Abbeville press. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1860-1869, December 07, 1860, Image 4

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QUAKES. tm *m\ E. J. TAYLOll I-I> li^'sppi'tlulJy iiifnrni liioyfi in ? w wjiim 01 \>i 11i;i-,ss( ,?r liulit Ci?:Ti?t:?'-N that In* him in Etoi'k a line h>t1 lint In; is s<e!!iiiir ?t Ivh.s prices ihwii ever was otT'-red in tlii? market. To tho#.' those that liavu the rash lo pay l?e would cay I hat. they cannot ?lo belter tiitiii to gitfo liiiu a call, lie in selling NEW BUG6IES At One Hundred Dollars. 11 is ?st"ok rnimot !??? beaten in tlie ?ipp?r country, and the work is warranted, and lie defies thecountry I o beat it na i<> price nnd quality. lie Iihr sold in Abbeville District a great mimy Busies nod Cnrriagcs and cxpect* to sell many ttx* Tberefoin j?ive him a call. : IT., i.... i i .. t - - ' 1 ?.w- i <- ?.-? (? <.'ii Kitim it mij.'i' ?m? s in nil : with iihvl without Top*, itii>1 at ! price* tluii cii:ii>til li?* iiDitrwId, What is tli?? uac of uoint; out. ?t our District lo irrf. n f:i;e JSiiuiry when you ciin u?'t it at. T:iylorV Shop, * with llnf'K'W, 1'inhrt-Siu ami Whip, all for One 11 inid Twenty-five lioiiaiv. Warranted for Twelve Months. let uh go and see I hum?thut mn-'t he ctieupK. J. TAYLOR. Ahheville C. II., Oct. 10, 1 f40'21, if splendid" four-horse imnr i \m w v * WM FROM Abbeville to "Washington, Ga., AND FiJoM Ninety Six, S. C., to Augusta, Ga. ARRIVALS AND DKPARTURES. I.<-nvp?i Abbeville nt. 9 o'clock, n. in., on MONDAYS, \VK1 >N1-ISD A YS and FRIDAYS on tlw nrriral of the down l'aMencer Train frowfiretnvill??. ami nrrivn !iL\ '?'?? ' ? * clay ni 8 u clock. Leaves \Vn^liititrlon nt 8 o'clock, n. m.. on TUKSDAVS. THURSDAYS ?fc SATURDAYS n the arrival ol tli?* Curs from Atlnnta, and arrives at Abbeville snin<: day at 7 o'clock. J.euves Niii?-iv-Six i\i 9 o'clock, n. in., on TU KSDAYS. THURSDAYS <fc SATURDAYS on the arrival of tlie down 1'nssenger Tr.iinfrom Greenville, an 1 arrives nt Anmiptn fame doy "t half-past y o'clock, c< nneeting inim diately with the Wuiusboro and Georgia Hail? roads. Leaves Anauetft it 8 o'clock, a. m., on MONDAYS. WKDN KSI>A YS and FRIDAYS, and arrives at Ninety-Six eariie day at half past 8 o'clock. rar For fin tlior information apply to I,. II. BL'SSKL, Agent. Office at tlie Marshall House. Abbeville (.'. 11., S. C., for Washington Line; or to N. W. STEWART, Ninety-Six, S. C. Agent for tlie Augusta Line. J. P. POOL A, CO. Jan. 12, 1 SCO, 37 ly. = M. STRAUSS^ COKESBURY, IS DETERMINED TO REDUCE HIS STOCK! THEKEF( > HH Ol'l'ERS HIS GGOBS AT "V*ery !Lo\v X^rices. This Stock is well Assorted AND OF Till: LATESTSTYLE OF GOODS. ' i 1 -o-u.1 ?. 1 fcT. JOIIX ilOORK Formerly Simpson Gardiner | - GARDINER & MOORE, WAREHOUSE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS l \V~r*L~,.e~ ? >- f v .. yi/iniriii( U1T?|/KU Uy .JtlllJJSUJi <V" Gardiner.) JQcIIVTOSH STKECT, AUGUSTA, GEORGIA. VlTII.T, pive tlieir personal attention to.tlie tt Sellinir of Cotton, or rnieh other Pro dnce as diav lie Bent to tliein by tlieir friend?, ami the public. OnlcrR for Bnfftrinf;, Hope, and Family tJup pliei. filled to tlie best nilvantnj?e. unsn advances made upon produce ia etore when required. July 13, I860, 11. Cm. DR.'WM. A. ALLEN, SURGEON " DENTIST. -HAVING graduated in tlie tDfiitnl College of Philadelphia. L.1^? offcn? Ins services to the public, tiei&g thoroughly posted in nil the departments #f L/( profession, lie flatters himself that lie will be.enat|led'ti> give entire satisfaction to fboso wlxvmay favor him witk their patronage. rWRnr.m flia -..-i t* ;Mr, C. II. All6t<, in White's Building April 4^1860 60 ly' 1MB AND urnm io?t FOR SA1E. THE Solwcrlber offers for sale bis LAND, consisting of m Ofi 50 ACRES, Situated on Greenvilre and Beitwethet road*, five niHea Nowh Went of <^alhom>'? Villa, and bounded l>y j. A. Norwood. W. MeCelvey. and .J. A. Calhoutt. in good order and repair, wall ' ditched ana drained. For iorther information addresa DIt. EDWIN PARKER, " Abbeville 0. 11,8. 0. f Tona vn, TgftO. 9. l'2m DR.- 8. HF.IIRY BEARD, DENTIST, Abbeville C. If.. 8 C, Office ' ovar Branch &. Purker'a Drag Store. . tf v ^ AUOIJSTA ^Elb^feL, U(TU?UH O-A. ^ WM. S. WHEELOCK, Proprietor.. BOCT. M. Under llie i AUGUSTA, Hfhulculc and m AND CH: Py? Woods nnd Dye StuflTi", O'K T*:ii 11and I Putty. GInssjtturp, Perfumery, Kine Soups. I Paiu? Brush*'*, SnrcicHl nnd liinlru (!>.!... v: ?r. n_" 1 'i> .1 of tiie Day, Superior hit*, I'ut e Wim FANCY All RT Wo male* our purchases fur CabIi, and > eil from any similar *>stnUi<li:!ent in tl?<8 HtH-tin fr?in the Coui.try promptly tilleto prleo unci rjuulity. KAOFFEE, E WHOLESALE D 11Y i as ssassi 17Q. BROAD UNDER THE AUGUSTA I"IIE Undereigned would rcppertfully inform cntiiplelcd tlioir nrrnnt;* im-ntK for the ecu been enlarged to double its foinior tize, tliereli}' (itor^ia Our Stock, which for variety of tile State, will in every rcfpeel compare l'uv<?rnli] Soutlmip eity. It u our intent i-".i to e?lahlifth clu*ivel\ for chsIi. Wh'clt, ne nti oi l fuct is the Having a similar establishment in New Yo?k to b<> perceived that we have superior facilities market. Wv wottM only ask tli*; favor of n:i e> clscwliore. and we will prove to I lit Tnulo (IihI Wholesale House, besides saving your tiuie for JUST HI Black and Colored Casaiinfres, Biiwk Kentucky .Jeaus and Tieks. Kerseys, 0 Georgia Stripe*. Marlboro' Piaid? and Calicoes. of jd! kinds, Mohair, Debfgee, Barege Delaines*, Bolnbazine, Alpacctts All Won! Delaines, English Merinos, Black Brocade Silks,Fancy and Plain Poplins, Foulards, India and Cliina Sil Brown and While Sheeting Irish Line Diapers. l)amask?. Doylies, Napkins, 'J Embroideries, Hal Ribbons, Corsets, V Fiutges, Morocco and Silk IMi*. Lares Ladies' and Misses' llOOP SKI UTS, i rimming*, * auk** jSouonx, !l<?ii-ry : B ui and Negro BLANK KTS, &c ' Our manufactory of C'l.OAlvS nnd MANTllin fii!i operation in>w ; ni>d we ventu*e to ?ay tl and more suitable to S<<nllicrn tacte, hh cheap jii ure of mi curly call aud couviucc yoursulvea of KAVFF. 175 : tJNDER THE J. KAUFFER,) L. BAUM. j Augusta, Ga. August 31. I860, 18. 4t Headquarters for Good Carriages of e PIIINEAS I O O L U M B. Carriage Manufactory, Direct! npilE Mlbaeriber h?vintr a competent drauirhb . JL i* prepared to build to order nnv and all ? Stock of hits own manufacture in Columbia, aur.l fastidious, and again Wge leave toiuvile the ott< lie generally to call aDd bee his Large and Fashionable Stock of Carriage the Day, being the Largest and b' fora buying elsewhere as be ip determined to a beet. Every article rold is Van-anted. %W Hepniribg of every )jind" done at short o kere Stock for sale'w priccs. / THE SINGER E Marked aud eveit extending popularity -b. cmii'i curojic? iv men at ue*t lo eftatiluli t Sewing Machine#??o CeHed?may he bought, i it in mistaken economy to invest anything id wi)l do so mmt abide the consequences 1 SINGER'S NEW Fi In order to place the best Family Machine ii reduced oar letter. A'Miichine beautifully orni Singers's No. 1 and 2 Standard Shuttle Machj paclt'y, and popular both in the mi $136 and $1150 to aod $100. ftflgpVfrtAJi, heavy leather work- Price, eomjnefe^iafi. A unequalled for manufacturing purpose* ; Nolseh ;Price (including iron itand'and drawers,).)110machine of any ptber maker as a gift. , All of SingirV^sehinee make the interlock titijti known. E*ery person desiring to pi ore Machines, their sites, prices, working capacities it by sending for a copy of I. M. Singer A CoV entirely devoted to tile subject. It?ill be supj Tbs above are the Mb cash pjrissa?transpoH sale, trill be charged. I. M. SING E. J. TAYLOR. Agent, Abbeville.] J JONES, \ngusta Uotcl, 6E0ESIA, Kcta I Dealer iu EMICAL& Mnntpra' Arti^l.'*, VnrnUlies, Window GIifs nnd 'ine lliiir und Toolli Hru-lieR, Paint Bi u-lic#, illiei>if>, Trnsspit and Supporter* of nil kind?, nil the l'ntfiit or I'ritjirii-tHrv Medicines r._ - ? >vi .m uitiuiii i ur|>uac3. TICLES, &C. offer rf;imllv r.? 'o\v o? lliry can V?r ob*in in. Wnrrnnhd In be ]''r<*h, l'ure ami (Jt-iniinc ( i and batiofuciiou guaranteed with rigur-l bolli ' [Dec. y, 165'j, ;<2 : 'AUM & CO., AMD RETAIL Gr O O D 8 i STR33KT. 175. . HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA< Merchants and Dealers tliat they liare just uinir all and Winter Sen-on. Onr Store lia# rmikiit llie laigcst Store in tlio State <>f most dcfirnM'! Good?. is unai.massed iu this with any ln'nue either in Charleston or any other ft regular Wholesale Jobbing House, Belling oxouly way to buy Goods cluup. city, of which otir Mr. I. Kavfker, it is easy in obtaining latest Novell ice no they nppear in elimination of m r Slock ami Prices before going" w>s can cell Goods fully as cheap as at.y other j further travelling, oud tuai.y other expenses. 2CEIYED. nnd Colorfd Clolh, Satinets, snabur^s, (Denims,) O.-l oi n|it'P* , Gelnstials, Lnvella Cloth, , Delaines, Mure lias, Si ks, Silk Robea, ks lis. Table Covers,Table Clotlm, ;\?wels Brilliants, Marseilles Quilts, rlvi't Kibb , White Goods, of all kinds. md Gloves, of all kinds. LAS, the only one in the Southern States, 5s liat weeun offer these articles better tinmht-il c nny Km them liouee. Ju&l give u? the pleasthe above faces. ER, BATJM & CO., and 177 Broad Street, AUGUSTA HOTEL, AUGUSTA, GA. | I. KAUFFER, N. Y. I very Description at Charleston Prices. AL \ FRAZEE, [A, S. O . . y n tlve Rear of rhe Market. iman and a complete *et of Practical Workmen itylea of Vehicles, and is daily adding to his i Chirinprs 'nt? cannot fail to pleane the most :ntion of hie friends nud customers and the pub 8 oftha'Newest and Latest Fashions of . most Fashionable in the State, ieli aa cheap as the cheape?t and an good as the otice and on reasonable TVrma Carriage ma* 1 PHIREAS F. FKAZEC, 1V1NG MACIM ~ of Singertt Slewing Machines?both hi Am?ri- I lieir ciiperiority over all others in the market, ' t is true, for a smaller amount of dollars, tint worthless or unreliable article, and those who LMILY MACHBS, i the world .wfthin the reach of alt, we bav? tmeuted?to $60; plain $50. jiea, both c( very general application and ?ainofiscfory. Prices reduced, respectively from Aard Hbuttfle Machine, for carriage makers and l?o, to complet* tha list, an- entirely now is*, rtyd, and capable of efceryfeittff of*j?ork 1 -cheaper at that io view of ita value than tha j V. 1 fid atitob with two tferrtda, which ie the best ' ire full soil reliable information about Sewing J "!?! * best method* of poroiiae<np oan obtain 1 Ga?ttk, which iaa beautiful material paper, 1 >lied Galia. V?V t at ion from the lf?w York offiee to. tint place of i EE A CO., 1824 Broad aireet AuprtMar, "<? . Jkf. COHEN, Agent, Aagnata. I * HIIODES' SUFER-FHOSFHATE!;1 PLANTERS seeking Manures, will recollect J Hint RIIODKS' SUI'ER lUlOsl'li ATK id j tlio only Mnuuro the laic* eminent unulytienl j CliiMiiiot, Professor Dickell, of Maryland, pro- j nouuced Btandara. ! noil wliif;1! lino liren confirmed l?y every Bection into wliieh this Manure has been introduced. Thie Manure is aold under a legal guarantee of Purity arid Freedom FROM All AIlliLTERATlOK!;; from (lie eminent manufacturing chemists, Mesris i'otis <t Klett, under whine |>rmimil aup**" vision KllODK-' hUl'liU I'llOSI'HATK is niutin 1'iiotn? *?<!. This Mnnure lin- Keen tisei) in South Carolina for si-At-rul years past, wit It great Mt'.eess ill the culture ?'f Cotton aiul Corn, Mini is now thoroughly vstuhl'jhed fur these im porlunt stii|*l 1*3. L>o not let the present season pass without ! he pxueiiinciit. ! j Komi ihi; annexed letters frotn gentleman who I hav? tried it the past season. ^ I A A&KJEV 8, Pfl ji rti ni'g^LL i ut/ Wtfij j NO. 300 BROAD ST., j Ai?USTA, C5A. ; ATHENS, C!A.. Nor. 22. lRr.9. < 7>.-?r .S7r ; Hhod?*s,'Super-I,lioi<phot<- ha* been npolied l>\ tut* tins yenr.on it small scab*, it? both ? Corn nut) (Jotion. The result excerdep my ^x- ? pectntion, although the experiment*, lor ninny I I ri-'t.-ofK, worn not. ami could not he ' with due caution ; yet 1 ntn entirely satisfied. ' thut. the jrrowth of weed, in hotli instances, the ' fruit in corn, and the number of holla of cotton, * were lully douhle the yield in the portion* unmutiurcd, mid this vlien ouly a table-spoonful tif the Super I'lio^phete wns applied as n top. dreading to e.ich hill of corn, ni.d a tea spootifnl t?' each t-luik of cotton?and tin* last as late in the season ns the 1 Htli of July. J-nme of the weed grew to nine f^et. high, wish aix fee' brntiehe.*, covcrcd with bolls, while th- U'.niatimed was not half so fjoud. It is my iiituutiun next year. *?? test it more full^. Very Kepptft-tfullv. Your must Ferv't, (Signed) M. C. M. IIAMMONI). , UNION POINT. (M. H. K.) Nov. 28, 1850. 1 mepira J. A. it Co.: (Jttil* ?I btiU'.hl u li ii of Rhodes' Piip?>rI'li'-jpliate in UtIi iiri'?iv. Isii spring, Mr. li. D. I .tuner, of jietzeliu, '? > lent iis valo?? us a niunur?. I put about 125 ll>*. on aii acre <>f cotton, ri hi tlic drill, on laud that, would not tinke over J 75 t > 10') IIh of seed ifiilim per n*r?\ without Mo tin re. The resutt U ?-ntiivlv tuiis'l'iictory. " I have innfl? at K-iii>t from 45<" luiiliu lb*. to the acre on this verv poor la*id. I expect to purchase from b to & tons lor tnv Sorintr croiv Mv Overeeor wisli?*s nie to put his natu? to this alio. v Youra, in great hast?, (Signed) P. \V. PRINTUP. WILLIAM POSTER. Re. 24, 1S59 3i tf. * / EWCLATED GUAM j No. 83 S'i:conj> Ptrkp.t, ) v Baltimore January 28, 1859. ) c REPORT OF ANALYSIS OF ROBIXSOX'S MUXIPLLATED GLAXO FOR J FRANCIS IU'BINSON, ESQ., ' BALTIMORE ITY. A SAMPLE of the above which was taken at your Mills, was found, upon analynis, to he capable of producing of r Ammonia, - 8.31 per cent. And to contain of f< Bone Phosphate of lime 45.82 " " Tins nbovr- proportion of Auiiuimia and Bone Phosphate of Liine is known to he ni.>3t proper . ioi ?iueri.i>n<H'ij iiianureB. until meorettcai reribonr..g ai:d I he ros'jbs of uumcrou* practical experiments have approved of it. An upplicaI'oo rf 5?fH> lbs of thi* article article per acre, will supply more of Llone Phosphate of Lime than is required bv any urop^?i lii's Icavirg a considerable surplus of iliia valuable nutriment g incorporated wi'h ?lie noil after cropping, ornl will furnish a sufficient quantity of ammonia to c to act as a nutriment and stimulant* t. CUAS. BICKELL, Th. D. J IiEPORT ON MTOIPULATED GUMO, 1 FOR FRANCIS 3ROBINS0N. f rI"M'E sample analyzed wan taken by myself ^ Jl lr?in tin- bogs in tho mill where the guano , was manipulated. j it courained of Ammonia, - 8.24 per-cent. Phosphoric Acid, - - 21.98 " " | Equivalent to Bone Phosphate of Lime 47.59 " " ^ It in therefore ao excellent manipulated gti#nd, containing eno^h ammonia to produce a rapid and vi^oron* growth, and ntffioienl quantity of phouphate? to prevent exhaustion ^ i?f the noil 1 A. 8HOWDI3H PIGOOT, in. I>. * Aoui\iic*l and Consulting Chemist* FOR SALE BY* 1. A. ANSLEY & CO,: NO. 200 BRO,AD ST. * AUGUSTA ?A. J. ORGAN MANUFACTORY, CHARLESTON, S. C. 3 fully pnjp?r"l 'rom ^ii<) np to *10,0<K>. / EaWMiMj }l3tfnH Hnviiig^dd tw?ut.y-fA>fe * galMMfllHflMH years' ^iperlanoa in Or ' d< Building, I am pi*^ h< BbHSK|SBB|i^| pared to produce a* good b< any-in Jh?nj|Me5Pl&tat?I^l. bava alf material*'on a< fiandof the b??t quality?and properly sea oued Wortd, <fcc. I can produc? the best testimonials ? to eapabiljty sod faithftUneps. Organs enclosed in M my style of case denied, .or to suitthe aVushltecitire o4' the buildirig or room* ;" ; ' " .All order# pi^mptiy apd faithfully fret ted, , ^pt.Sl, Ito>3 Orgaa Builder, Charleston S. < m / CONGAREE [RON WORKS. COLUMBIA, S. C IOHN ALEXANDER & CO., MAN L" FACT UK ICRS OF Steam Engines, From 8 to 100 Horse Power\ XJ E IIpvc always Engines of different ? s;7.e-? in a forward stale, so that we cuii urnif'i any s-z-- with di>|>aicli. Our Ktitrir es took Uu- 0r*1. Prrmiutn at the ^haiiuelon Institute Fair I>i<J i'i 1S6'J. itcbe.i, weights. Wo have s-turr-d soma of the lo-st Mill vrii.'Jiic in the Slate tor putting tip onr ti-d Mills. We have only to mention iheniMii.s ?f Tiiomas Am>U(son. who is acknowledged ?y ull who know him to to- one of the first of ihc slate. Also, J. J. liEVlT, Joun SfRtTIILtlS, md scvei al ot hi-re. IRON AND BRASS CASTINGS 3f all Descriptions Kade to Order. \V<: oust nveiv ?la\- in the week. We have tow lllM l?"-t StlM-Jf llf 11.11..? . ' - ! Uato, linvinir | un-ha-cd nil tlie Pi'IUthk !>< iiiiritijr !? (r>-org Sinolnir (t Co. nionp villi the li?>|>. \V<- liave good I'ailorn Maker* constantv *in|iloynl. Our Casting* liuve taken til* i'n-niiutji every ycur at the Stite Agricultural Sucietv. BELLS. Wo east B.ll* of nil pizep, for Cliurclies or *Vi> Alarm, on tl?f most n-aniiiiulile terms, ntio f they tlo ho* give general catisfm-lion, the ?nr?y ean return tliein ni our nx]t<Mm<.a. We ,vere awarded Premiums la.nt. yenr at the "air held in Columbia. and at the Charleston iitf'.itule Fair lor our Bel is. Grist Millfl and Grist Mill Irons. We muniractur.-) IVnub'e Mills ol all pizf?, md of bii[ieri-?r paslerii. Glint Mill Irons if all ("Inr (Srirtt. M ill Irtit.n ula.. I?u.t> ?l... 'reuiiuin at the late Fair hi Columbia. Saw MDlfl. We manufacture eireulnr Saw Milljof three izes. Also, inter's Patent. Niulay Saws, f-ir tiic.h we liave the right of the Mate of .South 'nroiiuii, and we al*o make Saw Mill Irons of i1Ihi7.cs Our Haw Mill Irons also r|?ok the 'remiurn at the late Fair lu-hl in Columbia. Shingle and Barrel Stave Machine. We are amenta lor Satnu-I M. Kt lie's Patent, 'hui.rlo anil Stove Machine. It. will out 7,i?<h? 'liitick'8 or Barrel Staves per <lny. We tire also agfnts for Jtnlson's Patent. (Jov. rner Valves mid Fuel Fconutn<?< r. Also, l^ent* for Lowlier'a Cotton heed 11 tiller. In addition to the above, we manufacture 'nieiit Reaction Water Wheel*, Patent Saw till Dog-t. of a Bu;icrior Pattern and very heap. In short, anything in and about, a Mill if any kind. t3T A lint of price will lie sent, to nny one pishing it. Also, all questions answered, and oinuiuuicalioDS promj>t ly attended to. JOHN AI.KXANDER, ROIPT Mel )OU GALL. Snptemlier 28, 1860, 22-12m p?R E OLD CORN wmctrv JJW JIJIXUX^ X rflE Under.*ipned would inform the pnhlir that lie had a superior lot of this ertieW >r^sal?. Apply to me at the Maraliull Tlouse. Johnson kamey. s. pt. 12. 18?0, 20. tf <-H.4KI.ES CATI'K. teller in PI A SO VOllTES, Mit*tc, Guitars VHiit*. Banjos. Flutes. Arc rdcoiis Instrue tion Books, Guitar and Violin String*, dtc. Opposite U 8. Hotel. AUGUSTA, ft A. Also. Soln Agent for Chickfring ?fc Suns, and todarb's Celebrated Piano Fortes. car Hi<? stock comprises every variety of 6J, and 7 octave ii^trumentH, from f>'250 to I,Out). Every iustrnment is warranted eonud nd perfect. [March 28, 18fi0, 12m THEODORE MARK WALTER. MEARTtTiB WORKS, Broad Street, near the Market, AUOUSTA, GA. t MARBLE Monuments, Tombstones. ?fco. Also.MnrMe Mantels, and Furniture Works of all kinds, from tbe plainest to the most elub orjite, designed aud furui^hfd ti order at*.ehort notice. All work for the country carelully hoxed and forward d March 23, 1860, l'iui iOWARD ASSOCIATION. . pnn.*DBLpnH.' I Benevolent inalitution ctiablin/i-d by tpecial eudoiement. for the relief of tlir nek ami J)i*. treated, afflicted with V iruUnt and Epidemic Binffitci. V I BDU'AL Advice given gratis by the Aet' 1 ing burgeon all who apply bv letter ith u description of their condition, (age, occiiutioo, habits of life, &u..) and in cases of ex *!('? poverty,Medicine furnished free of charge Valualilrt Reports on th? New Remedies emloved in the Dispensary, sent to the affiicled in ruled leiter envelopes, free of charge. Two r three Stamp* for postage will he apceptihle. Address. DIt. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON, cting Surt;( on, liowurd Association, No. 2 juth Ninili Street, Pliiladclpeia, l*a. By ordsr of the Directors. EZRA D. HEART WELL, President Faircuild, Secretary. [Jan. 20,12m D. MALONE, 3HICEL LATKH. AND ROCK MASON, Ninety SU?JS, C. t .'v* "\T^EK9'Jn? Mrvices-ttitthe piiMlo m BrFek'J x'l4|?r.?tid RocK.Mj^<pi>, ami feels coiifiiDt of 'fiii ability to w?rj?nt ant ^faction. ao ! ha* had aioo^ e*p?jri?npe in the bn?irx>as >t.h In lJtiriSjte, and.#Aerioa. P?>r<oua wishd worlf\?f thfr kind dartaJrAPld dp well to Idreas him ' at N4i)?tyHftnr. S/C. .fr.;*,, GEORGIA J' . tatv&otwjr rfadjUes and Humm. ICW Broad Straet. ijodir tba Augusta Uottff. wfUl$W DAEEOW, Proprietor XaeMneKffaUjHed Railing of Oak, Qh^0?1| id .Robb#r. Gin Banda off?Hlf*:U?dh>clf id Btabbar, [Sapt 28, 1860,35, in I!?lCOH 11. 1IK11/1 a f S | * I ml^mE All [itfiilLb'e Cute for Go>i;r/iu'ti And all Disrasfs of llir. I'rinnry flrpunx. r l^llls Kl'llledy ?lir<v wln-ll 111! Ullifl- piatp.ll'll l tiona fail. It in fiiiiri'lv ?i; Iik?? fvi-fj other compound. I'liiiiiiitiiiif; no uiiwmtpoinm ?r vaut'oux hrt'q, ni< it if prep ired eoldy Irotn Rout*. Jlarfcs find l.taor*. iimJ hn-vheon hn'.idod dmvi, ' one gem riitioii 10 another l?\ the Clurokee Indiana. I lit* offered lotlie pulilie on it* own 111trinaie merits. It p?*rfoimsitf>dutv cjuiekly i"rd ii i,i.. ti... a....r.'iii.. ? ....r. p..,,. ........ lie repaid by using t i list t:i 1' ot |.Urine tlieuifelvim ?t tli? iiit-'V iilsmiio (jiiuck or I'm f.'Hxni'. 1 his Jirim-tlji striken ?t ll. \'cr v J'mil of I In- dixeapo; it?? iiinlcia-y is nut simply to h > 11-1 t n 1 tlis poison. Imi. (o remove t be emme on vl.i'li it di-pt-inls.?l'ull direction* iti piiittpbiel (ni l:) ?? . i'(itii|inny cat-It botl'e.?Tin- Hpi-cilv' iimI permanent reli?t" afforded I>v tliii" lletiiedv, in nil i!UM'? ol (jovor/iira. (Jim, 0'ravel. Stricture, b'hittr AI bi'::, ( Willi's in fmntlrt.) and nil l/i*?n-i'tt nt 111 e Urinary Ot(jnii!?, hns astuniidied llie most. Koieltt'lic itiuii of tnenjr??. "I'lli*-- wninly n??f milt ? ! ???! icate* all poixun fiotn tiio \iffiieiii l?ut iiirit/orut?-* tl.e ii.hhI ilflti-fllt' eoiiKlitution. tWU *! i.*h not. iitreet the lueaili or interfere with uiiv elus* <>t business, or require any deviation lioin ili<> tisii ul diet. it r?'?|tiiiei no assistance from o'li er niedietlie. Atn.1 what enhance* its value s tlii' entire absence of nil iiauat-uun taste, being a p'.ca'ant and d< lie ions syrup. J'r/cr per JJ'itllf. ?r Thru* Hollies for l'O'l'I'EK <fc A1KKVIN, Sole Pro|>rieii)rs, St. Louie, Mo. Sold in Abbeville by D Mel.anehlin, and all ili-ali'is in Van Si-!iaak ?fc Utivrbuii, Ctiaslviluu, WtiulrauWi A?:hiU. THE STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. AULJiVILLE JjJUTlilCT. In Equ't(>j. Edwin l'nrkor nn<l F.u^ctiin ) \ K. liia wile. > vs. ) Bill for Relief ?fc'.Arnii*l?*a<l Hint anil Mnrllm ) (?. liis will', niiil oilier*. f IT API'K.M'INO to my piitinfrwiun tlinlTrf* vi?iil l)i:('?-nrii!il mi'l l/i'-ri'i u A liif wife 15. I'u'nfi.d ;s..l.Ic i;inl Stirnli M his wif<?, ,iiii)n-s L. ('nlli'-un. (/fo. M.(.utile Cnilicitn. mnl rlucliililr?;ii i'l TImiiiirk J. t'nlmiin ili-r'd. v;z: Wil'hni. JufWs, ll?-i.ry, ilolii., .Imit* .mil liei liu?l-:i|!<l, (lvll?S< UHllll- IS Itl-kll'iVVtl) IJf.tty Hlltl Harper lier ii'nl t, <li-tVn 'lain? to lli?* ii'iiivu FtntI'd (Jill, icKiili* liiiyund tin-limits (.I tliis Slftlf On nini id.i l#y S. iir A. Ml'tiowail, t/iill|). >?.l Or.ii-l c I 'lint llie s.i111 I >t-fi>n<l.inli< 'li? iitn'^'ir uiiit p!ei?l. iu>-w?-r ?>r .ll'llilir to the H;iiii ii.!l uillnii 11t *-?- 1,11.11'IIII troiii tins puli'ii-atioli In I'l-of. or ll.n eaiiic will lie I tiki.-n I'ro Coufixiin ni?-iiii--t w.m. h. I'AUKI-'ft, e e a. d. Commissioner's < ) Soi-i. '27. 18'iO. f 2" 3m State of South Carolina. A liliEVH.l.E DISTliU T Ojficr Court "/(.'owwdii J'/taf tnul O'-n'l St ixiiiux jMoore A* l^nniie. 1 Ana?-lin'rnt. vs v n>? U Fhir I'laiii.'o?. \V Davis. ) u!F-< Alimiii-y. A\7 IIEKRAS tlie ('litii>titi ili.l on tIk* ten*' ? ilny of April, viir^'ecn hiiinlr?*.< ntul jixty, file hit? drclmmion ti^iort the l?? )cn fielit, who. (it id ftatil) is nhsriit liom hihJ without I lie limit* of tin* ftntr. n ml hns i;?*ii l??-? wift? noratUnouv known within the Mimr. inm. whom a I'npy of Hiiiil Jtolurulion niiplii I nfrvcil: 11 in tln-iefotv iir?l?*i?->l. tin' the r>:<i t ]) Iniduiit do itppcnr mill p!ond t. ill- fn'il elnralinn, on or he fore tin* el?*v?*ntli dny of Apiil. eighteen Int. dn-d in d . :xt\ one. other* witefiruil h 11 1 absolute judgmoiit will then he given undawaided ni'iiinsi hint. MATI1KW McDOSALD.c. c. r. Clerk's OfHre, ) April 12. 1 C*tit? J SI 12m Fall and "Winter Styles IT A TP Ht ^ m vs <rr riHiD AWU LAFb, AT C. P. REMSEN'S 1"4 Brond Sti eet. oppo-ile Mie Augusta Hotel, Augusta, Ga, and Columbia, S. C. JUST RECEIVED. the following new gorvh: Gent#' Fine Moleskins, Cunr ituerctt and S?.ft Ilats, various colors ami styles with a complete stock of Gent*' Finn Boys and Children's Fancy CAPS. Also, Country-wade Wool flats for Plaritatio-i use. JOHN WOOLLEY'S Grraniteville Hats, He ie now nMTiuf.tcturinn all qualities of Fur Hiita. as Low as $1 .SO. My Goods are all made to order, and warranted for-style and durability. The public is invited to coll and examine for thennelvea. \jcu o iet>u, ii C. P. REKBEN. Copartnership N otice. THE noder'igoed have formed a Cnpartne'*kltip uh'ler tlie firm of OR ft & LI B, for the practice of Lew &d<1 Equity in the District of Abbeville. ' J AS. L. ORR. W. A. LEM C3>~Mr. ORR will attend to any Iwiiinrw committed to hie rare in tlie 1 Ji^trio* of Anderson, I'iokeus. Greenville, Spartanburg and Lauren!1. Sept, 1, 1860. 19 8m LIME! LIME! LIME! 'IMIli St^bm-riber t;ik>>8 thia method of iotormJl in# the public generally, that he har, ?ud expefta to keep' constantly on hitnd, a good anl>ply of tlu^>eft S'o-nhern Made Lime. at Aruofd'h Old Quarry, one mile from Pinnnn'a Ford, or 'lie Free llridife, on Saluda River, which lie offer* for aale at the following pric. a: Any amouut under 1?'h? tm?hels. s:t^ cts per buMi' l, over that amount 80 eta. per bnahul. Term# Cacb. J. C. RASOK. Mt. GalUher. Lanrens DiBt.,8,C., Oct. VJO. 12m PLOUGHS! PLOUGHS! QAfl ONE HORSE PLOWS. ISO TWO HORS? I'LOWS, ? s For eale low hy CAKMICHABL & BEAN, Sept. as, lgfto, aa-4rn : ). VERELL & JACKSON, HOUSE PAJ5TEBS, GBAINEBS, MABBLER8 AlfD P^PER HAKGEBS, "NINETTT szac, 0. GJ. ' J. V, VKBBU-. * CALP JACKBON. J*D. 2*7, 1860, iftlD . CHEESE! CHEESE!! A LARGE SUPPLY on hanit ?f the Mtpe j sort w? have sold for iho, la*t three Yjjtalfc '* t ? * , u " BROvOH.A BAftKER. 0?t 10. 1880 24 tf - [AVERS SAlfeAPARlESif, A compound remedy in,which lmv?? lubnred t<> produce iliv mort eifvctuiil ullcraiite that can made. it in a concent rated tx'ractof 1'ijre t?HrK(?| ariila, ho combined with other substances of y'i'l greater alterative power n? t<> fifT'ir'l mi effective antidote for the ?ii??>08en Sard-parilla is reputed to cure. 11 is betinved tlmi siM'b a rciupilv is wanted l>v lho-?e win* eutf- r Ji t'tn Striiniuo.* complaint#, and thai, one which w ;J! accomplish tlieir euro must prove of iniin^iii '< pci vice to tl?j?? litrtro c'n8* of ouv etilictcd t'el.Vw citizens, llow completely tliit*compound will d<? it has been pi oven by exj crimeiit on .*i?nny of i|:v w?w cu#ca to bo found of th* following complaints? Sri:'H:LA AN: H-IIOH Lous PI.AWW, I'IUJPj T!?NS A Mi Kr|;1TIV AC I'lAKHS, llMI'LKi*, ! Hi.<>tciik3. Tvsion?. .' alt IthcvM, Scai.u Ui:ai>, I Sytiiili* AMI ^vrnii.ivn: AKPtc-noNS, M Ken kiac. \ ItisKAfK, I iioufv Skvralgia on Tie J?oL't.<jfi.t:c-.x j lM*n I.I1V, J >Yi'l,KI,r'l.\ A Nil IM'IOKKSM'N. Kkysi. i PfcLAw. lldiiK 01: hr. A vi'HON s b Fn;t. ui.d indeed the whole ?-l? of ( -jii>|>luit:!5 at i?iug from ixrt'iti'iy uv i iitc Tl'i# compound wili be fi-und a i?rent promoter of licditli. when tiiki?n in Its?sprinjf, ?o ex pol llif foil! humor* whivii f.vter Hi the l>!ood nl iliut Kcilsfoi; of "liu vetr. liv t! ti*i??-ly ex? ; |.iiUkiii of il> iii Muii-y i'Aiikliii/ tliioid. r? are ' iiipix'it if 11??? Kin*.'lu can, ! >* lio ' mil of tl.ip r?*iiwi!v. Hji!ir?; iiiemselv^t. from t!i? fii'liiioiice uf louI eruption* mid uli-ei on* sores, ilii'?:iiKli which 'In* ?\*lein will thrive t.i rid it?=clt* of corrupt iouf. if i.Mt f*i?i>r?!ii to do lliia iliroii-jli inii'iirnl cliiiiiniln of the body by 1 ru alternative tiled nine, denude out the viI tinti d biood w Iifiicver you find i.a .lk-? i Imi'sliiijj through liie rkui in |-itnf>! *( , erupnuutv or sorce; demise it when y?u find it i? ?h-strutted mid nl?ijririsl? in tlie vetw?; ' iince it. wlieiierel il is foul, ?n.(l your f". iun^a will leil you when. Even whcre no , ..r'.ietilat disorder is felt, people enjoy belter health. and l'v? longer, f?r clemming llie blood. Keep the blo<>d healthy, and u!1 in well ; hut with this |hi).ii'u::i of life di.-ordi l ed. t here cun he no I last tie health. Sooner or l?tcr to-.ueihing muot go wiot>i? and the gtcnt machinery of lifo in disordered or overthrown. Snr?:i|.m illu Imip. i?ii<1 d? pervefmuch, tho rcipiitn< ioii, <>f Accomplishing then* ends. But tin* world lias l>< cti egregiou?!y deceived hy i'fej'iv: hi ions of it, jutttiy hecuneo tin* drug u.otie. Ims not uli the virtue that in claimed f^r it, hut more heeanfe mnnj* jirepni-HtioiiB pretend *i?t? to l-e concent ruled extinct? of it. coulntna hut lit lie ot the virtue of biirtsn|niri'ta or anything else. ltiit'.iu: lute years the public hnve hp. 11 tnicled hy lnr.;e hoitlpH pretending to e've aqnart ot'ilx-rnut ?if Sat.-aparillu tup ore dollar. Most 'I tiieije have heer fr.iml.< upon the rick, for they not only contain little tl hii> , r-nrsnpiiri'ila hiitoti'ii no corn live |ir?>i)er'teu whatever. Ilcnce hitler ttnd paiutiil rfisiippoiiitm?Mit has followed tin: tiir ot the Vijtiotitt extract# of ^ntKuMii i|!? which Hoo.l the market, Ulltil t !.e name itself i- jnM'x !ei-|it.-:ed. and hto? become a\I'Oi.ymot.? wi*h .u?|uiMtt4<>ii ntid elu-at. Still j we call 11t >< co'ii. oned S>.rsii|>Hi i!ln, and in? . lend tosupp'\ ftieh H reitudy iih j-linll re-euti j 'he name !ro:? the loud nf?liio'jiiy v hielt rest* j oj ott it. Ami ?ve thii ?c we have ground |nr helicviiit 5s h:'s virnics whi- It nr? it resi.s' *I 11?j ' } the ordinary rim ->f tire -.liee'is, it is tnt- n| te ?ded to cure In i.t'l'-l 'd fe'.'ti'i1 tin ir e-jtuI n'ete el'i'lioitt kiii ii '? >? the ?\-t cm tlo? remedy j -houlu ttdie?ol'-.iv tnkea according to ditco! i?>u3 n th.e t-tiltli' I Pre;-mied hy I?n. .1. C. AYKK d* CD.,. I f.oweii, 1'iiie, >'! per ljill.e; INS lint} tie? I.'. *5. Ayer's Cli rry Pectoral, ! Im.: won tot >?se S *U" Ii i> tor t tic cure I .?!' everv v-'ljifl V of 'Ihroa? fllld l.t: u ( 'in..? I Ih t tn-it it i-i entirely in,tie. >>i?r\ f'.r i.- <: J i*i* uiiti' 1 !w ?-\uli-ru-t* ?>!" H* virtii-.-?, v I -i ever I in ha- lihi'h ( .-t|. A- i'. ii.i* ifiij tn-iMi in rnii I mil us-- I In iiiii*!iotil thin a<-rl inn \t iiriv) '10' '<> incr- t'ifli) ?i#?'ii'?- !;? |m-i?j-!i* 't* ?j"? ii_i? i.~ k?-| i i)| tul In- lu?' it i'Ui IsiiH li ell, m-l 'liri! | it tiiii\ l.i> r.-iu.! mi In ii<> ft i (!i>.'ii i<!iil a!i i' ! lias l-,tii fmsii'l in iti?. Ayer's Cathartic PUIs, j Full I III. iVliK ill t o. tin lit** .fit a I the- I)ji>Ii p'/iiia. ! > . ! >: "nh.J'l.-iii .Vi^x.ucb, hr-tsifnlas, in-, t >,'< *, A7#< niaa'i.\?i, J-.rnp limns and Skin /?isr.txt.x I on iilaint, I'rofisi/, Tttlrr, Tumor* and S.itit li/n iun. it <iii:t* (j'hiif, Ararat; in, an a diimtr J'i'.i, and for J'uriJ inny the lilt): d. { 'J ln*y bie sUirftr-i'niiU'il, sn llmt the fimst cn.siiiv?? cnii t;iki* 1 in-iii )<ifnsiiiil!y, uinl tln-y ; are tli?r ln>t >tp?li>-iil in tint win M linr ail tlie i }>tir|-i>iit-H uf a tiimily |ili\.?i<\ 1'rici-, 2"> ceuta j jn*r Imx ; Five Hi x.f f .iji.llll. Cli ent i. umbers i.f Clersy men, Physicians, State>liie?, ami eminent |'ei>or.aues. lu've lent, their nuuus to cei-tity tin* unparalleled tiocfultie.-e id' these lill' miP Space hete will no1 permit thi- lr.i'otturn of them. The A?r-*ntt? l>cli>.v naiiifd furnifli rutin our N At.manai; tn wlticli tlu-y arejrivon ; with also full le.-i il|ii ion of ill- iilnt\e complaints, an J the ireattueut that should ho ti.l'owed lor llicir cure. I.?o not l?e put off by unpriociplt'd dealers witll other preparations limy make more profit, on. Item a lid AthiV ami take no others. The iek wm t the h.-sf aid thel'e id for lllviu, fttiti shey should have it All our *eiii?*dtM Are for n.^leby nil d-ti^g.lia BOWIE, LAFIT'TE & GOT, successors to BOWIE, ERO. & CO., Factors and Commission MERCHANTS, Central Wharf,| JOffN A. BOWIE. ) John u IJU-'IVIK. [ CHARLESTON, 3- C. EDW.ttU) tAHTTK. } S.'T.t, H. 180.0. 'JO. :tin ^ G. M. CALHOUN, J WAREHOUSE GEXE8.1L COMMON MERCMT, Reynold'* St., between Jncfeson and Mcintosh Axisxistaf CSret. | will intend strictly to tlu- ?aie of COTTON, BACON, GRAIN, And nil oilier produce consigned to luui. Per Borial ntlrution giving to lh?* filling of nil order* for Bagging, li: pr and Family Supplies. Liberal Gush advanced made on jn'oduue iu, rttore. June 21. I860, 8 tf , JAMES D. CHALMERS, .' a t ABBEVILLE O. II., S. C., DEALER IN ALL KINDS OF EUROPE IN an AMPRIf 4 V uvnvi unit 1111 i) xi iii u ii t v n 11 MARBLE, JoMfeceiwd thr?*> bundled $ewcp? 'tiijftttfvt with th* olj^ in?lim)ri<iwt)f'thA Urgent Stool;# irv Hi* State-which will h> gold as low arcau l>f bonghi in any oilier pluce. MARBLE SLABS, . 11 1 * * ' A f i I ^ 6 f?et l>y 8. frtfm $26' to $40 ! HEADSTONES {" from f8 to 'MOKtTMIOlSrTS r , : And Fancy Jttad Sj^ea always <0n toirether with a largo quantity of defli^na^wb'k-b can b? mede to orderikt i?hDrt iiftW. *'$!' . I^Uarbla Cutting ?n^ Cariinjc-h*aiTy JfiAtia s Jap. 26, J 8 60 40 . ' . 'A