The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, April 09, 1836, Image 1

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' '' , .*"? ?r . * - * B V itOBEWT WKXIGHT, I!?W!?; ?r of Uic Um of Ike t ultrd StfcUa. % Kdtied by JOUS C. VMT, v VOL. XI. C.1HDR.X, SOITH-CAttOLIXl, APKI2, 0, l*3r\ SOIL 11 ?m 1 11 '--l 1-1 'r_ljp-l __ mm~m*mmm*'mms**bbe?saebs9sbb&smm&bss<mmmm * Fl'ilUkr i Stfos l? l Sifrran-tif KCBEHT fi'K^KUT, PCSUMICK OF THE L%W* or Tit F I'StUl SUJSCRUTIOXS Thrw dollar* a year la aJraucc, t fjur dollar* ml the cad or the rear. ADVERTISEMENTS Inert?-! at ?e*en!y 6?e cent* the ?-jaare frr the 6r?t, nd half that a;n ?tini f .r each f. munuance? Tae number of marrtiont to be marked on the margin or they trill be continued and cbtrjj'd according?. Tluwe inarrtrd emi-inonthU 75 ccau . an l a?atb!r $1 a *^n ,rr for each inertion CodifianicaLtona by nuil to be port paid or traaa n amended to. Pultlirnl. Kr?>a ihe A cf?.a >a?J Kinjnirrr . , I/Ueifigrnt Jhn ??/" all Parties. Re<?l the lollciuinjr c?ti nat*, whir h i? prepared by a \Ve*?ern men, S<?u?h of of the m ??t h'?ne*i a?i?l faithful Republicans. who t?rara the !la!N <?l Cotigrt'i*. We br<( the People ?f Virginia in ? 1 | ..J.. | j^iuruiiir ?u ?WJ iu niri it ? "i *?? arc tr I* tjly. Th y m?<* ih?t the SVhiji ore trtiag lo roze-.t the People, ole*! th* of Prmi dent out of their 'mtuJj, *n<i throw u into Cofifrc*'. Tnev yitl see. i?jiv ihe th?ng ftUnufr tvh??n ii ^fU lh? r*. on ! ?hita ? ",n rens* i< ?.pm to the. imiriguc ma *ud sompti .n yt the T~ev uiil o-e lint ainnc n i?ic.*v:h thai body have in their p. h?t to fn.?i a President u;?nn un. 'I in-y '-r ! urr that White uiid* no sort o!* rh?ne? either belme the Pmplr, nr be. lure Iniii^im!?ami that it you suffer il to go to :hr tho Wttigji triJt irtvc < IfTf i^av'-ftettrefa I!arris?.n and Van litt> ( rcn?Clirtoie jf, ihto, between tiw.-n at , (ft~nrr! T??rv ?i!I drop Jo?'^c White. He i* uow a mere liliud for the NY!?i? jf who ?rc aitfmpun* to rhrat you ivitb the ad rice. R?vi rr flrtl and art. jjt Parirf* wr fiend Mm. 2 r.*nn.?annual.j dmdrtl, 1 vote control* Mh. vf ?' - I l!d a ? ?? i Del. t ? l Oii?o 19 " 0 (ft 4r ? Hfiir??r \ J 1 r.culral N i". 13 " G ('it Jl 7 ?/nn?i ' I R i. ii ' for il#" .\du? 3 1 'f I.? 3 I for an J *i not 1 " I A La. ' " all circled WlMle? } j it i? pmbau!* tbmt* b* * 5- I u far and 3 ifunit,) 1 1!!. 8 u far Ad?a?n??u*uou, 2 ditnjni, I SC. 'J " 2 (or *nd 7 af*>o?l, 3 " Ken." 13 M Ofoi and 6?{?'ua, 2 . Ver. & 44 tfiin*'. Ad.ji a 3 13 1 " 8herni?nd Willixm* i? lor V. burro?a*i;n?: . any body c*crpt 0*_v i .1 ram1!' 14/tan mi it# numbrrm ?uy gut tkt tOit tf thirteen. HiuUtt mi ?v.U4 r 4 President. fa ikr frtttrj CongrcJt. I Van Bureu hi* - - 142 Uni'cil Oppo?ii!>jj?. including While and hi* friend*, - 9s 'St''**' . .1 ! 1.. l ci ?rncn in*- ? <??? i? /^cn uy therr will be fur Van Duren, 1 Maine, 2 N.If.. 3 Connecticut, 4 Rhode Island, 5 New York, 6 New Jersey, 7 Pennsylvania. 8 Virginia, 9 Georgia. 10 Illinois, and II Indiana. Against Van Buren. I M ??*., 2 Vermont i 3 Delaware, 4 N. C?rolioa. 5 S. Carolina, 0 Alabama. 7 Louisiana. 8 Tennessee, 9 Kentucky. 10 O i?i, II Maryland. (It is i probable Mar) land would be equally di- i TlrtC.) I M ssissippi and Missouri equally tlivi- i dei Of the Opposition, it is probable thai $ Carolina, Alabama and Tennessee, would rote for Judge While.?Judging fr nn their polities, all ibe other Opposition States toouui pK,(e fur WcbUtr ??r Harrison. " If While should revive <vcry electoral role in taeh Sale in which it it probnUc a liekti art// be g i up f r hiw. ludng ail the Hlave-hoMing .Stile* r*'' pi Kentucky and Maryland?he tculd rtwvt less lAun KM) elect ml v Ms?Of course In* friends run hint *?i?h no other hope than lhto?titig I fit* election into the H ?u*r;" The division of the vacated seat from Ni?rth Carolina may give that JStale to Van Buren?and that the admission of Arkansas and Michigan may give liiin f?o i mcrf. From ihe Ca-?*!ina Walrliman. Mil. PINCKNEY. We eanooi but deplore the injustice whic !?*? h?*f!i to this U'n'lcinau. and wi* linn to of our st.umch-.ja Wniga, b the course wh?ch several of our ?tr->n?;es Whtg nrr>jci ham seen proj^r t > pursue l*. ward him, on account of a Rc.sol- ???> which h ' proposed in Con^rcs* in rcianon t abolition p<?: it ion-. Connvm ch.irity <br 'h failings of our nature, in the aU'iico of al proof of impure motives, ought to hiv shielded linn from the intense reflection which hire IjIIch upon hi* name mon-roni nK?n focus .rom ?j ?ti my sur'cc*.-:?a de*eu consci wsiic*? of *b?ir own honest fdiaot!:ti met aw they were bv such a tre.neudoii* >ni jority in ^misrw, ought to have made ou cotaborers pau?c, hj?1 atk thenwdves win thef a'lcr all, his course ??isjj:?f uol ha*e ikici the most r. i*e and prudent? Tuey renin.] u ot the worthy Juror, who hid s nod out a, nizhl and prevented a verdict?on cirenn t I Court next inornin,*, w.e jiuijn i ther?. w.?a not no pr?ob;ir.v of ?he Jury' a^rcuinn? " Mi) n p!ru?! yotir Itonor" our fm ?i?i, ** I *! ? ??<w liuiik then? is?fb there are olexeu of Wc ?no t oUoinui :tci upon Urn Jury that crcr were uho; up to^c iher in a box." Wo do not KcJi-ro (bit Coirjrrw has .in power to abolnh -1 : cry in District n Cnlu nbia; n ?r do we ?ou.bub- fro: the Itn Milaiions ro*iipiatuctI >ji, that Mr. Pi.'ickno i? >?* tba? opinion: ivc our Iricml* be for in |j?b tli into crcaior fury. t< esatnio'* a littic more jurictlv the pr?%t>iiii t?f ilo?ol iliou. *' Ccugrc* pos'tsui n CunshtutioTil authority to infrrftr' in tuti tray rr/f4 ttit inti tuti n of Slaetry in am vt tb*: Stairs of th<i C> nfett rary, aiui tUa {lotor. o tnight mrt to intrrfrrr, in any lray w:th & artry in the D-siri't of i^olumbia brraust if'ttovlJ b< a ctulnti ?sr of the p?fiL faith, vjun'jr, impolitic and d.rn^rroas to th ('man." Who uouid wi?b a more*irong? l?prnnj?torv, derided ?Itv!ara?ion of our rights And uriieM Mr. Cainum & Co. widied t fu>ttr ilj' prcfotl CVmgrci*, thai no futon Coagre?" should ever touch tar subj .*t?w Csii.S'rt sec ttini i!?ry wlilted, "That l mul<! bf i tioUtiunof puhhe faiik" to inter fere .villi $ixcry in ihi District of C >!utnbn Whi'u 5>*riu*!? ?'..icr in t? a written covcnm t tbrir go .J J *i?!i o for tt? perfor*nahee not on'y (>>r w hat?? wriif n ou the tier o l!?c pi|^r, but ty thing that <* furly in lerabie ?considering '.In* ohjvra 1.1 ? ii n i subj?*ct matter of ih?: btruaiu and the rrli i; mi of the several parinar; tlii* lufcrralu put of a contract i? caJicd it? Kqimtv. IV p> rf??r?n the words of a contract iri such ; manner to trade tt? njuur, hj?. in citi luted couuiilw?*t? con i kikod upon a btae un?] dishonor ?wc, a<t>i u??* appr^pr-a trrf and ptnlntr Moid to u^iufy thi*. hi ' ?i?l4liou <i| faith." All ?!?o public JuiU lint Mould luvc exited between thc*c Stat*: in M'p?r?!r uitioiH, la etniealtH ind ticlu?k?c i!i 4 i?u?TTr..\ U; cn?Tflc C-oxnrirtTio? ?10 of 4 rHtiwn of the CotiMitutiut btmpl v, wovi-I not >c near no # ? i? of the tudaiioii of }i<t!ilic lv? It?ihi fir^i J.iTjt uti: ncc? s? ?rtlv tmplv a bad niotirr ire have mi doubt it ha* often bc-n rwdatet lib the very bet miirve*. but to ttneiik f the violation of faith nihrr publi" or private, :ierr?*?nh ri?r< - i- i i < J.A ?.w.. li .... , mr un a >| Jtuwt IIIU n m > in; lo u* then lore. thut Wie phraseology o thin Resolution could uot well be strengthened: and if we wrrc tint orquaintcd will the straight forward and un.!i??rmblin^ character of Mr. Piticknry, we nii?*h hare thought that thia Resolution had been worded in thin pcctilur manner. will a seeming tinlithcsi*, in oidrr t(? obtain b) the M Magcn a letter of inure *ircrigil for .Southern right*. We wrc well sn.i* fjed with the declaration?it is a triuin pliant vindication of S uiheru right*?i in a recorded udiuisaion, thut Cong rem raiinot interfere in thi* matter without ac ling fraudulently ami Icceitfull) : should i erer be done, it put* the imn-*l trehohliiij majority without excuse; we would ouli have to point lo this Resolution, in sucl *n exigency, and say to them, v-?u hav< ictrd hi bad faith?you have deceived us nid ire break ths connexion: The truth i il ??ciij? lu im to br iq this sense a tcry Itrcn security?It is a solemn a.'judica linn up.wi tli ? bargain, which will he con cluoreol the *|tiomtioft ii> all time to comic us sure?jh ccrl'iio, and as strong as tin most solemn expression in the Onstttu lion, 'l'o tulli aooiu fjcting pciit'on auh'iut reading thcin as the prtT< rabh mode, appears to us most extraordinary That would hare us strrn?jih. for I is a known fart, that very man; Southern members think iho h petition ns ?arred as the rights of l> ami in all ii.e real of the Union, )' the unanimous opinion: a* an ( 11 of th:s Mr. Calhoun pushe I the i * nf rejecting petitions in the Sen 51 he carried btu nine votes with hii ? of the 100 io?,mb?,ss from theslar* p States, there trerc only nine or t I did 4>?l v??>e in the affirmative c Piiiekncy% Resolution?the latlc * therefore, as the result proves, ? i- culatrii to e.-nVidy und coneenti 1 whole streugib of ttie friends of ern right*. *r;?il" the other, by n * w:iii -jnoorr VCJCU question, w?< r latcd to dirvie that strength and w< We cannot fur a moment. b< Vu i any Whig editor or member of (J * -vislic* lo make lbi? qne'lijo of A H a li ver in lb * PrfM UntiuJ c?nlc ? C>in^ on: ue, i i 'he begin ;ing of d it linn, pr:.; Med agvi;;*l its iulrt * for ?. :) such purpose, We wt d cu U.-grr the burning down our f destroy l.'.w rats?end yet, ail that u suit from thus ptTiinaciou-ly itwa > a more violent condemnation of tl naticai doctrines, in to giro conn J to audi a charge a gat .at our partj I y Major Noah is the only happy | f editor uc crer knew. He has a e equanimity which stands by hif !> weathers. He enjoys defeat just * n* victory?and even better, if * ? jjdgebv the piquancy of lite par y wiih which he announces the fi y and (he adverse turn* of the j f wheel. Er ry body recollects (h ding the Presidential election i; , (the Major was then a warm Jack* c the Stale of Delcuarc garc strong f lions of g ing for the Hero. - for II levare!" says U?c Major; s nail t> be sure; but she has a he > enough lor a Continent.** But wl p eleetion cauic round. and this fc a the ^rfil htftrt voted for Adains?M t ^ivh the Major; "poor li;<Se Dt what is she! wi;\. 1 could put tliC . state in my brn ci.? ? packet!" , The Major (who, tt is well la . now Anii*Jark?oii in polite*) f gitcn another specimen of his - ty. Speaking o( the election of d Ixjnc if111 as tfuwrnor of New shire, he M}sit is a glorious rest 1 ili* Jipkuiii men r.iifil lor him > they wanted l make nm (Jornn i toe whi?? because thry wanted to - out ul the Uuiicd tie* Senate'" s Itotten l)culy 'i ? THE BURNING OK THE Til EA k It in now abnu three year*, m s (Iraiructiou by fire of the Tremut I with t.\n greater part of iu< ' Never. prrnapK, did ?o *er?ou? a i calamity, in any country, produce ) lie* excitement, raiae *u little en * the lint eminent, The ?>pjH??itu?i ? I-#**#* ? * ' w .! I li A J?I"W ?'? it U-||?r ??% t ^ ? m lit I V ?MV i ground ior it, l ?rb ic a? ?"U?3ti m, tlirv ?a V nothing III the ' IfCUUlSlI , ihc cut" lu inculpate the AJmino Ol" neglect r due r.?rr precaulto > u an t'llHric'ii crjiU uci* in the fad f conflagration but censure tor thai hate (alien upon subordinate*. ? i watchmen. Jtr. already stifHcinul [ led by the Ion of their employ me t the censure was either withheld o I ingly bestowed. 1 Upon a vague suspicion of desij at ihc bottom of lhi? fire, cxauiiiH i to the matter it an made bv the pre thorilies. at tin* irmuiire of the ex a ml. after fill investigation, nulhi i pea red to jn-'ily lit belief lhuC ? ua< nut the result of accident. Time, however. wIticli is often t t lest of truth tu iltv senses of morl \ disclosed circumstances wI>irI> lea ,* doubt of this lire hating been the i a conspiracy of individuals, of a.?tne were directly, and others ini" , instrumental hi producing the co lion. The mailer hus, we bclicv 1 some time in ihc course of invest but, as secrecy was important to in the pursuit of evidence und tin : nals, we ?ltouhl have refrained fre j ring it even now, were it not t - bringing to lb-- city one of the t implicated has been noticed in ih< ? more papers. Mticb an individual . ted in the c ity of New Vork.arriv t on Saturday, in ?*u?todv of ?cvcrn If of the officcri*, and is now in confiaernent. Alright ??f other, mre hare heard, if in confinement io slaters. Cnu ia. and one or more others elsewhere. this in The evidence must o?* in some degree ?rid'-r?ce cireuinatanciaL Wc barereason to thinly question howercr. that the whole iniquity trill, be late, and brought to light' and judicially establishm. Out c'l. The <?e?ire to destroy evidence in holding the public records will probably -tppear en who to hare bt en the molire ol this desperate u( Mr. action.?Sal. Int. r mode - ?n# tsl- At rrptrst m<vL? Wc hare good aothori a:? the Iy far rtrfcuj', ibat jwsmMier general South* hu it ;:? cootenph'?o/i to establish a daily rising it express mail fteiwceii New Orleans and Ptcl i calru- land, Miinc, to be earned on horseback, >akci it cxc< pt wlu*n stoamtioats can be had, and to te thai run at the rale of twelve nnles la boor, so ongrrsi thai the time of cotnmuniraitofi between ibis boliiion city acd New Orleans will not exceed six now and a half days. Tli* mail trill carry slips this ?? from newspaper office*, confining loreign tducuon and domestic d *?, prices currrnu and im* / mid not portant letters. On every thing carried by nam to this mail, extra postage will be charged. can re- The prujjoaiuon will soou be submitted to iting on Congress, and if tkey approve of it, of lu-?c la- which there can be no doubt, it will be carleuance tied into effort. We think tb&t there coold '. hardly be devoed a scheme the success of which is liWn unrxi-*tsnt h? mir <"nmm?f*I?l political interests than this. W? trust that it will liinil of meet with the unaoi.nous approbation of n in all Congress and of the coramoimy at large, as well Should this great tmprore<neo< to our mail re may department be effected, we hope that erery agiaplis piece of (taper, whether printed or tQ'.no* jrlunate ucript, whicn ts tramtuiU'id by the express political moil, will be charged according to ?he weight, at, pen- Sunday Nomina JVetts. a ItfW, , | on man) HomCffUc. [ iadiea- -? . ? Hurah rilK 1 Mr I AN WAR. "the is Extracts of Utters received in. Charleston. 'art big pr<Mn ^ Courier. . * lute'of "N car Vuicsu, March 2S. whew!' *ThaVe only a moment's time to in'lewire! ^urm >*,,u R 9lua'l engagement which , w hole tou^ Hjrt between e portion of our Regiment and a parly of Indians, yesterday, lown. is *hc order for the tmops to cross the rihas j'?-t rerMl. John* had been giten earlv in the uoiiinii- morning, ?nu iw.i companies, curcman tea t.c IIi?u. b) Captain* Isiinv and FRirp, crossed in |]a:np- morning, nn<1 took po?t on the side ill; that opposite to that which we lately occupibrcaate vd- A i?hort tim* after they were aitackor, and *d by 8 party of I dians, carefully eonget him ceiled iu thebushes and hammocks around At the first firing, the Iri.4h Volunteers, unHutu. der Capi Henbt, and Capt. Hibler's Company, immediately crossed, and CoL SL'RY. Brisbane, with his .Staff, and several nth- . ice the crs, followed immediately artcr. When y bail* wc landed the firing was very general, and omenta the fighting was at great disadvantage on public 'he aide of our troops; they were all more : so lit- or less exposed, and it was only wben the uurc ?f Indisus forgot il.cir customary caution, i press, thai our troops wcrccnabled to fire Kith e i*juti any accuracy. I'frauir "Ti>- companies of A*:ibt and Faipr tnces of were the only Ci mponies fairly engaged 'iraiion. with tbe Indiana. Upon t.'>c approach of n, taerc the other tw?? companies, the Indians cornl of itw menrcd. rtrrating. The fight w.ts coininur would cd for some time ?!? distance. The comiufth as panics of ('apt* Allen, Denny and Pa*. y nfflic- her, and tuo U. S companies, under the ut, and command of CapL Porter and Lieut lair spar- wtx, were nlsorrossed orer, and two companies of the i. ounted infantry. By these, fit being the roads were effectually scoured, and our ition in- troop*though obligrd toslccpou ineirarms per an- yet ;?as*cd a quit;! night. There were ihree ccuitvc; men killed in the eugsgctnedt, attached to iug up* Ctpt. Amidy's company, all privau-s,and tnc fito ub^ut leu ?t twelve wounded of Fupp't ail priratrs. Sergt. Gaosc, of Fairr's he only cumpaity, received a alight wound. .aU, hua "Our troops, those c gaged. is well as re little the others, behaved with the great' si brawork of very, although for some time exposed to a whom gill'ng lire, not an inrh of ground was lirecilv, yielded. No satisfactory account of the nllugra- killed on the part ?>( the Indians has been e, been received?it is supposed that at least fix ligation: or eight have been killed?the wounded . ihm* i.f piiiirip rsrried off. if anv. ! crimi- Our troops are now crossing the Sc. John's >m noli- ami 1 suppose in the course uf ibis day, ihe in t llu whole I rce ml! have embarked. I hare onprisons lv liken a moment to inform you of this our p BtJti- debut, iu something like a general engage. arris- menl." cd here Picolata, March 26 I pcuc "On the 21th inat Lieut. Arnold tvs?