Farmers' gazette, and Cheraw advertiser. (Cheraw, S.C.) 1839-1843, September 30, 1840, Image 1

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. F f ' p 7? > VOLUME V A?e I EDITOR > ND PROPRIETOR. TERMS: If paid within three months, . . $3 00 II paid within three months after the close ofthe year, - 3 50 If paid within twelve months after the A AA closo ot the year, * uu If not paid within that time, ... 500 Two new subscribers will be entitled to the paper the first year for five dollars, paid at the time of subscribing, and five now subscribers fbr ten dollars paid at the tim3 of subscribing. No piper to be discontinued but at the option f the editor till arrearages are paid. Advertisements not exceeding sixteen lines, inserted for one dollar the first time, and fifty cents, each subsequent ina :rtion. Persons sending in advertisements are request u. >0 specify the number of times they aro to lie i' se-ted; otherwise they will be continued till ordered out, and charged accordingly. (EZTThe Postage must be Daid on ollcommu. locations. & o.?r>of srz^ w * From the Franklin Funncr. ON SHOEING IIORSF.S. Nothing engenders so frightful a chain of diseases in a horse, all tending to disable him, as improper treatment of the animal's feet. Nature had never taken greater pains to form an exquisite anatomical specimen of mechanical power than when it formed the foot of the horse; to this beautiful, delicate*. ^ nnd complicated formation, docs he owe his power of speed ov<>r most others of tlie brute creation. In a s ate of nature, the horse's foot is seldom, if ever, diseased; in n slate of domesticy i< is moie or less unsound, in seven cases out of ten. In a state of nature, tho foot being unencumbered by a shoe, is not prevented from assuming that position on the ground which keeps it in a sound condition, and enables each of its component parts to discharge their s"vernl functions. In a state of domesticity, the animal is obliged to wear a shoe, for the purpose of protecting its hoof from the roughness of harsh ro ids; and this shoe is so conctructed as to inflict considerable in. jury upon the foot, by ineapicitating its several component parts from performing their functions, thereby producing a state of disease. Contracted hoof,sand*cracks, thrush, ;fC,,.-0 m iK?> flp?nr tpndnn of the ^rctisr, oiiiiiivoj in mo Kvnv -v.. leg, weakness in the pastern and the kneejoints, and a tendency to genuflexion are home among the vaiious disturbances pro. duced by improp rly shoeing a horse, so as to impede hny to the necessary notions of the fovt. And yet most of the London furriers totally ignorant of the anatomy of the horse's foot and of tho various uses of its several parts,so apply the shoe as always to produce the effects we have just endeavored to describe. Having often before observed that we nowhere find such bad horsemanship as in the London parks?we may here add, that whenever we see an awkward fellow gallop by, riding upon his curb, and allowing his snafHe rein to hang loosely upon the horse's neck, we are sure, on further examination, to find the poor nnimnl sufTer ing from bad shoeing, ignerance in riding seems always the concomitant of ignorance in treatment of the horse, and he who takes no trouble to lenrn to do the former with the # least possible inconvenience to the animal, - .u? i ... will pay little or no ai enuon iu mc wm-i. One of the most important organs of the foot of a horse is that portion which every body knows under the designaiion of the frog. Upon the health of this organ dopeuds that of the whole foot?and yet the ignorant farrier seems to have conceived so violent an antipathy to this frog he always endeavors to cut as n uch of it away as he possibly con, without actually wounding the animal?and ns for the mode of shoeing generally adopted a great portion of the frog is often dried up and decayed, the blacksmith finds no great difficul y in paring it away to almost nothing. Tne consequence of this we shall endeavor to explain, by describing the use of the frog. Thisorganis seated at the heel, just benea;b the hoof, and behind its bars- It forms u sort of case for the end of the flexor tendon, which it covers like a bulb. It likewise secretes an unctuous liquor which serves to keep the horn of the hoof moist and to prevent it from cracking. The frog is also an clastic wedge, which contracts - -* - ?- .l- l c i e ana cxpanua wnn me iioor, nnu wnen iihk wedge receives its duo pressure as the animal walks, it keeps the bars in their proper state of expansion and counteracts any tendency in the hoof to permanent contraction. Thus, then, its functions are indispensable to keep the foot sound?for if it were dostrojed, d?e bottom of the floxor tendon of the leg would be exposed to disenso?again, if it did not secrete oil to keep the hoof moist, the latter would crack?as is often the case, lost])*, if it were dried up and deprived of its elastic power, the foot would become permanently contracted, and the horse lame, which is a matter of very common occurrence. Two things are cviJent from what we have just stated. 1. The secretion, elasti. ^ city and mechanical action of tho frog, are absolutely necessary to keep the foot of the horse in a sound state. 2. If from improperly placing the shoe, or from any other cause, the frog should be deprived of the stimulus necessary to enable it to carry on its natural action, the foot must full into a state of disease. With reference to this latter, from the position of tho foot, and the resources provided by nature, it can occur but very seldom that any accidental cause deprives the frog of its power ol action? mid as it is an undoubted fact that the shoe, when improperly put ou (as it is in seven tRMI .1 .v n c h i!sfs^ WBKHHWBWHLiaBBKilMnBWB?B?PW33BB8 I cases out of ten) producer this effect, by raisi.ig the heel and preventing the frog from receiving the slightest pressure?and j^ the necessary pressure can alone give the proper stimulus?it is reasonable to con- ^ elude that most cases of diseased feet in horses and diseased action is the effect of I_1 !_ uau snoring. j If the firrier would observe the borse in wil a state of nature,?if he would examine the Tf yet unbroken, and consequently unshodden Ca colt he would find that the broad, circular ha: fool presses fully on ihe ground, the frog re- By ceiving as the nnima! wulks, at each elas- ths tic rebound caused by the play of the pas- tur tern, a slight pressure against the ground, oth which excites it, keeps it in healthy action, mu and indued preserves the whole foot from by disease. He would ulso perceive, after a bus inore minute observation, not only is the by frog an elastic body, but that the hoofitse f, Cul though a horny substance, is elastic, and <?ra that it contracts and expands by the action jnr of ihe muscles of the sensible foot, of wh ch j it is only the case or covering, preserving it br( from injury, but > elding 'o all its impulses, pre He would then, if he w?>re not a dolt reu- pu son ?pon what he had observed, and infer for tiiut lor a horse to be sound upon its feet, it "R it must walk in that exact position is unnut- I an< ural, and deprives the horse of a portion of mn his power. He would also think that na- mc ture, by placing the animal firmly on his wh heels, and not on the front edge of its hoof, un< as most horses stand when improperly ? shod, did so for some wise purpose, and that Ha the slight blows given to the fiog as the ani- oth mal walked, were not without an object, and therefoie ought to be continued even noi when the shoes were on,?unless, indeed cot he had tho presumption, like the be-breech- the ed und bu. booted louts in London livery far stubles, to fancy that he knew better than ab< nature. He would at least conclude that the coi shoe ought to be made to fit the horse's foot in I as shoes of Christian folks are made, not the unl loot pared ard burned down to fit the shoe cat ?and that m fining on the latter, idiosyn- anc erases (dear reader, excuse the term) must lcr< be as fully attended to as would be done by die the fashionable boot-maker in Regent street, tf? 1 when taking recount of bunions and other leri peculiarities on the feet, of one of his fash. l^e ionable customers. ma Unhappily for the poor horses, there are cor but few observing farri< rs in London, for ?rc there are too many cockneys who ride in |pr the park on their curb rein, and know no'hof the habits or comforts of the poor animal Qf j they bestride, to allow furriers time for im. joa( provcment in their craft?and as we have cor before observed the oraculor sayings of ig- gcr norant grooms being received in prefer- as ence to the dicta of men of information, j^o there is no encouragement held out to those jg who would otherwise devote their time or urP their energies to the question. ur | It is much to be desired that a shoe were hoi tnventend which should have the faculty vve of yielding to the different impressions one which tlie hoof would impart to it through obj i:s elastic action, which nction, however, is lha but sligh\ In applying a hard, unyielding hoi iron shoe to a substance which gently con- is 1 tracts and expands during the action of thr walking, a degree of inconvenience must al- foi ways be felt by the animal?but this incon- len venience is increused when the natural po- the fho (nnt ia nilopffl. It hppnmfiS. SH' nun ui inu ivui " ? ? .. 7 then;fore, n mutter of vita I importance to uri tha well-being of the animal that the shoe so should be so formed and fast' ned on as to f'v allow that die action to con inue unimpeded spi which nature has imparted to the horse's ; an foot* Per this purpoee we offer the follow- ! Mi in? directions, hoping that, as we have call- mi ed the attention of our readers to the sub_ w! ject, they will give it their earnest attention, co The horses fool h-ing circular and not oval, the shoe should be made in that form fic, ?or rather the hoof should be measured, mj and the; shoe made exactly to correspond. ov An oval or eliptic foot is generally, nay, m( we may say always, diseased. It has as- ur( sumed that shape in consequence of the or contraction of the bars, brought in solely by a diseased state of the frog for want cn of pressure?and in no one instance of oval formed feet will the frogs be foun I healthy. jjri The moment the foot is Pfted from the to, ground, the smell indicates the diseased frog, e; ihough perhaps cockney equestrians con- pol sider this the natural perfume of the organ up when in heal.b. The shoe should be as light as possible sy consis'ently with the labor the animal has to undergo. Before it is put on, the hoof !n should he pared away towards the SH. heels, in such a manner that with tlie shoe 'n the horse should stand with the frog close fit-' to the ground, ns when in a state of nature? fot wh"n the shoe is on, it should be filed away sti towards the h(?ls, being left sufficiently thi thick to enable the frog in the natural po- of silion of the animal without a rider or bur- ca then, just to clear the ground?so that when be the horse bears its burthen or its rider, the qu frog of the sboed foot should receive the same pressure from the ground that it 18 would do if the shoes were taken off and 18 the animal turned loose. When ahorse is 18 shod according to the present system, be- 18 sides the various diseases brought on by the want of the action of the frog, the animal cr< walks upon its toes, (the expression cannot W be misunderstood,) and the proper muscular action of the foot and leg is perverted. O* Hence many horses full dead lame without the furrier being able to assign any cause I Pc for it, although he v\i!l talk dogmatically enough on the subject to confound those H' who know bo better than himself. ac * 9JZ. UBS' E II .1 W .1 v. sootii-cakoijnaT BB?BtiW-' ? fm? ??? 1 From the American Farmer. Washington County Farming. i S. Skinner, Esq. May 17th, 1840 J Dear S.r;?I am truly gratified to find hy ! :cnt publications in the American Farmer, " n have enlisted in behalf of the agricul. ' | al interest, n gentleman whose talenrs be useful, and zeal already manifested, ? II be an acquisition of material benefit.? 1 ie gentleman to whom I allude, Win rmichael, Esq., of Queeu Ann's County, v s set us an example worthy of imitation. ^ a free interchange of opinion*, and by * geminating our experience in agricul- 1 al pursuit, we may hope to elicit from lers, similar efTor:s, which ultimately ist produce beneficial results. Stimu'a cd - - ? i _-i -1 .i__ : suefi incentives nun convincca mai mc ? il mode to attain the desired object, is { a full and free disclosure of our practi- ' experience, 1 now offer for your consid- i ition and better judgement the follow- s r; [n order that many f.rms sho 11 be t )ught under the most productive and r jfitatable system, I have for some years 1 rsued the eight field systeui.?I will take f example the farm on whicn I reside, I Oakland,'' containing, clear of woodland I J lots, eight fields of 23 or 24 acres each, t king in the eight fields 189 acres.?My * ide of cultivation has been three fields in f eat, one field in corn, one field in oats, s 1 three fields in clover. f One of the clover fields intended for ' iy, (clover and timothy mixed.) the i ier two clover fields are for pasture. t My farmyard is a basin, from which I ae of the water or lye can escape.?1 Timonced making my crop of manure in r month of August, by throwing in'o my I m ynr l any old straw or rubish collected r jut the farm; as soon as cold weather f cattle are confined of nights ? the yard and turned out duriug the day, r ;il the pastures become tshort, then, the i tie are confined altogether to the yard, c J horses are stabled?straw is then sea - ? ed over the yard, and the manure from r horse stable, once in each week, is taken I a horse cart from the stable and scat. L ed over the farm yard, and immediately a reafter, a cart of straw strewed over the t tic i a A/\nt iiMin/1 iitifi) ( l\ ,11141** & "l<J pi 19 V.UUI1UUWU UiUM month ef March, at which period we t nmencc carrying out the manure for our li iund, By this plan I carted out in the t ing of 1839, two hundred and eighty nine s gon loads of manure, and in the spring v 1840, two hundred audfifty.three wagon d ds, completely saturated with the lye c named in the yard, which was before do- t ibed in a complete basin. The manure carried out, is immcdirtely ploughed t w, Sir, permit mo here to remark, that i /our frequent statement of loads of man- c , wc are left in the dark as to the kind r !o;?d, whether it be a one, Iao, or three t se cart or wagon load,?consequently e are ignorant of the quantity deposited on ? ;h acre. In order to remove the same l lection as to my statement, 1 will remark, i it four planks constitu:es the whole t dy in which the manure in each wagon ( oaded. The floor of the wagon body is ce feet six inches wide, anJ the length c irteen feet long, the sides the same j ifrih and two feel three inches in height"; t o # # ? plank being one inch nnd a half thick 1 tvcd for the purpose. The manure, sat- ' sted with lye, is piled up on the planks, ( as to make a heavy draught for four or i e horses. The crop of manure for the 1 ring operations, is thus all taken out, 1 d*my farm yard cleatcd off by the lust of , irch.?At this period commences the i iking of the summer crop of mtnurc, f ion the remaining wheat straw and the ! rn stalks are used as before stated, with ) stable manure spread over, &/\, until i j cattle leave the yard for the pasture ? Ids, about the midJle of May. The 1 inure then in the farm yard is covered , er with a thick layer of straw, until the i inth of Angust, by which time the man- ' e is sufficiently decomposed and in good 1 der to bo ploughed under in our fallow Ids, then preparing for wheat. Of this j ap of manure we take out every summer j i out one hundred and sixty or one hun- ' ed and severity wagon loads, making ul* j jether, (on this farin of one hundred and j jhly-nine acres of arable land) at leust ir hundred wagon loads of good mane. I have this year made a change in my i stem of farming, and in future my opera- 1 ns will be?two fields in wheat, one field corn, nnd one field in roots, nnd oats? ( y II 1-2 acres in roots, nnd 11 1*2 acres oats?three fields for pasture and one 1 Id for hny. Thus having every year jr fields in grass?one of them to cut? II pursuing the eight field sys'em. By j i is plan I shall increase my blooded stock L cattle, &c. We consider the increase of ttle particularly essential, as our land is coming entirely too light for wheat, re'* tring the presure of the hoof. '1 he rotation in my new system is, 140, corn, 1844, clover, 141, roots, or roots and oats, 1845, wheat, 142, wheat, 1846, clover, 43, Clover, X04<, CIOYt:r? From the above I consider an ^average ap will be of heat, 1200 bushels, irn, 1000 11 us, 500 " 1 jots, I have not sufficient experience, >rk, (as at present) 8 to 10,000 weight, sef Cattle, 15 to 20 head for sale, ?y, say 25 tons from the one ftelJ of 23 , res. Sincerely, and respectfully yours, j F. Tilgiiman, Rockland. }AZ D r E R T Wednesday, septem Leaves of Trees, Fodder for Caltle. ?A remarkable feature in the Agriculture of France, and in most Warm countftesfis he use of leaves of trees us food for catile. Vot only are mulberry, olive, poplar, vine tnd other leaves gathered in autumn, when hey begin to change color, and acquire a sweetness of taste, but spray is cur green n July, dried in the sun or in the shade of rees in woods, fagoted, and shocked for vinter use. During that season they are ;iven to sfvep and cattle like hay; astrinjency of some leaves, as the oak, is eseemed medicinal, especially for slieep. From Stewarts Stablo Economy. THE HORSE?PRINCIPLES OF FEEDING. The principles of feeding are facts which nfluence and ought to regulate the practice ^'feeding. The word feeding refers to he mangf,r food, given at intervals, not to he hay or fodder, which is almost conitantly within the horse's reach. People who are unacquainted with sta.. >Ie affairs make many blunders in the nanageinenl of their horses, and particular, y in feeding tliem. Th?-y reason to much rorn ?nalogy. The rules which regulate heir own diet are applied to that of the lorse. Medical men are remarkable for his. A skilful surgeon expressed his con. rictioi that stablemen are full of error and >rejunuce regarding the diet of horses. He laid, *1 order my patients to live on plain ood, :>n that which does not tempt excess; md I tell them to desist when satisfied. It s thus I treat my horse," con:iuued he, "I eve hm plain wholesome food, as much as le likes, and when he likes." This is sufficiently absurd; it is a comnon way ofspeaking only with the ignorant t might be a very good rule, if there wpre 10 food for the horse bu' grass, and none or man but bread. Horses may eat more train, and men more beef than their work cquires : or the plain, wholesome nourshment, as it is called, may not suffice for :?Ttair> kinds of work. It is this, it is the vork which renders enro and sys'em so lecessary in the feeding of horses. Men I lave to work too, but very few have labor I iearing any resemblance to that of the horse md those few are compelled to regulate heir die' by rub s which are not known to he bulk of mankind. The diver, the oxer, the runner, the wres lor, must not ivu like other men. The fermentable naure of the horse's food, and the peculiar tructure of his s'omach which forbids omiting, nnd the abstinence from food and Irink occasionally required by the work, are ulipr circumstances which demand partic liar attontion to the mode of feeding. Slow work aids digestion, empties the towels, and sharpens the appetite. Hence t happens that on Sunday night and Monluy morning there are more coses of colic ind founder than during any other port of he week. Horses that never want an ippeiiie ought not to have an unlimited tllowance of hny on Sunday ; they have ? .?? ime to eat a great ae.ti more man umj n.eJ and the torpid siuteof the stomach and )owels produced by a day of idleness renJers an additional quantity very dangerous. The Iiuiiscstion of Abstinence may in some :ases arise from an enfeebled conditien of tlie digestive apparatus. The stomach and bowels may partake of the general Ijnguor and exhaustion, md be in some measure unable to perform their unctions; but of this there is no proof. When a lorse has fasted all day, he is very apt to have colc soon after he is fed at night. It happens very rften. The voracious manner in which the horse beds has something to do with it. He devours ?is food in great haste, without sufficient masticalon, and he often eats too much. The sudden uid forcible distension of the stomach probablyrenders it unable to perform its duty. The quantity, the quality, and the hurried ingestion of die "ood, account for the frequency of colic, after a ong fast, without supposing the stomach is weak, i'he appetite seems to indicate that it is not. The result may Ixj prevented. Give the horse Food oftcner. When prolonged abstinence is unavoidable, give him hiss than he would eat. Divide the allowance into two feeds, with an interval of at least one hour between each. In this *1 ? !.? otAmoiili ij r\\r?>Tm Wily I lie UJIJJCIUC Ult'0 LKTlUiU UIC ClUiKllou *49 loaded. To prevent liurrieJ ingestion, give fixxl that is not easily eaten Boiled meat, after a long fast, is unsafe, and grain should be mixed with chaff. The CebiUtyor Inanition of Abstinence is denoted by dulness. The horse is languid, feeble and offensive. Want of food tames the very wildest; and sometimes vieious horses are purposely starved to quietness. The time a horse may fast before he may lose any portion of his vigor, varies very much in different individu als. In some few it may depend upon peculiarity of form. Light bellied narrow-chested horses cannot afford to fast so long as those of round and large carcass. But in general, the power of fasting depends upon habit, the kiml of food only twice or thrice a-day,he can fast longer by an hour or two, without exhaustion then when he is in the habit of eating four or five times. Asa general rule, liale, however, to many eceeptions, it my be held that a horse begins to get week soon alter the usual hour of eating is past. The degree and rapidity with which his vigor faiis depends upon his work and condition. If idle, or nearly so, for a day or two previous, he may miss two or three meals before exhanstation is apparent. Langour is probably felt sooner. If in low condition, he cannot fast long without weakness. II? has nothing to spare. If his usual food be all or partly soft, he cannot bear abstinence so well as when it is all or partly hard. By slow work, i mean that which is performed at a walk, not that which hurries the breathing, or produces copious perspiration. The moderate exertion of which I speak does not, as some might suppose, interfi re with the digestive process. It is attended with some - rtnf fimonl waste } there is some expeutmuic ui liuti aiuvuv| and that seems to excite activity in the digestive apparatus for the purpose of replacing the loss. Farm and cart-horses are fed immediately before commencing their labor, and the appetite with which they return shows that the stomach is not full; but. During Fast Wore, digestion U suspended. Of this we have not indeed, any positive proof, but there is good reason for believing it. In the general commotion excited by violent exertion, the stomach can hardly be in a favorable condition for performing its duty. The blood circulates too rapidly to permit the for SETT / Z E R. [BFJR 30, J 840 | mation of gastric juice, or its combination with the food ; and, it may be, the blood and the nervous influence are so exclusively concentrated and expanded upon the muscular system, that none can be spared for carrying on the digestive process. llut this is mere theory. It is better to appeal to facts. The Effects of East Work on a Full Stomach are well enough known among experienced horsemen. The horse becomes sick, dull, and breathless. He is unwilling, or unfit to proceed at his usual pace ; and if urged onward, he quickly shows all the symptoms of over-mark, nig. to which I allude among the accidents, of work. The effects are not always the same. Sometimes the horse is simply over-marked, distressed by work that should not produce any distress. Some take colic, 6oine are founder, ed, some broken.winded. The most frequent result is over marking in combination with colic. Perhaps the colic, that is, the fermentation of the food, begins before the horse is distressed ; but whether or not, his distress is al. ways much aggravated by the colic. These effects are not entirely produced by indigestion. The difficulty of breathing may be ascribed to mere fulness of the stomach. Pressing upon the diaphragm, and encroaching upon the Jungs, it prevents a full inspiration ; and its weight, though not, perhaps exceeding eight or nine pounds, must have considerable influence upon a horse that has to run at lull speed, and upon the who has to go far, though not so fast. Some horses commence purging on the road if fed directly before starting. They seem to get of the food, entirely or partly?for these, which are generally light-beilied horses do nor suffer so much, nor so often, from any of the t vil connected with a full stomach. The purgation, however olten continues too long, and is followed by great exhaus.ion. They should be kept short of water on working days, and they should have a large allowance of beans. All work, then, which materially hurries the breathing ought to be performed with an empty stomach, or at least without a full stomach. Coaching, horses are usually fed from one to two .lours before starting, and bay is wittheld after the corn is eaten. Hunters are fed early in the morning : and I believe racers sometimes receive no food on running days till their work be over. Abstinence, however, must not be carried so far as to induce exhaustion before the work commences. After Fast Work is concluded, it is a little while ere the stomach is in a condition to digest the food. Until thirst has been allayed, and the system calmed, there is seldom any appetite. If the horse have fasted long, or be tempted by an article of which he is very fond, he my be induced to cat. But it is not right to let him ; a little docs him no good, and a full feee does him harm. The stomach par- i taking of the general excitement, is not prepared to receive the food. Fermen'ation takes place, and the horse's life is endangered; I or the food lies in the stomach unchanged, and produces founder. * Food, then, is not to bo given after work till the horse be cool, his breathing tranquil, and his pulse reduced to its natural standard. By the time he is dressed and wateicd, ho is generally raady for feeding. Salt and Spices aid Digestion.?On a journ. i ey, or after n severe d iy, horses often refuse their food. When fatigued, tired off his fond, a hand fill of salt may he thrown among tho horses' corn. That will often induce him to eat it, and it will assist digestion, or ai least rwider fermentation less likely to occur. Some, however, will not eat even with this inducement Such may have a cordial ball, which in general produces an appetite in ten minutes. I am speaking of cases in which the horse has become cool, and those in which tho work has not fevered him. Tho horse should always be cool before food is off red ; and if his eye be red, and pulso quick, cordials, sa t, * * i ii & l_; .1 I an'J tlic ordinary iooa are an loroiuuun. mc horse is fevered. Abstinkxcr unusnally prolonged is connected with indigestion, and it produces debi ity. Horses in daily and ordinary woik should seldom fast more than three or four hours. They gencially get corn four or five times a day, an J between the feeding hours they are permitted to eat hay ; so that, except during work, very few horses fast more than four hours. But some, such as hunters and racers, are often required to fast much longer. Hunters are sometimes out for more than nine hours, and they go out with an empty stomach, or very little in it. The only evil arising from such prolonged abstinence is exlnnstion, and among fast-working horses tat cannot bo avoided. The work and absti. nonce together may produco groat exhaustion and depression, ana me uorne may rvijuuu pc?uat days of rest to restore him. ]3ut if he had been fed in tire middle of this trying work, he would have been unable to complete it. The evils arising from prolonged abstinence are iess dang rous than those arising from fust work on a full stomach. The work which must be performed with an empty stomach should be finished as quickly as circumstances will p rmit. In order that the raaer or hunter may have all the vigor he ought to havo, his work should bo ovei before abstinence begins to produce debility. How long he must fust before he is fit to commence his tusk must depend upon the pice, the distance, and the horse's condition. Tno stomach, aflcr an ordinary ineal of grain, is probably empty in about four hours. For a pace of eight or ten miles an hour it does not need to be empty; if the food be so far digested that it will readily ferment, a little may remain in the stomach without rendering the horse unfit for exertion of this kind. Coaching horses, therefore, go to the road in from one to two hours after feeding For a hunting-pace, perhaps a digestion of two hours will secure the food from fermentation ; and in that time, after a moderate meal, the weight and bulk of die food which remains in the stomach will not emcumbor the horse, nor impede his breathing. For a racing.psoe the stomach must be empty, and the bowels must not bo full. I do not know exactly how long racers are fed beforo commencing their work. The time appears to vary, spare feeders not being required to fast so long as those of better appetite. I rather think that they aro often, or sometimes kept too long without tood, but I have little right to venture an opinion on the subject. It appears that racers sometimes receive no food 011 running day till their work is over. If hay were withheld for twelve hours, and corn for three or four before starling, I should think such restriction would be sufficient. These horses however, arc always in high condition; they can alFnrd to fast for a long time before fasting produces exhaustion, and the distance they run is so short that the expenditure of nutriment is nut great. With horses in lower condition, having less spiro nutriment in them, a fast of twelve hours produces a sensible diminution of energy and in this stato he is not fit to perform all that be cou'd perform after abstinence of only four or six hours. Iu the course of training, either -r ^ mm - -~z > ; A f | I ?WW?i??? NUMBKR 46 ! for tho course or fi-Id, the groom should leara hour long tho horse can boar .fastin| without 1<h sing vigor, and that will te'l fiim how to regulate the diet on the day of wo k. When the distance is considerable, or the work requiring several hours of continuous exer* tion, the waste of nutriment is greater than when the di-dance is short, or the work soon , over, and tho abetinenco might be regulated accord ngly. For a long road, the sooner a horse is fit to begin his task alter feeding, the lese will he be exhausted at the end of it. To prevent in aorne degree, the debility of abstinence when the work iorbids food, K re not unusual, 1 beliove, to give a little spirits, or wiua. Between the heats of a race a pint of shevy or two* glasses of brandy may be given in a tjdsffc of water. The horse will drink it, and I do not know of any objoction to such a practice. Tho energy it inspires is over in about an hour, and if is developed in loss than ten minutes. From ten to fifteen minutes before running is, therefor* tho proper time to give it; the horse may run id five, but in that case the race will be over before the stimulant operates. I have said tha*. the only evil arising from prolonged abstinence is exhaustion. There isi however, one more, and though of little consequence, it deservos notice. When tho stomach ^ is empty, and the bowels containing very little tho horse is sometimes treubled with flatulence. The bowels seem to contain a great deal of aift They are noisy; the horse has slight intermit* ting colicky pains, w liich do not last above & minute, are never violent, and cease as the air is expelled. I have never known this require any particular treatment; but a little spirits, or half a dose of the colic mixture, removes it at once. CuL. CAJiriJEU LETTEX. / /I - - J % \Kjonunue a.) But although, 1 differ from Mr. Van Btfren upon ur. important feature of the present Sub-treusury law, and entirely dissent from his recommendation to embrace the State Banks in a general Bankrupt law, I am op* posed to allowing the Banks the custody of the public money to be used for privote of commercial purposes, or to make them m any way the areries through which the blood of the body politic must circulate. 1 am also opposed to a United S;atcs Bunk i nof do 1 believe thai such an institution is a necessary ukeruuiivc, us has been asserted of the sp< cio clause o( the Sub Treasury law. The absurdity of this assertion is, 1 think* manifest on the luces of the law itself, which is now in operation, and whish, for the first | year, requites only onc.forth of the public dues to be paid in gold and silver; for, is itwithin the bounds of human ingenuity i<y give an intelligible reason why the whole of the Government dues mny not ns well be received, as they have hitherto beeff*eith? er in specie or in lite bills of spceie paying Banks, convertible on demand into specie, without the agency of a United States Bank aS to receive three*fourths in such currency, without such an agoni? In strong corrobrution too of the position thaC 1 have often contended for before you. to wit, that iho exaction of specie exclusively, was under proper regulations, not necessary ns a security to the public funds. I will refer - - .v - v you to House Documents No 10, of the last Session, it being a letter from the Sec-^ rotary of the Treasury, containing a state* rnenl of moneys expended by each Administration of the Government, from 1789 to 1837, &c. From this document it appear* that from 1817 to 1836, both inchrsrve, embracing a period of 20 years, during the whole of which time the joint resolution of 1816, authorising either specie or the bills of specie paying Banks to be received in pay* ment of the public dues, was in full opcrnl. ion, except so far as it wns limited by the Treasury Circular of 1834, und daring which period th<> aggregate receipt* of the General Government amounted in round numbers to five hundred and two millions of dollars, not n single cent is ascertained to have been lost by the depreciation of Bank Notes. Let it also b? remembered that for a part ol this time the United States Bank wus in no way the fiscul agent of the Gov ernment?that the fluctuations in trade were unusually great, and that the legal organization of the Treasury Department was very imperfect. But enough ol this. The Sub - - .f _ Treasury Bill with the specie clause is me law of the land, and should it operate injur, iously on the Foreign commerce or internal trade of the country, or in any way be prejudicial to its general prosperity, it may at any time be repealed. A United States Bunk on the con'rary, if chartered, most remain in force till at least i s charter has expired, which will probably be not less than 20 years. Mr. Van Biren would veto a Bill to charter a United Stutes Bank, Gen. Harrison, tho' he cannot 1 think, in justice be regarded as the partisan, perhaps not even as the advocate of such nr? institution, would, I have no doubt sign a bill to charier n Bunk, should Congress pass it?particully as from the ser.iim? n:s of those, upon whom, ifel< cled, he must principally rely for advice and support, it would noi be d fBcult to induce him to believe that the public interest in relation to the collection and disbursement of the revenue, would materially suffer without one, and that there were unequivocal manifestations of public opinion in iis favour. The contingencies upon the occurence of which he staiod in his fetter fa the Hon. Sherod Williams, written in 1836, that fin would siirn a bill La inoornorate a Bank-. Wish ing, however, gentlemen,"to give you a full viow of Gen. Harrison's position upon this subject so far as I am able, i will mention that in a letter written to the editor of the Inquirer in ii?!1822,in which he gives an outline of Ins political opinions; other among things, he says, that he "believes the charter of the late Bank of the United States to be unconstitutional, it being not of those measures necewarry to carry any of the expressly granted powers into eflfect." Boili the candidates for the Presidency may be considered as implicated to tire constitutionality ol appropriations for internal improtementaby the General Government. Siucebehas President, Mr. Van Buren has not only ; signed the Cumberland Road Bill, winch if pre