The Camden journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1836-1851, January 23, 1836, Image 4

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The Indian's Panacea. < FOR the cure ut Rheumatism, Scrofula or King* Evil. Gout, Sciatica or Hi;-Gout, luv.pient Cancers, Salt Rheum. Syphilitic and Mer- ( enrial disease*, paiticulurly I lccr? and painful aj. j 1ocUon* of tne bouc*. liberated Throat and No*, tnlv; L'kcts of every dcaettpuan, Fever Sure*,! and Internal Ahaeei"*-**, Fi*tnla*. Pil?*t Scald 1 Head. Scurvey, Biles, Chronic S<?re Eyc?, Ery*it?ela*. Blocliea. aud every variety of Cutaneous 1 A Section, Chrome Catarrh, Headucb, proceeding aorid huinor; Pain in the Stomach and D.spepsia, proceeding from vitiation; Affection* of the Live, Chronic intiam.-tlion of the Kidorrs nnd general debi ity, caused hy a torpid action of tha vessel.* of tbi* sh.iu it is singularly efficacious in renovating those constitution* which Lave been broken down bv injudicious treatment, ?>rjuvoi:iJe ircgularitie* In genera! l-ruw, it u recoiunien?1 d to all those dweases which ari?c from wnurtitiesin t!ie blood, vilialioo of the humors, of whatever uainc or kind. Some of the above complaint* may require some trtffing assistant application*. winch the circumstance* of tlie case will dictate bm for a geucral remedy or Purijicatvr. lo rtmtnt fAc canst. Tur. isVia> * Pa?*cka will generally be found sufficient TO TfilE PI BMC. How true it ?s. Uiat modern Physician*?m their anbiU ?n to exact in thc.r prohnsion, to explore the vut fir his of acL-nee by the aid ol cheim.irr. and seek out new r* iiedial agent*; 111 sh<>rt to arrive at perfection in Uie praalice by means of *i;t alone, -J a, bcjiialh their ?entirely ovcrioox. mo i? s?v., ? mtice. the rich and Iwiuntcou* ttorc* of medicine, which the Almighty hat caused to ?pnn?j ??ut of (he earthm every clime! And bow much uiore true it. it, (hit while the American fhytictau look* ;n tormgn ounlriee tor tr<cny of lnt most common a&.l HccvKury article* perpctually changing at they are, the indie Ut? of taekion or folly he > tunouoded . tn* own countrr witlh an endleta praulueiono ' Ti?c twngcnhi/Uy, and ?trust of vrgrta- 1 hie fmcd:?-t over mineral, may be rttuonU'il bv ' contracting the ancient practice with the an?i?rt.. ??r. to bnn* ?l more immediately under our ow n ob- j s.*rra'.?of?f the incian practice with that of die' while*. Who. m America, ha* not know n or iu-ard -?~.i :?.ilitrein muur dec.'epid. ud- j ul rvprixu iiiditux - pretending female Indian, br wucaui of her simple ' rcinrdir* alone, hu clli-ctc-d the ni?*Vrapid and j?- j -toaishmg carrp. after the whole Materia Medic* of i the co uhi jq practise, directed in the most kufui manner. !ia*fatledJ And ntio bu not tx-rn ?urj?n? ' "rd <U beholding thr comparative ea?c anil facitiU < With which the Indian Jn-r? biuis* if of an\ di?cay, and at the chnc?r total absence of ckrmxt di?*Mr uuonj thrm* Who hu rrrr hr*rd ol an in- j d an with a constitution broken and ruined b v ill-j treatment' And era a d<*ubt exist, thai thi? happv el"iaplion of the savage from moat of the ills i? Inch the fl ?h ol emitted man u br r to. is cUie&Y o* ing to thcinnre genial and safe remedies which be cin plots* This astonishing difference in success, is a ta:r eac:uplibralion ol i!k* infinite superiority of ti>? simple and safe means of curr which (ioJ ha* created for tlie benefit <>:' his children, orrr tbn*r which , the pridt and the urt ul oun bavt di rntu j From a long resilience am ?nj a portion of the aboriginal inhabi&ntc of this countrr. au I an inii- , nixie acquaintance with the methods of curr* of I * *' " " * r.,l r,r?^-fIrv/- nrrt. l axiwr ??J urn ram r ? pjiclrr of U>C "Till IdbUl'l PHift*. ?C(jUirr?! ] a knowledge of acme ol tlirir rw?t powerful and |1 favorable remedies. From these he "riccled such j as were most eficacious and appropriate, and a'tc , various experiments In test their principles tnd j strength. lie has combined them ITJ the form here ! presented, as the ?xio?t perfect and beneficial for liiC puipose for which it IS trcotoow odctl The proprietor i>fT~r# this prrparalmnVi the puttic, with tile cnnwiuuiaru lint he ta placing w it.'in its reaa.'i, a rcmedv capable of relieving manr of hi* alHict'-d fr-llov bemga, who are suffering un?ie' th<* various chrome n.d obstinate complaints to which it is applicable. To sueh it will prote of incalculable value, as the means, and in manr rmart the on'v rtfciM of relieving '.heir safTenng*. and 1 remturiag tbrin once tuore to health and hippinetre I This is not oflesrd s? a cmjunetj remedy, that mar j*rc bancs be njually g?od with many others now ui use. but as one which is capable of saving life in R^axi^ extreme raaes. when ail the usual rrmed-es e?.i Ti... ,f k? <l.,nr- m.ealrdir and this is the | MM ?*? ? - - , . icputati^a it baa obtained wbereter it baa been in(roducrd. It H njalr three Team aince #h;? preparatnjn taia brat prcarntrd to the public but in that ?!?ort apar? of lime, aoroe hundred* of peron* roijht b?- found. a.'tn would solemnly der larr that tbi-v believed that (hrir litea were anted bt it. and in tn-ni rosea after tbrr bad tried ininr perbap* all tIre common rrtnedira in tain Wherever ilia koottn it ia rapidh* corninj into uw. and thit oJorda the m?at auholjnttal and convincing prout on u mcrita. The value uf the Panacea. ia mnit mnam? neu? J in t!ii?c l??n^ atnndinjj and ob?'.ina!r ?i phihtir and ( acrutuloua atlertiona trine), bate defied all ether . 'Teuirdir*. and particularly in \nwi ?bete J mercury ba? bren w lanahlv uwd n? l?> mu?- d:? i Irvaaitig pain* in the b-irrea, node*. mefrutt?l ill- j erra. derangement "f tlie dijrilire ?>rean? Ar J Tlli'V it C- ronlrtrji rrmnvi and in a!! ri?ri it 1 entirely eradi<a'? ? the d-ae-ar and M.e r^rrii < ( I mrreorr, rrn?n J'ra 'h c?-n?i dutum. ai d leitr. i -? i ii i.. in ... . | |ul:i')il oiillin a-ui r. ru , in ulcriU-<l ?orr tliroat, ill hupp* rf!r?-*r j ivd *np*r?-nt, ??*" ?? ilinmt imwduir :r'.rf TaVr ;i in pfufM-f df***a. Tit r 1 *t>l i? Pmirn ' np.-r.ttra ? t:i altcfnatirr. r?cj drtrrprnt. 3 rfmr i |/!mrrlir, vli irrlx- and latntirr; an anlipa.mndi' andau'xiyin* and in iirn|??*? ratra.ia a ?loma<*hir A j cnjtijrtiaj'.j'i* (?'*n?*jn'!r **i;>rr?wd, it mrrr ?>? j ?!! tar ar fi 'mn? and rirfctmin, pi?ra tonr t>> tfr tlniuach. tud arti??n in thr ?)and? >n a par. ticular marinrr Fmm ti.v*<* pr.nopVa it? <-j>rr? | tiva inav Kr undrr?t.'t/d Tin* i?rdir$n?- '.a* !>rt n f >und htjjlilr *jarf w 1 m ' ananr a?i?hi;Miou? di?j*a<u-? not hrtf ?;wr fj?d, and it . Iu? iK-rn <1 > .1 IV 1 til \r?'H?Jrffnl ?ori*f?? aa X Spring and /w/. put 1"f thmr alio arr mhjrrt to mm ' plaint* ot Uf i}ir?t, and \*li<>?r mn?l.tu1ion? rc. j ij nrr tv i?* vir >r r>nr h j?rr?on? will do u rll to tj v [ two or f'lrrr t>o!t?r? in ?mail i!o?ri Whrn. hi * . Jitt if/ink i? fn'niJrfd iiccc?*-irr. the Panama.' t-ijc?*n m a mail w !l tMnrr a!! it? pinpf??? ' in ion""?! Ir?? tiiiir, at !? ? *;k*ii?<-. anil in n far ' mnrr a^rmahle manner, than tlir ruimiton dirt; d tri It { IV following rrrtifirat'a. ?nt of hundrrd* mmi-. |ar whir!i rnt?jht h" prm-iired, arr g:rrn tn *h"%% | tho rlU1 *t ?!' l it r I* t>t ?? * I ? ? a c r a , m wir . ; c<?mp! ?;t.?? tlirr?*in iwfnti"f? <1 arc' ?!?? tr> r- x it i Kit { in tiw m->*t manner it* tiprrsnrilr ovrr I llitf tjrnpt ;r. rommoR u** | CASKS KIIKf'MATISM. (,'iiiri N'<it l.'i |fi1] i fh* !*?t win'rr *"<! ?prin? I *-* atHn ( tr-dmlba *\v ?*Tf ro and <h?'ii ??tn^ Klfumatiam-> orninnril bv < ipo?i?f in I>*<1 w?*?th?r I nnw tak'* ?r? ji!i-.i?tifo ir. that ? * r>( t >). ftrii t? .? Vnnnfri, ?nr t ' jx-rl^r' If-*! til. ' 1 1 ~ * *'? !! finilirtt i r ';J I v n'rniniii' uu .. ..... dieted. JOHN FRIIGI'SON. K>?? n~ 'mm ? ?T"?. M*rrh '/?. J-7\> J irrta ifed n'mut thi*"** yrara a:nre with a dm-1 trenem? Khetmijtmm. caused by taking a .vvrrf 1 t??M v in If under the influence of merrurr. and' winch li .? d salded r*?** from Su?'ric?e nearly ever j sn<-e f)iir?n? thisperiod I have been a patient in j the Mirirje Hospital in thia City, upwards o.f fn-ir . nmniln nrarlv.und the same length of time in the ! FUilitn >re Hnnpittl, and tried almost eerrv rerne ' dr. with little benefit. On the JOth of Frhroarr ' rent, at that time #earce!y able to move about upon e-:'cl?ra. I commenced tha nee of 7>' Jmtfim's I'/n ttcm. In ?.?e month 1 found my eelf entin*?r free from pain. and am now happy to sulc Uut L :on?idct myself pcrfcctlv well. WM. TUCKER, 13 Marku-st. CASES OF SCROFULOUS ULCERS. Ntw York, Srpt 10, 1K30. Thin may oertifv, thai in tiif ta!> ot I w:n. i seized with a swelling in my neck and fare, v^liii h < lAcrw&nii ulcerated and U i nine lar ;?- ghastly ul i i-cr* in my neck. After triing wveral I't ysiciam lo no wlvaiilajf. I went l?> f'iiiln?1i Iphia. and place* hi'.sell un.lcr the core of Dii I'luiie >nd loach, wheu, alter repeated salivation ??> no efl'ect, 1 wa? pronounced totally incurable Afterward* I took Ini/ntu hot/If* of >ic.itn m I'tintxia and cif of I'ottcr t Cat hot t(vn. with no material benefit Dcsparing of life, which had now become a l>ur then to iue, J returned to my parent* in N? w ^ ?.rk iti If-'i1. and pave laiiwlf up to a l.-ngefing ath j .Hearing ol the great nurm* of Th* Indian* /'cnacui. however, in C3s'? similar to my own, I wj* | jK*|?uad<*d 10 If V >1. a ia?l inut; in m? i;irai i ia'priM' well at:?fac'i<>n, I s?? n found u c < I' rapidly recovering. and upon taking ??-vrn b"tt!r?, the ulcera healed and became perfectly well u the cwrw of twn month*. nnd have remained ? > c *er since. I inakcUti* ?Uat*.mcnt and wmiiit |.tihh?.Uil t?>r the bene tit '>1 thoer v ho ??r mtlciing under mluilar *cruful?tHt or nvphthtic atTcclinn*. that the- j may know what ha? c ur?d one w lio ha* attfTetrd j ever- thing but death. and who c<>:>?tdor* hi* life uvt'd bv the above *\rup. WM HINilAN. i The above Medicine mar l?e bad at ! WILLIAM REYNOLDS Dili <i STORK. ("A MI) K.N. S C I l'RKSll GOODS. | Till subscriber* hate now refeiveil their ( all suj df *caMin?tblc, fancy &i stnj le GOODS, | Of the Fat eat Fashions, ithirb h;?*e been svlcrwd ?>th much nrr 1 from the nio?t recent importation*. 'I he ir a'.ock ?il (??.otls now mniprRs ? ? ?ery ?ie-' ? ? t 41..a, l?ia m/c tl t?nr ' 1*1 rijuji'ii ui illJU \?t ii?m hu h a *?*? #. ( Alio?a general u*!*<>r luirnt t.f BLANKETS, ! Negro ''lotlis, Hats, Caps, &< . j Hat ing on ! Hiid a heat \ <>t<.<rk i>l (idm!* . tJiev will b? ir.ilurril t" sell oil ll.r if liberal terms, to such an u.ay be j?lt as< ' :o give them a rail. CARRENTFR & RON N F.V. Ort . |0. II.MU.l.NCiTO.N D1S1 1(0 T /.y tin coi ht or commo.\ ru.js 111 n a v M fl i ?. n, l v \ C>iit in .]t!t2(hintr,! j W? V r*im. J ) lirilEflKAS. the plaintiff" in the abe*?* , ^ V ?!:?f. c:> tu* 1 Kill (Jay ot April, A I) I tiir hi* <ie< n? thr other < ! Wie ( 'ic;k < ! ti< Honorable t'uurl, ignn>'> *a:d drfrmlant, ab*rnt from. arid without the limit* th * S'.?v, arid ba? neither *? sir not a'.l?>rnr > tiv t; ** .:hin *.)<? name, on *? b?ui a ci-pi ibe *-*.?? declaration w .Ir. , a rulr lo plead tfvr< to. ?nttiii> a yea: r .mi a da*. mi gi?l i*r ?wr?ed?It >?. 11??" r t tr , I lfdef? d. hi purmaricr n! en act ?f tlir General tMrmhlyr. in that c:w made and provided,that the -*;?! o'< t<*t.0nr.t d apju-ar an plead to thr ?anl decUraration on i f t ? luir tin- '? ".h da* ?>f Ju > . ;n tU year ? 5 u; 1 yC. ? -J - -* ' "'ril ami TI f'.l t| i . Olhrf. "nr Ui<>ua?ilu r.-,M MV... - wi?r final and ala^iao- jtnljmrn. *v.!i Ik- in ardcd &^isj?J bun. J NO 11 niltCL. ( C It i^tTsce of Common l'r??, . Islington, July V. Iv? 5 r' * frc T?T?77>. /. > 7 ELS. H.\S jList rcceiTr<J .t fn .?ii ami m-mral assortment of U? utli mm and Ladies' BOOTS ij- SHOES, of C*cn (ic^crijittoii, hIijcIi were o Icriid in lufliM-ll, ami which lie can fc.ilcii v.) will o;\r satisfaction to those w iio him with their Custom, ami a? to j>nc? ?, the* shall i ?' as low a* can !*: bought in tins isutkci, tort it;? Gcutletncd's fine CaiffUin B:h#!s, lh?oU, a ci.< aji arin ! , fine cai! ami MiffoCi'vl I'll III jc, double ?o:?I'd ?!o it few '?j < >.!? < ?, l.U A. tut'l'l I'm its A S.,trt!> fc*i*?and lijjbl l*U"nj'*, L. idles wal and uiufjoio W juiii;' H!ioe?t " tilk Ff?m It kid ar.d prunella Slipper*. '* h.'ird .llld IfckUtld I3?"C IkwlcCf, and < liiidfii a " prulirlh kid Hid le.-.flirr S!i[>j?rr\. ( luldrm'w Mk andodor'd prunella I**.!? and AI .SO ? J'atitr ami l.iipnd RlnrLin^, nnc! Hni^hrfc. |l(nil<i and Shoe* made to urdi r, m.d Kips nund? d u it 1 out < h ir?e. ?/* A!-SO?l>n I! ntd?A lar.jr-ujijiU of ^ i-i 1/ u.c J> IMi IV u i^ii nhich are mtrranted to be a- good as am iti tins market. ll'antrft fimm rlitifrh/. Two Journeyman f^le-em.ihrrs, who ran rom? h?H rt-wmmnitJed a* men ?*! morality, ami steady habit-, and fir-t rate craft. one ol ?lioin shall hair a steady scat of lb*.!-, ami as jjmh! wages a* arc gin u in tin- Hate. A. r DKNTA'L SI KliKin r* 11! K Mi!.-rnl'< r h.i11ii ? ilri niril I imi JIL ?rll to tbr pnictire of 111. N T\|, >1 lllil.KV, iitll attrin! to .ilia r.?!l- In may he taiornl with? such a- tbr iii>< rting ot single or cuii.|ilrtr -i ts of T? i :h ' ? cleaning, scaling, filing or plugging, I remedying irr? gulaiitir-, ? xtrartu g de caved icrlli or stumps, \-r. Ac. Charges tnudiiatv and work uarran-' r d. J. l.l.i:. j J one ?. ? "A j n iu.ic notici: rjinr. s- < i, of ?i?- iha ..c n,*,v i | S C* *r* t?T* t>\ m' 'rii><"! thit! Mir |>- i n,.-i.| ! ?f thoTIIIHf* INsTAI.Mf'Vl ?f T? ?ti I',,. IVr LVnl i n ?ni li vi*! t" Tn?niv } >. ' If llaro |ff Shw. *i!?K i - *1" t I. -n c. ' !?ftkci-ii Ii'?** h-'iir* ? ! ' nrx! 2 ! ? i> \J on iho 4'h a rJ *1 ?11. in Jmmn ri t?. trliirh wiM "J.itli .nit! V>! i ilji> month Hv <t?!? r "f tin' II ani A f? r>' >.\*I . ( "A-!ih r Nov 2-- JT ?t -?I- * I In.wlL ?r,.|,ir.r^ i r.-incy PMinu-is <r ?an?.??...... CARPF.NTEK ?V It nnncv Inn ? y ?i r? reived an n??nrtnirni of \N inte Nlinw I* and Handkerchief?, of Ihe late?t fB5hion? EFto Rent. ! That large and <c<>mmndiiui:s Brick Store formerly occupied by J. A: 5j S. \\ bite. Attached to it is a 2001I ^ v *rd. n lar^c Kitchen and a Wood ?'? PosM'jision en ?*n immediately.? I For further particular* require of* I. N. DoWl), Secretary. Nov. 21. ./ oncfih(*. RK>I'1U"I FILLY inform* the public that lie lias taken tin' \* -11 known | -land Kin tl-.tnr south ??t J. I)uni >j> and formerly ??C4* 11 1?\ l>r\a:it \ M'lti| tosh, where he lias opened a an.rial assortment nt duy<;ooi>s, I Hardware* and <?roccric*: w Inch he will sell low for cash or 11? punr- j tiial cestoinrrs. I Ail kind* of produce taken in tr.nW-. for' i w loch the most liberal prices will !?. g.a n. I OcL 10. | . ri;t stiDocrtDtr BUGS leave to inform hi* friends and the; public in general, that he ha> t n tin* stand lately occupied by Mr C. A. \!'I> ?naid, two doors north t?l ihe PostOfjice, where he h ill carrv on the Tailoring Business, and' | hojM-s hv cl?s.t atteiiiioii to businrss, to itu rit and receive a liberal sinre of public patron* 3i.'e He would also i.r h.a* made j 2Tr.ui?nn<>nt.4 f??r rrcrjvmj fruinth'- ti.?r:Ii.11<* ; i art?<? "lW m mm>*J w?< Wi lie will alwa\> he IouimJ n his poj?i. re.aiv to' wait oil th?ssc who ni-iV jmv?- tmn a rail. Uc . 3. J. L. BR \5lNGTON tLA IlCi I. \ fiff.irM . j'itr t I m.s?- y ii ii' ir >l.< ?ii ? to r r ' t ?! > i . ?i .icrAl-ir i. )li mis fir .ki? t'.ff. if-f i-< ? 1 fi ? J?.fiai.i nt Ii iii li?. f. If }i i-In, i- | 1 .;!ifs ?j j r,'?r-.l >! bj I' r \| n V ll, j> sr!:li l>i 1? ' 11 i>. a ? s \ h- us*- i?I I .si nj I s . i : . r r . ii i' sili-s i rt\ f>u:i li Iih'Si:' ! ? ? ft 1 ? ti i'c?* fi- |!\ lis . | -1-! i< . t<i-t. t! s? i >? f? a! m n i< ?i *1 tfi'.'i; j fi J> i I.I ? *.? : i si il l.. ;r li.r l.'.rif i f arils |t s l J . - i 1 1 iri t.o I 11 :M >?. .sr* i?ft u: -i i' -i: . :i cl.uiA; ?J Mill i-l so'-ll l.flll'U' |\ ll'tt Whiff Lead and A I. \ 11??I s'tj'j Is ot tin ?< arfii <? I'iriil If" 2 n. W i i it?iii; A !.; "f i-1 i * i. i,t?> : r' , **1 ?l? -11 tfjrr- til thi''l r i"' <1 i'riis:,. ^ ^ f.i n v?'M "I 1.1 i 11 fir i A ( nil - i ...i!it t! In us r.iin: ti'fi ? >t \\ ? ll! ^ '.1 Is A ju.i! is'j',1!* ?I W i N i A ?.. Lt",S. PUTTY, and ? * ? i ? t ) I ft I ' i narinitcniTtMi itiiicK i .r;m j s. , t. ! r in W K! v.V I OS JI ST KKCKIV ! :!>. in rxu uj;\ i m: i>nt. From .V Jo/A cml I'hilndi Ijihin, a i l l t >t m.\ cir ^ H m ?# W* SJ C'? ><! aj kfaW**! a W ^ j I'rcnrli A: llQ^livh ( hcinir.tls tlx r v? t:jt ;t l ?ru"' n><) ?.?fn?u> -??-??rt-; fix*111 < ! ( itn<i I.nii.Hiti .l??/rH?/ i/>. <il >uy<ru>r ijunlitt/, i!?-??-r* ??i;j tlx- .iU> xu?>x >' , {--.1*!i h ? 4?. ncll pf r nitiiirf- .I Nj? tlx im ' i>.. ij. u ;/ t: t:\.\tn.ns i I \ 1 HtM.K\ -\ iu i. ; | .(ill i > lli i k n .lilt! >t..:ixiu m . p.'l : i ( ( :11 . i!! fxr K.IU li\ ( \Ki i:> rr.u x I.O.N nm . N v. MI. / .? ?*? ?? " n, tmta ?a)W?a* w X..?K I 'a t r> I I I (all 111 l> II t . ItOliiiA' Ml I I .V 1\ Jhmr anil Mir fni J I'm! r> I lumhut f jj '111. > A'* f: !<? r ? 1..U iii^ > ]> iinj .t I f all it M ?! tlx- ( i a! .-mil t - - X a ! > 11 -1111?e 111 at ih< M llllj M I t'llli? IH"< i! in I' 1) I'l Mil .*!!? 4 b? -??ti fr, l?i ! r i ? I j?} i '.i tj oil I lit- I *o| 11 ti t \ ]< , umi< r ti tinna ti t nt ?>! T Sh dm U iioll! (if il t? (!' i| \l llil i 1111. Ill l?U!?.!!< .? lott_' It <IIU|I ."I- I ? !ll_' III tlif unlit I ! tin- Mc?i' II \\ I . . It r >} .N\ \% \ rk. ami lr > .in ain! I ).i i In , r >|?? 11 f.? i > l.< ?*? (i in ..fin tlit- llili.iiiit .lit- -i| 1 ..iuiiit.l i t!' it t! i s roil-I 41.lit k'-?'ji !??r -ill-, .ill : > it i? I i ij l<"lllUlll ( jij-lilf'S, ( I'll! I H ", \ I -tlim-, il it.-! ki ii iui !-, i- will .1- I.iijIi-Ii ami l'.iri- in, StiK"k>, Su-o. i. 1 ??, 11. ?i< r \ .Hoi 11A!-o, >i!k >?fiiri-. J*.Ik r-, am! i.tln f artii ii-' r.inifi-cieil uitii Sauc? ami i i>lnon. ( < iIli IIII ii a h i ar?- 11 jf xi IIi if III hr artir >l !) <-? ill l>. ilii? iff i 11 lit. i v < .1:1 oj?j>>rinuil\ t>j t}.< ir r;:> lit* in i!> MiltriJ to |lit* In^iirM i il< ! - 11! l.'-lnlnii. .iinj ?>ti ti rnf lint mi .ill. " "| 11.i ii-ii (i |>ri i ? ol tin- tunc. !(< < in i\ Swi im, J? ?v? :?!?/? ?>ii ri>nM^llll'i lit, t I- .t ? .nr. <t| Kt .lilt M nil ( li.llini;f Jrniii tin- lion-.' * nl Stuli/ i\ M.his, It in ' Jili"f<| ,?liri l( ami Nii^'ri' ul S JatiMi ?'n i t l/>lniuii 1: l.. unci in \\ -itit 11 .1 11 r * t r iir ( nit M.?W r ?? ! Y?-?t M.ik* r?, i <1 li I'>. :ih M .ki r. h\lf i vt > will |,i- j. in! I.?r lu-t ralir \% i?rlvtin:n. N it I I l.'.-.'it I i? Ms 11 ( '??m i;< ri'?\ \ i: v. of J M / / i\>l Hit) .'I < J 1 I ' III I h /? i <>i: \n r AT 1 IJ i. I'<I i?I KH K. Ani-'O^ win' K tmv I '? ? U\r ( .|.v ,ii |\I-H ?, Ml. t I l| III... 11 I.< Mil..1* 1 inn;..:, i . K >? It i I* c.\ x/>!/:s. Al.fcO?For S;i!f, .ltnl I*iit<rirI:i*s. ,,fff - '? 1 * ? ? I )<c. 1,' ii\\v iimM l or sale at ifus Office. / _ ! FRESH GOODS. j fin HP. Subscriber is ne w opening a eomple tc? J. xoriiiient of i DT.-.P13 L TiLlTCT 0ZZ23. | I'l'JtCH.HSLD I.Y !* t ?V V 0 K K j %tnd M'tnla/itfphia, On the most reasonable terms. and as he has irad ai ra<?cn??*nts to korji nsianilv sujiplh d. I e is do ti fiinin ?l in sell hi a small ar!? anre. and make qunk sale*. III? st?<ck comnme* in p?it as '.oUf-Ub: 1 i na'isjkf f 1^1'*.' W c-1. !>..| .ir.i! KM Lrnriixt I)up.'.I Dlankcts, c-J and I'J-J Fancy Mnckusnw do i Nrjr<? lam# and !,"?? !! Linseys. >ujm r l.lut* !>!k brown. unx'd am! drab Cloths; Jv-.umi iitv ?I?? do do S'i. t'l.iinfj buckskin (*ass:;iicm,a new article, london < *.?-r-.iu?t?" ?; I'.m- Saxony 'lb !*?-t Cloth*: F nc ami r..:um??n SaUin?tt.?, assorted colors; [ > ,(h ;:iiu* V alencia ami Toilnnet Vesting#; iriij.. r .in I c-*uiiii *n a inle Fianm I; <: ? < i.ui;e do do Merino do Rt d and (Jmen do Stuffs. 1j 1! i? < and Colored 1 Merino*; | I do do Mciim* Circassians; j 1 do do I' Itlbr. Z'-ttes. j I IS I ii . *mb'e{?, and Tvfan Fistd#; Drab Rat:net: ( ?urcd 'I hibel Clotli. ' I 4'otton Gooffs. I1 Super and cmitnon plain ami tw;l!'d Calicoes j i (ll'-Uffl [M*.'.?'TII".> S* i#?. Jac5,,.!iet. Mail ami ('ambric Mu.-hns; J j Crossbar'd and figured Cambric*. j \ C V'l'in d ,\I(Tsiitio, 1. a k and < ii C .u.bri*- ' .iimbnm* Imitation Cambric* a* d I :j> ?, i:? cx.?, H.xik M u >.:r. ami 1?? I. j i.4? in, I'..i n Cambric II ? r??l i] work J bordris ! j >i ami ?i:;|r I low At) I ai?d licclt*. BSosivrij and (Hares. L ?<!.< ? ar.J Mac*, ,*j !i <**-; j ] do ?1? d?> el > W.i.V ar.ii b! t! K Wr ?*rfi (jrt 1 | M ?? % color u am! w di> I : t'is:! frrn '? liw'? . :.d ll?~ :k.i ?: j < Mrn i hall ?? ! ?: d r.d r?; I ? amI or ii ^.Ik i !o,r, I ij?i jisrinj and fane. *;rij>'d do : do Hun [?':'? ?ilK anrlrd do J b vrii.'.r. bbtr an! c?.i >j d >jjx OIhtti; 1 ti i do do '-jm ii w.,r. u do ' iio do kni o!,al' pj?od do I d ? Cv! ?f d a lid t> ark kid <lo M- r; > !). jo;, \\w ksk.n ar.d US do ; do j \iikx a:t(l F.tnrn * Sri ides. liiatk l'i>u dr Su u ."lik*. d.< Italian L:i.?Wi<>? d<? Cu (>?,. <ic Co ?!i> L't^iitim and ^tint, j' d<? S*tnrin tv? and ^ar?ni!*, I I J p!j;n I uu dr 5- .u do J do |f iSan dLcrch i if*. .' ! n?; i; n. I !< ;!,.n*. ? i.< . llrrtjmi, K< t. 1 i : ! . r. it, f)^ <! I li t ItI. rjttii; i?i?* < d j I Jiil--! \\ ....i j ui martin ' Hatulkrrrlur!*, j <1 U.i 1>- 'i*. I?rd-' inr I iirnd 1 ?!,; i.. l.j?t rd;'?'il yiil'.llli;"; lllwlld, j I. J .1 ?. l> : < ! I. . ?. . .it'. <! .N. ftivjn l.arr i > . and 4<?.-r'.nl i i < untied Mu>l?n ' tu'iims iin'o 2L.iiiiiis. I I Snpr and r< uinioii lr ?t> l,i;.m xnii I^?wn?; I ilir.i i i \ ? jjid Km*a 1 >i s- I uirn < lllil'fiC Jut : IImiikii .^li '-tiii;', mid iJt'WIn, * ) and i<'-4 li; w 51 1 .tiir ii Tal?!r ( .in? \\ tiii a c n:ij>!? iv a*?ortr:H-nt of (irnilfini ;?'s ami ll<<i ? I'ur ( Nat.-, iSail?li?*M. . 1<in <?(?* uinl Grnari vVc. iV i*. s.pi i J n u:vv_ ! Knivi - ami s t m>urs. i I nr. ?ul -< r.! ?-r* !in?- j -r ri-ci n?-?i j j?.l? i? i < ! v.rv >?!]> ii..r K'lin > iih! Sir-! .\s... r i ....1 ( KY.Ac. C.\UIM:M I:U ^ iso.wrv r .H st Ki-;o:5 vi;r, Hy late t:.c*\ or/ii ? \ l? I a I )niiis ii lid V.r<*i:-? W arrantn! ymninrntjil oi Chc 1 S i rs( if fit, 'if. \ M??M. u II It II ? I I ii i : i i . .. 1 J.n^li-ii :?n! b r? iii 1 Sr ' .! Cin?n;ii> ' ii ii . i ;.? rn i i ; in...iic j . ( .mi, M or j liir.i', Pijwr :in* I 'li, ("ii! r Mr Jin! ( i.uiii?! > i. I ?! hull if!i ?.V N| t l.nirii;r?, < >;tu i'I K' f. J1 S ih?-. I .1 l? \ ?**?? ! |>?, 3 ?*P I V u fit I V , 1 *ri*m*I? !'< Imm r \, ( irr I'll M> * ?, f Swuj.ot I\fri >\ IM Irun*. I.'i" fin, ( ..r in- i ? I.\ i ?[?ar;ll.i, ij.i ( 'i?!I)[liilU.?l, " J'.Mi.n 1 Poirlm, i " >\ njji i.j I .m i-r wurt, } I'. I i i I - '?! ij "I 3, tr I. j i I'M" I!I r?, iii ii Iii-truni' Hi", J ( Ill, i :ii .iiuj |,c ill mil, i"r i/? iui?i?, (iuli! uiil Si!, i r l.? i?. ?' I* k? | r i?i*? i?| i n-irnm'nl*, 1 Si iriti r<?r? ail'! i ? j j*ii if (il 'i*?i } i !? - ( ir.ipmj I ii-'runii ni<, ' (i f .u!ii,ili il \ r;i?iifi,> {' I \\ i lln ii.'! - ( \S In i I.- ill, pur**, 111 i!11 1111 Ni> I :i!lii 'J | \\ iiiilii v .!il l I .? ? !? Hi'* ( > *-*- i?l ? ar i< i- >i/. ?, I r ,\ jr> 11 \ n iv ul I'.iitil? hi I I iin \ i u!ur \ 11 n! win. Ii : 1 > -.".J ;t tin.' ii> ti il ( Till- ^ to Imnrlti il i iMmii' r? i ot \<; .v .)/ h i/ v !>. i-> j SI l NOTKI,. r | 111 r. *miI?ni r i 'I rin- 11i- I h mis I r?:i i i'" | i I 11 , I i I i ! . - !;ik' n l)>? II li?i I > I 11,1 |l\ ? - * II . |i ! \ IIIII'ImI .III I till! 111 "If M I l'l){!\ !'k .1 J I . \ II 111 if* il I i I <>;i I in (!< I n ?.| I .?iih!i n. itinl m ,ti ' tin '."in i 11? it -1 , ulp f In i> | ii i | .in i! in ;|< r? i I? r Ciuii j>.i\ . .tiiil ll.i U? r*? IiIhim Ii Ifi:i 1 n ih' -r wlm l.i % r 11int u 11!i tin ir ! ir.p.wtv I" v ill Itc -;ili.-iivil with llicir acrnmnnul.ili.Hi.. A. It. Ittl'll.Y May ,3 ?I -_jp- >, t ~ FRESH. GARDEN SEEDSl :>ffi?WEa <KT 1 ?'. ? 3,5- _J FOR SALE BY P. THORNTON. 1 .hnong iruicli are the following: Early York CABBAGE Icc do dn Dutch do E irly White bead do ?'?? Sugar loaf do do Curl'd * do do Ssvoy do Summer bush SOU ASH Drum !.> :<! do . do cro?k neck' <ifJ Lair Dutch do j Crook neck Gudtaw, si Green Glazed do Long Green Cucombci l?arj*e Kng. Savoy do . Karlv do Early Loud. Cauliflower, \ Prickly Gherkins, I .ate do : (lor pickles,) IV hi to Rrncoli. Grorgia or ' ' >ro?rli Kile, Sea Island WffwMeW olewnrts, (a superior kioty^ Curly Spring TURNIP, Apple seeded do Kuin Rasa, of j.Winter Cilmei, kvil'-w R usei a do} (for prraeajng) T-vi Large N?ifu!k fold do Largo Mu*k Meloo|?f^ I?ate Flat l.Ytrh do Canirlnpc do \U :deen ? :"cotch do Nntrnrg do i fellow y&Ita do Vegetable Oyster, .? (choice kind) j Na*turtinn, -Sa I'd and Wlulr Onion, J Large Bell Pepper, , ) IV lute Lng]i!?h Mu>laid, , Cayenne do do Rou::ii ?ni ?-tli Tonostooe Large Flander? Spina^Cj ! Garden Cress, iound do | Peppert*ra.-s. i'rickly do | Culled Parsley, ***^1 Sew Zealand do ! >ohd Celery, j ,.i.jig White Okm. | Sage, j '.arlv hl' iai Tui nip Cert ' Red Clover Seed, <-. 4 do yellow do do i White MarrowfatPBASl Long hh.od do Early Jane dangle Wortzrl or j 11 Charletan do|H fvw!\ Scarcity do ' Suj^r doBH "*'ai Ling Patxnip, ' Ri>hnps prolific dwarf^H leriuuy Co ' Kjfly Mohawk Tktifl Jra- ge Carrot. do China dwarf jH Log Seal let RADISH, j do u lute Kidney IH !*tn rt tep do do ! do vlmon do j Superior I.<n? LSck winter do ' Variegated Cranbnrj^M "> lute Turnip do ; iatua Lay yp Cabbage Hrad { Eaily Tu?aror* CoiruM LETTUCE ' do Sugar do I'arnmn Ronuin do do Golden Sioui dH (-1 choice k:nd.) I H 3 ALSO, 1 Fajiipblft" on Ciardeninf, 1 Calruialrd bv tl?c Mibaeriber. to answer lor Cazn-yj J? n and lite adjacent country, nrar the ?aiot Uti*a j ; The ?ltwrc See J? arc rarrnnted Should njS "if lind tlirin utlx'tmp', atiei a lair trial, othtrtC A dl b?- given ill lliril No*. t?Ik ? .. ??- ,11 Stone Lime. <??S-jSPy OA CASKS ill fine ordeiy ?W for sale. 1 A. BURR, or j N .. -JL W. E. HUGHSON^J l'rr>h ('urdinK-Jiiivl receired] Rvahpfty and L'tuon SYRUPS, Syrup of R"?r?, Cfme de Roar, Pink I^einoo Syrup, do de Citron, Kalalia, j do de Orange, ("uiaeoa. Parian Amour, ('rrnif d>' Viivun Itui'i* do Wnui. c!.? dc Mu'kft, AqikUt. Fof?lpk? CM 17 U LEV?. Mr. SumlorjfT Piano Forte Tnncr W \ S arnvt d iij ('AMUHN, and will br tb?ak? f X fti! ! > 'h..?- ih" iiuv lar<>? lum with thric^ 'limn/' I r iiur !,.urn' 31 thf of If <-r A iUiatuourt fl iJwi'iiiVr ifi i Vvlt;oos>s . i??f! < h ri st?u; ft Pr %st fits, 5*11 * ? ? r.! rn ? ai? ju#t ivti '-il 5 jupj 'f 1 u !. ? fi'aMr f I h i?!uu > ?ntl V tv . if i- w ii.rh tin v will di?|w f ? r. ri a, < , . and fWlnrfi?. "1 i , ?. ? .? ?ii '.ami Ilic I'HAliL 3"?! lit .LI* ; 11 M -1 il'\ I:MH A!* . a \;.i iij. < works, _ i :ii" v !/ 111 d. :ii i) fl"> ri*ut vk1*. I Hell W V 11-S l!l< !nde .\rircf Sk ft ft lin k * // nrk% <?/ ilturlc-hul utr. Y'.v llmuK >r 1/1 .\W/A -iwj.TiVa, / 'if /,|HT Of/.', ////. /. UV<A. ^ 'I it' 11 ^?/. 7/*v a Yankrr. Arc. "I Tin--, iM-w tiji's rxpwrt a ram* "I ENGLISH I NS. mnnuiaritirrtl (. oriirr. r??mr of nhiehwill >n>?* lit Mali (";.?? ! with r?jinjin??*Ut? com* !il?- >! ??A (< ? U.ou<?.an<i Ret] IlntniiiB.i Nc;rar?, i Quarter aii?i Eighth IE w?. 'I In r Wooll-n. ami IHankcU will be aold tt ft :.a!i -Jvanrr 11 ( > the ftr?t of January. CAItrENEKR A BONNET. I)?c. 12 f * (IM Ml 1 "I 1.1) to tin* JuiI of Kroiiaw ^ I )i-; i u t, a N? j?i o Man w ho rail* his aim IVmcf. ami ?a\* In l>?'!'?n;?s (? Thos J .lit*- <>t r.urfi. M 11? is beitvcm 35 and 40 ? rs (kid, 5 tc^t 10 incites l?|o|i. "I'lio own- ' i i> . ?| t;? - It tl to *??!' ? f r? artl. provr IIi9 i ' "I'm. pa\ liarj?? s niol take I in an ay D,f 5?J I h hi'.US. Jailor. I IO>IE:ilV and ? c?r |o nit r ?V H inn \ -n s>ortim nl ( \\ . it. r II Mi r\ ami (iloir-. consisting I < < !..rc?l K;iw ?v!!?. Mrriim, Mohair and N < r?ti.I 11.i?r ami lla!t I lose. Also?' ami (.i nl!< ini n'f* !*?i)k. Kid and-j I. 'hi (i In i m* Hi . I line i|Ua lil\. Also, 'i .in, II:!.!.id i?i. ! I'lnbrnidi-rril Kngli'h "j * i i I .' i an! Mail II usr. 4 N - sniiiM; HIM.. ) j Simti n Dotuict $ | milium 1 MMtim'T . T..llrd tvofore I 16 ? ? * mi tin- first if 1 ) idIht, a mii.i1! < I ray ! Iroiidrn) taken <>n !u? plantation in 1 h* vicinity of die Br idfonl Spring?, and detained I in Ktray. ,\-i visibh brand, or piomincnl I nrks by which to ditstingiiiah hi in Stipponed to J l"iir year? .1.1, ami ajipra-sed at thirty dollar*, " v Jain?*s \V lb-Inn, J Dixon, and S. P. Hatfield, uli;k-d Api?iai?er?. WM. J. REYNOLDS, J. Q. , Pccenibcr 25 . 52-if I