The Camden confederate. (Camden, S.C.) 1861-1865, January 18, 1865, Image 2

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1 '7 isdi^cvjo^um-ns>p^*?X. I B J ci'i r ,\j}>*<i'**cr~'-,-tTm Fn'rifh of d?--l ; ?oV.j?t ix&r/V"is St'?te wii>prfim?<l forth ^itlfto I1 I '"V o^ m " <o slaves jfehfe .o fl * * ^Cggju ^reHpoi?hj?_hini icts^r -oHin^Jj? ?ubs of??i Act of thotf.cncntl .-tHkenioiy 01 : 1 H a copy, of wljicli is > ap| ended. } , I |Pr' finiaf iuuiioi iuo" of I s Jfc<fB>ri4sKTowns uud Village* wiii. within | BB|K' - T';JhJr- ?! * nYjor the^passdge of tlio Above roierred to, I } ."Sftcriffs of tlieir respecjivo Districts, with i 'm ConrC't returns of-till slaves liable to Jfoad du- j i K ,f>"'cpn <lic ages of-IS mid 50 years, within' their >?ive jurisdictions. These returns will be "parsed . ^^iterneii'tsof owndra sworn to in writing." Th? Enrolling Officers of tho several Districts ^ . Jv.K' Statcnre hereby appointed, at.d will please act >i their i-e.V'ecnve I) strict*. ah .^ub-Atr ?uts, un- y W ty-l(Ehe provisibne ol'the 4th scctimi of tho act. Tltey "c J 4vill give'to the Sheriffs and those acting under them ' jfliv assistance which mav be required, jn procuring re- c *m? nf ,,?mur<i in :;sa?.SSinOUtS 6f labor. Jlild C iii oi-ci of default in arfWung .slave*. They will aiso j e forward the slaves when impressed to the, plates of ? | k ^ .'aiwr, jwot^ling a discivfct i?craoii to tako charge of! them, uucj tfili keep aifaecumte rec rd of the names ' "^i^ueqjAiimberof slaves fu ni-licd by each, am! :1 Jlieir tetfflFofservice. Transportation will ' ? furn- ? '.shed froui this office. . t< 1 i V. Tee assessment of sluvi s will bo niado in lite v following ma ntier, t" wit: c The owner of 2 Road Hands will furnish 1 for 2. ' - * months. ? The owner of 3 Road Hands will furnish I fur two Si "tlK ilUllS. '4, ^^The(>wuor of-1 ?oad II inrls will furnish 1 for 4- jj ^rniiiths. \ . j , "'lieowner of u Road Hands will furnish 1 for four! v uioiHlfi. ' J 11 The owner of 5 Road ilauds r. ill^ furnish 1 f r six j si months. v Lx The ownei of 7.Road Hands wiil furnish I for six j ' 4"0irthir. y ! The o\vuer of 8"Roa?l Hands w ill furnish 1 for eight fnon&s. ' r<~ 11? ofJ llojil Hands will furnish 1 lor eight In 'ifnoutus. ' til Tin? owner of 10 Road Hands will furnish I for 12 ^ months. ' And in like manner witli fractions above Ton. II ^ ft is fleshed, several owners harit.^fraethms ?bi?vofcor In below Ten, may unite wd furnish 1 slave for 12 (jj ***" ' tr.iinthr. *. . 'or V. The attention of SfrralfT- and others charged with i^fyting for and appraising slaves especially ui l'' rented to the provisions of the Act in relation-to" this '?!' -nicbcr. Too a.uch care cannot be taken, lor upon the il: t> proper discharge of litis duty depends the claim yf the owne -for indemnity i( his slave is lost. The blanks i f furnished by litis oiliec will be used in all cases. 1 VI. The Act omitt mpates the impressment of slaves P'1 whose physical cond.tioti will enable tlieiu to perform tic hiitor on t iej'otiino.iiious. Whore there is obviously sp, iinlitncssjbr'sucli labor, they w.11 bo retnrued to the r owners, who wjlJ be required to fmnisb-otikrs in their - > - ?Mi ulnvnc u,ill%A fliB " litre my.jccuhw. mkm, -fcv? . -, r ceivedas are "lien.iBby owrTCTr' JtM VII. Owners w ill find it to their interest to- provide their slaves, tukcN lor this service, with a comfortahie iff outlit of clothing,Ac; and at the tinie of delivery for jji Ir.i.ttspdTtat.ori to places o! labor, should furnish theai " with at least five days' rations Qf eo kgd food. . VilI.'The time of d livery of slaves * t ken under 'A' this order fur inipressiiKnt. w.!l be on 'Vrdnesduy, th.< the 8th of February ngjjt, at such points as will bode- s,j signs ted in a future ifotice. As the dqjn m l for labor ^ f U most urgent, it is desirable that the impressment ' ahouhl proceed as rapidly as | ossjbie, an i the slaves j'1' be turnvdovor to tlit* irub'Ai'el.'is to by forwarded to it, [ the pLaevs of lnifffr belore llio rlrt^bove mentioned. ar, XI. Under this Law allslui<.b''He<s owing two or I more Roads Hands are liable. r.Ynl no exemptions or ; details will be regarded b_. oflicers charged with thcun- " ' presfm.-Mt. v '' It. B. J()lC\*5?OX. * * Agent of the State ?. f >. <?. wr Av Act to kepkal all Acts and i-akts -ok ?"cs tt\ acts hsicktofojh: bassed nv tiie legisla^ Tilts state,-ok t!1e si wect oVkck-.J yiJH'.lSU SLAVE LABOR ON THE COAST AXlr or F0RTHflCATIuNS WITHIN THE STATE, AND } otherwise to ruovjDE wr n-Ksnntsr. an lai LABOR. Je Sec. 1. -Be it miietid by the Se> ate mid j5l House a/ f?rj>re*cjit<iIivcjs, i.our mfl mid sitting *pj, in General Assembly, and by dm authority of taj ike smite, Tjiat in order to furnish the wcessa- is ry slave labor to work on the coast of this State Si and the fortifications'within the limits of the sam?u there shall be organized a force, consist- th jug of m?le slaves between the ages of (18) and er fifty years liable under existing laws to road' pr duty, not exceeding in number at any one th time, of one-tenth part of said slaves, to serve pe for tbe term of twelve months from the date of tic their impressment, subject however, to the right fo -v of their respective owners at the expiration of bIi -Qyery three months of said term of service' to ds substitute other slaves so liable to road duty in their place, and who by such substitution shall 'se constitute a portion or the whole of said forco ac as the caee may be, from the respective dates di of such substitution. This forco?hall be raised of a general impressment throughout the ai whole State, whenever bis Excellency .the Gov si: ernor may order or direct such agent of the tl State hs lie may apponu tu ?hvu implement, und<jr the.provisions of'. lint if b the impressment of a less number than one- w tenth would'produce should be found to be d ^ 'sufficient, then the impressment shall be c! H # made on the State at large, according to one si uniform rule of equality to be~ prescribed in o .4 * the order of the Governor directing such ini- ii 10 DC inauc UJ tin- oint<; .luu I b V""" number gTeatcr than ten shall be so ; \' t * *. A - ' yy:>*- - v nijHIP^^^Rjvrsvlc.-u^B:*a (fiviHor >haj 6s^5Sti54dor<l(l or Jnkeu jitostnc apportionment nti|i*sR It, is <rt iea?t ?jie-fifiJi5^?r ujoro of sue I Iivisor, ami in such cases tl? fi'jjftioo of .one jftit shall be taken by requiring the paiLy own n?. it to fi.rjiisTT out* haml f?.r two months, will, kc same right tf substitution as in. ease o vnoic numbers, am* ttro same rttto jib to iracions shall be observed where Hie number ten s n?cd as the divisor in making the appoitionm?iit.' ' ... ,4. Stc. 2. It siialf l'e .Hie duty of h'UExcellency he Governor to appoint a-State. Agent, such gent to be selected frptn the.class-, of persons iot liable to conscription in Confederate irnlitav Service, if the services of a suitable agent - I- -..1 l'. Ll n.|w. cl.?lt r? ?(I1 UU bL'ClNUM 1UMIJ ??4?v OIIAIi ?veivc (or his services tfte pay of a lieutenant olonrl of Infantry, aliovyed-br tlic.Confedrate govirninciit, daring Lis 'employment, to v ^aid to luin monthly by the State. # Sue. That it shall be the duty of the State ?eut aforesaid^ linm'edinlcly on {he reception f any order from Lis Excohcucy the Governor,' ) make impressment"' of skives,, under the proisions of this net, to extend such order to the horiffs of the sov- ral- judicial districts "of tl?c tato w hose duty ft shall bo to execute the una in tli..ip pnnneftive districts : mid it shall e the tinty ul the t^ommissionersof Koadsand 1? authorities of incorporated cities, towns and ilJapr?,.s, and such otner person or persons as ie Staic agent may appoint, to furnish to the leritl's of their respective iisirictsr within thir ' dir.- after the presage of this act, a full mJ rroct return of all male slaves liable to rond ny within tjieir r sportive jurisdictions, which nuns shall be based on statements furnished ; he owtiws of-uch slaves, 6W0rn to in wring, and sthilj statements to Ik; returned to the :?T(-tary 6f the Liuatds of Commissioners of ads, ami by them kept on tile. And it-sli<ti 1 the duty of the said Sheriffs, upon .being ily notified by?lho said State agent of any der'f<?r the impressment ol'-laves a> aforesaid, irty days before, to summon all owners liau under said order to furnish slaves, to have e slaves so liublft at toe respective depots, tlie proper time, giviitg ten day's notice ercot to the owner, fur transportation to the vee of labor, as may be directed by said or-' r. And the said Sheriffs shall, in their rocctivc districts, with the assistance of a pectable royal citizen, to be chosen by the Ij^ffearh .-lave, if lie will, and if not, by ^|B|^Hu>rni$c said their delivaim ITiCase-^ir xiwrir "fllMr-r ^^nit^hcy shall select a third citizen of ' e qualification, whose decision shall be final; d give receipt^ to-the owners for them, spccing in said receipts the names of the slaves, u valuation put upon them, and the term of vice"for which they are impressed, a dupliLe of which receipts shall alio be furnished by c several ohcriffs to the State agent. Ahd i . .i _ _-i - Uf.'QU IliC '.lay ana at me piuc: so uwijcw, v c'wuc! of slaves so liable filial! fail to jihvc I*in :ii readiness, then th? -Sheriff of the dig et whore-such overor iodides shall immedisly arrest s.ich slaves and send them forird to the place of labor; the cost of such arst, subsistence of -laves, and L'auspui tation to paid by the defaulting owner. bo sc.! mid collected a* otli. r co*-'s now arc by V. And wlien tucftf^nmch default, failure, refusal u>*cnd slaves, after due summonr to o owners by the Slieriff, and tiio said slavc6 , taken by the Sher'fl'-, the slavcfiofsuch deiIters shall labor and serve on the military fences for twice the period of time specified ti... fit! itiiulp he the.Governor : Provided int the sinves thus furdishcd shall'not bo deled for any other service than such work a^ intimately connected with the defence of thjs ate. Skc, 4. Tlmt the State Ag<-Gt may, with <i coftseut of the Governor, appoint aneh otlisub-agents as may be found necessary and opcr to the execution of the provisions of is act. liut in no c?6e shall he appoint aay tsoii as such agent-who is liable to conserip>n in Confederate Service and physically able r active service in the army; such agents all belaid by the State tight dollars petty for their services at the end of each month. Sec. 5. The respective Sheriffs, for their rvices rcuJercd under the provisions -of this rv^kt Kv tliA St.irn eiaht dollars ucr ;Lj Ollrtll MW wrj ?MV , _ ly whilst actuaUjrcngagcd iu the discharge 'said duties, besides jlieir costs for arresta id fees foi dieting prisoners so arrested ifirpur lance thereof, which latter shall, be paid by, ie said prisoners. Sec. 0. That the pay for"&?ch slaves - shall e eleven dollars per month, and be furnished ith sufficient rations and-two-suits of clothes urine- the term of ono year, or one snit of lutlies every six months, including Wo pair of hoes and one hat for the year, by the State, r a fair commutation in money for tho cloth a'c if furnished by the owner. Aiid .that it the duty of the State Agent to -certify bo pay-bills for the pay of the said slaves for m. ; ^ Their reject 1. C(J,"ai"' ,'ie ? go curtifiutL>HaiI: ontiiic ^'''n9 i solves or fneir oi'dcr Hidontcd^^^Bfc ,y^if} the sauio l#>tu the r shall he fonvardcij fo the ' i spectivu dietnote vyjjcic the " delivered br ???:d owi^jUj?oh!Jh,' Sec. 7. That the, coinrnimi^ ^ t^l<v Jyeg^j_ cuv, *jtwn.ana,bt. thum. j , !ect,ol iHiv_c-f thtp deities ,t0 indict-1 ' spcctividy bfthk Act, K fUin ?ot ment, and npon <|w'?vJction ^ nJ ^ any exceeding one hundMA^ l0 <lif.chh.gc j Slieuff wlio slimhju'gJect C ^ ,l|^;At|wi WM&gtaa pcr?pn who m?y have . *?? detail It. i nr tho! Snc. '8. T but lr sL't^ .. * 0/ the lrtState Agent to Viiit ?^lC . observe ?5??SfU^ri^ ic-jtliKtit ifl tin; j/er ratioi. tor encii, nb ? allowed by law, jreil as their clothing, and especially to iufdhinwelf as to their medical and surgical al^jtnce and care, and, whenever 'required, Ufport the same to the Cloven. or; and pattiarlv at the conclusion of the time of service jfach levy, it tdiall be his duty to make s!ich|>on to the Governor,- iu J whose po session may .be open for cxamiuaI tion by the ownLOf the sflid slaves.' And it all. also In? iisity to prohibit the infliction of corporeal puilimcnt by one slave upon another, ^nd shal'eqiiire that if n slave is to be i | punished for at default of his duty, the pun-1 isbojotit shall hu]mintstcrcu uy n huik >?... it' authority, nil for the neglect or refusal ofi said Aj?et:i to ^charge faithfully any of his duties as presdbed by this Act, ho shall bo subject to roui'ftl from office by the Governor, as^rcll as linLito an action for damages by anv individ^ajfbo has been injured by his egligencoor tfanlt of duty. Sec. 9. TuAportation ahall bo furnished by the yta^^ELfot* fUvta impressed under Stute going to labor isubstitute: go by by tha State aforesaid, and in execution, of. to be pre a cirtiin ^Government foi tc all expemP^^^HWea uhder the provisions of this Act P?'d oyt of the funds o/'the public trcasuijjnot otherwise appropriated, upo^thc prefionotion of the par bills pig?*I by the Stnto Age?t. Sec. 10. Irabnll be tho duty of the Govern or and th? Stwb AjgerrTio have all slaves retm-nc'd to their owners upon the expiration of tho term of service.for which they were impresses, and the owners of such as may '.in?o been killed or died from disease durig ticir term of service, shall not ho lia'blo to Stppiy their places fitb other slaves for the unexpired portion of said term, of service. Sec. 11. If the Coitfbderato Govonment should lpako any impressment of sla/n labor over an<1 above? what is to be funiishoi by the provisions of this Act, hi view oH?rcaer.eracr: gericies than are contemplated in :bis Act; then and in that ovent the ownr-ty. of such ' v....... ia f.vpi-iin ni'iieh laboi Staves sirmi (wicucuii. ?... .... furnished for cbaat; duty. - . Sec* 12. nil. Acta nod parte of Ais heretofore passed by the Legislature of tflis State-on tlw iubjcct of furnishing labor 'onlLe const or fortifications be and the snino '?jfr hereby repealed.. In the Senate House, the twenty third day oi Lh'Ceiubc^in the year of Oirrliord ono thlusand eight hundred'and ^iaty four, -and file oighty-ninib year of the-sovereignty aindependence of the State of South .Carolha. .. w.D.PORTEiy President of tlie Sonic. * * R. B. BOYLESTQty Speaker of the House: ofRepresenttit^es. CQlmnbia and Cbark-vton pipers cop; four times, country papers once. / MUTUAL LIFELNSTR^CE, npHB SUBSCRIBER HAVING ACCEPTED TB. E Agency of the MUTUAL' LIF* INSURANC COMPANY of Raleigh, Ncrth" Carfiiatffc* CAM DEN AND VICINITY,- is prepared ta-rbcej . &I plieations^for policies of LIFE INSUBAMSil o the'tDOStretisbnablc'tciws. . Tfyi Lives tin-SZSvE insured-moderate rates. 7 / ' W, L* DePaaa, Agent. April Ifi / ly -v m ? *. ^ fc. ' ALABAMA1!?^-" ' , ^ Fire. Insurance fc. company. ; ' . -i s* ?' JfraifK LTsI>Eft^fC:T.Dr'AS AGE .NT FOB TBJi above Soiithcrji fnaurance Company, ' >3" picpareJ/io issue policies of .Insurance against loss by Fire ?Jn all buildings &?. ' " "**" ' *rr t- ts.ti w, jj. j^eiratsB. April 1U 1 j - ON ORsrGNiIE#t . 8EIRCE3 SALT; T BOXES TOBACCO; 2 cnscs Srookjn^TvbHirCo; ". x ; llUKj^Sogt^; 100 do". Fine Tooth Cvrctm; - . ? y ?' tlO.OOO Tine Needle.''; . ' 80 great gross Bone Buttons ; 88 small boxes Tobacco r.n <io? PolnroJ Sewire Silk : uu ?? ; . f c . 1 cane of Boys Jackots ; do &iw*ks; Four par cent. fax Paving Jfrnds. for ?aie, Apply to S; A. -BENJAMIN', October 15. . k?-.-. (?:?r. KMGVILLE HOTEL. TnEdCBSCKI.BKn/5 BEO LEAVE TO.IXFORM the travelling public tl-ut they have loaned und rc-opencd the klXO VJLLE HOTEL, at the Junction of the South Carolina and Wilmiugtqu Manchester Railroads ; and that henceforth passen- , gets on ti.eo9 roads tuny expect r GOQD MEAL at their liouso. ' ' v' = ...* Tito suheoribers n'a nvrt.rn tlt'at. under its former management; tho jCiXUViLLE MOTEL ?-aa allowjbd ? to suffer in reputation ; but 'boy have ueternBwqa , that, under tbo.r directorship,'""'- alinll be kept tip tothe etsniurd of h FIRST ClASS'EATING HOUSE; . ' I and thoj,? therefore, sol.cit 0o patronage of the travel- . i ing pubiil?. * ' BATES & MILLER, il ijr 1. . Fine PREssryp comb?; pocket do^ 3 Pearl A gate Bettor p. Shoe Knives: * Black Flnx Tin-end, Tootli Combe; Knitting Xtfdlea, Steel Pene, Pen Huldois; 20 boxes Tfljfci'fco, Fino Floi/f; 60 great gr?3 Bone Buttons, Metal pLtfopa^ 40 doz. Gfttf'iren's Stuckiuga, Tacks: ' '*.? 40 " Socks, Rod Flann. 1; Lady P?f& 3 ive?t Potatoes; English Cf^n Cahde; Bfcflaue, pegged and sowed; "V SO.OOttA'.edlw. Writing Ink; at ? A. BEN J '.MlfTgi. Pvcen^tr 12. Headquarters,, 22P HEGIMKNT SQj A. illUlIA, , C.tMoBx, ili-unary 1A ,865. OESLTUL OEDKhS SO. o I IN pr.IRapAXCE OF OJiDKirS FROM ADJU TANT#?U'Gwurul of6. C,"t!,is KegiI fieut is li".-eh.v ordered t-> pafude at th'cr- Court Houao in Oamdwi 3 C., oti lWed -y tho 13th inst, at 10 o'clock * in. ? } II- Captains or ofBcors commanding Ixat companies will have 'famed all white m.tle prraons in tlieir rip'specdve Ivats between the ages of sixteen and sixty yes?-a oftige. Except oulj persona who huve certifli, c.tcs of exeiuptiou from the Surgeon General of the State, or th" Mate Hoard of Surgeons at Columbia, 8. C., on tha ground-of permanent physical disability.? They will ewe with accurate end perfect rolls of pll otRcers nu-1 privates i also the date of the election to officers. III. Those who claim exemption on the grouud of physical d-gnbility, but .fho have not certificates from the Surgeon Genera! of the State, or Alio State Boprd of Surgeons, of recent date, will nevertheless be en- " rolled and be examined hv the District Surgeon bore* fftor to be nfipt iuLei. IILI. Officers commanding l^eat companies will hpva iM vyc >04 officers in their respective commands tilled jl..according to law. V. So much of General orrior No. 5 as conflicts With , this order is -hotel >v countermanded. VI. Lieut* CoL Wdi. Dixon, Majir A. li. Ivooaedy; and Cnpt3. J.. J. Pattorsoa. L R. G ay, J. Falkenbtry, " A. Team, .S. D. Hough. Tobias Folsoui, IT. Parker aiid Lieut. J: L. McDowall aie chrrgfd with the prompt extension of thoeo orders. , By commaL'd*of Col. B. JoXES: J. M. GAJIM, ~ ' -Jan. 13?3 ^Adjutant Jgf Camfderr "Confederate" copy once * / For Sale.. T innp I'JrtK CiVEi WTiSliwT AnDTffft' AJiAKUVO OATES, Confederate Boudg. __ ?rAUsO? Thre or four fine milch ccwa, selected from a fine * m Block. Apply to W..M. SHANNON -January 13 .? 3 ' ? ' \ . ?. , _ __ War Tax Office CAMDEN", S. C., Jan. 6, ] 865. E ? ET a XL DEALERS AND OTHER REGISTERFD * E XV perscus, including Alillors, TaDDere,.. Ac.. ara [i hereby required their returns within the m?xt )- twenty days, of sa!os for the quarter endiDg 3iet"iiTt. n All pereOPS avuo nave not raaaoneir reium or prop;S erty for the ad valorum tax would So well to attend to it promptly, as wo arc about to close the books. 1 .IOHS CAlfTEJy, } / R. M. KEB$F.t<7; fiflpwi. hvj* n - 'WW