The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, March 19, 1836, Image 2

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I?>>wa>i (jj.i?TN-,Tce? i?*'.i..tiAiwi.'?uiv~'?W'W Domestic. $ i i ? From tlio Charleston Mercury. . FROM FLORIDA; T5y the 5?clir George ami Harp Capt "WiHej, wc have received Jaccsonvilte Coti* Vief of the I9ih iust. containing the following latest intelligence from the sea of-war: LATEST NEWS FROM CEN. GAINES. The intelligence front the Wnhlacoochce continues to 1m; of great interest nnd imjtorlancc. So n after onr last puMication tro learned tlml Gen Gaines continued fighting the ludisns. After the battle of the firat d?y Gen. 11nines found ttJ Indians killed. D$< lud two of his men killed- ami sc^nl wounded. On the third day tlw fyifiatis crwwl the Wiihfctcoochee to atuyffi hint. Me, baring taken only eight day#' provisions aud being (bus clo.*e!j pressedrent for reinforcement*, prnrbious aud ammunition.? OvQ. Clinch, being jrfdvr orders of Gsn. Scot', and bating re*t?ved no order to 5-md the jko visions for the Army, sent corn from v hi>uwn plantation, and Mr. B* M. Dell starled Srjih upw ards of 80 head of cauls. They had not proceeded many mile?, when ?u express armed from Getu Gaines, containing the mcJIigenc*, that Iw was en tirclj surrounded by the Indians, and unless he received prorbious, he should be under the necessity of cutting lib way through them, tearing bis unodded. lie revjuesied the assembling of iho Alobua miflia to gu.rd ihe provisions sent him. After receiving thta unexpected intelligence, the prorjsion^ which ttvro on their way, were ordered beck. The soldiers of Al'-hua, thuogh ro unceremoniously discharged, and . who bad refused to bo disbanded in the present defenceless state of the country, ayscm bled lo the mmbcr of about -09, to goto the aseutaocc Of G?UI. Gjiucs. Tlie to)louring extract of a letter rrrciwl hy Col Dell foro Cap!. Pric?i, dated 4th uie1. cooums Mime further pariit ufars: V You may not have hctri) of the recent occurrence* here. Genercl G-tines was att ached last Saturday crrobj, on this aide the Withlacoochcc and has been fighting ever >inc<?. Sotrn. times he has three "ghts in the day an 1 one in the ^igiu* At one oi the tight*, <hero were found dead thirty In dtanj and vac n gni. The result*of tin J others wu hare, noi heard. At the last ad- I vicus the k*s tu ih? Army nfl'iOO men. was j 4ktiic! ami 3d w andrd. ut ire l?;e heard thecannon several times since, firing heuv. " Our Afaehni Companies left here abmtt I o'cb k this tiNN-mug in a tcry hard raw, in "fikf to tsfiivi in guarding pmrUton* and ammunition to the W nld*; oochee, both of which U?*0. Ga nes is mu-h in want ol. We WtdcrsUod that, two dar* Rons. Gen. Semi with his lurees, w is at h *?lala, and that tw diff-frtit ?>xpr?sww hare lihen far mn." By the amtul of Mr. Samuel Harrison Iro.n Alachua, on Tuesday evening last, wc tre tarnished with still later information. Giro'h, wiih h s fore a in cotijiwli-j r naktiut At Iimx, stiliUir wdi"?? w dlabout eight hu.idred, had gone to aid Gen. Gunc*. lie rearbod 4Ikj camp, Saturday j last, i:i<( dreted a jut* i on with liiro.?' \N lib their atircd forces, an.nrjtmug r> nearly n?o thousand men, Gc-i. Giinc* intend* ctl crowing I be YVukia&iocheej ou .Yicudar J .si Rw boat*, (luting In *g ?t dtc. were H tie li? fmir icdre (vwudcf*. with which to cover itt^ Ian Kug on the up. j?*itc i t!? ?i ?b? Wiihiacoocber. The !*# ?i?uw tviU nndu i u-aJijr u?.iko a desperate nrvpgk to prevent hi* rr?wi:ig. Mr. liartlma >a)?t that on Vioial ij the cannon were ?li?uarl?y Ward. It i* all ?r?-r o??*r, and are are snxiouato ham ibe res I. 11 states that Gc t. Otinei in? never siiouti to ibe etM> my ore than about two huu ircd u?eii, at OB? It i f. That in every instance of m at ack, trhet'jwr by night or day, he was prepared fur tfu n, having anticipated lite mutcincni* of Q* i.i. I ?i litis way, he rimJc gieai haioc a o32 the cn^tnv, having k Hcd several huu *- _ V. ... n... f',, d'''? tfl ID*- n. II 6 1 9T, HV VI WM. ?. ? ? ? , j i 'i4(l him, oa* only cijA. k.iled sad sUmm f wounded vr. II. "ij*, tb.t 1.1 his C< Ttts 0?it. Gainei said he bid ineu e ?gb, a>4?e.? on y tor provisou* *ud * ttfuyntxm- ^ ^ 1,0)1 ier*? ok*?*** 0 iro !c. b>' GynG i tin*, tho numbrr o I at/?*09 n estimated ot om??*9two and three l?y negroes, who h .*<? 10 the * bile*, it )? stand, that lie Indum I)**c untile a fortification on the oilier aide of the Witb'acoochce* oa y four mitt* distant It i? made of can hand finci-ini, and stir n?uiid? d by .1 *k!c rnoji. Tina is at Oreof-i's loirn, and is pro.odd; the s:roti^ bold of be cn-iny. It ts impossible to say, bow uincb credit is' dttetoihc&o rcjjor s of ill*- uegroe*. Ihiliu nrst other instance* ,-i;ic- ttie cfHiimeueemcni ' of hostilities, much baa been lorn by not o siting their statements * Gen. Game* ??*t os inarching lor tins pl-?cc after cr. ?*ing t'fj irer. Tliere he will learn whether O*eo-! is yet koutts bow to make fortifications' which caa withstand oar moms of battering1 them <b?n. Before that place is taken, the! one in which the women and children pro-* ? ?? - -i- _??it* ? 1.1 wwjr arc, ISiO Pim.gllf }VIi6 WU m? utii be the roht of death i? many. Should Ceii. Games ruceeecd, as he f?r?> bablr has before this, h? niJI lu>c conquered ' the Indians, and they mu t either #tirr?n;.!c/f i or betake ihenurhr-a to the hammocks and1 :?vanips for the ptir|X*c i f conce I.neut and; o mling the while?. Hy nil his movemcnto,! Gen. Guinea has riinccd great skill, and lisi' shown thai he pcr(ec?!y imdcrstsmJ* the c no-j mv null whom he has to contend. Tlw-i maimer in which ho en's I bent off with *-? j little loss lo himself, show# that he hna f?cen no idks scholar in the-art uf war. \Yc no a ? ***? !?f' a (WH^f of vagu' xvairiarft, tiiut OxoU's i^Aai of h>*( years will be a short five month*. Hon Volvnuet]% orriwrf.?By the arrival, Saturday the5th iost. of 750 mounted volunteers from Sooth'Carolina, dor town was made a stirring acetic of diu.-iAod bustle*? The steamer ?<sayoos, was employed in siting litem across the St. Johns. Tbejr arc under the command of Cot Goodwyo, Lieut. Col. Butler, and Major Sitnp&in. * Tliey proceeded to St. Augustine where they wnl unite with another South Carolina llcgunem of Infantry.' The Brigade thus formed, will proceciKlo Volusia under the command of General Bull. The militia of Sinib Carolina arc well organized, and hare brare and ^gallaul officer*, u bo do credit to the State. SFrmn Uie Charleston Mrmny. Th* War in FLrida.?An impression has been very general in fhi* quarter, from re- j i cent accounts received from Florida, that a; hoatilcfecling exists between Gen. Scott and j lien. U jiik?, anil so ic teller writers nave < f gone ?o far as to tute,. (hat (he former tras j | determined not to afford assistance to the Iat? I t U*r to extricate him from the perilous situa- j | lion in which lie was placed, previous to the j receipt of our last advices Irom the books of j ! the Withlacoocltec. } An officer of (lie army, who arrived here' ou Saturday, iu the steamer JJm P. if ?gin, assures us that there is not a shadow of foundation for these erroneous impressions.. On the contrary, at the moment of his (car-; ing P<coiata, (6th ttisL) there was not a man in (he army wf Florida, who fell more anxiously lor rite safety and success of Gen. Unities sod his brare associates, than did Geo. S ott him*!.'; and it was believed, at' the moment of bis departure, that Gen. 8., j who bid then concentrated, at that aba 12000 men, would dismount as many c.f them as practicable, and, for the want of, *Aih r sufficient means of transportation, load j the horses with ammunition and provisions, aud make a forced march to succor the dei sell incut under General Gaines. Ou the Gth mrt. TO wagons left Pico! ata, laden with provisions, C*r Fort King?bci wc learn lr?im passengers arrireu rcstertnjr in die George ff&artt, that after proceeding aboc 20 nulcs on tbc:r way, an express was de?paich d to order litem back, and ibejr (i# return.-d. The Steamer Sautce wa.? passed in the St. J<dms rirer, on bcr way IhxaSataaoiU to Picolati, with prurisiou*. | | From the Sarsaamh Gvorjian. FURTHER INTELLIGENCE FROM; FLORIDA. | We learn from Mr. IsaacGarraso.% for-' mrr y ..f Effingham county, now rrsidrni a F n Wafkrr in ^lacltua connlr F?. ri-! d - l tat ??n Thursday evening Ia?L (-W t st.) an rxpre**arrired from G??n. Cttnc.:, m F ?rl Walker, requesting Cap!. Allen WiJiauta f the Spring Grore Guards, to; march with his Mttijtafly and thiee other! ronipar'te* in Ida neighborhood, immc*! at Ik to fr'-?ri Dranr, f??r the "purp ?$c ?r eirrvinc nratfcd^n* t?* OJnrtlaiiifi at OutTiiacn<M?cftre* That' Cajrt."W|?|fams left Fort Walker with his company (32) on Thursday night. f-w F.?rl D an*. .iutant 23 uii.'cj, intending to leave Fori D/ane, uith 103 lu a I of cattl^ on Friday m?-r- ' nitt*. The other three rvnpartica aho,1 a: jrird for Forr Dranc on the mm mission ? nakiagin all a force of about 10) m?u. 1 T ir tuii llifrnre brought bv the rx[trf*?to Fort Walker traa. that G?-i? -G tine* had been fighting tbe Indiana a O othla- 1 rhoochc from Sunday the 23tb Frb. to Tatirtdiy: that several Indiana were killed, and a small number of Gen. Gaines' command?that the situation of Gen. Gaines was very eritlral. for want of provisions and ammunition?that G < had erected [a fortification, within which his inrn were placed, and that the Indiana had advanced within musket shut, and had been repulsed. After lite attack on Gaines' fortification, the Indians re-crosscd thcOaithlacaorhcr, shewed themselves In numbers, and (with, much abuse) dared Gaines to cross orcr and fight. The for libra ti<>n made by G tines is on the bank of the Ouithlacuodice, where the rirrr is fifty yards wide, and the land on both sides is open pine barren. That Gen. G tines had communicated to Gen. Cii-ch, that the number of uarriors opposed to him ua* fifteen huii-j dr< d. Wo nlao learn Gen G lines was en-1 Imaged in constructing floats and raftr t?>| I -nnvcy his fruop? to ilie \Vt*t ??*!?: of the, O.iiihlacoochcc, where the Indiana showed i 11, nisclrc*. There *ro? alto a rumor when Mr. 0. j lett lfi?..ridc# !hal a negro tdlutr, the pro- ( prrty of ilib Into Mr. B. lingers, who hud j been taken by lit* Indians, had escaped, fi '?iii liioir custody, and had fommunua- j ted lo (irti Clinch that the Indian* hat! foriiti^d themselves within three miles of Gi n. (i??ues* position, behind an iuirineh. menu strongly picketed, in which liirv had placed u.'ir women nnd children. Mr. <??rrs*oif a!?o *tatc+, that there i? no fonmialioii for Uie suspicion, a* a let ter xvritrr inert*.bins, thai Nettles, wlio was recently killed by the Indinns, wa* living on term* with the aavogrs, it* Inhad been out wiih the iofitn'eers till u few days b<-ioro hi* den'li, and passed the house u( Mr. 0 "ttly two day* before his' tlr.iih, with a horse nnd curt going down j to M'cnonjty near which he unskilled. ' Mr Garros nt left the neighborhood o; j Fort Walker on Saturday morning Inst, j - - Lr tt,..i ? I..nit.! ltd tlQUCIMC'KI IH'MUV IIU It II, IKUI u >u. I ??' about 30 Indians wn? seen in tli?* iinmc-i Idintc viciu y Micanopy, on Fridn\ , norning. W'o further loarn from Mr. j G.?rra*on that the people of Alachua ccnii J tv hare generally ever bent ready t?? j srrve their country, end pndVircdj ''! *r Aril shard1 < ( du'i. i 4 Ytoa?the co::eJpoudejiCe of the CkiflesUax, Mer euiy: Si. Augustine March 5. Dear Sit.?I hare purposely retrained "rom'transmitting you any account of (he Seminole campaign, as the rarioos contradictory statements in regard to the movements of the enemy until within a four days since, did not deserve notice, and trerc too brainless to be credited. The simple fact, however, that Su Augustine, Jacksonville, Pieolaut, Camp King, Tampa nod Key West, hare been for such a length of lime kepi in a constant state of alarm, and each momently dreading an attack, evidence cf talent never before displayed by Indians? ecnHad they oftrays did exhibit?but that a body of fifteen hundred or two thousand men, should make such demonstration, and such dispositions of their forces, is, like the massacre of Major Dade?tmparallcd. We knew that ihry most be concentrating on I some point, and so the result has proved, j You arc aware ihnl Gen. Gaines approach- i od within lour or fire miles of Fort Dranc ?look eight dap provisions, and return* cd to the Outhlacooebc, fur the purpose of discoring, whether any Indians were on ike prowl. On arriring at that stream his passage was disputed by a body of savages, amounting, it is surmised, to I5fteen hundred?a light commenced across the river which narrov, is deep and rapid i and comttyucd ttro 'days, neither party! gaining any material advantage. The: third day Gen. Glines retired, and threw ! tip a brr s work-aficr which he advanced t.? the rirev with two hundred men, rcectn- j commenced the skirmish, and then retreated with a hone ol dccciring his one T.y, a*u:l decoding them into tta ambnsn. AUer dark on the seme day, the entire body of Indians, now largely re-info reed by the arrival of scattering squads, crossed the river, and had the bravery to attack him in his trenches. The strategqoi was thus far successful?-the cannon opened upon them, and played with such effect, th il itis presumed, three hundred Indians and Negroes were killed. I say presum...1 ? ! M..I 1-i.amn n<li*lh*? ikil num. ! ruf a? l? n ii"i miuh ii wuvikvi mmiii- * bcr was destroyed in the single engage-j ment, or in the entire rencontre. When ike cannon opened,the savages began a M IcrdMe bottling' and n?? wonder, fur I am toll thai all the trace eh iim* belonging to the irngocs. were used instead of balk, and literally mowed tl.ctn down like grass beneath the scythe. Two of our officers were wounded in that engagement?one | cf whom, it u understand has since died., Gaines h.i* since sent into Clinch for pro-1 risi-jus . but afterwards, countermanded the order, as the Indians would capture the wargons. lilc is nnderslood to he. surrounded. Ilia provisions must be' gone?and nn!?-ss a reinforcement, has''wen sent by Jicott, his fate, and that of j his gallant army, ere sealed. I was in (.amp, between this end Han- j son's, when-Prin t\ ike Express came in ; 1? at larked liizn in true "?:|it?rv ? vie, within eleven miles ?f this.; and ordered him In the "riehl about.": with a ?li ?wcr of Cficcn or twenty bullets. The top of his rap wus liter* I ty shot otriy. and serenl balls passed through his roat. A Irtarhmrnt f.?ju? Lieut. Colonel? Hewctl's Battalion was on this m -ming } urdernl ouiaio ski'i the country, and cut' ?tp the rnrleis ** like a group.** The PmiUrript to another letter dated At. Au?ufitne,%Ai *rc!i 2. P. H. Since writing the aborc wr learn "fltri.iily, that Grn. Gaines had been attacked op the night of Ute 29th of Febjuanr. by about I50J Indians as he suppoa *. and alter two hours hard fighting he succeeded L heating thrm ofl". The loss on our siJe is 4 killed, and 2*3 w un led, among the hilt r two officers. Gen. j Gears is in a dangerous situation . to use ' his owu expression, * his wounded nre increasing aud his horses dem-asing." lie I : -i.... ~r.?.u:,... aauii I* u?l"U ?n piuiaviMHv auu SM^I wivowu auu surrounded by tSic m*my. 4-9 On Friday !j<I, Jim, a free black. am!. Carl ?, a ?Ja*e went in (lie county in the i neighborhood of J'aluko, to drive in aome' carle fr?r Mr. Solano. Thry had collected lotted, 6c were returning with litem i when in cr.'?<i:tg Deep Creek they were J ^urroundfd by a party of Indians 22 in I outline.*, o:id made prisoner*, abojut noun, on Saturday. The Indiana tr&vcllcj with thim until dark trhea they encamped and killed a beef end feasted, Ming and,danced seven! (tours 'till tltcy all got ositcp, and the negroes inado their escape, arrived in town Monday-night about JOo'rhick. hiring travelled idrnitgh tho woods ull the . way, and aroidc I crcry path. Political. 1 From the Globe. We gire the following quotation from 1 fit allot* hrtif MIV MV% I V? <?? ' mm-www j entirely it its* now rcrcrscd all the prin-j riplcf of the Republican school which once gacc character and weight with the people of this country. The National In- ? elligencer Is quite in triumph at the late ! tact of the mineriiy Legislature of Pennstlcahia, whirh ocer-sdtndowa the Guteminent of the State, liv n Ilank Government, ronlrnllinp 3o million* of dollars.; niul whl-h <m2ori?(t'ft ili influence with all ' the common schools in the State, auil with j all it* internal improvements; tint* sap- j ping free government in its primary iasli*i lulinn* by a moneyed influence, which,' like tl c whirlpool of Norway, draws eve-; ry thing into the gorge of the monopoly. What the Intelligencer, when un ier Republican councils, thought of the carious attempt* of the Hank in |N|? to #?eurc n State charter, o:?! !?c *"ea in the f'/|.j*.yjng | aril:'!?: V '* ' -vfront Lay Aatiuaai intelligencer, J a a. *25, J Si*2. " Bank of the United States.?We have (tie pleasure to announce the rrjcction oi the application -of "the trustees ??f the late Bank of.the United States tn the Legislature of PennsylvlnituJur a charter for a bank of $5,000,000. " We hare been favored with the following copies of two propositions which were made by the agent of ;hc trustees to the committee to uhum the subject was referred." Here follow the propositions of the trustees made through their agent distract Binnejf, offering a large bonus to be expended in different sections iff the Stale upon works of internal improvement,&c.: The Intelligencer, .niter giving these,] further says: "The bill before the House of Itepre-; sen tali ves predicated on these proposi j tions was negatived in committee of the] whole, and on the 20th inst. the llo ' <>nn<>tirivil In ihmr r/?n??rt ! siztti-ninr ttrrtt twaHy-iUM nays. " Those of the nsys in Holies are democrats; thereat arc federalists. There is not a federal in the list of yeas. In this magnanimous reaisal of the legislature to aggrandize the State at the j expense of her neighbors, the people frill i see new. evidence tfutl Pennsylvania maintains her high political character, with a , consistency which must insure Iter the re*?j Sect of every friend to American interest, lay others imitate so noble an example!*' From the Richmond EiwjuWer. Mil. LEIGH. The conDict is orer trith B-mjamiit Watkins Leigh. The Hubicun is passed !? The Senator's letter is now before the pub- [ lie, and wiEl excite the strongest feelings { in the boson! of every republican of Virginia. For our own parts, wo can scarcely find words sufficient lo# express our amazement and disapprobation. We cannot doubt that his letter uiil be regarded as a tissue of the fiinsiusl sophisms, which errr emanated from a pubac man of any ^distinction in Virginia. How truly typical is its zigzig character of the anomalous, unsteady, and crooked course which its author has pursued ! When was there a paper of this description a dressed to the j representatives of freemen, by one ol j their bun 44 scrrauts/* so strongly char j aclrrizrt! by sue?! overweening a ad arr?* j gsnl prc?Umjii?.?h-^o utterly regardless of all the masims of J::rr?ti?n? Mr. Leigh affect;, indeed, to play r0^ an" lofty part?he assumes lite mock buskin* ?of heroic dignity ; but he should hare recollected, that his audience consists of * Irrc and independent people?who ar able to distinguish rashness from trisdo.o, and passion from pri ciplc. Mr. seems to hare furmcd t< o high an opinion of his own abilities, and to hare caleuhted loo largely on the credulity of hs? counirvinen. L?-t him be assured, that such fii nsv soj Irstry and such flagrant in* j consist-rev as this, cannot bewilder thri understandings f the pc ?p!c, Mo ! The) j will require (in the language he has sip. plied to others.) arts. ami u?ttprvtcfsiuns?| some other and better proof of his dt-ro-1 lion to the principles of the constitution,! ami lo the doctrines of our republican j fathers, than idle and ridiculous vaunting., llr is rig it, too, in supposing that so dnr-j ing an attempt to bring into roiitcm,.t the! essential principle of a tree gorern? icni,; nud lo dcf> lit" people and their representative#, trill call forth a spirit, and kimth a flame from one end of tins couuttm.wealth to the other. It will snerp tru . the mountains to the ocean, and uill teach j Mr. Lei^h and his compeers, (M inguiii. j Southard, and other*.) a lesson, uhiclij thry trill ncrcr forget. And who of all men breathing ought to I hart; been the l ist to ptir?tic this cxire.or-' iliu?ry course? From whose arm woul ; not I fir bl?nr hare route with a better grxrro ? flat! not ihi* essential principle] of a free government enemies enough ul-, ready, without arraying against it the i name of ISe;.j rmjn W. Leigh ? Wes it j fur a man like ?tim to -acriHee every prim; ciple of consistency, upon the altar of. faction f Wa it tor the author of the' celebrated rrp ?n of Isl!?; to b the fi.fl Senator ? f \irgiui* to trample u urnierfoot? to strike the only national plume | which he ever w-rc in hi* rap? to coinmit uictdc on his own political reputation? J The Philadelphia United States Gazelle vf Ffj#|av last, remains the following : "Tll? TUKivAPS. 'Fur two or three dats past, rumors hare been prrr.ileut among us, ot plans] at Washington to ilefeat the purposes ol, PeitnsyIvania, in incorporating the Uuil-d: States Bunk. It is said ilml the President j is determined to bring the surplus reve* m..< ^ 11 ... smnallr : ii u i, it mi mi m vaM iiin^iii???u? f i ?|??w?.^ nearly the full amount of silver ami gold j in this cotintrv, to operate against the Bank. That he will also direct that the oecuintihtion of United Hiaies Bank notes, | at the land offices, shall be sent to the | Bank with a view of drawing out its spe-j cic. * 'I he effect of such measure* actual- j Iv pursued, would of course be ruinous to | the trpde of ihe city upon which it should' fall. Wr speak of these rumors ns in rir-; eolation; we cannot* however, believe tbat! the President of the United States wutild countenance such arts. Wc would not entertain an mean on opinion of U??* Excculieo of the nation: but as some of the party attached to nod existin* by his name hare undoubtedly held forth threats of such measures it may not be imj roper ?o express o?r belief that t!ic Pre?i.icnt -I the United Stairs Bank will fearlessly ami cauiiuudy meet the thunders of thr c.vcc;;tivc, nml it trsv ?*c' be !;tu;b 'o sun-' repf' mummrmpv?- pose that he wrifr hivS skiH c.'uugh to i avert the flash intruded it?r Philadelphia, and conduct it Ui somo portion of the tiniuh, that is more the favorite of the Go'verBmtrfit. * | ' "If w'e loved our party better than the M State of Pcrinsylvaoiir, wc might weii winh for the warfare. ^ It wonld elfertuaJJy wrest Pennsylvania fronrMr. 'VanBuren, There would not, in litres months be left enough of the party to sign the proceed' togs of uiertings coacuctcd at Waging- ' tort." * Thi? carries with it the impress of bank official. Wc tip not bclicrc that there has been in Phihuhdphiaany such rumors, unless fabricated there?fabricated for the purpose of endeavoring to lh; our upon the Gorcrofnciit here the odiam of crca- | ting the evils urhicl* the vrh 1c commanity . oils destined to experience arising out at 'the wicked increase l*y the Bank oS its pajic* issues during the post .year; an w? ^ crease beyond the amount it ever before reached during Uic existence of its charter. This circulation is pouring beck upon the Bank?it will continue to return.? In nhrc nf thi* finrornni^nt dirMlinr ihn aciwuulcJlun at the landojfirrs of She nctcs < f the Bank of the Uaiira Slates to he sent I to the Bank, for the purpose of dreading rp> tit. it i<i much more probable, in our opinion, that th<? Government will prohibit their receipt at the laud offices altogether. I The insinuation of ?he President iif'lhc bank con fueling "the flash blended* for ' j Phitadrlf/kia to some portion of the Itnian, that'is more the facortU \ of he GitotrnmtuL?* ?> nt t without iis meaning. w anricrstaml it perfectly well. New York is selected out to f<-ci the puwer of the Bank. Wo have for s ?mo ti;s?o pafct lieco aware *?*!, lie plan of operations. The specie in the branch nt Netr York U to be transtVrrtil jo rntiaactphia. The fire millions of local debt due thei care tube Collected and specie withdrawn to Philadelphia as 1 frtsi us Uicjr fall due. This is not all. Tbc mioy miifionvuf domestic bills pur- *j chased in other places, end running t<> ' maturity there, are also to be collected iit > <peeie. To justify thcLask managers in their course of operations previously determined upon, has the above talc been fabricated by the managers of the Bank. Vhc I.) si pargroph of the above article, is tint less arrogant than most of toe otli- * i cr* which derive4heir origin from those ^ "ma trr* of the head waters of corrop- r^a tion." What is it but sayitg to tbc groat ^ IrmoerilU party of Pennsylvania, against Z4 trhntn the Bank has been warring for ye'sra, but could not succeed in snbduieg; ? i "Though we fail to conquer von by. ?he .J nronl, urr bold you suspended by tho purse siring?." and that they Jiave no alternative but to be strangled, or vou aceortiia*r to the Rank's behcst3.-*-^W#&S' " ? " ' - - " vi i i The W*.u?9 hst? lately canted at a yrcat .-atr aboo> Virjffn'a'a Icing fallen?Virginia disgraced ?Virginia's being pat at the fret ??f Uic Executive, by the postage of ilie K-.panging Rrsolutitfti*. But lo?k ^ at the other ri?ic of the question She r.?uld indeed be fallen?disgraced forever. * it she were to permit. o:i? of the u tilal principles of her free I'lstiimioni '* to be Contemned?and hcrseif Us tripled in tl?o ^ lu*i, by one of her own M?crvanb"-(?i> *lr. L i-h, in his own R port of lb)U5 rails the United Slates S?aai?w ) -Slw i.iigftt imbed hide hcrseif in sarkclCth .nd a .dies, if she becomes the slave of her own st-rt ants. S>#tcottld indeed bo fallen?di*pnicc?i?if *Ji?? permits B?.W. Leigh, wi.h impunity. tu iri-.nt Iter as Alaitgum has treated N trtli Cr ilfaagm 'southard, N. J.-rscy. VV.tca wc heard of l c abuses winch sere practised by otter castors, wc were stoutsnn! as well os udignant. Bat the case is k- c oar oiea. Ti?.- ins-ili U brnu^h) to ?.ur own dourr. # S tall ire aruuic<n ? Shall vc. who r.ato n-lil sjrrcd the Jlj^hi ??l instructing* Senator, a> all times, end undir ail circtio:* j stances, without stint ur qualification, now sufli r those very S>*ntiori to beard or in tlii'ir seal*! S mil \vr, who boasted of havi.?g kepi aH?t the flame ?f Libertjr^ JDdw permit it to he ratingtimbre! ottr own servant*? Forbid it. l'atriotf*fn!?Ftrcmrn ?>t Virginia! A>i<e and visnlirnle tOifr?- 1 ??J*c??;?r never uik mure'about your r gla of Instruction! m r 1 As the signs go, Mr. Tyler trill find little firor among the \" bigs of the other .States. The N. Y. Commercial calls his course disheartening and vexatious?says lie has "suffered himself to be ciicutnventrd"?It-'is "no harsh or tvickcd feeling agniubl ftint; but he has a led upon a principle of error," and "has sacrificed his , duty to the U ited States to his deference for the wishes of a few political partisans in Virginia?tmt fr hi* constituent*) *ho people of tile Union.V fFor the answer to that doctrine, sec Mr. Leigh** own Re port in IS1C.) and so on, as D.\ Cophagits would *ny. The Raleigh Rrgiatcr of the 8ih t?ke$ ihc thing more liighlv in dudgeon.?Yhig friend of Citizen Ma tit; tun thus briugfl Mr. Tyler's "eloquent production" "homo to his own busine?s and bosom"?ttc mean, the Editor of the Regi I r; * The resignation of Mr. T} ier suggests the tjuesthoi to our mhuls, whether the Whi^s of North Carolina can, with a due regard t?? their principles, to say nothing of their honor, support hiflt for the Vice Presidency. Our own opinion is, (and we speak for ourst Ives alone.) that to continue hi?n on our Ticket, under cxiding* 5 circumstance*, is to jeopard the cole ot the State. At the tiuic of his nomination \ ho was token op, in preference to Others, sit. j?ly because he had accepted the MarvJcivJ r.v.h' I'i yr. end from a wish U> avoid |