Abbeville press. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1860-1869, November 09, 1860, Image 2

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life iDtMcbiilc -I^css. .Aiwig vi t^x/to" s.~c7. W. A. LEE, EDITORFriday Morning, November 9,1860. We diroct attention to llie ulTerliffmpnU) of Moore it Qunife, E. Andrcvrn, AJm'r; Wm. II. l*ark?r, CommiMipners of Roads and Bridge?. Attention is cnllrd to tlie correction ii me flaws ci ii?c oinun-'sioiicrs talc or the Ileal E?tateof A., deceased. The communication respecting the "Car- J onacco State Guards'' of 1838, van recoived, | hut too late for publication in this issue. We j elmll take pleasure in publishing it in our next, j THE' PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION. j telegraph we lenrn that Pennsylvania . will prolxlhly go for Lincoln t>y c0,000 tnnjorily. JCett York is 8Hid to lie hopelessly gone for Lixcou bv 30,000 to 40,000 majority, ? ?-*- . -~*~ STATE AGKICULTUBAL FAIE. Mr. K. F. IL^Wortii, General Superintendent of the (J. & C. Tlnil Roa<l, requests us to give j notice, tliut the iruius, during Fair Week, icill j not xtoji between Stations for passenger*. So j UCOL 1.1110 111 IIMMII, 111 ?>'U mill IWC 3 UUl UUO. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Coiifircpftiiiui nnd those who desire Pews in the Episcopal Chui*ch, are requested to meet in the Church on Saturdny morning Nov. 10, ' nt 11 o'clock, for the general arrangement of \S? tiiis mutter. SEWING MACHINE. All who are in wnnt of u good Sewing Machine would do well to call at otir office. We are prepared to furnish Grnver <fc ftritcr's 1. M. Singer it Co.'s, or Smith ?fc English's Machines nt less thiin New York Cash Prices.? j The Sowing Machine is one of the necessities j ?r .i i / i .?! - < VI me liy *"j nil u IIU J mil IV SIIO'JIll 00 WHIIOUl one. [Oct. 20. 1800, 20, if SERENADE TO MS. BOYCE. The Hon. \Y. \Y. liovcK wus tst-rcnided at the Congarec House, in Coluinhiti. on Tuesday night, mid inade a speech in which he reconiBlended lhe|iminedintt! Secession <>f t^outh Carolina. in the event of..Lincoln's election. After Jv ~ 4 ' ' mr. uoyce. ucn. n si, b. Martin, cbl. cfn mngiiam, Hon. \V. D. Simpson, Mr. O'Coxxou, F. D. RiciiAitusi'N, Esq., \V. Wiialry, >Esq., Mr. C. Butler, HnJ J. Hudson addressed the ) crowd, all taking position for immediate State action. | ELECTIONS. ] The following Presidential electors have been ' elected l?y the Legislature: I Fur the Stale at I.arrje.?Win. 1. Martin, A. ' 1'. Calhoun. First Congressional District?John William?, t Second Congressional District?Thomas Y. 1 Simon". ' Third Cong res tional District?George IV El , liott. '<*. | KVuwA /-v>. 1 frvi *" . iOO(VMUl JS131 r?Ct? 1 1IU1 III Villi* ' I 6011. 1 Fifth Congressional District?Jos. F. Gist. I Sixth C'ouffssioiial Distri et?R. 0. McUaw 1 Fire in "Williamston. A fire broke out iit the old purt of tlio Wil- 1 1 i liamxtoii Springs Hotel, aliuul '2 o'clork yester- j day morning, which laid waste the entire range | of buildings, oi> that side of the street, from 1 lie t rail road 10 the creek. We aro not advired ?8 to whether it was the work of an incendiary or the result of accident. The Hotel is covered by insurance to the amounl of ?3G,()00. The entire loss will nroha- ' blv exceed ?11)0.000, there being very little ' saved, and several merchants are among the euf ferers. Minute Men in Greenwood. At a meeting of the Greenwood .Minute Men, on Saturday lust, u subscription list was opened, and six hundred d<.IUrn subscribed ill a few rnin uteu, towards the purchase of arms, if necessary, for the company and for other pur|>osc6. Should the State fail to provide arm* and equipments,, for htr Minute Men, this Company is resolved to arm themselves in I lie defence of their homes and institutions. The Silver Grays, (honorary members of the corps,) were among the foremost C Bud most liberal in this patriotic duty. 1 The Greenwood corps i? now fully organized, i and numbers more than sixty effective men. A HEW HEAD?CHANGE OF NAME. "With the pieeelit issue of our paper, we have donned a new head, and assumed the nsftie of "The Abbeville Press," instead of "The Independent I'rcuH." The new name is, we'think, equally euphonious, and in other resDects nref*rftlil? i? * , ... ?..c uiu inline. It flC61gnates our "local habitation," and associates us H I 10 name at in f*ptT with the District with which we are identified in interest, and 1 to whose liberal support we arc so much indebted. Tho time honored name of '*Abbe- f ville " is one which no sonct^faer* would willingly withhold frc'm hi* escutcheon. , ' Th?? condition of our paper was never more f prosperous, and we trust that in assuming the 1 iiaiuc oi "Abbeville." we will have a.constant f reminder of past favors received, and of the present duties which we owe to our nectiin. . CHEEKING HEWS FROM ALABAMA, HUB- 1 8I88IPPI, AMD GEORGIA. ) The Editor ol the Carolinian has converged i with a gentleman who brings cheering news j I from the Executive* of the above State*. Gov. a Partus, of Mttsissippi, on thereceipt of the new* '1 of LiKpout's election, will immediately con- i vene the Legislature. The Disunion vote will r k* overwhelming. The Governor of Georgia t will call for a large appropriation to arm the State. Gov. Moodk, of Alabama, will innne- ? <Jint?ly issue writs of election for a new Legis- r jlatufw. In -Louisiuna it is thought that the i Disunion movement will prevail, and Florida 1 is sui4 to consider heraelf in advance of South i Carolina. We have do fe?rs of Southern co- i operation. The cotton States at least must be < unit?d. i THE 8TATE FAIR. ."Tlie fifth ftnuuitl Fair of,the State Agricul tur?i Society of Sputh (^arylina, will be bj-U | at Columbia, on the 13th, 14tl?. and lfith .November, . Premiums will be awarded for all articles < f Agrloalral, HorticuJtiiral.Pomologleal and Mechanical interest, as wall ne-for aft. : article* ef Ivies' fancy work_ and dome#Ue economy, embraced in a very comprehensive , pretniom lift, which may be obtained by-application to R. J. G ags, SecejHary, Fair Format C, or .to Rr- M. Stocks, Colombia. s _ -fc - - thi Viotlawtr n? m'amt*obocoh.~At* meetUoghjeld i%AI?r)boroogb, o??r,^hioh M??fHoo. C. W,,J>vdley preaifled^tHMBurea wera instituted ft* the prganfutioo of Committees of VigU - tan da in tjje Dim net, with a Central Commit- ' t% wwlpiSKi of f*?orii living fa fit fl?ar tha 1 TUlaga .6 nL -.c! j THE NEW EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The Ceremony of the Consecration of the iNow Episcopal Church of our Village was performed on Sunday last, by the ltight Kev. Tho?. F. Davis, and ussisted by the Pastor, the Kev. It. JuIimiii, and the Uev. Messr* W. I?. Howe, A. II. Cornish. 11. W. Itarnwe'l i ! an<l B. 1? Iluhcrshaui. The religious services i of the Church commenced on Friday previous. ' and on this, and the succeeding days very ahle i and excellent di.-courses were delivered by the Bishop rind the. all ending Clergymen. On Sunday the Chureh was crowded to its J utmost capacity, and the exercises were of the i most interesting eharact.ei*. Tli?- morning sor- j i I mon was preached I'V the K?;v. I'rolr Hai ri'wvll, | ( I of the South Carolina College, from I lie text, [ "Other foundation can no man lay. than that is | laid, which in .Icsus Christ." It was trtiij n j ' magnificent discourse, und otic of the most i t aide a tit] eloquent thai we have over listened j t to?presenting ?n elaborate exposition of the j j offices of tho Divine Recdeenier in the Kcon- j , otny of Salvation, ? ? the Author and Finisher ; 1 of the Christian'* Faith, Hope and Eternul j I Happiness. The Sermon would have done j ( credit to nny mind in the State, nnd contained | many passages of great beauty and eloquence. Mr. Harnw-ll bus a fine person, und eloquent eye. a t?ood voice, and n graceful and inipres- v hive delivery, ^tnd finds no difficulty in com- t, manding lite undivided attention of uu au dienee. At. niglit after an admirable Sermon from the Ivcv. Win. B. Howe, the Kite of Confirmntion ( wiis administered l?v the Bishop, and a very interesting and impressive discourse was delivered l>y him, in behalf of the Scriptural nnd c Apostolic authority for the Ordinance. 1 The Church is u beautiful Gothic Stru-furc. a nnd is one of the handsomest edifice* in the j o upper country: reflecting great ertrdil in its | '| design and construction upon the architect, j I *?eu. a. n niKlT, <>l * omnium, itinl the cr?n- I ti truMors, Messrs. l>lcrtso & Huxler. of New- I) herrv. The syo.inetry ?>f its exterior, ninl ' u tlit* convenience of its interior arrangement* v luive lieen very generally admired. Enter- ! si inlt l?y the ninplc doorway, n spacious centre I |-( aisle nnd two side aisles, conduct to welleush- | ,i ioned sea's, and to the rear of the I>ni 1?1 iiitr. ' ui On either hand a re the Inrtre Oothie Windows : of Stained (ilas*. through whicli the "din1., re- I 0( liuious light," falls 1:1 r ivs nf many a fantastic | j; hue; whilst in the rear is the henut.iful Chan j ,, eel, with its soft carpe'od floor, its stuccoed . j, ceiling, and rich stained (.'lass window. Tlii.-i ! t; window has been tiutch admired, and is one of; ,i tliH finest in the State; representing the figure i ? of Christ bearing his cros?, und ?uiT<>uiiJcil ! wiili tunny appropriate devices. | An all motive feature i>f the Chftnecl# is the , ((| beautiful Marble Slob of tin- Communion Tn- | a ble. a handsome present to the Church, from ' the generous donor, Mr. J. I>. Chalmers. of our ' w village. Mr. Chalmers, has furnished other I ? specimens of artistic skill in a tine Marble i Baptismal Font. *nnd an J exquisitely polished!'^ Tablet, which has been creeled to tlie ineinorv ' of the late Tiiomas Pakki'.u, the founder of! m Trinity Church. n| In a recess to the rii?lit, of the Reading Desk, j c< lias been placed I lie New Organ?a sweet 1 . loned instrument from tlie well known ostah-| ishnient of Mr. Julm Baker, of Charleston. | I'lie Organist is I'rof. Aichel, of the Coke#- | |l'J Jury Masonic Female College. agisted by n ; line Choir of ynnnt; ladies nml gentlemen. | ^ The Church IJell is a ptvftent from the lion. I j f. Foster Marshall. and is 11 fine specimen of j MHithern manufacturing skill from the well- ! * tnown Fouiiilrv of Me^rs. John Alexandlr ! "j k Co., of Columbia, S. C. j The interior decorations of the Building? H he cushions, the curtains, the carpels, ?fce? Ac., | ^ luve been furnished l>y the ladies of the Con? i rregation, nn.l r< l!?*el great credit upon tlieir ' ft-tc unil liberality. ^ The l>aiiitiii|r of Ihe inferior of the Church I ia? been executed by Mr. John Corbett of our j ^ tillage, and for taste anil finish the graining j lud frosting could scarcely .be excelled. The (,'ongregiilion have reason to congratn? I w ate themselves upon the completion of Ibis ] tfiiuiuui tMiinco, ?inl for thi<? result tlii-y linve * ?een indebted to most liberal contributions at {.j ionic am) abroad, ninl to llio untiring energy >1 ilic pastor, llic llev. H. .IoIiiii<oii. ORGANIZATION OF MINTJTE MEN. j Wet are indebted to the Secretary*, Jno. G. ! |n S.iskin, Esq., for a very full report of the pro- n> seeding* of a large aud enthusiastic meeting nl >f the citizens of the upper portion of the I>is- ' rict at Wickliffs Store, on Friday last, for the m purpose of organizing a company of Minute I *p den, which we regret that we are unable to ! ?' mblish in our iircwnt k?h.i 1 ?lj On motion of II. M. Pi ince, Capl, Jno. K irownlee was called to the chair ; an<i appro- ei >riute specclu'R wore delivered l>y Col. Mht- w hall; Gen. MeGowan; Gen. Smith and W. X Wilkes. Ecq. The names of forty-six activc member?, and w wentv honorary members were booii obtained '!' * * { til On motion of J. W. Black, ft committee of |Vf? VVfld nmrninh..! kt? "L ... -? ,rr......u uji mc (hum iu urnib a re Constitution and By-Laws for the Company. nt Hie Committee were J. W. Black, J. J Cun- , al linghnm, G. B. Clinkscalcs, M. B. Latimer, Vm. WicklilF. ra On motion of J.J. Cunningham, a commit? ee of five was appointed by tin- eliair to ob? ain signatures to the active list of Minute j| len. The Committee were Win. WicklilF, W.J. toberlson, Jau Miigee, Joliu Wakefield and W. t0 Vinee. or j. J. Cunningham moved that this meeting djourn to meet at tlie same place on Saturday he 17 ill inst,, at 10 o'clock, A. M., W receive ( ( lie report* of the Committee ; adopt a Consti ution, and eject officer*. It was unanimously m igreed to. rj-| The Chairmnn then invft.(<3 the company Co jt] >art..kc of a Pic Nic Dinner, which had been irepared in an adjacent grove?two separate nf ubles had been prepired for the gentlemen ind ladies, and were bountifully supplied with he best of the land. Tue Catholic Ciiuicii.?The dedication ot hi# noble structure to God, on last Sunday, tli vas a mo?t imposing ceremony, performed, 11.1 n' t was, by the Right Rev. Bishop Lynch and lia assistant Clergy, with all the pomp and H n|.n..u.. J ? ? W.V...UM.J uciuiiiiuea ?>y ao suMiine an occasion. T. fhe capacious teinj?l<; was filled ?o o^rAov- p ng with all denominations of our people, and lothing whi oniittod that might have contribn- w ed to the grandeur and glor3' of the Fcene. ? The Clioir was nseistcd by the best performers *jj nid stu'gerB in Charleston, and bcttee Church f() nemo never raised the aspiration* of man to- w pards Heaven. *' ftie Bishop delivered a chaste, clear and elo. ? juent address in the morning, and in the evfening Dr. O'Connel, of Columbia, made an able at viodiicaticn of the dootrine of Lransubstantiaiutn.^Edgrjielj Adtkrtiter. >' 61 **" ,c Cuba asd m ReebuncKs?4b6* SdoabC*op or nt in Aft?A _ ?? ..nv.m nurn, uy ttenor Carlos Retjallo p Iiom ju?t made iU appeai-flope at iUvaonff^gWing the Btntiatica of the^?ujr*>'<$fftp ol 18C0,; * taking the produWiOr. ofigESreatate separately ^ as well as in li?? aggregate. fVom the author*a B figures it appear# that tha ernp ?f .thia fttf* was cot from 700,000 aerea, or about ona fofty ' fourth of llie total area, of ih? I ?? wuMJH . aoiouoU to, 80,7*1.000"' aci e<L The averag* yield psr aero ^as about ftjfclrteen hundred jj WAf&ht, rfrrtMsfag, fdttr ifcaU per pj*Jod, boot $62 ?#? ' i'-XiHn ' A movement ja *n fttf^to erect a monument < to Hon. W. C. PtiwroM, *t a cost of $10,000. X This amount is ta<b* raised principally by the n Alumtfl of tlje ^ipth/^arolina College, though C EU^y a^miree ofiJooth C^rp)ioa*agreat orator o ,n fio' 'way ?ofloeej^l >itt> Wat inattention b bare lib?raHy*co-o)>finrt?i^ jn iM-Worfc, t] ; ' ' .' - South Carolina Legislature. The South Carolina legislature, ill pursuance of the Proclamation ol the Governor, usseiublcd ia Columbia ou Monday hist. In the Senate, the llou. F. J. Mosta was called lo the Chair, certificates of election read, and iiiemhera duly qualified. Tli" Hon. \V. I). Poutbh \?u8 unanimously elected President, and upon R**umiiig the Chair, addressed the body in n short, but impressive speech. Ceii. W. K. Martin whs th.-n elected Clerk, A. D. Coouwvn Reading Clerk, uud Gailt.Aiio Dooike ?*prr In the House of KeprefliUit iv?<h, Mr. Rovi.ksroN, of Faitfield, upon motion of Mr. Iil'IST, of .'Imrleston, was called to the Chair, for the purJose of oririiiiiziitinii 'I'l... ?u,.iaIj? . on were lead, and (lie member* rlucicil duly wi>rn in. A ballot was ordered for the election >1 Speaker, utid (Jen. Simo.nj having received llU voles?nil the voles cast?was decltied manimously elected. Upon being conflicted o the Chair, the Speaker returned his thanks in eeling and appropiiate terms. Tlic following message was received from His "xeeUcncy the Coveriior, and read by his l'ri j ate Secretary, Col. Watts. It. coininuuded the artiest attention of the IIuusc. Exkcltivk Dkiwhtmi.nt, ) COLL'.MIttA, ri. C., Nov. 6, lbliu. \ itHllrmcii of' thr Si-iuitu (iml (he. Uouse of lleprc.vntativcs : The Act of Congress passed in thcyear IKl'5, n.icts thai "the Klcctors of President and Vice'resident shall he appointed on Tuesday nexl tier the first Monday of the month of .November f the year in which I hey are to be appointed.'' 'lie annual meeting of the Legislature of South Carolina, by a constitutional provision, will not nke place until the fourth .Monday in Novetncr instant, and I have considered it my duty, ?(.> nj VI'IIIVMCU liJMIII IIIC IU CUIIcue I lie Legislature on exlraorditiaiy occnions. lo convene you, that you may on lo rnormv appoint the number of Klecturs of Prciiout uiul Vict* l'rc-ident to which this Statu in milled. Under ordinary circumstances, your duly ould toon he discharged, hy the election of lectors, representing the choice of the people f the Slate; but in view of tli* threatening as I eel of affairs, and the strong probability of the | lection to the Presidency of a sectio .ni candi:ite, l>y a party committed to the support of icasures which, if cairicd out, inevitably de:roy our equality in the Union, mid ultimately ] - 1 .1? w? 1 t - . . .-UIIU- uic ouliilli.Tll rsiaiCS lo mere proVlliecS I'a coii^liiluti'il despotism, lo be governed by ] fixed ni'ij rity in Congress, hostile to our initutions, and faintly bent upon our ruin, 1 ' 011M respeeltally suggest thai the Legislature main in session, and take such action as will reparc the State for any emergency thai may , rise. Thai an expression of tlie will of the people ' ay he oblaineil on a question involving hitch i omentous coii?e<|Uciices, I would earuustly re- j untnend, that in the event of ili^vlcCtiou of braham Lincoln to the l'rcsiili-ncy; a Oonveiion of the people of this State be immediately ' tiled lo consider and determine "the mode and eafiire of redress." My own opinions of what the Convention j > o it hi do me of little moment; but believing nit illt< lime bus anived when every one, how- ! ' ,*er huinble be may be, shotijd express hit) linions in unmistakable language, 1 uin con- { ( rained to sav. that the onlv ullrmntivn !..(> i y judgment, is tiie secession of South Curo- 1 nu from the Federal Union. The 111 (Jieuiioim ' oin many of the So thern Stales justily the 1 inclusion that the Kecehxion of South Carolina ( ill ^be immediately followed, if hot adopted multaiieously by them, ami ultimately by the tire Soi.ili. 'l'he long desired eo operation of ( m other Stales, having similar institution:',~fi>r i hioli the State Iiuh been wailing, ceems to b? , arer at hand, and, if we are. true to ourselves, ill noon be realized, 'l'he State has, with eat unanimity, declared that she lias the right enenltly to secede, and no pow er on earth can ghtfully prevent it. If, in the exercise of tiitrarv power, and forgetful of the lessons of ( storv, tire Government of the United States iniild jliriti|>t coercion, it will heenme-our m?l??ii diiiy ti meet force l>y force ; and whatever 8 ay lie tlic decision of the Convention rt-jiiv- '1 uting tlie sovereignly of tlie Slate ? mid j nennble to no earthly tribunal?shall, during ic remainder of my adiniiiistialion, be cariied i tljfo the letter, regardless of any hazards that f ay surround its execution. I would, also, re- I lectfully recommend a thorough reuigaiuzufion ( tlie Militia, so ns to place tlio whole military rce of .the State in a position to be tided nt the irtrtest notice, anil with the greatest efficiency. c ver? man iil'flbe Stule,*t>et\veen the ugPB of t gbieen and torly five, should be well armed ? ith the iitOHt effective weapons of modern nrfiire. and nil the availul]f? menus of the 1 late userl for th?il purpose. 1 I.. 1,1.1:1;..,. ?.. it,;- 1 ? ? * - |'I Cjiui III inn, i t Ollld also recommend thai die .services or Ion ( otimilul Volunteer# be immediately ucce|>let] ; . at they be orjjnnizedand drilled by officers ' l<iFPII by themselves, bold Uieliifel ven in 1 in l.o >...11?1 < uv vu "I'VII lliv BIIUrtVM >1 ice. Willi this preparation for defence?and witli I the hallowed memories of past achievements j iind with <>ur love of liberty and hatredof ty- . miy?anil with the knowledge that we are intending fur ihe safety of our hornet* and lireJen?we coiitiden tfy a'j prHl to the I>ii>|io8er of I hiiinnn event*, and eufely Iruist our cause in is keeping. WM. II. GIST. In Ihe House Mr. Cunningham (of Charley 0 n) offered a resolution authorizing the Gov- ( nor to u?e the appropriation of $100,000 dcred by the Acts of lSf)9, for any proper irpose of common defence and penco rejircmcnts. i The recomm^ndutions of the Governors essage were niaile the special order for lureday at 1 o'clock jn the Senate and House. (| i the House \V. 0. Inglis hns .Wen elected t wading Clerk; A. 1*. Nicholson messenger, id C. M. Gkay Door-keeper. OOUMUSICATKP. MEETING OF MINUTE MEN. (Jnt-iii.c.s'a Mills,Oct. 8'?tli, I860. f Mil Editoc : I'ursunut to a call-made by T o Executive C"mmiltoe, n mooting was held ] C'aIhoun's Mills on Saturday Inst- for. Hi* jj irpose of fotming a Company of Minute en. The meetine u'os organized by calling i>n. A. Burt to the clinir ami appointing O. I'oicher, Sec'v. ... s CoL Marshall beincr present, in bf-hnlf of tl.e ' cecutive Committee. explained in a few words, e object of the organization: said that ha ns aorry that it had been reported that it bad i\thing to do with party viewa: that it was " iiiply an organization for our own safety, and u safety of our wives and chihlrcn. lie was m Mowed hv Gen. Kihith and Col. Talmani who armly advocated the necessity apd duty of is move. When lliey had concluded lion- A. urt was called upon for his views touching the i ? -e ? ?i -? 'iiiM ai nc|<cui ui wur vwumrj , OIIU r**0|?UI??ir?I n speech, full of ?ouod seued and patriotism, id called upon every man to nwnke to the ' inger of oar (itaaliorr, and prepare for the 1 neryeticy^., * A ComttlUfa' of- five wa? then appointed for ' 'Halting n nth en for tlio Company?-committee ineiflt of Mwir/i, J. J, J**e, 0. T? Porober, E, ' , Parker, W? J>. Mar*. Wm. MoKelve/;* I A committee wu appoipt-e<J for preparing J Coiitfifutjon for (36v?ron??utvofth* Compa- f jr.of Minute Men, euDgiftti jf Co). Taliban, ftfl. Taggart, C*pt, Jonaa, Wn. MoBryd*. * nd James He&elvey. * ' > X It vm agreed that a moating be held at the . ime place on the 2d Saturday of Jipvefcher,', J ?r>or?taouing Mid oompany, add that* dinner \ . fu^nUhed W W ' It Wat thep m6*?d tf?M tivn proc-eediaga be ,c obluiied in the Bttfi agd Banner. llOff. A. lJUHT, (Mix, 4 0. T, Towobku, 8<(>,^'-| m Rox. Wx. FoMM^Iftto':?The Wnahwgtob f Totutiii^n aa*!?<wiwri happy to b? a We to kattf thiUlb if: dia^wgkuhetf and able genii*- 1 ian hat ttsen re ewfed U> Cojigreee from tko Charleston Diatiriet of 8<*it^C*ro)ifte.**Iibort* < ^Cliarleatop constUoeaw^*. e?j (COMML'KICATKU.) Mb. Eihtoh: The next mail may bring ns tin* unwelcome news tliat Lincoln i? elcctud President of these LiniteJ Slate-, ami llanibliu, llie k lucky head llanibliu, Vice President. Sons of the South, will you oequieoce ! Will you acquiesce? Will you submit to inimical sectionalism, ami free negro rule. If you toy. No! to your tenlr, thru, and lot us buckle on our armour. Minute Mm, to the rescue. a 'i'lie honor and safely of your section calls _jw.. , inc meg in jour wives aim children nre tit stake; full in line, nml let Abbeville glorious old Abbeville, have tlic honor, first, to present lo tlie Coininmider-in-Chief, nn organised Ib-ghneiit of Minnie Men. Ninety-Six linn formc<l a company and elec ted officers. Greenwood nlso with seventy men, mid tlie following officers: Gcn'l Perrymnn, Captain; Col. I). Wyntt Aiken, lit Lieut. ; Jno. T I'aiks, 2d Lieut. Win. Applctou, 3d Lieut. Cokenlmry, witlisixty men and tlie following officers: Ludlow Hodges, Cnpt.; .1. K. Vnnee, 1st. Lii-ut.; L. I). Connor, 2d. Lieut; J. K. Vlllice, 3d Lieut. Abbeville C. II., with 80 men and officer* ns follows: Jus. M. Perrin, Cnpt.; Jns. C- Calhoun, 1st Lieut.; Jno. G. Kd wards, 2d Lieut.; Jim. (J. Wilson, 3d Lieut. UrndlyV. willi over fifty men ns follows: Gell. UnidleV, Cnpt- . I>r. Jno. W. Hearst, 1st. Li'-ut.; W. K. Llrudley, 2d Lieut.; Uobt. Lite#, 3d Lieiit.. Calhoun's Mills and Tribles or Wickli(T.< are forming in large numbers, and Dii" West i r Donalds is determined not to be out done.? Fortv trood and vnlimii niim? ? -? ? -- upon the list, ami forty more can be obtained, rhis n:nkcM the. Iteginient of Might Companies. Three doers for tlie Mir.ulc Men of Abbeville! MINUTK MAN. TRIBUTE 0? RESPECT. At n iii-:i:liug of Jlascom Lodge. No. 8<>, lielJ in Cokesl'iiry, October 2tilh, \. ])., 18C0, Ihe following I'reniiible nud Resolutions were unanimously adopted: We have learned with regret that it lias ['leased an AII \Vi?o Providence to remove fi otn us our inueh esteemed IJruther and fellow citizen JOHN \V KrfLKY COCHRAN. tvho after a brief <tn?1 pailful illness, died at the residence of his brother, mi iln> lsil> ii.*? Ihsolrrd, That in (lie death of Brother J. IV. Ci>i'lirun, the Fraternity lias lost nn invuli.ibb> membi-r, and this lodge is called to iiourii orcr a faithful servant, who by a life of ntegrity anil uprightness, nnd by a full deve 1 <>11111 ent of ell the social virtues, has endeared himself to all who knew him. Jiraolvtd, That we sincerely sympathize with the relations of the deceased in their nflietion, and that we cordially extend to them >ur sympathy and condolence. llcxolned, That as a tribute of respect to our leparted brother, the jewels of this lodije be :!ud in mourn ing: a page in our Record Book je consecrated to bis memory, and that we A?iii wear the usual badge of mourning for .hirty days. li'Kolvrd. That the Secretary transmit a copy >f these resolutions to the relatives of our debased brother, also a copy to the district papers for publication. M. STRAUSS, See'y B. L-, No. 80. Extraordinary S-i-uncii from a Soltheiis Con ki'^huan.?Hon. Emcrron Kllioritlgc, a memtvr of Congress from Tunne.'see, recently ma<le l speech in Imliann, an ! a writer to (he repubicnn press of the North gives its subslunce as 'oilows: . *S" "lie exhorted liis political friends to cast way all ideas of supporting a 'Bell'ticket in ndiaiia, and give their united support to Lin-. :oln. lie advised tliaL all the efforts of the inited opposition should be directed to the iverthow of the democratic party, which could )e only be done by defeating their candidates is ninny States as possible. He said if lie lived ii Indiana he would vote for Lincoln, but as ic lived in a State where his owirticket had a :hance, he would vote for Ilell. This advice rem a mau of the position held by Mr. Ltherdge in hia party has great weight with the members of that party in Indiana." Qcf.ry.-?Have j*ou seen that hig Indian in uiollicr cnliinin boiling Root*, Barks and Leave* or tlie "Cherokee Ueinedy I" 9. HYMENEAL. MARRIED, on the Iltli ult., at ih? rpsidftiioe .f the bride'* father, Mr. WM. \V. SKIU.ITO, formerly of Ahhfville, S 0., to .Miss MAltIA C. GATES, of Ili-Hilly Countj*, Ark. COMMERCIAL. ABBEVILLE, KOV. 8. | C'orrov.?Our market hns presented quite a ively nppearnice f:?r llie past week, and buyera nve manifested no littSe anxiety to get liold of he Maple. The receipt" during the past week mount to over 500 hales, which hag be?n disosed of a? priced ranging from 9^ to 10$ cents tHAMBURG, Nqv. S. Cottos.?Our market bus heen rather lively or the pnet week, and full price* were pnid. Ve quote Good Middling to Middling Fair, hi i l i>??*? - - . j ? ...o. iicLi'i^ka i?r me ua.ii iwo weeks nro 1713 bftle?. COLUMBIA, Nov. 5. Our market lio* be?-n quim unsettled. The nle? 169 hale*. nt a decline of ^c. We quote xtreme*-8 to 10}. CHARLESTON, Not. 3. Cotton.?The market to-day ?< very quiet, ud in some instances price* *how a downward endeucy for the lower and middling grade*. STATE - AGRICULTURAL FAJB. SUPEMNTKN DENTS OFBIOR, O. AC. R. R. ) Columbia, Oct. 24, I860. J Vinitors to tfie State Agricultural Fair, to he leld at Columbia, commencing or. Taetday. 3tli November next, will be pasaod over thi* <>ad, for ONE FARE, on Saturday, Monday* Tueadav and Wednesday. RETURN TICKETS will b? given, good for my day lo, and including Satnrday. 17th of FoTaraWr. And Stock "and all articles IN*. I'KNDKP FOR EXHIBITION* will b? trnx: >orie4 *t tha ovnava riek?||Ve' of Charje For this pnrpna??.* ?|>ifctav tc^in will lefva >re'?pvilif on Satord^y, l^Arettbar 10th, at 6 Pef?on|i wfthfng to avail themselves of thi* >lWJagk*C* reminded of the ne*e?atv Of civLeiklt Oha TissV tfe quantity and ehafa6Ur of the Hock, to he flipped. , with Stock wiH b?^tty ."& ?*? Ac?ft t^.liho: will be notified of the {?Kw tHe^ioflk Train ct their jttlkm ah*rg?d on *11 art'eta i|p? o?, 2?, lew, ' . ^,;Y. . -; OBITTJ.AyiR'Sr DEPARTED this life, on Monday evening* 20th uh., ;tt h?*r residence, near Cokeslutiy. in Abbeville District,S C.,Mi>. NANCY VANCK wife of John Vance. <?gcd fifty-six yours, six iiioiiiIih, ami cloven days. She leaves u husband, lour daughters, anil numerous friends und relatives, in mourn her l?.f?. The deceuned whs a member of the Methodist Church for near !Ju veais. and liore her last, I0113 illness with the pit-' lience, fnriitude, and ivsipnuiion of a true christian. The summons did not come unexpected, and we thank (?od that t>he wns prepared feuflen-ly and cheerfully to meet it. Modest and unassuming in her miers, pure and gentle in j her disposition, it limy in truili lie snul "to know I her, was to love Iter."' The truthlul friend, the kind. iillceliotitile wife and mother, has pns.-vd I from time to eternity. May those of us who snivive, profit by her . virtuous example ?nd j ciiriMi inn advice, hntl "m-iy our hitter end be hk* lien-." K. flkiy Will die lamrensville llcruld and I'ulriot I mill Mountaineer please copy. DISSOLUTION O U1 CO-PARTNERSHIP. ''fHK Co.l'arlnorvliip liori-toforc cxisllnp be1 Iwwii MOO Hi: & (jL'AlKK. wits dissolved on tliu 15th day of .September, 1800, by limitation. TIiw NOTKS nnrt ACCOUNTS will-be found ut our obi stand until the l&lli inst, niter which linitf. In-y will be nl.iced iu the hands of JusKiMi T. Moonv: for ciilt'ctinn. WM. C. MOOKE. Cll AS. F. QU A IFF,. Nov. 7, I8.1O?20 3t Wsmmum Estate of JOHN 1. GRIFFIN, DECEASED. I)Y IVrmisstion of the Ordinary of Al?h< villc y District, 1 will soil at the late residence cf JOHN L. GRIFFIT * c'd, ON Fll THE 30TH INST., ALL TIIE TinnriAlT a r n^nn FMisuML mm OF SAID DIJC'D CONSISTING OF SOME 17 LIKELY NEGROES, 5 MULES, A Pair of MiMMl 3GHSSS km n&RRi&RP aw WIIIUIMIUbj ALAO, 0 Q 9 W 0 SF? CORN, FODDER. OATS, WAGON, OX CART. IIMIKIIJI S, KITdllBI! FURNITURE, CATTLE, HOGS, PLANTATION TOOLS," AND OTHER PROPERTY w TERMS?as usual?12 mojitlis credit, note approved security. The debt bearing interest from time of s.tle.' E. ANDREWS, Administrator. I _ . * INOV. Bill, 1 SCO, 28, 3t The State of South Carolina. ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. Elizabeth Harris, ) vs. I JJill for ??!? of proper Wm. Il irrig and wife j ty ?tc., and olliors. ' J PURSUANT to order of Court, I will sell at r.iblie ont?ry at Abbeville C II., ou Sole Day in DECEMIiEIt. next (3d) between Fifteen or Twenty LIEELT NEGROES. for the purposes set forth iu said order AL ? O Two or Three Horses. ? TERMS,?A aredit of twalve months with intercut from day of eale. Pim-haaers to Rive Bonds with al least two good sureties, pay the costs in ciuh, and pay for*paper*. WM. II. PARK12R, c. s. a. d. Ckmimicsioner's Office, > November 6, 18C0. J 29 4t The State of South Carolina, ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. la Equity. cujMoeitt r.ngllah, at, al ) t<) taj| froparty. ? ,, * *,.. , i Partition, A. o. David J. English, et. ?1. > PURSUANT to ?o Order -Court, I will sell Ht public out ory, at Abbevul* 0. a, on a?u T*.. ? ? n ' "" wwic *s?v in u*ocu?p?r nest, H**l estate of Ijpit iel JSti|pi*faf deceased, in Abbetille patriot, continuing ?OP JLOZtJBM, wore or tew, au4 bounded by lands of-,. -? Ak?, ?. Vim w Qt nw-^ @r x* o o ?. - < Tjejam.. of pd? nod I wo yev*. witb ir?Ur?#t from .the *l?y of ?aU, p<?yabla annually. Pm?htMra to cite boufta. wid$ *1 irasi Mil ffn?.lui' .MrffcM p*y tho ooati in etefa^a'pd Afoior paper* wx 4? * m? The Stale of South Carolina. ALyfiKVlLLK DISTRICT. In Equity. Morris T>. Iloelio ) and lSctliiii liia wifV. ) Uill for I'nrtilion Ac. vh. I Anne Owen ami others. J PURSUANT to an order from Cliirf Justice O'Neill I. I will *ell at l'tihljc iii>i?rv. at | AM>"vill? (J. II. on Sale Day in DliC'KMJJEH ' next, (:irl) the Kenl Katiilc of THOS. E. OWEN, Dec'd, ! IN FOUR TRACTS AS.FOLLOWS; 1. The Noble Tract, Continuing TWO HUNDRED ACRES, more or less. 2. The Home Tract, Containing FOUR HUNDRED ACRES, more or less. * 3. The Mathis Tract, Contninintf TllltEE HUNDRED mid TllIR| 'l'Y ACRES, more or Icj-b. 4 The Jews Land Tract, Containing TWO HUNDRED ACRE-*, inoro or li-bs. These hin<l? lio on the AnguMn Rond, nhout 2 ini!i-s from Ahhrville Court House. l'lull* will be exhibited on the iliy of ss^le. ? A L S O ? "Tin A "I" AT fv I I HA I LUI IN I Kt TOWN OF ABBEVILLE, Onlniniiiir nl.out TIIUHE QUAR AC'.t.E inure or loss, honnde-l by lands of Joitn \\ liitc nnd M. Winstoek, on two sides an>l thp other eides hy Public Street.-1. On this Lot ir a suinll | linn?". ?l-c. I It-UilJS.?A "Irp'lit. of one nml two yenra willi interest from tiny of salt*. I'urclisiPfr* to irive Jiomls witli lit li'imt two good sureties,pay the costd in cash *ml pav for pnpera. WM. II." PA UK lilt, C. K. A. D. CoinmijsionHi-'s OHici>, ) Kovembcr 6, lBGu. J 29 4t The State of South Carolina. A rtFfL'T-rr t I.? T.rti/n?ir/,m UX JLJAJl's J ltls L* i/iOi/l/l i . In Equity. WTm. J*. Pressly, ) Jus. C. Boyd, adtnr's. f vs j Rill for Partition, Ac. Mnriellft Prepsly J and others J 1)UKSTAXT toan Order from Chief Justice .O'Xeall. I will Hell m. Putiiic Outcry, at at Abbeville Court House, oil SALLDAY IN DKCIiMliLMt next, the Heal Estate of Dr. E. E. PRESSLY, deo'd As follows: 1. The Home Tract, Containing aboutTIIRKE I1UNDRF.D ACRES, more or less, on the il<^?d Waters of Loiic Cane Cruek, and bounded bv lands ol'Samuel I'm it. Ui.l.MV nnrl'/il K... o 12. The House Tract, I'nrt. of 1 lie I'lnntiit ion Tract, containing FOUR 1IU.NI>UE1> AClliis, more or less. 3. The other portion of "Plantation Tract," Containing about Til REE HUNDRED ACRES more or >e?s. Those t wo Tracts ore bounded liy lands of Andrew Dunn, William Agnew and others. 4. Another Tract,. Containing about TII11EE HUNDRED ACRES oiore or leas, anil hounded by lauds of T 23 n 3VE S . A credit o/ 12 months, with interest from J*y of sale. Purchasers to irive lion with at. l?;a*t two ^ooil sureties, par- the cnsl? in cash, nnd pay fot^mpern. The paid Tracts will l>e re-surveyed, and PJatts exhibited on the day of sule. ? i\rM. ft.- PARKER, c.e.a.d. v Cprnfjty^jKionerVGffk-t, ) ICtfvember 6, 1SC0. J The State of South Carolina. ABBEVILLE DISTRICT. In Equity. I ' rucilJft Willintus, ) I i l \v-Vi*: ? i Bill for Partition. ..Iijah >\ iiu.iins and 1 others. J | |3U^SUANT to *n order from Chief Justice | JL i win gen in luuiic ouK-ryoi AH. bevillc C. II., on Snip l>?y in DECEMBER next, (3d) the Real Estate of John Williams, dec'd. viz: 1. The Home Tract, Lying on Mulberry Creek, WatCM of Saluda River, contaii.iog 236 ACRES, More or legs, bounded by J?ndii of Jolin Vance, | A <lalUAl>f nii/1 <>l (i*Vvnj I 2. The Arnold Tract, CONTAINING KK ATUTC uu nuiijuijj More or lew, bounded by lands of Alex. Riley, Green Riley, and ftthers. TERMS.?A Credit of 13 months with interest. from the day of sale. Purchaser to give i Bond with at least two good sureties to Sfcure the purchase money, pny the costs in cash and pay for papers. ! WM. H. PARKER, a * a. d. Commissioner's Office, ) November 6. 1860. J 20 ' 4t C ' _ Rill It!! V K ' ? *' ff ALL PERSON8 indebted 10 tb? glmoriber s "HI ftonfer a f?toi by calling and. Riyfog qp immeJintbly after aeein? this notice. TIwm owing auma lea* jhan Twenty Dollar* will profit FoiDetbiitg hy w>th the re(pjest^- you owe in?t, I need the niooey?-a?|d m nofc able, nor do I intend to forgive the d*hl?. no it* no tic* ielWngt Oooe up, nod pay up, it^pPpt ?i i?: ij o n t OF THE Commissioners ? v ROADS, BRIDGES, <fcc., For .A/bbeville Disfc., Eliding Sept. 3,1860. To the. Honorable Court: nuiuuiii. 01 general Tax Hubjcct to 1'vuiiils, liridgt>s &c. as shown by S. A. Hodges, Tax Collector. * S--.231.CG Assessed by Gen'). Hoard 2<>A per rent. 4557.'10 0 per cent Tax Collector's ("omission 227.87 l.v.0 July 21 Ain't. r?c'd; of S. A. Wodgcj, e:. 4320.0a Feb. 11 Ain't ree'd. of R. 1*. llucltaniiii Tiens. of Lower Snluda Hoard , as funds ou hand upon noolition ol inferior Treasury. 77.54 Mar G Ani't rec'd of John II. Ch !cs Trens. of Lower Savanuh Board an nbove. 27 May -1 Ain't rec'd of Robert McAdanis Trens. of Upper Saluda UoarJ, 217.C4 Sept 3 Ar.i't rec'd of Tlio*. liakur Trens. of Upper Savannah Hoard,'? $1102.27 Deductyriu't paid out 2GG2.GU Balance on hands in haiiils of Gen'l Trcas. 2000.08 Feb. 13 Atu'l paid Wesly Itoherlsnii balance, for repairs on lower Turkey Creek Ilridge, 50.00 .Mar G Ain't paid W.J. Robertson for repair* ou , Mil lord's Bridge,. lBO-To " " Ain't W. A\ Presslby for building Bridge over Prcssley'a Creek, 300.00' " " Ain't paid A. J. Cliukscales for repairs on Bridge, 17.00' " " Ain't paid L. J. Johnson for covering Harris Creek Bridge, C0.00: " " Ami pai<l S. S. Baker order of Upper Savannah Hoard by former Commissioners building Bridge over (Jile.i Creek, CO.00"' ' " Ain't puid Dr. John Logan for repair on two Bridges near his old Mill, 44.00 , 720.7f' April 2 Ara'l paid Enoch Nelson' for Win. Mitchell for building Bridge over Long ^ Cuiic * reek, 12tj.od" May 4 Am'i paid Moses 3. Ashley for repairs o u Fair's Biidge 02.50' " " Ain't paid A. Morrison for one day.< hauling 3.00! Ain't paid- Benj. Iviehey for repairs on Bucket Bridge, 15.00' " " Ain't paid J. C. Ganibrcl for repairs on Broadmoulli Bridge, 10.00' June -1 Ain't paid David Boyd for building Bridge over Saluda llivtir, 385.0041 " Ain't paid J. A. McCord for repairs on Bridge over Cromer gillly 108.00 ' 710.08u " Ain't paid D. W. Dansby for repairs on Ward's Bridge, 16.00 t " " Am'i paid Jonathan John- ^ bou for building Bridgo over Giles Creek, * 340.00 " " Ain't paid F. P. ltobert- ' son for Idling out two Bridges nt Miltord'e mill, 2.00 July 13 Ain't paid 15. li. Aiken fur buildiug Bridge over Jub'o Creek, 75.00 ' " Ain't paid 11. L. llardin 1'pr balance on Bridge over Little ilivcr ut Martin's Mills, 225.00 ^ ? ? 4 T?I._ m?i-- 1 ~ f {'oiu vuiiii muuuujr repair* ou Long Cane Bridge, 30.00 41 26 Ain't paid S. A. Crawford & Co. for llooiiug for lJruige, 2.00 689.00 Mar C Ara't pnid W. T. Drcnnn for building Dridge over lielott's < reek, 60.00 4 14 Am't pnid W. T. Prennn for keeping in order Jtridgo over Calhoun's Creek, 30.00 <1 ? A in'i i i? ?< ? *?ui v */. ivi jLiugerti for moving anil repuV'ts on llridgoover Belou'd Creek, 75.00 July 13 i^n'i piijii J. II. Muuday for 4 days hauliug-and 3 \ hands, 18.00 " " Ain't pni<l J. C. Gambrel for building Bridge over Broadmoutii Creek 243.00 400.00 Aug 81 Ain't paid A. Robertson . for repairs on Bridge at Robertson's Bridge, 6.00 Sept 3 Paid J. C. Griffin lor hauling and repaira on Bridge, 1.50 " " Ain't paid Dr. K. Parker J for building Bridge over Sawney's Creek, 60,00 " " Ahi'i paid Fletcher Cromer for repairs on Bridge * over Cromep-'M Gully, 2.00 " " Ain't paid J. G. Johnion for removing raft and other impediments, 20.00 " " Am't paid W. T. Brcnan for keeping in repair Bridge ? eter Belott's Creek, tf1- 7.00 " " Am't paid George B Cjpik- scales for repairs on.Bridge 0??r Penny18 Cr4$jir, 15.00 100.50 ' ?>? . a 2686.88 "r, Add 1 per cent Commission, Jili.ttO Total am't nuiil nnt #n - .m-, ?lWf?VV > ' 2662.60 AH of which i| i espeotfully,submitted MARSHAL 8UARPB CK W< i**n Jkmax , Chr'p B?ar4, : . .;.v