Camden gazette. (Camden, S.C.) 1816-1818, April 11, 1816, Image 5

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/, sr rrr W o be Sub* .ace* /or ,?e ,t vho to /'.rewrite? n called for. ~.m~T h/ the very reduced /trice a a year , tuhen it is takers at t- * that it should be as cheafi ub *ote i but at that / irtee it can 't 6 ? deliver Mi at the bouse of cv .vi dually those who %vinh the f their houses ? on every fiubli l THHE K DOLLARS a half years sublet ifii fan will J^SttjV* . ' t. f* - i need as a condition, fbr the V errs rite custom ? that >aeek Jar tme year , will heeent to 1'0t each seer of Justice oj Dis ' bt South or JVorrh Carolina , tm// ^fit hated the eomtiier rial circle of Vtimg ahnoet every seat of Jus - Ve dee and Yadkin in A. one/ *\SCardihi4t ; advertising cus nfore he sure that their commu te wen iu ml those filacesy even i > v-nr ?? - i, ^ iiwiiii liil-' i ^ # ?> u&lic .pim -3ie? first Ga**ttk, the Kdi* S ne sub jMPaBWj opportunity '|{ co)H^ c*; untl ; the rk JO I he otfn of Cahrtd n. $ ttW irti Jtnpro v ijjjf ij<w| of the iimatd to itsfobuiuiinji and -a~' cbmmefcial interest* : Mine least the LaWt^tarts bfS.'ital NV Caro~ iaknownxof Camden than of iierclil towtns which M inn im ?'nMjUt j? conceived not improper u? pit etalisubal' noli?b ofytyeplice tyjf 'l u >. > > ? u s ?. is situated- firn latitude 34 ?l. i*l in; W. longltu<W>fa**i Wash* ?, 3 dt %l vik on tt* N.^side of n *d on the Kait aide of an iTOafrJr *i?hrer which vises in the rSir srolina, and ;msevihtftflBjJ , J^t*4 t* name of Catawba ; hut T S'wfi ailw* S2 ?>m JlJljL,l~Ll able capi iotfin noirtWicla loses ka*isme,JUKl ails, and these* the river ' eoiifkji**^ the I Mi i' ? . J 1 ?? ? ?oil? laid ouMm an fie^ant ? * ?re wid<-,crort ?l'llgjir Ue. public " ibwnt thrown wfi.'-,,T?ft'pUwi> mi'lirst ol Pint-trea, irt th? Mwr tfaena^ie of ('?ro?ten ftwM awnde^ lntlM yciir ir<5o. ?d iivthe j w 4f9 W And .> WWlW liolteet' C?W the nvag?s ofiUfe iouary war,_ii was the 4mp4 &*>? SMtmUtiaul account of \K>9, has the following 'S*^ WfW "IVVt |IV? ?te? in It." And also, " C am ItrgeM inland Citl?? in t mr P 1 ? ? ? ^ ?? ?-4^g| eraUle n haa , since 4lr to become a nd buAineSa," ased one (ourth or . He ; in point of ?fej? ^ ?tsve. IfWWltle it? the Itnjfth o{ W^street, tiW extends about^onir about WO d#el??j< i^oiisesj There is oni ^jfcoiiKfrterHbH to the eastwHrd of Mairt-sm. ^If occupie^U y private fat Ailies. |M J^Ksfb Streets are th# prin ^treeia. I There is about jb siores] ^HolesaJe out! wwlH^v^mden,^foportr^ of ?,^,l nm ? ___M ?uUls. quality Ja manltfuctured, irtl Lancaster Vhe quantities: Jt he particular ? ihe ?ap9rt? of flour, cotton and hets wllllie noticed at soother time. igioMS abciatks <?f Camden are as ?ne aociesy M Protestant Kpisco l^anK^ouc society at Pies >yten?ns ; one of UapCiilt^iia^^ one WtfKfTdCMetlii Mists; all except the first have settttd fhinis. tiT reg ular prtad>?rs9 and convenient i ' ? v oi WQiiJnp. TlieneJs also a soci ety i' rccmubuiis, woo have butit a valuable and. .uUsome brick house, lor a masonic hull* ? 1'^e other public buildings ot Camden arc a Urge framed Court* House, an elegant brick. |M;tAet and Library Room a large wooden > building originally intended for an Academy, btlou^inty lo Utc Orphan Society a handsome brick Arsenal, a Jail, and two fire engine1 bouses. " _ ? - -?'? ??-??? * _ The court of Common Pleas and Session* for Kershaw Dutrict bold iheir sessions in Camden, on ;he 2d. Monday after'ihe 41)1 Monday of March and October. The Court of ttcJOily for Camden District ia held on l^e thirdAlonday in June and Febiuaryl - The Kiver low grounds in the vicinity of Camden arc exceedingly fertile, and a very extensive capital is employed in agricultural* pursuits. The valuation of lands and slaves in fttftfthayr DNfcrfct under the law of thc/XJ.j laying a direct tax, amounts to 2*930/294! dollars, "and this sum is probably far within; their pre**!* value ; the tax on this property^ lor the year 1115 amounts to ^i doHira. Thm aituatron uf CiiiUte ill J^tftrdtjol its convenience of Navigation, and its fac iity ' of intercourse with the interior country : may justly be compared with, Augusta on , Savanna, Columbia oil Congai ee'. and Fayette- j VI lie on Cape Fear, all being alike situated at j the isead of naturally boa t able watefs. all ' having ne any jgqual d^flicu'ties to encounter in the importation of merchandize, and tn the exportation of produce. Tboite towns are naturally rival* in trade, ahd none except Augusta, is to advantageously aituatccl lor the competition aa Canq^ n ; -?? i r c?w?? ?? vhiuwi ii , wnir equal laci d iitiea of water convtyaifll itAas a grt^afe j tent of interior couutrytothe cast of the J mm., ^^^?7 ? t y7 * mountians than either Columbia or Fqyptty vi He, if we *koae dis tricts a^ counties o* each slate which arc -.-ore contiguous to it, than to any other place of : commercial importance? if dotfbts exist a* to* the* accuracy of 'his position, a reference 4o the M?.p df fch* United States Uienu Hie i#Wf?lat? crc^ol Camden*, upon the principle of contiguity jwl convenience of trade and 5 torn m e ? ce , will, upon a geographical view of the circun> jacent country, with a proper regard to the neighbouring commercial place**, be, found to comprise nearly; the whole c*terttof Jerri* lory between the frdee 6r Yadkin Rivfe in N. Carolina, and Hroad RiVtr in tt? Carolina, yielding to (VfhiiwHw thv A Diitfkt of Richi 7 ^ o '*"? ??????* ??'? "? . * lull land,. paiii - ofo?anfWMao4< Chests > Within this circle is contained 47 or 18 large populous ai^l wealthy districts and counties, and in moat of them cotton is the principal staple 9* agriculture^ Whytb^it tpay be asked^ia Camden, ponsesstmr those advantages atill kept in thc h xk -ground in regard to conftiic^wlTwpwtUnwt ffrfay dot* Canriuu J I#. rM a sufr?>lo? gWnlfcin lliU Mlil H 1 when it,i natural advaMagta are superior r These are questions lor ^ich no answer is . prefaced ; they are referred, wlth.great defer- I ci>ob to those who have had an opportunity toqb?epe the progreaf,,jai>4-who know the Caimten IWm.ita tnfiaocy* . But it 4af n<* be a miss to retndrk that Augusta id FajretteviHe have probably (bur doubled icir population, their capital, and their com icrcuU importance within tha last fifteen >eafa 1 their growing prosperity haa by many beeh attributed to the early establishment of Banking Iiistutiona, which are Very justly considered as tlic handmaids of commerce* -If mora itt' frolic jr bave existed, it is hoped | ; that tkiry at*e dispelled by experience * in ; atitutiona necessary lo the prosperity of the place have been omittM^ it ia not ioo late to embrace them* The en(ei prise and iftfprove meuts of Camden have ftir* the last few months 'exhibited a conardenble degree of , elasticity, and it ia lervantly wished t|iat they , may not again droop or atibside till th*; plate ahali active ai that degree of 'srtr etit and %rn?^; portance to Which ha natural position and advantages seem to indicate that it Is destined. t he- valuation of LanUa and Slaves in the Disiriet *?f K^nn-nr, under tha law M the U*" S. laying a Diivtt ii/ -amounts to 5,871,431 dollars and tK# #X+ S:M m^city far the year 1815 ia ?*#&* ^ Col. Mann's Regiment of Cavalry, com-' mamled by Lieut. Col. Ntioa % and ^ol^M9* W itLLi x*s Regiment of Milftia, commanded by himself, were reviewed in Camden on j Monday and Tuesday laat, by hiaExceflency Gov. Vi lli. /am n. Major Gen. Stroilurand Brig. C.en. Starke were present. ' frV / r? IJf^^ -i ' . a ly 4'T - * i -..1- ,v^'' trt ? v - %* 1 here being no direct pubUcvnsil from Camden to Lancaster, nor f torn Camden to iVInnslwro', in order ter remedy thai evil, and put Camden in some meaaurp on an equal footing with other commercial towns, in re gard to the facility of communicating with the adjoining Districts, it Is proposed that a pri vate Post be etftafcttatted to pty regufarly o* the following route* once a.?eek? via* from Camden to Lancaater, from l^incaster to \ Wionsbot oVaad 4fe*m Winnshoro* to Cam j den.-? In order to provide a fund <0 defray the expence of tliia route It ia proposed, first, (hat all subscribers to Newspapers on the mntepay one dollar a ycttr postage ; and as it ia presuan cd that a sufficient fund will nOt be obtained ifrom thai *ourcc, it is propftfr*M' secondly, that Motcarof*ii.d>?^ftot No kindttd d*?f bidi uj<i ^tyT i? . iu< [jip5 ? ?' Tw ^ W on earth he k>r > ; , f ttj S.'iitl I setzr ax nfany American seamen, ' ir he failed to retto+cr his oWfi <!e<crrcfs. / vv ?"Z?? '? ? ^ t/<e balance ka TaJstrl h>:*tbe private subscrip tion of sucirjaafeet an interest in ioj w arming Lso i important a public convenience as the one proposed. For this purpove a subsci iplion is . now u?cu at thttOlficc of the Cam**.* C a Z # T Y . ^ , The above ^pQte p rcpoted wiN i| is believ ed form a lour of 1 20iiiJic*? to bc^lsxie week ly, ? ami m*J be pei formed in the |pMrtoT Afcc ~Apy fe iHHteiH lake to pei for# this route for six or twelve month*, arevt quested #to leave a memoran dum of the terms on which he will perforin it, at tin Office. A contract will be rntertd i^to awmiTas the funds are provided. Ijt flight well suit some pef*on liwioK M the"J Country above Camden : an intelligent lad \p "or'16 years of age would answer lor a rider. An election was* held on Monday last, for titendurit* and- Warden > for Camden x i Col. Abraham Hi akdimg, was fleeted JtUcrtdant , i':? #*** M & ? ?A ' Cbapman Livv, \ Or, &. WJ iPr. WM, LAHCLslTi and V Mr* John Hsid, wefe ch^seh Warden* 4i* . "* ? "" Oi . TJ Pl: : THlv Sdy^fi^DLREH'S TO MIL >: fr i. wy Weight .ti 3r' ?Wp in the dreary , I '^Hira boc a flower it s*? ui bkofa^ ^ . Afd.whtrespai.o^'d ^reaaiWt lavas 4 r ? TM ^ HgMuiliiraMH 1 "T htetu th? ^Uttdortfr?sl(*afc4y lask^ ? ' SL/''''-. --V ' ' ?? V ? .mw & t?m*. r ft Mil W MCNk 'i icirfttil toiMMij *?> If SlJfrbbcfeWlMiitf Kaifalfll^iih tiMaEa * * I ? i roT I vAdlbl ;n" K V vU hcuM+rt Aou?t:Uf 7 its fj T/ ?<i ;.) ,< i . o'i tin* r?te IwFJ abev* hu Jtnd. if, j, I And aim at Yiner'a WnMilfc'W1^ T ? i kwtiFi ? '? - ?*U"T> n > ff " ** U* ; lH^ * I ?i , . ,'?!&$!? 154 ?*? ? *'M bwelt mbu he?rt ? -*r .?'? AWgh^ powi,.' ; T^?| Th? wretcU, fall woet around him ^howa# The boh of Haaven In ihunder ?ped, A* i he ihmMd cuts? the wMl^no **rei< ' /. ere not a ? ViT SSiz: / fefstothb. , >iiyM yfpjir itH W ASMINOTON, Mttrch 3?V,I BANK 4W tKtjTARfrr, In ifte'tV '?tJConKre?^ ptomiw wholly 'to ? cupjr their time ft?r Mv?mI Um?. ? Thiy hoih q>i?fctk)B? ineoUi/i* much detnil, it m Wvo????t KemAttl ^rineiplc*. A> ' formwsliw cjHt^Und^tloh of > Mtt be fonn^d- tn?*SI Hit ultimate <1 M *>&o*4 m .btr w?.W} ^ to be*W?? .Know, of retertlie^f.' H? S ceHUtn indlcrtioit* W5<h? Ui conflict of opinio* M il thT be fci?l on ilK bMWBiw^' [ya >?'v \ j ?~W . JffGM { -It VERV LATli r?t>l fty captain JLaws* rfihe pral j?tk?on, fi ri v^( kl Jhi (d^nrn have A vol } and Idvtetw to the m of Feb* j Lane vctlially states > that the p !y nf -France wvre tn 4 My dtts. -MM( (MIUIiIm Hftil ADMli# ^VUtr^fi j^T \? "i?if?vY ? rpvr Tfi/cin y vttH.xtt ?in Lyons and at FartsJ At Horde. rooming of ihK #t?i nf Ffchnarjry i COLORED FLACi Jlid&i . KD4ON OMK OF THE CAStLl was immediate Jjf fMten^oW nV and 45 fit finder arrest. I.ord Wtitington Kaa /A / it is not said where he is {(one. Baltimore J'airic fy-" * %4-r 5^T<-," +lZL2-'.MZz?*irt' A| , ? ?** Wc 1 Htg from Annapolis that 8 o kfct Crcv? 6f tjfft British Frigate Niger 'have made' their escape on shore, ami 'that the commander of the Frigate i|ha* very tin becomingly threatened^ to SPANISH SPOLIATION . 1 he sufTerer* by Danish syufii^ioo having memorialized President ul" the U. 6. ou ? Chat subject it i* hoped i hat those whiThaw* buffered by Spain will also do ihe Sjin^c.. . i Those p f this description have good quusc for believing that their applications *ouU| be j^Lcjjdril to, fry rsfct rw?s to tbg , r.orrr^ng. ence of Mr. 'Moi> hok< lite Secretary of - ** \\slrrx 4>iv . j_ <-TT"T dated . T. ;, if, " 7-V^J' ? ! t.'iy inwpt of Sf-ain hefog now re. cunnpt plaid Utetr u <fl?or</< ' * 1 ? ? filiHi^ ??T . . irf'tSSEfc United State* are aoleftittty pl?dKe th* injured ciii2ena to obvairt fcpeedy ax ample justice**1*' wd . ba^e it fully iav ftie power to tuke u tkr i*dt mtriiie* (p&cA'' % .:, .... ; i? - - M*tr rracA,": if i tfot irt*ly aul voltfitf otherwise mftde? i7?>* *** ;c^ rir It is vvi ?pinning on an a*etage. 80 per veefc*"4i consumption per week. or 364 i he bakKwetftfhvfe -^rritf^ttzdsri f 1 A, Pr Lower i\\ -? * caUii^^awiw, r?r^ liamcnt. tcTl)ftj j?2ection to be "held previous tO-tlxe s^th The prc?t|H *IVKament Val ' rup^y " # 'W. M ml CUI _ attendance, or' itoi of Ap b?iftM?3MMlea mi at 10 o'clock A .'Ml' nies arc with a list least thm* The Lieutenant* C ?,d'r* ..J.. ' tyjW? ' in 7? jMhlB turns a^Adtil Tviirn^i Ca| i inqnehtti e&r? Major of tl to e stand: o*f vti' *> ()RIGINAL /PAGE ( S ) 'MUTILATED 9 i il tf"' *' r