Camden gazette. (Camden, S.C.) 1816-1818, December 19, 1816, Image 3

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C AM DRV, THUHSD.1Y, Dt.ct.vaKi i 19. 1 he prc?cor ft f iou of tl?c Legislature will c 1 ofc on this dav. Much bn.iuefs will remain unfin ished, Mail) b;ll? will confcqucntly be laid aside, th? consideration of which will probably be re sumed the next meeting. The bill providii g tor the payment of Petit Jurors and Cc>n>tables. paf?ed the Senate by a large majority, and has been l'tuc to the lower botJiC. The b1tt prnvirtingfftrrlre' TuppTHsTon uTWc?ro trade, ?o far as it refpect* their introduction into this state, from another, has not yet p *Utd, but i? uudergoiug another discussion. Saving Bank*. ? A saving fund Society, after t lie plan of those established in Creat Britain, ha* been instituted in Philadel phia. This is the first establishment of the kind which has yet been set in op v ra tion in the United States. The Legislature of Indiana, now in session, are actively engaged it) the or ganization of the detail? of the state gov ernment. A resolution has been passed by them " instructing their Sen mors and Heprestntatives in Congress to use their Influence to have the late compensation law of Congress repealed." .In Paris the gallery c;f the Theatre is called Paradise. The Duchess of Orleans, took a fancy to go to the play one night, with only a fille de chambre and to sit there. A young officer sat next her. who was very Iree in Ins addresses, and when the play was o\er, concluded by offering her a supper which she seemtd to accept. He accompanied her clown stairs, hut was confounded when he saw ? lur attendants and equipage and heard her name. Rtcovering, however, his pre sence of mind, he handed her into her carriage, bowed in silence, and was retir ing; when, she called out, where is the Slipper yog, promised ? lie bowed and repli ed/4 In Paradise madam, we are all equals; but I am not insensible of the respect I owe you on earth." The prompt and proper reply^ obtained for him a place i* the Duches's carriage* and at htr table. HYMENIAL . married, OH Thursday, the 2&th Nov. 1816* by William Moore, esq. M.?j. Jos k p h Jorl Head, to the Amiable Miss lir.TTY Hannah, both of this District. ? - During the last month, by J. Ballard, esq. Mr. V homa* Simont to Miss Jicbucr* M> Daniel* . DIED in this town on Thursday even ing last** after a short illness, Mr, George B v , i ring l ott* f THE Members ofc the Camden J.ckcy Club tut t on Wpdne&day the lUh Decem ber, agreeable in eppointment, and proceed ed to the tl^kn oi officers, &c. &c The ioltowinfr gerftanen were declared duly e lectetl fUM, <ienl> Z* Cahtit, Presi >nt, Mr. C. Swan son* Treasurer* Capt. J. 8* Dm as, ? 'fl^ajpf* 1N M^Caa %*' ' ' ' , Col. VV. Nixoh, Capt. J. Dosy, m Job* Boykin\ SfSn. Fsq..? Steward*. A ? ? ? That the Races shall com rthe second Wednesday in Janu ext, and continue two days. First wiee mile heats ; second day, two ?Further particulars will be giv ntxt paper* y My Order t?f the Club ? )GKS, Secretary* U ft&APFORl| SPRINGS. npHE Subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the niblic thai he intends continuing hU BOjfttilA O HOUSE, at Bradford Springs, the ensung. summer, where every accomnV"!- (ion will be afford ed to Gentlemen ami Ladies w ho visit them either for health or pleasure. The pecul iar qualities of ihi~*se uprintf* are too well known to need any particular description. They will be fitted up in a suitable manner* with bathing houses, &c. for those who may favor him with t' etr company. 11KN.I AMI N PIERSON. Ilradford ?rtr*< Sum /iter IM? trtCt , Dec, 18, 1816. ' 38/ GARt~?X S1J..DS, Jnsi uui\ cd from ?. c .North, aiul tor sale by I1, i honitrm, do>r below he Aiaik.Lt, warranted * " ^ood. an*^ will be sold wholesale or retail, as low as cai ? be purchased ia Char- J les.on, untoui; winch aie the following : Kat v Yo^k C^bu^c* l^arjy Cucuuauci> _d l-.jriv Duicti d?j. Long do. Drcnihcud wn?terdo.Su? ar Loaf Lettuce, Laie iJutc . do. SttHinier bush squuah, Savoy do. Winter do. Katly spnnt^ Turnip. Squash I'eppers, Spanish do. Raho.i nose do* Hi ood Ii<'et, Sa^c, Kue, harly scarcity do. Bumet >?pinnage, t >tange doK R "d Onions, Turnip do. Cuil d Parsley, Sa'ir.oa Radish, Lar I y Petersburg Peas Scarlet '<>. Karly Charlcton do. Orange Carrot, Dwarf Marrowfat do. Swelling Lar%eAV,hU* do. - Ctllciy, Muster Wort, on, Pepper Grass, . Sun. met Savory, Ve^etabe Oyster. ? A LSO ? Prunes Almonds, Kigs, Raisins, Crambcr ries. Onn^ra, Onions, Cheese, Codfish, Mackartl, Muaia?*K Hops, Irish - Potatoes, flesh Chocolate No. i and 2 See. See. A lai^c a- sort ment of Fresh SHOES, anions* which are Ladies, Missesand Mens and B ?ys of ail descriptions, which will be sold low by taking a number of pair; and also he has added to his assortment of DRY GOODS, HARDWARE, &c. &c. many articles too tedious to enumerate, as they were lately faid in. Those who have cash to sp^re, may find it to their advuntage to caJf. A few hundred Raccoon Skins for ,^ale. *'amdcn, Dec. 19, 1816. 38 /HE HUBtiCKIliER j llECiS leave to inform his frien d I* jrtid the public in genei a), that he just received. Sc now otters for sale, al hii' store, the second house to the north of I)eKiib street, in that par ol the city known by the name ol j/^mwn^ the following arti cles, on very low terms, for cash or pro duce, v,z : CMik. and Cotton Unv- 6-4 Bird eye and spot bvcl'as, ted do. I.anie* Si'kdoves, Bfcfta and C assa, Cieni's Utuvcr do. Humhums Coloured sewing <frlk.6- V 4-4 Sc 9-8 Cotton Suttln and Lustring Cambiic RiWi >ons. 4-4 Japan Muslin Black. India Tanib'd do. Levantine shawls, as-4-4 5c 6-4 Book do. Horttd. - Do.' do. do do. iik i's* Silk. Suge do. Fluid Sc atiipcd Ciiiijj Fla^t* lUmdanna do. ham*. Combs Furniture prints, Leather suspenders Fancy Calicoes Piaid silk Hl?fs. Pink Sc black cambric - ? iiivvm r V3Uil( Blue do do. Swausdown do. Madras do. do. Sattinett do. Pullicut do. do. American shirting; Tapes S.ripcs, Dimity? Ounce Thread, liomal Mkfs. Fins, assume! Imitation shawls Black Italian Crap?. Mourning do. Ladies Sc GentleiuensBlack, brown & grey >y/ns>c*l hose. bomhazeUa. wool do. Bottle ^recn do. {/ions shawls Sup. fine Cassimeres 4-4 5-4 &. 6-4 Cotton of different colours. 8c Buff shawls. Best sup fine broad 7-4 Sc 8-4 Chintz cloths do. shawls different co-Bt istol duffil blankets lours. -Course Broad Clot Jis 4-4 sprig pearl net Blue Ec mix'd plums Lectio VV hV.e yellow 8c i^d / ? F!afir?els sfLSO? Gilt and plated coat and vest buttons, Iron tuble spoons? Foolscap p.iper, Fellen A*es? 'Grain sythes, Jamaica HUM-~-Phitad. Rye Whiskey. Madeira Wine in bfrttles, Crockery Ware assorted ? Handsaw files ? ; No. It) Cmton Caret* "** Cotton Hup^inK Twine ? Dundee do. 20, 12\ 10. 8, 5, 5c 4d. Cut Nails. Muscovado Su^nr, White Havanna do. ? . Prime Green Coffee ?? Blatk Pepper, Spanish Sepjars, CfV. JOSEPH KELLY. ' IBth December. 1816. '38tf. VV PUBLIC SALE. riLIi be sold, at Public Auction? be ^ fore the Court house, on the first Monday in Feb. ne?t, all the AJiC SROSS belonging to the estate of Win, Langley, deceased % By order tkr C ourt qf Ordinary. Wm, Langley. Admrx December 19, 1816. SI IKK IFF SALL. BY virtue of an execution, to me directed. will be fold, hefofre the court houi'e in (Jamdcn. on the'fir*t monday and tue?day in Jan'y next, with in the legal lioiir*,of f-?lr, fl^HRRE likely N^ro men, letted on as the 1 property of Thorns Uarrington, deceafed, at tht fuit of R. W. Carter ? et al Conditions cu#/t fturchancra to fiay for bill* of ttalr . P. ?*>. LKRy Sheriffs A\ I), Camden, Dec. 16, 1816, Mr. KLK and SAMUEL MATU1S* ? JTMaVING dissolved atul finally set led * their late co-partnership, what lew debts we;e contracted with them ?r> as signed to S. Maihis, who run its on Mc i - cjiandize >vith his smali Slot k ot COOl)>, at the upper end of Camden, ainon^ winch are the undermentioned articles, \M*h bt-vc ral others, which he will sell as low .na, reasonable as he can ufford. He will bi happy lo scivc his i'liends and uli oil>er?*. anU will thank them lor a share ot their cusiom. Cotton Bagging TWINE BLANKETS Blue Plains Grey Plains cassimere While Flannel Irish Linen Cotton Shirting Colerain do. l^ong Lawns Black Bombazeltc Blue do. CAMBRIC Bhck do. MU>LL>J LENOES GINGHAMS Black Striped do? c alici >ls Low priced do. Barcelona likfs. Pocket/1 Ik ts. Drawing-Knives Plain Irons COMPASSES Thumb Latches Plated Buttons Ball Buttons Mctial Buttons RAZORS Razvji Strops Shaving Boxes Sha* ing soap Ivory Combs Tioin.Combs Hair Scive?>e Shoe Blacking COPPER A RON A I'TO SALTPETRE PI I PER ALSPtCE CINNAMON Handkfs of divers kinds (i i N< ? KH SH A WLS(a vancty) UKlMsTON E Apron Cheek Lead and Shot Narrow do. Brown Sugar Corded Dimity Loaf Sugar Northern Homespun Best Hyson Tea Carolina do* Hvson Skin do. OSN A BU RG S C 'OWE K Brown Holland ?? 1 ?? Cotton Umbrellas Table Spoons Vest. Patcrns (variety l ea Spoons SUSPENDERS Clas* Tumblers Men's Cotton Hose long ?. ? | and short TI.\ CU/'X Men's Worsted do. 'fiJV Ladies do (black) pots 1 iiidif s Cotton Hose t#undltistick8 CHldr,n-. r,H -< -,"pepper Iioxcs Dippers btc. ?Children's red wormed do Aie\v plain Riubona Pins in p:*p? fs l^trond Pins NEEDLES i HlMBLES i>ali Thread Taylbtt Thread SCISSARS BIBLES, Testaments Dictionaries Almanacs Spelling Books P? immers Hymn Books and oth er Books it Writing Paper Penknives (excellent) , t er Poi kel Kmvt ? QUILLS ' Blacklead Pencils IVAf&HS S PRC / yJCl. E S Knives and Foi k s Carvjng Knives Shoe Kn ves NtPPKJKi AWI.8 Awl. Handles $h?>c l acks Saddle Tacks Saddle Buckles o+Rrm ? CilRTHWEBB BRIDLES Bridle Bitts Curry-Comb* Waggon Whips jpPVBS Pad Locks Portmanteau Locks Chest l^cks HAMMERS HANDSAWS Handsaw piles GIMBLETS FOOT-AZEII And on commission Aft VIJLti 4 and 4 I in. Spike8 Sledge Hammers AXH-& Hand Hammers Broad Axes Smith's Vices Shin^lin^ Hatchets Iron Rods Broad Hoes Camden, pecemhi r 17, 181 fi. JAACKTS Camphor SslL'lS Batentan's Drops Btiii'h Oil BU KG A MOT Calomel Jalap Sc a few o her common me dicines Pip^b and Tobacco. ? A I. SO Wrought Nails Cut Nails, variety Bar Iron Best German Steel Iron Pots Ordinary's office* Kershaw District . Otdinaiy ul Kershaw distncl is sorry lo find that many executors ad ministrators, and guardians of Minors, Have neglected to make anv returns (through the year) of the estates in their hands ; begs leave to remind them that they are not entitled to any commissions on the said estates, unless they make due | returns of their receipts and expenditures | early in January. Kfrrnho>w Dinfrr'cf. Dt 19. 18 16. Taylor in g business. filHE ?ubs<ri!>er informs it e citizens of Camden, and its vicinity, that lie will this day open a shop at the hous<* of Kvrr - ard Curcion% opposite the Host office, where he intends carrying on the above business in its various branches ; and pledges him self that those persons vrho may patronize him with their custom, shall hare their work done in the newest, most fashionable, and workmanlike manner. < J. SLAUGHTER. December 18, 1816. 3Sti We **-> c <mib > <z,cU i<j $ta e tha .ut. LLll--.i a 1 I 'tiJil'f i* 4. /O' the fjjfict >>t Ji . ?/ ^Y/ AVr .//u^r Lti+li ict* Drew* >' I 1816% '."H Nt VV (iOODS. rji[ir, Subset ii>crs w .^h :u*lnform their A_ P^toue m ^vticraJ, that they have jnst opened-* . / C ? . / S / 1 \7* . /v " Matebu:;.;. .? ' ; oUSe lU'ely ? CCUpicd i ? V.ol Spuun, whttt tl.ev < 1 lit i Cm sale Su vifine cloths, (Yom s + to fc, 6 60 per y 'd. | 5- i cloths from 4s. 8c/. 10 y*. 4</% per yd. assorted coluut s, Cas&i meres* and Core's, Yestin^s, suitable for tin* season. Elegant Kidderminster Caipeting and V c netian carpeting, Supei b heat th i u^s. Bath i k>ating and Blankets, from 2 to 12 d? Mais a pair. ~]Tn"cTegant assort men' of Mens' and Wo ^iens shoes, Leather, Kid and Morocco, M sses do. Silk, cot'on and Woolen Hosiery St gloves* and cot*"" shawls, Imitation do. Bandanna handkerchiets. Bh?rk SHk dn. l.o kin^ Ci tastes, various sites. Hates different sizes. Cotton and Lint n threads, sewing silks and iwi^ts, uiff rent colours Catubncs calicoes, lumens, ^hir^in^*, long lawn*, lonuhuins, dimities. fati/ y mus l\ns huinhnms, homespuns, ready made drawers, sn ckintrifc, and a number of other article in the diy good line. Spirits, Wye Whisk* y, Hum, tndial?.% See. | Sugars. r0ff-t, Spices C.m-ei, Pepper* Aim niuis. K nsins, Soap. See. ! CI.. ASS AND DI.LF WARE, HAKD WAliK & CU 1LLRY, assorted. All w hich we wid st il veiy low for cash or ? - Produce of any kind. JOSKPH (.OODMANVk Co. Decemder 18. 1816. '8-o n u A lrE K ChKLK ADRMY . Vt'li-L be opener1 January i, 1817, on " the waters ol lKavei Creek, 20 miles ahovu Camden St. tnh Carolina, in a popu lous ami healthy count i y ; Lontigious to which divine seivice will be performed oti Sabbat I) in a Targe Presbyterian congrega tion ; In which place boarding in te^pecta ble families it. ay becotuined at ?80 or low er per annum. I his Academy will be ur? | dcr the^lirect on of Trustees, Wt o Wit! at tend semi-annual examinations; after which there will be a vacation of two weeks in ! the spring, and three in the fall. I?*thi* Academy will be taught reading, writingi and arithmetic, at $3 per quarter. Eng lish grammar, m < graphy, learned langua _ Hcs? t he ma the ma' ics or at y of I he scictt* res wiii be taught at fc5 per quarter* 'ft he female dcpaitmcni will be tuui;ht by Mrs* Bkitton.' l'l.e subscriber pledges himself that the utmost attention will be paid to the morals of the youths, to their improvement in ? heir respective studies, and by an unwearied .diligence hopes to gain the attention and approbation <>f the public. - G. G. MacWIIORTKR. Dr ember l?. 18 16. *8-9 F.XIJIKI I IOV. / The Puh'ic a'e refpectfully informed, that an en* tire new ft prricnratiot , the most Iplfoiid evtf exhibited in sm*rir?, i? now open (and Will clo?e on Saturd y evening) Ai Mr, lluviS lower 'J avtrn% next door to Col. Aijcorfa, \ , r Mh2L?y1 W'JtlEllw U COMPRISING A COLLECTION ' WAX STATUES, as l.ABGE ai LIFE Reprefcnting likenefrea of fcvcral celebrated character#, among which arc the father of hit country CENEUAl. \V \SH?NGTON. * Goddcft of Liberty fupporting the American St a tul a r4 *-- ? c?ptain james Lawrence, *ho ? it presentation of his Wife, weeping over him. . A ri presentation of the brave and ever to be lamented Gen. P KE. who fell at the Battle of Y- rk ?The Hero of Ntw-Or Icans, Gen. J v( KS <vT. ? The Heto o? Lake- Knc.OLlVKK IT. PEBHY. Esq. Commodore# Rodf^r*, Biinhridg. , Dee tor, and Captain Ha*c Hull of the U 8 navy Maj. Gen. .latch Brown, the Hero of Nr?.'1 a^,?ra.? Capt. David Foier, late conri* tnandtrof the Essex frigate.? Genius of America ? Na|>oleon Bonaparte, late em* peror of the Trench'. ? Alexander 1st* emperor of Russia. ? Marshal Bluclitr. Duke and Duchess of 'Wellington. Duchess of Angouleme. Countess Berttana and her two beautiful children. - Tecnmaeh the celebrated Indian Wtrrior. The celebrated Tragedians Thomas A* Cooper and George F. Cook? Mr.COop is represented in the character of Mac beth. and Mr. < ook Richard 3d. The Youn* Ring of RrfPl* in ttaiforffl. The sleeping Beauty & Infant It N Y'. rk beaary. The above exhibition wat ntceutea by the mint eminent American Artist*, and well dafcrve the patronage of the Public. The above exhibition wiU be closed on Saturday evtniug.