Farmers' gazette, and Cheraw advertiser. (Cheraw, S.C.) 1839-1843, February 21, 1843, Image 8

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as Lie Uet momenta, without ine, which contain* Ihe ? - religious euojeets. tub V Vhcle CMfWw a? follow* : ?:?*!.' Mli^ WMibQaaMl that ha 'conferigdChtim before (Hen.' lit a familiar but ijjptileniii, conversation be exclaimed, with *c<tfnKumafhfVdiaccent and emphatic brev^y phlcb-had a1* electric effedt, * I know pph; and ! tefl, y ou that Jeaus waa not a fnan. Hit religion ia a self existent myat ifffproceed# from a mind not bnao. } There ia in"it a^eep peculiarity ofeaaraaterwbicb baa Moauceda succos4^"nde and maxima till[thenunknown, Jeaua borrowed nothing from 4 human knowledge. > Only in himsoif ?a ! i found completely th? example or the imitation of hia life. Neither waa he a phi. b ^' JoeophCr; for hia proof* were miracle* ^finclhis deaciplea from the refy first a* . dored hlrtiJ ID fhet, science and philoao|>hy< ere powerteea to aalvation ; and the Uaijft objector Jesus, in coming iato the t jr*rld? ??l to entail the myatoriee of hearen and the lawa of mind. Alexander, Cesar, Charlemagne, and I, have foeudbd empire#; bet on what have we footed the creations of our genius? Upon foran uDalf Jeans has founded an empwe upon love; ^nd* et thia moment, i million a-of mon would die for him* It wee not e day or e bottle that won the I victory over the world for the Christian | religion t NO) 11 wU l long war, a fight ofHbree centuries, bhgun by the apostles, In cone hided by their successors, and the flow of the Christian generations that '.followed. In that war all the kings and I poOrcraof the earth on one aide; on the alfccndel see no army, but a mysterious >fllOe( Mda- few men scattered here and ' there through att parts of the world, and who hfud no rallying point but their faith Jo the mysteries of the cross. I die be. fore my time, and my body will be put in the gn land to beeome the food of worms. ' Such h the fate of the great Napoleon ! What ah -abyss bet waen my deep wrechednOasaad Christ's eternal kingdom, pro. eiftimad, loved,: adored, and spreading through the world! Wea that dying? waa it not rather to fire T The death of M*l Bertrand making no roply, ho added Jf you do not imderttand that j Jesus Christ la God, I have been wrong an caning youyenorai,' tAMS AMD TUB HAM. i-'.iTm* one of thorn days when the tun in its perpendicular alt it udo looks at two oldie of .It* hedge et eooe lovely mid. iimmer dey~~wbe? netare tu laughing MB hei' eldee ached, and mother oarlh, in her gef eat mood, wia lavishing h?r prom, ieea and her. umiles to her often ungrate. Ail children, the lambs were skipping to tad fro in their enclosed pastures, and the goera, with grave and matron aspoctr, went lolling in the sun, and ruminating theif elrpady gathered repast?everythfedgbeemed happy except the shepherd Peor fellow I "A green and yellow melancholy/' had settled on his family taheirttt Megnefho ravealad not, bullet "oqgpeelmant, like worm i' the bud," ptfiy opon bis spirits; he stalked about * , the field likoa ghost, or leaned upon his crook in ailant despair. .. ? Ldrd AMokfield and Souire Buckthorn tor^yidinff past to dinner. **2 wonwr/' said his lordship to the squire "wh?t can be the matter with my shepherd Darby. IIo seems in a galloping consumption, and were I to lose him f Sronkf net see his like again for many a long day. He is the most honest, steady, careful jcrcaturo in the world, and naver told a lie in his life," "Good I Why my lord do. you realty fcel^tp eheh nonsense V "Decidedly 1 do. I know your opinion is not ?ery favorable as to the moral character of eor dependents, yet there are aome among them not unworthy of trust." They near advanced-nearer, and hia lordabip held ep hie whip as a signal, and ertf* bounded Darby. "Well, Darby, that ahower we had last night served the past ores," M It did my lord, And the cow? will give Stfmger meal, and require milking earlier ?fcis;evssfay, through means ofll." 4 u Darby, bring over my favorite ram, *t1y)t t hie gentleman may aae it." r Sw*Cp*r'mwmy ^ la few mt notes the dog hunted the yam up from (he 0ock. "That's a clever tarn my worthy, aahl the equire; "there's Waif a crown to drink." " Thanks to year honor," mid Darby, "but the worth of that in strong drink Will Pr'tf me n year, aad yet I'll spend it lit drink all on one night." fKxptsin Ibis riddle Darby." Why, air, when I feel myself merry enough without it, whore's the use in ta. Mm Ml That stream can aUelr ? ** well. Yef I'll not speak for others many * one there ere, who must hare etlwnj dfklk to giro them false spirit*, on fnem wit! I upend it to open their juid *mk* them forget their day's . f YcHm ? worthy fallow, and a philosopher, said Lord Ample field, with a look eCtripmph M he and the aqniro rods off. yon to my shepherd now?" -A mighty plausible follow, indeed! Yet Wttid as yeo sset of Ima, my tart!, V 'ft bet a roOe of irfksepttat before two days T make him' talk4 tmfs fchdjl lie. out and out." ff> ni'i 0^^ |jntlf^rn kflir^^^^eX poditioo melanOholty. iThereihad*ni?}^H? tw??a bira Slid the girt p{bk heart, the Ml, Cauihleon. Pride prevented * tecoocdttUoiv though both wold bftvtgfeen the world to b# hN steps, succeedin drawing ointhe secret that riie low* Dayhy with ft -heart tada b?iC aad then artfully upbradtog her wnktndpssa in noglecting the H worthy young fellow,0 who was dying for her,: contrived to inveigle her, by a aeries of falsehoods, into a plan to get reconciled to Dphy, and while in the height of hie happiness, to coax the ram from hun. 1 It eu.cooeded next to admiration, and the I leaguing girl tripped home, leading the ani* mai with a kerchief taken from nor snowy bosom. > , Darby waa left now to bis solitary reflections. The hour was rapidly approaching when his lordship usually look hi" round, and he would inrai.'itMy misi bis favourite rim. What was to be done? To tell it LIE appeared to hia honest mind the very essence of degradation ?to Kouitocitb eras meanness execrable? yet en excuse meet be trad I A sudden thought seized him?ho resolved to see how a lie would look before he told it; end planted his crook in the field* end placing hie hai on it, in order to pdrsonale fciiuseK he retired a short distance and io the character of his lordship, hailed the effigy M follows: "Good morrow, Darby." "Good morrow, my lord." '"How are the flocks today, Darby." 'Pretty fair, my lord." ' ^ Darby, I don't sea my favorite ram?where is he ?" Oh, my lord, he* he ho" He what. Darby 1" i "He was droWnd-od?my?my lord." } - "Darby if I did not know your general character for carefulness, I should feel exceedingly annoyed* bat I 'presume it was an accident. Send the fat and hide up to the castle." That won't do I" murmuted Darby, alowly turning away. Hwresolved to try again. Good morrow, Darby." "Good morrow, my lord." "Are the flocks woll to day, Darby." Bravely, my lord." -And my ram Darby, whern is he," My Lord, He he???" * "ts there any thing wrong? tell as# at once." He lort." Stolen ! stolen i I saw him this morning as K. wis riding past. When was he stolen 1" "That do either," exclaimed the poor shepherd, as he turned awsy the second time. ?Cruel, cruel Cauth!" Something whispered to him, Try if perhaps the TRUTH will do?" Fresh courage seemed to animate hia derponding mind, and Wheeling about, he commenced the colloquy, and coming to the usual interrogation " where's the ram," he dropped on hie kneea and exclaimed, "Ob! my lord. 1 had .a falling out with my sweetheart, and she would not make it up with me unless I nude her a present ol your lordships favourite ram. Discharge me my lord; do with mo.what you pleaae, but I could not bring myself to tell yuur lordship a LIE!" . "ThatwH do!" shouted Darby, springing from his knees, and walking np and down with a foeiing of honsat exultation. He bad scarcely time to compose himself when his lordship ana the squire appeared. Darby on I the usual interrogation being put, droppod on hia knees, and told "the truth and nothing but tha truth," and instead of seeing a frown gather on hia lordships countenance, he behold him turn with a look of triumph towards the squire while he exclaimed. "An honest mau's the noblest work of God." The ladies are informed, in conclusion, that the squire's forfeited sheep were given to Cauthleen at a dowor, and in taking the hand of her shepherd, she promised never again to put his truth and constancy to so severe a trial. WASPS IN A BALL ROOM. O.i-Tuesday evening the 291h ult. as two young men who had been taking a wasps' neat, were returning to Chesterfield, on approaching the town they were attracted to a house by the sounds of music and rejoicing. 11 prov gU iu wv * uwoiiuig wnere leanviliea in celebration of a marriage was taking place; and, claiming come acquaintance with tho inmates the young men joined tho festive throng. The wa?p?' nest, which was folded in a handkerchief, was placed in a corner of the room, unknown to the company, and the dance proceeded, After a time, the two young men alluded to, took their departure, leaving (whether intentionally or not, does not appear) tho neet in the room. The dance continued, when lo! one of the females made an equivocal sort of movement, And a precipitate retreat from the house, her husband following close at her heels, anxious to learn the cause of his wife's extraordinary conduct. Scarcely had the party left the house, when a second and a third, and a fourth of the female gttests, exhibited similar equivoeal symptoms, follow, ed by suppressed shrieks and bewildered looks The male members of the company looked anxiously and enquiringly at tlie ladies, who in return skipped about the room with wonderful agility, giving sundry indicationi that their mysterious movements could not be satisfactorily explained. Suddenly the men became afflicted, though not exactly after the aam? failiinn va fli? '"'I'? ~ ?1 - " .?..... .. .?v jauiv'i atiu very exciting, but at tbo aame time very comical scene ensued, to attempt to depict which would be a hopeless task : it may bo imagined, but certainly cannot be described. The cause ol this derangement of the festive circle was, howover, soon apparent. The fidler, whe was sightless, feeling something very sharp enter his cheek, dropped bis instrument, and applied his bands with great force to his face, bringing to tho earth one of the monsters that had been a source of atmoyanoe. Suffice it to eay, some of the wasps had escaped from confinement, and in revenge for the punish* ment that they bad endured, crept up the legi of the dancers, and indicted their sting. Ai many as three and four wasps were found upon one of the females.?Derbythire Chron. fefe. THE IT. ft. DISTRICT COURT, District iff South Carolina. IN RtNKPHPrr'v WHEREAS, Chariot W. Garuer, plan lor, of Darlington D it (riot, State of Bouii Carolina, bath filed a Petition, praying that he may be deelared a Bankrupt, pursuant to th? Ant of Congress af the United States, made, and now in force concerning Bankrupts, and that ha may have tho benefit or the said Ael; this is to give notice oft lie said Petition, and that a hearing thereof will be had before the Hen. Robert B. Gilchrist, Jodge of the said Court, at a Court to be holden at the Federal Court House, in Charleston, on Monday, tha sixth day of March next, at cloven o'clock, A. M.t at which place and time d!l persons interested may sppeer end shew cnnae, if any they have, why tha prayer ol the eaid Petitioner should not bo granted. Charleston, 4t!r day of Puhruary, 1813. ! II. Y. GRAY, Ci.raa. , Feb. 11th, 1813. II 3t / o> !^S??SHRb.'i 4 Toatt, BM4 Having btn appoUj^lMJraiiliwtwtiiiii Advocate mf GmtHU wfth the rank of JLAMteneat C^oncl, ? vie* Li. CdL<Af M a*to*? raaiaped, w ill J* r*C. r. HAMPTON, JMU-Camp. ? ? ? y w l? CHBRAW. ?. C. be IN ADDITION to hi* former atoek, the on- m dorsigned has received by tho recent arrivals, j,e supply of Drugs and Medioines, all of whioh aro of the first quality, among which will bo found . the following, via: Aq. Fortie, tnuriatio, njtrio, end aeitic acids, Alcohol, Aq. Ammouin, Amu, Borax, Blite Vitriol, Barley, Bole Armstots, wl Prussian Blue, Fig Blue, Burgundy Pitch, Bluo n< Pill Man, Cbammomile Flower*, Cantharides, ? Cobalt, Colombo Root, Chalk, Camphor, Calo'd. O Charcoal. English And American Calaaeet, It Clover, Elm Bark, Glue, Gum Myrrh, Gum M Guiao, Gu n Kino, Gum Aaefcetida, Gum Are- ai hie. Gum Tragscanth, Spanish Indigo, Iodine, th Jalap, RePd Ltquorioe, Lunar Canvtio, Cauatic ? Potaah, Magnesia, Matcbna, Olive Oil, Castor Q| Oil, Volatile Oilai, Opiam. Quicksilver, Seidlits a| and Soda Powders, Maccoboy and Sootch Snuff, together with n great variety of Perfumery, Ac. ' Ac.; the whole of whieh am at prices corresponding with the times. M. MAC LEAN. ' Jan'ry. 10, 1648. 9 __ THE U. B. DISTRICT COURT, n DUtriet of Somtk Carolina. " IN BANKRUPTCY. f" WHEREAS, James Krnj, Merchant of P* Darlington District, Booth, hath filsd at Petition, praying that be may be declared a Bankrupt, pursuant to the Act of Congress of the United States, made, and now in force, concerning Bankrupts, and that he may have the benefit of the aaid Aot ; this is to give 2 notice ofihi said Petition, and that a hearing lk<.?nru>;il k> k.J U..r ,u_ u LI_ nV,n ,W1 ? ...? viuio tin iiunurauw RUi?I CRT R. GILCHRtST, Judgo of the raid Court, al a Conrt to be tiylden at the Federal Court H<jdm In Charieetan, on Monday the twenty, seventh day of Fobpuary nest at eleven o'elock, A, M., at w^el^xJhoe and time all peraona Interested,may sppepr and ahew eauae. if any they have, why the prayer of the said Petitioner should not he granted; ' H. Y. GRAY. Clerk. ^ Charleston 80th Jan. 1843. 18?3t | CHESTERFIELD DISTRICT. ROBERT ROGERS, made suit to me to q grant him lettors of Administration, on C) the unadministrated part of the Estate of Capt. William Ellerbe, deceased, (with tha Wilt an. eased.) | Theeo are to eite the kindred and creditors of a< the said deceased, that Itey be and appear before oi mo in the Court of Ordinary to bo bold at Ches~ 'f tor fluid Court Houso, on Friday the 24lh inst., in ' to show cauae why the eaid administration ahoutd C not be granted. Given under my bend and seal this 9th day of at February, 1843. T. BRYAN, O. C. D. Feb 14 14 2t " ? TAX NOTICE. _ WILL attend aa fdow? to take Return* 1 JL and Rroeiva the Taxes for C hotter fit. Id Dis * 1 trict. Al Chestr rfisld C. If. on Monday, Tufesday, ? Wednesday and Thursday, the 6th, 7U>, 8th and at 9lh March nest, i At Mount Creghan on Friday the 10th. | At BUkeney*s Old Store on Saturday the 11th. At Miok?i ?. wuroi wii monaaj (an i om. At John Seegurs' on Tuesday th? I4th. , At Spears' Mills on Wednesday the 15th. * At John Johnson's on Thursday the I6ih. . " At 8leer Pon Springs on Friday the 17th. 1 Jit Levi Cn*esay's on Saturday the 18th. At C be raw on Wednesday and Thursday the 22ml and 23d. l' N. B?AM return* must be mod* by Monday the 27Ih day of March, as the books will be closed, w STEPHEN O. MILLER, T. C. C. D. J t January 31st 1843. 13-7t POTS, SCOTCH OVENS, $c. J A Large and well selected stock of Poti, Scotch and Dutch Ovens, Spiders, Andiron " &c. &c. Por sale cheap. J A. P. LACOSTE. : 1 October 18.1842. 49 tf jj THE ACADEMY BCILDHOS. ar ' THE Cheraw Academical Society is now n da debt about #1600. Since its establishment it 19 has expended, for lots, buildings, and rrpai i, m ! about 95000; besides large sums of money n * ' making up to teachers from lime to time d i" |? > ticiencies in their salaries, arising from inadt, 00 quale receipts for tuition. Though tl e e? i Society has heretofore received consiaerab e to i aid from citizens and others not members ; y it oa > the principal burden and the whole respond. I M Dtuty (previous to lest year) has always rest- p? cd on those who were. The Society now ft consists or few in number ) and at a meeting 11 convened this day, it was resolved to sell the I Academical Lots and Buildings for the purpose of paying the above debt; unions some ? i measures are promptly adopted by the com* < muoity to discharge the same. Most, perhaps fl i all, the members of the Society are understood J ' to be willing to so-opera to with their fellow ? ' citizens in this matter; but they are not die- ,fl i posed to do it without their assistance. The 10th day of next month ia fixed for or dcterming upon the sale ; unless, before that ln i date, the people (with such arguments as sat isfy creditors) put their veto upon it. _ f By order of the Academical Society* J. C. COIT. Cbcraw, Thursday, VOth January 1843. i | 11 tf n ' ~~~ tAStOROII.. J WJ^XCELLENT cold drawn castor oil for sale ol I ?d very low, by the gallon, at tho NEW ''D DRUG STORE. ? | LAIVCET?. * THUMB LANChTS, Spring Lanoots, Gum Lanoeta and Tooth Drawers for sals at the a 1 | New Drug Store. w | ? = SAL SODA. 1 250 LB. Sal Soda for sale very low 1 * b/ A. P. LACOSTE. 1 Jan. 10, 1843. tf } HEOBOE8 WANTED. g | I WANT to hir? two strong, hearty negro t< | men,to work with my waggoners. Also, two c I field hands. A. P. LACOSTE. fi Dec. 27,1842. 7 tf ? LAW NOTICE. THE Subscriber will hereafter practice in 1 the Courts of Common Pleas for Marl. -1 i borough and Darlington Districts, and the [J 1 Courts of Equitjr for Cheraw District. WM. W. HARLLBE. 11 Jan'y. Id. 1843. 8t P TARNISH HBlilllFA f? AND I'sint Brushes of all riser, for sale at tlie 8 New Dnvo JStoub. "" ciidite iAcot. k #&{)A HA MS, Should. , A Sidss, ' r, LAC03T*. Nov.'li, !84t:' 1 ' tf It4MB Ok MVni CAKOLUVA, . (JhcjtrrJMH District. IH ftt OOWKM Plui. JOHN JACKSON, Who la la the custody the Sheriff of the1 District sforosaid, by Tite of a Writ of Capiaa ad Respondendum, lb* suit of Peter k. Robeaoa, Mvinv peiiNMtd tho Honorable, the associate Judges of 9 said State* that be may bo admitted to the aefit of the act of the Goneral Amenably, ade for tho relief of Insolvent Debtor*, and i having filed with hie petition a schedule of whole Estate real and Personal; It is ori/ed that the aaid Peter L. Robeson, and all here, to whom the aaid Petitioner is in any ise indebted, do personally, or by their attorty, be and appear bo fore the Honorable, the sociate judges of the State aforesaid, at a Mirt of Common Pleas to be holden at Chearfleld Court House, on the third Monday in arch neat, then and there to shew causo, if qr they can, why the Estate and Effects of aaid Petitioner, should not bo assigned, id he discharged, pursuant to the provisione ' said act of tho General Assemble. m>H* id provided for the relief of Insolvent Debtv. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. Chesterfield Court House, )\ tfcft Oth day of Nov.-1843. ?; lBD^3m . - ** *"*' SUGAR and TEA, \ i OUBLE and Single loaf Sugar, Crashed Suit, and best Hyson Tea, in Cdtldies, dTby the >und, prune articles tor familytaip. For sale by ' A. P. E.ACOSTE. October 18,1843. '& 1 * < LEATHER and SHOE THREAD, 95 SIDES. Sole Leather^ 104 Kip and Wax do. ^ 120 lb. Shoe Thread, J For sale loW by " v A. P. tACOSTE. October 10, 1842. tf E. W. DRfidfNlNO KmrOULD Respectfully infctfnVh? public r f that he has located ' MAREBT ' ppoaite Mk.Mooaa's Hotcl, where be iiHfnds irrying on the V>Y DYKING AND SCOURING BUSINKS8. > Ladies' and Gentlemen's garments cleaned,, id, if faded, dyod the original or any other etj. r, and pressed in the neatest manner. Carpets, able-Covers, and Crumbedoths cleaned without jury to the Color.?Cotton Yarns dyed Fast oiora. JV. B. Hit dyeing unit not toil the tohitett \ rtiele. 1 Che raw, August 16, 1849. 40 tf STORE TO BEITT. [HAVE ranted all my Stores, except the one next above Mr. tieorge H. Dunlap's, end ?e door below earner of Kershaw and Front treats. This Store is considered a first rale and, and will be rented on liberal terms. A. P. LACOSTE. August 9*1849. 38 tf Notice* A LL persona indebted to the Subscriber by lL note or acoount are requested to call and ittle the same, as further indulgence oannot be jivn. ft. SHAW. Sept. U. 1649. '44 tf TINEGAR t TlNEGAR ( ! PURE Cider Vinegar, White Wine Do. For Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. July 12, 1842. 35 tf RIGHT ABOUT FACE! [HEREBY givo notice, with great roluc tanco, that I shall not, after the first day of inuary next, open a single running account in y Books, for any description of goods, except r Bagging, Rope and Twine, and for these ticlos 1 will only give a credit of 60 to 90 iya. Merchants, and other oitixens of the wn, who may he disposed to order goods from y Stores, are-informed, that their orders will be atefully received, end promptly filled at low ioea, upon the condition, that their bills may i presented in ten da) a, for payment. This airse 1 am compelled to take, to meet my Own igngertinnU, and 1 hope will not give offence any, for I find by oxperienoe, that it ia much aior to toll goods, than to oolleot, and tlint aclunls and notes be they ever to good, will not ly the doble of my eoiitraeting. As I shell soli oda for CASH, it is almost useleaa to aay, that shall sell vsav chkaf. A. f. LaCOSTE. Dec. l3ih, 1849. 8 tf CREDIT GIVEN FOR WOOD. rO TH08E Customers, who have paid mfl onco a year Air Wood, 1 tender my thanka, id ahall be grateful to receive their orders, and tall not trouble them but once a year for a ttlement. Those who are unwilling to settlo ice a year, or have not paid at all, muat excuse e if I refuso to work for them. A. P. LaCOSTEi Dec. 13, 1842. 5 tf TSB PLANlfBH, )evoted to Agriculture, Commerce, Newe, <frerH>E above ia the title of a Paper which it is proposed to establiah at the capital F South Carohna?J. J. DuBosn, editor? idBosb & JoHMStois, publishers?weekly, nd twice a week during the aesaion of the rcgwiaiure-?on an imperial eneci?-price j 2 50 a year. The I'i-antbr will be the organ of tho State agricultural Society and ita auxiliaries, but nil not be devoted exclusively to Agriculture, 'ho attention will be paid to general news nd the state of the Columbia and Charleston iarkets, which the growing trade and conaeuence of our town require, and the proceed" lgs of the Legislature reported in a con. ensed form. The editor Will endeavor, by iving a due portion of his columns to litera lire, morals, science, die* to mako his puliation a ploasant and useful family paper. Payment to be made on the receipt of the rat No. to the publishers or any of their gents in the different Districts. 0 A CARD. |~^R. JOHN LYNCH having permanently iuihhhi iiiuiaEii iii me town ui uncraw, wpeclfully londera His profraaionul nervine-* to i# citizen* of thin place and tlio adjoining eonny. He hopea by a diligent attention to hi* rofesaion, to receive a liberal aliaro of public ntronago. He can alwaja lie found nt bin illier'a (Conlow Lynch) rraidenoe on Market truet, Olieraw, July ltt. If 10. 34 tf *? AJIEglCiS AOJlXCWiTtfRtST. A. A. ALLLtf fe K. L. AI.LJKN. Editmr:- _ SAXTQN *.*41LES, fubhsifrt, *0* Uroadwy? JY*? Y*rk. . filHE Anuriemn Agriculturitt ia published *\ Ji monthly at 305 Brondway, New York, at ONE DOLLAR per annnm, payable nirooya in dMMt; . ?s corics will be naifor nvt sou uaaaj rmatkcm cones roa tkm iwuah. Edi. . tors wlp^will give lliu card a conspicuous inaorlion, with aoiueof tho uoticoa Which follow, will . bo entitled to rcoeivo one yoar'a subscription gratia, on sending their paper containing such notice to thie office. Agricultural 8oeietiee that . wish to give this work as a premium, will be en? J titled to a diaoount ??f twenty-five per cent, or ( handeomely<n>ound vduincs at tlio subscription price. Tills work will bo devoted to tbo various pur. j suits of the agriculturist throughout every oection < of the United Slates, and will contain the h- j test intelligence on every branch OT their j occupation; the beat seeds; modes of tillage; j character of toils; improved implements; and , the various and bkst breeds op cattle, horses, , shexp and swine. J Eaoh number consists of thirtt-two pages, < double colmuus, royal octavo, and the work will I be embellished with CUTS, illustrating the dif- ' (brent subjects ori which It treats?making a * volume of 884 large pages yearly for the low I price OJVE DOLLAR. Seven numbers of this work have already boon published, and ? It is stereotyped, subscribers 1 mny commence with the back or present numbers at their option. From tho genoral testimony in favor of the < manner in which this paper has boon couduoled, 1 from the public press and tbe most experienced < Farmers and Planters throughout the countty, < there is every reason to believo it will provo ' universally aoceptsble. and remunerate its read- < era ten-fold for their subscription. No man at 1 this timo who aspires to tho noble occupation of 1 an American agriculturist, ahould be without ono or more periodicals, exclusively devoted to his ' interests. * 1 Each number consists of ono shaBt and will bo j subject to newspaper postage only. . i Poetmastere are permitted by-law to eycloSO . money for eubscription free of postage, j Below ere s few of the many favotabk"no(ice9 of the above work, from tho Amerlcaq/)>r>0W "Tho Agriculturist appears lojjtodued 'with that kind of ability and praclicaftnow ledge, tliait must place it among the.forj,noat rank with similar periodicals la our ^oqntry."?Wayne County Record, Indiana. * "Tho number we lisy^ ric|, h, ably written and well selected krtiofcn. ThB Editors arc well known to tho rsadors^f igrioultnrhl periodicals as able wrilors, atyj Witt, wo are euro, groutly benefit the country their present undo; tubing." ?The Union, Rfajgh, N. Carolina. The AgHcujttrYist in well filled with well written, well .^i^oateid, and highly practical arjlclea on subjeclg pertaining to rural industry. Wis cfMidaclolL .r!i * *? - ' w ui iuo worn, ino JiIBHI*. Alien, re versed In the practical opera, tions of cuTtVp^rg tlio ?oil, ami breeding domer. tie animsh' tffthe best advantage, but they wield ready and 'graphic pens fur tho discussion of thcae important aubjecta in a style both clear and atlroctivo.' ttugarding the science of agriculture and gardening, as by ftr the moat important study that engages tho attention of the American pcoplo, we cannot withhold our earuast commendation of tho Amorichn Agriculturist' to the greut farming interests of tho country."?Buffalo Commercial Adoertiter, New York. ? The American Agriculturist M printed in tho city of New York, in 3*2 neat, inodium oc. tavo pages, and illustrated with engravings, and ably edited by the Mcssrr. Allen, who ?ro woll and favorably known to the agricultural community, na practical and enlightened farmers."? Republican Banner, Nathvillc, Tenn? ' We have seen the first number, and it bids fair to be a highly valuable pnpor to any section of the Union. The editors aro eolubruted throughout tho United States for their entorpriso in the stock lino, as well as in others matters tonding to improve tho condition of our husbandry "?South Wetter rt Farmer, Raymond, Mitt, " I have examined the throe first numbers, and from the spcoimcne which they afford, sb well as from a personal iicnuniriiHnna with ili? ? #! ???. t have formed a very favorable opinion as to the usefulness of this work, and tlio ability nhh which it will be con noted. It ia intended to bo a nutionnl work."?Juuge Beatty, of Wathington, Kentucky. . " The editors are well known as prsoticnl broedors and agriculturists, and asgificd writers. They have the aid of sumn of the most uble wri ters in the ctinlry, and it can hardly fail to take its placo at onco in the front tank among the best publications of its class?Spirit of the Timet, New York _ BLACKSniTHlllOt THE! Subscriber has this day recommont>ed business on his own account and hopes by close application to business to ahure public patronage. My prices will be mdderate. Horse Shoeing will roceive my personal attention it is therefore warranted to be done with neutness and despatch. N. B.?I am now prepared to repair, or put up n.w lightning rods. C. I. SHIVER. April 4 1842. 21 tf FISH! FISH!! MACKEREL, in whole, half, and qtr. bbls. Mess Shad in do do do | Codfish and Salmon, all of excellent quality, For salo by A. LACOSTE. October 18, 1842. 49 tf FAMILY MEDIC INEST THE Stihscril>er has received and is opening in the Sioro abovo Mr. Wadawortli'a, anil opposils to Mr. D. Malloy's, n good assortment of medicines selected especially for family use, and for his own practice. Ho will keep no ur. tiolo of which ho does not know the ingredients and properties; and none except such as he knows to ho of gjod quality. Ilis tinctures and ointments will bo reudv for uso in about a week from this limo. lie wilt also keep a general as. ortinent of DYE STUFFS and other articlos usually kspt at such establishments. Tho few articles of this class not now on hand are ex. pected soon. M.MACLEAN. July 20. 1T0TX02B. | THE Subscriber has received and will keep; constantly on hand Cottnn Yarn at wholesale, j at the lowest market prices. Also?Cotton ! Oonahurgs, Cotton Batting, Candle Wick, Heine and Wrapping Twino, froin the ManuI ft?l HbVUI J wi nwvnmuuoHl. GEO. GOODRICH. Nov. 20,1942. 3 tf OIL, COPAT. and I.E ATM ICR Vamislt, for 6al<> nt tho Nbw Dim o Stork. I v fU 1 ' / Via- I i ' HOLIDAY OlFt FOR 4 OH I SP.TSA1T P ATSe^ --i; < towmmmxn ?? 1 F A ntL ?. v Clio most splendidly Illustrated end Cheapeet \Voi-k 6ti the American Continent; CONTAIttlNO MOftK t*AN '' FIVE BCNDKBD ElfOnATIlVW1 Entirety JWto and Original, Dteigned and Jbr. cured by the moat Eminent ArtieU *f Emm. and and America.?Cost of Preparing the Work, $5000.?PRICE, 3,507 pi m in UOOBAF&7? Or, THE LIVES AJYD CHARACTERS OF THE PRINCIPAL PERSONAGES Recorded in tha Sacred Writings , practically idupted to the Instruction of Youth and Prioqts Families ; together tenth an Appendix, contain, ng Thirty Dissertations on the Evidences sf A Divine Revelation, from Timpson's Key to the V Bible ; being m complete Summary of Biblical 1 Knowledge, carejully condensed and compiled " rrom Scott, Doddridge, Gill, Patrick, Adam Clarke, Pool, Louth, Home, WaU, Stowe, Mo Vinson, and other Eminent Writers on ths Strip , lures.?Robert Seari, Editor.?Embellished with | tetteral hundred Engravings on Wood, UluStrm live of Scripture Scenes, Manners, Customs, fc. The demand for this work is unprecedented, and orders ere pouring in from ell parte of the United Slates. It is ok lied A Chsistiam Fa* rher's Present to iiis Family," end has received the unqualified recommendation of el! the g loading papers, both political and religious. No ncre advertisement, iiowsver, can give the read ' it any idoa of its bo&uly and value?it must bo Been to bo admired, and road to bo duly appreciated. The annexed extracts From the Opinions tf the Public Presd* will satisfy all of the intrin aic exceltonco of this Sflkndid Gkm in Mohin Literature?thn like of which has never appear cd in this or any other country. A careful periMial of tho following " Re commendations" will justify usi n making uso of such strong language in fuvor of so useful a work : . "A work of great attraction and value. This volume must find a wolcome at every fireside throughout tho country: its con onls are as interesting as they are important and inetiuctivet and tho judicious and talented author has hen contrived to present us with one of tha most attractive, and at tho some time Osefhl books, that have appeared this side of the Atlantio. We trust the public will reward its onterprising pub* Usher."?U. S. Literary Advertiser, for June, 1842. " Tltis volume, wo should say, well deserves to bo regarded as tho 'Christian Father's present / to Iiis family.' Several hundred very good wood engravings enliven its narratives, sntl it ustrate its solemn truths to tho understanding end feelings of tha young ; nnd from the numerous testimonies which accompany tho volume, we should say, it may safely bo surrendered to their bands.'* ?iMatmalia. 0 ' This work in an attractive one, not onljr fot the very iiouieroua nent embellishments whiob pervade it, but from the interesting and useful nuttier which it comprise*. This work is in large octavo, highly decorated, and handsomely bound, and will no doubt meet with a popular demand.** ?Chris. Intelligencer. " The engravings, from new and original ds. signs, are wall executed. The design of the work is excellent; aud we cheerfully recommend it to the notice of our readers.*?ivine World. " This is a very vsluablo, cheap and convenient hook. The public will soon find it one of the books they must have. May the publisher supply the land with many ten thousands.'*?N. Y. Tribune. * This Is the name of a va'hable work just published in the oity of Now York. It is moat ^ justly called a christian father's frksknt vS his family.' The five hundred engravings are executed by tho first American Artists, after pictures of the moat celebrated Painters. If this work meets with n circulatien commensurate with its merits, it will be found in every dwelling in ilie Union."?Boston Timea. " This is one of tho moat finely Illustrated and beautifully ornamented volumes ever issued from lire press. The typography is clasr and plain, the paper and binding handsome, while the golden figures give it a and tastetul apt poarunce. '1 lie literary portion of the work ie well written, and the whole illustrated with several hundred new itud elegant engravings. Mr. Boars has made a popular book?conferred II great favor upou the young, aod indeed nmrits tho palrouogc nnd thunks of all classes."?Hesters American Traveller. ' We cheerfully commend tho book to the readers of the Advncato, as a work of tnueh roer. It, furnished at a Very eheap rate.Baptist Advacate. " Altogether it is One bf the most elegant woiks of the season, and must prove the tnost useful - v. Louiu mviii uiu nincrican press."?0WOII Trantcrijti. " Wo cordially recommend this excellent book," ?Boston Doily Mail. 44 Wo cheerfully recommend it to the nOtioe of every Christian parent, as a beautiful gift to pre. annt to h>' family."?Baton Mercantile Jamrnul. 44 An elegant work of five hundred pages, and containing about five hundred engravinga. The contents of the volumo appear to be sound, jodt> oious and interesting."? Bbeton Daily Baa. Persona in the country would do wall to cure a subscription book, ahd obtain at onoe (Ha nomas of all their fKouda and aoquaiatancae, at loast, aa subscribora to tliia invaluable literary gom. Will each ogent or friend who compile# with this request, have the kindnees to inform the publisher how many copios wHI bo wanted ior ma ncignnoruooa ny mail paid), a* soon as possible 7 Il ia hia intention to spare neither pains nor expense to introduce this entirely new ttnd original volume into every family throughout the Union. Agents?responsible men?wanted in every town and villngo throughout the United State*. Address the subset iber, nost paid, without which no loilor will bo taken Horn the office. ROBERT SRARS, Publisher. , 188 Nassau-street, New-York' The ahovo work will bo found one of the most useful and popular works eror published, for eiv. lurprisiug moii to nndcrtnko llio tale of in all our piincipnl cities and towns. i All Postmasters sro requested to set a* agents. To Publishers of Papers throughout the United States, and British North America. /, Newspapers or Magazines, copying the above entire without any alteration or abridgement (including this notice), end giving it twolve inertions, shall receive a copy of the work, (subject to their order), by sending direct to the publisher. Will proprietor* of newspapers throughout the country, when it i* convenient, ocl as Agents, and receive subsetiption* 7 The tnofcl liberal p r ccnlago given. Agent* wanted throughout tho Southern States for llm snle of tho Bililo Biography. Addraaa the subecriber, ponl paid. SILAS HOW6, ?2 Broad'Hlruett Charleston, 8. C. October, 1812. 2 I2t m w AAI% ff W|F? 1 III AVE again returned thf> buxineaa of Haul, ing NVoikJ My ol.i ouatoniera ami the pub. io generally urn rorpcctfully informed (hut I t>lmll l>0 grateful for h renewal of their cmtoin, i and pledge invtudf to li.-inl lotirJn ihnt will p|rn*c. A P. l.ACOSTE. / | July 10, 1819. :i?i If / l i