Camden gazette. (Camden, S.C.) 1816-1818, October 10, 1816, Image 4

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be Cat. IWisCi-, m*r*m Wio. l>miict Gooch, GaeaWay <JoS$ %?ajl,$iepl?ei? HbSE; ?oft, Jdhn J-lix,' Muses Jiuoter, Milpa'Hussey, Jacob ftughe Vteli [Tjrtath ? lW-r 'H enry /arfctfj1 f Burtell Ivar*, George lrwtek,-nI^|MWfc [ A C/jgan,Gtorge Legao^Dimd < Lawhorn, 2, LertLar?dm,r? M-*CBarles M'Mfc Chrisipphjr M'Kay, William Moore, 3. James M'Clntch^ SaU??r4f^ | pics, Danl. M'C:a*k?U,,Jf)hn Martin, John Mwon. Nathan M.xon, Chaalea M'Daniel, SKphry P. MmegMr. Miller, Joaeph Mforphy, Ulirabeth i?t, Win. Marten, J I EliasMuse, William M'Gill, Ad>?.M' Willie, Wm. M*C?(Uock,? ?N? W m. Net Q~^rchit??ld ()<Wia%D)wl.-Oquin, I dL Capi. Manrtw PaiwM'eKgy Parks, John r4Jhget, \Vm. Peoples, Thomas Porter, Jo ?epn l'eople%. Rebecca Prioleau, Charles I John ^,hitlu^pt^J"l)n StngM^ti, Jeremt? | Sanders, James Sims, James 4fc>ith, 2. Je remiah SroiH*, Mathew Seeer, WikttStaHt, Douglass Stark. ?James Tnrley, George | TraWjcic, Geqrgf Tailor, 2. Alexander ^mH".^W--SolbfnonWilllamsiraV thv Wilkinson, Willikm Winnighflfcj Sf I Robert Welsh, Ettaabetli^nningharo^;; I ISAAC KMlTHii**. Camden, Oct. U. 18 . . 1M?,P i W#dne%dfcy (ht 25th fust, on tfce V^/^rWer road, Wtwikn Btavcr Creek an?>#%mden, or in Cftmden, a note" of HqP , dt*awh by JoniUhati Dut en,in favfcrof James Petryj amount 0300, d^teil about tiie r6th of Auguet, l%!6. Attv person/finding the Isaid no^e, and will return it to the subscri ber, shall receive ?^j|9ttelc . reward. is stopped, be o?yao use to | any person but th# owner. *tK 4fW NOTIQE. T?OR Sal?. TW M)T^ or jP the corriffcof Broad ?& Rut m _ ? - ? - -r?? ? ; ? the other adjoining ft fronting u j strt having on tKi WO ?wi W??M" ling house, calculated for a 'store, aMtehen, smoge'house, stable anci carriage fcou4e,?fod afl other necessary buildings lor ft family and a aknre ? For terfhs and fnrthar paqp ticularttjpply to fhe subscriber. EL1SHA BELL. Camden. Aug. 13, 1316. gjfef 1 Salty - ? . '] ABODTfTgatKl Htfth \ND of a. bout SIX THOUSAND ACHF.H> In Lancaster County, on Wild Cat Brand* and Camp ana Crane Creeks; the Plaits pire in possession of lames H. Blair, who can give information about the Lands to r^l^aptr^on Wishing to purchase, and will jflripfcive proposals for the same. ~ ROBERT BALKI.EY, Sr DUNCAN M'RA. r v ZACU. CANTEY, Juty 19, l&U? 17 if. floods Sijttionary. FOfH>ALE THE POST OFFICE, The fifev&l Monument Containing Official and oljier accounts of all tfee Bittllca fought between the Ubi* * tcdsutesaad Gfcat'Britiun? also, v Historical Gketahfes oi'lhe late ' i- War.-j-LA*. Ew?ll'a* Vl>oarestic Medicine, f 7* vilM Jmm wjety^f c*her BOOKS I V"' p* ffOOSS W SJOOf FAIATBR, G UIL?h Eft A*D aLjfZIRR. . ? ? *&-{ rvniucr k o. u?. vera! neMk wu* win w inh^whu cxycuuiuu?na ^ B.'Alforder, from ike country *?riiDU<5deJay. ^|if- ^ ' ^ September 18, 1316. payable, to J BJKP&C! the Subscribers, in y**"* ***** ?. <* f~ T&M SZZ, Z bill. ?I the ,Barik??f KVlftCtttMit,. .nj' 4?mgb$d?te s? and !t for the use .of En$Hhb? deceased, for rrerMwrzi OnJ&Ven by<Wo?M> & English., payable to Bond English, Jgr 'aihg atim <rf$500 ? one t>n Reuben lUorton, piy able to the Mime) for $40-*-one paycblj hgr Robert Coleman to the same for *M^ttpwaifl*v were stolen from tbe sal^ .j, ai#ca^d *vp#.* FH TiriPOCr V/HS REVWRO will fce v>cVto any f who will lodge attcb information as jpMfreVTo get possession of the vil or villeins who perpe^ratedthe iictapd prosecute hirn or them to conviction. ^ jr All persons are warned agtinst receiving j ^anjr of the yaid notes in trade; ami are so [ ItcRfed to secuM t^ein for lis shoatd the? be r ^ +- ,k >* ' rYiT/?r ' ^ t ? ym* ?* ,"' nrT "W" **? . tvho ***& them. AsJt^^Tij^beriea hfc?# lately been car ried OH to an alarming extent in Cnmtien, it behoves all good citizens to be vigilant in discovering something Vhat rrrffcht lead to ^discovery of the villijuns who thus dep redate *pot> the industry 'of the honest part ; o?thejCiutmii\nit?k^ , ^ ^ COCEM^N 8c ENGLISH. Cam^Sept?Bg&*. - '7 0 ? ^ gHlip' ICefrard. #SA.WAY on the 4th June last, a ? Negjjb t?lteW%mea , ? .^twenty two or thfe6?year*'6f age, six feet high, stout built, dark completion, See, Upon examination it wlH he fount) that both ieara are cropped ? when spoken t#hc answers qnfok, but inclines to stutter. pjres dark and keen. He has worked at the blacksmith's business for about two years, &JLt W aoppojfcd h? Mrtll aim for thfc district from whence Ixs ?tope. Any i ion ap?rel.e?<r.qjr uul nt&p, andiodKin? \ lum safe in jail, upon giving information J thereof to the atibscribei, will be entitled*] to the above reward.^ * mt THOS* ENGLISH, )t*~ Swift Creek, near CdWtn, > Semem?r J 25tf P LEK * DeLEON ? ' T T A VE on hand A general assort I. X menftjf 'seasonable and *?, Fashionable Goods. K^gk ft good supply of GpOCEMEsJ Will sell low for cash or pn? $dUk u 1 Camden, May 9, nn. . 'Jast Printfcd, Jthd for nale at thU Ojftci, firice I ?{ emit, '?* "* M DISCOURSE, * Delivered at ft conference Keti in Jpftmden* 4 Se D<n>g^^ ? ii ia^> j i>i fc 1 ;< i ?? . ^tt?Pub* Amd tor Sale ?t t At Mr. Ctafli's and ftt Mr. - M and fti-the Post Preached in Camden, on the death of the Rn>*4j. JMJVCM AS B CUT, * One of ike m*hofi* tf the Mfathorlitt Kfii%co pal Church in America. .* By Ann Jvdgk, Elder, M- E. C. Considerable allowance made to I hot who buy ?* a quantity* # August ?2} 18 16. ?prto ftate thft JOHN |ft Is a candidate for tb$ of WJk, ofHKershaw Df&trict ^ J ?* ?.?? ?? ?* ??? * &Vr^"Jre authorized to #whxiam. mayramt. M Surgh. u a candidate for the enwi - ? .. ? r >? a , _ ,1 | m i I , f>i *>HckVan r-pIIE petitj?mef" httm? j. ^ f, lends 1? Rer*aW end assist him in tryjnfctoa It* ?( *?*? inWs bwitti ? pluce, at o?M>e*t **w?i them that ife is a ?wl qindi Camden, Aug. 2 ?!??? r" ? ?' iii^ " sheriff's VjJM/ he, has fei ed, on usual toll, M my W. Mason will under take, should .application be ruade IniiBeUi ?ately, to teach a lew of the citizen^of Cam - </m tUe art^of STENOGRAPHY, orShoit ^pfcTWciUDg, upon such simple and ap pfov^O pf inciples* as to enable a person of IcommuD ^enun to acquire such knowledge 3ix lessons only, as lo ^rafcticeXlo^takt: down p ile rouy be found_ 'tf-'l avern. MT 5^- - r informs his custom - ?ublick ia^yenerah that Business le^fceltuVuS wilf s?lf good Wool _at S12 per dozen, >S: fW .J*** ' ' fc^N kmjden; L^Scptcniber 30, f8i6. 'ctf a wpr~ QrjrTMi^Stitecriuer has a few Phitadel 1 Mini SAWSrror sale on good trait* . v ^ ^ N ? Camden, AuJPSv 8,^ 1 8 1 5 ?? ? ? ^ ? ? I'"'.,. * J pack Cotton Factory ^ 4 . (k * v?T / ? - ' ? _- . j?m '? * .^muteA tb Hife^^rCjir) pv ,Boy ?4'or 15 vgfra old, to attend abott 1 House, Sccv? liaqu'u c* 4 J the Printer* >AOctob et? ^ :- ? ? , t ? i Jr ,i i HOTK'K, T ^Hereb??Civan, fo all arsons tfaiablcd 1% JOSEPH HqfiOWELl., nhafcun Jea*they make payment tO;^e,Snbac n be v *by the 19th October, they will find their notes ui an officer's hand?u ; . ? '* JJiSSK POPE. September 1?,1 8 1 6. * PATE NX MEDICINES. ~ r, . ? *4: K FOR 8 ALE, AT THE' STORE OFt ALEXANDER YOV&G, Broad-street, Camdeft, The following Patent Medicines, justly esteemed for their extraordinary restorative qisftl Ifbr ittes; frith fully prepared by lJr. T. IV. DY07 7, Philadelphia, from the recasts of F the late~celebrate4 ur. JtoBtnrstv, Edinburgh. I ' ? ? ?>V/ \ no He al Hi ?4 * ^Priee One Dollar and Fifty Cents, 1 ' f Wiikh has proved by thcft^jinda, wWjiave 4:?perteD0cd Its bene&lal itffcctl/ to be tlie most valuable medicine ever offered to (he public, for thi cure of Coughs, Colds* l'pnftumptionp?the Hooping Cough, Asthma, Pain in the Breast, Cramps and Wind in the Stfjnach/ remcping Cobtiveness, sickness at the Stomach, Head Actte, loss of Ap jJiStei Indigestion, See. &c^. V ' * '? ijy **? , f Frdln the Dysentry of La*," Cholera- Morbus, severe Griping9* and other diseases of the bowels, and the stifnmer complaint in^Childretv, ^t has proyed a certain remedy* and restored to perfect health from the greatest debility. ^||(| 1 . j ^ ^ J- DR. DYOTT'S * Vegemble Nervofts Cordial , or nature's grand Restorative. PrictOne Wto One. < It isconffliently recommended as the 'most effWacious rotdlcin#/ for tfl* speedy re-T?r^ and cure of all nervtat compters attended with inward si cknest^ depress* .n ofapTrHs* j head ache* tremor, falntness,, and various e4ifcnii?Sn??- ^ - 1 - ihe\ ous medkin#,' for ttf* speedy reliff . , ? r?*Fw wimi ii? ward sicklies^ depress* n nf splritn, ? *?, ' and var'5Vs c%Aplaints, resulting from s ecret impropriety , routh and d.s.ipatjdhabits.resitteibe in w.rm climate., the immoderate use if tea. '* unskilful or e*c esAve use of ajereurjr, to dftr destructive to the human frame, dis-$? eases peculiar tofeffialcs at a*certain jjenod of lite. ' ? - d in period of life. A safe and effectual fng and weakness "J* y?Ml **2k* v<m< V _i , 7 T Prirr Torn n<%Hat*?r^ - gravel, swell wounds? (be s, frozen limbs* w a ?mne:Eit1?rs. 4 'UPS,, Dollar. Which ore Celebrated for stitftgthening Weak stomachs, increasing tfie ?ppeiitef and certain preventative and care for the fcyjr and ague, kc, v *V jr.- i *** agwre? ind may be Ki*en to the Dr. Dyott's . For tbe prevention and cure to be kept in all Cent*, h for i they* are mi none their of _ ^ bilious and mali^. Price 95 Cents? Jorge boxes 50 Cents . These Pills, if timely administered, will remove tbe causes Which Commonly produce ^ # ^ef, bilious fever, ague and fever, cholic pains, flatulencies Indigestipn, cos hipochomlrial and hysteric complaints* y are particularly serviceable in Female disorders afft especially in the removal se obstructions which are the great source of their complaints at certain periods* , they possess, this eminent advantage over most t*ber purgatives, while tb?y operate genu ' ly, thoy produce neither cost iveness, debility nor too great excitement. <**?*; Dr. Dyo'tt's Patent Itch Ointment. ' Price 50 Cents fier b<ptJ~ V. >, For piensantness, safety, expedition, *.-a*e, and certainty, is ifinitely superior to any other medicine for the cure of that most disagreeable and tormenting disorder the ITCH# Dr JDyptfs Infallible Tooth-ache Drops ? Circarsian Eye Water ? Restorative Dentrifice, 8cc. &c. Also for Sale at the Store of ALEXANDER YOUNG, an assortment of the mos approved Patent and Family Mcdicine?, in common use, faithfully prepared, and war* ranted to be genuine. a < . h'