Farmers' gazette, and Cheraw advertiser. (Cheraw, S.C.) 1839-1843, August 16, 1842, Image 1

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0? ? til $ t * * <swmm&w VOLUME VII. . CHEKAW. SOUTH-CAROLINA TUESDAY. AUGUST 16, 1813. NUMBER 40. tm?w?r??~??nwniTitim ii mini n r n?,i i in n ? By M. MACLEAN. Terms:?Published weekly at three dollars a ear; with an addition, when not paid within three months, of twenty per cent per annum. Two new subscribers inay take the paper at five dollars in advance; ami ten at twenty. Four subscribers, not receiving their papers in town, may pay a year's subscription with ten dollars, In advance. A year's subscription always due in advance. Papers not discontinued to solvent subscribers in arrears. Advertisements not exceeding 16 lines inserted ft**? firol timn nnrl fifl u ronts pach I nbsequent time. For insertions at intervals ol two weeks 75 cents after the first, and a dollar if the intervals are longer. Payment duo in advance for advertisements. When the number of insertions is not marked on the copy, the advertisement will be inserted, and charged tiil crdercd out. (U~The postage must bo paid on letters to the editor on the business of the office. AN IMPORTED WORK HORSE. In the Inst Farmer df Gardener, published in Cincinnali, ue seen portrait of Prince Coburg, an English draught horse, owned by James E. Let ton, near Millersburg, Ivy., and imported by him last year. As some of his progeny may, in time to come, he brought to this State by some j of the numerous traders in horses from I 0 Kentucky, we shall copy the Farmer and Gardener's account of the family of horses to which he belongs. rni ? ? . o . i i ? , i l ne neignt or tne norsc 19 not stated ; but from his form as represented in the plate, we should pronounce it * pretty considerable." The neck is a little arched, is large where it joins the body, and small where it joins the head. The head is deep through the jaws, and small about tho muzzle. The body is long but not { well barreled out towards the hind quarters, nor sufficiently full at tlie Hanks.? The withers fall back very considerably, giving the back an appearance of shortness compared with the body. The loin strong and well formed. The hrrast is prominent and full. The legs scrr.cwhal j long, and very hai.y. The hoofs we 1 j formed, and well set on. The following j is the account of the Farmer and Gardener, accompanying the plate : PORTRAIT OF PRINCE COUVRG. Our engravings in the present number, ary something from those which have heretofore appeared in our work. \Vc ?_ *1 ?: 1 f nnriffi/lor UCIIGVC liiey win uc n uu able interest. The first one is a portrait of the imported English draught horse, the property of Jas. K. Lotion, of Citron Forest, Piney Grove Farm, ne.-sr Millersburgh, Ky., and was part of his importation last year. Considerable difference of opinion is entertained as to the real utility of so stout a horse in this country, and some demur is made by persons not thoroughly acquainted with the subject, to the hair on his legs. Our own experience leads us to the conclusion that there is no objection tube made against him on either of these grounds. It is not professed, that he is a race horse, though he is sufficiently active for all the purposes to which a draught horse is generally applied ; and for farming purposes, we think it will be universally conceded, that bone and muscle constitute two very important items in the qualifications necessary to make a really useful animal. We think him well > worth the attention of the farming community, and recommend him to their consideration. His stock from large strong ; mares, cannot help being powerful, he- ! yond any tiling in this country, and the known docility of the breed makes them invaluable. To appreciate this, a person should see a brewer's or distiller's dray in London?the whole of the teams without blinkers on their bridles, each horse watching the action of the driver, and his own movement corresponding to the I minutest fraction. We could describe what we know of; our own knowledge, of the tractability of this breed of horses, but our object is not to vamp up by any overstretched description, our own opinion upon this subject. J We, however, invite the attention of the j farmers, to reflect how far their interests : will be forwarded by the introduction of a i strong team horse amongst them, instead 1 of the light diminutive one generally ! used?let us not, however, be niisunder- ! stood?wc fully value the bottom of the ' small horse, taking its origin from the J thorough bred, and know their untiring ! stamina. This is all requisite in a road- ! ster, but on a farm, bodily strength, in our j estimation, is more useful. As regards i f the horse himself, he is a fine specimen of the kind. The following is his pedigree : Prince Coburg, color black, bred by j Mr. Jaincs Price of Bround, North Wales, foaled May 10th, 183'J. He was sired bv Black Prince, a Shropshire horse, and out of dam Bronte, color, black, u ho won two premiums, one at Denbigh and one at Mold, ?2 each time, as the best brood mare. She was by Loboxer, a brown horse, belonging to a Mr. Done of W rexham. Prince Coburg won the first prize at ? 4 I corn, and applied umeacnea asnes 10 uurtv-six hills. During the first part of the season, the corn on which the ashes was put appeared much better, than that in the other part of the field, to which no ashes was applied. When the corn was gathered, the thirty-six hills, to which ashes was applied, and thirty-six adjoining hills which had none, were measured, and those which had no ashes were found to he the most productive and to have the superionty over those on which ashes was put. This was on h^avv land. The same neighbor made the experiment on 1 - I I I \ 1.2- r* r\r ri 11^ill ury i?i?iu i\ jmi i ui ins uiup ui was ashed an J a part was not. Here, Holywell also (he first prize at the Denbighshire and Flintshire Society, at Ruthyn, of ?2 sterling each, and at Liverpool, won the first prize of three sovereigns. Sowing Machine.?A Mr. Hatch, of Rochester, New York, has invented a machine for bowing grass seed, grain and plaster. The inventor states that it will sow with perfect regularity any quantity to the acre, from four quarts to four bushels, and that a man, or smart boy with a horse will sow with it 25 acres per day. The price of the machine is $10. The following certificate of its performance is published in the newspapers : 44 Mr. Bateham?I have just finished using for this spring the splendid Sowing Machine which you forwarded me last fall, and I must confess that it has exceeded all my expectations, and those of my neighbors who witnessed its operation. I went to the first field with my grass seed with a rlonhtinflr hoart. and when I looked at the machine and then at the diminutive size of the seed it was to sow, my faith was in no wise strengthened.? But I out with my letter of instructions, made my calculations how much seed it would take to sow one bout, measured it out exactly, turned it into the hopper, mounted the chair and drove off, leaving my friends who came to witness the oj>eration grinning like so many Cheshire eats. First bout my seed was sown out when within about two rods of the end. Regulated the screw, poured in the quantum suf. of seed, and at the end had about half a pint left. Third bout,?started the regulating screw a very little, and it came out as even as you ever had your pie and cheese. I then turned into the hopper, from time to time, as became necessary, without measuring, having previously measured out the quantity of seed for the lot, and when I got through I had about one quart left. The sowing of the lot (G acres) occupied about two hours. The wind blew considerably, but I could not discover that it affected the seed, the hopper running so near the ground that the dropping seed was not disturln-d sufficiently to do the least injury. A boy that can drive a horse and otherwise jxisscsscd of ordinary judgement, can use it, and when properly regulated it cannot sow wrong. I have trie ' it with oats with equal success; and wheat, flax seed, plaster, &c., can also be sown with it. It certainly is a very valuable machine, and ought to be in the possession of every fanner who has much work of the kind every year. . J. W. SMITH. Knagg's Farm, Mannce City, O., 1612. From the Transactions of the Society for nromolinsr Agriculture in the State of Con I" o a , nccticut. OF ASHES. What experiments have been made with ashes ? On what soils, for what crops, and for what grasses? What success has attended the use? Are leached or unleached ashes most beneficial as a manure? I)o they equally suit upon the sarnesoils, and f??r the same crops? In what quantities are they to be used ? Mr. At water, of Walling ford. I have made use of leached ashes, as manure for crops and grasses, and find it excellent for both upon dry land. When my grass fails. I plow up my land, and the ashes serve again'as manure for a crop, and afterwards for grass. But ashes have not benefited my wet land, that was unfit to plow; for though they in most instances introduce clover, yet the land will soon be covered with moss, when it is rendered unfit for any thing, and if it cannot be recovered from the moss by plowing, it is injured instead of being benefited. Mr. Tomlinson of MUford. We have found leached ashes to be excellent manure for flax. Mr. Parsons of Durham. I have used unleached ashes, for many years, as manure for Indian corn. I put a handful round each hill, soon after the first hoe. ing. and have much benefitted my crop by thi-s method, having frequently omitted some hills, for the purpose of ascertaining the benefit derived from the ashes. I have always found myself richly repaid both for the manure and for mv labor.?The "rentest advantage has accrued when a rain has followed shortly after my applying the ashes. Mr. Noah Fowler, of Cuilforrl. I have found, from experience, that leached ashes is a very beneficial manure for wheat nod rye. It appears to me to be a great preventati vo of blasts. Mr. Andrew Hull, Jr. of Cheshire. I have received great benefit from leached ashes as manure for wheat and rye. But I have not found that it prevented blasts. Mr. Ilolcomb, of Simshury. I have made use of unlcached ashes, as manure, fur Indian corn, and have derived great benefit from it on dry land. Whenever I have used it for corn, where the land was wet and heavy, it has been of no ad1 * ? or/\r\ r? f n 1 ! vantage U# me tiup ui an* Mr. U'ciilsicorth, of Durham. One of mv neighbors planted a field with Indian 1 > -i? i ii.:. ] the ashed corn much exceeded the other. Mr. Eli Bronson, of Waterbury. In June, 1762, I plowed a grass field, of n ! light sandy soil, where much old wood was burned. The ground was very dry. ! After harvest, I plowed this fallow again. I The drought continued more severe than was perhaps ever known in the memory of man. I observed that nil the spots where lows were burned, were much more " w inoist than nny where else. Thi9 circumstance particularly attracted my attention, as I had been taught that ashe9 ! were of a hot, droughty nature, suited only to wet land. In 1765, I planted a wheat stubble, J which was new land and sandy soil, which i had been thoroughly burned when tilled for j wheat. Part of the corn was dressed with I an handful of ashes to a hill, at the first hoeing ; here, for the first time, within my j knowledge, ashes failed of producing any j beneficial effect. Soon afterwards I planted u tough I j sward, part of which was ashed in quantiI ty as above. The part dressed with ashes grew remarkably, while the other appearcd languid and pale, as if grub-eaten, un[ til the second hoeing, after which it bei gan to recover and to thrive better; but it j finally produced not more than half as ! much as the part to which ashes was ap! plied. Prom the experiments of myself and my neighbors, 1 formed the conclusion, that not only on new land, which has been recently burned, but also on land which has been kept mellow by tillage for one or two past seasons, and where little or no undissolved vegetable substances remains no visible benefit accrues ; of which, the following facts may be considered as | farther illustration. In 1796, I planted corn after rye. the I land cloudy and full of stubble, one end j of it was very tough and was planted with potatoes ; a few hills of the potatoes, and most of the corn, were ashed, some of the corn was dres ed with gypsum, all was benefited, but the potatoes much the most. In 1797,1 again planted corn on cloudy land, much incumbered with stubble. 1 carted on barn yard manure, not well rotted. I ashed a part, by which the crop was enhanced at least one-third. In 1798,1 fallowed a lot, much cxhausted by plowing ; it was a dry.loom, with tender sward ; carted on barn yard manure, ten loads to the acre, and plowed it four times. I sowed half an ncre with 1 wheat, and strewed over the half acre a small load of leached ashes, and eight or ten bushels of unleached ashes. The of firaf ?rr*.w snrnrisinalv. and ... ...... , j though it did not hold out according to its * first .appearance, it yielded eleven bushels. In 1799, I planted corn, on buck, j wheat stubble, loamy soil?I ashed a part | of it when coming up, and omitted one , row ; at first there was an apparent advanJ tage, but by hilling-time it could scarcely f be discerned, except at one end, where j it was somewhat cloddy, and there it i might be perceived at harvest time. The i other part I dressed with gypsum, leav. ingone row as before ; the success was the same as with the ashes. The same year I planted a piece of sward land, loamy soil, and dressed the corn with ashes, omitting one row, as in 1 the other field ; began to hoe the corn, ) seven days after the ashes was applied, ' when the hill in the unashed row, which we crossed in hoeing, was everywhere noticed from being yellow, while the other was a lively green. After the second hoeing, a second dressing of ashes was applied on part of the lot, but without effect even on parts of that row, which was omitted in the first dressing. About hilli O ing time, the unashed row began to recover; but finally yielded at harvest, little if any more, than half as much us the adjoining rows. *" * i it ri j I The same year l onservea me iincgooa effect on corn, both from ashes and from j gypsum, on tough sward, and on cloddy i land, as applied by my neighbors, in sunI dry instances. ! I have oftc-n found ashes, both leached and linlcachod to be very beneficial to | grass on dry land, but not on wet. I ! have never found them useful on my j garden. From my experience and observation, ; I conclude, that ashes is best applied on dry grass land, or on land newly plowed up, or where shades have lately been taken off, or where grass turf or other vegetable substances remain undissolved: in each of which cases, there is contained in the soil food for plants, unprepared for vegetation. To effect, therefore, a speedy preparation, ashes is an important appliI cation. Whether ashes do, in fact, prevent ; worms, or destroy them when corn is eatj en by them, I have not been able to as , certain ; though they have been often I supposed so to do, when no evil of the j kind has existed. I have often, when . corn has appeared languid and yellow, as ; ife.iten by worms, taken up whole hills and carefully examined both the roots and ; i the earth, without discovering any signs I of worms. In these cases, I have sup] posed the unpreparedness of the soil to be , the only evil. Ashes is then a sovereign i i remedy. But if the land bo well tilled, ,! the weather he warm, and there bo frei J queut showers, it will be well prepared, , w ithout ashes, by hilling time or sooner; but the corn will not recover the injury it ( understood by the initialed. Instead of telling us that the soil is enriched by being periodically supplied by hydrogen and nitrogen gas, by carbonic acid, or humus, why not say, that by putting cow dung, horse dung, or other vegetable or animal manures upon the land and ploughing it in, or by turning in a ley of clover, or a green crop, that in the process of rotting in the earth, a substance would be made, I which the plants could feed upon. To talk thus to the majority of men, who get ! a living by the plough, is to speak in intelligible language?in a language they can understand. To tell them too, that lime, ashes, or marl, sweetens the earth, renders a clay soil open, or a sandy one stiffer: ' that either of these substances will impart < to the earth more power to attract mois- i turc from the atmosphere, and make any barn-yard or other manure go farther, is ( to talk common sense, and to guarantee j one's being understood; but to talk of alkalinc salts, their affinities, combinations, ( and anti-septic properties, is almost as ( much out of place, as would be a fourth ( of July oration delivered in Greek to a promiscuous crowd. The farmer wants ' to know what substances will make man- I ure?how, and in what quantities, they ( should be applied?if there be any thing that can be procured at moderate cost, '> which will improve the textuFe of his soil, l or make his manures last longer, or enable i hiin to grow ciops of better quality. After all, these ore the great object be is aiming 1 | at, and the more like common sense the i language in which these things may be imparted to him the better, , We in our homely phrase would say, , that any substance, either vegetable or j animal that will decay in the earth, will | make food for plants; that it ought to be j the unceasing business of every one to , collect as much of such things as possible, ! and that there is scarcely any thing on the larm of the kind, which would not prove valuable, if gathered and put on the dung pile, or into a compost heap. And we will close this article by repeating what we have often told our readers?in all ; " ' ?" fir m -i r I f, ,r t!lf? ! your geiungs, j;ci mil'-? " improvement of your soil will be lasting, with one or the other. Amer. Farmer. MULE A>"D HINNY, HYBRIDS OF THE HOUSE AND ASS. The mule is the hybrid produce of an ass with a marc; having a large clumsy head, long erect cars, a short mane, and a thin tail. The hinny is the hybrid produce he- I twecn the shc-uss and a stallion; the head is long and thin, the ears are like those of a horse, the mane is short and the j tail well tilled with hair. The hinny \ is much less common than the mule, he- j cause, being less hardy and useful he is j never cultivated. J J lias sustained for want of earlier preparation. Hence it follows, that ashes on plow land should be applied as soon as vegetation begins. It is best to apply leached ashes as soon as com is planted, while a team and cart may pass without injury to the hills. But whether unleached ashes can safely be applied before the coin is sprouted, is a question I am unable to solve. The usual quantity of unleached ashes i for a hill of corn is about a gill: but it is I # c worthy of being observed, that where a greater or even a less quantity has been applied, the effect has been much the some. The effects of ashes and gypsum, so far as the application of the two hcs fallen within my notice, appear to be much the same. vFood of Plants.?What is the food of plants ? This question is often asked, but not always satisfactorily answered ; for with all the lights which chemistry has thrown around the paths of agriculture? and we acknowledge they have been numerous?still the terms used by Chemists, and other scientific authors, are calculated to bewilder rather than illumine the mind of a common reader. One author will tell us that the food of plants is Huj mus?and we as instinctively ask, what is j humus 1 If we consult another nuthor, he explains it to be humic acid, or humin, ?again we are told?that it is carbon, then uJmin, or geinc, geatcs, gcaic acid, hydrogen and nitrogen gas, azote, and ammonia. These hard sounding and jargon-like names arc familiar enough to the ears of the man of science?to him their enunciation conveys a definite idea?he is able to embody their meaning in his mind at once ; but it is not so with ninetenths of us farmers, who get "our bread by the sweat of our face." To tell us, that Potatoes, Corn, Wheat, Itye, Oats, Barley, Clover, Beans, Cabbages, Turnips, Beets, Parsnips, Carrots, dec. feed upon either of those substnnccs, is to confound rather than to enlighten. Why then, do not those who unfold to us the mysteries of chemistry, as applied to agriculture, address us in a language which the unlearned, as well as the learned can understand ? If farmers and planters were all, cr even a majority of them, pro foundly versed in scientific lore?if they were a'l chemists?it might be well enough to talk to them in the learned phraj es of science, because then they could comprehend what was addressed to them. But it is expecting too much to tax their brain with the digestion of words, so technical in themselves, as only 10 be The mule, commonly so called, is much valued for the saddle, and for drawing carriages in Spain, Portugal, Italy, and the East, and in the warmer parts ofAmnrica.?In those countries where great attention is paid to the breed, it is as tall as the horse, exceedingly well-limbed but not so handsome, especially about the head and tail. These animals are mostly sterile; some indeed, have thought that they are altogether incapable of producing their kind; hut some few instances have occurred, in which female mules have had foals, and in which even the male has impregnated females both of the ass and horse species, though such instances are exceedingly rare. The mules made use of in the southern parts of Europe, are now brought to an j astonishing perfection as well as great rpi ii ill size. i uey urt? usuany mum, auuiig, well limbed, and large, being mostly bred out of fine Spanish mares. They are sometimes fifteen or sixteen hands high, and the best of them worth forty or fifty pounds. No creatures arc so proper for large burdens and none so sure footed. They are much stronger for draft than our horses, and are often as thickset as our dray horses, and will trav. el several months together with six or I eight hundred weight upon their hacks. Some think it surprising that these ani. mals are not more propagated here, as thev are so much hardier and stronger O than horses, less subject to disease, and eapahlc of living and working to twice the age of a horse. Those that are bred in cold countries are more hardy and fit for labour than those bred in hot; and those which are light made are fitter for riding than horses, as to the walk and trot; but they are apt to gallop rough ; though these do it much less than the short.made ones. The general complaint made against them is, that they kick and are stubborn; hut this is owing to neglect in breeding them, for they are as gentle as horses, in countries where they arc bred with proper care. In the breeding of mules, mares that are of a very large breed and well made, should ho employed. They should be young, full of life, large barrelled, smaller limbed, with a moderate sized head, and a good forehead. It is found of advantagc to have the foals from the time of their being dropped often handled, to make them gentle; it prevents them from hurting themselves by akittishness and sudden frights; and they are much easier broken the proper age, and become docile and harmless, having nothing of viciousness which is so commonly com-1 plained of in these animals. They J may be broken at three year old, but should never be permitted to do much hard work till four, as they are thus secured from being hurt by hard labor, till they have acquired strength to bear it without injury. An expert breeder of these animals found, that feeding them too well while young, though it made them very fat, was far from being any advantage to them; as it was not only incurring a much larger expense than was any way necessary, but also made them wonderfully nice and delicate in their appetites ever after, and also by increasing their weight of flesh, rendered them more subject to strains and hurts in their morning gambols. He therefore contented himself with giving them food ensugh to prevent their losing flesh, and to keep up their growth without palling their np petites with delicacies, or making them over fat; he also took care to defend them from the injuries of the weather by allowing them stable room, and good lit_l Un.Mncxn.ioiniT tl.on. ovnrv icr IU aiccp Uli, ...V... W . V. J day to be well rubbed down, with a hard wisp of straw by an active groom. This was scarcely ever omitted, particularly in cold raw wet weather, when they were least inclined to exercise themselves, When three years old, mules arc proper for use.?Mason's Farriery. LUCERNE. A correspondent of the Annapolis (Md.) Republican takes the following notice of a patch of Lucerne, belonging to Win. Johnson, Esq., of Princess Ann, Somerset county : " It consists then, in a few words, of about three fourths of an acre?it was sown in 1S29; has been cut, this makes the twelfth year. He keeps two horses and three cows?has a full supply of milk and cream, and more butter than he knows what to do with?much more than J can be said of many farmers who have | 500 acres of land without a lot of lu. cerne. This lot has been cut over once, and now before he can get half over again, the three horses and cows getting more than they can devour, he will have to cut and make hay of it to prevent it from getting too old. It comes several weeks before clover?may be cut four or five times?strikes its roots very deep and will therefore stand dry weather, and will last no one knows how long; for this is now a splendid crop after hcing cut eleven years, and yet?farmers wont sow f it ! even Mr. Johnson's neighbors with a few exceptions, and with his success staring them in the face! I told Uira, that the common objection urged against it was, that they Cannot get it started? that the weeds and grass will smother it the first year. Walk with me said he and I will tell and show you all about it. The best previous culture, said he, is Irish potatoes; the hoe in that case kills grass and weeds and he showed me a lot of a neighbor's which last year was was partly in corn and partly in potatoes, both sown in lucerne this spring. That on the potatoe part was, to a visible line, much better than the other. The way to manage it is this?take a rich lot of ground on which the water docs not lie, winter or summer?cultivate it in irish potatoes?sow it down broadcast 1st May, 20 pounds of seed to the acre, and in July, cut it. You may suppose from the looks of it the first season the weeds and the grass would overcome it, but don't be alarmed. They die olT and the second year the lucern will survive almost in immortal vigor. The proof of the pudding is in eating it?here I saw the proof?how rapidly it shoots up again?how many cuts it will give in the year, and how many years it will last, it is safe to say that an acre of well it set, is worth twenty acres of clover. But the best is to be told. It is a fact which I hare now, on board of this old Steamboat Maryland (now 22 years old!) learned for the first time?from authority and in a manner which leaves me not a douht of its truth?that Lucerne possesses the remarkable characteristic of being exempt from that quality in clover and other green meat, as English writers call it, which makes it dangerous to give it to horses when in active exercise. In other words you may feed them as Mr Johnson does his carriage horses, on lucerne instead of dry fodder or hay, and travel them on it fast or slow without danger of touching their wind ! every one knows that this can't be done with clover ?Mr. Robinson who some years since owned a stage line between Ccnterville and Easton?a route of 21 miles, over which a single team was driven fed on corn and green lucerne, without ever blowing a horse. In Itqly the stage horse in his most active use is fed on grain and alfalla or lucerne?But what eifrniTioa n fhniisnml illustrations ? ThIS ! like others will be rend and thrown aside, .- as a thing that "tells very well on paper," hut too troublesome to be put in practice!! It would probably Ik> belter to sow it with oats, cutting off oats and lucerne in July; but what I saw had not the advantage of any protecting crop-.-the oats would probably assist in keeping down weeds and grass?To conclude?the lot should be rich, well worked in Potatoes, and well top dressed in February, from / year to year, the oftcner the better?That gives the crop an early and vigorous start ?That Farmer who once enjoys the benefit of a lot of lucerne for his horses and milch cows will never be without again ?Like getting a mule?he may be slow to be persuaded, but when he gets a good one, he will be slow to part with it. From the New Haven Fanner's Gazette. EXPERIMENTS WITH SALT PETRE, dtC. Mr. Stoker,?As you have often ex. pressed n .vish that the readers of your paper would be more communicative, especially the farmers, I have thought of writing 1 few hinta on experience; and you may expect it in the plain farmer's style, without much Latin or Greek, and probably but little grammar. You will recollect that I stated to you last spring, that I had purchased several hundred weight of saltpetre, for the purpose of benefiting the crops and enriching the soil in my field of corn. There is ubout 9 acres, which was rye stubble last fall turned over and harrowed part of tho field ; manured this Spring, plowed ; harrowed, and left smooth for planting. First sowed 100 weight ef saltpetre and 3 bushels of plaster on two acres; bushed the ground after sowing, and planted 29tli of April, 3 feet on the row and 4 feet between the rows; tho seed soaked in saltpetre and plaster wet with urine. Not more than one half of the corn ever came up. One week later, planted three acres more to the same field?the corn prcpar cd and planted as above ; tlie ground manured ; but no saltpetre or plaster sowed. The corn came up a little better. One week after, planted the balance of the field?corn and land prepared as above. Perhaps four.fifths of the corn canic up. In all the different pieces planted a number of rows dry, which generally came up well. The season thorough planting has been so very wet and cold. 1 think the corn would have looked much better if the ground had been ridged. Wishing to plant a part of the field with white beans between the corn, I put half a bushel asoak in water and saltpeter on Friday night, expecting to plant thorn on Saturday ; but the rain prevented* and