Camden gazette. (Camden, S.C.) 1816-1818, June 27, 1816, Image 1

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con* ii "TRIbe Citizens of this place, and its vi cinity, have hten recently threatened with a tetorn of the late Epidemic, ft may riot be amiss to furnish the' public with a suc cinct account of the disease, os it appeared during the last winter. Tl:e following is a reply- to the Circular I.etterorDr. Da vis, of Columbia, in which is not only em braced a history of the complaint, but its ? probable causes, metEod of extension and ^/)ei?r Sir, ? Yours CBmetohandyentcr as was In my possession, relativ* to the 1MB Epidemic Cutarrh. Independent of personal wgard, as a fellow laborer in lhowee',o]fuman^; to compV!^ 2K MWbe more deairable than a fuitjiful liis attention to the origin* progress, and ter mination, of Fpidemics, their vicissituddP a?1|l ilifljiriivril nf fk., i na. - QH*Cr%fiCv OI ^ ^ UsIRa imCii 1 thologj can be understood with scientific arfOtwment Of ggtrgayy^ of the same eoun M*t fen ?w-Af, ? ? ? ! l bMshes this opinion beyond the ^ssiWlity of doubt. It personatedt almost pree.sety the endemial fsver of the summer, and autumnal seasons, yet admitted -of scarce-^ were ffle only remedies to be depended Up on from thag ogmmewemtnt. Principles in medicin^R to the physician, what th? compass is to the mariner. j? Exclude thctn, and we ahould be ever sturtblino- In darkness, Without the possibility of disco vering tighu Had such anbpinion, been mentTotjMui to Cullen, Brown* ot Hunter, they would have treated it as the chimera of a dlkto&d imagination. Had a fact to notorious, attracted the attention of Dir. Barton, he would not have recommended the indiscriminate use of Bark, duiing most cases of bilious remittents ol S. C. and Georgia, throughout every stagd? Had it occumd to the illustrious Hush, his theory would have beeaMioclifitd, m such a manner, as to met disease under ?very possible form and change* Pirdon me for such an intrusion of private opin ion. it?ppeare#necessaryf*as prelimina ry to the answers which I now beg leave to i present you with. Vm? * .? r present yov >. At what ti firrta " * ve been ccmta ic Catarrh lar in ? i "? I"vri* gated by aome latent property in the at mosphere? . 4. Whether, it was confinen to p*rtict^ r situations, and classes of people ? Ii. Whether there was any method 6f prevention known ? The Epidemic Catarrh, or what has been denominated Influenza, made its ap pearance here early in December last, and began' to decline, in three or four weeks. It waa by no means malignant, and y ielded to simple remedied its premonitory symtoms, were general ' ? " 1$.* - ' chilliness, slight pain in the had, hoarse ness ?ul snrr.aing. ? rth'Mit trn or ti hours After tbtse sywptfifnrltatt themselves the disease .was uah. ?*? by n ? _a eje, increase.! pain in the head, copious nasal discharge of an ichorous nature, with slight excoriation of the upper j!p, and cou*fi. * f fce V were generally, in a natural state, some instances, con^pation exis in others adiarrhcea. When was more violeni, Jn . Edition to these symptoms may be niehtirt^ a^atfjp the aide, sometime* erratic, at oUftjra fixed* There Appears to have been an unusual se~ I cretion of bile, but ihe tunica albuginia sel I dpm becaaie tinged. . . .. I exam y led the state of the urine in but few.tastance?, but .iaWfcyaFobservftd k . heightened in colour. Tbe ikkl/?g foperally dt^ durtog febrile ofSSte remUtawf^ind^ nerally terminated ' r day. leaving no tfh K farther than a disposition to 'relqw pE transitions of we^eK I It 1 did not appear to lie confine.' IfesEHaBsl was roost common among tnt wmic uiuica. When negroes Were Attacked, their cases appeared to be more violent, but not ac srs *8, more lB|Siaracter tomJT^Yn short, they' see?:! ? InlWhirt.. , <>r this place was dia tinguiahed bjr inflammatory syntftoms, it became necessary to deplete by liBod-let >ing* -cathartics, someUmes emetic* ? dt?~ horelics, were found Necessary. rib do I know that Epispastits be e indispensable. When emetics *ere used, antimonial preparations were pre i-fered, V*U?artica, wwn always mosr rfr ficaciout when combined with nniimnniaU in such pnrtiow as to nauseate, and deter mine to the skin/' iiTwme instances, Pa much pulmonic irritilon ?.xi oral mixtures calculated Ibe^cauus, ?f>d keep. up a d.%char^ L prove fatal. I?o?7j?Kor IS^fe ?the?i icians credulous one " ' . . -. -b me to be who ii not (tW wi&ht with its acter. ?|f the disease ever jious, the opinion is not wa ?y ob*ferv?tiow? ;which I have my practice: ln un? , so soon, if such hkd been the case. FContaglSus diseases, at-e known, by their Extending through whitle communi ' tiea, find not subsiding, Jmifl every mem ber who, had not been previou ha* contracted them, which gbne th#ott^fi their regular Rw, the system insusceptible of a second at tack. Now thti progress of Influenxa was very different ; several individuals of I the same ftmtly had ft in its most regtH: ?kr forrfc* without its extending t the whole# *nd whan It began td ?vveiUC all those who bad been confined began to te?va)ese. 1 therefore conclude, that iffcfluenza, is neither an infections nor mntaoiniit fii???a* ,L ' * uuica* uicrv would CX" We tc ry strong predty>o*itibn ii^ those,'* who official# u attendants. K mutt there forte, be propag*todi - by Some unknown cause in the atmosphere. The Influenza was neither confined to particular situation*, nor very particular, in the selection of it? subject*. Iia influ- | entc c * tended alike to swampy situations, ami delated spots. The hardy Yeoman. 'ne lands, the Mecha i confined him to his ttemaa, whose only re and ease, were equally exposed to its attacks. I believe no method of arreatin^ the frfagnss of Infloeftaa, ha* yet Wui Situ ioU, ai are I nearly equally predisposed, during that 1 particatar constitution of attftospherir In- | during it, isndjf there la any preventive, it must constat in tempe ranee, guarding against sudden transitions, and an exclu sion from nlfjfctaif* fltotops there can be no better method, than wearing flannel next to trfe akin, a moderate use of nva cuants when necessity requires it, and an application of thick clothing when coldness of weather points out the necessity. I Although the Inffoensa, I eft ua without | [committing any extensive ravages, it was! I followed by rfn Epidemic of greater IftaHg- 1 My thin has visited this coOhtryj MPf yt>w? As a successor of the Infl w?. kiiowSV & shiverl wu ^ case? puliation ot tire raduU.trry wasap p^emiy suspended, and.uacfe?l per?pu?r tv.n, thrown out about tliet#hands, feet,, and forehead? awnenmi:* this terminated in stupor* In l wo pr ihrte instance* pa tients were seized with fita, of an epijtptic kind and in two others a paralysis of ooe rbf tFe arms succeeded in a few JUnurs. ? r After the cold sta^e had subsided, a feVer | of nn intermittent tyjie came on, and ^comMmcd" from four tosix, and twelve | houra^ ?n exaceibatioiwrf all Umsc ay mp iStoT'thtre I the head. When stupor did not exist, delirium frequently supervened. In irJld ^asesr 4he patient enjoyed aifr exemption from the latter symbtotu* Thirdly. ^After the Brit stance had sub sided the action of the pulse* imparted a jiirrir.g shattered and' intermitting sensa i^^uer"at,n?iri * grfc'isffl patients began to convaliaeeT*^ ahvavs indicated danger,. ami cooJd iSt be re moved until a favorable crisis denounced approaching recovery. Wounbly. Xbere #m niuch anxiety about the precordia generally, and in violent ] became strttwous. and short' auick inspirntiotia, were com man, wtiltjt. never subsided w*?thb,nt im[ and 5tbr -T-he^iver appeared to be i est ?uff. rer in a Majority of j There was a very unusual se ^.andie tMne^suntea, Uw tobe an 6bvk>us enlargement qyM? vl.w-j a bain io tl* right shoulder, and bypoclion drium, a* tecap?cWMor?irit???? W0 side kc.*kc. FortuniKely however, thifr affection did not amount to confirmed He patitis j excitement appeared to be more ^th^-b^topgnef^wiV ?Hp fiwt stage red ^jSKt J the ?>mme ncement of the saggp fesSSSSs T' T (he fauces, and whole surface bf the mouth, Ucame very dittreaalng. Hfor could Igte prevented by l^ia?*Jt I duloo* application W waWH". dr <cid, ' W !uAC!,Ji,e ,on5M!i2!w p"*en,ed dark, and rough jUf>ect ; fissures a r7 e? / detached wete removed by the patient, b equally dark ? if the bowel* constantly evacuated by ftc rtics the surface Was dn^ but If managed ^cutaneous dWharge kept up with advantage. 7th. The bile discharged after taking an emetic, was generally thick# and ropy, resembling the yolk of an egg, now and ampantcd with a' dark grtimous ^ of ?natrdbilttwscharacter-j^u:^ ' I countenance in cases which I, and in manv which event u ably wm l&e hippocratic kind. The eye had a wife), quick irresolute look, hot always became glassy and glaring be fore death, when the disease went regular ly through its liferent stadia. 9th, The ur'me *as heightened some in colour, but I had no opportunity of ob^erv* | ing a sedimentitious (kjknite. 1 have been since informed, U Was a Very common circumstance* **?#** * ? 1_ ? 10th. I discovered, no material influ ence upon the natural fytnpaihiaa of the system. In cues approximating CgmSpiE qpuld not be expected that way morbid in - femtrcouM be traced,, and in ptftcry such efFectawere so slight, as not ttrattract no* lice.- s ?' A 1th. The .appetite was entirely sua pended during the violence of disease* bt|t became remarkably strong, during convalescence. v. . y .V*_ . &ft2th. inebriates were particularly liable to attacks and ^h?r pm??d tal without immediate attention. i!3th. Blood when, dra\vnr?^thlh?t?ri n i unusual ling. In of terror* Praf so6n frave" correct ?and , rational ?#*prt unfortunate patent iagainj tliai attention which ther^U Remanded, andcvisU*nt*|kpu thgtilhastisament mnragn uw ?*po?e<J to ?? wifethera, and after bu?ine?? ?? over, ln?t*ad oNg ma) spirits, or excitability, induce* a state # 1 i M, ..J .. ' I aeuimy, CMcmnefl 10 iovuc im^uuci disease. Mo Wonder then that Ibey ai the most dbmon victim# ; these are iW fit subjects for attack, Whether black* or whites, male* or females. Superadded to such predisposing causes, may be men tionecl otd houses in a state of decay, fil thy and badly venftllated. In short tliclr manner of lirfng, if adopted bf tiipwhites, would render them far more liable to afc *^'ve maladies, of trery disci iption. history of no endemic, or pestilential haa yet told lis that the negroe Is susceptible of their >nflu*n&f thafr tjliite, and although theAe may have k tilt greatest sufferers, during the late epidemic, I think it an additional Jrroof that we were nbt cohstittnifcnafly exempt* h. From what has been aaid* H in obvio bs. that there was a jtftleral preventative ; but in particular if*Lm<e*s the disease was excited without ahy ejaten^bte cause. The methods xM p*t Mention, which ILfemtd have propofed, could they ha ** been adopt ed are Ut. To remove out of old houses Into | others which ifrere warm, but Wefl tenftt fated. # 2d. To avbtA an expoaure to night air, | [eoNHn&jptor 3d. To wear flannel next tlie skin, an 1 adapt the clothing, to tire state of the weather* 4tn. To abstain, from an intemperate | use, of ardent spirits. M