Port Royal commercial and Beaufort County Republican. [volume] (Port Royal, S.C.) 1873-1874, December 25, 1873, Image 5

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.a ^ LOCAL AFFAIRS^ THURSDA Y. DECEMBER 25, 1873 Pl>4T or KICK liOl'KK. Buaitort, S. C., Sjpt. 24 1573. Oil and after Monday Oct. 6th, office open from 5:13 a.m.. nntil 4 p.m., mail closes at 9:15 a. in mail delivered at 2:40 p. m. P. E. EZKKIEL. Postmaster. Cotton Presses at Port Royal. We call the attention of all interest >d to the advertisement of ''The Port Royal Cotton Compressing, warehousing and Power Company." Two powerful cotton presses have Leon put up by this company. They will be under the carc 1 - L>irlin is known to of J>lr. i;narit:s - be in every way capable. Their accommodations are ample for storing cotton, and other merchandize. We solicit for them the patronage of our loaders. W&~ There Was no delay this time in bringing the Liverpool steamer to her dock. Oapt. Elliott, the new harbor master, prepared a berth for her and will look out that everything is made convient in the future. Commencing with a "cream color" and ending with "iriitricvable black," is he way Johnson mixes things up in a "populative sense." See Standanloflast week. OaF" A wheel of fortune has been in town, but the wardens have thought there was no fortune in it to its patrons, so it will have to go turn elsewhere. BstF Framea of all sizes to be had at Echards. A. S. Davenport, deals in all kinds of game, fish, turtle, clams and fine single oysters. None but the very bt st quality is wanted. If you have veni-on, ducks, quails, turkeys, fine poultry, fi-h. oysters, go to the Express office and get the cash for thctu doc. is tf. The firing beard last Tuesday Wednesday, and adverted to in last week's paper, came from the monitor Manhatan and her convoy, the frigate Rowhatan. They layoffTybce and fired for a pilot. Capl. Young who was in the Light Ship, endeavored t > reach them in an open boat but failed to do so. It is probable that they wanted coal. The Mississippi. The British steamship Mississippi Capt. Roberts, from New O. l. ans for r Liverpool, arrived at her dock in |\>rt Royal on Sunday morning. She was drawing nineteen feet of water when she left New Orloaus, and was detained two days in getting lirough the mud at ilie passes of the Mississippi. No sneli dif Acuity occurred here, after taking in three hundred ton- of c.vil she cm go to 8. a at low tide it need be. Tiic Mi-, issippi has on board 3.3-.M bales of cotton. 21,000 bushels of corn. aid a lew tie.'?*cs of meats, ub ?ut 1,3 ? ions in ail. She takes i o freight lioi.i thi< ]>->rt to Liver p ?ol, but probably will luiug \ vera! linn died was on her return for A igu. fa and other points west. B&. The Methodist conference made the following appointiucuts:?To the Allendale circuit, T. E. Wr.namaker; to the Yeiuassee circuit, G. H. Poozer: Hnrdecville mission, J. II. Coberi ; Black Swamp circuit. M. L. Banks. If any one wishes to send us a Christmas present he can find what we Want at Whitman's. Sec his advertisement Echaul leaves ueJanuary 1st. "Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious," by our houses being made warm and comfortable, having secured ^ good Doors. Sashes and Blinds Murine and Marbleiacd Slate Mantel Pieces from * ~ IviMltr.l'illlll I lie Ull Ul UUUIIItl II 1/UMUVIO ?M..| To those now suffering cold froui faulty doors and broken sa?hts, &< ., we say order at once from Messrs. I. 11. Hall & Co., Charleston, S. C. They arc also Agents tor Asbestos' Hoofing which isuperior to tin, and particularly desirable for roof? of all kinds, for sale at manufacturers prices. The fine American ship Frank N. Thayer, of twelve hundred tons, for Liverpool, on a draft of seventeen and a half feet of water and a cargo of near four thousand bales of cotton, was towed to sea yesterday forenoon by the steam tug Republic. She went out handsomely.? Charleston News* The ship mentioned was obliged to wait several days until a spring tide gave her an opportunity to get over the barred entrance of Charleston. Had she loaded at Port Royal she could have gone without the aid of tug at the lowest tide oftheyearand found two or three feet of water under her keel on the bar. jji?r If you want a Christmas present 0 to Echards and get a picture. Marine News. Tho Si>hr_ Fn rraffiit. Ihown. from l?us ton for this port, put into Newport, K. I., on the lfith inst Tho British bark William CrOscup, Fitchet, arrived in the Coo^iw river, December 19, from Buenos Ayres, consigned to Campbell, Wyllio & Co. The British bark Annie lb-ale, , arrived at Oak Point Min s, Bull river. Docemher 19, consigned to Campbell, Wyllio & Co. The Selir; Fearless, Samuels, ar ived at Oak Point Mines. December 2<>, to load for Charleston S. C. Th j British bark St. Lawn-nee, i> k loading at Coosaw, w Arrived,?Sunday 9. a.m., Steam ship Mississippi, from New Orleans. Monday, Dec. 22. Schr. ti. B. McFarlaue, from New York, cargo for Au gista. ^ Also, schooner Annie Jleycr, from New York, cargo for Augusta. The Margarn, Jones, from Beaufort, S. C., for J>>ndon, passed the Lizzurd, Deem ber 4. The John Pelle, from Beaufort, S. C., for London, passed Scilly, December 4. OBITUARY. Died iu Temple, Me., December 10, 1873, Mes. Burs*' Cojujct, aged 81 years and 2 months. Ttie mother of Mr. Conant, the much respected clt'zon of Beaufort, joined the Congregational Church V between fifty and sixty years ago, and lived an earnc I and dcvhtcd christain life. She was esteemed in the community In which she liTcd and died, and ov all who knew her, for her worthy and exemplary christian sharacter. The writer of this notice became acquainted with her several yean ago, and with all others of every I denomination considered it a religious feast to conI verse with lieron the subject of religion. She trained up her family in the nurture and admonition of'tlie | Lord. Two of her sons became minister* of the gosp.-l. and ot e a deacon of the church of her choice, She was a faithful searcher of the scriptures, ana EJ from thein dr w her last inspiring words: "Yea 'hough I walk through the valley of the shadow of jj death, I will fear no evil for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me." .Mother Conant, though drad y t speaketh. She will not la- forgotten J tiy those who knew her, for the memory of the rightI eous is blessed. Some of her children have gone hei r?~. ii?? in lb.-, nromisnl land. Mav the blessing of | the Lord still rest ii|>on the surviving ones, and at lx>t be an unbroken family in the City of God, on *^'s,: Mount Zion. TRUE WIIITTIER. Beaufort, S. C., Dec. 20,1873. W'i!l Wat B0"- Remember this your last chance pl(aj(' to have your picture taken, as Eehard this take his departure on the first of Janu- Tjf ary. A Fiftieth Anniversary. ~ Christmas day. 1873, will be peculiar- * ly sacred and interesting to the rector and people of St. Helena church, Beaufort, S. C. On that day llev. Joseph R. Walker will preach his fiftieth anui versary sermon. The tender relations between him and the people of his charge, I thus existing for half a century, will he *reconsecrated hv the memories ofthc past as they flow in upon the uiinds of all on tii this feast of the church. l)r. Walker was ordained deacon in the 22d year ol his age, ST in hiladclphia by the venerable Bishop White, in Mav? A. I). 1817, under whom Vic rt TF> in association with the late revered Bish i><'? op Kerupcr, then Bishop White's assis- ?-N I tan*. he pursued his studies for the .Tl . . ">ro ministry. Ant csoon after, Dr. Walker assumed his in first pastoral charge, that of St. Paul's K<|'"i Church, Chcstertown, Eastern Soli roof Maryland, of which state his parents pun were natives. While in charge of said """ church, he was advanced to the Priest- ila)i hood in Baltimore, by the gratefully remembered Bishop of Mainland. By a singular train of circumstances, ? regarded as providential, he was led to accept a call to St. Helena Church, Beau- Qn fort, S. C\, of which church he took jjj., formal charge, and officiated as rector, <j0 the lii>t time, on Christmas daj*, A. P. ^ici jsj;;, since which time without inierrup- cr , lion, except duriiie the late civil war, he has faithfully performed the duties of a true pastor to hi> people The history : 1 I of llic cliuicii 10 which iic ?a> iniiii.-ivw \r.s been a nobic one, and thousands ii> other places, all over this broad land, will unite in spirit in the exercises o Christinas day. ? IV taint-<2. I Tlire" steamship-' and so vera' oilier , j oil ward bound vu.---i.Is were detained : | ye?i. ld.ij' by the unu-i.'iy low water, j lie -troug winds join t- e w ;<tw.trd h.tv I in/* driven the tide o ;t- The detained ' vessel- will go down on this morning's! tide. ? Sit>: X-tcs. - i of.S ic'.i items p'ainly in i'eate (h it l'o.t iat< Boyal is a port needed on the Sou h ioai ' Atlantic. A port whose water is blown i out of the ch annel every week or two i won't fill the hill. " af 1 The Cincinnati Southern Kailroad. The trustees of this road have let a ? cbutract forcon-tmcung King'smounta n L tunnel, the woik to be commenced in ten days and to be completed in eighteen months. The trustees al.-o located eighty miles of the line of the road from South Danville, Kentucky, to Chitwoo l.ou the Tennessee line, selecting the old Burnside military survey. This road needs -jr but a >h:?rt lin, of sixty miles to connect ' if u-iil, Ivmtvviilc. From that Doint it I will bo extended oil the line of tho IJluo \ Ridge railroad to Marysvillc, and from ,N( thence to Clavton. (leo., through Rabun I , . ' /1 . . in (tap to Ai.der.-oii, S. v.. and thence to j Port Hoyal. cn" Hear it io mind that you can get ! ? your picture takeu in a lurge nud handsome oval frame for the small sum of two dollars. w I 10 Ravkd.?The three colored men who drifted out to sea on a wood flat on Sat1 inlay, were picked up thirty miles south i southeast of Charleston hv the schooner i Annie Burgcu, of Rroikliavcti, .Janu s A Thompson, master irom Brunswick, (la., Jt ; for Port Jefferson, and arrived in the ' city yesterday, 'i lie flat, of course, was a ' abandoned. The names of the three ma? | men arc. I>aae Howard. Joliu.loiies and f?>n William Washington. Howard was in "<>1 charge <>f the flat, and lie and his com- '??s panions tried every thing that e ergv and skill could suggest to save tlie flat a''al from drifting out to sea. They worked , as desperately hard, and to that and their 1 "M ! unfailing courage is due their final doliveranee. -AV'C,-. !'!v _ i t"i ... T . Z~. ~ I'is'l As the A irgur.us affair is now t)l. ' under.-tnod, no salute to the flag will be out 1 required from Spain on Christmas day. 1 I ' ... ? . .. | < III! Our only satisfaction will be a lormiM BIIV di-a vowal from Spain of any intention ; |av to interfere with our maritime rights. | cr'"i The I nited Stales wi i proceed against | v the Virginia- and all connected with Iter i ,rl for violation ofiiie neutrality laws. It . |jCr is claimed by Spain that the paper* upon j |ir? which the Virginius cleared were obtain* ed by perjury. atu 1 _ ii.it Davenport, at the Kxprcss office, lias um some beauties in the cliromo line. The : T 1 Sleeper,'' would 1 c a joy forever to any J' ' man. No drvgoods bill to pay. I ctai V p?I ? woi h s*> ' ft" ^ A : v> ma y^f jde THE INSTALLATION OF OFFIcers of HARMONY LODGE, No. 22, T1 A. F. M., will take place at 10 a. id., on Thursday, December 25, 187a. By order of the W. M. * R< C. H. Wright, Seo. jeAfcsS d ENGRAVING AXD Vatch Repairing . M. WHITMAN, S JEST RECEIVED A FIXE ASSORTMENT ewelry, ronsis in# of GOLD AND HII'VEH WATCHES, ,\1NS, CHATELAINES, RINGS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, ETC. i a fine assortments of a Xj o o h; s . give his personal attention to the jepairing of dies. Clocks and Jewelry ; Ornamental and n engraving done at short notice, mtlemen having fine Watches can test them at establishment by one of iwarti t iin'SMI REfiULATORS; I If iilii/ M wv M TVV? Mayo'i Building, Bay Street. i I V E II P OO L ASIA EW ORLEANS LINE OF STEAMEKS, VIA ORT ROYAL.. K MISSISSIPPI AVD nowniON LINK.?F.lltKT CLASH I'OAVKHFUL Sl'RSW STIOAMKRH t LOUIS, Capt. Edmonston 1327 torn. dPHIS. Capt. Ma-1I.hi 2590 Ions SISnIPPI, upt. Roberts 2500 toi a KSRIJRO, Capt. 2500 Ions [AS, Capt. Bouchette 2500 tons UNION, (building) nooo tons r.utto, (building) 3000 tons ?! Agent at Port Royal will receive and sign igh bills of lading to ilavro, Bremen, Hamburg, werp, Rotterdam and all Continental ports. Hsirters in the South anil West ean order their Is shipped by this line to PORT ROYAL, and find it cheaper and quicker than via New York, irties desirous of sending for their friends can has" prepaid emigration tickets here. A roducaliowed when applied for in groups. >t freight or passage, having superior accommojns, apply to IlICIl'D. P. iiUNDLE, 25. Port Itoynl, S. C. LOST." Sunday, December 21, between tbc iscopal Church and the residence of vernor Gleaves, a Cameo Broach, at!n d to a ]? nk ribbon bow. Tho find.vill be liberally rewarded on leaving it Mrs. E. Mounts. Direct Trade. UR3PEAN EXPRESS LIRErite First Clstss now 'dipper barque ALICE REED, kii.k;:ranm> master, oven hundred and fifty tons roaster, i'il o. 3. I. 1. French Veritas, is now Jing for Port Royal. For freight apply to RICHARD F. RIJXDLE, Port Royal, S. C. 'eed the Hungry The Largest Loaf OF 3 3E^L 355 3D d | . I AM. HARRISON IS NOW BAK: he largest loaves of the best broad the town of Beaufort. Sec what a limit fre of council .-ays. scpt.2*>-3inOFt rhe Most Papalar Medieiic Extant. 40. OVER 30 YEARS, 1873 SINCE THE INTRO IK'CTION OK PERRY DAVIS' 'AUT-KILLEH. nd after lliirtv year*' trial1, the PAIN KII.I.KIi ,'jiistly Ih- styled the great niedieineof the world lle-re is llo region of the gltihe int wliieh it has found Its way. anil none where it has not been 1 ? ml bi.rl.lv i.pivml \lnri>nvf>p tlivrn iv tin i.itc to which it lias not proved itself to !? well pled for tli'.' cure of considerable vaiictyof diss; it is admirably stilli-d Tor every race. It linn none of its good name l>y repeated trials, but tin lie* to occupy a prominent |>o*ition in every lical chest; and is still receiving the most unqualI testimonials to its virtues, from person* of the character and responsibility. Physician* of first resp ctahility recommend it t s a most c||*<s . I preparation for the extinction of pain. It is only the li'-st remedy ever known for hritis s, i, Ilnrns Ac., hut lor i" vntery, or rholera, or sort of howel con,plaint it i* a remedy unsur>?sl for efficiency and rapidity of action. In the it cities of India and other hot climates, it has n the Standard Medicine for all such complaints re!I a* for Dyspepsia, Liver Coin| laints, and otli- j lindrvd disorder*. For Cough* and Colds, Fan- | , Asthma and Rheumatic difficulties, it has li. cn j veil hv the most abundant and convincing lesti- | ny to lie an Invaluable medicine. No article ever , lined such unbounded popnlaaity. As an exter- I and internal medicine, th l'ain Kil'er stands | i railed. hirtv years arc certainly a lonj enough time to I ve the rllieieney of any tiHsllciiie, and that the IN XII.I.KR is deserving of all its proprietors in for it. i ' ply proved bv the itnparalcllcd ! mlarity it h attained. It in a Sure and KUW-tivc usly. It i* sold in almost every country in the rid, and is h-coming more and more popular every ,r. Its healing properties have bicti fully tested I over the world, nnd it needs only tc lie known to I>rifci-d. i?o sure you ixiy none nui tho gei uino n i factum! by PERRY DAVIS A SON, Province, K. I. f?>Sold by all Draggists. WANTED YENTY-FIVE Head FAT BEEVES d SHEEP. Will take them at Port )yal Feny. Iec.l3-ly. ..t JAMES JEJfKIKB. BE ; THREE TRAINS RAII.V Fllfl? Sfl - ? . gST M Cliarlcstbn. Sntrnnnali and Au?u?atr ^9 1 Ever}' apartment of this House has b( entertain in the most hospitabld nfnnner home to spend the winter months as can Livery Stable. Billiard Halls, Croquet Rooms may be secured for the winter _ SHIP MASTI THE COTTON COMPRES ARE PREPARED TO RECEI RATES, AT 1 Look! Lo DEAR] HAND and POWER r'Atetitod. jVL THESE GINS ARE THE- BEST AND JIGS' r o n I am prepared to fill t Colored men you can gin your ow money for your crop. Every machine hibit ion at BENNETT'S STORE, B/> WYM. Oci.nri SOUTHERN LIFI Prinr.inal Omcos?MEMPH3 MEM PHIS. J. A. MEIAOV, Pin't. AMOS UOOimiFP, Vice Frea't. IIKN MAY, Sicl'y. J. H. MlLLEft, St ASSETS, J ANY. U ANNUAL INCOME, SOUTH CAROL!? OFFICE < J. F. BLACK, rres't., J. P. SOUTIIEl BEAUFORT, -TR U L n. c. iv i i.sox, M, POI.ITZKK, W. II. MAt.'I.BIN, J No. KltANZ, PAI L HAMILTON, t\ h. w kl< hit, M. STUART. tiKO. GAUK, i;ko. w. joiixsoN, II. (J. JUDO. JAS. (i. THOMPSON, J. CJ. BARNWELL, m. m. kiscman, 01:0. holmes Officers of BEA OKO. WATKIUIOt -i: I'rcn't. GEO. Dr. II TVt. Stuart, M. POLITZEi J. O BA J. W. COLLIN.-. PAl'L II .1. (i. THOMPSON, PAUL PI TltN "uinjanv i.nups POl.tf IDf5 on approved an 1111:11 diviilcri'ls. All Polieie* 11011-foif.-itilij;afl^1 l?<>e* ailjiKiel, ami reserve invented l>y tlie Slate throughout the Stale* All further information fan See Just Received, 1 Uiiltinrl ill tltiti'k lit I>I:Y <;<M>I>H, clothing, 1IATS A CAPS. GROCERIES. HARDWARE, < TT1.KRY, CROCKERY. TOBACCO. CONFECTION A It I ICS, TINWARE, At., AC., At the store of - F. W. SCHEPPER, llay Street, htitd of No. '4 Dock, whirh he will sell lower than anv other *tore BEAUFORT. jan. 4-ly A GOOD BARGAIN. FORSALE-A STATIONARY ?] gink, four (4) horse power? good order; Can be seen at my ct penter shop. J. BRODIE. 9th and Bay street * -a. HBHHHHHMMggHnj ? r . .sjlah? m AOfort, S ^ sen put in complete order during the past sunn the travelling public. Tiie northern tourist i be found South. and~Tclegraph Office arc among the acquisitio by letter or Telegraph. * M. NOTICE TC 3RS AND COTTON P- O R. X R O " SING, WAREHOUSE YE ON STORAGE AND COMPRESS CIIEIR WORKS AND YARD AT PORT CI ok Look!!|? r 3 O. R ET * S. BELT COTTON GINS > nrcli 26, 5.867. *' T ECONOMICAL MACHINES EVER OFFERED S A Ii E . it fill orders at short notice. n t! n cotton, save your seed and get more n warranted. Call ard see theui. On cx- p II 1? lY ST., BEAUFORT, S. C. AN DEARBORN, * Patentee, Manufacturer and Agent. J INSURANCE CO. ( [S, TENN., I ATLANTA, GA. C a ATliWTA. Gtn'l. .1 \0. II. GOII DO V, Prei'l. Grn'l. A. II. COI^IITT, Vice Pre*'!. J. A. MOliKIN, Hecl'y. iporvlsor or Aironcios, ?o 173, $1,.53^483 97 1,000,000 00 1 ?O 1A DEPARTMENT, OLt'MUlA, 8. C. IN, Vice I'nVt., A. 11 WARING, Soct'y. ?U S. C., BRANCH. 1 IT EES.- > j DR. PA I'D PRITCIIARD, 1 JNO. RICH, ( .1. W. COLLINS, S. I>. CIl.llKliT 1'. I? WDililN, / | GKO. WATKRIIOl'SE, A. S. DAVKXt'ORT, { M M. KllKSSKL, I K. SINCLAIR j II. >1. STI'AUT, I?R. S. It. THOMPSON, J." V. MAVO, II. M. H I.I.IIR, I I g. m. wi:i.ls, UFORT BRANCH. <;A<SE, Viii; Pnu'l. M. HTt'AttT, Scct'y Moc'i' ftl Examiner. " t i;s? | AMll.'liiN, Lxtvu! t oiiiiuilti UitTilAKO, j l>l.in?. I'CKMII MS r?-fi 1v.il in Ci' li, ami cnltiliil t., ".'ml annual |>r.'iniiiiii i< j- ii-l. 1 Ituanl at Columbia. wjtli nilvl<*of tin' auxiliary l> >anl ii?lnil, an.I a|.|.|ii ali>.|i> fur INSI'i'. VXl'li M' iv.tl I.y ETON STITAI8T, 3. cis UDnifort, S. C. I JAMES CDELL, BEEAD. CAKE, AND CEACKSE j 33 J&u j~ZL ID Z"f. . | II.VSjtM roivived .i lin.* n- .irttiicnt ??f CAM)IKS AM) FRUITS. Hi? Iws ill war. un hand llroud ami (Vnfecllonery of every k i ml. ; t'()|'\THV STOIIKS mipiillnl with all artier Ivs of tin' trade al (V??unal>1e prin *. I Drier* for WKDDIWOJt A.M> KVKMNCi PARTIES atLndod in with care anil di.?r..iteii. in 1 PIPi'KKV LOAVES of Rrcad for 0\P. j DOLLAR, ran lie Lad by purcha.-dng UUKAD tickets. ? The Circulating Library now open contain* a choice aaMirtuent of boots. IAMES ODELL. . SSH1ElWlMHiWMMiftP W v i -an;' v ,??'>1^. / ; w lt .-* - ->? v-v fT-^r?wV * - , ;uJjV -*>i - '-* V fv .'?;- V* , 31*25 It, - c? TRAI.VR FOR UK it*FORT .. -/ 4 W IitnvrCluirliiiCM, f:'<1 A. 31 !inivt Cii?rlM(un, 0100 P. ril (|l IIifATe AiignaU( 0:45 A. SI | 5? An?i!?tn, Jit 10 P. 31 til UnvrHarunnnh, Oi.lft A. 31 Vvrlve nl Braafort. iilto P. 31 fr; Irrtre at B?nuf?rt, 1I:?0 P. 31 ^ at a' ner, and the Proprietor is now ready to ! pi ai m ill find as pleasant and comfortable a to ns of the House. *' ru ar cc M. KING MAX S W< Proprietor, w . Xv ~~ 01 2> M ' SHIPPERS. ST A Tw, 5] [6 & POWER CO., 1 COTTON AT THE UaUAL !i ' ROYAL. ?' IAS. ROGERS I ol JEivxiDorixxtoxx clout. K SI QUIT CAIM DEEDS, II Jt MUTABLE FOR THE CONVEYANCE OF n 5 land acquired ut Slate or National Tax Sale* tt sals at this olfice. tf. S| A.K.OWENS' s JEW YAMASSEE EATING * A AND ol ri 5.efreshmenl Saloon ' lNCTIt?5f S. & t:.. 'uml POUT ltOYAL <; R All,I*l>\ US. 1 I'l.GNTY OF TIME AI.I.0\VE1> FOR MKAI.S. The undersigned having lero<cd tlio Yemassee Katig Housp froln lis late proprietor, Mr. Sellers, anouuee* that great Improvement* will bo made in h ip arrangements for supplying guests with substan- Jj al meals up >n the arrival of each train. ol Good accommodations forlodgiiigtrave.lprswill lie w rovidisl as soon as possible. A gentlemen's refresh- s' lent ami waiting room will be provided, where the est liquors n il! be obtainable. The patronage of travellers is respectfully solicited A. E. OWENS, ? Late propreitor of the Allendale Hotel. ct.2.1-ly. A. B. McGregor, HOUSE, SIGN, AND CARRIAGE PAINTER - b ?ALSO? Training 4 Paper Hanging. ?:o:? . Orders solicited and satisfaction guarntced. Corner Magnolia & Bay Sts. nct.IO-ly. I'rioca Curront OF Branch, Scott & Co. i Commission Merchants, ?ASD AOKXTS FOR? ^EOROIACOTTONOOODS f ?AND? C Sardy's Super Phosphates. ' (of? a Augusta, Ga., March 13,1873. 1 I) OMK8TIC S . ,1 [andlrmi'n Ptripe* (light) HO yd*...I2'? ' " Fniny StriikK(dark) 4HO yd*...1:0.] " rilock or 11 Aids 4*e vd*...l4% lontnur 7-S Shirtings kh? and |A'K> yds...l0'w " 4-4 Sheeting* AOO and i,0U0 yd*...12!4 " S'arns, ass'd No*, 0 t? 12...-TO l>un<hrs..l.<V> 1 ticlinmnd Osnabitrgs Striix** Sit yds...145^ * (light) IS iranltoillo 1-1 Shirting 11**' yds... !)J<J " 7-8 " 1,'liH) yds...Ill;, i MSbwdnp IjWO yds...12 \ " 7-8 I): ill. WM? yds...l:lU Ittgilstu :l 4 Shirting* -VA* and s.">0 yds... 9'^ " 7-S Shirting iVjandsSO yds...l l\< ? 4_| sheeting 2.12 and Mil yds...12 " 7-8 drills 202 and 8.70 yd?...12>-? .angley A 4.4 ? Id " A 7-8 11* a-i 9* EMPIRE FLOCK -MILLS, i IN IIAItUKI-H AND SACKS. 55 rents per Ilnrrel leu* per Cnr Load. vvvv ?1'? .r8l ' -ii.v Wihtk XXX 11 no iKIl.t.l.t.NT XX 10 Oil loT I'lKK" X tl Oil lOl'K .Mll.US Nl|<oliilli* 8 50 limn.?$25 |>"r Ion. Sack* cxlra. Shorts.?$:io |ht ton. Jo Wksti.i:n 1'i.oi'K in oni.<.?Super, SS.V>; Extra. fl'MKi; I'atiiily. ;lo..">o; Fancy, SI i.M. Jtvi: Flail"it.?8-l.no |n-r saclc. fioo |lw.) llacnn.?Sliniililm, 8V; c. It.Sides, 10'/?. 1 I). S. JI' iil*.?SlimiM'r?. Tj,j; I It >Mi-.. I,net!.?Iii iii'nw. I0',<; k?K? 1'.'. ?1*?one White,05, "li> 'i, C.'nvu Meal-?05. (SiUn-. iif I ! 'I It yf.?I21 .25. Oiitx.?Wliilc, 70; Mixed. 70. vucar.?Y. llnw. 11?2; <\ l>"_ 'ii i , 13; ^ K la1',. ;-n?ar Ilowse Nyrnp.?In hln-. . Iihd?,28. Yiiiii'ila Suit ?Silo |?t Suck; 10 sacks or .I'll'-. "J 0 1. Prnrtor iV <;ntiil>lr'? Soap, Extra Olive, F.i"a?lic, 7c. Snrtly'ii Soluble Pa el lie. ?."0 00 Cash; $55.00 'a' InrV A'-i . ji.aiicc; >.57.50 I'laoter's l.icn. Snr?l>-** Plmspho Peruvian. $55.00 Ca?h; V.'I.ih Factor's Ace -plaice; Srtii Planter'* I>>io. Tlic above "juolhtn* are wholesale. We ilo not, in \ ;v - an , Freak |iaekai;"*. K-inittancew jw-r Express :oiif! Ih-prepaid. < ird< ri are tilled at Price Current l7.'i Jav ihe.v arc ree?lvod. Sight l>rafi* on New York. I'liarleslon, Savannah an J Atlanta, placet] to credit at par. It *;, trolly, C?A.\('K; SCOTT A CO. J. M. Williams. ATTORNEY AT LAW Qooufort, S. C. ?to:? Will practice in Circuit Courts of pfyc: 2(1 Circuit, and Trial Justice the Port Royal Railroad. .,uu 00C.11 ... ' I mi! . indi t Every Lady vuiUonelt nrory Km ought to bore aoK t * on NMtpt of Too Omh Addree*, L. F. QYDE TIM Sereuth Arouue, New York. ~g Rrospectns for m?Serati Tear: THE ALDINE. n Illustrated Monthly Journal, ?N Temlly admitted to be the handtomtit Periodica I In the world A representative and t ham plon of Amrvican taste. ot for salt in Book or News Stores. THE AI.DT*>F,*hi'e iscuej with all the regularK h*.? n*ne 'f the' tctnpCTtrr Vr timely interest inructcrlstk r! ordinary j* 'udtiaY Jt W??V'( mjuxdhiny of purr, light and j-r'tyfal k'era:c. Vff a *.ot*ecflou of pictures, the rireti rpeel- *? ens of art-'tfl'1 skill, In black and white. Although rh succeditig 11 imber affords a frtih pleasure to Its ieuds. 'he real tabic and t>eautjr of THE ALDISE lit he i-os* appreciated after ft has been bound op , theclea'ot liig year. While other publications ay claim stiperi >r rfic spur**, s* compared with rids ol a similar rla-j, 1HE ALD1HB its unions . . id original eouccpUon? slone and nnapproacbca? isolut.-ly without competition iu price and charse- ' -'i r. The iKMsr-ssor of a complete volume cannot Un- -1 icate the quantity of fine paper and engraving* ins 1 iy other shape or number of volume* for ten timed > cost; and then, there arc the chromos, besides. ART DEPARTMENT, 187*. The illustrations of THE A T.DTJfE have won a urld-w We reputation, and In the art centres of Eupe it is au admitted fact that Its wood cuts are exnples of.the hlghost perfection .ever attained. Ths -fj nimon prejudice in faaor of '*?tcel plates," is rmpidyicldinK to a ifiore educated and discrimlnauna stc which recognize* the advantages of superior ?r- wS tic nusllty with greutci faci'ty or production. The nod-cuts of THE A LI) I HE possess aB the delicacy d win borate finish of the moft.cottiy ateel plate, hile they afford a better rcnderlngof the artiat'i iglnal. * The Christmas for 1*74 wl^T COB fain rpceial designs ipropriate to the season, by our beat artist*, and 111 surpass in attractions any of ita predecessor*. PllKMIUM PUB 1 ? 7 i < E? . ?ets riher to THE AI.DISE Ibr tfie year * 174 will receive a pair of cltrcnioju the original dure# wrtu. painted In oil for the publisher! <f J HE Al.DtSE- by Thos. Moran, whose great Colo. ? ido p?|.-t?ire was purchased by Congress for ten lonsHml dollars. The subjects were chosen to rep< -i. sent "The East" and ' The West." One la a rlewur he Wbito Mountains, New Hampshire; the other ,ve? Tlio Old's of Green lllvor, Wyoming Territory, lie dlif r>'iice In the nature of the aeenestbenuclTee' ,i a pleasing contrast, and afford a good display of ic artist's scope and coloring. The chroma* are leh worked from thirty distinct plaba, and are In ze (12 x 10) and appearance exact fao-eimlkM of the riginals. lhe.e chrom-vs are I" every seW American. Theyi fll ro by an or ginal American process, with material ,"JYr American miinufacture, from designs of American senary by an American painter, and preaented to ibscfibcrs to the first auccesaful American Art Joural. If no better because of all this, the*, will oer- *i,J& ifnly possess an interest no foreign urootirtion can spin , and neither are they any. the .wome If by s-vJa ason of peculiar faciMlh-s of production thay coat J ? publishers only u trirtc, wlrfle equal In every resect to other chromua that are sold singly for doublo' ie siils*-ription price of TIIE AMPEHE. Petsoosof l te will priz these pictures for theWselvea?not for ie price they did or did not cost, and wiN sppreHte the enterprise that renders tbeir distribution Mrfbla. Ifany suhscrllier should indicate a preference for figure suiiject. the publishers will send "Thoughts f Home," a new and beautiful chromo, 14x204nhhew presenting a little Italian exile whose speaking ~ yes betray the longings of bis heart. Tfiing, $ 5 a year, in advance, Oil CkrooA free. 4 For 30 rents ewfrn. the ehromos will . be sent, mounted, varnished, and pr? paid by mail. THE AIjDTNE will, hereafter, be obtainable only 2 y subscription. There will be no reduced or club itc; cash for subscriptions must be sent to the pubshera direct, or hand- d to the local canvasser, wllhs ' lit responsibility to the publishers, except jo cage# here the certificate is given, hearing the rae-slmle gnatureol James Suttoh A Co. CAKVAMEIi* WASfTED. Any person wishing to act permanently as a local anvasser will receive full aud prompt information y applying to JAJIES BUTTON A co. PnMisbyr,' 88 Maiden "Lane, New YrrM Port Royal Railroad Wotlee. A LL FREIGHTS FOR CHARLESTON AND C jl SAVANNAH, or going North will be reeelved n Mondays, Wednesdays aim Fridays, beet ween the lours of four and six. r. m. P. HAMILTON. 4 . , . : Agent. By order of J. 0. Moork, Supt. iDIHS!! 200,000 IIANUFACTURED MONTHL? BY TIIK . Sea Is'd Brick Lime Co. t Construct your building* of BRICK, maae theuj Ire-proof, ami save the high rates of insurance nosj barged 011 wood buildings. Bricks do not burn uf>,' iricks Jo not rut down. Our Brick Kilns ^ re Iocate<l on Salt Water Creek, two mllea from leaufort. Vessels ilrawlng fifteen foet of water ca uad within fifty feet of our kilns. A single lid , I rifts boats or flats to the city of Beaufort or Port 1 loyal. v> BRICKS t - ' -r. iJK if any sizo or quality, plain or repressed, maniifaet; ired to order at short notice at Charleston and Saaniiah prices Call at our office in ( t OROFUT'S BUILDING Bav Street, Beaufort, and examine samples,! Sea Is'd Brick & Lime Cot June l'.Myr. wTj. trim. DKALKR IH IVIN DOW CURTAINS, PAI'KIt HANGINGS, LACE CURTAINS, and T WINDOW DECORATIONS [MANO and ; TABLE COVERS,. ?.. , WINDOW SHADES, >" A!ft> HOLLANDS. PAPER IUKM HD SEtOIATIOIS. SfallrasHM Made !o Order and Rapalred. Loungin and Chairs upholstered on reasonable terms, at 243 KlllVa STREET, OPPOSITE \VA VKRL Y J/OPSE. Onlen from the Country will be nromDtly at loudttl to. I>AXIEiJ II. SILCOXr FURNITURE WAREROOMS; 175. 177, 170 KINO STREET, cnAnijBSTON, s. a! . IVh^ro can be fbnnd a lar^e and well selected. Stock^tf all kinds and grades to suit the tastes of all. - ' An examination is resjiectlully solicited. March 18-lyr HGHE SnBlTLE SEfJS MCfflfi. This beautiful machine* uses sotutoht netslies. inskrs the Lock Hdidt; 'allWoa both sides) has self-adjusting tcntfwi.kff|iU<l)sod 1r>hand I.r font. Il will hem Ml html acsiii. tuck, hams sitch. ruffle, ami vt?*m tt fie iime time ; Vork. eiually well on -itlc.Juwn, tnwUn atod?n?t?H?fcood4 II fit ihe oulr fiiSt-eltas low price toMklne,u>ade. 8en?l for rlftitttf ?Ad waniple of sAwltii, dr cull tod examine tlw machine tha%wtf B.-aiiCprt,S.1GT0,(j1c; a? JntTiq I^A e ^'jgl .;fflfoPThiy ?j It.H mu,nl-.wh Ii4y-.J :.:j jam mce;* 1 j itoK/PBCPFlfiW^RBA^OKB, n fort, ?t? low d*ure. sad oDiceomeofatfiNHem^ ? Apply tt the Ooort Hoote, or oo the prtwlnfc