The Camden confederate. (Camden, S.C.) 1861-1865, November 08, 1861, Image 2

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^ . t * ... * * *" NEWS OF THE WAR. From Uic West. Nashville, Nov. 3.?The special correspondent of the N. Y. Tribune, from Washington, oif the 28th ultn says Gen. Scott will voluntarily retire from his rank and duties within ten days, solely on account of his physical infirmi?licR. Under the act of Congress, he will continue to draw his full pay. President Davis, when Secretary of war, overhauled a long standing: account of Gen. O O Scott which brought the latter largely in debt to the Government, but Cameron has recently recast the accounts, and makes it appear that Scott has never overdrawn. Writing on the 2Gth ult., the same authority says that Fremont has been ordered to surrender his authority to the next in command, and Gen. Hunter has sent Gen. Curtis to St. Louis I to deliver the order to Fremont, unless actually i in the presence of the rebel army or pursuing them for battle. Senators Chandler, Wade, Trumbull, and Wilkinson, at Washington, have been representing to the Administration the popular ; clamor of their constituents, who demand that McClcllan or some one else shall immediately whip the rebels on the south side of the Potomac, in a pitched battle, near Bull Run, if possible. From Wcs||prii Virginia. Richmond, November o.?A passenger from Jackson River Muontains, states that a parollod soldier just from the Federal camps, states that the army of Rozcncrans does not exceed eight thousand etVectivc men, and that much sickness prevails among the Federal Army. Gen. Floyd was at Cotton Hill, and a daily engagement was expected with Kozcncrans who was only a few miles oft'. A great Hood is reported in the Kannawha River. The Salt Works were ovcrllowcd, and Charleston was submerged. Tlic iVcHsl'roni Kiolmioiul. Richmond, November 4.? It is here currently reported, that considerable com motion e\i>ts in Washington, and in the Free States from the rumored resignations of Generals Scott and McClcllan, and Secretaries Seward and Cam-J cron, and of other prominent Federal ollioials. A general Kilkenny cat light seems impending throughout Lincondom. A special despatch to the Richmond Dis patch, dated Manassas to-day, announces that "reliable" information from Washington says there arc but fifteen regiments of infantry, one light battery of G guns, and 1,000 scrvanrs, on board the Lincoln fleet. The Yankees have fallen back to their en trenehments. Southern merchants in Alexandria are forced to close their stores. There arc said to he no more than 80,000 men in and around Washington. A gcntlcmrn just arrived from Manassas, says that the Baltimore AVw, of Saturday, reports ! the resignation of Seward, Blair, Cameron, Scott, and McClellan. The probable dillictlty grew out of the attempt to force McClellan to attack tho Confederate forces.? Charleston Mercury. From Wilmington. Wilmington, Nov. 4.?lteJiablc information from (loldsboro' headquarters, report that the Federal steamer Union went ashore \~> miles from Fort Macon, on Saturday night. She had passed South of Fryingpan Shoals, and was driven back by the gale. She was loaded si i i " .... wun norses, gnu powucr, Arc. \ cry Jittlc ot value was saved. Seventy-three prisoners were talcen. A small Federal steamer vas seen oil' Smithvillc, bearing a white llag, on Saturday, but could not bo found on Sunday.? Charleston Mercury. From Norfolk. Norfolk, November 4.?Captain Milligan arrived this morning from the North Carolina coast in charge of the cargo of coifcc that went ashore, and was bought for the army. lie reports the gale as terrific in the sound and along the coast. Rockets, blue lights, guns andotner *;".na!s of distress were made on Saturday night led as impregrTat/fo- i 11 is supposed that two men* j' met their obligations. i .a * . 1 , i r i i , ? , :^'n lleet went ashoro at \h.oc hided if inav be said t., V * ercury. thav die | * l)e Ciunbfit Cotiffberate. jT *T. 11 KAI^ Editox*. FRIDAY, NOVKnBER 8, 1S01. Please Take Notice, That The Confederate is to be conducted strictly on the cash principle; and all those who arc not disposed to comply with our terms, will be kind enough to return it, with their name on the margin. Our terms arc iialfVIMIIIV 1> A V A11IV. IX V A in A III. Y IV AllVAVf11.' Wc would like to indulge our friends in the town and district, as has been customary in times gone by, but the cash system seems to be the order of the day?and with ourself it is an impcritivc necessity. Every paper avc issue, costs us in iiakd money the foil price of the subscription, with a prospect of a higher figure by the time we make our next order. So we hope our patrons will give this notice an immediate favorable consideration?and make no delay. The paper will be sent to all the citizens of the town?cither to their residences or through the postoflicc, and those who do not wish it will send it back, as above mentioned, that wc may know whose name to place upon our book. The publication of The (Jonft.derate is in no way connected with the Journal?and the business of the same to be conducted separate and distinct from that paper. at Beaufort. A private despatch received lierc at 0 o'clock last night, l>y one of our citizens, says that at least seven Lincoln vesels passed all our batteries at J?ay I'oint, and sailed for Beaufort. Some hard lighting was also reported. The news contained in the above paragraph we received at an early hour this morning, from a reliable gentleman of our town. ^ i YantiJ'o H'rixoners. The usual quiet of our town was somewhat disturbed on last Tuesday, from a rumor to the effect that we were to be blcwd with the presence of some fifty of Lincoln's demons incarnate. Since which time we have learned, from a reliable source, that the plague has not yet come, and that our atmosphere may not be contaminated, for awhile, at least. C'onvakv^ceut. It will he gratifying to the many frici.ds of our esteemed fellow-townsman, Lieut. W. L. DeI'ass, to know that he has quite recovered from a severe wound in the head, reecivou in the cvcr-to-bc-rcinembcrcd battle of Man:.ssas, fought on the 21st of Jul v last. Although ' o O not really himself, as yet, ho may be found at his ollico during business hours?from the fact alone that we have no attorney or magistrate? with one exception, to act?our other counsel Ich's having all gone on the same mission as hiinseir. ? tor la'etioitx. In our notice of thanks to the doners of many articles received for the comfort of the Volunteers, our heading should have been, " Thanks on behalf of the Camden Volunteers."' The name, in the same article, of "Mrs# James Harrison," should have read "Mr.'? Court. The Bar and Jurors for Kershaw Fall Term assembled on last Monday morning at the Court House, but owing to some misunderstanding, as to whether the .lurors had been summoned, the Judge did not make )iis appearance. The Dockets for next Spring Turin will bo very large, having the businness ol" three sessions to transact. We understand the Judge will be here this evening. Vkky Tuue.?A business man ol our town was heard to remark the other day, that a business which was not worth advertising was hardly worth following. True, every word. And we may add, that he who is not shrewd enough to sec and appreciate the benefits to be derived from advertising, will hardly nc uiiiiiiiiatu (i iwi linn.- <it <iu> tiling. ? The Merchants of Columbus, (la., publish a protest against the issuing ol' Shinplasters, and refuse to receive tliein. ? ? Jtickens1 "Great Expectations" lias passed to I a fourth edition in Englald. OTTTTBTW If I 111 ! ?I > !! II? I IB BP I II I 111 II HI I I BY LAST NIGHT'S MAIL From the Charleston Courier. TBIE BATTLE COMMENCED A!VI) ENEMY DRIVEN BACK-EXCITE1HENT IA BEAUFORT. Beaufort, S. C., November 5,18G1. Yesterday morning, the steamer Edisto from ?avannah, arrived licrc and brought intelligence of there being twenty-eight vessels of war oil' the bar. The steamer Cccile from Savannah arrived afterwards, bringing intclli gcnco of there being some additional, in all thirty-two vessels of war. Brigadier-General Drayton and suit left immediately for the scene of action, and you may inmiaginc the excitement of the people?the steamer Oceilc crammed full with freight, baggage and passengers for Charleston, men, women, children, and servants. This morning at ten minutes past seven o'clock the first gun was fired from the enemy, or by our forces, 1 could not learn which. This continued at intervals for about an homer so, then came some rouscrs which shook the houses and rattled the cups and tin pans, and continued very briskly for some minutes, until about forty-five minutes.past nine. Since then no more iireing lias been heard. The (fen. Clinch has returned, after landing stores for the troops at Hilton Head and Hay Hoint, and reports that two large ships followed Commodore Tatnall's little tlect in, throwing shell and shot at them during the chase. The Yankee ships continued the chase and were over the bar. W hell Jllivnnst. of mil* l.rOforie-: wn on them, raking one fellow fore ami aft, ami disabling the They quickly retreated, following the old adage, "discretion was the better ] art of valor." I presume they have npt ag.i n tried it. which accounts for no more bring being heard. They may probably try it to-night at high water. A negro came up from Day Point and says that the little steamers, under Com. Tatnell, tired well, and that the big steamers got the devil from "Masters battery." Fivi: o'clock, p. m.? Heavy guns heard Some more negros from Pay Point report Mr. William Eiiiot and Mr. Mur_ doch slightly wounded from shells bursting over the fort. Where are DeSaussure's and Edw ard's llogiments and Martin's Cavalry 1 They ought to be here. ]L\i.r-rAST Eic.iit, p. m.?llea.\y firing still going on. No news from any of the posts Mini; ?' j'i in Close oJ' lEie Session. ConemhiA, November 0.?Tlic General Asscml?lv adjourned lliis afternoon, at 4 o'clock? .{fter choosing the Presidential 1 Hectors, and allhoming and requesting the Gunks to a :oan of $.400,000, if necessary, subject to a dnft of the Governor. The TresicSccaZa^S TlZwUtv*. C u.i MniA, November G.?The following is the 1st of Presidential laleetors for South Carolina, elected by the General Assembly: n,v -4- r \ x i jiv.hi \ \j. i "iing) 01 Jiumuns j\b large. | "Win. 11. Trcscott, of Charleston?At large. Ilobci. F. W. Allston?First District. Jolin k. Poliner?Second District. ,J. Dmnan Allen?Third District. John C.llopc?Fourth District. T. Edwin Ware?Fifth District. Franklin .> Moses?Sixth District. JLtti -v! from SSao Kordi. liioiiMoM), \ovcinhor 0.?The Petersburg JJ.vj/rcs.'; has re eived the Xew York Times oi , Monday, tth ins., and publishes from it the following :lutein nt: President Jane In has issued an order to the Department of .he West, transferring the command from Fremont to Hunter, absolutely and unconditionally This order is justified bv a thorough eonvietici of Fremont's incompetency and of his proP.fencss and proliigaey. in I'Aiiuiiuiitiii;. The Itichinond of 1 lie nth inst. says : With a view to a!a\ any excitement in the public mind, we m.i\ tato that we have information contradicting tin-, report that the distinguished officer name- above lias resigned liis position in the army. Wo are justified in adding that tin feelings i itcrtaincd by the President towards him arc ol he kindest nature and that any lnisunderstanung is in a fair way of satisfactory cxplanatioi i i , J'j-' r<mmw II in?, >um nu The 1*t ftbard From.?They Attack Hilton In- despatch received at Headquarters etc id ay* says : The enemy's lleet engaged Bbattencs for forty-flvo mi antes at ebb tide }', and they have gono out of range, ?tcauier was hit with a ball, and towed oft* nother large steamer is agrouud since yesfg'* Thirty-three vessels arc now in sight.?"(msIoii Hfcrcury. The Savaa Acics of yesterday, speaking of the Vanklet, says: Our latestnunts from the coast represent the Lincolaet, between twenty-five and thirty sail, Ambling off Port lloyal Inlet. They are paly collecting after the dispersion by tlx gale. Their point of attach is, we have to believe, Port Royal. It is probablClfMny nirko some feints 011 our island batterisi divert attention from their real point ofdt, and we shall not bo sur- A prised to hea ollcmonstration on our coast. ^ Rut we arc call to know that they will be well acconiiodl at any point, and that, should they dx l a landing on our coast, thev ^ ill lima li reception for tlio season. Trv what pont imay on this coast, they Avill find Sov.'i Clin a and (Icorgia shoulder to shoulder 0 Ikhcm defiance' and give i them defeat. 1 l>i;owNLOr inIXkuhst.?The Richmond Dispatch an:ovan?e suspension of llrownlow's Whig. "Pillowing has since conic under our okeratl 44 This issic <1 iil7//V/ timet ? _ t, ...?iuw nvwC^tll IIV bo the last for *ni<lie to conic?I am unable to say liov lot The Confederate authorities have (toil .J upon my arrest, and 1 am to be indicd |\c the (hand Jury of the ConfedcratCoiithich commenced its session in NasMle Ate ml ay last." lie says lie uld JLVq by taking tlie oath of allegiance, by ? ? bond for his good behavior. Bine votVit he will do neither, lie says : "In default bothlcvpcct to to jail, and I ant reacto st|,.4on one moment's warning. Xotmiy sfci ut there 1 am prepared to lie inohtartoidhiemcnt, until I waste away biusc oiiprisonmcnt, or die from old age. limulat by a consciousness of 'anevent Uj htne.-stp,niit to imprisonment for life, die at tlAd of a rope, before I will makanv hinting concessions to any power ?carth !"| IIow to Da tiie iL:m.?The Indupi| apolis St'itftncl's : Tlic Rev. JV. T. Ill alien is making heavy? very hy?war leeches just now. Down in llcn ounty li?pokc the other (lav, and an inigent ahV. ^onsihle gentleman informs h at, ainonliter thiitgs, he called upon GAlniightyldanin the rebels, and, said lie, phcniouslhis we think, although we arct a publil and a sinner, " 11" lie can not an them iigh, and quiekly, let him cakm me anlhe regiment I am about raisi' The Vankkkmada.?1 Norfolk Day Book of Mondays: Ititundcrst that the hvernment has received inform), the panimrs of which are not givci the nnhlil j .-7 ,.m? iiiiiiisiiua I ground for tfoc*f that the tn kce lleet were preparing to at Port oval in South Carolina. Ths said to l>ojere one of the finest harbors ic Atlantiebnst, with but few natural adages (or it^hfence. It is thought not iibable that tl enemy may attempt to mcdand to ware Charleston. '.r^ivr^n.-szsr. Bpeel !N^opces. L- a fi-Ifil* -- AV>3K? fi:, a<*>A. I\ M. A UlM.i'JE.V/MSll'XICAO).; or TIIIS lodge will 00 h'Mos oiic I tall, < j:sday Evenin.;, 12th i; 1 stan o'clock. Members will duo notico ai govern themselves according J A ks JON KS, November 1 ?? i Secretary. BAlOAD KOTC13. ' 1 OS AND A^UNDAY, r.D Oi^VKMBEIv, the Passenger 'i;n r,in as follows ^ Leave <"amtle., ln. Arrive at (inden 4:40 I p. in. The K \issongor Trains a Monday, I "Wednesday andjay w;il arrive atcLdcn 10:20 , I a. in., and leavoo a> m, \ I Suvonibcr 1 JAMES JOXll AgentI \