Camden gazette. (Camden, S.C.) 1816-1818, August 22, 1816, Image 1

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Number 21, f ? .* X I r\ - I *1 / . _ ? ? -U-l 1^.1 II WHAl' YOU WOULD WISH BY OTHERS DONE TO YOU ??*- ? v ? ? ? ?? trcw*n k . .?gfutr.* ? ?. 1816 Volume I. .Conditions or t^i? gaz*tt*. TlWftrice to Subscriber* i* tbrbb dol per vnnum, far Jifty-tvp number*, fX cluxivc of fiotcagc ; and in ait prut** Jiefitr* *frU! frdekveyed at thf t fittAHth Wyt& firicfspw b?+jnttyun$fm$98?i taufi p&**4Ms a year, fiayaVeMt# ytorfe ? ? mm$m j i "<f' advectvw*rm liiwbr t k . wgr w# 6c0> tf.tkote vt&o are- cotuianf fir, customer*, in tM? (inc. >io direction* are given VJitHv* *d vcrthcmcnly it xvill ire continued till fir bid. ' 'tfftSi i-l s'S ,~V J. ?y^k<j>hi* >. i .imj.jmi.i ? j .gagae^iKtgeggagwp^y. We are induced to publish 'ttf?B8g weii known sketch of philanthro|Mc'W terprise, at the request of a particular friend of Col. It was omit tc^d inconseqtif?n$e of the # .WM, >?>.vy>T?v^iiVi*VS ,W? M<v ?P?7 dyf cirouiatKHV which it had aome since in the United States btit as d of flfur readers may not have <seen i ?-'vi ' **. r- ? i *? ? J ? ? v. n'la^wJ < L. .1. ??. M- . . jT'fl ., hi ^ bi " 3 ?'? ' " ;SOME ACCQVNT _ qf <p atttmfu mde MrmBi^a0tfya Han. %QVtritm?pn4 Mr. Prtuicu, h*gcr, a* A mtrfcon, t? lifitrfilt-^J. tie ^CMmMtrom hi ?? confinement in the Cqvle of OtniifcM ? , tfwfc ? ?? ., if. .?* tj?e many extraordinary char ""y ^reaier ? fiwv ?f J.ufop^K bravi ? *u ? *kV bating for I ho burners of tyu.Bp^i '.t^Hgiggffl native cp^ntrv, ido}isc/d by ^enthusiastic popijiWMit' muu miyfi| tu i he 41 ' o* t\\% ?HlM?cipated county proscribed ami lum'ted lr t?j . aucje J> Im^tiye t'jh<.elt ufi asylum amongst ?.VVp?l<D^ ' iiml,"en FV ????????II ii ill i| ? yii ed C9i?fi?*ennieiit at OImut? Cot^pa^M WT il,B fl petitions fronj all quarters f6r his TM?N6mywas mexoiable, and liatl dragged w\wo miser solitary pnstfn, whWa ?t eta[rtPr stepped forwards) tiye ? of compassion, *ud to bo.of serviee to ? man wbo^ad so si InaliWH Wi^lfin\h<, causae o?, liberty.? ol man was a Hawweuan by birth, young, intelligent. Ko re an (bot to tUi ! W ?> BMman w? active, int paircdyiloi I ??<Ui Mil {2'feiuh, SS^ c o^jat them^b 1 ril from the power ?r?d wit l?out an >teBp( lurt>lgB8fcWi|h mm ed Into the sori,?: ' \vhoiT* he ttiougjhl evaUon for the m ?o fRK formed r?on ij^jp rpHiie by na iehi\a? he etMeft MrAntt-rafotV v ^Urteiw todara W such an finder taking. Iff siboh ^a^lcd ou\ oW \ to \Vtiom aft r proper prtxaulions, he impaled T^s secret. Bii^r entered in to and hit *chemt:i 'With all thf keenheHS of yotnh, and that tttiJ^iu%iaiKi? cnttrpme peculiar tos tlie inhabitants of the new wotfd. lYancis HittrfT ftraq -%he^on of Col. Hit Rtr, of CharicMt>rtt "Soutlv-rarolina, wh^ Inst his ltf* hi thu ?' xvire of his country a'^umst the Tiiitisif t;oop%ofi t)w walU ojF tlie town, when l>??#;i v:r<l hy Cell* Pfevost. The vear btf??re \u* flca'h, he had rt^itd * ?T o *\ -?inaU Ih'.uikI ntat Charleston, with bis t aenTcren open to mitt ja? , ftiight Me there Mai nothing improper in their contents. With this caution they complied, and the wme eve ning tetit a hook ami a note to the jailot addressed to Fayette ; who, though he did not understand that language, (a* it after- J wards appeared,) yet did not suspect any treachery where every thing was conduct ed to openly. Th? note contained apolo gies for the liberties they had taken ; tot as they wished in any way to contribute to hi 4 hnppim ^ttiay- hvified ha wmMltfen ttWely reed the book they had sent, and if .any passages in it particularly engaged his I notice, they begged Re would let them I: know hit opinfon* He teceived the note, | and finding it was not expressed ki the in* sual mode of complimentary lettefs, ceivedthSt more was meant than met the eye. ^HethCftfore carefully perused the book, and found in certain plVecf, words "*w T* * %-v * >? ? y vwhiehYWg pitt W?> ttiw ' witlg the AMpes, rh^yr ? - ? .? ? * ? ^ f* _ Wfgg H>?*W m# ma?drx,,c^ ? having gdne^T*^U^coJw ??! country, but %<Ui no c 'triage appeared? Atirmrtt leat io??* aoforeacen accident ?bould have led to a discovery, they btai tfcted t l?vK recollecting thftt ihtk morion ?5 might be distinctly seen jfrom the walls, they retraced their step*, and had artived t Ma short distance from the town win n they beheld the io??k wished 9ffi" cabrH?)et pass through the v, ate s, with tt*o pet-sons tjjfcj out hi 4h0 Austrian uniform, and ft irttis^ueteer mounted behind. EjEgrt pasting tiiey gave t1>e pre'eefogrtatf signal. Which wai returned , and the carriage moved oft* They conWhued tbeir vide towards thtf town, then turfte<L ?nd sto?H^ followed die carriage. in ofclcr to *ive Fayette time to ekecute hi* part of the a gr?raent~??T!iey observed two gefitle* men descertdlrom the r;?i riafre, and iMMKj from it arm in artii*. Tbef approacbe# gradually, and perceiving that layette' t*ad the officer appeifted*> De engaged ih eatti* lest conversation about tHa officers sword* Iwhich Fayette had at the time in hit hand* they thought this the favorable moment, arid put spuit to their horses^' The noise of their approach alavned the officer, who turning round, and aeaihg two horsemen comming up futf ttallop, be hastened *ojt>m thgfrbriofrt, ; tym; finding resistance he endeavoured to g*t possession of his swoixi, and a struggle en arrival at 'TUife ttoitoent s iufe m^fioite of rendtavout i n ?>' A .ff ? ; ? Sfflirt?r hifS?^ U. r ched tlio monejr Whh' one Sat?S?d f consoling bimrirlF with the that MHHppIti |li* cfcufce ffc4^raitay4*d misery a murt Fayette took the htad he was kftived without' ?t?y oh?ia2le rh about 10 mile* from Olfn road divjded ; that leading,**, I aW'? ?hen ttrtteivinn th4 toad Xitrnnkg' tob-moth iotHeleft, he auapecte'd,' he Ju*f tpHiilcftfa. hi? way, and enquired qfja ptr*of? he mfct the way to Bautropp. 1 He man iielng mm with a look of ciirf6sit#atfer^ ibid iii fit that he ftjtfrrtkteplds wri^/bof 9ftfcct ?d Mmtotafce anotbenrwhich be Said Would soon lead .Mm, right. T JiU roan, from fajrette's anpearanct, hit bora# In a foam, his foreign aacent, and the <fo}ttirt*s the made)1iiapemed htfrTtb be a ^sorter rnid^ng bisescaptt be therefore directed 5hjhtt t* jeiit which bf ? Circuit led Jiim> back to the the toWn, ran himaelt io the magistrate* and told him hit Suspicions ; so that *tten Yayelte tfuw^-'MMMfaptm point of regaining the roatl whirls j would soon secure hi* fet*est^>* totiud , himself surroiifcted by a guard of med who, regardless df hU'' protect jo* v !conv*y?a h tin i& tftf ' H&m, hoWeter, no collected, thai f^ ta^ihe * most phusible answers tcr tk^ jm^rrogsW ons that wete pfit to him: was an officer of e*c;*e belorfgit.K Co Tfty paw, and that having fr?< ikH at Olrmiti Te 'hart heap thereupon a vhWt had brefl de tailed tlu-re by indispoaiiion topger than he intended, 4m, as his vfme oftc*** of ah f sence was expired* he was hastening btick aiKl begged he might not be detained, for [ Continued fti last /mgr.']