. I?<"?titt speak with the greater re*fwvt ol 1 ho mod rator. as the !?*; and most impartial officer thai had occupied that , chair for frtc years Another gentleman confinnea the assertions qf Mr K having heard ihe ?amc or similar rcmyks by Mr. (?. I>r. M'KJroy observed tha' he thought it not proper to permit one who was there merely by the courtesy of the house to insult, as urj?. ohiiousiv i' tended, the Moderator, and ol course the Assembly, for ihc choice they 1 hail made. A* Jo tf:e rrpjH-ctful notice of the ; Moderator that bad be :i staled, of what avail I arc priv ic compliment in opposition to a pul>! | lie attack, ihat is to go through tho length and breadth of the 'and. m Afu-r some remarks frotn Mr. Frost, and ,. ?oim? oili? nn indefinite postponement of the nioiion wa.? mored and earned. From lit? Globe. WHITE AM) WEBSTER, i Not long since Mr. Webster's organ at | Ro?1<mi m adr pri<rlani3lion (hat he would remain in the fit-Id, and that M-aavichiMrlts u otdd MtppiUl him, if no oilier State supported him. | The la-t Naslivillc Republican gives " back the pledge. Ii comes almost in the shape of an echo. Saiih the Republican. Tennessee is for White, anil will reI main so. J*he utippurls him because the ! hflierct he will | rove a fit representative of the piinci'-Ies which she has nlwav* r . 1 profis^rd; and though she may tote alone, she uiU n ?l desert him "* ; The Republican is afraid that Trnm ?t'c p ' may hr disputed. Tlie editor is, there"> fore, constrained t? give notice that "Ten* tfrrm it frr WkiUt cad itill rem tun ?v.' ijntr does he Limn that the people nill *; consent t<? ihr<-\? their vot? * anav or j White, note that he is out of (he question, | merely t" promote the views ? f*th?? fede f] i-il f i rt \ r'*ew Ju-r? T I f??* X v c puiiicati *n??u < '!it the U AiVr $an which r??sr with lh? rauruit in W anhitt^lou. Ii^|c"ti? dotvn, 1 The rauru* has tjtvrn him up in despair * \oi a tingle gotitlirrn State ha? girrn hin F the leant encouragement. In all theii " elections. his friend"hatr l?rrn rolcddown 1 ImiI rl r Iw ptlMienn inM*ta 'imugf Tee-ncurr " mm/ rule ahm, ih< trill no> t!t*rrl ft:! i " \\ ; at i* 1?: h it *3) in: that Trnnr*<C( f will ( hrr rctierahle President ant >, the democratic pat IV throughout tin ' * Union. simply * to encourage ihr frtlrra " parti, uiirii linn ruined Jitdgr While , and mitt scorns him for hi* fatuity? CF.XKRAL HOUSTON'. ' The Nntjoual Intelligencer and Nctt O > n r Y rk C'nurirr !* tjuir-r ?cek lo dcKtroi ? ti?? diameter. influence and um fulne * <? " (icnetal iiiiitnton, hv spreading shroxd . rl *usj)ir"i?in that he ln?* ?jnurr? lied w ith tin ? Trxtan cit >1 amino ni< ?? has left rutin tr\ in ijr:cnre . f this roiii-.iju; atn the last itan r.! itiianmii.n print cicn g'-r ' so fir as !<? propagate the idea tfut lie i* it i ulter tli*jjrace in Texas, m.fining umfe the imputation ?<f cowardice?a* hniirij * I II* I I n ( ??*C< filing (< tlte j?.iMi|iil l ??i. v? mi r ?iairn;< nt) iMrralnt In ft ire x!??* M< \tra>i r, until !u? <?uii lf?'iij h w i-rr n .t'v ! ? ilrsrr k. Iiiiii. in ruin* qunirr <<f which hi- *? a a i (i*t j'cIU'il to kiiiinl hi* ground ami li*?!?i. aI I l.i* n tin sort of raluiniiv willi uhnl in ( Jur **<>() wan |?ur?inil through"!] i iii-* w hi-ti- j> Ir i t ic~ rn n r nf j?? Mni.ttl *u( f" !? : i:t.mi! -anifirrs l?? crow u the natim \\ III) M.CCl ? IK. it t? ii rat I hat in? put nn no! I ' I hi' nar. ii ik ti?ile.| \r?* I r Mir " i <" 11 ait. hi* htiing hern broke hy a musket ha!!. This i? the u It !r ru i? riiiiiHl.M.rc mil of which (tale* mul Wit m nith! make l' rir aUr in.; ?? s-ion*. ic \\ i- *inn filv hujit- linn G'-iirr?! lint: nr inn's future r< udiicl a*, thi- first mail i ot 'I r\a??. itmy Correspond \? iI!i tf-.t wisiim : ami U;i i, am! j?i! MolHiii ?11 ihc past. I I) i c follow* tin* ?!i init-rr strd, honest, tit :i- a i.hi'itis course, which distinguished {! re great nxt'tt of the State in which lie w .1 v horn, or I Jill ?'f tin- great man limit It u Iiokc nu-pin h Ih i era . t first tliMiitguis! n? ? >i himself, he u II h ai r a tmblr name hi to html him. If he fulfil* in good fait h :! ? .1 . ..In ..f I'i.ine nillini win <?i m?' |m r. ilii ikiiii; ?'J S tinnrl U'Mtston ?if he coi i: Unr i ? rai-x- a free (ioteminent mid I 5* *ee?irr if ? stability !?y nil the mean* he e; <1 r<wnman?!, \ h iding, wnswerted by ll ng lu?t of j'O'.vcr vr vci)'.!), or the po< r ranitjrof strutting about in the osfentafion wnicirptire made up.the'happiness of the man be has vanquished?-l ien his -name vtij^go^ down to future ages with those of the benefactors of this conlinenl, who have considered 1 rut glory to consist in building up free and sale, institutions. Ibid. The eitv of .New York, and iudeed lhe ' ? - -v?v .,i. n.narll puuiir every v.irrc nui nw *"?? |>u|.v.0 ar?? n ail, has been deeply interested in n trial which began in that city on Tbiirtday ? f it. it. Robinson, charged with the mnr?' r of a female by the name of Helen J? xritt. The following, from the .NewYork American of Wednesday, shows the result of (he trial: Tkml of Ivobinsoii.?At one o'clock this morning, the jury, after an absence of fifteen minutes, hsou^lit in a verdict of not guilty*in this case. 4- ! The prisoner, who unt9 that moment hid. from the commencement of the trial j maintained the most unshaken composure,1 and even when upon the return oi ibeju-j ry he was called upon to stand up and look upon the jurors, betrayed no emotion nod no blenching, on tho annuncia lion of the verdict*by llm foreman, burst into tears. The verdict was received by the audience. who had kept their scats, with irrepressible applause. The prisoner was j discharged by proclamation, and left the! court with his father, and his true-hearted tS? t,-..! menu mr. none. ' A young gentleman addressed a young unmarried lady the other day, * on the ap-! pearenre of the fine weather after the long storm, thus?"! congratulate you, Madam un In tin 5 a fitlfc sun.'' The lady, -blushing, exefoimod, "Oh, ytm rile urrtch, would you insult me!'' "By no mean*," returned the gentleman. equally confused, vet unable to .explain. A few minutes elapsed, when the sun pouring intotln^ window settled the difficulty ?3". I'. Star. The great race for 100,000 DOLS. The most Brilliant Scheme ci r.R unjny /.v the imtep st.ites eezitaiaiag on!? 7.1 IO TK KKTS 30 dumber t umbmaoon Lottery?5 drnm Ballots. # A I. KX ANURIA LOTTERY Fur Interna! Improvement in the District of : Columbia. ?lass a, To bs drawn in the city oi Washington D (' ! July IS3G. J). S. (ircgory t o. (successors to \'aic?& M lniyrc) Managrrs, i The Scheme ' for mod on the lcruary comhinaiion ol DG nuinUf, making 7,140 tickets. from uhirh five ballot* mil bi- drawn at lh?* tunc ami j?bci? at|r? rti?rd lor the I raw mi.-; tnakiug 10 p iizm each luting three oi the drawn number* on; 310 prizes each having two ol the drawn numbers otv 2325 prizes each having one.only,of the drawu numbers on; and ah?> 449> tickets having none of the drawn numbers on. being blanks. ! 1 prize ol 1 (XI.000 100.00C 1 " 25.000 25.00(1 1 " 10.000 10,00(1 1 44 7.500 7,50(1 I 14 5,000. 5.0IX j 1 44 4.000 4,OCX 1 ' 2930 2.1WI ' I 41 2.000 2.001 ! 2 44 1 />O0 3.00i 31 ' 5tM) 15,5.4 31 - 3<X) 9,3(X 31 44 2tX) 0.2IX 31 " 100 3, IOC f 31 44 90 2,79( 1 31 4' HO 2.481 5 31 44 70 2,171 93 " GO 5.5H ! 4<i5 44i f?0 23. 5 14 405 44 40 18,0 ( 1 405 ' 30 13.9.V r 930 " 25 23.251 ? -? "f^i,r'2ca | Amounting to 62 5.G0C 4 Tickets r50 each?No Shares. 12 in ? park Ij Our readers will observe that a lottery wul j imli 7.000 tickets, and a grand Ch itol i? K)O.(KX) tfollats, is to In! drawn ?>n tlie 21si ! o! Jul> iir \?. Tin* lot r> ln? long oceti ir conn-nip! umm, Imi our noriIn Mm have (J delayed nnnmineing lie* day ut* ?lr ?Wdi^ foi the purpose u| aaccrtiniing whether .ill the n ticket* rnuld In* ?ii?|?iM-tJ of. Thry being .? now under rapid sale, and the most ol then j, already engaged, they will undoubtedly be il sold In ore drawing dav. The ? it no imic to be lost.?There hcin; (| m? S.'mrrf, ,i!J wito purchase roust take wltoh n ticket*. Those u lio fir?t send their ??rdcr: [l w ill !>? Iiri?? M?rved. The prizes arc first? the UU iND RL'LL IXXi 100,000 Dollars! r Oi ly look' Al?o. 25.0 Hi. 10,00 ; 7,500 500! i. 1/00; -.900; '2,000; I.500&C [See scheme i?. Single Ticke > fr'ilty Dollars. iC It will be readily seen. upon an cxamina j,i tion ol the same that no Schcmt of equal at tj. tr <ct:on, possessing such Splendid high Cap lo Mal?, and containing so very J'ne txckt tt, ha c) ever been offered to the public, or drawn ii ic the L'nited states. ' ''""O Im onto flit n.lllAlt no! iiMn ill I J i V 1 V " UV Vil'y VV J'Mt ItKV ?? tvbecl/and & drawn 6ui; 6fii three dratfn aW *100,000 >./ " - ^ . - $ 12 ticketaiu a package at $50 r ? $600 00 >Less 5 per cent off Sll 00 570 00, Warranted to draw 2t least nett " 144 50 42$ 50 This amount is all that can be lost m a package of Wholes Tbu is certainly a great indor-cnienf (or clubs of gentlemen who want 100^)00 c'tdJars. A company of 5 persons who ciub together wiU only risk -dollars a piece fur a chance S't a lO'J.OUi), ]>? sides 25,003, 10,000 a;?d ad ^ 0,,,c* Splendid Prizes. Loose no-time, and be.particu-. lar to address ANTHONY n. SCHUYLER,. , New York, Who has been established in bRsmess tit 10 years, and has the privilege (as will be observed in tlit* Lottery Herald) of referring ad to responsibility and integrity to some of the most respectable Houses in this city;? aleoiti Philadelphia,.Boston Baltimore,Cilar-j lesion, S. C. and Augusta, Geo; Persons writing by mail wilftccefre prompt and confidential attention, and the original tickets, signed by (lie managers, in all ca<es forwarded, utiles* certificates of the numbers arc specially ordered for the purpose of spring postage; and in that case the original tickets arc sealed up, deposited in the Bank, and the amount they may draw is subject to the order of the owners v Letters go perfectly safe by mail to the subscnbcr?K^No fear need be entertained of looking moC^ when enclosed in a teller by rutrtl, if legibly addressed as above Clubs or individual* buying-bythc package will be allowed 5 per cent, discount. Address a* abote. | It was intended by rite manage;* to bate ! drawn this [?tiery on the 30ih of June, insi. but Its it afforded so little time to distant adventurers, it was postponed until the 21 si July, at which time it will positively be drawn - Schuyler's Lottery Herald Kxtraris published on Mondays Wednesday*, Thursdays aud rncJ.iv*, ana jorwarucu mm mcgicucst ucepntcli toils numerous patrons throughout the United State*. It will rcgulnlj contain the Scheme* of ail Lotteries about to be drawn, and also the official drawing*,-as fast as they -transpire?together with a brief abstract of news, dec. . FURNISHED GRATIS, C?*Orders for tickets in oH i?ltcricj . mus; be addressed to A. H SCHUTLER, H. V. - - -Capital-Prize . One Hubdred Thousand . Dollars. ONE mZX OE. v twenty five thousand dollars. Containing only 7,149 ticket*?35 No. Cor bination Lottery r bt: or CONGRESS LOTTERY 1 For Internal Improvement* iu the District c Columbia. CLASS A. To bo drawn at Washington CKj, o Thursday tlw 2I?: day of July. 3G Number Lottery? 5 Drawn Daiiota. The SJiema I prize of. I'^lOd .. 100,00 1 * " 25,000 25,00 I " 10,000 - . JthOO I " 7,500 ... 7,50 . 1 u 5,000 , I " 4,090 ? ' O I ? 2.930 2,03 1 " 2,00 . 2,Oil 2 " 1.500 . 3.0C 31 ' 5t)0 15,Of 31 " .300 0.3 31 " 200 6rJ. 31 " 100 3,It] 31 " " 90 2,79 31 " 80 2,48 31 " 70 2,17 93 " 63 ~ 5,58 405 " 50 23,23 465 " 40 18,00 405 n 30 13,95 * \W u 25 23,25 ' 2045 prize*, } dollars 2:v>,5'v) 441)5 blanks, > 1 ?14?) lickcia j ' No ticket which shjill Imcdrairn a pnz (! of a superior denomination can be entitle to an inferior prize. Prize* payable forty dayfi after the dTau ' nig md subject to the usual deduction of ft teen JMT rent. Tickets ?5'.\ 12 Tickets in each PackageNo Shares ' Orders from the country (free of postagr will inert with attention if addressed. i?j tli *j Manager* 20 Broad St. Charleston S C 7 The drawing rt ill bu sent l? all purch srrs of Tick?t?. j NOTICE. 7" 1 I'll F. Bank of Camden will contract fort) J - - c I i>. building ol .1 Hricn lire prooi ii'jusw. i i . pos-iln Mill be recited by the undersijpK - or any one of the committee, who will gn >- all necessary information. It i* desirable I * commence as won as practicable, a JOHN ? UESNUT, Chairman Co nmutcc. e June $ FOR SALE. ... The front ami hack stores, standing ori ih'e Nort&East coraer'ftf Broird and Iloilerfge Streets/late the property of Mr. i Hugh M'Call. If not sold before 8atur? day the 2nd day of July, rt wiil lie pot up * for uaJc at public auction. JOHN CHESNUT, " " . Chairman Comipittee. . June 25-:22--b * . *TICE. 1 mi-m-r-Mfv I??rj"? WI iili in? !HNU VII lllv '-lii VI Uij IIVAI VII the plantation of Charles {Jarrin,. decM. on Jacks Creek, Sumter District no as MIS, I JTTJLV, sioes^ Sheep, Goats, <liouseiiold and Kitten FURNITURE, " JPiatJfUion Carpenter** " ???L2, { Corn* & dodder, K FjSlTSEISj .and many other articles too tedious to .mention ' . i . : ; : - . ! * All sums of firt*dollars and .above fire on ! a credit ujiiil.lhe'ftrsrday ol January oeaL-r-* Ail sunfs nhder five tiofUr* rash. Further Notice. A T T nAtann^ U-iainrf dunijlllla JKIllnM fhfl ym uu II?? nig, 1A_ estate -of Charles. 4Iatvi? -dee'd. j|r?. hereby notified to render ihini in according to law. .All those to said estate are revested to make payment. _ S v\\UEL 11AK.V 1N Aduihistrator. ""Tp J one 2a?22?c _ , > - ?. Assistant Qr- Musters Office; - CiJA <-LESTOtf; JU.TE~18;1330C Tfl E Subscriber hereby gives notice of bUr^a dinrssUi adjust and with? alt claims aaalaat tin- Ignited Slate*. tor expenses iqeocmLjtaAaQjx* flliet forn??iKrd o"n account of .. >* : untrcra from the State o? South Carolina, (excejpt ' " v within lite neighborhood ?f Savannah and A a gu a? ) tor the defrnre of Florida, in conformity- to the prorujoosjof an A<ao{ Congirvs, approved iojay Jnsh, Ir3ti, which, is published for the information erf those concerned. t- *r ' . 10H.S LENGI-L, A?iiCanl Qr. Master.-- * t ' . ' -*" * ' . ' . AN ACT :: ** Jj i .> . ^ . * To proTiJc for the pavmcbt of expenCifa incurred [ and euppHci furnished no accouet of. the miKtin w \ received into the t?r:T CCof thedJhileu States |br the drfence of Florida. *. Be it cuarted by the ScsaCfe and i2dftse>of Rei uf t^Ufite rvi* Jkmsncn 9n > j Onyrrsa aiwnibletJ. Thll SeerctscJ elf War *. j be. Itc-i* bcrcUf directed to csft*p;to be p?Ut | ilu* r s pro vat that have been incurred .ahd the sap" ;>hrs UftI jMvr fara?ntdr n the Stales ot tJoulh Uafolftu. Georjpa. Alabama, Loaiaiana*and the Territory *ot Honda, on acconpL of the Militia rwTMJ tnto the'urrjrice. of the UnifH, Stales lor . me dc/Vosr. of Florida. Provided, That the- ac~coosts for these ctai&s shall he TXtsruncd and atr* dilrd at the Trrasary, as m ?the* eap-a j Sec* ll Andbe it further fivm. t?B. That the Secretary of \Y*j be 9Ullw>rix<*d fo cause the miittja ' called out ?o dHcad &urt FloHlla, bjj Gen<*rtl? - I Clmch ?d I fefnandr*, rby the Jiortrnor of NJid d!i* and Weil elohda, and inicb other nuh'ia and Tnjantrriw as have bera rwirrd and mdsterediirto *h the aerrier ut'*the IJdiled Stairs and rrgalarty-di^,*^'l'~' chs^-rd, to be pr.J in llr mwm'f with the wouiti. v n tecr* and nuhua ordered ialo acrvic* under* order* frwin tl?e War Dcjiaijuuenr. ?; ' t -JAMES K. KOLTk, Speaker -ol the Hooje of ib'pmwRtativtf: XI. SAX HVUES, ' Virr President of the Un-usf" SlaUea, and , President of the Senate.. - \ ftptrHvd, May 'ish. KW. * *. * : . - A L)REW JACfcSO.N. o FJIKSli CAJIDEN :{?Ei)i^ : " <wp 'jtsiiM ujt&'&iiM ?? . 0 * * %'% ' n FOft SALE BY l^hiU.NTOS.- * " .iix*** idt\ck +rc.l&c JiMi/iting* '.\ J! br); Vmk CAli^VtiC Iciv* ' do " do- 1 hitch do * -CEsal/ White bead "4* tO dp ^t(ir loaf do ,' do Carl'^ 4? 4) do Sf?ruf ^do .)S??arrliodiSQl|^jBH * q Orawficaa do } "do, crook nock -do/ j I-sir liuteh do (Croak neck CoibMf/0 j i.nrn liho'd do Urn; GrcctrCucaStfbcr, " * H.1 j Lajjjr Log. Safojr do * Earlj .. * do HI Early Load. Caula'owrr; ; l**icklp Gjwrkijit, , ? I I.ate do ! (1?r pickles,} ! Wlute Brocoli,. ' Ofnrgia or *' ijooich k?Je, * Nndsiaad W iter Melon * Oj Cole warts, ( superior kind) 5){ Eartj Spring ^URMT,' Appic ?**<Nird . do * * 0 Kuu Bags, or W, * ~ i VcUbw tftissta do . (fur preserving/ " j Large ,Norfolk field. du Large Miuk Melon 0 i?aU- KUt LTutch . -do \ Canlel?>pe do j Ahffdrrn oi scotch do ; .Nuteieg do _ jVcllow.Melte - do Ve^ruhleOjster, ~ ( (chotcr kind) .Vvstnrtion, " I Krd and While Onrotf, l-*rge Beit Pepper, White EngUsb Mostard,>Tnne do , - * Brown do Hound smooth TMDMocf I ru_ u- ks-;nl'.a - ? I wjc r , Round do ' I'rppcrjfraM, " j Prickly do ! Curled Pander, New Zealand do ' bolid Celery, i- l*>ng Wltitr Okra, i Sage, f. Early blood Turnip Beet , Red Ckrrer Seed, do yellow do do \\ h?te Marrowfat PEA8 Long blood " do Early June do ? Mangle Wortxel or " Char k tan do Early Scarcity do ' Sugar do ,\ Swelling Parauip, tiudinpa prolific dwarf do ' (Jurrnaey do Early Mohawk Beam, IC Orange Carrol, j do China dwarf" do l-ong Scarlet KADIM1. do whiu* Kiunee cm a? Sbort top do do ^ do dwarf do i 8 Jiuon d?? j Superior white pole do I^ing black winter do j VariegaiellCranberry do ~ White Tutuip do Luna do I 1-^rjrc I'abMpe Mra<i ||y Tu?r*ro,* Uorn IX'nX'CK j do Sugar do ,c ' Magnum R??nuni d?. i do OoTdcu feton* do i> "(a choice kiud,) ' <1 Al^O, r? Pamphlet? on t-.nvfrninff, to Ciltiilatm) bj the mibwriber, to anon^r lor Camden and the adjacent country, near the same latitude. ii pTlie above Seed* arc warranted. Should any one find them otherwise. arter a fair trial, others urilt be given in their place. Jlutf, Hi,