Port Royal standard and commercial. [volume] (Beaufort, S.C.) 1874-1876, December 28, 1876, Image 2

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the port koyal. ! STANDARD and COMMERCIAL ' bkutomTSJ!'., KEi'. saTwaZJ *i0f #tx 1 y< i 4 , -? : 114 >vli? bir Iiim'HmJ :*t fht r4it?f Jl .><? i?e* 14) Xonpnni lae*, f*?i" tii* Aisl Invrllou; mibwrqufii: *r ?ontr*??. jm* orToTTinImm Enrncr. "Wt? priut (o-diy a li t t?f the incendiary trfi? in SoutU Carolina. ruiu Jauti*-v Kr tn ** nnblii-hed in Tfi> JfetBS and Courier. These or* st firth incin iiiry i:nt>ir'i to he pitch an. x form only t small i??rt of the whole nutn l-tr of fetch fires " ('Ltrhshn Xncs. Among the H*t is of the residence 01 Dr H. M Stu art of this place whiel naught 8:e in the day time from sjaik. from the chimney and destroyed the up $er portiou of the building. This i- tin firvttimeit has ever been ch;irur<<? ts an iocindiary" and as tTic ro?>f \\a> the first place discovered on fret he in % 1 * cindiary must have roosted on the roo although the Doctor did not see h'ai whet he first went up there and as In* suppor-e* xtinguished the fire. We have D<?cI tow testimony that he has yet to discover that a single article of his property wa* stolen notwithstanding that'uino ou of every ten whofvoiked at the jfire wen colored. Such kind of at tides add nothing to the reputation of the Xt-fa no: to the cause it advocates, its lies are t< glaring and transparant. The Xeid charges thc.se fires to the radicals if it knows this .fact it ought U be able' to name souie of the parties ami we^suggest] that in behalf ?f justice it causes^somc of thcse,.siadiealsJ to be ar rested and convicted. . 4 Thi imivr^iry of one of the "principal w feast* of the Roman" Catholic. Church I> thi c-ilebrutioa of the birth ofour Savior iflis feast was celebrated with great ceremony and in grand style in St. Peters Church Rev. I. B. Tardy. The church was elaborately^decorafed with* appropriate symbols and devices. The alter ?espe?ial!y^ called fourth genera' administration. The * ] representation of the stable crib and manger with tht figures of the infant Jesus, the blessed Virgin, was!""greatly admired and reflcc?ed great oredit on the general designer J.!?. ^McGregor of this town and the !h-dioVvr 1 gentlemen of the/congregation. The midnight mass in spite of the storm raging without, seeuied to euceremony being performed within the church. The. dazzling light from re flee . tor and candle3. the glittering] vestment.* of the priest the ascending of iocensc al* tendei to raise the thoughts to heavenly ' 'things. In a word the midnight mass in St. Peters will be long remeuibcred and * no doubt gladly spoken of by the C; t o c of Beaufort > Tite Abbeville }'e<iiuni encourage^ capital?and imigration to come to this State in the following cordial manner. '"Make then leave the Country. . / ?Should the white Radicals Iwho have w * done so miich^' to retard the "growth ol It- prosperity in thisjeountry and who have outraged all honesty and decency by their outraged all hone ty and decency by theh corrupt and unp-inciple politcal course be. longer allowed to live amounst us? As long as they stay here we may expect nothing,out trouble an! violence. It they .have property let thej people buy them out at a fair price but let them understand bv all means that they can'no longer live in a country they have ourjp* raged and ruined. Give them a ch oice to paok up their carpet-bags and lot them go^n peace for go they must. - ,ml In New Voik on -donday the trial of thirty rpilk dealers, accused of watering tbtir milk, was begun. One dealer pleaded guilty and was fined fifty dollars which #he paid. A test ca'c was then put on trial before a jury. The offence of adulteration is a misdemeanor. The counsel for the^board of health in opening, dtclared that out of one hundred an 1 twenty millions of quarts of .milk, so! 1 as such in New York and Brooklyn, at lea-t forty millions have heretofore been water, and that therefore four million dollars have .been annaily paid ibrcwater alone. The case is still on. ^ "It is staled in legal circles that the effect of the late de ' u.o T the supreme court in the sou; he u nsuvance cases reaches far wider than was at first supposed. It is said that the principle laid.down by the court is such that all parties who have Uken out a policy of life invurance i i tad then failed through ooe cause or au- j Other to coutiuue the payment Gf preii i" uma u*o weaver the equitable value of the amount# <*> paid by them. rJ be c iu,p?o:w of oour*e will uot admit (hut such a broad latitude of construction shall be givea to the opioioQ of the court, but the probability is that as t his view is taken i)y so many ?>t (he legal piofe&ion cons' siderabie additional litigation will grow ' out of the matter. - ? + 1 The financial result of the Centennial Jbxhihitiop has beeu revealed by proceedings iu co^t. After paying all debts i&ere will about $2,000,000. The j 0 total subscriptions to the stocks of the cuI tcrolsc were i:2; > The ( hiea.iM) Tribune expressestju-'"f .?i#:!.ion that the conipri'iiuiy--?""., . r< ^tyier ?uf president ^^-^-r^rproHtlent l?y throwing tlie eioc-1 <. tion of the former into the house and the atter into the senate, would he a v:o\t t rio:i of the spiiit if not the letter of the : constitution, on the ground that they ) otli reside in the same Auto. It suggest , if j t com pr< mis*.* is to he made, that Hayes ! r md IJcndric ;s he taken, and thinks that ; the Cincinua i Knqnircr and other papers j which opposed the nomination of Tilden i could make theiu-elvesjuseful in advocat ng such a compromise. Messrs. Jeter JIjowcu and Witherspoon returned their*pay certificates to the pies j dent of the scna'e. These self-sacrifie- r :ng pa-'riots can yct them again next ses sion, an 1 as there is not money iu. t now ' to pay (hem, the p triots will lo^e noth- j * ing'hy the operations."" After sitting for! j a uion*h, reeogni/tiug jMr. Cleaves as \ president every moment'of that time, it is a very cheap piece of chiptrap to hand ! back the certificates. Croat is humbug, j j A correspondent of ihvlFiorub'an says %< .\ new industry has sprung up in Florida, indigenous to the State, callel , iish-scale work, or^fish-scale flowers, for J , which I propose the name of I thy flora ' work, or ornaments, and will give you it J , brief history, ('apt. W. IX Bloxham L' while at the 4 World's Fair in London, some years ago, saw and purchased r. very simple bracelet, uiadc offish scales. ; - " 1* . * This Y.v.s vU'C'd e<! to -Miss M. Li. 1*.. a | t young lady of Jacksonville, who pos.-c ?- v Hi!: much iugeuuity and talent, con- { ce'vci the idea of making ornament, 01the form of flowers, out of the late uu promising material. Alter much perservcrance and labor she succeeded* at last in eroaiio.tr aitistie and bcauti 1 ul spec? j ti mens of snow-white bowers, in close imi- t tation of nature greatly admired and e readily purchased. <g? What Hon Hiii Mays Now. 11 f # " # J*( A Washington special to the Baltimore ; Anuria!n says : u Ben Hill, whose as- . piratiotis far the Georgia Senat?r.>hip are likely to be effected by his too honc;t utterances on the Senatorial question, p said to-day that i.he. is uot prepared to n take back bis honorable words, even if 0 he should be defeated for the Senate. * He said'to-day that he had* nothing to s, conceal from the public ; that he was in r favor of a constitutional count and a t' peaceful re.-u;f, utul he uid not care who y kuew it. lie was a Tildcu man, of course, but if" Mr. Hayes should be do- 11 clared elected he was not going to light 0 about it, nor did be be elve his people j ai would. He said that the statcmenis nd- " verse to his Senatorial interests which were being put fourth, emanated from candidates for the Senttlorship in Geor- : gia who thought they could gain some ~ .-treugth l y such procedure. He said ihat these people, and sonic, few other-, might find fault with hi* posv.ion, but he b< lieved the people of Georgia would i. v. ?./>I ox: j; . jiu ,4 . , v Senatorial prospects, if i:y thing. -1-eucr now thaij they ever have been. He ox pects within a few days to make an extea Jed speech in the House on the South I* tin question, whi n will reflect a ehiortr \ statement, of his views as to- tht) duty 1 of the Southern people i.i the present '' crisis. " It is common <n these days of inten e t? political excitement to hoar mucli that s savors of distrust of 1'executive power." j as if our liberties were trcmbiaaig in the g scales because the occupant of the piesi denrial chair, in the performance of hi> ? high duties as chief officer of the nation fearlessly acts up to the letter an 1 spirit t of his responsible position. If there is 1 any real danger of exceui'vj encroachment it becomes a query also win the there is not greater danger of judicial usurpation. NVe conceive that there is ' something move strongly indicative of t usurpation in the judicial b-anch of the }government that in the executive; and recent occurrences in the south are strik- ] inglv suggestive of practical aggression upon personal liberty and the rights ( t citizens while acting under their oa lis of ; offictkan l in the performance of impor- , j tan: public tiusU Mr Glover of .Vtissouri has introduced j in the House of Representatives a bill ibr ' 1 the protection of States from d< m stie v olencc which provides among other thin s . that any governor falsely certify ing to the ; President that lior, insurrection or oveit j acts of rebellion are occurring in his State , Shaii DC ilCeuieu gumj wi and on conviction thereof shall be find! ; not more than $10,000 or be imprisoned not more than ten years, or be both fined and iuipri one j. It is reported that tlie National banks i of New York city are so dissatisfied with the recent decision sustaining the rieht of ' the local authorities to tax them on their , surplus as well as on their capital that some of them are taking measures to rei duee their capita! for the purpov1 of es- j capiug the local taxes on it. 1 ' I j Our II )usn laokt the concurrence of i 1 the Senate and is making no process in the w iy of legislation. Notices of various bills have been given but no action i of moment lias been taken. The dead lock in legislation is apt to continue for sometime. E very u an in tin House is anxious for a short session but it is-our i determination to stay until there is some proper solution of our difficulties.?Kdi torial Correspondence to the Midum. ( ZZc* The members of tlie legislature \ have all rctnrood^w t V ' Moore uf Laurens sent tl.? j * Tmwinij sensible remarks to the sabor I t< ifinni Association ofXculxory. Labor Kef'onn is the paramount ! Southern question.*' i j, It is deeper, and higher and broado j ?i ban political questions. It is eminently practical. There is no .-rntinKut in it. , It fa.vs us every day. whether? we 1 at "a biscuit," clean out "a ditch," 01 un "a buri(.w ' ' J f The niagnitieent civil'zruion of the J ? Tilth is renting upon the ground, j rin- j iples of ouv A ->ociation. : s , Labor is creative. t .Muscie turns u(i iLe so 1. Muscle builds the fire. Yi usele makes the cotton. Jiabor li form would control |Mtiscle. Labor reform would control it justly, ightfully. and humanely. I am gratified that you have received , lumbers of colored people^ into your , Association. ' The colored man is destined to bo a J uost important auxiliary in the great development of the South. The Anglo-Saxon leader* should win !?im to the standard by kindness, by justice, and more than all by firmness. ] Our beet policy is to improve his coi.litiou. We must *cck to make him a better 1 nan;.in making him a better.,man, we J nakes society better. We on :b( never to lose sight of tiie meat principle of Labor Reform, viz: ' he cloe universal uniou of employ srs. The relation of employer and employee sthe vital, fundamental, permanent relai n in "the world, and the results a ronderful Revolution havc\ intensified his relation at the Eolith. The relation of employer and employ, i s.'the key to the'great Southern problem i ? The Chicago Tribune pays tribute ' o Ren i I ill for his recent opinions, but ' h Richmond Dispatch inquiries wheth- j r he is not preparing to 41 fiop over. " * ? The Score-tan* of (he Treason* csti. * ? lates that for the current fiscal year the ( eceipts of the Government will overrun Im expenditures about $26.<n >0.000. r i *( * ^ i IF To the Working ( We ?.rs ik'v prcarc<l to furni-b ai! cl.ts.us-- with constant cnq.loyicut at home, the whole of the :i:nr rf'-r their spare moments. Business r.cv, light nd profitable. Persons of cither s x easily ca r. vm VI c- n's to $-">Sper evening. an;! ajproitortional i 1111 by devoting tluir whole time t > tht business c toys and girls earn m arly as much a" n:en. Tl a f il who see th's Initiee may seudf-heir address and j st the business we.uuke this'unparalleled olicr I o such as are not well #:? iiu- -J we will > -ml <-11.? ollar to j ay for the tr<ubl.' of writing. l'ur nr.'- ! '.ulais, samples worth several dinars lo corn- 1 irtieo work on, and a t opy of Home pud Firrsile i 11? <if tb large- t and Us; Must rat d J'uol'ca.ion < !i sent- fret- by mail. it >ader, if you want pern a ' i lit, |??* ifitii il work, a.'-tr as. (jnu:>i>ii Mtxsox ? 1 v., rortland, Main-*. :i Sept. l-il: : p iiiisli I'.k P.sarjrano, Tol'frir.'mat . :r for Loudon, with 41G tons of phosphate rook j oi.i 1'aviiiu MIiks, Sheriff's SaUv [ syr's s.\ . A. J. Orcsswi il. I> II. T. Le'pild, and flobt. To- ' vis. f'o.iiini.-vior, rs ??f the Kre?-dniau's Savin.; ami Trust Cuiiijiaiiy, vs. Ii. ti. Holmes. Judg -a at for fore' lo.ure and s tl \ By virtuJ of a jud; mctd for foreclosure and raf i ill ' above staivd :w* to r.i ?IIr- ct. d 1 will m 11 at u'-lie outcry in front of ray of So in the town ol cjutjrt on the I".r.-> Tin -slay :u January ncx'.? s77 behjjT th? second day of .utid uiom It during th j gal bouts of sale, tho following proprty t > wit: All that potation or tract of land situate lying nd being in Ivjtice Wiiliains' I'arish, in the counv ?i 1'.. anl'.irt a restate of South Carolina, purchas d from Win, K. (otpi ik. in 1SW, by W. H. Tin inj on, containing by a ?eeout survey made by Me Hi liamji. four tiiousaud kve hundred and eighty acre, iii'indid north by lauds tf K. Stoney, I. Stoney, B. itoney ami c t.ite of Davis; past by lands of Ihlev If Rae ami tit iters; south by\iudso( Felix To ten . Rivers and oth-rs; and we.-t tv Pulaski tl,.. 'win tanley and others, exeent iu,- at-Ljlways re erv im . it /.f fl.tc i.r.iv.mt flifort lw ^1 a * he said tract of land lying 011 the n ?PJi?ast < o :ivr her-of, recently conveyed bv the said R.tj, Holmes 0 J. II. Goethe. Also, Ml that other piece, parcel or lot of land sitaa'e\f. tig and being in Priuee Williams' Pari -h. eonn y tnd State aforesaid, known as the Pro-cot t farm con. tiiiiitijx fifty acres more or less; bounded north by andsofthe estate of V?'m. I>avis. east bv lands o' he estate Wm. I)av:3and K. (i. Holmes; soutli by andsot'Il. <i. llohnes. and west by lands of Wm. Davis and R. tl. II dine>. Also, \ll that other piece jva>cd or tract of laud -ituate K ng and being in the county and St 'te aforesaid* routainiiig five hundred and sixty aer -s more o ess, known as part of the Iiivers iati I; bound d lorth by lands of R. G. Holmes, east by lands of 0. r. I/owndes, and .1. 31. Mijcon; > nith by 1 mds <*f [' ? phs.au I west by lands of Felix W. 'futon and ui'l div ided 1 y a small tract of land apportioned to Itobt. Rivers. Also, \ 1 hit oth ;r piece pared <>r tract of land situa t yiuguud b in; in the county and -fate a'oresaid, on tided no:lh 'y lauds <>f R. (1. Holmes; east by ands of .fas. Stoin y; south by lands of .las. St?*nej tlid il. Tuteii, and west by lands ol R. (?. Holmes 'Ontaiuingone hundred and ten acres according to 1 plat thereof made by Felix W. Tuten, 7th Xovetn it, 1372. Also, MI that other piece parcel or tract of lan 1 situate yinsf ari'l being in the county and Stat aforesaid Mindi'd noilli and northeast l?y lands of it <l. I( dines: i a^t and southeast 'by lands of Kolix W Futin; south and w >t by lands of the estate of Jas. Hcnnvtt and R. a. Holmes, and w. ?t by lands of 1? danlt y and Hooding, containing twohundf *1 acres nore or less. Also, Ml that other piece parcel or tract of lan 1 situate ying ami being in the county and state af- rostid onnd-d north by lands of K. U. Holmes, east by auds of ft. (?. Holmes and Jani-s Stanl -y, south j tnd west by lanus of R. <1. Holuies, containing one ! tumlred ar.d scveoty-three a< ris more or less. Also, Ml that otle r piece parcel or tiact of land situate ' iiig and iicing in the county and State aforesaid'! u u >rt!i by lands of It. G. Holmes; east by i u U now or lat ly W. II Thompson, south by Rice , !1 >po; and west by lauds of K,?J. Hoi cs contain- ! ng one hundred and forty-six acr.s mure or i ess, commonly ca'b i "Kettle IIill." Also, ] ill the right title and interest of the said R. (! j loluirs in and to all that oth' r piece parcel or tra.. land situat" lyiug and being in tiie county and te afor.-said; bounded, north by lund3 of Wm .\nnctt and Mil-s Bennett- east lv lands of Ja-11 ud Purieil Tuten, and west by the line of the Port loyal railroad containing six in 'nil red and twenty wo aer > more (>r less. Also, ill the jjght title and interest of said It. G. Holmes fi and to all that otte r ;>L ce pared or t raet of land iluate lying and he itfg in Peepbs township in he county and Mi'e af<?r said, c aiprisin.-all the t?d ly in.' be weed the line of the Port Kovtil K. K?d the Hay known as "Her Tr ve Pay" that was on he 1-Vh day <>l Febrr.aiy owucd by Al -xaieKr Mc5. P- pl.b. Also, til that oth t piece p ireel or traet of land situate yi. g and being in the county and State aforesaid idjoining lands of \V. I a\ is, James Glover, Flv udotaoiis and others: containing two hundred and eventy.uine acres more or lo-a, being a pa11 of the ract asse.ssed to K. 1*. Hagood, and s< Id at Pel in ;i!i :it land sale for unpaid taxes for the year* is;o Hid !s71, and purchased hysaiJ R. G. Holmes at said ,al". A Uo, \ 11 that oiU. r piece pared ortra^t of land situate ying au i being in lv^piis Tc*nship, county and state aforesaid; containing four hundred acre.-, more )r less,adjoining laiids of W. C. Pavis, K. 1?. liuiood, aud others, the saiue being t be tract of laud souveyed by the Auditor of said county to Emma M. French by de<d bearing date the loth day of August isi'2, aud since coneys d by llic'said Emma 11 I reach to tiie said K. U. Holmes by deed bearing late 2Mb February, 187d. Also, At the same time and place the following personal properly to wit: one saw mill; one fifty horse p?w r engine; one boiler; and other articles of machinery and implements of every kind aul description whatsoever, attached to or constituting a part of the said saw mill now standing upon the traet of land herein above numbered eight, ou the l'ort lb j:tl railroad. Terms for real estate:? One-tliird cash?balance in one and two years, s " : uml by bond of the purchaser and mortgage of the premises. Terms for personal property, cash. \\"M. WILSON S.,15. C. 15ft S. r. pee. 12 1*76, SHERIFFS SALE. Petition for Parti ion. Richard Washington, vs. (.'has. Talbird, Mary Tel bird,Phoebe Talbird et. al. Hy virtue of au order of petition of R. K. Carle ton, Probate Judge, in the above stated case to uv iirccted. I will s* 11 at public outcry in front ef my atfiee in the town of B aufort on the first Tuesday in January next, 1877, being the second day of said month during the legal hours of sale the following property to wit: AH that piece parcel or lot of laud situate lying tlid being on l'ort Royal Island, in the couuty o B\iufort, aud state ol Sou'h Carolina and designated as lots.70aud 51 in section 20, In and 2w; containing twenty acres more oc les<, Te; nis cash. Purchasi r? to pay for papers. WJf. WILSON, S. B. C. Fft. S. C Pec. 12. IS76. 1 !-:t SHERIFF'S SALE. Henry Gooding Exor. vs. Robert W. Barnwell. By vntne oi sundry wrns or neri ro racai cot'd and lodged in my ctfiee, 1 will sell at public nitcry in front of my office in the Town of Bei-uV>rt on the first Tuesday >n January ne\t 1S77 bcng the second day of said month during the legal iour.? of sale the following property to wit: All the right title and interest of Rob rt W tarn w< I! in nod to all that plantation or tr.'.ct of at.J situate lying au I being on Port Royal island 11 the Couuty of Beaufort and State of SuthC'ai>jiua*coniinouly km wn as " Woodward, " H>un did in rib by Wlide itr nc ar.rl landi forne rly owuci iyCa'ni-1 Caper, cas by laud of 1*. W. Barnwell ind lai.rta foriueriy . f W. Ii. fcaruweil known aLautvl ikiy " au 1 w it :>y I!r ?aT ?tiv< r, cent iuing bur bondnd acre.- more or le a t u! -o, ii th.C si: r pluutai! ?n <? tra%t of land situate ly r.g atld being on said is'.ai d in tie- Conniy ami itate aibresa ?!. 7:u mru a- " Pi rcou !>w?iu;?, bonul.vi south aud west by lands of It. W. Rartiwcli mown as woodward and lands forte ri) ot W. ii tarn is ell north and vrc.-t i>y lauds f-.rtceiiy of <-n iriel Cap rs an I east by Ian '.s of Pus.is et. ai. coiiaUiing five ifuudrcd and sevoury-two acr smote H 1 ss tils l* ill that oliur traet of land sitra'C lying and*'en. >n s.'i i isl nisi in the Co. and state aforesaid lti" wti is Itai-eoi u Tavem bound: d u-irth by salt wat? r 'i ts k. south i?v the Pick p ek I iract. east "iv land 'ona< r y owned by Heury-31. Fuller and west by lands formerly own- d by ii. M. Stuart, containing iwit.ty two acres more or less levied upon as In[iropcrty of l.'ubnt W. Barnw. 11 hi :he suii of Henry Cowling lixor. Terms cash Pu.chas rs to pay for papers, WM. \VlI>ON, S. B. C. Dee. 14th lSTd. \ William T. Breland vs. it. H.Jidinson, J. J. Brunson. All the right title and interest of It. II. John-en in and to eighty thr e acres of land situate Iyitiu and being in the County and state aforesaid being the portion cut otf fr >m the honi *st >*T set off to St. II. Johnson 011 tin' hist day of May 1S76 winch said eighty-three acres shall be the south eastern boundary of sail homestead, levied upon as tin propertyofK.il. Johnson at the suit of William T. Hi eland. Terms Cash Purchasers to pay for papers. WM. WILSON S. 15. C. Dry l }rii 187m \ SHERIFF'S SA L F. A. R. Stokc\adn?*r vs, J. W. Riley Executor it, al P.y virtie of a \dg merit of tie Court of Common Pl-ns an 1 P'ere!al\yder, and an amended order of Hi* Honor P. L. \\ i;f^n .Jinlije of the second circuit, 1 will sell at puMy outcry in front of niv of five in the Town of BcauNrt on the lirst T.u slay in January m xt 1S77; being*!,e second day of said month, doritur the legal hourVsalu the following ] roperty to wit : Ail that iot of land in the t?-wt. of Brunson on the Port Royal Railroad in ml end \p the plat of the si'id town lot No. IS said plat oxectvd by R. J. Maiik r Pistrict Surveyor, in June 1870\pd bounded hy the P. P., R. It. and lands ol'Ssmuel J Lewis, Levin, an i Edgar Branson, and confining o :e-half of au acre, more or less also. All that tract or plantation of land situate in the Comity of Beaufort, and known as the" Black Creek Place '* containing sixteen hundr d acres more or less, and hounded by lands of W. J. Wliipper W. C. Younians F. J. Parnell. M. P. Bassett A J. (iill J.S. Youmans and lands'f the Estate of Eaynaril. Terms cash Purchasers to pay for papers. WM. WILSON. S. 11. C. Eft. S. C. Pec. 14th 1S76. At SHERIFF'S SALE. Thus. F, Screven Executor, vs. Alfred Williams. By virtue of a writ of fieri facias to nie ^directed and lodg*d in my otl. e I will sell at puMic outcry in front of my ofiic<- in ine town of Bea&forl on the first Tuesday in January next 1*77 being the second day of said month during the lega | hours of sale the following property to wit : All the ri^ht title and lutercst of Alfred William in and to all that I??t ot land sitnat- lying and being ill the town of Beau "xt County of Beaufort ar.d State of South Catena known on the plat said town as lot No. 3';r. Bound -lit hy Craven St. east by Newcastle St. south " Bay St. and J west by lot &J3. The ?aid'pretui>ii being known according to the 17. S. District Tar Cr-;"iissioner's ' plot of said Town as lot i^H&k . levied pon as the property of said Al *i Williams at the suit of Thos. F. Screven Executor. Terms cash Purchasers t<? pay for paper. WM. WI LS< N. S. B. C. Dec. Hth- 77. MIX*I*VILE j Insurance Company GEO. GAGE, AGENT. ST I AM C\3AL BOATS FOR SALE. 'PHESE HO ATS ESPECIALLY ADAPTKD TO 1 the navigation of southern riv< rs and inland waters, u:-?* furnish'd with patent Compound Condensing engines.?( titty horse pow r and can Inrun on a consumption of one ton of coal for twenty four hour. Ihe boats arc ninety-eight feet in length and seventeen feet in width, carrying two li indred Ions, on a draught of six feet water. They are pa;tie.i!arly tilted for the transportation of grain, rice and other agricultural products, as w, II as general tn.-rhcaridise; a:.d wi.l be sold at much less than their original cost, although of recent con struction and in gi*-d order, For partienlars as to terms, or inspection of boats inquire of \. It. K.ELLY, "6 Exchange Place. X. Y. $100.00 Rowar d. ; REWARD OF ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS A will h paid by the Town of Beaufort for the arrest and conviction of the persuu or persons who committed the robbery at the store of W. C, Bellows on the morning of*the 24th iost. ALFRED WILLIAMS, Iutendant Sept. 2Uh-lmo. Notice to Tax] ayers, I TOWN TREASURER'S OFFICE, Dee. 2t.th., ISTfl. The lioard of assessors will be in s ssion daily from Tuesday, Dee. 2i>th, to Monday Jan. 1st., inclusive, during whi. li time theuv--uncut hook will be kept open for inspection and revision, t J.C. RICHMOND, * Town Trcas. TOTKK. TOWN TKI-1ASURER'S OFFICE, Dec. 20th., lS7t>. | This offic-- will be opened Monday January 1.1877. for the collection of taxes and remain open until I Feb. 5th. inclusive. J. C. RICHMOND, Tc-wn Treasurer. ITiiiftl Uiacliargc. \r OTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN THAT I WILL it apply to the lion. U. K. Carlcton Judge of Probate on the 2('th day of January 1877 for final discharge as Adniuisralo; of the estate i f F. Krcns->n. GEO. GAGE. Bft. S. C Dec 20!h 1S7C. PllOPOSAIiS For 'JBDISAi ATTENDANCE. OFFICE C'OCNTY COMMISSIONERS > BKAI'FOKT, ('OCNTY. / Beaufort. S.C. December 13, 1S76. SKA LSD PROPOSALS WILL HE RECEIVED at th s office until January 13th 1-H77, for Medical Attendance to the puor awl the prisoners of Pe n f<?rt County for the y ar IS7T. .Said proposals to be ma le sepaiately. Tbf- Fcard reserves the rieht :o r 'jeet any or all bids, P. Pritchard, M. D. Chairman, C. C. Turn. li. Wheeler, Clerk of Board. PROPOSALS FOR. ' FEEDING THE POOE. Sealed Proposals will be received until Jan. lath IS77, by the County Commissioners for feedinjj th jHjor for the year 1877 the ration to be as follows ; six quarts ol hominy Three lbs. of meat, One pint salt. One qua t of rice Quarter | o.itid en/Tee or equivalent in tea. One quart uioiass s. Halt pound C. su^ar, lisII pound so: p. 'I v. o oa t< inrfo and pipes. The board icscrv. s the ri^'iit to reject any and ai ' ils. PACT. PR'TCH \ KI>, M. D. Chairman CoCniVs. IW: Conn'v. Titos. II. Wukklkr Clerk tit board. PROBATE NOTICE.' tv Kiiilky K. Carlktox, Eni.. Pk??k\te Jrix;* U"her as. .1 ho Perry, farmer. ha.h made > tit t in-* : > itriru him I 'Iters of administration tf the d-1 lie! .State and effect* (.( Nripij 'IT.cs are titer for. to cite and admonish all am' .iir.a.lar tin* kin ir.sl and r. dittos of the saitt * i i P ny,'b* - at d th.it tit y ??.* and tpj "ir,heore nte. ill the Court of P'libute, to be held at Ititk:.. u.rt, in said et.unty on the 2'Jlh tiav of i>eo. in>t. after publication her-of. at it o'clivk in the forewmmi t>> .shew cause, if any th-y why the said limit.i* tration should not he granted. tiiten tin ier my hand, tl.is loth day of^ Dt". Anno l>oittiui, lS7t>. pjpley k. carlktox. dec. 21.2 Probate J udjre. AN ORDINANCE 7o raise supplies for (he Year 1^77. aim I for oflmr purposes: Be it ordained by the Inteiidant ari' Warden- <>t the towuot Beaulurt in covin cil assembled: That a tax for the yea 1S77 tor the sums a d in the tuuntie. hereinafter prescribed, shall be raised an*: paid intu (he treasury of the town tor tin vise ami services thereof; that is to say: See. 1. That after the passage of thiordinance there shall he paid into tin town treasury, one hundred and twenty live cents on every hundred dollars of tinvalue of every house, bu Ming, lot wharf or other lamied e.-fate, vvjthiu the limitof the town, excepting such property a> Ix'ongs to. and is occupied hy religious, charitable or literary associations; one I hundied cents on every hundred dollars o! the value of personal or po-se so.y prop | erty ot every kind, including money on hand or on deposit; bonds or oilier evid, nee- of indebtedness, and exe!usi\ e o! household furniture to the value of one imndred dollars. rfec. 2. That immediately after the passage of this ordinance all persons or corporations doing business within the limits of the town shall be, and are hereby required to pay special taxes for the same into the town treasury as hereafter prescribed to wit: 1st. For every dray, cart, buggy or other vehicle kept for hire, $ 5 00 2d. For non-residents of the town * selling, or offering for sale, wares or merchandise, hy \ AAMtttln <"*r? Af 1 orwUfv not. \ dillllpli; VI WMVI ff .. W7 ? - V) exceed $40 nor less than 10 00 aVjhe discretion of the In, temiaut. 3d. For any^erson or persons sell itig wa\s oi merchondise, and offeiVjg in connection therewith any prize or reward to he fciven by lot or decided by chauce, 500 00 4th. For every show* circus or public performance from $5 to # 50 00 at the discretion of the Intendant. 5th. For express companies, " 25 00 6th. For telegraph companies, 25 00 I 7th. For photograpners and other similar artists, fi ?m $5 to 25 00 at the discretion of t*^ Iqtendant, 1 8th. For ad dealers in spirituous liquors, and hotels where liquor are s* Id, I25 0(? 0th. For ginning cotton, 50 00 10th For steam as a motive power, 10 0* 11th For every auctioneer, per month, 5 Oo or yearly license, 25 Oo For every undertaker, 5 ( Q T?th For -.very junk dealer, 10 0q w Nth For every commission merchant, 20 00 15th For every (Ufttist, non resident, lo 00 lGth For all persons non-residents selling horsesor mules. 12 to 20 00 17th For :*11 persons non residents selling mules or horses, 2 to 20 00 , 18th For every bagatelle or billiard table, or bowling alley. kept for public use, 10 00 19th For each bank for savings or deposits, 5'J 20th Traders who have commenced business since Jan. 1. 1S77, shall pay in lieu of the tax on personal property :i fm for the bal ance of the year, at the rcte of per month, 2 CM Sec. 3. That ail taxes upon pesona property imposed by the provisions of this ordinance, shall have reference as to pos session and valuation to the first day of December, 1876, and he for the year beginning January 1, 1877 to Jecember 31 1877. Sec. 4. That the committee appointed to raise supplies for the year 1877, shall constitute, together with th^ Intendant. the bo; rd of a-scsx r-. who.se duty it sha! be to : ss-s each person, or corporation such amounts as in their judgement th< y may deem just and proper, which assessm nt shall he duly recorded in a boo! which shall be open for inspection and re vi-ion for the space of one week from date of puclic notice; within which time the parties so assessed shall have the privilege oh correcting the same under oath, before the board of assessors, if he she or i hey shall deem themselves over assessed, and all persons so offering to reduce thciassessment shall answer on oath to conn eil all such questions in relation to rheitaxable income, receipts or property, a members of council snal ask. Sec. 6. That all taxes not paid on or before the 5th of February 1877, shall b? liable to a penalty in accordance with tin ordinance entitled uan ordinance to raDe su; plies fo; the year 1868, and for othe. purposes," latified in council April 29th. 186S,Sec. 6. That no appeal for abatcuien of tax or reduction of assessment shall I* uiade after second Wednesday in Januan IS77, and all petitions relating totaxshal be in writing. Sec. 7. All ordinances or parts of ord: nanct s in conflict with this ordinance cx copt that concerning the sale of gunpow for, ratified March 9th 1869 are herein revoked. Ratified in council this 20th day of De comber, 1876. J. C. Richmond, . A. Wu.liams, Clerk Council. Intendant a BILLS AUDITED By the Coi.nty Co&uiissionfrs dui iug th? Year KodiogOci. SI# 187* Name*. | Nature of Claims. | Amount Rebecca Williams, al ms house nurse 15 M Thos. H. Wheeler, cl rk of Board 33 Ot A. B Addison, tuJitor's certificate Ne. 5 29 o L. Laugley, " " assessment fund 713 21 Hown d and Piitehard, building New lti?er bridge 225 <fl N d Jones, witness ticket 2 U Ned Bclia, " u 9 ? Ned Taylor, " " 10 0 John farter, " ' 3 v S. Bennett, " " 2 5? \\d Pelot, - " 9 ' <\ Washington. " 9 < W. H. Iteviin, dieting pauper*, Jan 84 7 Rebecca Will a:us, alms hou.<e nunc 15 o fhom s Williamson,constable 5 1 lost ph IK-wets, witness tickets 8 (h rrd'k. 51 >rse, " < 5 A'oiizo Patterson ' 3 0 f. 11 ai ford, " S 0 /(-..nderi Kit hard en, " US . F McKelliie, " 8 Ned I fey wood, " b 'C .kiwi. Black, " 8 e rh'M.Jara.-s " S Ol il. K. Strobhart, " b C Waliey Mitchel, " 2 i> D.vid HoIktison. " 2 o 'rir.tv Heywarl, " 2 t? saac Bennett, " 2 C uM'ph lireen. " ? eorge tl rant, u # e .Vis;. Wilson,sheriff account 203 A'tu. Wilson, >herift"account ; -0<J v Wai. ilson, sheriff account 2!4 tk n;i. Wilson, sheriff account *. 258 -:t Win. Wilson, sheriff ac ount 192 > in. Wilson, sh rill' account 25" CO Joseph B >binsoii, repairing chairs 4 5i James Wright, witness ticket 8 u i o. Bryan, " 3 C Joliu Lewis, " 2 .1 it >ht. 3f iddleton, " 3 5? Caroline M.migo, " 2 2 <?eor.'.e birveus, " 2 2 >. B. Stephousuu, " 6 At A'. J. lioodiug, Juror 12 5. " a u. itt'iiiv i. urciifca, " *' John Salvisliurg, " 1,5 R. M. Davidson, * " " (J has. J. Colcoek, " 14 oO F.M.Cox, " il. Robert*, " 9 Howard Taggart, " 85 Johu Mover, " 8 50 Bob Ancrum, " 44 '* London Snipe, " 9 ^ Win. Adams, " 9 ^ Benj. R. Bostick, " u 5 Win. C. Danner, " 6'* I.J. Cohen, " : 60 Dick White. " 10 '* W. C; Morrison, " 8 " W. M. Frinch, " fi ,,(l P. It. Appleby, ' 1:5 0 , Jack 11 nuett, " 16 <*' . ^ack I'.rown, " 4? Jack W. Bowers, " 13 00 Jack Brown, " ~ 1C * Moses Brown, " 49 Liios Butler, " 16 00 Riley (.'ope, " 43 ^ George Curtis, " *0 " Jaiues O. Davis, " 44 u' Patrick Becket, " # - 11 80 Geo. M. Goethe, " 14 0" P. Grant, " 49 ? Joseph Harrison, " 9 00 Win. If. Ileape. " 13 00 Barnwell Howard, " - - 48 99 J. R. Jones, 14 14 00 George F. Lawton, " 44 99 W: H. McGill. " 900 Win. Middletou, " 10 00 Quash Polite, " 15 00 George F. Kicker, " ? 9 00 John I). Rivers, " - M 00 Samuel Russel, " ........ 15 00 Chance Smith, * 9 5< Bristoe White, " 15 00 Gab-iel Ilaynes, ' 0 00 Peter Smalls, *' 9 "5 Caesar White, " ?? 10 30 Thoa. Barnes, " ? ? 00 Joseph 0. Wyne, " 10 00 Aloozo Patterson, " - 0 00 Samuel Kilson, 44 - '5 John Hamilton " - ? Rfcbd. O. Bright, " 15 00 Benj. Max veil, " - 5 00 Adam Parker, u - W Hamilton Robinson, constable 9 00 Jos. Cohen, jury coinmisalonar, "> E. D. Washington, constable ! tfi Phillip Shine, ^ 1* w Mi?sea Frazier, " 10 00 James Simmons, " ..... 10 W LlVrn. Chisolm; " 9 00 K^rt Robertson, M - 10 50 Marcbrv^inunons, " 2 20 Toby Aiken," ? 2 04 pi Adam Parker,JNor .. ^ 00 Ben Maxwell, % S 0 1 Bichd, O. Bright, " 6 00 John Hamilton, M .. ....... ...... 0 00 James Kelson, " .. ?0 00 Joe. 0. Wyne, " ... t 00 1 ho*. Barnes, " .~....... 0*0 j Dick White, " .... .. ? 00 I G?<"*tr White, " ? _ < <0 l'stcr Smalls, 14 Ou G. Hayucs, " f 00 J. H. Harrison, " _ I W P. Gr-an. * ?...?.. a to (k'o. M. t'iOe.h?, " ,,, 0 OO Geo. Curtis, " O (JO Eliaa Butler, " 4 (* M"Se* Brown. _ 4 90 Jack Brown, " | go j?<-k Bennett. " j eo Wiu. II. Hcape, ? 40 Barnwell Howard _ 4 00 Geo. F, I.awtun, " 0 00 W. H McGBI, " # w \V. II. Widdleton, " 000 Quaah Polite, " 0 00 Ci. F. Kicker, " ? .... .... ? 00 Saml. Ruasel, " _ 0 00 B.iater White M 0 00 P. R. Appleby. M 0 00 Johu D. Rivera, " 0 M Jacob W. Bower*" 0 00 Kiley Cope, " .... 0 00 Chance Smith, M ..._ .... ... 0 Oj Joseph Green, " ?. .... 160 Sarnl. Cohen, " ... 160 Sarol. Green, u ..? 1(0 K. D. Washington, 6 00 Robert Robinson, " 4 00 Jos. Cob en *' ? 1 Moses Frazier, " .... _ 0 00 James Simmons. M ~ ...mm 0 00 Henry Simmons " ................... 1 60 II. Robinson. " 0 00W A. Rar, " 0 66 Daul. Grant, M ...... 6 66 Isaac Small, " 0 06 l.ydia Bothersome, M 2 * Lavinia Washington, " 2 *9 (ovinia Bothersome, " ........... 2 86 Julius Baker, *' 4 00 Chris Jenkins, " 4 00 Y.?:k Middleton, M 2 Bristoe Jackson, " 2 6$ Handy Gadsden, ** 6 06 H. B. Fergusun, auditor's ecrtiflealea 40 00 S. fci. Taylor, cicrk of board, 3 00 rn<>iaas Jeffenwu, work on Verdier's o ridge 20 03 Prince Jefferson, " 26 00 Ja k Snipe, u I A) K. T. smith, witness ticket 8 CO | Wui. Middleton, " 66 Joshua Smalls, " - 8 06 .lenry Screven, " 8 00 dam Green, " 8 00 \dani Grant M ?- 9 00 G?;rge Bellenger, * ?..?... 8 00 R M Smiih, '* 3 3S 1'. A. Roper, " 6 4ft Riehd. Manigo. " ?... 5 00 Robert Hamilton, " 4 Saml. Edaard, ?, 4 86 ..uciuda Small, " ~ - 4 00 iVter Grant, " 8 36 VI red Irvin, " 3 W Hilly Jeukius, w 3 83 Hamlet Connors, u ....... 4 it. .da Connors, " 4 3* Capt. Mitchell, work on jail, . 10 JO J. O. Bampflold, auditor check ... 14 00. Ur P. Pritchard " _?.... 14t? 00 l>r. P. Pritcbard, ** .. ...... 43 bi V. J. Gooding, u .... 11 'JO , J ,hu Con an;, " _? t? 79 .. J. Gooding, w!tnc? ticket, ........ 5 SO * C. D. Maj, " 4 30 A. -V, itutb. M * ?... 4 ? amca Morrison, " ?.... 4 ?& Wdu Saud-rs, " ... ?... 1 00t J. li.Goetho, H ........... 5 40( -ami. Warren, " 2 40I .Vilson Green, witness ticket i leo. A. Kee4. auditor efKWk.......... . 14 00vtncho Jtnfcit.s guard 10 10? Apple, blankets for pcor iiov. U?e Jan. . 47 40 .. G. Thomas, aaticnary and prii tiug,....... US 60 > 8. P. Gilbert, stat'ounry puUjc, f.eigbt Ac. 14 S2" iti-hard Jenkins, witness ii?k?t ?... S 45 <jeor?6h'ripp, " a 4? Primus mar.in, " 6 4s Her ry Wallace, - 6 40Cuifie Brown, " ......... 4 iO/ Topi Priestcr, " C 64" tria (isdvlm 5 tO Johi; Gloeer, t tw iaudy I...igard wiUm-iu Ticket ^ *3 l r 'orge Wilson, " * .... 4 *0 Monday Williams '. " ... 113 Monday W illiama. " ' ..... ? 2*0 i Joseph Cohen. " '* I S3 Jo-cpb Hrywood ' " v .4 t? " Jaui s Bryant, " " ... 7 ftC. i?yd Bryant, " " ..r~?. 4 ant'l Warren. " " 7 ?S Henry Hnoop*. " " 7 H? Uuarus iieywoct, " " 4 C? John Bryant, " ' 7 6>> A grip pa Polite, " '* 4 W Moses Say a, - 4" 7 <4Pau! Taylor, " " 4 ~S ' 1 P rr. - aJ a fnr ^.111111? ? flffiM 4 sfl J. P. Boyce, Material* for bridj* 4 25 Geo. Waierbousc, poods for public jv-ild'g.. SI 0 J. P. Boyce, lamps and oil for C. re mi .. % y. I Robert Gramt, work on bridgerick Church 14 0 Ben Jenkins, repairs ,ti >? 10 e* J. P. Boyce, goods fur jail 19 0 *.l zabeth Washington. wi..c> "t ticket. ... ti 3 i-'Iora Waihiii^teu. " ' ?. 66, M nday Williams, " . i Isabel a Washington, i Isaac Devoc, " "........ : .? Peggy Crosby, " 4 is Uan'I Stearr.s. " i u*Dick White, " " 7 .?> Robert Robin soil. " ' ' 1 5 Thos. Washington, " ? i.V Mingo Jenkins " ' 4 0* Amau-i#>cott " ' * ?/ , Bernard Lang, " " 4 ?i. J. D. 0. Lang u ' 4 oo A. A. Chritzberg, " " .. i 6?? R. N. Wright, " " J 61 .i .-nry Simmons, guard ticket 16 90 .aria B..k<r, witness tkket 06 ileury N- wton, " " ........ i 3> ?. Mohan, gi.&rtl ticket in <t> Capt. Mitchell. * io t.% ..dward J u>h, Junitor 5 06 Raehael drill, witness ticket...- 7 ti Isaac Kddy, * 44 .. 7 S3 iJizabeth Wright M " 7 3d Dick Terry, " - .. 7 33 Moses Terry, " 7 33 Geo. HoluiVs. stoti nary 40 55 ilas Williams, wcn<d for alms boji-e 5 0(1 Win. Josiah, building Brick bouse bridge 3 40 1 hos. H. Wheeler, Clerk salary Nov. Dec. Jan Feb - 199 75 J Marcus L. Simmons. road overseer...?......... 67 70 Joseph Cohen, constable special C7 9*1 v Monday William.", " " - 77 30 W. 31. French, priuting .. .. It 50 Richard Simmons ?. 34 00 I lid ward Russell, special constable 51 59 A. W. Muckenfuss, coroner 4 80 Alfred Williams, acting clerk 3 tfi H.G. Judd. adinr - 3 00 - j T. P. JJiley, lumber fur bridge ?. 10 00 Alfred William-, furniture C. H 23 00 Howard and 1 i itehard building Hosp r Bridge .. 375 00 e P. L. Wiggiu Solicitor, .... 250 00 H. G. Judd, contingent account 130 00 Thoa^H. Wheeler, fee* as atty. recoving t money irom ITB. Myers defaulting Treasurer. 100 00 W. II. Gregorlt*, trial justies .............. 4 00 C. L. Valentine, Auditor,s check.. . SO 00 C. W. Mitchell, jaU 4 00 Y W. J. Geodings auditor check 34 CO N. B. Myers, auditor check '. It 00 J, A. Tyson, building bridge 50 00 J. A. Johnson, deputy coroner.. 21 12 T. H- Wheeler, clerk's salary - M 09 John Tenant, jnry eoamlsn _...... 24 0 C. E. Valentine, read ?- 15 00 . Jrrry Savage, work ah Jail. Jul 7 73 J W. B. Calvert goods for Jail ? ? 7 75 I H M. Stuart, aasdleine for Jail 7f I Geo. Water house, sundries for Jail and poor 1* 00 I Ben Jenkins, repairs jail 11 00 I John Houston," " . ' n.n ni",.. m 1 75 I W. H. Calvert, stove pipe 2 00 9 I Dr. Pritchard, port mortem- , - 10 80 J- ^ I H. M. Stuart, medicine for jail 0Q '^jj^ witneso - ?. ^