Camden gazette. (Camden, S.C.) 1816-1818, August 22, 1816, Image 2

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poetry tfci.foud dcwrt, vj' *'i .Tf? ty, ' . uo(*>f.ef?d; ?ad ID ward horror And iiitio^ca t btwbaud totfc# fe* - |\ Marmgrl thAa plr^Cof, jtt ?n ??* ThwwM V l"T? ml0r? 1 a ? I >I> ?? '- - '? 1 - rVaT I ? 1 nrn wnsr uCw tCraCV IThT CulIlTf 9 uT fSgpSS '? ?> 1 * ti> ? i' ' ? ? m ?? t ? ? ??.?-? 4 . . I ??*..? aim. ^ ? a Mia P9T of ffleirt: ciation o! the votaries of pleasure, ?who are never at ease , always flat, always disappointed, and* v*ii the .fthilbsophick votaptuary, confesses ih bis heart, th<; insipidity, the wnptinc-M, the littleness of hia to fast an insipid life* ?nc>ys any riiit^ hke wuc ^ha^tnew.^But whit ter all ? It is to despise what , he cSjfiot aoMiire j to endure What he cannot remedy ? and to keep hirrt^ self oW| o^pie 4>ow*J'of mankind^ who, like virttures, would fatten on his ruin. Rut to talk of real happi ness as a thing acquirable in this life is to talk of real nonsense i ropotrty cL L MVLKc. i ? Latest Foreign Articles. ' -Vl*jkPr wk. -Jk V.h-* 5^" A friend of mine-'AMnt Man chester, Birmingham, BristokGloo ccstcr, ;, W orce?cec;\and l^don'iT a i Vtlt*>l^ue??:? 'itfi the country *** l?eyond descrii gthtttftgyifrir with, their credit?*** fail t vLZ'jii. affftiSfc* of these emigrations,* nation lest than tenor mitTfona anmim, and the iutaaptent by bn? abtaatft wtM act at ? Subsidy to our bo^rs, and will be feltffcs such in 1 aft^^WNtade, thereby ratuihg the #*? chaiigs against us. ?' ^lt i# little consolation to us to know that the persona thus emigrating from motives of eefcnomy, Will be d*cel#t4<4th*t they Witt find the *xpence* greater than they think of^f^tifai they might practise re* trench tnent much more certaiely at home* AH this affoMt* but tttk coftsnlatfon to the tradesman* who will krtfe their custom \ to the housekeepers, who will be burthened l whh hwtdmd poor ratea, to iipport^tke unfortunate dependents who will be de prised bread and to the goyernmei** that will aultVr a lamentable; falling oA in llM taxev^ And surely, K. U ? chrmnm | stance tq whicilf Parliament m>^ht , before [ they separate, to turn their most serious l attention* We arc on the btmk of a precipice ; and ri tithing but a ati^ng and decisive mea? a ii ire of national retrench nacntwiU aase u* liomj I nlMiiity W4kli il ia (liglitful to con template! Thia is no time for the filling up of useless plapes with the sons of dukes, who, either as principals or fUmttn ifr, vjjb? dupes of gamblers and of fQ end. not merdyof corruption* but extravagance And ay<iy^,rt^?TTprieiace? thai the volun^cr ycijgmty at 4/. per bead per at ISO/, p#btad per annum^ wf*i*UGt*fe? <fooe our aamyv unless itMa actually though!; IbatVaaOonal bankruptcy tfoukl not bra ?pisdonSI^K^-- U& J J? 4 Mjgk. *Tth' May (ascension day) an in ffdvs PtmbU tKNN 60 WOUQ iSmi 'tb froml Hps of the; ikmf kilted Jii health updeti a OigfMkH i r *i+?? to th.t ? *n,7f ilteni -ba?e *oM to f?r at to declare, that lying. ?knklhi)r ?tll by the *oft name <rf fiction, it th? tout of pttetry.' ? ' And, th^fore," continue, he, ? *e ought not to believe a wortl the^ Say ? they are ar rant itars an*"'**" For this reason*'* adds oilr author, *? 4o Ideal only tHHh, '1 de termined to write my treatise in prose*'* To prove the ju&ticfc of thU serious chargOttauttt the potts* he produces numberless examples from Ovid to Littlt, and l# fW?m Stephen Duck, down to Thfr mas Dermody and WtWrts up the first part of Ms work #?th the foflowin* spirit eg passage, which ll would be barbarous to abridge, and unpardonable to om it. " I will close this division of my Work, with one or two remarks upon Ovid ; and first, where he recommends learning and the sciences to his popi's* I quote koin rr.c mory, but I believe his words arc : aijrf stttnet* ycur Urartd im/trtrvcf ?* Q/ high imfity t are language# in love.*' And goes on to exhort the " noble youth oC Rome/* to be cloqueht ; telling them that eloquence prevails at the bar, and in the f senate^ but no where more than in love ? ami then relate* a long story about Ulys ses, who though nrrVAer /air nor yottruf, cn_ chanted Calypso, by his softly pervasive eloquence*? so that ahe hung with rapture on hs%?*tccots, and desired htm to retate again and again, the story of Troy's fall. Now all this may bj very true for any thing tfiat I know or care ; for she Was not a woman, ftut a goddess ; and t do not teach the art of making love to goddesses, (of whom I never knew more than half a do**uin my life > hut to women.* aVid sure ly Yipthing can be more ubsurd than to iaeut|uB cluqiigiict: and <tn ?eieMct, as a recommendation to the favour of Wbmtft ; >W far fromi*v?l ahatt tay it down as an f axiom* and. indeed the very corner btone KwSwWbrk, that JRfCctply reouiiit _ j for h i? " thttW$m*n moat fond of their good graces. *fow no it\ rcnain and undeniable than are all the fashion# and have nee the days of old Otway at least ; never?Wfo to, thlur*b*y are at thin present moment* ~ further Ovid it so absurd at to t hit pupils to ?*ow pale over mid lamp. Now the very thing that wo torsion, is one of CaasHfcjM^ They alt of tlxjm, city belle, who sparkles in the at the assembly, to th# blooming country Iftat, who dresses NCSWraiST' *. ^ t^;^eir t mar in the play : t me that trejaf, oundt florid are the heroes of eveiy le eloquence. tike Gtat ip talking an infinte deal of taioly, not the eloquence genius, taste, and study, fit teem* to recommend, fco, the great Vtttfwod the e jM l|Ml|hllto? ,aPOUkl nevar have been jttted: lor the one Jtfgk* like a O<ni ; Whatever colild captivate the understanding, and ^y||^^e heart, was |(*Vth#**ven "ppock* had eart to rapture," says; and the other > pa the If^and the God of wit, getrtus, P.WfT V; , can \%t 'conceived more ah % h on sen steal, than to' sup* ^trarKfts it; ttikly to atimetMhe tded the ne i ih a ieiry learned and manner, unfold* the tflfoi Which this ,iM* it^uudcil' onljr a short ixcctM from hb wo. It. confident that th? Hgwfcyi foMlnPwtiands iif'2 . : pu??itd thy head, to find cut *ain," dWcoVerid, at la often thetfa it nothing bidden in it^ural as it ta witfi a rattle, it require ta disco - 'ftfhU *>a at to the it to be h t straw profound It and the 3 explained < Uv Hi tfiefc B?m?ilaffcH? ^ ami K h ly wo there are) generally prefer ^ools t true, U ms.MiL. fin . . . enij \&h brated saying I shews jn a matt luminous and sati manner why he selected an as* in r? T. ence to *il other animals; and deduces ma. nyj tonr.Tuvion* equally novel and Ingenious, which greatly Illustrate thit abstruse and perplexing subject. L a-^-f^paaaiaa ( RfcFLECtiON. The thought of w* having the means to aettle chfcetit|y<; opprrtset and harasses the ima^intion, of any pefs^rt of stnstbilrty and tat(e. Such, to havo any chance of self, complacency, mast form a system of their own, and decidedly live by it. This plan, sparing their feelings, will enable them the easier to bend with *heir circumstances, either for the better or worse.