The tri-weekly journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1865-1865, February 03, 1865, Image 1

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; vol i ' c& A^Xerms of Sub'scripti^ii. ^ *?-firi-We?tiy por month - - - ' -^S^.OO i" fpr Six Months $10.00 -. ^vwkry, - - -' -l - - - - $10.00 % J - -, 1m C .Hates for Advertising: - For one - Square?ten lines or less?FIVE _ ?- DOLLARS for the "first insertion, and FuUR DOL LARS for each subsequent" N '* . . Obitdart Noticks, exceeding ono square, charged itjadvertiaing rates: . .V&uffiga^Adtertisbmen'ts" and Job Work MUST ? ' MrfW FOiUNA^VANCK.' _ -y: " ' -Jp{<>S^eductipn made, excepted eur.regular advertis; .' * ng Portias. j T.: ' - #6or ' Boiler?a Complimentary -I ' Notice. _ ? "tilt* 'ianil ftiT tli?.nraiAnt in' I VUl 'lUUUUl JO IJU11U UUU)4 IVt IUV pyvv*? mmmike eyes of bis Yankee brethern. A telegram * from Washington says- i'~- , ' '* -<? V ^tferaT.Bhtler was for four .hptirs bcfoife^he 'ConiBMttcV'bn the Conduct of'lhe^War tb^cja-j,. andgAve a complete history of bisHShripaigns,, mSuding -events at ^Tilrmngton and > otv the. The'Committee will.aRostimmoh C!Sax?eh. Grant and Admiral Porter to appear, * t^Kwthetn, and gjyc tlteir testimony-on sfeveral impfcrtant queatious whicb have' ari^n in; - Bntl^s testimony. m^gJ^He'stimbny, the salute for the capture of Fj^ Ftsher was fired. On. learn ihg*tho cajiae<riF%,e-firing, ho raised his hand Bayingj "Thank , God for tb'at victory " iji\ .? 'gives him a, final feci ito'thTs tf'ayj' " ": ~ In another point ofViejr, also, the country ; is to bb.cp^gratrialAd upon the^c?pttfrej>f,Port Fnber. - It pats tj^nast seal tdtbe populardata n&i on of GentrallJatler. General Butler's admtrors and adherents are that etass' dEfiaon trtbirfeyer relinquish,.ainy position' while-tfiere a 'possibility that aigiitaentative subtlety Ulfty IDBKC tllC pwplC.., O tuau v~. ??? > ? --- 2 '- ". ' gecni twflsutlejto immagine apy-"~r* thmgtffStafira;' baf thldpSwhoie Jtorld maybe . '"made^o bclfev^, if any fconsfaf(w6te number of | fc mpn will pwinb'ir11^ wif I'&ffigand it.; ; iba^pc asseK ^^-HjenewtliaI^Jthfre^ei# roitigqfcfbg:' circumalXn-. -?-- ' cetin Thaller's faillrrb, -aifdlthat thus he might again hietfgrbeJ inliojhoiitioir. ,.^qt hoir cap tlffiifHebds of Bj:tfcr5tf)s\ver this 'capture? Hero-1 is the Fort, made-stroTfgcr by tb^eneurj than *? . ^was before^arnwn^ "W three^<i^f times ai-manjiihenj and It^Ils the aV . tenrot is madelfffftlw jji. this finish 'all the Butlers controversy!^: v' ^ ' Tbetewfts^olMftg to'des ^5 ^ fjjj^ttfKft 'i& |^,e f^^dcr'dfthe^rtiij itfo'remebt nj^raent from tbe liflpj^n in may last. \But; i^we-nHitt coDcInde^i^M-'fafitencd ?o^b- the; ifrtoby.'b^'fb <i;^Yfi&hii^QiPradical al&^itiplrjft^' P!f:bdP^P:P*7^-r^Jar-^Tray. offieera. in jmja.*t Jdbtit timeWtoldliinre carried?-'tbe; . array of thosJames krto Petersburg -before?h# i^lcI'.Kaye'.t$ed^ rbcprirpcf to ??ittd.b$yj the. ^j^^,j^'IiaBy..eyeDtf tbe reraoyal ofr.iGeu.' j f Bettor from the&raiy ia-no loss to the eervice. fe.% . -Hi*place can. bVreadly^eeppJiedaB a solcfior, ii" ' ^Wb:!l^8:pbssib)c tfiertos i rebel: city or two Tn wmcfi;'k? military dtcfiitor, hereafter, ,;flm gpc^i&r,qualifispatiPD& may bcuaeftdjn paving ?'?F' V* . '/:^o YOTteeGoTistjl at Hayanna hits c6rfii-, tn^j^^^e'l^lligcfacetKat'tb? rebels, are JT':: ?ngagei*in improving tbc harbor of St. Marks,. V Btuated^n St. Marks river, on the- west coast . of-Florida, for the purpose of opening there an ^ v' Jt'tfcmnsct^ipy a.railro^^ ; length, .with tlid capitahof.tbfi State of Florida, 'Tallahassee $Which it is the port. The fcat;ed. by; vessels drawings ergfit HHHI ?* #<. e been convicted in Lon six ieonths' imprison" n^HM -,r a; 'par* ' dm , , - ; _ FRIDAY MORN 1 KG, FEB. 3. " ? ' " p J \ t g , l"i* GotD.?Wc.-aratoliithat gold in Bicbmond -eold for " t-wcatj-five ; xin 35; 'in Augusta it was ' sold at Torty-fiye. ' ; . :.' . The riSembera of Eerah*w L6tfge2v^. 9, T.:G. O. P., are requested to meet in J. II. Gayle'sCounting Room, this evening at 7 oldocb, p. ro... By ardor ^ { . Secretary aifld ^Treasurer 'Buhored Fora giro I^her?It js|umoi?sd-in Ma;, aam iUI'a 1a>/?a T?a4am1 7V\?k?>vinfStVartu nf fnnp f V> nn _ WU umi U JillgC fDUOlAl Og*jf Vi tvui VUVI4'wind fcavolry-and tinmorona Wfli$OTis' bad goB^''}titp Montgomery county. * ' ' V." i./?. - Affaths ttr th'b Wst.?A n 'o fiicer from.-.' ifte' froflf informs the Columbus Miss. 'Republic, tba^The Federals are^oriCenf rating large forces, a tEastpdft 'atfA $* 6a^'for the purpow of moving-on Softna and Montgomery os-BOOii ^ibe roods ore "in suitable condition. . CoMnscATioN /notorious John' ft UroEriwoohidverLJeeain t^a;iNew York Tribune two columns of sales of confiscated real .estates jn Yir-. ginia. s 11a- the "city of Nor Mk, -15; Norfolk county, 1; ?IiZQ%etb1S% cdntoty, 31* imd tlife" to> n pf fempton^2--making in all 109. day. says: ^jaV^odi) arrived in our fety ^estofdaji,"and last nigbfc^n-response-to 'tie ieallaiWrlar^ asSetoWage of citizen^ lie arttSe^a isbcfrti* pnng^i "pithy speech, full of that patriae fire whitii, he^jias on'ao many fields -Ij? speech yrner "eloquent and ;impi?isiVe^ combini^ ? ahf fcSre strok^- and efcefted tiie Itearty applause of the crowd."! T^e "bat^ acirrtid hero t^s Hopeful nnd confident _ especially Che bOiiiia, aiV^mritfidlo byterian^uiiurciv-on jQat, uof eridouV-" *g& ititoDpe sUteof.^^'country, will be differed. i " '.'. '..s. jambsDmrfcip^-;'^ K W..BONXBT}. .;.. . . ..? . " ... JAMES B. CURETOFviW: ""' A. M. KEtfffEDY; I ' ... ... gjg. . . ' VV. M/SffXMON, \ I . Ji %'r* \ r: . Committee. j A'correspondent states, on 'the. nutliority of Mr, -jnEKkOLM, tliat^lie aggregate debt <Jt the Confederate Government, including fisiSfede-awf notes, is, in round: ffltimbers, ODfc biljionand a iialfor"at a ratio.of tweu~ jty for-one,$75,000,000 ih.gc$h . Tlie^ondff ate inter-. :est bearing property, and aregafe investments-'? iOttg as tho Government can pay, tile interest oiu tbem.? -Sereaty-fl ve'ininiqua of dollars in gol^, tlter^T^d^has l^vaie entiie expenditure ofthV Goveram$>iit*''miice its inauguration. $ut feur of the people.are aware ot fonf ihit in fnnr roort f\f inrtonotfiTflnPA titld. at*. !pen'alivevwar, the Southern Stales iia^expencted-o^r' ; about one-third rrtore on* thomwrvea'tren-'- they - "prev ibo'sly annually pafd^ft ttrt^nitecPJ^teav Tre&br^v Such is the .conciW^dFil^urea, wl^ ieVer' dpoeiye.', ilSere itppt for-theptfCe of --jbliood)iiftero.J'paid,.. wou'cTbe aHnostas cheap to figLt the- Yanlfeesas 'to1 fraternize with thenf.'**// !;*7^ 'rtjgh*,&?f' ;! ? - ' -- * *?? 7*s'Jrj' Shkbmak's MovEifEKra?The L{Co^tia)t>\^b^ei: jflfisday saysr All- ttye moVethhnfi^oT tfor'efiemy indicate Augusia^.and ' Braocj^^s^ of/destination. The Twentieth AVrny-Corps occupy ftejbertville. The Fourteenth A-fth^OdrpC'cSrtAiljed Sister's Fen^rjf&ndtfy. Our. scouts report;a heavy 'force of infontry. artillery &nd .cavalryeticamped Mon; day night near the junction of Salkenatchjg^nd .QId^ I Union roads.' This force is bbl^ed"ttf lffltfae-*' Eifiteenth. and Seventeenth^ Artajy^ -'Corps." They had | crossed H<rLee,8~MiH creek;-aod'We engai jci in rtrj j pairing abridge at that point.- r1. Abouf'toO d'-cldck Monday raorMii^tWwew(^r*(^ i ranced with a iwnsiderable' Vf jtifiery irotp. .-agtL/irovA line, three miles .to Xiog's.dreek. -,Ja ,tbrce RfM^.tJor : ttddpradvanoed and droro ^be!nl*ckto'Wh5te l^int,^e-aetab]l3!)]J^g our pickot line wtf&i it was iaifce, '^ornj^gi. f.?i : '., - ?!-' > ' it>< - . .' I Tueiday the enemy made.a demonstration.-on our position-at th* rpo$<^ bridge dcrostf-ilie'SaBtriiiftchf^' but retted without effecting 'r;"' | The.?nomy;.itrjs reported, burnt MaPberjoinriile on LATESTBYvTElECatAPH Sd&nejl according Urthe Act ofCongress in .the -1863, by J. d}rTHJ^HBB^.^tHVClerk^ ?c? dftbfr District Court of tli^Coufedefate States for the ..NorthernDistrictof Georgia, ; GRANT AN;D;tEEfs i^iirES FdR FEAC|: ?^Y^cheER \ '.> .Riciimokd, Jar."31.?It" instated that while passing through our^ iWs^the Commiesioboni. were greeted with vociferous -cheer* by the Jjoops-,' and that similar demonstrations wep maao i>y tneittiucc^onj^euv arrival Trunin the YankceJines. --v % -rr~ - . * *'"*'*. . V GEN. LEE TORE GENERAL IN CHIfeP. '^REASONS -WBY- APPOINTMENT IS-. ^deMVED : * Richmond, Jan. 31v?-Gen. Lee ^"nomination , to the new grade of General in-Chief was pr?? * pared l.astweek in the-War Department^by orderof the President, hnt.the- delay in sending iO*i? to the Senate arises fro hi the Pi'eside^t-'k ihattlity Jo sign his nainic in congruence. bf a severe attack of neuralgia, in r^hfirrtt* and hand.. , ThePre^^fiisistilT ./COT^ried^ tp.. ; jftpm^iavrapni^VbBd^te^ j so&e days. tp.Tecoyer tk s .use pfhja^d,,. .RECEPTION ?)F OIIJEt CO'MMISSION EES; j p -tN^^Nr;cj]^S^iR. ROUTE. - H' - ^tenffiyiy, Jan.' 31;??.Geneftd Grant?sent. in?^ a flag-ofdriice to-day annonuldngUiat-oiu^m m i ssiWtBft -Hgbft Kl ^^rbjgeivcd afrS-PJfrL ' M}i < proceeded oat on iB% BaTter ro?d^ of "tirucc r.cntcre^ ! llie enenWV lines ih-fronfcof< Wise's Briirad^bf Ceoi>r Btrnliro^n. ' ' . ' 15^a^(aw wceived by c'ol .Hartcockof<xca; tirain ?cf ;c?rt patting in Jfrtfrbafc "?; 1,: . '^ : 'b'c. cbferfoHcd'*1$: Gratstfc Beadquartefe and start for \V*j&ipgtW Hb rnorm^ g? ' '"' ^ (. . Mr^Sfce^henSi servant ^.aa permitted} /company tbern. / . ./ ,.V p Coi;;Hitcb,rnssistabt: agent of Exchange, ac-; !cortfpnoies tbc comroisioBCES as ;secrdta*y; . the passage of the Commissioner* tlie: bffe^stw.di-ks1 o&^eftbmy/as well fuFour owu%eiWrb>r^d'-n'1th sotdicrs witn'c&sing die ; npvele^n^ ! Y"-> " - . . 3 . Y ;RiCHap^Jffnoai^,3(^?Wo.YanJvcepapery recciVcd'^bf'a l^w^tctfrafa t!Ke^S35J.7 r. hid1 caused -a suspej^p-ofHv^hayigatiou; I" UnsS^^r^ic^too i? maintained"at tihe Executive Depart'menl^elati.v^r Bjlair's miesionand the^Comraissioners th'at left Rich raond yeatT/v tt a o*m x " . . J . terday/or WqM.iu^Rv < . ..r , j.? | The, "SenUbcI'-'sayiLthe '-circuiustance under which these gentlemen have departed on their commission aVe a^wBws: Btam' having sought unofficially a coD&feqtM^intervie^' with Preaide^^flv^.d Wiwhihgton irfeb-ae^ bh willing. at "any timeto'send com mission era to yyaaniDgton bout: term* ot pea(ce,. i? informed in advance that said commissioner* woufd Boieceived.: . . . V On<BLAitfa.,_second ryjfeit to Richmond he bropgSt'the^i^nsent of Lincoln to receive and. -confer-wftK imy. agentrinformally sent .with''**: $^;tq.tho ratoration ofpeacc. TBoStf gentle. n?en yesterday were therefore selected by the Bresi^fei^iapd have gone^withoiifc ore < dentiaK' as ^iqfora^l, agent^p-iosee Ker bossible to seoare a cphferfeLcd v basis djrhjicli.may. selre for ob""Olo.a result,, : - \ - TpE!^ ^ ble and resolution!yi'tya unAnimoiislj adaytpdjy' kT|ilft*"irela8ttrerc'assenibrod Iiers," put a^wk , /-.'c 8in?, '^'mourne^tbe'r?cent dliilr ol our assotiit* .6 flWr,(be'C^bier'ibTtliis'^^^i^bSd-k^ipaEU^^K- . ''' -: tttsi reflt^'(^hatwitl)in thirt^n^omlie, four of oc/'*%~~T~ coffipwribM ^^U iao^had t^iut^eri > U> drti< cold form of Veb flnntH5*T^ *i?/Aniift* -r^ inclti us to discHa rge e-irnestlj ttie:.d?'tft^<^^^7^^: J ESSHVPNETTI^ 0 Banlrf ha^ been ln'offi<?ftfnwriy^birty)^r^4inTinf'" all tflrcouree with ibe members oif lliii Boe^'l)^ "^4 impressed them deeply, by the tlerling-worth of Ji]* _j character, an weifis&? biiigW^lipdlk^|able'.(t}^9i-->; sitiob. ' Time had'ailverbd his hair'Wd-l^i^iWft^ 7 ire died, as l.? had bred, "cheekily, ard ^ed'to^ decre^ wbich^^ .bayurp ^ I?,ARS fj?lt SHAjftK on the old stock,; mm^?^V >;?' aix inooiluQfird^ff Do^efljbcr 3^.1S6^^airf;tr^fc"qp^-> - ; ywtcrn kai]^o^^Dk(i dividend-c^O&if. -ppEr^ .^ v EAR PER SHA'R#$p*'thj> MrtV ^n^;tUe wmbin?il" dividend of SliTEE^' lKXLI?AT^^ilirl?; ^i(I lit tii0. 5 , r*a: .<+:fy:*Vsf&^S3^^' ^v'"4k aforesaid Baii^^fu Coluiup^pif^iiiaj^r W^^Jtg. ->,y DAT, the'Jit- tifiltobwuura;:- v ' ' / The div uteau ch;;v^ i^mnectot* willftlie BanfycVriH be- pa id-VntSift"5 "-isw5?"7^rof?o . place aratftve.stated,' atadrit SjWte ft^outh Carolina: ^ ' Auditor foi South Chroliittii ^a^Bio^^Annta^^'' V V . ^ C^HBAN,::;^ ^ . . Casliier Seaihw<MterhtBail Ebad.B?ik--r . C ;rRbni^:?v |g I , A TASt OF B&AVrl^ WILB&fcAFELEIT AS SOON-' chanced Iflled. -.. It can WseinraV, the Boolc^ J and chances secured at ^ - ', AH MANSERTAN^AGCUSTOMdjI I snj kind aud lita! Alao, a giri An^'vto . . ;' - .WifFV"* YOUNG J. JL g0?o UOOK, was nqrsa*' >tV; -- i Ahll ^ rs5^ ber ^hh|bbhh