The tri-weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1865-1865, February 17, 1865, Image 2

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{--g- tioa, ar?.jp$wdcd;ili t*lmcm^-'''-'^jt. $? .? '..V' vftpfetltalRiMitf.'iritk- four ; . % Ac-'' .-' .'is :* if lv?..'.-* '... i " PixoH fl'ad.iftjjjbr .V.'llT :goftni> 4.1 > ^y? Jlre^bipjtf Hfith' the prompt ejfltR.'ion^ad oiricufs - > VJjWp'*oi$rv"witlmiit delnj.?$' ? >,$? > >.i.v* /-v^t command of Col. B. Jo,sjg$:;- & '{>.K;-- ;/ c ? V. < ' .; .{t P?b. . :*3Pk#.v . 'fo'jufcnt. f v 73HJK^PWi^W^ .Oy KXGH ANG1NG CORN 1 oi'-fiacOB,''. cSJi u?fc? ?h* rxp. V f^hn^^^^n^Wfl$6.?iorv Rouse of\f. if. Gayle," ;fe:. ... iostT7 .. ; A, "fost bit mislaid a dur^biUl drawn by ^'V>-2: NJ. Eamn. A Bro t in April or May Just for six>' buudraland sixty bright dollars. Said" due bill luur V>' ^>eeri pAid bv if. Buuin & Brij.' ', *? : ' Fcbfaury'lT ?il ' * '. S..H. BL.QDGET. 'r ?.i, ' ' ' " ' ' r~ ^ } ,i . BRANCH* JBAljlK. CAilDj'CN, February 14,4863!^ ' V f^BPOS^RS 12ffsI?K BANK.,ABB R&QJKST?' * JL^ J5D to wiriidhi\r tbiiir Uilunoei . s>1. . ? ' Peraori^ luiviiKt Kpf^frl deposits iii the vaults of tins Banki are notified- agaih.\,t!iat while we' oheerfully extend. B?m, and ordinarily safety for tlieir packager, yet.tjiey.Are liere at tlio owners risk, aud cxfgeneieir - ?' 44*-,., 'Ki? fin fur in / tlti'ii* 4 OUiay.SWWJL Ii^usc, WIWM ????.? o-.v _ ' ; 'owuer$ cilia fjjo. W. M. tlliANNOX, ' f; -rfejjifiu A . President; ' pi Waptbd,- . * A tS?P!OP"SIN&L^Oli D0CfliLtD BUtiGY HA1!-' -ytli' NKSS. Apply'jit this olfiw: . ? ' '.r-\V<*Vl> 1? "SiSffi5 'B^E 'D^pEpsiGNED PROPOSES jdAKIXG ^ v ' sale eflhdjpperb hotel buildiug mtuaiod ou Mairr -,Cf i?trofct. cipptikitufihe tk?urt Houso. " Said " Wei is a . * ?three-5tory .brick building; containing Tvfonty-Sixliopuy?sill ofwhich Itavo a fireplace tliorcitf. A large nu]nberi>fout-bui.d jngs, such as kitchen. smoke-houae,., , ' stable^ &<?., d-C;,.aru on the premises. hvery tiling iu n fine condition.' Persons desirous of reeking such &> ;. . tiutcVose. wiU address me, ut Camden, wheo the terms ?r*-?Vrill he made known! . _ D. D HuCOTlV yS^'Chiulfston "Courier" and Colnintya. "Carolinian" will please copy jhrco and forward bill to tho > VjoCllXAt^officsv"7 . ' " . i '1'\. Pm Sctle-' > \ ' ALCGRADB-i, fciBO' FOR MAKING l'i HOsiK'aod cum. Also, Spirits dl'.Turponjm?. ?eb.??*f ' 7 ' 'T D, ICilOOOrr. i . Moiice. r PHK feT7?3SCnJAICRS BEGS GRAYf.TOJXFORM I. tiiR'CiistolnSra an J I'rioodj, nod the public, in yeti .oral.jlnit lie his removed his store to ijn; Mocoveif v iuwsti, opposite'l)r..J<V L. Zeiup^S-Drup Stprc, where he i < pefrpiiniMitly settled for at least the present jean He- lias now on Itund Cotleo, Brown' and Crush .Sujrarj - Sjrdp,'^)da, Cop|?eriis, Tobtc*,'OEeri Starch, Black lvppe.r, Nailsi cotf-oi Curds, cotton Yarn, Domestic ' Siiirtin* Sole and upper Lcatuer, Ac., Ac,.nil "of i . wiriuh tic wiilsidl at Biiiall profits, on t e cnsli Ternw: Strictly oaSl'i/ of in-exchanj^o for country produce. No jfoods .nil be considered tw!d, until paid for. .. . f -B. SIKI58. . Fobraary''<? J 'State Tax NoticeMY BOOKS AVJfLL- BB'QPKlTlip FOR RMKIVI.\G jret^rtja >uid Taxes qn..\trFD.SliaD^^-'tl?e i5th dpy ofFdwoary, 1865, tor Taxes of..tbe'r-year 186h..;7.. wjl McKAlNft. Feb 8 ?tf_ L " T.C. J? I>. For Sale, MILQH COWS A^D. OXMlCALF/ If1 LA^nq'ai^e-Ot Mi'it rta<DinerBlougfy';$id^nce I MJ. Romnym*?>. -4 %Vri v.* Jjwuarj 2$. .;... 1 .. ...r T; i ;FloMfc|i!oa; ' 17VOR BARTER,0$ SAidC AT . . \ JF ' ^obruaij I?tf JLVTHESOXA CO..' . ^__si?-f~ .-_i ^ . " called ug'n to deliver jtlieir qliotaiuf me^'! I am nnihWfted to-receirA 15 pounds of SalwaLj?orltiio. lieu oi W 'poiando-of Raewf. ' ' J; IL JanuiiTf 2i)?tf- . Ottpt. {fc At O.'S. Crushed Sugar for Corn. AKSTONB WISIltNG TO. EXCHiireE WILL _flnd 60 pounds'- crush Sugar for 60 bUshls corn hj" applying nt the Depot. ? . .... ' - .. ff .yC ALSO- FOR-SALE V G Tert sifp^r\or?secoaii'handed mohair mohogany. -.ChairtA nwbtei?RTj?Wo and one Whatnot, at;-; t-Mr,-v 'C- ktf&attfcnV*- Also/a.farpet, all-wool, nearly netr; ; ^^^.^nlfcriSVya^'^'-HnOUatteh's. '% ; ftwyy i ; ;; a-1 (To PialougSad $?iers: / HKADQTVRS F.NUOLTJ^'OFPICE, | ' CAUDE^f'?b:9, I8G5. ) rpHR- ATTENTION* OF ROWDIER is OX . FtTJt1 I OtoGTi is directed to ilid. following cxuocu from Gefterul Orders So. 1%1, 'series .of 10(!3{ and from General Orders .No. If current aerie#, Adjutant and Inspector General's otlico: .. ; _ [KxTlt.VOTS.]' . ' A] .U;r i IN SI'. GJi.VLS OFFICE, . .. liicnwo.vD, Ocu- 23, IdCJv ' GENERAL' OilDVUS NO. UV/ . A . * %:<;> * IX. 'jB<?ldi?irs;rtfturiiiir}; Homo. ou./fdtobiij?lijVbr' otireuch jugulate* at ivhidhl^eyAvfll stay during tifrlqiigli, will ii/luiedintely. report to tne depreat Eurb.ling Offl;' cer, who wjU'keop a register of tboir ijwnes, despot live licit, place v> here stationed, by vrlldm thu lbrldMBj was granted u ml tliv tiino at which it expires . -TiSB -* . Altf'T'A^DlNH^liN'S.QJ^CE,. '.."ii V . *l.,? "/l 1 CO M . .? ; T A., uaili lUUl/. GEXJRRAL OiiDIiUStiO,,!. . > . "Vi; .Soldi'cre.fiirlqugheJ, who on thefr return.bonrtofrehbrrti'i the Ktirolhng Officer, as required by'Paragraph 1 f, General Orders NAM I, 1863,- will forfei&'thetKhrioIigliF, be arfosied hy Enrolling 0(11ccis and raturimd'to their, commands as 'absentees without tenve.^Cooinianuiug>olfici>rH will express this requirement and pohalty jipoir thV face of all t'tt'lough* tlt'uk issued, j *; ' ' r- A rigid compliance.with the above orders will lie enforced . All good citizens are requested to furnish thft Enrolling Ollicbr.with, uiiy inforinatiotr which will 'napiac'fiim.ifi plaoing in'serrice all traders <>f' con.-cifption Klfti deiierU'rH iof 'ahsoriterHtrom- tiio in toy. >All iriformiitioa-wiih MdiPeli he is ' iiirniahod will be.',re-* ga'riled as itridtly cohlidehliah 'V" ;.v ALESp'If. COLCLOUGfe;* V Feb. 18?if Capu,ai& En. Officur of X. P. < . 1 v < ? .v / -rr?* .'vj, if .J / V-IfffliPlSCTORW OFJFICJB; {/ . COLUMBIA, E. C., February^,'1865N 4 LL MEN IN THE Oxfl CONGRESSIONAL DISI\. TltlCT ^ been recommended lVf light duty, but-.hnve not been assigned-?aU^neu who Jiave beou "truiisfcrred td the Invaliiflt&rps* and all .%ol;r dters who'furo lumporaritydisahied for field service," witf report for inspuution as Ibll.ows: . 3: . Those of Sqmter District; at Sumter, Fob'. 1,5, 1*G5 44 "^Clarendon ,4.- V Manning, " 10,, l4 " . " Kershaw " Cannton, 44 18, " . ' " " ^airfield A ' VV'mnsboro, 21, 44 ' York V * 44 Yorkville, 23,. ' 44 4 4 4 Chester,. " Chester, 44 24," " . 41 44 lticldand ,r' , ,44 Columbia. 4- 22 and 23."iKVr ? ' All persoAAin the 6th ConereBsional .District who hold (erti Ilea tep/ofpeniiHiient.disability, will report at tfj* times tiud places mentioned above to the iiedioal ltrntrd t'ur re-examination. 1'hose failing to ret?poudjto the above order will be sent to the field, withfoMregard to tlicir disability. i'lto Enrolling Officers of the several Diauicu will j^tend this order, and hare rods of c?eli ciaay made' but.- By order of lirig. Gen. CntiSNOT. * #; ' il ill. CLARK,. *' "" llajf s&d A.Q?J liifja. 5th Cou. Dist. February 10 v tf Wanted, ITT.IOU 50ii0 lb 10,000 collars.of private 1 kinds or .L sbote'ft, lor e-uneiiey, i.t prevailing rate:;. iOolliiiig will be taken but first class paper. Apply loUie" l'ustOfiwc. . 1 ' ^January C. ?2t' '. ' " ..Wanted tai Bxckangfiy'f a ... 'witciAairrxtt ami vtfiiv wis*. JUL unite, lor a sUotfijjSiiug u'ihiu Apple to v jii ????& w- ?4wsjbbl Juuuaiy 1 . *g '?' ' bt ; .. foung, A PISTOL, W HICH TlfE OU'L'KR'UAX IIAVE bj-proViiigprppmy! ond^ayinfj thu ?expense of advertising.. ' Apply u< ?k? ""Joiirual" otttee. ' ^,B UgJauua^y.Itf V - - ""v. <# tf j. ^ ^ .v' . "-."'"'' ' -" ] * :" ETHfl EXECUTORS QETIl'E ..LAST^WIIi, 'lY.Y and Testament ofyCoJ. James C.. Hailp deceased, will cell at( hiB late residence-tii Kershaw District,. oh ihe,15tli dkjr of February in'ert,!'alt ofvthe undivided property, belonging tojiis e&aie. " " *' 1 ^January 23 : H'.' * .1 . . tib-iO. ' r-''' wartaxjoffice : > ' s? ;/->'cahdjsn, |j^aie^a4^^^;6^jsr: registered A\/-persons,; includiif *ttU6rs,'yTenners,''&a. are ^eb^^uueftto mMj^.^eir;ittiirne%Ubio the next" fw*nry Mysi( wt wqcg TOW ^yiy4v;r.yuuiijj;,a??s ?" 0?11 ^rso^iwhabat^not mtoj^iilrelur^or.prbp-; do welj'-io attend to iforonSptlj,' as.we ft8p "abotifc ! ,*?' gp| g^^MSs^ Jan".9 . -.-?* '' ' ' . "::l qhHB BOOKS, 1?R Tfip) OJLLECTimOP THE l^Townfor' tbe7 ear' 1864? toill hp opened' on' WpdneBd?7,;We 1,5thof thisirwntfy; the(.Gommis? doner's Oip&oe in CourJTHouae,;iind ,wilj. /roaata jopan for one omftb;'! It is dwifablft for those foterested' to Idome fbt^rdp^ipptly. 0 0 J. D.aJUNtAP;"Etibraary 13^13.t '< . CoUefctor.- ' . ' f\ - : - "*? ' " ' " ' ' - : : ' 78$ . ' i? - .' ' A CI]AI^INGY\E^W6^?ST oJ#7 . :"$m '/M 3& | lie Captain's Bite v^i^K W-Iwi ' 'JT JH^li^k K QTAL E OF TliX.WAR".' g-'jiir-TOi.m: rn; Li^jroN,.3? K. C; CA\./ *'' Neat\y Voiyid io&AjlEft'co i^.V.y .?1. , Vpoi .ijfcipt&t" tliFjrice it-will bo mailed to any, pari *jC tljfr_CJ^tfM^pugbi^ytepmiil.' .Aliliera, disctiurif"t/) tlicTjade. * #? Vi.*' .'* *. h- . $& '' A*-diecdiiidjjugpjiirig^ $10 Trade: will do wtfl to forivutd tUeir dijjS^c'&ro. .;' f '" '.' .r*v;.-: 7 . 'K'-fS PRESS, '. *%ie "Maidof I?irklandt f ' ' ; "'fitliUSTRATliD,). lit : V/iiY KDW^p:EDeEVIXJ^. ' iv.icfr,....... ............. .*.1.. ,.?i '* "vv.-"; ". ,,f p '. Sit# Vv-:.-:v* ;> ^ . , ( ... .( . . ^ / ' TSa%D8se|i?r's. A. TALfeFoin?DKi*%ta2r nis^L ritjibKKirSo " -vTHE WAltil^^mTH-CABdLr^A^ ' ; v- ; ; * ?.. ... ;o'V."v. -v "A B7 TV. D. HKRRIXGTOfr. 8llX>'K.'CV CAVAfefer. V .; ?.? V ,V* VP Pjiicjb,.: . -.. ..... .> ..&&% .'r.j4?.|l J|V ' ! ^ or,1*J i-TUB pi)i\L OFTfefqt^pWXGT; J |T ^ !* '' i , . *.V~ V s ? ,'f . . , '' '? ;"'V. V . :X? v. BY.EDWARD.KDGOTiiWi:; ' >? ; Priori.'.... ^ !rr, >? ??" r\UfjbknU our publtcations W^ow^olib&ol1 d&ctnril to. tho'Tra'lo;.'. .yj-) " Upoo icSfent of theYiiMiifllcfe^ encb.edi titffi? of" tli eae beeuti(hi XovellotteA.wjli W liinited^tlierefb.etho.Trndebnd botterfonranUh^ip'ordera nv onV v . ,..gsfig Address ..... . . ; >,/. < i~mt. Tl. PMITII a CQ^Pnhiiahcr- '& ify.i ^iejgbiifM KarfonLiM^ffltf^^& advertisement, *iLlitlii note, will receive ofeaeh Wkf ' #Nov. 14 * ' j ij inn -^1 FINE DRESSING CO^BS; ppckbt ro;, ? *;\ Pearl- iJigate Buttons.SboeKnives; Black Fiax Tlircui(l;jW~TootB Combs; . Kniuinj^ Needles, SfCe) PeDe, Peji Holders; 20-bakesTobncco, Fine Floury 8(1 pri/pt gn ss4tone Buttons,'"SIetnl HAflons; 41) dnz. Children's'Stockings, T?cks: '* 40 " " Speks, Red Flannel; , Lmly Peas, SVeetTototoes; ' } Engfittb Cotton Cards; # -J, .Bioguns, pegged arid sowed; - '* <m 2M.000 Nectllc?', TV riling Ink: :it : 8. A. BENJAMIN'S. December 12. V i| ""T^Tp'Eirel" <?0pn COOK," W4SHElf LND IR?)NF.R, Ai>. J.% Piynttljla^fficb.'"o -ii Jjuiwirv 18 ?" tf >-L. 1.?1__?* l i.' ti.' i'** L,. . somE.*, . rpiIE SUBSCRIBER HAS COMMENCED RUS.iL NINGr liis Ouruiljiia again.-.. . " January 2Dr~3 . E: G. KOBINSOX . ? j?. ?' .?:?y ' , n: AuptipttSata I WILL SELL AjT-TJEE MARKET? HOUSE 3jNComdex on Saturdfrjrthe 4U{ Three flue young Mulefl.-fwO^Htfraee, one Bu^gy^ote or two \Vflgona aod Harness? ploughs, &c. Terms cash on delivery-of thb probity? . ..." ; " ' . L.8IEES,..Eeb. 1?2t : ? for W. 'U* Sixes. ifottpe- ?.. i . A LL AGAEBST. ex. tho'Estite'ofCdl. James C. Haile deceased, tViJ] .presentTlfora immediately, to the Executors of said estate, for payment'* . , - ' J B. ii. rfASamr, > . :> C. 0./LIA-lbS, } . January 22 . #' '* WM To Hife, v. 51 >i\ iTckf^oi^rG^i '.raj kfad of a town^of 'itood,-character 4 ?i)d hialtliy^sgbo^/wchraah.and waiter T&5 i 'AIso( a g^rl, foUrtoeirjeaiaaf Age, aoc rtomed to fatei'tig.'.' Apply;, to J..v'8; ' PsiPafa^ at. 1^. -Hocotfa jjg ^ 7... .. HotiwrtoJPayeto;; T W^LfXEPP.MT feqbKS.'OEMr DURING THIS jL"' moptffcr;thp^cpD(B<}6m,^f,the* Advolorum 'Tks.-. Those Vlio failsnqedt,th??tolvoa to a double Tip:. . Those artic* ant in-..arreai?;io5r; the Tux upon sales -lor the-qparter?ndjng 31st Becvmlier last, are'required to pay the monej^. i Certificates Trill not'be takeni . V i JEENKKDT, .Je&i^lf . ;; * 17# GeL'Dr S. & 4 <k;4m m v '* ' *. : .7 * . ? l. " ;Jjv ,'V. ." / VH W&Mi - 1 , ft! 7 Fifty : . JfP JDoUawfiwp.'wx Aoftllis; nnd Five Dollara fyon0!MAtf^;*i*r?-k.% - , ftV. ; -'T^'JS SKMI-wdkkly mhMMSSwr. L^jgSsj Tuesday iiad Frids j-, iiil'd sent b$ *?&?' Doltoiat l>y rjjeyr; j .,, i?S^;i.W 'rnmir : day,- and unned4o-iiul)?ono^<i^iBitl^'^DMbttJ^?% * %$ 4 ,;your, flud.T?u nnd will cot depart froSh h ^' IM^^iiay' ctreunitancea, * FeweiiH who desire 4o pet tU#*^jr?6|ie<iie ? .% .pany:t}ieir orderaV' ' ,X:^.;.' > ' Curriera Gpd.>*?vv3 Dealers:*111 be foffeifil ed *\th? 'rate of.raYwtf fiotwSfelnpd*f-.; >(t $f% ?;Advertisements wliiW^fftfcd.lg^e Daily, Effcf- ' . [ Weekly aiid.Wwfclj4H*T?tf , lino8orlo88 wreT?ry luseiiioiK''r~ I forniin^the puMinhers, and tb#. lawtpapira ?w Mfe. to the former dircctwn ttfoy art htrkl. mpcrtJW^Jb^\ Pew?papcffl trom tba offlwormorbiff o?d le*Tla? torn;. v ' pO^ ^ * offlca newspaper* ffifmiii ':'^ hidAow Irjbl* to tka jwbMwr & W ' i' V.-i <: ':Ayv-j-?*> r<-: .f . <& ' ?. ; .? ?>_- r-.-i:?.?fi , !>H; . ' - ' *'' ' '< 'W,f \ -!( '! ':* ' A#A8JP CONGHMRATt<MI,0?j TAXBK# lite . "7 '.. -or Aiuerfeiil , "! ' ', " Tfco Stuthirn Field and Fireside," '." K' oy.A?eusifii,?;i!1- .; t > V.1 '. '" ' _"3L3W. ^ % * . .Vi;jv ? OF RALEi6H/5?. vi? ; ' . ; ^ Combined aotf continued nirf+fr ArAld-frjii y. ' ' ' -'A !"i,; .; ' ' *PF ' < '> //.'HfaiiA'V V'*V* , SOITJUEBIK FIELDS* HMEMM (V<>V; V- ' ' : > J'.." V>1 r/si TUB ENTIRE EDITORIAL AKD GORTSltfT#. K ' ' pi.iT pnopa m?H/iTH.inir!RiriTa> - \ - u . ' ^' rrn i ifiiT rTn'ruTn of rnii" ''laifefflrj ' * I X. liavnigpurclwMdUhe/fSofltliero ?idithdTint . ' qidb!' end andirig It''Impossible to maice rii|tiiiMM|b :.';V 'V wfich would insure a regular enp^'i^jKrtjiujSi t? I account,^'the irreglilarity .and^ uhcirisBJty'cf'trana- !*' .partition "for the "Ifol4a^Fitegcle!';.at Atpista, (hu, 1 UiOiHaAe ImVhig to le supplicd^fcom'tbe nulls ft K*lI eigh, N! C., bWewemowl the "field and Kreaide" ta >. >' i Italelgh'andooaibftied ftwe'tvd etethag'EiteraljpJdi92 ? '* nols; - <llie: "l^a;ctl^7,'; iefti?relbrf?tefd?t lata Kiiflb# -~S "Southern Field and Rroaidei":and TriUbeao, ed nnijl the state of the wantry yW justilj .,a. ?re^4 . ; * ^ inept/whoi bctii papers yr5UT>? iMbJs^Tknd the pupifpto vB^^jrSe'o#eaheciijkidn#ith#eidfley'rf.? ..ij1 or interruptiohi-V* \* ;.??' f.ft* ; . ''?ora t?in(ifl n)w)n the eiiarrin* ioeraSl "It la "! ' 1 rp&yvtxi amo^oed i^^ntfear of . .. . toMif^and^;;,!.': y,% qu tsiS*^ **? : *p! e ii dJd Arrar ?f < ?mbt*<>d Tafr?*| v '^S9SB5SHRS