The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, February 22, 1836, Image 1

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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. * . H HOI R '1 M'K^I>? 'T| PvbftiHer of lllc lb' CnUrd Htmf *? Wtt?d by /OJW C. WEif. ^^^^^gaaES:H_I_[a___aE:;^=:=B_=;^^ _L_ _ ! ' IIII - run ?r" ->ij vol.. XI. il^DK.V FKBRt VRV 2sK, h3(i. HO. 4. '* > TS3 3A1CPSST JOr?.IT^L, Published cecry $Uurdu:j Msrn-nj ROB CUT NiLIIKCRor THE LAWri or TUr. vnwn SUBSCRIPTIONS Mto 3 It _ C.*?m m Bnl U?, l areo Q'xuni jrar w? >v?. St the tad of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at seventy live cents the ?-|uare for the "Aft, uid half that am ?jnl for each cuotinitanc**-? The no aber of insertions to be marked on the ^ margin or I ?ejr Drill be continued and cbirgrd ac eerdioglr To inserted seuw-iu?mih>} To cents ' and .ninthly SI * aqmre for esrh inerrtfon. CoiO iiun.calirms bj mail U> be post pi.d or i retain IStMe.idrd to. ^ ?S33?33?73 r.lMDK V jot'ltXA k? ? ? ^ 3 C1 - * J* ? U<> M It rt tiliPeiiUk. < I fin ' icYmiieV JWkvvL bluM'iicm, intend* to cuntiutie iis puhlira: * tiu?. TH t<* ha* n?t, perhap*, lorn a pi-rim j, of ail month*, in the last tvr- my live ' ycat-^ fhal Catudrn ha* i? without a new*piper, and il vv mid be a rilf ?>!an n OH tll?* rbarafsrr ??f her lilizen*, t?? ?up. p i?p that thry will ?i *l %npp->ri ???ii n? ?r? a olunnrr of wuieh the ?u!i?n,l?er uill m?i > be guilty until lie ha* concijnire ctiilrucc of ihr fact. i If ihrre bp any of our rilizen*, c'thei } n ihr town or elsewhere, who feel an in ; tere?t in the continuance of tin* Ji-tknai. ; and who are not already * ibsrriber*, they haTr an opportunity of nianif^un,: thai interest bv becoming n??\r. The |>uh< e liration vviil be re-r >m*nrii<*e?! on or be ' |U|r Hir A ?tl | k '! l?" ' I ??? % ?, ? preeiou* to uhith lime. i!ie i? I >i (W.'ul-I h<- pleased to have .?* ms:<t h? ?ib'e of the u^iih'n of ih???r *rh<? feel -?.iTieienl interest in the character and j?r ? s- perity of Camden, to induce them ? ? aiJ on the permanent establishment wf a new*pajwr in the town. The Proprietor ha* engaged the *ervj. * >Cr* iif Mr. JotiN W?.i?r. in the Eiit ?3 rial department?co?ae<jaently. the j?i?I?> 'tieai character wiil u??d?-rg.> no change.? rlt wiH sustain the doctrines of ihr Krj lican Party?Jh?' right* ??f th*- Stale* m.d [ the integrity of the Union. |i rnty he Mir ope r t*? add, a* j>?T*????alitir? and arurrtlilv!??v? become ho c<onnoi a w?]. n I with the newspaper pr-*?, that lh>i pat>> r will x.ipjHirt n?? political ;nriv wint li rrqaim aurh *H for iuno-rp^. rh? i?ai?T will f iiiiAi'i. a* f.?r ? > it* !> mi:< will permit, i >** runrni new* ..f il?r * <tay. d"mr?tir particularly. an t ! ?r? i#? f' when of %p-rinl :nt r? ?t Strict attention -rill 'kt pud to the Trice s Current: and w rkljr re.u?r'<? m id** <lnrmg t the hci?i i in relation to c*?itoo, which m ? ft be relied on fir their correc; i-s*. With promises on he pifi of the I*r??t?ri?-t ?r, be solicit* (be patron '?** <0 the puhiic KOBE T KM . IT, Puhhyn-r nnti Pr-pnttur TcEWSnr Sin*'niruov. ? j*-r annum K D adrance?*:l .*J ct;?. at tin- end I ?t\ mourns, or ?4 at the cmiclu no i of the inr. * ffjgmgmtwmmmamrn^mm??mmmmmmm*m* ^ ?r? , mma III I he ('mumon |'!e:?*< I Slli .Yorember, ISD3. |* M*rt?u A M ?v r, j Adutr'x. of A. Smith I ^ ^ t*. J William IIknrt ] [ *11./ IIER!iA8, |fc\nv, wb< ? h in i!h? jtilof |).irliii/ion I)i-tnci, h) tin lie of a VVnioi cnjiii* ml s?4ii?l u I'-mli.on x wherein iMmha A >loy, A<loir'\ ol A 1 Sroitli. 19 Plaintiff, and iIn? ^ nd W \ tf?*nry ha? filed hi- petition and ocliednle hi DlV office lor the pnrpoM* of nkiiii5 'he Ih-im . i fit ?f an ac' pi!?Mil in the ?i ir <>( our 1 >r I oui' theiioiul m m ii |ioiidre?| ami tin \-nio-, Com II- uly called *' Pile Involve ,1 I). !., r'i1 Act." The ?n?d M iriha A. M ?\e. \<ioiln rtratrix of A. Smith, and all o Iter rr?dn tors of the Mtid Win Ifeorv. are hei. !?v nihrr jrr^tmlh <?r !>\ ?!?* ir \ toriM-v to Ikj ami aj?|K? >r i\ lie- < '???ir ? ' ' ?m> tTVHi I lw tiol'lfii at D rln ?'ti>i, I irt jL Hou***, f??r D?rln?ji?.ii l)i-trict, ihr ' trin V M.m.'I.v in Mir<"li m-xt. at v? i rli 11.n? tin, mm! William Hmry will !?? % -ml ('.iiin ) >t J hu di^char^r aoctriiuii; in iln* |>r<o i-i<>>i? ??l ' lb? act afbrf?-H'l J NO R. BIH'C'E. err f Cl.lUK'a Of rirr. j Diriin/tmi (', II. i'r \vr ffiJ ISIIN'iv Kb". S j? i u r*i li v Vj 11) IN r\ 'FIJ.KNT OIUH'.K. ^ From A". y>rk a ml Philidt i A iTl.t m rri.v (IF [ L?.r3S it. ~3o:3:::2c, French >V Ensii'li <>. I Together ?ruli .1 1 irge aid untm. loelit if Capping and Ulnrrntit* .\ i>'rmnrnt of *?prrior quality, <les? rung the atn nii'in >, fami'ie* as well as pr ?c nioner* of N| riKCI l-AR. rHE F-OAKD OK OF THE (Tl Y '<F NEW Yv)KK, respect Pi II jr address iho follow mi ? iron ir to ;lis Gerchain* o| ihe United Elates, who trade with this city: i Y?u an* aw arc that on the nijrht of th? lGth of December hst, tn unprecedented Conll.1 * "ft i.iiuirtiiil rwirf ti!i nl j ll'^llinin n?i p.,..... .. our oir> between W til and liroad .*iruet-l cini?r.icn.<j 'ho Quires ol many wealthy and ouirrpr.-ing ?!erclnnt?. I^-st an apprehension should prevail that thi* lo>* ?imv render our mere, hints u ai?le to furnish tin- u?ual amount am) *annv of merchandize heretofore exhibit* <1 hi iIiih market, the I'mard ol Trad** h?vr much s inflation in giving the jvHur mcc that th Merchants who*e Mores were di-sinivwl, ii i*c rumored 'o oilier*. and arc prep r?*d from tresii importation* to continue their basilicas witn their usual ns-orlmenis. 'I In- Hoard * ii I'rndc therefore deem it proper to gi*e thi.- public a*?urancc that imnc need fmsipenc ih< ir usual tnnr of visiting the citv. confident that ihc\ will find the nurkei n.? wi-ll "iijjin-tJ a* usual, nnd ilwir orr?>|>"nelenls ible i<? mijijjli iheir demands. )!\ ??uJ? r '>f iIm* IWnrd UU' .II .il'i li N I 0-?S, President. John Kl.V, 11 in jj -crrei.iry. ' Ne>v Y??rk, Ian 10, ISIO.?2:0;. i u E SUBSCRIb. ,{ prepared I" execute t'a' ini ? work nil ilrirrinti'iru nnd lias mi lijinl an >? !! t of Klurcati*, 'iVorknlandn. Ac. | M.HI. Wnhojnfiv 'tirrfevr, Cur led A Plata tl.-iplc- Ui;>v I nn fliij'rr 'lif' ?, I"' i'i* I' . >!! ?? will be ul?rn, iri.nmnl.u;# nj?;?l??- i*. ma Jr. W. CiAKlJNF.H. J in. 23. IS3G -l-tf ~ImKW. ri I F ?? ?! 11 ?-r - ?i ? i run (I ^ mpn tiirr?'i {' < i l'1'* J??nCii?*r ? r i ..iiv ?ri?! F'jtn(v ii S .iiilrr Il.-irirl; Mr. ( r?>-'?\ ran ' r C'?i?*u!t?*.l .ii S' iiilcftil', .ii'l .Mr. M'Willii' ill I - iiiiiii ii. w Mwn.r.n:. j. J. < uo.-av. r..J. A_2 '} n. FO;t M L In* * I.! ! :r t.'ir- (' mrt t il u?r hi < j.n If'. I'linr-'l.i\ '2 hi .'I !'' I'riuri n<- x i a it'll Ik* )|a v I 11 u a i x' ft'''1 I '1 11^.' LIKtiLY .XKtiltOES r.'ii?i?liii; < l tin- m il,r ii< j|f,ii !i kI tlir r.?U?l. -I J-'lm ( \|'l?a. -Il rM * I**ir-1 I.' in- 1 .titnil.YTi'sl?/,./( am * ool'Cit in lli? iiiiM'Im r, .ml j'i"li.?liU, ilirrr I* tin! a jjaii^' ,1 jjrnr? in tin >i.iii, Hll j?? I IK I tin- nr ii- w if- n il tor ?.*I?- in ninrai 'imi j 'li \ *ir t '| iiii 111 ii-?. \\ ili lu- 11J ai ilis- lime ami plat e. ' ltier MLIES ami \V A1 JONS of ?>i {.' I'll', ami on >utu;<l.i\ I < 11 - \v , li?j{. at tin* plantation of n.iliJ ilrr'ii. all I Ills ?lni of . Cattle, Hog*, Plantation Tool*, SOrlMI ill of - III i I ..slii-1, o| (OK N, n 1 ?rj/ ij'i.i 111v of roi>j>s:it, Av. Ill'" IV I I I , III - ill III III! ^ I HI P, VI III .1 rir-lli "| inn, tun ami toirr vrm*, ? I'll Dili r ?| lr in ilie iliilr, j..i v .ill11 iiii.iii I.v ?j iirrli.??rr- tfiviny I'oii r, or *ralni null -t nun appi'?* * ?f sriurilv, 11<t .1 tiiorlji i^i* ?'l tin" lo gi n's. 'I or> i on a rr? nil o| our vim I, ...... . . ,i . . I i I I ? I v I I - I III* | '11 ' ? ?? -? 4 Ml^ -? i I < ?, rin_* ii?lt-r? ? ? Iron, tin- I.?t , .mil .1J % I'll jnf "Mil ??-?*??I ll\ . \ 11 -urns I I III! \ .!o|| u >. i in I tiu?l? i, I'm i iiumi > 1 i l<> j. i v l>?r I .< j>< r~ l' vKoIJM: I.. M l! I v11 \ . I Jihi.N t . .M i; \ I !' !>. 0?'J ;{i. yo ra t:. I rin; lim lien >lorr * v^ sn?I? r tut? j n in ol | UxiUitfCn AMD BAZB.'ICOUn?. it i iwini ?!|- Hi In! Mi - o. . * r if li91| |(? ?*|| 111'* #?M -I lllll, ?l|- 11 l?Mf II .UK HI r. A V in 1 fi??}??-s t.? iiI**r 11 :i i , li* } ?m .i?. ' i iiivii.u Lit. Feb. A\ ACT. To IncorjMvaJc a Bank in the Town of C?i*r/tnt Sr.c. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate, and Ifuii>r tf llrpr* irjtt'thoes, map met ana sit' I [ting m General and by the aulhn-\ Irity <J the same, id order to establish ili*? mill Ban*, llit* foflowing per^-ms be, j ; n?J they are hereby i|?|>oiiited C nnsnis noner.?, io receive Mjn.-eripiion*, at ttie ??evcral plncc^, lieninalter uun?*d, to wit- At I'a.idrii Chri-iopher M itlirson, William l E. Johnx?u, and John J Itl-iir: at Sumtervilli*, NNillivn H avn^v-vnrtli, F. I. M>sc , 'and John B. Miller, it I.incaoerville. J II. i Wtiliersjiooii, senior, M. Clint.?n and Henjnniu .Mflnsey; at Ch?Tnwr, James Wrigln,' Alexander Mnirhrad. Divid S. Ilarllee, at iVwiiisborough, IU> ^rt < atlica t, David Aiken and Hugh '--rkl?'); at Charleston, J'jlih Robinson, ?!. Colnm and John Fraser; at Colombia, Kicnard O'N^ale. I?. L. M Lam-hlm and Dat.d K vfsr?; at .M iriotj Court Hon**, i'tiom ;* K?an?, R?>l?cri II rllee and John II. Cherrv; at Darlington t ourt Hons*, K R. M'Iht, George W Dargm and * A miuel Ml.kiu-; at Che*trr t ourt H ?u?c. annuel M'AMilev. Grceiibury Coiviii a d Jr?!.II M'Kre; it Union Court fIou?e, r i . i n f i u; e ft .... - 1 J'liitl * I 111), VIM. ?? "II. I\. V. HO* IH'v, 'I i IU Ju ii Hogcr*. And ihf ?aid Coiiuiiiv>i it?rr?, ot a major it j <>i'i h in, at each of the Mid plio*, liali, on the fir-l Monday in May li- xi, and ll.v day following, open ?ub rrijv lion* from ll) A. M. on;ii 'i P. M., on each di\, at each ol tlit* above place* re?pcctivcIv, l??r iin- rmrpo** ol ratting lip* i.nof J iiniidrcl TlyniMnd IXdjars, whereof, tour rt-k* public notice thai! Ik: given in Ciazc.tes u' C.inden, Coli.nbn, ( heraw, ( hatlcsinii ami >u mer, and the above named i 'omnii9??oi.. r*, nl ail the above uao cd places, rscepi I'amden, tlnl). on lie o ?d ''loiiilijf in Ma> next, forward rc |w. ntdv, correct of the share* ?u{>r bed, iog?ii?e with I hi* nvowe* pud on ?iidsha?c*, al ihc lime ol subscribing, l ?r th?- purpose of n;?|K?ru mug I lie same, lotbe at* or nam d Gi flihwiHii'rv at t amden, 1 who shall make ou and l*.?rw,:rd to nil tin* a o*e named commissioner*, re-je-ctpejy. a Bchi-dul'* nl ?nid apportionment*, and -orb iid .'uliM rib- r* pmng t; rnr subscription iiiohi - ri :?p?*c;i?i ly a* hereinafter mentioned, then Ih-iii^ "t ?ckh"| l?-r?, and in tt.e s ml < onipiny, ??h ill k- ihey ar?* herebv in* rorll f Jllfl 111 I HJ.k .4 Hi LI ill.I lyull' r |*?ililC Ij% lii-' lit? lie ami ?l 11- ol " riic B itk ol ('annfrii unlit Caroliii t." tivi m? bail ??I|I Itl ir until ! tie II'*'1 'lit o! J I "I If J , (hit: I'Iiou^iikJ fcli^iii iiiiii'ir* ) i! -i !-*11*\>u: I'riMidnl tun ii'i " u-KM-ripi'in Sill U* aii'iMi-U <ni fitinT iiu aj?j?>i ill* ! fnr o|>?mi!i?^ Hi B 0*9 Inr .1 jjfrit?T " i ii f < ' s i ir-'t lii it l?*?? !iu Ir-tl, ami f?r???itf ! ? ? ?. t'i it r.i. It miti<?* r l>?'f *li ill >i i Ian* mi Ii, t!i ?' ' >li??"k lof alii' li 'i?* li.i? ?i|!i I'fiS <J i? i.i?oa:i li ii 'i'Jc }ir? >ji*ri , or w li?*rr "i'"Cf;;i'i'tn< ar- in .cJi? ot ati i^nit iir if i?r fi in, ? ich :?j(f iit or ^ii ?r?ii4u *h ill iir I ire ii <i till iii?t nli *i > ?? k i? t* iti? t?'-r iif in-, k ii"? l?,?i<?r ami iw*li? |, arm I > }]? j?r jvrtt < ! ?urii j??-r9-1.1, mi vrh<a?o li nip' ?>r lor * lum* li-'U' Ill ?m li ii'icH i"? " j 11- riiK-l .Sfct ? In / hr it turth'T rni'tfl lit/ fhr authority aj irrttun, l':> .* 111 r i~- i ii?- anmtiril ol I an 11 iiinjrt'fi I'li'iti* mil 1) ?l! ir*. -1.111 Hot (h- mi'* r f - ?J, i-ii tin* ii iv* irid t| t!? * jil iC? > .Il?j?r ini-UUotl'-il, liifll t Ii*- hooks ol uti?rri}i ion r?!i ill l?' .iii uiviii'ii mi the r . n i i n.iii .?i v. mi vii, <>ii i..?" nr?i .vi iii i iv in Jnlv urv, l?) iin: hIh.ii- iinncij commi*. M'lllVfv, |il rvMMIU OfWII I ?f tl-.irv ijlV-, Ull|v*n l||f t ill 4l||iiUlll ul llN'k >ll.?ll lx* ? hi.'lCr Mllln flix-ij >ic ii AM Kl?*riiou Ih- h*-l?J it I'mn11v*11, ii the I'*iri?l ^11?inl iv in J-inc 11 *t. I v iiiv St.n k'i<'1 11*r, for 1-Vi-ii I) rv Iron nniotig . Iiviii** Urn, who ntull liohi tfwir ol* hi until llic hr?i Mniitf.iv hi -lav. ?*n*ui i?'; llti-fi- *li ill t>?- in rii-Ctt iti mi i in! iirjvwi* It'iii, ?m I In* first mi'! iv m *! iv, hi vi.-li ami in il* I oilt, on *uch ??iii*-r tj iv a- ivliali In- !i\?-tl I v liir ? il l I orjuf t* 11 * ill, ol (MM I'll Dlfi-Clor*. W ||ii slljil lw clmM'U bt tin' * lorh (imIiJ. r? nr h?-ir pr*>\i?*?, Umiii *ini>n?' ihenivl* ?i 4i?(j i>v t |?l.irwiU ol colt's acitittilt j?i*? i?. anil tiio-?* ? n *1. t'l be iiouill^ cli'^'ii .?i ?.u? i |. iion, ?b !l !> C Ijl ibli' il wlllll^ 4- Doctor* ' V ? I'l;ni *i| Midi choice, uii 11 ilie rinl ol lin* lift Mo i? in at !M \t ?*n i?inj. tin* 11m?* ol mm it rl< i. ! ; .in I tlie ti<i Uif tors it ?I?? ir 11r-i IIM'Mlll^ rtlli f S I'll rl?'? tlOII, sll-lll I'll *> *< I of In- ii number .it I'li'-iilnit, who oliill re. Celt* '? llMjorit\ of t|l?* I III 1 -11 til lilt jJIV' II, a ml in r.w ant Director -h.tll ?lir, rr*i_n, frni' tr tfwMi tm , or !> rem mil iron iilflC b) 11 m * Stock 11 lit!* Ilit" |?I i?l? ill Ire Ii Ii d '>) tin: otIi r Dim .'! ir*. |">r t||.* reniin ti r ?il tin > ir. am! i fair tin) nrriTi |i?i I till* * IIH.U I'tlll'r <i -ll.i !?. Ill I'll* out lit ill* iiifi, at l?' 1*1 i>iii* i iuii'Ii jiri*vi?iii? in i i |n Inhi |.?r !) rrc or* *u ?. i>i 111 in I'm i * l i li CIIfll, I i ll vi Willi ( ! 'I|f i ' T'lnn ill hi til In* -i.m kli-iliji r?. /'; 'iffI n . - . In I lii ?l ill (Mm I " into . i . | in r i,n' I -Ink ill ii'i r 'if uli>cr." t! Mil "in* !ir-r it: f m' i> ?*.?< tit milM f ij'li n, ' : III" i Mi hit l IKC ;il ti* . l ?ik in i1 r< -?ik. i, -is |In* Cuinmiii-i >rii-rt! .iiii ?? ?i i? M.mi<*, u Hereof i^rrn\ [+*?) <j..vs i*ic >h ?ll '??: given, 3ii>i t?)|irotoiti i i<hi ul Omtj Im the purpose of o??u.iong an .indue mfltji-iicr, |ho M uiagris of i IfcnoiH lor tor* >1 eatd Bank, ?h *!I o.lminis't r *o every .S.o.k holder offering to vote, the holloaing (lath, to vvi:: "You, A. B do -"eat or affirm, (as ibecaw may he) the Stock yuu now represent, is bon < | fide your progeny, a d that no other pers i or persons, is or are concerned literal); a in to an? Stockholder offering to vote as prony or for a nntior, or m right of, or iii trust f?>r any other Stockkoidcr entitled to vote, th< following Oithf to wit. "You A. B-, do swear or attirm (as tnecase may Dej mat the istock ol !>., whwmytu represent, is, to the b? jt of y.rnr knowledge and belt I, the pn?p< rly of the sud ? D , and thai t?? other per.^u is or are, to 'ho best of your knowledge and belief, concer ed therein." and any Stockholder, refusi'g o in ike *uc!i Oath or affirmation, shall not be allowed to vole at ?ucli E ectiou. >kc. 1 ine said Corporation, by its said name and style, shall be, and is hereby made capable in law, ?o h?ve, put chase, receive, p assess, enjoy and retain, I i it and its successors, iatids, rents, tenements, hereditament* goods. chattels. promissory notes, hills ol exchange, and nil other chnses in action, monies antlefl. e|s. ol what kind, value -r uuuliiv soever, t-> an am-jtin: nol exceeding in the whole, three times the amount of the Capita! Stock of the said Corporation, ami tin same to sell, alien, or dispose of, miiI hUo I.j aur i.nJ lie sued, pleat* ail i In impleaded, answ r and lie answered, defend am) be dtteniieii. in courts of record or any other place whuts-ever ; and also to make* have use, a common seal, and the same to brejk, alter ami r new at pleasure and alio to discount bills of exchange ami jir trnis.-or) notes, at a r.ilc .?f interest not ? xccc.uig one per cent for sixty dava ; ami also to order, establish, and put in execution, such by-laws or ordinances and rcg .latum* a* sh li seeiii necessary and convenient lor the government of the said Corporation, uoi being contrary to the laws ui this Stale n r.<f the Lotted States, or the Constitutions there /i ; and generally to do an i execute all and singular. ?u-h aru, mailer* and uu jj*. which ?uav be deemed ucc.s-ary a:id j?r-"per I.?r the govern.nmi and management ul mid L ?r|i??rdUi?o, imhjrrt n?*v?jrthcb*??s m *::cii reg.ilttij.Mii, rr*irir;j.>:is. n mtaiion* mi*. ji mali hercatur be |>re*ciibed uml deviated. Stc 5 I t..I in ra*r a greater ?utn iiian 1 a.i il iii.ircd l'ii.-ij?inJ U dUr* be Mib^ciibe.l, me <Mim.iu?i.*ner? ab ?*e na..e.i ai L'a ..Urn, *hall u i in apportioning .lure laki 1mm a*.i!iiicriber? (ur onl. ti?e lbar. *, tinle-s ifiry cam; 'i t<.li?T?i?e k<i:ii>'ii*n.I? ir jtjif- i.'ii* "?ub??*rifMMj. i but tiii* r i, i;.?l *;oek .>! .tie . ? n<; tJjuk *tiaii b-- iM.dc I nilu .'o ir l!i u> iu I *hurr? ?il III.; uiidr. imi'I) 111 i r i* ; if: 11 n <- !i 11! i m ? j?*;i mure be jiai i at ill.' lime <<1 i.u-. .i.')i i., ? d r ulliff ti.tfi ii llic :m I ? n.i? ? \u, ;M 11f 11 f*ii<1111 , aii'l t:u* i ?. i i. i* i ai. i. rk ill ?.ii*h u.;?? *, a* llie l)i?? i ; f.-? > > ill ?irr*ui iii.i'i r?>.nhi!?.f e to ?iu- ml-: i -1 <?1 ilit* S; it Nlnililrr.-*, tin-v n*?l tt'ij.i.. I I..Iff ill III ()('- ll > l ll .?! i .i fi situ I .vi, ..I wiiitM tfnrty U.? iii.?llt* ii>. ic?* *.1.1; 4.1! ill ?har? i? 11 * hi'" 1 I;i j' l Villi ills lint* ifiall a I b? ll tails H1.1 ir. 'ill tl iu all i?c mrll. I >i ll nl. .i n; at <u.'!i il it Uui ? Ha itw Uirrc tors 11111 ri .j'iiit, -h.ui be I .ifn el uiiii vtluirVi-r 111 iiii.'S may br fiat.I llirrrtui ; III.! .ill jid \ . 1 e 111 a nll.lll bi* inatlr ill nil lilt' I'll n .it i!ic Hfir?*ir j?a\iug liank* ul Uu* Slali'. >ic. (3. Thai the number nf Tnlr* lu .? In. h ??arli S',.1 h fin I Irr >'> 1 ll b t'lillticJ. -bail b>* in iff lull- uin^ |.rn|' rti Mi. to w.i: lur rt'rrj f.iur ? *< ? - oih* volt-; (or n?-r\ lotit >i an s above I. ijr. an l ;i"l r\r? v It !" ?*ntv . o ir voir, I -r evrrv rijf'il ?!nfi - ub <vr ivvcotv. '? ?( rxrcnltnj #i\lv. nr v.?lr; trrv-rv ivukr -bare- abovr %i\;v. not rtcrnjina dim- huinhfl ami liv i oiv, nrto i <?lr ; lur rt erv titlri o v!mu? itlixtr liuiiilrrj ait I lu ntv, iml ex. rrnliiijj I iVn buinlf ?!. nlir Voir; lur rl'ci V i vv nil\ -imrr* above tr o liuiulmi, our voir: 1'rii!> !, no prrf m, roji ii tin is tip or b ill v |i ill In"", -liail bi' i'uli'lr.! t.i u iireji' r i tiiobt-r tluii l-ntv niir-. I flat a'trr I It i* tl'it rliTlinii, It? *|itrr ! ? .hi**- -1'iili c it I ?* r .i ri^lu I -ullr j>-, wli.rJt -ball n i fi.ttr bent liub.rii tluii e ilr.nlti in.h.ill- nr. vimn lo tin- ti.iV nl rlrrti 'fi ; Win! (i ? ?tin*r Si >cklisill tfii'M* vt ho iri* riturn* Ill lli?* I 11.n*J "Mat. ?. - .ill In* all nvi'i! to vi>11 . a.i i that >tork* li .iiJiTu !? *I :? rilizi-?i> i?| tin* I mi ) > i ??? ainl actuallv ri**i l?*.it *.t-ri i . *. i.. t??Miit.T ilia v ?nl?* h\ j r \ \ ; ? i<li I i ?i "urf? pr \\ In* a j.i a c. *z?*ll I t'u* l -' utr 1 St a I ?i. 7 I :; i i "?i Vli.ii 'i*r who iH'*t a ?*i ,7.< 'I ' 'Hi', * I. ill. n 'i - a 41.\ 1) *:. i| a'i> otto r Ha i!.. i . .*'?j ?ri? * oi i) i.rt'ir, nor in r* an i - i i ol a r.ipai tin rai.ip Iit.n, In- a f'n i 'or ol -ml Haul. ; nor -hall any i oM i- llit ?*.*lor, w !io i it a \ In* ii ti (I i*r ,iroii-si m -ni I H i k, a- tli iu. r ? r 11 tl >r ? I ?rl <i| .id v I'll I n| I'*I hi: '? 1' r iiiiMi >'i i i lur-' i| nn\ pr hiiii?9'>. y H"tr, irltl n. t'n ; *i I II mk, i-ulirr fur iJisc??iint ?>r <*?? ii Cii hi, niilr<H in? Jiall pruvi* i> ilu* sati*I 11 >! .i m.ij it\ .il tin* ntlier ?lir* c' rs hr j'i-1 ir is .11, aii'l Ii'^hI :?< ?! s iliirr nt rn?i-c l >r r? lining pa\m? r?l ol 11: - ili'iil iH-l, I'll \\ Il i ll .-ill''Il j'M'.i M lll.ll li( i I'iMd tj. Si.c. s. 'J'h.,i iio( less ih;in r?nir D.rrrlor* shall mriMiiuii* a Imanl I r iJir 11n iaciii>n ot ?s, ol \\ hum ilu I'i c.*ul* ni shall always be one, cxcej.r in ^ ce>c?i! kiit-as oj necessary absence.' when hi* lace may be supplied by any other Di* ector whuu. be by writing, shall numi>aie (or the purpose, and in default of icb nomination by the President, or ia Maeuf sickness or necessary absence of ilie person so nominated, the board of Di* rectors may by ballot, appoint a temporary Pri'?id?-nl. t Hec. 9. That the Directors for the time > ' ^ I. .. I it., re v./. ?. ? l.t ? ..?* m # amaW I uciil^ siittji IIJ ? c ptrn VI iu opjiiiliu ?uvu I officers, clerks and servants under (hem* 'a- shall be necessary for executing iht business uf said corporation, in such man* ^ in-r and upon such terms 'as they shall Jt em necessary and proper, and shall also | have power to remove such officers from ' iitiie in time, at their will and pleasure* I an I siniil be capable of exercising such joiner powers and authorities for the well government and ordering of the officers jnl" said cojporatiun. as shall be prescribed fixed and determined by the bylawsaodrc , gulauons thereof. j Htc. 10. !hst the President, Cashier ' and Clerks employed in ketrping the Book* '??l mid Bank *haii he and they are here*' In dcclan-d exempted iroin the pcrfor* mam*c if ordinary mil.lis duty, and from serving as jurors. 1 Ski- I I That nn Director or nlhpr oC licer of said Bunk,sbiii directly or iodi* rcc'.ly receive any compensation for any agency f ir n^eu.iaiiiig any business inthe liu.i*, in procuring discounts, i rue wing uotes, or receiving tuoncy for individual* on note*discounted: and every such Di! rector ?jr other officer tnus receiving com* peusaliun. shall be removed fruit) ofScn dad disqualified frurn thereafter from iold .ug 'in) ?ihce in the saiJ Bo nit, I ate. Tout a meeting of the Stocks lioluers may be called at a ?y tiuie by lb* l*re?ideui and Directors, or a majority o? them, or oy a <y Director who may pro* Lest deainsL Ibe :>rnceeJnie- cf the Board m - - , 0 - ? ana wiij may tvian the propriety of his dissent iu be considered by the block" hoincr*; or ;?he never the holder of two hundrcJ share- or upwards, shall require ,nr same; i'ro.ided thai ui? such meeting oi iitc mocknoluu.s shall be competent to transact business unless one month'# iheicol be in at least two pui'Jic g-ictlcs, and unless a majority* of sluek 111 saiu liuilk be represented. sic. iJ. I'llJl Uie landa, lenciueilts and j.ircdi.uiKciiis, ahicll it shail or lawful ior sain ? orpuraitou lu liuid shall bo only sucil :? ..a > .,? .l??f tU lullUiiiiaW* dC* coui.i.o iuki ?. 1 .r the ira.naciiim ol it* uu?tii< :, l<? JU UtliuU ll Itol I'XCctiilOf IM .1; l.J/USdlllJ (Julidl I, such 49 3!ldli h?t t? On.. l>4 iu ti-.i rnuf?gae?'d or ds.-ii^ntii la u ) Mi) ' { secunij ?r payment ol debt** ptci.i?u-i? ceil., ji ;i\j >ii iijr course ol tl8 uuii'i^, all.J su- h as .tlittii iiavt (it'CIl pUO tlidSlUdl .*41 9 up.til JUlJglllVIlt* previous* iy nb 11IK u. ?>lc i k. i'aat i!??: sai.i ttnnte ahull n <1 issue a I! ^ Olil >>r Utile iur iliu |'UV Illt'Ill u| UIJIlC; , llO. Coll. 'lie III'C 'JiSCoUllltllg till Ot.d nil.. | '411 in lis en |.| 41 sttit k 1U SprCIO aliau III lit |iosl?i J 111 1.9 Vatll?*| I'UT Ualli I bonus ol bu' UiUiisJiiU ooliais be paid lit* to lue Af asurynl ilio 4e, wucreupoQ o.i III Iklll' k All til 111* ^llll Ihft IklllM Id (it. PA* iij uvct-jirt'tj iu be exciu^icii irum ihe pa/* 1111*111 I .i> UXts during lliic UtliC il 14 licfd*/ iii.i.ijMi.aiit;. f*u ii. . u?? Kir m>ck ut (aid Dank ui assignable and trails.trabjn, ac* turning tosutii r? gindiiv.iis ana upon ?uch , iffii.? ?? ii'Uj be provided tiiu hxed by Uio Cul j'ui a.lull. ! ."tt. lu. i Ini ilir bill* or notes which ii.uv b< i-sutil u, tin oruer ul sum rorpoi a .tun, sie ii> u o} Kit i'rcaideiu atiu couti* ivr>.gucd u) iiiv oa-uiiei uicrcoi, pruii ic* nig mi uictii oi hiuiicy lo any pernua u ,-f i suns, iiis. nor or itivii oiucr, or to Kit bi uri r. thnugii n.t u.'iUer the aial of C.if|i.?i allui. 911.111 bi' UtilUl g, a IIu tb* ii?j. i) .mi ilio ?nu corjMirmion iii hk? iiidii ii r, a11j unii me tiki ..'ive and vlK ct an ..ii\ j'liUii' <.r |u rtuiis ii l > n t-. I LiV 1.1. . /lit, ?*1 li.tUit liin. i.CI, or I'hu.i u|>4< i)*, mn! liiiill be ?.i3i^u* 1.1I1' uii'i i R i abic ir maimer as if lit j u.c a ?.-su?* I) Bucii jirivoie per* ?uii . | sorij, iliai t? m >.?>, ih<<*e winch eli.1.1 lit: ] niabii io all) piTaolt or J-ernoui it..-, Ii? r, i iiiiir i?lot r a?*igi.ed ><\ , :n. i ai'ii.i ui in tike ii.auiier, with in.. ? ll' 11, ds iuieigu Uiltk u| eXchai-gc or I'l oil.. *nai \ .ioli a now me and Wiobi-w inch .tit* Jxiv.ilm* i?i 4.1V prison ur person . T tumii. si.ail ut nig--liable ami assig .. bl# i i<? ti 1;.v 1 f i .-iii) . ^Lv. 11. 1 nut Uic loial amount oiutbis u tin n me miiu ci>rpi*ruiiuu shall at any ( i. it- 11W c, shall nui t'XCCCtl Hi 1 ft- tlint'B the .iitniuiu ul 1 la capital stuck, exclusive of 1 tin- aiiiuunt ui mum \ the. a. a \ u? pu* Mil L ill the itxilk t- I ?4(C hvtj ; g, am. in '? m 1 ii 1 ilic Directum, w 1 1 i.imi iisii.Li.mi mitIi 1 xccss ina? i.:i|)j ? ut 1.mi In lijhlc li.r tlic sunif, in uii'ii prnaia 'ami inuii iilt.ul rupacii), ami an acu n 111: > in Mien cu?f in* urougiu ;ign.ii?i i'mmii, '??r diiy oi i. em, itic-ir, or y of iluir , lints, x? tijioia, or atiimiiulrt s, in any ILmiri M?vuiji jmih icii'Ui, u\ any creditor !i?r < it-uiiMi,ii >j|.j iMi|)nfa'td may Ilie | fi'Mi utr.! t?? jinl^M.i i ami iiicuiiun, I a11\ c>iii.iiu?M), covrnmr. ??r agreement to | Hit nuiirai v iv.iwiihtl.iiiiliug; but this ! sit,ill uoi be coirslrueti to exempt said cor* oi ttie iauda, le?auicut?, goo<i# \