The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, June 11, 1836, Image 3

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son, Win. H. Bo wen, James Chandler. Henry Sp.rnn, Thomas Frwer, L. I.. Frnser, John Ramsay, John Watson, Win. L. Miller, Wm C. Gurry. Col. Wm. Reynolds, Capt James Bclvin and John W. Brownfield. The meeting afeo resolved, that the voluu- { tecrs from all parts of the state be respect- j fully w.u'.cd to attend and partake of the dinner. JO SEPH MONTGOMERY, ch'n. C. W. Miller, scc'y. roc rur camd::~ ;oer.s*t. .Vr. Editor;?Wc leg lt*ave through llie Jocn?>r In n..(iiini!n Mr J (1 DflllY ad 3 Caild.llali? "~~ ? If for a scat in th? 11 use of il**prescnUtivc?, ??f Sjath Caruhna, a: :h?* next election. MANY VOTEttS. TH ii JOCKA'Al:"!" j CAMDEN, JUNE II, IsSS. Sjdui ArrAt-5.?From the Indian country tec ::sre nothing affording roe slightest interest. The Ceeeks hare committed an recent depredations that ere bare heard of, and the whites at onr bet dates & ' hid not penetrated ^?e natjpn, bet vrerc making preparation* to do so. We tajderstand that it is the intention of the g-'temtnetiito withdraw no troops from the Cieck nation, till the Indians hare taken up the line of march, for tire country west of the Mississippi. We bene that vuch may be Lbc determination. Texas.?Geo. Sv-tcti. Hots-ros lias arrived at. V*? ri-%,n, fnr l!m firt'ni-n eC rrMic* inrdira! aid, in conjcqof ncc of IjU wounds He confirms in ercrj particular the statements in relation U> the defeat of the Mexicans and capture ofSasra A *s * AxmcAS EsrrRrsizr.?The Island of Joan X Fernandez lias bees obtained from Chili, bt an American gentleman of fortune, who intends to zcakc it a render sous Cor whaling rcsscls. I?is arrangements arc upon a rerr cxlrnsirr scale, and the whole island to be entirely nn?>r his otrn control. Tbrre is no doubt expressed : s to the success of his project. He trill therefore soon be able to say in the language of its first inhabitant," 1 am njoaarch of all I sortej." Siu:?The Hon. Damti. Western intra J* plinlinj Ctp tbocvand n?nll?crfj tire* on his farm, trilb 3 ricw of herrsilrr cultivating silk. Esarr Ccca:cu ?Tku rrgeUblr trag in profanes 10 the New York market, on the lEhh alt.? We hart sot ecoa cur (his eraser. * ' ??? A trzizt asosc rnr nt'Tcncts.?The butchers oj Cincinnati hare rrfnsrtl to fduush the maiket with beef, &c. on secocntof lite ouncir? ordering the sale ofthc stalls We wish the Ufffriered partj *.Toahl take cp tbeir line of roatclr for (his market, provided (hrj bring tlirir provisions n ith them? uiejr should soon be accommodated with stalls, and, enstmacra loo TV Inierz of FRANCIS L. KENNEDY, Esq ami Major JAMES E REM BERT, were .nu-ncfd or U%t wrrk't Journal, but cane to hand too lair f?if iarrtwn. Bj totac mcu?, (cr crbick trc arc Mrnhio to Kcoont, oor ptfrr, containing the n?a.nation of lb*** groUctQC0,{?b>cb was made nub*?Jl their kaowJcdgc or cotwml.) did not rtaeh 'Ucm tilt the nomination lead horn published aotuc flrfflu. ll is but jnrticc to ibeic grnUeccen U> uUtc that liirjr took the rarbrvl uppurtonitv. after aace.taining their nomination, to decline being candidate* for the atation* which the partiality of their friends *<routd bate hern plrnaed to arc them ?ccs?r. Wc have received, through the post office, acorn'nunicalioa over Uu? signature of ?Ucrrice/' com* plaining, and with tome justice too, of the situation of the vest end of Do Kalk street, and touching r.p oar honorable corporation, mmd*? hat sharply on the sublet The author says, very properly, tlta! he conceives Mil not only a duij.l.ut the design ol a public Journalist, to record all circumstances which Rill in any way lend to advantage the public." We concur entirely in this sentiment, but wc must ourselves, in every instance, be the judge nf those eirntwiiejxrs, particularly when communications come to us anonymously We do not bclifcre that ihr publication of the article in que*. :son, would "tend to adranUgr itw public," end the author will therefore pardon m fur our apparent rut of coorte* j; at all events, we could not pre it a place without a knowledge of the writerWe would, however, recotnnwod the proper authorities to examine the west end of De K alb street, as the late heary rains have made it almost impassable. i? DANK or CAMDEN. S C. At a netting of (he stockholders of this institution, on Moodaj last, the following gentlemen vrcic elected directors, v?a: WM-MWILLIE. JOH.X M. DKiMJADSSt HE. JOHN CIHWNUT, JOHN WORKMAN, WILLfASl O NIXON, PAUL F. VILLEPIOlfC. WILLI \M H BOWEN. At a ??U?rr)ucnt moetingof the di.eetors, Win. M'W.the, Esq wa? elected president (itntrotu and *u>W? conduct tn ike (lore mar oj Tnu*s#*.? \\ ou^ht to be recorded, to the lasting honor of CioT. Cannon, nfTrtinrwrr, that on to oeieing the' late resolution of General Gaines lor tronpo, be applied to the Union lfank of Nawliviil* lor fond* to til out the volunteer^ and propowd to pledge the whole of hi* real and personal estate for the reparment ol ll?e loan. The bank, howcrer, no Its* jfenrrooa than himself, declined receirinp tlw proflvred wcuritj, and authorised hirn .o check f?>r whatever sum lie might deem necessary.?Ijouis Journal. Ertracf of 4 Ittlrr Jr?m a houj* ?n .VelfJfce?, la o mrrtkmnt m Unluwutrt. daUd KWA May A fleet of nine rt.ttrfs Irire hrff to-morrow, wilii ? fine steamboat mottitnij 7 jjun?. and about 700 men, for.Texas Four out of tin- nine ?chooner? air armed. Gen. felif Hooetnn, of Nalchrt. ao!d hi# plantation at auction in this city. for $*4>,00o. 'I ite proceed* lie applied to equipping Sir) mounted men. who left Satchel 5tli inat. for Texas There is no d^tlbt of thrir anceeas, einee ll?ev hate Santa Anna Temas who hare seen him say he U eery talkative, and makes many prmniM-* lie als> aara that Texas is loo f'-T from Mexic-i orrr to be of '.ise (o bT lac cixy of Louisville, (kff> oafta brilliantly *ik?> mihatrd in |ionor of the i'exian triumph. IV Joonwl says that in almost every afreet thr tyrant S?BU, Anna might have been seenbamiuj or banging in effigy. One man snsjtendcd a lira rcaon, in a large wire trap before huHCoor, 4&d labelled the animal " Santa Anna." T^ts afforded | great amusement to the boys, who would p.-!t bb ' tailor poke him with sticks, indicaUv of the manner in thej wooid delight to (rue the tyrant hinrjpX The Erects were crowded with people, who were I kept in a eoaslan* stale 01 excitement oy the brilliancy of the boo ores, the whix of tb?- rackets, the j coruscations of the fin? bal'.s. llie shouts ol the ' an.i Has ensflnff of tilP ClIftUtQ. V JL*iiARi.n.?Tox. May 23. A gentleman .arrircd m ibis city 0:1 ha:u >J.iy evening ij/ti from Augu-tline, informs ti* (hat intelligence had been rcrcirpd at that place frotn Fo.'l King, slating that die-Indians were pulling t<fdcalh all their children under two years of age, j meaning thereby 15 rid themselves of ail incumbrances for-afmure desperate slrng* gle; also that they were making corn in more limn ordinary quantities, on which the negroes were made to work eery hard under guard cfsLntincIs placed orcrthcrrf. This intelligence qrss rce?ircd from A friendly Squatr taken prisoner, who had escaped from*the hostile Indians.?Meravrtf. i A Mlrr frbrn thr postmaster a.: uiomrai, auea Iiih inrt received in thin city last evening, state*. Jul a nun l?v the same of l'htlaodar R. Creed, has > been arrested and confined in the jail of chambers | county, Alabama, on the charge of !?ing concern| rd in (lie attack on the stage*, and robbing of the 1 United Stairs tnail.ou the IGth ult The persons who arretted him fonnd on him broken letter* sod envelops of Irllcr* tlut furnish almost cooelasive evidence of his guilt, although while in the act ol arresting him,he succeeded throwing in Uic firr, s part of ibe content* ol his pocket book. The pastmastcr also says that he has a witness in Columbus, who is willing to testifv thai lie saw him with the Indians when they Grrn on t e stage Jja?titU Const. CREEK WAR. The only information of interest which we could find in the Columbus paper* of last Friday, is, thnt active preparation* are making by those in command to concentrate the men, arms and munitions ol war at Columbus, for the purpose of passing into i the nation as aoon as all Urines are in readme**, u bicb wilt be in a frtr day*. In the mean lime a < lutidrrable force had been vent down the rircf and tslionrd clonf the Chalahoochce, for the purpose ??f protecting tite frontier inhabitant* on the nrer btlprr Co!(imbn?. Besides tie* abor?. the Columbus Sentinel states. that a large number of troops had already arrived at Columbus, and that those that are not sent doira the rirer are encamped on the Alabama wdc of Uic nrer, opposite Colnmboa. fbid. In another column, trc giro die grounds assigned by the Hon. Waddy Thompson f<>r his refusal lo role on Mr. Pincknry's resolution. , His reasons trill not be satisfactory lo the public. When the resolution was iirst introduced he role 1 for it, but he would not rote for it again, because "he une his cote paraded by Mr. Pine Lacy as aathnrUy in fetor of that resolution." If the rcso< iution was right in ittefc and Mr. Thomp* 1 ^ssMftnssasM 2* l?U?ssmr*aA nil /<! jm mi ?? ? vv?v iwi i? - ?* vpun> w j wi nc ? irrrf, Ac assented to it" was it wrong to vote i*?r it, Iwrranse Mr. Pinckney iftcr^ war tin quoted Mr. Thompson's role, to how that he lid assent to it? This is precisely the reason why the constitution requires that members shall rote on the yeas and nays; it is that the country may kuow who assail to particular propositions when they are actings* represents* tires of the people.- And would such s stickler as Mr, Thompson for strict adherence to the constitution riolafc it in that vital port which in meant to secure the responsibility of the represent?tire*, merely hrcausc it afforded Mr. Pinckney the opportunity of quoting Mr. Thompson's rote in tavor of a proposition which Mr. Thompson still admits to be true? But Mr. Thompson further says, that by voting that Congress bad no right to interfere with sis very in the States, lie wquld have recognizer! the jurisdiction of Congress over the subject. This seems to be a strange interpretation. Congress declares by a resolution that it has nothing to do' with a certain subject and Mr. Thompson says this is taking jurisdiction . of it! To ordinary minds, on the contrary, it is an absolute protest against taking jurisdiction of it The resolution . denies , such fight to exist in Congress; and be ? j:.I J it - 4.1 1 .1.1.1 C3UKC It UiU UCIIJ m fllf. AUSItll DIIU CIJJWI oibm voted against the resolution, when, for the opposite reason, the great body of the House roicd for it. The question was not on the abolition of slavery in the States. Jt was whether Congress had jurisdiction over the subject?that is, r right to interfere with it in the States. The resolution was n flat and plump denial ol all authority or jurisdiction orcr it in any shape or form. And yet Mr.Thompson could not rote that Congress has no jurisdiction orcr the subject, because by such a rote he would recognize that Congress had jurisdiction orcr it!!. | How is it. when* pica is put in ogainsl ine jurisdiction oi a court, ana ine court derides that is not entitled to jurisdiction is this taking jurisdiction? Duff (Irccn once mule some direful J charge against Mr. Van Buren, if wo rejcollect right!). It vros denied positively, and on authority. Tho proof was demanded. Rut Dad said the denial was an admission. This is a ca?c in point of Mr. Thompson.?Globe. Rrporl of the Cc&suttce moved by Mr. Pinekney. i We i?ive in this dav's paper, the report n # 0- m m presented by the chairman, wrho mored the reference of the incendiary petitions (o a Committee with instructions. The instructions rntcd by the House, arc most ably sustained by the argument of the report. No ope who will peruse this paper 'ttcntivilv. will b<*o! 3 less for !lic motive * of the agitator* in the Hotted who Would delay and defeat, as far as possible, its circulation among the people of hoih sections^ of the Union, upon .Whom the two bitter ends of faction would work through the slavo question. It is a conclusive appeal fo the heart and head of curry patriot of all parties, and cannot fail to make every honest man in the country feci thai the agiuftlon o( the subject in Congress, in any way, to any extent, or for any purpose, can only be productive of unmixed j mischief.?Globe, 1 The Baltimore Putriut states, that Gen. Clinch has resigned his commission, but ! that ilit* President has declined to accept it. The loss oI so fine and experienced an officer as Gen. Clinch at this moment, > would be a serious low to the ptibfie service. We sincerely hope thai he will rc' consider it. . No offieer in the country had ever a finer opportunity of distinguishing himself, possessing, as ho does, the qualifications so admirably adapted to the pit; sent state of things. Tin? Cincinnati CiMtt ssjS"*' High prists fir lb? aecrasries of lift are prnmlij om tte4?clifie in erery section of the Union. Wr antral Wheel* Injj, floor iiirtit $4 50 HOB II WJ vwmi ia. xnu ? wa v<tj Ml B bigbtr puce." EfttJt of betrp leer.?Encourage(sent to so* married ladies.?Joioed,in the4 holy bomb* of matrimony oo Thursday erenin# last in this dir. by U?e Rev. Mr. La has*, the Her. A she? Gilbert of Troy, aged ($3 ycsN, to Mrs. Mary Comstock of Putnam county,-aged 75 rears, late widow of Dan. Comstock, deceajed. making the fourth time Mrs. Comstock has been led to the li*menial alter. [BanutotU JmmutL t An affair of Honor, a sovereign core fcr the Dropsy.?An iritelligtal traveller idform? us, sars the Alabama Republican, (hat some tiiiic since, a Dr. B. of Alexandria, on Red River, challenged Air. M. an attorney, on some trivial account, who, at ' the time, was laboring under an abdominal dropsy. They act in the province of Texas, and Af. was shot through the stomach. The dropsical matter was dis?? > it?r? Kntrrl, frnm ihn infta. motion excited by the wound, adhering to the peritoneum, a permanent cure via accomplished. The parlies became friends, and the Attorney remains grateful to .the ; Doctor for this gratuitous surgical operation. W'c know of no,.law against shedding water, though there is one again it blood. If our medical colleges approve of this mode, it is to' be hoped the candij dates for M. D. wiil be carefully examined | as to their skill in tbie norcl.tnode of operation. DIED.-?On Monday moraine, at Uw mklvDce of John A. Coleloegb, Esq. IGui alt near Bradford Spring*, Somtrr Dht Mrs MARY DAVIS, eon'oortot Mr. John C. Davis of Pre Dee Mrs. 0. ' has left bebiad ber an adeclionale hncbaodaad time *n?l! etuldien to mora tbeir irrcpojsble lom. i i i sssBsssBsxssaesEB - eammmfit Kccorh. r.rrLttd mntl cjrrsttcd 11. ) Cotton, * 13 a 17 00 ' (>ra, M) a % I wit?*!, i i i .it i Floor, Carnuro MUis, $10; ceua'i? 8 GO a D GO Fodder, I W3 I!wm, 14 Yifiukry, 55 a 40 REMARKS. | Corros.?Nothing doing mlliusttick this wet* j and oar qootatioani art therefor* nominal. > I NOTICE. VOLUNTEERS and subscribers to lite dinner will caU at the score of (he subscriber for tickets of admission. H. LEVY. AU those trbowt|b to portbase tickets wtfl call as shore. . # June 11. J&ost; BETWEEN Mil E. Torley's and Mr. Win. Shilda* a dead Work Bag, which contained two notes of hand tied up in paper, vine ui uic ouw? ?*? ui?wa by Mr*. Elizabeth Turley, in favor of B. Williams, for four bandied and ninety eight dollars and sixty eight cents and en* dorsed by him to Miss Margaret Jenkins as her properly. Tbo other drawn by i Rev. E. f*. Praserfor one hundred and twenty dollars with interest from date, in farorof said Margaret Jenkins. All per* sons are hereby focwarned from taking or \ trading for said notes, as the drawers are i notified not to pay them to any hot the '' rightful owner. Whoever has found the ; bag and dotes will confer a grest favor by returning them to Miss Jenkins at the house of the subscriber.. WM. M. BRETT. June 11-20-d N. B.?Should a reward be required, o uilalle reward will bb paid upon delivery LOST. A Fifty Dollar Bill, the finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving it at the Store of II. LEVY. June 11-20-1 f Two Hou868 to Rent* ONE at Kirk wood, 6l one in Lngtnwn. Enquire of A. YOUN(?. Juno 11-20-tf _ Camden Orphan Society ACADEMY. TlIE snbarribcr, recently elected Ten r .t _ i i cnrr UI (inn insilltiuon, lias arriTCU III Camden, and commenced the exercises of the school. The hours and rates of Tuitiou as formerly. If a long experience i in the business of teaching, and numerooa references of moral character, can insure the confidence of the community, he feels satisfied that he will obtain it. MOSES IIOLDRQOK, M. P. June 11--W--C j NOTICE"" THE subscriber begs leave fo rcuira l,i* grateful thanks to bis friends, customer*, and j the public generally, for the very liberal cn, couragemetit hitherto afforded him, ami ei,li | cits a continuance of former favors. He re> quest to inform the public generally, that he | has on hand a large assortment of Groceries consisting of SUGAR, COFFEE, , U1C?, MOL^SSfllj. And upwards of 5,000 lbs. Kentucky and North Ctraliaa BACON. ALSO ?Having bought the entire stock of CORDIALS belonging so Mr, James D, Lemierc, with ku apparatus for making the >uime intends to parses uurBamejtne of oustness at praciiaed byhtm. * > Hete??lK0OilH Old Por t Cogniac Brandy Claret io bottles ) West India Rath, J or on draft, ( Jamaica do. , Pale Sberry Wine Scotch whiskey, I Ullage do Old Moooegabdt da Holland Gin. All unquestionably of lite first quality, all of which be will sell as fe* as the articles can1 be aflbrdedat JA3IES M EWEN. Jane g. j ~~7 FOR SALE. | 60 bbls. Stone Lime, 40 bbb Northern Flower, (he ilogshads St Croix Sagarj^and IS bbls. Alanbadan Fish, will be sold few fix j cash. - J. 8. DEPAsSS. June ll-iaMT HISTORY OP South-Carolina. DJr D0WLI2KG, 83 Broad-Street. lias commenced die re-publication EromUed ?ome lime back, of Dr. Datid Ussat's HISTORY OP SOUTH CAROLINA. The Citisens of the City and Stale, will be waited on pretious io the issue for subset tpiior3. in order to place it within the reach of ail, it will be printed-in nombera of from 80 to 100 pages each, price 63 ecu if per number. The cost of the 2 tola., in this inanner will not exceed 0& To those who wish it, tliey will be furnished, bound in sheep, gilt and lettered, at. 03 per roluntt, of 603 pages more or Imi. Tho fini enlnmtt trill hi* pmbfl liibcd with a corrttt VIEW OF THE CITY AND HARBOR OF CHARLES: TON, Engraved atprtssly Jeer Out Worl, which will be drawn from the mostfsvornb)e filoalion. The second volume will contain a WAP OF TUB" STATE OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. ! The Work will be printed oo the finest | quality of paper, in new and dear type, with slichcd covers to each No. As the expense will be considerable, a list of 1000 names is required to warrant the underu king. The first specimen number is expected to be ready about (be 1st August, and the whole will be completed i previous to 1st January, 1637. It is hoped 1 j in the mean lime, and respectfully s?olici, led, that the citzisoi will patronise this truly SotUkcrn PublicaUc* iu preference to the numerous Works of a foreign na' lure, which annually receive their sup port, and generally contain animadversions on their fnstttntione. ' " . , Should further encouragement warrant , it, the history will be eostinaed up to the present time, by a competent Editor. As an instance of. the aeareitv of this | Work, the Publisher would state that he covid find hot ooe complete copy in the . City?this copy belonged to the Charleston Library Society. Persons being near any. post office in the State where there is no agent, by forwarding a $5 bill, at oar expense, or a responsible City reference, will hare the work regularly forwaided to them in Not. by mail, the pottage of which will scarcely ever exceed 0 1-4 cento per No. In addition to the Editors of the different papers, the following persons are oar authorized agents; James Smith, Charleston, J. R. it \V. Cunningham. Columbia. A. Young, Camden, John Rfan, Barnwell Disk P. O'Sulliran, 8umici DifU Charleston, June 1 ?20?f i t notice. THE seeing creditors of J. Me O. Gar lick, and all those disposed to.aceept a dividend of bis estate under hie ached ale of Ute 90th April 1805, are hereby notified to present their claims to the subscriber properly authenticated on or be fere the first day of September next, at which time a distribution of the rands recovered will be made. TI10S. J. WRIGHT, JUsigutt, June 4.?10e dentistry" ~ >&.'). IBS. Is now in lAMDbN, and will be found at Uomb until the last of May* April 23rd, 1630. 13-c JUST RECEIVED, IN EXCELLENT ORDER. From Jf. Fork and Philadtlphia, A TOLL SUPPLY OF Dntrae & hsdxoinss, French & Englinh Chemicals, Together with a largo and rsrious assortment of Cuvvirts and Encnusta Instruments ?# ?? of urptrior (juality, deserving t!?e attention of families as well as practitioners of Medicine Dee 12- \VM REYNOLDS LAW BLVYk^ For ?tilc at this Office ?.# - ... - - 4 fir?T-Tr;TrmFrr Mr am '' ?... Drawing*Received? Tir^oifil ? fate Lottery, . Class No. 0. 01. 42, 34, 37. 3a 26,?8.'44, 43.30. 7. D. S. GREGORY & Co. J June It "" VIRGINIA STATE f di yej ?' $ Class No. 3. . For the benefit of the Leesbwrg Academy, To be drawn at Alexandria! lib of June* the drawing lo be received*! Charleston 17lli Jane. IIIGIfESTPKIZE, $30,000. loo of i,o??, SCHEME . 1 prize of SS0.0C0 ICO nf&I.OO> 1 do 6,000 10 000 1 do 4,000 20 . 300 1 do 3.000 84 " 200 I do * 2,500 C3 80 ,1 do 1.017 63 * 60 \Vhole? 810. bilm A quarters 2 50 . To be had tf the managers; No, 26, Broad St. Charleston, 8. C. Drawing to be received at CHARLESTON, Jane, 19th, Maryland State Lottery, Class No.19. Highest Prize. 25,000 dollars. SCHEMEI 1 pri-.e of 825.600 2Qof 61.000 1 do aooo 90 600 I. do . 6.000 20 400 I do 3.050 50 200 8 do 2*500 66 160 ? An 2.000 .112 50 Wholes $9. ha!res 4, quarters 2, . To be kod at the MAS AttERS OFFICE, So. 20 Broad Sl , CHARLESTON, S. C. ' Important to Planierp. \ The sohecriecrs are ootr engaged its the manufactory of NEGRO SHOES: of a quality jar superior'to any that hare been hitherto offered in this -market, aod as it is their determination to torn out none hot those (hat will hear inspection, it tfin be to the interest of planter* to examine the same. They propose farther to make any number of pair* teas than 10,000, particularly to measure, and accordance to the sample now ready, if the same arc left prctrioos to the let July next. As finished they trill be separately peek-J --3 ilnlifofshU m (ha 1 Ml OcL ITU HUM MI4I nvv ?r, ft? a xsord thry shall be satisfactory. J. BISHOP & CO. Jnnell-SO> JOCKEY CLUB. *+ ' The members of (he Camden Jockey Clob, are requested tojneet at the Sumter Hotel, el 3 o'clock P. M. in Camden, on the 9 th July next for the purpose .of electing the necessary officers and forming soch byc-levs, rules and regulations as shall be advisable. Jur.e21-20"C DRY NURSE. ' WANTED a Dry Nurse for one mouth, for which liberal wages will be given. Apply at this office. * Juae 4.?19a MEDICINE*. THE Subscribers hare jntt received and aro now opening a full assortment of Neilieities from the North, which can be recoct- . mended with great confidence, as frr as regards (heir purity and genuineness, hating purchased frotn one of the oldest and most rcspccublo liousrs in Philadelphia.? Physicians, Planters and others, are requested to call, previous to laying in their rammer suppl es, and cxmnin e the quality of thoso now oflcred for sale; which wo feel confident in warranting and giving satisfaction to punchasers. Among those lately received and now opening, are tbc following: Alcohol, Sub. Carb. Soda, Cajtor Oil, j Rhubarb Root, Florence, do. Ctlmrt Bark, O I t -K^.1.1 U L. WUUICOWipf iawviw uriv, Boras, do in Powder. Turkey Opium, Slippery Elm I mk, Camphor. do. to l?o?der, Calomel, Et?. Bole Armenia, Cinnamon, . Groond. Mnattrd, Clorea, Poi-d Cinnamon, Orria Boot, Acid Lemon Uropa, Caalor Honda Water, Chloride of Soda, Ridden Ind. Ink, Flake Manna, Carpenter *>??iUa . Gum Myrrli, Povrd vuih Arabic, ^ Carb. 1*0, Ccmtf Cub. & SaraaSulph Qoin'l1'. ? Morphia, Toku B)!sam, Acetate, do. Kteosot, Squill*. Genuine Fcara Oil, (not Pu!t. Cubcbe, peifomed,) Tamarinds, Naples Soap, I. .1 U \?~ 1- CS Duller V IHlgDI'Ml, iMUsa ouap. Citri6 Acid, Mace. Snoff, Tartaric, do Hair Powder, Ac. A mat variety of articles too numerous to men* tion,Tn addition to the above, a full assortment of which will always be Kent on hand. YOUNG &, M KA1NJOB PRINTING^ Gently ewWed at (hn eflirr. /