Abbeville press. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1860-1869, September 17, 1869, Image 2

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&fet PVC.M. | -AbbeviUe, B. O. W. A. LEC, El>!Ton. J , I TERMS?'Wire* Dotfajrt a y??r in ?i)vmnct? I asr No Sul>M>c>pt ;oii? tnkou tot tk utiurtoi 1!A? tftttTux ui&utjiB.' * I . _n __ J Friday, September i7,1869. 1 ?1?L.J1IL '_i .' 1U- J- .ll.-gg | The Unioiiville Resolutions. A meeting of tho citizens of Union County was lulJ at Union Court House on Monday, September G. Alaj. Benj Jicnnedy was called to the chair, I and R A JJcKnight, Esq.. was ap-j jjointoJ 6ccretavy. Major H. II. Tticej offered the following preamblo :in-.1 j Tost'lnlionw, with a f?.?w tmvronrintoi ' * * i icmarlia. j H Keren*, Thofeiioiitiuub taxation in-, j j>0B0d by tlio preaent Siato rorcrn ! nient, and ii.eir rocIJ?.*Ls? iuuulii" oi' liondfl, excito uiarni in the mind* <-f i those ^hoeo capital and lubor gland I Dlods^d. without thc-ir voi?-n r.v onw ' fcons, to the redemption of tho came, nud, whereas, it is deemed just (o ourBclvo.:; as al.-fo art act of ^ood faith, toi l?ive to tho world notice of our int^u tion to aviod tho payment of the obligations ; therefore, ho it Hetolvrd, That wo dc&laro and publish, without delay, to all concerned, j our ?i?dhposition and inability to pay! *!m .r.onstro./< bonded debt raised audi V j bein^ rai. cJ ii. tho namo of South Carolina, ai;d -our solemn cavcat against the purchase of or advance of money on,-such bond!*, for uv.y consideration! crcjJ.f i j*!nee 19(i5, tui it is unalterable ! }y.irj>060 of tho capital and labor pfj thic St a to never to pay them. BtsolvcJ, That we aro willing to pay j a'.ll tho legitimate cxpenieu of civil; government, and the obligation of] lUe fftate, principal and intercut, crea ; tvd by bur representatives in ?<-od1 faith, pr^vi.-sns to iho war. j ZiVmiw*/, That wo native nnd bt.:; J j'ut ciiizons, 01 wnntover nativity or,1 color, have with uh :i common i utmost: and the Game necessity for the t-yoj. K 1 i'CBtorntion of hohrr.t and oivd. $i;le,! and the '! preset ration of life, libeorty and property" iu an a 02 ic tod connuoi;>' wealth. Ittsoh'nJ, That in viow of those grievances stated, we hereby place on 1 record our opposition thereto, and in-1 vite our fullow-suffors of every county the State to meet with us bv their' representatives in Coluinhia, on Wed ! *ief>day, the lOlh day of Uoveuiber1 next, to take counsel toother, and to adopt fluch measures a? may te yroppi for security and relief. After djsoussion, they wj>i'9 unanimously adopted. On motion it. van lyts JveJ, 'jL'hat the Charleston iVVirs, ' CoTurabiV. Planiz, and the papers of 'the State generally, to requested to 'publish a copy'of the resolutions. 'l'he meet adjourned, io meet again op the fivat Monday in Octobor. TKaqa ivxflnliiliAnD nro A.II. :? " >T"" m""j ? . .tho Unionvillo Times, aqd tho ntfeaiion of the State Press is cspocial ly dif ectetj (o thorn for the parposo of eliciting ft jgoiieral discusiupn of their ' policy. ' ffo rogret thft? we oannot ' *greo with oar follow-cititizeng oi TJninn, and must behove that thoir action is hasty and iO^dvified. Wore it proposed: .to inaugurate -Bomft legitimate movontf&t, or com bine in epmo well-directed i^asuro, to . .ppiitrol tho action of the present odi .puff State Government, or to overthrew it altogether, the proposition would ,me>f a J early response from ' ovary true ("'wormian. Bat ' u-fiet in herfr proposed ? Py'threats of a fa" tare repudiation o'lf ill? State Bonds, - issued by the prere.nt Government, * *o bo deprooiuto thenj,! ft? to prevent * .their negotiation. Tlio ./nc^aure Rvg-; . jested we believe to be nAiVcty' 'ne^./e.ctiye for J,he purpose?xa^f^ brytum ?but even admitting t,K?t it eould ^ccoinpliab the end desi^akoj,, ' "*v{m!df jt be politic f Wobld it'bp trnii policy bo to crip-J ' pt? Jtp* credit of.fho present Stat*> Government, a? io prevent its borrowing monoy, by the sato of its - Bqtads in. IJortitorn *harketfl7 That Government is a iiaed feet?a govero; njent di facto, and for *11.' practical pmposes, a government d? j,Hrev It is vested witb Ijiw powers, of sovereignly?:;that highest of all powers, thp tcoptrolof the avyord a^^I ,the . purse?-T.tjiepoworof imposing tgxt'g, and c# enforcing their colIcction! That Gov jsrnmeut is bound to hovo money. If .Vit.Vcgiinf t yboTTQVTy \t will UU? it , -.frfem /#? directly. ;Jf ;ifr cannot. rno. it* itv p^l l- (Pzyre prpposo. to i ^h?[l;ta^ oo^leotQr ?; Ib?t wouWr ,fcuj ?: f MfvSSiSf f : is n6f" like1y ih*t a&y gcll'on "" b^rd't^nM: Atf efrotttHie tiretftt oT:febeft o'trd^^s'to piMSreiA their lie- i igouatios. It p?jght dcpreciate their: thfi Bjctettt of tfc?t 0d- i , preui#itionMjt^o .pspitqj ^d. labor of ' , the State ^Q^Jd r|f we w?*iie I ,, ultjfiQa|oly liable to redeem Item. A i . depreciation pit 5? per .pent', wqrild.? . Sfjr dCoi'VhalV^.dW*etf<5in^ * &T Stir a Jji? dtVtte (xe*e?*t?eni is t Hkely to eontracl. ? As.we.have puid, ( fbr all practical purposes, it is a \ 'anftm?Pt 4*iwt with full ^>ow^r3 of % ^-_-7 -L-? rrsigae ! t sovereignty, iiak^iaut tyj tlit prOkijijn&^ of th> constitution of the (Jolted j Stated. ' It owrtaioly lias the! puwor of borrowing money, and it tests iri'ito solo 'discretion to dot ermine the policy of that rue&fiurc. j What power would any futuro {iegis ; lature have to ivpudiatu their notion ?' No State may passu "law impairing the obligation of -tontra^tri," touch lecs'ropudijvto'ita own debt. It may change, change, change, but not bp as to ai^'ct vested rights. To sum up in a \v<p;d what wo have said. It i-j impossible to relieve qur ?, i and the only effect of the present ag; jitnlion, would bo to swell that debt, iOi* force the State government to tJie iuopo grievous alternativp of Vigorous ; taxation. Let us strike at tho root? reform tho gorcrnmcnt-^-and vro relieve ourselves of our oppressors. ou-1 restore a^ain the cr;? of ca.'<y imposts, and economical expenditure--hornet v! 1 "I in oiri'iv, an.t contentment and nrjapwilv ow 1 \vlitre. ** _ +-X" t ??? ? THE JLDGEFIFJ.D BAi'TltiT ASflOj CI A.TION. j * J Notes of the Meeting, Crop*, j Dol ing t he past wcc-lc, w6 (tho Ju-j mor> had the pleasure of attending' the meeting of the Ivlgoliold Baptist Afwoeiution, which commenced on Friday last, at Bethany Church, in! Edgefield District. JLeaving Abfce-j rillo 011 tho evening of that day in j company with friend Q , wo wpent j tho night, at the house of u relative of; our frionl, and were entertained most j hospitably and kindly. And here, at tho outset, wo will say, that from thoj boyiuninf ti? t lm r, > "v'| received tho lnr&lhorpit-aMo greeting, t nuJ o.\<-.e? ioncod to overflowing, tho! kindnofid ;iv.d gf>vd fellowship f*ri which that community in noted. Wc> nict with many Abbeville friend?*. in ' rinding many readers of 1 fie J'refs. j with whoso namcB wo wore familiar;! and it affords m? very great pieanure! tv know and iiji ft 11i?mtj personally. i he intcivet of tho occH.sion bad: attracted a large a'..tendance. Able! Divines filled the pulpit and partieipa | t~d in tho business of the Afieseia-j tion ; whilst largo !?nd intelligent au-j duMieen were present. Tho exercises j proper of tho Association were held j !in the church; and in tho pleasant J grove near by a stand had been erect-' ed, and hero during the* progress of, 'tho meeting, religious serviie* Were; ; , uml t-.vo or tluvo normouH preached carh dnv. I * I Tho Association wai or^aniz^d by 'the election of (ho Rt-v. J. Trapp, ! Moderator, f;nd \V. \V. Adams, the lSU:?oii?ild Bar, Clerk. ! The IVovs. !>?." Guinea, W. B. Ji-nc;.,; and Tillman R (Stunee, editor of tho Working Christian, wore invited to seats as' "visiting ministera." Tho Rovfl. 'Drs. Fnrmn'u and Manly, ?f Greenville, wore rocoivcd as ''eorrosponding messen^era.'* Interesting Reports were r?ad on tho-State of Religion, Sunday S'choo!:<J Education and'Missions, which elicit ed pleasant and iu3ti'uctivo discu-K sioiis. The inte.reels of tho Furuian University, and tho Southern Iiaptiat^ Theologieaf'Semiri ary, were ably advocated by . Messrs. Foriu'an and Manly; and their appeals wcro resnni^lnrl K?? o 1 *- 11 1.V u iiilliiur.i Ul lllli tJUUlIOI in On presout, who camo forward and j made liberal subscriptions to tho Endowment Scheme. The "Report on Religion, announced j tho general harnjony of tho Churches of t!\o Association,.and tho accession ' of .Qevor&l hnndrc-d'by baplutn during J (Jio pnst year. j A resolution was unanimously I adoptod, rocomm/mdliig tho IP tricing j Christi<*n to tho patronage of the: J Eapijcrts of the fHtato. Thh was a very deserved compliment to a paper ; which in well worthy to ho tho organ I of tho Tinr.finfa r\(" I. f~ r' '? K/VM Wll Vtl^V'iiiia. II is publlfchodat Yorkville, S. 0., nud la/ vvot boliove, receiving. a very liberal subscription. We bad Iho pleasure of . nakiug the acquaintance of the JSiitor,-the Rorrfilmnn R. (Jaincs; and ? man of talent and energ$V"tVo b?ve no doubt of tho success of papor. , An interesting subjoct, which occupied the attention of the Assqpiation, and elicitcd arci ?vpresfiion of opinion fVom tnany of the brethren,, was, as to the beat means of .raisin# money for Churchy purposo3. Tbv plan most generally approved, seemed to be, to ittk#tip "hat collections'*! overy tSrm-.. day. "Dr. Furnron stated th^t -.thin' plati had Almost relieved the GrCeii' villefChdrciv^ a heavy (debt u,/ Daring thq pro/jrestf 6tf tt?e meeting ! v*ry ?We?ternr>onB were ^cached by i tb& <Rcvfc. Dr. Furm&iVj H*n(v, M/ealin, , Farrow an'dpthsra.;. 4^ire!Haro.'B?ki, , large audienceq jgre iq attendance i\ either upon the business of,tho Asso- i ctatloq; or at'i&V ^igio^d jjfc^victo pn tbe' grover^aridf tffe1e^g^otcajiiod i he#ly' foita- , ing tUo flfl^embfy to tWdbse. . ^l? cune $ iin g wa$ on/i distinguished j for tftS^Jt^ri^o^adcl gdSd feeling which prevailed throughout the tthdle body fiuhi fljgl to hn%-Md will be j ong^dpleasAntiy rempqjj??r%4 all < n MUpdaaao o* t^^f.iQ^|^i^g 9(c^ f c] X.:M)7i?/l 1<K"'.*: ' * r j&oM ihi \ i Tc^?.w ^iven, ^^ILy^rtf^itedj 0 . dj?n^Tf ^wh WSf1 ^ut i >n . the tableB near by. XJ??$upj>ly r van boonteoue and conaietiKl'w^e^ery f ;ood tfcjng papally found at a Pic Xic 8 -Diuner, gad reflected credit upon .tire, generosity and liberality oi' Unit see* tiou ol'oountry. Altl*ough the attend ance \va-j largo, there was not a single person present who was not furnished with u {Tjod dinner. .During the en tertiunirwjnt all h-'id u plcaunnt time generally with friend*, sweethearts, or anybody clee, as circumstancee or pleasure nijght dictate. The Edgefield- Association is a largo and influential body, nuinhering forty-, seven clituvUes, and embracing four thousand white mem bury, and three tbousaxu} blacks The coU'-"? for several miles r.n lliin ficlo of Uard Labor creek is better, than in thla section or beyond the ereck. The stand* arc good, and the cotton is opening "very fast, many field a aro almost buow white; and every farmer seems to bo devoting all his energies to getting it picked. Tho crop is cut abort by nearly onehalf by drought. ! To the ltev. \V. A. Gaines, of the Association, wc are uiub'i* obligations for favors daring tho meeting, for for which he will please accept* oar raider.; and to many other lViend.^. to whom we tender our bc;<t aclcnowl vdgment* for tln-ir l;indnC&> and hospitality. W. Cotton Prospecte.?Duty of the Planter. A comparison of tho cotton receipts during tlio past aud former years, the constui;t incroaso in its consumption aud the proHent. unusually small stock on hand, would load one to think thai however prices may fluctuate, and be depressed for a time, yet with the present ratio of consumption to production, they must bo maintained. From a late ciruular, we gather the lollo.. in ; facts' Total stock on hand 1st fie pie ruber lSiiV waso.''0,000 babr.; Receipts from 1st Sept.. '07 to 31st August.'G8, 2.-130.000 hales; making total uupply for 'G7 and u8, 2.82G.0U0 bales, of which the consumption amounted to 2,595.0110 bah;;; leaving stock on hand 1st ijept., 'uS 210,000 bales. Adding to this the estimated receipts of Gb! and GO, 2,5i7f? 000 baLs, would give the total :Mipp!y of 'i?o and "09, 2,G0G.G00 bales; and deduct in;: consumption eitimatcd at 2,1'.'3,000 balee, would kaxc the t-tock on hand 1st Sept., "o9. at tho very low figure ol' IO8.0QO balus. Another and later estimate of the past crop i.s only of 2,2G0,5."?7 bales, which with the above cfctiajnted consumption, would eutirelv exhaust tho rron - - Y i "With tho above ostimaU-s in view, and with the lull her fact, that the crop of the present year is bound to be r-Iu>rt, whilst the thousand keepr. paco with the increased consumption, uUV planters should .bo Vv'Ujt'Stil flflii) Hiiy panic of low pi-icon, to dc.tev them from hurrying their crops to market. Send enough to market to pay your debts autf purchase necessary supplies, but do !rot-?lut tiio market bj- unnecessary* haste, and' thus [enable the ppccalatnr to reap the legitimate profits of your business. I This seems to bo the true polioj-. Elei'tion for the Ijegislaturo. By reference to tho writs of Elecition. whir-.h ? ? *1? I . , .. .. W |?auuou All ailUUH'l column, it will bo Fconthatun election will ho held ou Wednesday, the 27th October, to till two vacancies from Abbeville, iu the Legislature. Wo trust that our citizens will give the matter tho consideration Which its importance demands. Let private I foncer/is yield to public interests on I that day. Give that doy at least to tho country, oud tho country will jdischarge tho. obligation?will give .back your own with usury. Let u.i eject intelligent, capablo men, nr.d I nono others have any business in the i Legislature. II' wo mako an effort wo can elect tnjch, and if we fail .through our own remissness, it will i hn O 1 , ~w ??. >/< y Hi:, auuiui' J.M'lll(!irillCr UlC 27th Octubisr!. U.vivkreitv of (ironqrA.?We direct attention'to'the advertisement of this well known fnstitntion, the 07th Session of whit h opened on the 1st infjt: The University has been liberally patronized in tho past by onr people, and ban been tho l'oster-mothor not only of tho most eminent men of Georgia, but of many distinguished Carolinian:!. It is ntill one of the bcF.t Institutions of tho South, and wo eoumieud it to tho pjitronage of uuv citiioiiB. z * . tSf Messrs, Baker, Porter & Co., who havo associated thonifielve3 in a 'Grocery an decommission biwinea^, Axigutala, Go., poblitdi their card io'&titofhev column. These gontloioon artf%eil k/lown to mkny of our citij **,, 1*1*1. v - nuuiu ?ir^ imve euiouiIStlr & cfifti'ftt'for for promjrtnea* ami ti>IKHbilSiyf"1 l^lv lT^IiA . Por<or7 of tho 8rm,;w ait Abbevilio man, fucorabty knbwn Wr tnafcy ftf>o*ur citizens, as-au tctiv^jM'fentorp#isliB|{'>>bu8iac8a - man. Wfebfe in Augusta gfrve Kim a oalI;3i. i v/ ^ '-j ^/' '.-i. I'jir. ". : ". : i* .. [ *>iiv ? ' <?.. Suaup ! ittpt+htr c^uiniv will bo found the card If ,ib&?e j gcj^toann, Cotton Facto^ ind General Commission .M^rpUantfj vharle^ton, S. Q. M-. Sharp, tTiQ lonipr naepiber of the firm, is from lb*bevrflo la wSclt kn6wh to ori*. citif ienee and' every way rilfable." Ho is rom aroongsltis, lotus give him if fall hare of patronage. I i ptiruttafct'ii 'Monthly.?The last' uuniber of tcfo popWftr Magazine is t always said to bo the best. Certain ; ly its eutvJfpridbg publisher >viU sustain its briljiaht reputation, and spare no efforts oa expense to render it the best parlor Magazine in Ameriea. Jlow l?o can aQbrd the expensive premiums lie given, in addition to the positive cost of such a periodical, for $3 00 per year, is ouc of the mysteries of publishing. The magnificent picture by Mrs. Lilly M. Spencer, of the 'Tie-nie," now offered as a pre iiuuKi, uouk ionic!libel's of clubs and singlu subscribers, we 'kuow to have sold for ten dollars per copy, and considered cheap at that. This is tfurcly going to tho extreme of liberality. Published at S38 Broadway, New York. Oar exchangee report a number of murders in various sections of the .Slate, during the past week. ? . -? DISTINGUISHED DEAD. During tho past two weeks, three distinguished names havo been numbered with the dead ? Secretary l'awliiiH, Senator Fessenden, and the lion. John Boll, of Tennessee. Secretary Uawlins was '-the soul of' CI rani's Cabinet,"?a man of genius, ami of rare moder:ilion?a friend to 1 ho South, and said t'o bo the advocate ol' that moderate policy, which now prevails. Senator l'essonden was a man of great talents and hi;;h character; an honor to ilio body of which ho was Iso long a member. j John Ih'il oP ~ ? - "*> i Hiiil il ! relict of ll.i. best days of llio Ilepuhlic?:i worthy peer of Calhoun. Clay a nil Webster. ???? ! DEATH OF MR. WILLIAM EAKTN. | Wo regret to announce the (loath of this vomig insin, which took jtlaec ;it I the resilience of his grandfather, Mr. D J Tho*. KnUin, on Tuesday last. Jle jhad been a resident of our village for onie time past, where he was engaged it* meivhandizing. Attacked with foyer hei'e, ho was removed to the res mence 01 his gramlJallicr, where he died after n fhort, but painful illness, which ho sustained "with great patience. He was the son of Air. "William Hakin, deceased. had only attained his twenty-first year, and leaves a young wife and many friend* to mourn his loss. ? ? 4>? PROF. E. L. PATTOM. Vv'e learn from the Assochle Reformcd ihui ViM/l', ljoli^u llUJJ aceoplad Hie Presidency off a College in Jackson, West Tennessee. This was an ^unexpected tsiep to his friends here., as lie had made ail his arrangements for occupying* his Professor ship in Erskinc College. Our readers know our appreciation of the Professor's talents and acquirements?ol tho "estimable qualities of the man, I*1? ? -? ~ ...... v?i mo m-i-uinpusiuncms Ol t lie scholar. "We regrot to lose him, but wo must make a virtue of jioeossitj*, and as we can do nothing more, will wish him tho largest mensuro of success in his new splicro of usefulness, Z?' \\re had the pleasure on yesterday of meeting Mr. M. O. McCaslan, J of our District, who has just returned 'from a visit to Alabama, The crops ol cotton and corn generally, ho says, aro cut oft' at least one-halt. In the Cane brake Count)* of Alabama everything promised well until tho recent drought. The accounts from Texas ajid Louisiana aro equally discouraging. Yve are doing as well at homo, as anywhere i-lsc, lie thinks. No Nomination.?The Republicans | hohl a nominating convention hero on i yesterday to bring out candidates for I < T :*-i- ' ? ? - I uiu out iuiicd 10.agree? I split into tliroo or moro fragments, | and accomplished nothing-. Another mooting >vill bo held on next Saturday week with the hope of bettor success. Sec card in another eolupnn, of Mcr>sr<*. Stovall & Rowland, who have associated themselves in tho Commission business in Augusta, Ga., will attend promptly to all orders for bagging, rope :in<l other supplies, and will uiako cash advances 011 consignments. These aro well known business qipu, and- jxoo<V no recommenda,tio:i Iq our planters. Wool-Catipino.?-Messrs. Shorard & I?oi(I ad vertigo their rtevr machinery for carding v^ool, which has just been set, iq operation;'6n Little Genprdsjee creek,, fjeven miles abovo I/Ovv m&svifle." I'hcsc gefi tlcm en h ave good machinery in cardial hands, 'and desprve a good ptttoonage.? ! :.i .. r.'> . ;. 'j,.,' if,-', f ii A Mr A. C. Hawthorn gives fiotico in another to! urn ft to {taxpayers to frinko ratarnofalllands bought qr aoUl from thoJBt of September, 18G8, tfo 1st September, }8<UK i* aarTlio HegfiTar Term of .our Covirt, vrfU 1#} hcj&bore.oifc Monday next, liia. JFudgo \fc>rDOD, pre-, siding. ... i- ' 1 PL. { ' | i '"Dft. fipo nolico ?>f BAle of goifeils *t tho lat/o Bt^ind of Jqjin T^Jjpn^fJf). ' m. \l UH .mill, .. \ Triil ABBCVIL1JA X'Uti'd. TO T11E FARMERS OF ABBEVILLE * DISTRICT, I 1 proposo review our situation with you in u wriivj of short articles, to which I usk your thoughtful ami iserioun attention. 1 regard the nuhIjcet of which 1 shall treat, and the J suggestions 1 shall mako for your adoption, of great importance to tlio State, and especially tu every individ: uul farmer whethor ho bo proprietor of tho land, or a tenant only. What has been your experience since the first of Jnnuaiy last? Jlas il not been an exact repetition of each proceeding year uineo tho Spring ol' 18G5?a feeling ol' inteuso pressure, of porplexing anxiety*, ol* extremo pecuniary hazard ; have you not subjected yourselves to irreparable loss, pledged what liltlo you had saved from tho wreck of your fortune?, and staked all on the contingencies attending tho crop of each year. I speak my own experience, which 1 dare say is that of every agriculturist in the District. "What has been the practical result of your yearly operations? Yourcilbrt has been to plant as large an area as possible; to prepare or not, and cultivate as you could, hoping bv favorable seasons and a streak of luck, perhaps to make a good crop. You havo planted acres of land, which, from a want of thorough preparation and other acquirements, have not yieldck enough to p:iy tin; costs expended. Von were required : to defray tho expense of materia) |used, the labor emnloved. which, villi ( . 1 ,t / J the lime expended, that might have been turned lo a profitable account, I amounts to much more than the rej turn you received. Your practice has not varied an iota from the superficial, expensive ami overreaching efforts ol times when you were enabled to con:trol your labor; and your chances oi J failure now, when you have lost, that |control ami the peril of such practice jis increased a hundred Jbld. in my jjudgmeul the practical result of such <?perationn has been to support your I laborers almost at your own e ; ' Lo wnst'j away your lands (1 have yet ! to t-co tho first plantation that was 'not in a wo rue condition than it was any precccding year since the war) and the event of any considerable decline in the price of cotton, witii the increasing cost of supplies, a complete prostration of all our hopes and ! lurluiics. J t ubinil, tlial, in c-oue'u.-;ion of lliis interview, yon "will agree with me, thai ,!tl?o situation" thus fill is quite unsatisfactory. I ask every fanner to reflect on 11?i3 matter cam cs'.ly, and next week 1 will resume the subject and endeavor to point out jlhe onvii'H. J Fjrrv Aruivi. l'v>a t1ib abbeville rbeks. TEE BARBECUE AT ACKER'S SCHOOL HOUSE. Doe Wkst. 8. C., Sept. 14,1SG0. Mu. Kpitor : Tho dull monotom ol' l>uo "West and vicinity, just :v this tinio of the j'car, was enlivcnet on last Saturday morning, tho lltl inst., by the announcement that then . would be n Barbecue, given upon tlx , old style, at Acker's School House just a mile from tho village, under th< auspices of gentlemen of tho towi and surrounding country. 1 Receiving a polite and pressing in vitation to bo present, I, of course 1 accepted, and was soon on my way t< the appointed placo of rendezvous ! Upon my arrival I found already as seinbled, in a beautiful grove, quite j number of ladies and gentlemen, ant 1 little girls and boys. A better p!ac? could not havo been selected for sucl an occasion, tho large and stately oaks and poplars forming a complete protection from the sun's rays b^ their overlaping brunches. Upoi.vni eminence, some distance oil', I took ii the scene at. a g'ance. Jt was a pic . turo rarely, if ever, met with. Tin old and the young, the beautiful am attractive, tho stvect maiden of six tccn and those of riper years, were tc bo seen in groups togother, enlivening and filling tho air with heir merry voices and bright faces. It was really a scene that an artist would delight in painting. Beautiful in the superlative degree?animating and exhilar. ating. From this bright and lovely picture, my attention was next called to the placo whero tho pigs, kids and mutton wore undergoing a process of VOJIHtinrr OP Hnmn "i"1'* ~ O ? ? fe* ?I ten of tlicso animals had been slaughtered, and were thus being prepared for/dinnor. This department was un'dcv tlio immediato clinrgc and supervision of two gentlomen well skilled in thb art of barbecuing meat, Mr. Thos. Hoddon. and ..Mr. Wash Bowen. Tho meatd. wero bertainly preparod nicely?t-wcllraookcd, delioiOUB?moat excellent.- ' . - Two tabUi Having been pvepdrcd~~ for th&'lftcHss And tha other -for tlio gentlomon^tho ,tftblb'clot&8 wore spread; and besides tbe^ryoast-pigB and kids,_thcro, wjxa hash, pickles, pies,.custards, potatoes, etc., cto., to, be soon in abundance.' ;Aftcr tho taI.K. 1.a J A. - A -Jii - ? uiod jmuuucii not, -ana nit ?me .eatables tipdtt thoift, Capt.'James Pratt, with a-lfeud-Vokso/ nationncod to tUo oadlelKfe ^ that dinner was ready, and that the Indies muet take tfco right and tbo-genttamaji thd left liqnd tables. Botfe fiides 'of the tables wore s<v>n filled, and t"hftn coifrraenood each ^no tp Qf tjje Bony^uofts re past Fpvead out befbru litem. There, was 110 lag^in# behind, in the matter, as by this time (about 2 o'clock).our appetite's were pretty {".harp, aiul v?e couhl relish ju-1 such a dinner, All were soon satisfied, a?d retired hack (.0 their former places in the j^rovo. I About this time the J)ue lirass j Hand appeared upon tho ground.''. I 'and a new picture was added to the] | scene. Tlio musicians led oil' with some spirited pieces, which sided like a charm upon tho nudicncc, making those that wcro happy, happier, audi those thai wcro inclined to dullness,! joyful and lively. Il was toj tho yonscs lo hear the reverberating) .sounds or tlio sweet mu- ic us it iioat-1 ed through the air. H may not. be! aiuiss lo stale that thisbsuulof young amateurs is composed of iho l'oilow-j ing young gentlemen: Air. (J. (!. Itaddon, Air. James Jiaulliorn, Air. Walter Hawthorn, Air. Calvin Hemphill, Air. Alason Young, Air. Francis I'retisly, Air. Henry Homier, and A!r. Jobn Caldwell. 'J'ho day being pretty far advanced, the party began to disperse, all feol-i ji.ig thai they had spent a most agree- j able and plesisant day. Aly thanks arc duo to Iho man}-, kind friends who showed me special :allenlion and kindness upon Ibis occasion. J>. A. S. THE PUCrEIl CREDIT. In ils last issue, tlio (Jrccnville JJu-\ Icrpritc raps i;s again very politely j :over the knuckles, for a:t omi:-ion in 1 . : not giving the proper credit. This' 'time, however, our sin was a liinvi ' iicccadillo. Wo ha 1 stolen none of his ; editorial thunder, bitt had only l'ailed ! 'to give that paper credit for first pub-' jli.-diinrj Judge Orr's J>ivoree Opinion.; I Vet, reader, will you helievc that in! I t w j |that very i>?:ue apprared o?r para-, graph the J.aurcnsvillc College. |credited to 1 he Jiniair. I::i \ the , Icrprira ever heard the adage aboutt hiving in g'a ; houses. Why don't i jyou practice what you preach, .Mr. , j Kiilcrjirisc ? Will you say it v.-as an' j inadvertence ?. t So we suppose; but | 1 then why do von not extend to vour: I ; brethren the charity of the same ;l natural presumption. V.'o fiv-| (jfjuently t-ce cur paragraphs flout-? in?; as unlahellcd wails upon the j.shoreless sea of jourdalism, but it i !never enters our head to complain. | Wo have enough anil to spare. Our! I ? 1 I j brethren ai*o welcome to all we write; j?thanlii'al if ihev credit?bat credit lor no credit, till thanhfal if tl'iey [copy. ? O ? 7 I* * V C f TU*'i i.r? ?. ^ * u.taiciim >j my\ AlltCTY ' TnouiK.?This Company gave two of theii? any popular entertainments onj Monday ami Tuesday nights. The performances of Ilanslov, the proprietor, as magician, and others as songsters and dancers, gave general satisfaction. Thcv aro a <jniet and wellbehaved troupe, and wo commend lliem to the patrouago of our friends. They arc Anticipating daily fresh ae* cessions to their number, and arc addt ling new attractions to their bill. Pny 1 thorn a visit and judge for yourselves. 1 ???-? A Giu:at Man Cone.?Tlio announces tin; death of Hun. John licll, of | # ' ' Tennessee, an event whieb, though not unexpected, will fall v.ith F.nlncM upon ninny an Amoricmi heart. Mr. 1MI was a great man in tho d??}' of our intellectual I iTlalltB. TT? *'"? l>rtlnnin/>? 1 .... ...~ HI.U ' jiner of Clay, Cal'.iour, C:isj, lienton and i Webster, an J served wiih lliem in the Senalo of the United States. Ho was eminently distinguished in every poaitLn.lo | which he was called, whether in the Cabinet or Tjpgiislativo hall#. ITo was lluchosen leader and champion of tho Whigs, 1 or Conservatives, in their last struggle for the Union, in 1800. Mr. Doll bore a prominent part in the history of tho Gov crntnent for the thirty years preceding tho 1 war, and his name will go down to paalor1 ily among thocc of our ablest, purest and best public men. ' , 1 The Oino Election*.?The nomi-j nations of the -Republican party in; * Ohio for the State ofliccs do not seem I - to meet the gcnecal approval of the ' party in that Stale. The ticket put ' in nomination in Cincinnati, accrrding to the statement of Radical papers, lias excited the disgust of many of tho prominant Radicals of that city. The question of universal or negro suflragc is a live issue in the Ohio campaign, and thousands pf the' stannchest Republicans will tjolt any ticket which endorses or annroves the 16tli proposed amendment. " Markets. Abbevjlt.e, 8. C., September 17.? Cotton leas active: closing dull at 25$25*. NkWYVVKk, September 15.?Cotton Ucavy but decidedly lower, with etilcs of 1 ,-^UO bnlflfi, at 80J. Auujjsta, September 15.?-Cotton closed at 2c. towjer at "r" . L CiiAift/EsVoN, September 15.?ColWiVlowd* at 28fr.' > ' : I LiVEardot, Jiriptombor 15.?Cotton icl' . >: f. a-.l iK-os. tl 'imrii T!'. t 1>COJSIfBI l-lSrEES.,H.'j IA? ' 11' Xho; following named persona bavo frojgivt) in thfi Depot jot Abbovillo : Trowbridge Co, G W $poor, Ifosloy & \yi>it6J "\Vm Mooro & Co', J W Thomas, J.Knox & Co, Wm Wileon, H W IrtiWHmi; W H Brooks, "Wfcstfleld & DuPro, O Toney, ? EXPiySSS-r-F M Mitchell, J F_C i :t>miro.'A Bort, John Aldons. " i SONfcLEY, Agent. % Married MAmiLKD, ou tho 31-t August 1800, by tho llo-v. J. P. (Jibuti, Mr. U. T. CHAPMAN of Anderson, audi ili: .s K. Brock of Abbeville. - . _ ?- 1 n ... i Obituary. DIKI>, May 13th 1809, at his residence near JEonea l'titb, DAVID (7 UKl'li, in tho TO year of his age. The deceased was a native of South Carolina and spent most of his life in the vicinity of his late residence. He was a man of a cheerful, contented disposition, not inclined to wander ironi place to place in search of wealth, but possessing a competency he was content to sil and enjoy it with his friends and neighbors. David Greer was endowed, in r. largo degree with all the ordinary virtues that adorn humanity. As a farmer ho was thrifty, frugal, and economical. As u neighbor he was kind, generous and social. In domeslie enjoyment ho was hnj>i>y, nnd chocrftil, and a good liver. As a citizen he always look a deep interest in public affair?. As a Christian he was sincere, humble and consistent in his 'walk. Jle was, daring his whole (Christian life, a member of the barker's Creek liapti^t church, whore he had h:.< fyst and Ia<t connection, lie was an aiTeclionatchupbund.n fvuul father, and a kind master, as the staying ..( i.:. i - ? ? ... it-vuiiitivn wim nun iiuiy pruvi'.'i. Inal! the duties of life ho aeted in iho fear of Cod : and after lingering ami ji:: infill deelino lit' ended his useful life. in iho humble hope, through grace of a glorious immorlalil y. mr :/jJu?iTTT?vicr-c-^-frjx-ca-rt'T- i rvsivum .vut mm TO PATRONS. ~Tj~ MXIM'X'T to ho absent from my oliiee UOlh, and 22d inst. W;n. C. WardlaTv', D. D. 3. 17th. 18(iU, lit?If. It 111 Mil. The remainder of iho STOCK OF GOODS I r? tt n t <1./* . %i\j uiv muru lau'iy uccil1'it'll by JOHN A, TALHABGB, ! AY ill bo sold at PUBLIC AUCTION O X J jsl A^O ? ?. | LADIES : Arc respectfully invited to attend, as they may expect BARGAINS in their lino, Sept. 17, 1SC9, 21?It I Wilson's Mill a Succcss! ?_?. ? ? Those who wish Fine Family Flour SHOULD TAKE THEIR GRAIN TO , wmmws [T has rcccntly boon fitted up with new iSinutlor, new Separator, now Moiling (Jiotli ami now -Maeliincrv of (ho best kind now in use in tho "United Slates. mi(;u WILSON. Sept. 15, 1S0S, 43?t-f "josT RECETVEO. rf^ooTii r>mTsnE9, X Hair HrusheP, Coniba, Plain ami Fancy Pnnji?, Jlarxlkoioliiof Exiificls, Lily White ami othertoilet articles, White Lead and other Paints, Hosteller's Hitters, Plantation Bitters, Ami a largo assortment of fresh Drugs nntl Mhdiciues, at Parker & Thomson's Sopt 1*1, 1809, 21?If 1 .. ! NB ?? J-.. FOR ' ...4T . * ~ .. ? u Parker & Thomson's Sopt 17, 1869, 21-rtf . JUGS AND JARS. A I^L persons desiring , to p^chivso /\ a choice lot of. oartn^nwarej consisting of Jngsand Jars' Will GEO. B. SONDtaEY, At (ho Depot. Sept. 15, 18G9, It ' I MIIWI ! !' ! IB I I Ml R. 0. SHARP & CO., COTTON FACTORS, A'SD General Conissira Merchants, ju: u ?? j\ ,b" WJlA lil<\ Chcirlcston, S. C. Sept. 17,18(!0, 21?3m I Bf virtuo of sundry writs of Fieri Farias, lo mo directed, I will fell at j Abbcvillo C. 11., on the i>rel MONDAY in | October next, within tho legal hours of Hale, | all the iutorost which William ftichcy haa i in a tract of land, containing throo hun? Idrcd ami thirty-live acre?, moro or less, n<l! joining of Win. Dunn, Jas. l>!uinc, : James Wright and others, ails. Nancy lliehov. II. S. CASGN, SheiilFs Office, ) S. A. C. Sopt 11, ICtSO. J 21?tJ KHON NOTICE. I \ LT< MAN AG F.ltS OF ELECTION for ?io j iV J'.k'cliiii Itcl.l May ;!6, will present i their Accounts, properly attested, on or before ! I lie 'J'iili inr.l. j r(/ of election wilt mo'-t on Tl'KSUAV, llic 21&1 iiutnut, at AbbcI villo Court House. L. L. GVZFIN, Chairman ISoiu J of Commissioners of Election. | Kept IS 23 It If 80101EB EAGT0SY. I l - - 1 o-o PEMliS underfilled he?r to inform ? the puMic ijanerally that their I machinery lor WOOL CAilUl2\(J is I now in successful operation, and they ! weald respectfully solicit a sharo of J pafrona;xe. The factory is situated 'on little (Jcnero.slee, in the fcjoutlfwest jcorner of Anderson District, ono jmile from Craft's Ferry and* seven miles above J.owndesvillo. The ma! t.-hinery is entirely new and of the i host quality, with 15urr Maehino "attached ; mixes cotton and wool finely. Our charges for carding will be t'no. cusloimrry prices. ?. \Y. SIIKUAIil), .1. II. KM ED. Sepl. 17th, 18C9 21?2t. ftCflTO TAX-PAi EES. Ari)ITu!;.> OFFICE, Dun, Anr.KVir.tK Co.,) Hopteml er llih, lt-.'Ui) J a l.h l'KKSONS who liavo bought ?"\_ or Pold lands, ijols or Houses, in Abbeville County, during the year, from the 1*1 September, l.SliS, to 1st September 18(J!i, are required to report the fact to this ofliec on orbeforo j i he first day of October next, so that llho taxes on Kiieh lands tor the year 118t?fl may bo charged to the proper j parties. Otherwise they will bo faltered up against the baaie parties as i last year. A. C. HAWTHORN", County Auditor. Sept. 17th, lSliO, 21? 2t. BAKEE, "PORTER&C0. Gracers and Bealsrs in Prcta. no rjor r,noAi> At; c JUST A, Ci.V. Ol.n ]louse of RAKER A HOWr.ALl). h. ir? dissolved, ilic under have i.siO' i-ii.-'l tli' tnselvi's together unt'i-* name and stylo of BAKER, POUTER <i CO for the of a (SEXERAL (IROl'EIlY Mil COMMISSION ISUSINEX^, ?1 t"> ir Store Xo. 'Jo'/ Broad Si reel, where wo shall take irivut pleasure in vceing our many patrons nn-1 friends, tind oU'oring (hem o M-lfOI (ion from onrhugrc stool: of Groceries, Bagging 1 Hope, Tics, Salt, iiaeoii and Provisions. And permit its to assure. thorn t'.mt our former rcputat io:i for hnvir.g the finest qrality of goods, We shall ever endeavor to maiutaiu CUA1!I.V.A iMK'iri! i jo 11 no. ' po lVii-Vi t! LEWIS V. GOODRICH, Angustn. CJn.. 17 *21?2ui. nl?. CO-PA UTN ESS 111 P. GOTTOH "FAGTOES AND Commission Merchants. STOVALL & ROLAND, ,?Or"-'-" UNDERSIGNED, lmvmc nMoeintetl 1 tWr.elves iu tlu- COMMISSION BL'SI>i un-V-r the niiwo n:rd stylo of STOVALL A ROWLAND, will I'iffonul attention tothn salt: of cotton awl oilier, pro Jncft, nn?l woulil respectfully solicit l'lautcrs and Merchants' busine?3. ' Orders for TUCKING, ROTE, TIES niul PAMII.V RfPI'MW *- " * ' ' l>i urn jury nucnucd to. CshIi nrivAiu-ea oil v.gnaigmiifcnts, ODice, corucr JavUfon nnd J^cynolJs elrecU, opposite I'oullnin's Warehouse. 15. A. STOVATJ,. CIIASi. A. IiOWLAKD, Formerly Fleming A Itowlr.nd. Augusta, Odf , Sept. 17 1801), 21?fit. i?U 'vv. PROBATE JUDGES SALE./ ? ' iv : In tltc Probate Court, Andprapn,Coonly. v 1 ' i Harrison Long, Am'r, vs. M. T. Jjbpg, ct. al. Petition for sale Land'. * BY virtue of an order lo roejjflirstyeil, from \V. \V. Humphreys,pf, l'robuto for Aoderson county, I ftiuTgx.-' ppsc to 6{?lc on SaleHay in October at Anderson C? I?., tl?o follow iriff nronerlk' Fold as tho Ileal' Instate of1 Augusta? 'JLV 1 TjOd*, dec?Wed, vis * < .... - 8 , ONE;,TUAct OF LANt)', 1 . >u" ' I ConfatiMtg' 138 moro or lesjt^tt 9 waters of Little QenOrofcteo creek, adjoining' lands of Andrew Rei<l,.Jobn McLin, Dr. A. 9 G. Oook and others.,) > . ? Terms'.?On n'credit of twelve month?, 9 with interest' from day of aftta, purchasers $3 girmg bond with good secutity, and a mortgage of the' premises /or the pay- JS meat of the ; purchase roonoy,^with the ? privilege of anticipating payrpftpt at any. S time. Purchasers (o pay for stamps nnd ra all necessary papers?costs to be pnid ill ? casbw'/; SB .c/f -h ** ??*?? -i WM. MoGUKIN, . j M ii . Shetfffi-Andenou^Jpunty, ). M Scpl 17, 1800 -21?21 JB