Port Royal standard and commercial. [volume] (Beaufort, S.C.) 1874-1876, December 30, 1875, Image 3

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J / i f~\ 4 I l ! LwL A Si ! ! ii vl>?. Beanfort, 3. C., Decembor, 30, IS" ilmir Congressman 6u;u?is amu-il n: I Beaufort o;i Thusday !a-t from Washington. He is looking well, his honors evideutlv Kt.'wair' with Lim. 77 S&. The 6fficcol the County ireasun.r will be opened about the sixth of January for the collection of taxes. Mft. The weather at Christinas was. like summer in this section, mild and warm, almost oppressively so. | The Atty. Gen. will please accept, our thanks lor a copy of his auuual re- j port to the General Assembly. SiT" Lieut. Gov. Gleaves, is in town, j i also our members of the legislature I *1 tending their holidays after the exciting session. . j : Htr* The sales of plantations on the ; several islands will be made on separate , days of which the public will be in-1 formed by hand bill. BA billiard saloon has been established in the Club House Beaufort, j where knights of the cue can enjoy them- j selves to their heart's content. } i 7- - Lovers of the weed will be pleased ' tolearu that the revenue on tobacco will j probably be reduced. It will have 1:0 of-, feet however tin those who borrow their j tobacco. 1 ^ On Friday last James Jackson, j near Greys Hill lost his corn house and j another outbuilding by lire. Supposed to be incendiary. On Christmas eve, a street fight j occurred on Bay St. Beaufort, in which ! Brister Jackson was cut in several places I , "by Ben Holmes who has been bound over "bv Trial Justice Carlcton. for trial in Feb- I auary next. For the past seven weeks the Rev. A. Warded has been holding protracted ; meetings in the First A. B. Church, Beaufort The converts will be baptised on Sundav. ^ 9The department of the direct laud ! sale* has been authorised to sell the farm : lauds in any desired quantity from ten a<-rcs upwards. The Iau 1 on Ililtuu Head ' have never been surveyed into ten aore lot* and will be sold by plantation-. W" As showing the fifth that is reponed ill tl?c future of ihis section of t.c : State, it is notkible that an undivided ! thirteen fortieth of Spring Island has been sold for $32. The entire island . contains about five thousand acres. j The supreme court has dismissed i the apjica! in 1 lie ease of Hubert Smalls, vs. F. E. Wilder. Associate ju.-tkv j Willaml gave the opinion. This settles) the suit in which the property on M?g- i noiia St. was involved. ??? Itt. There are to oe soil this week six : contiguous block* near the Court lIuU?o j a hat would make a fine race track. ' i I* would bo a st oke oi" go >d policy > for those jM>sse.*di?g fa-t horses ami ; vihcrsf/wested in such matters to coin- : bia.% fljK^uke the par-dii-e. This wotthf nPfnothur attraction for tourists . to uiake Beaufort a winter resort. f?"* The tax hills signed by the gov or. or, levy eleven mills for Sta.e pur- , jHjses, and iti this county four mills tor > couuty purposes, making a total tax, with ; xhe two mills for juist indebtedness, of1 scvcuteen mills, in addition to local j school taxes which range from half*a mill to three mills in this countv. 1 a > Dr. Paul Pritchard, Chairman cf the Board cf County Commissioners arrived in Beaufort on Monday, to hold a .special meeting so as to give the necessary | warrant to the county auditor, so that h. can proceed with his books necessary for .the collection of taxes. ? f?"* Christmas day along the line of the Port Royal Railroad was spent very quietly. At several of the most important lumber statious, such is the pressure of business, large g^ngs of men were busily at work loading cars. At Btunson t was as quiet as Sunday. The election of Judges has not had a depressing e.Yect as it is pretty generally expressed that people are satisfied that their property * - - *1 i .. and rights arc uoi jeoparuzivu iuc:vu>. Last week a number of' iofhicncntial gentlemen, U. ?. Army officers, railroad magnates Ac. paid a visit to* Port Royal, Spring Island, and Beaufort. Amoungst them were Col. Pamer, president Chariotte Columbia and Augusta Railroad, Maj. Anderson. Gen. Supt.~ -of the same road, Col. Black and Major Pollock of the 1 Sth reg. U. Si A. from Columbia. Col Tom Johnson, of Sumter. Col. Pierce of Columbia, Col. Johnston of Charlotte, formerly president of the C. tC. and A. R. R. Mr. Wesley and Mr. Williams of Now York, Mr McKay, who is interested in Spring Island, and Mr. Davidson of the Augusta (,ons'ttutionuli*t. They were much pleased with Port Royal and the advautagcv possesses. > "?24th Schr. Charlotte Jameson, Jameson, master, for Woods Hole with 5(>0 tons phosphate rock, from Pacific Mines. PREPARE FOR WINTER. Don't let the coM win Is of winter find your windows without sashes, or good whole doors, but have them fitted at once from the manufactory of Mr. P. P. TO ALE, whoso advertisement is in * another column. He is also sole agent for the ''National Mixed Paint Co." who wananl their paint not to crack, peel or fade Any one can apply it. vH:uia: PROBATE NCTil .Sr.viL OK Sorri: ^.\K"! !* * \ Count} ? IVautV.rc ) 15V I:i!>LEV K. CAKI K.ToN. L.S?>., 1'nOJAi K JljoK 1 \*!!ri:KAS, Mar.h I?ev<;.ux. has made suit to k * me. to jfraut bin; Letters of Administration of the Estate ami tliris of i'.illv Jenkins, former. The#" are tin r?foretocite ami admonish all ami singular the kindred ami Creditors of the said Hilly Jenkins deeeas'sl. 'hat 'hey he and a|>}M-ar, tic f??re me. in the Coiiri of Probate, to he held at Heaufort on th' FornTll ?iav of JAXIWUY n 'xt, after publication hereof, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, to shew cans-, if any they have, why the said Administration should not be granted. Uiven under niv hand, this twenty-first dav. oi December, A. IK, ?S7r>. Ill DLL Y K.CAlh.ETOX, dcc.22-2t P-ohate Judge. PROBATE NOTICE. By Ridley K. Caulktox, Esq., Prokatf. jrik.i: AT'limras Henry(L .Tu?l<l, (*. C. 1*., hath tin !.' ? r sifTt to me to grant hint Lottrs of Administrtion of tin. folate tud effects ??f 1'. t- r Powel. Those are therefore tt? cite and admonish all and singular the kindred atul creditors of the said Peter Powell, deceased, that they he and apjK'ar he fore me, in the Court of Probate, to be lieM at Beaufort, on the 5th day of January, next., after ]utbllca!ion hereof, at I! o'clock in the forenoon, to show rooxe, if any they have, why the said administration should not l?? granted. fiiven under my liaud, this 22d day of December, nijiio Domini, 1S75. RIDLEY K. CAP.LETON, dec.2S-2-t Probate .'u lg' . Sealed Proposals Will be received until Jan. 4, 1S76, by the Board of of Conniy Commissioners, for the reparation of the New River, Coo<awhatchie, lVotaligo and Hospur bridges in Beaufort County. The bid for each bridge to b-* made separately, the bo.ud reserving the right to reject auy or all bids. TIIO.S. II. W1IKKLKH, dec.3-lt Ch'rk ofBoard. Sealed Proposals Will be received until Jan. 4th lS7d hy the hoard of County Commissioners for feeding the poor for iho year 1876. The rations to be as fuilo ws : i) quarts ef hominy, 3 lbs. of meat, 1 pint stIt, 1 quart of molasses. 1 quart of rice. Quarter pound of CjIL-o or equivelant in tea, Half" ('.Sugar, Half" Sua p. 2 ounces tobacco ar.d pipes, The board reserves lh.? right to reject any and ull hi Is. Til OS.. II. WHEELER. Clotk of Board. dec. *-4t. Administrate r?is Notice. Notice Is hi'-ribv given to all the creditors of the d 'rilict estate of I.ol ert Lcsslngioii, late of St. Helena deceased, to preacnt their claims against the s iid estate for adjits'i.t. nt and .allowance, with n lis* tini< pr?-s? rih?d by law. Ail persons indebed to sai'S estate a.c reqitir-d to inaku payment to Lie uiiderd rmsi at Lis ulLci. ill Beaufort. II. (i. JEJ'D, Administrator lift, Dec. It 1S75 ft-t 3<:AUi;lXli SCHOOL IS BLAlAVkT. M K. Fl'LIiER i? in;: unjaptil i:i ta-aciiin# a pri vatc school in Brau.'ort, lias made arruigi men'* to Uko a f w !i iy< in Irs family us Ixuinlin^ sc!io!:!-? 1 ii> course en.bracis the cbv-ies ami tlio itvia L'n^lish brumti'-s, pn iiarinj; his pupils for Coli.-> c i?r a liusiiK'vs tile. " For terms ami particular*, apply to It. 1>. FL"M.Eli, nov.iVtit. &ru' ^firrrtiSfuwati. 1 MRS.ir IIOLZACII,' Has Just receive J u well selected stock <?{' . CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, B BREAD V D Cake, and Cracker Bakery 15 A Y ST., BE A I* 101: T, S. V. Just rvtx-iv.il a huge ai.J t-'.fcttU stock of FRENCH CANDIES, vrbi?*h will W ? <'d .?t pr'.-.-i to ?ult thvi tiai;-s. Y'ili Jso kvij. tu I. - i.*i II kiutNof ? CAK 1-;S. I'lKS, l- l:U ITS, Ac Act vi'.2-5-If. CORN FDR SALS A NEW LOT OF WHITE CORN. The best for grinding or iced. For salt at bottom prices for cash at. D. II. HUTCHINSON'S, Wholes*le Hmeerv Store. Tort Koyal S. C j Doc. 10 4-t. M. POLLITZER, COTTON FACTOR A.XD Commission Merchant I HE (WORT * . C DAILY STAGS LINE, I -TO? j PORT ROYAL, S. C NYALLY GREEN1, PROP'T. ON and after Monday, Nov. 15, there will be regular Daily Stage Line established between Beaufort and Port Royal. 1 Will leave the Sea Island Hotel at 1 p.m., return i ing, leave Port Royal at 1 p. in. F. 1 UK, SE VEST Y-FI1 'E CEXTS. ? All order* left at the .Sea Island Hotel will 1 . promptly at ten led to nov.ll-ly. pTrtoaleT Manufacturer of Doors, Sashes BLiM)S, FLOORING, &c., &C. j Dealer in Builder's Blardwari Paints, Oil, &c. Solo Agent for !| Ths National Mixed Paiut Co. , Tbe Great American Fhe Eitins'sbr. ( [! Paie HacMne Bettiui Co. 11 SEND FOR PRICES. : I Office and Warerooms, 1 20 & 22 Hayn2 & 33 & 35 Pinckney S .j FACTORY and YARD, ^ i Ashley ltivcr, west end Broad Street, CHARLESTON. S. C. sep.uC-ly, ? . - ^ ' *? itM-' / ;'*. A . ^ ^ C.' 1 V i \ * > j \*.V -?*. XT O TL* X 0> I ; f??3!SP I ^ V>-k4a iai v/ A4 <- \/ *2V- ft J j Consigned Goods sold for Cash and Cash Only. i Gito os a trial, Jfite promptly filial Butter, from 20 to 40c? ,' Coffee, from 25 to 50c. 1 Candies, from IS to 25c. j Cheese, from IS to 20c. Codtish, from 8 to 10c. ! Herring, from 25 to 40c. ) Sardines, from 20 to 35c. ; Kerosene, 20c. ga'. ; Molasses, from 20 to 45c. R'ce, from 7 to Se i Candles, from 20 to 50o. j Soap, from 0] to 0c. : Sugar, from 8 to 10c. i Starch, from 5? to Sc. j Tobacco, from ^ oo to otic. Sc.srars, from $20 to $50. Cider, 4(k;. pal. Yinepar, from 25 to 40c. Tea. (Green) | Jellies, Matches, Jute Twine, 20c. lb. | Tea, (Black) Hats and Caps, Women's Shoes, i Caiu Killer, , Bills, j Pickles, from $1.50 to $4.50 do*, j Oysters, from 1.25 to 1.50 do;*. 1 Lobsters, from 2.50 to "5.50 doz. Poaches, from 2.00 to 5 75 doz. Damsons, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Plums, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Cherries. from 3.0n to 4.50 doz. Strawberries, from 3.00 to 4.50doz. Pine Apples, from 3.00 to 4.50 doz. Whortleberrries. li 2.50 to 3.50 doz. Green Corn, from 3.00 to 3.50 doz. Green Peas, from 3.00 to 3.50 doz. i Tomatoes, from 2.00 to 3.00 doz. ' Brandy Peaches. '* 3.00 to 5.00 doz. | Flour, from G.0U t(J $.00 bbl. i S. R. Flour,. ' Tapioca, Borden's Milk, Chow Chow. Coleman's Mustard, 1 ? . t \ ! Horry J'op per, i Table Salts, I Castor Oil, I Hams. , ShouMers. I Salt Pijr's T.mtrue, Smoked Beef Ton "Tics, ( Fulton Market Beef, | Sides, Ribbed, Clear Ribbed Sides, Clear Salt Sides, | Dried Beef, i Hani Sausasre. Breakfast Strips, Spiced Piit's Feet, Smoked Jowls. Loaf Bird in Pails, Mackerel, $(> to $J0. S.i'iuoit, ' Washboards, from $2.00 to $.'>.50 doz. Two an I Three > ,4 ? t ., -- 1 II OJK.,1 l>;,ils, I ~4j ia*'j'ulis. x in neat, " 5.50 Jute Hope, 15c. Potatoes, from $2.50 to $4.50 bbl. I Onions, t'.oiu 5.0?) to 5.00 bbl. i Apples, from 3.00 to 5.00 bbl. ; Turnips, from 2.UU to 4,00 Lb!. ! Oranges lioiu jjO 'ions, Dried Apples, from $ to 10Dried Peaches, from 12 to 20.-. , Dried Cur.anfs. from 12 to 10c. | Raisins, j C<n-oail:!t-N ' F.lbcftS. i hr?er, j S k!;i (Yurken-, 7U: 1I?. j Pilot Biead (?!c H . | (linger Calcic, ll!c ib. t Suaar Cake, * llV !b. .Mule Collars, Garden tVeds, Fish Tackle, Pttdlw-ks. ! :'.-4 Aii-usta Sheeting, 7cyd. l'rinfs. 7c to 10c. Sim ml Cotton,* 50c j>er doz. Hhiek, \V!iite Lhicu, Thread | Pins, and Needles, ! Buttons, JAMES M. CUOFIT. >| AMERICAN ! UNDERWRITERS ASS'N, PHILADELPHIA. ' I i Head Cffice South Carolina Agency, No. 1 Broad St., Charleston, S. C. Capital, $200,000 j 1 -L WILL receive applications for Insurance it j this reliable company, on all insurable property This company is not in connection with tho Boar, ' of Undo writers, ar.d will take risk at reasonubl i ^ iuno. . j J. APPLE, A.M. LEE, Sub-Ag"nt. Gen. Agent. Charleston, S. C. w:ji.'2tf iJOHN FIIANZ, j ^ W holesale & Retail Grocer, j AND SHIP CHANDLEF Family Groceries and Cabin Store - j a specialty. W Constantly receiving from St. Loui: the best FAMILY FLOUR, wholesale groceries, a LlqlORS 7 j PLANTATION SUPPLIE at the princple Store, formerly occupic by J. Fyler, Corner Bay and West Strct DRY SOSBS, K and General Merchandise at the Stoi j Cor cr of Bay Street, and Harrison Wharf. I GROCERIES. a speciality at the Store Corner of Bt and Scott Street. T ICE!" ICE!"" . j COKAHI &QIMOJtS, | ARE NOW PREPARED TO FUJ i A nish Ice in any quantity Customc ts may desire, from their Jce House,Bovonth. Strooti JOHN CONANT, J. A. EMMONS ' july, 10 t-f I?? if. lllSl kiltM>il. J \\imAmiz\si) I'xrui vMoa:% PORT ROYAL, S. C. i j JJAVING just put in a large *tock df I GROCERIES, I am prepared to supply the trade at figures that i cannot fail to PROVE SATISFACTORY. All uiv goods are bought from first hands, and come direct from >en York, Boston and Baltimore, and I can, therefore, comj?ete with dealers in Charleston and Savannah. Mess Beef and Pork, . Dry Salted and Smoked Meats, FLOUR, SUGAR, MOLASSES SOAP CANDLES SYRUP COFFEES, CANDIES. TEAS, JELLIES, SARDINES, CRACKERS. CHEESE. CORN. CORN MEAL, HAY AND FEED. CANNED GOODS AND PRESERVED FRUITS. BY PURCHASING from ni<\ parties can make a percentage on theirgoods, on account of lower freight charges.at Port Royal than at Charleston or Savannah. D. H. Hutchinson. .Tr-?0-fim. MRS. C. SMITH, WEST STREET, Between Craien and Nerti Streets, AND COR. SCOTT & NORTH STREETS, Beaufort, S. O. Gi UOCERIES, j r Tl TEATS, CANDIES. 1VJL rpoBACCO, FANCY CAKEMND SEGARS. Dry Goods, and Clothihg. All of' the best quality and at the lowest figures, constantly on hand. Apl.15.tf. W. H. DEVLIN"" Carpenter?Builder 0 All kinds of BOAT WORK, CAULKING, and SPAR MAKING. o OFFICE ASD SHOP I COR. BAY and CHARLES STREET, BEAUFORT, S. C. | an^a.ly. | j Charleston Adrcvtisfrnfiits. lien's Youths' Bovs' i CLOTHING, CLOTHS, CASSIMERES FINISHING GOODS, ETC. Menke & Miiller Merchant Tailors. & ClotMers. | 228 king St., cor. Hen th worth St., charleston, s . c . 0 Quick sales and small profits, is our motto. We guarantee our clothing tc j equal custom work sep.23-4m. Sea Isl'd Bagging, If, 2, and 2\ lb. Rolls For Sale low by A. H. HEYWARD, FACTOR, AND a Commission Merchant. north atlantic wharf, CHARLESTON, S. C. e # Liberal advances cn produce. J"ea Is land's a specialty. sep23-tf . W. M. LAWTON\ & C ) Commission Merchants southern wharf, CHARLESTON, S.C., Will make liberal advances on con signments of Cotton and Rice. 8 sep.23-3ra. ? .raw ART! I'HAPIW , d " ^ i Manufacturer of and Dealer in ' I CARRIAGES, BASKET PMTONS, ! Farm V/agons, Children- s Carriage rc j 'vj And all kinds of j HARNESS, ! Repairs Promptly Attended to. xy \ Southwest Corner of - Wenth worth and Meeting Streets, CHARLESTON, S. C. j May .2(1. D. O'NEILL & SONS, ^ i WHOLESALE DEALERS IN j BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS AND VALISES. No. 88 Sayne Stroc Oharloston Q. O i aprl^-Iyr. # I ur > * -~2^. ijohn w. linley, d co.,! i j | ioo k2.%%; stai:^r, i c ha p, lesion , s. c. grocers,! And lin]ioi*t? r.i of General Merchandise. Xo Frri^rlit to Pay ! \o Freight to Pay! Our pricex art', below those of flhi/ nth* r I dealer in the United Shift*. Xo extra charf/cs for drayage, boxing or freight. We. jtrepay freights and deliver goads free at any depot oil the. line of the Xm th Raster u, Wilmington and Columbia. South Carolina and Charleston and Savannah Rail Roiuiy ; also to all points in South Carolina, Georgia and Honda, having direct icuter communication icith Charleston. ali. goods guaranteed. " Terms?Cash by J*. 0. order or registered letter?on 30,-60, or 90 days in ac ceptance with interest to f tie/ at the run i of I percent a month. " Always enclose this advertisement tkifh order (/'convenient. List ol Net Prices. No expense lo add Finest quality Young Hyson Tea?quality unsurpassed, exquisite tiavur, aud great strength, $1.00 per Hi. This Tea specially recommended. Finest quality <)o!i>ng, Souch nig, Gun|>ow<ler, and Hyson 'iVas, cl.00 per lb. .Second quality Teas, S'.ic. per lb. Third quality Teas, sold by other dealers at cl jc r lb., you van bare delivered by us at 5*k.\ p r il? Crush* d and Powdered Sugars i:!e. per ii>.; Granulans! A Sugar. 12c per lb; ExtraC Sugar, lie. p r lb.; Light Brown Sugar, 10c. p n lb. Li nicy's Peerless FAMILY FLOLB; 18 lbs. for *1, orSlO per barrel, Good Family Flour, $7.5o, $8.50, and $0.00 per barrel. Extra Choice Finely Flavored lluuis, l"e. per lb. Good Hants, 15e. per lb. BREAKFAST SThlPS, life. per lb. Choice Tumbler Jollies, lar^e size, 12 l-2c. each. 2 Ih. Canned Tomatoes, 13c each; 3 lb. Canned Tomatoes, 16c. each. 1 lb. Salmon, i?c per can; 2 lb Canned Pine Apj le, Peaches, j Damsons and Pears, 23c. per can?6 cans for ?1.30. Ji* st quality mixed Vinegar Pickles?pints 17c- each quarts, 27c. each; Gallons 60c. each. Condensed Milk, Eureka and Eagle itaand, 25c. each. Gantz Sea foam, 1-2 lb. 2.<c ; lbs. 50c. per can. Ix.-mon Sugar, 40c. per can. Dooley's Yeast Powder, Inc., 25c. and 40c. per can. English Cooking Soda, or Pack; age Soda, 10c. per lb. 1-1 boxes Sanliues, 20c.; 1-2 ! boxes, Sanliues, 35l\ each. Shadines, 1-2 boxes, 25c. i i-arh. Cox's Spurkliu Gelatine, 20c*. per pack. Ca! pers,40c.; Olives, 50c.; Worcjsiershir.-, Walnut and Mushroom Sauces, genuine imported, 40e. per botI tic. Imitation French Mustard, 2dc.Genuine French Mustard,25c. French Prunes, 18c. pr ll>. Raisins,20c. Citron, 40c. Currants, 10c. Cheese, 2'Je. Full weight Caudles, first quality, 23c. per lb. Baker's Chocolate, 45c. per lb. Cocoa, joc. per lb. Broiua, 6t)c. per lb. German Chocolate, 30c. per lb. Ordina: ry Rio Coffee, 4 1-2 lbs. for St.; choice Rio Coffee, i 4 lbs. for SI.; choice latguayra Collie, 3 1-2 lbs. for SI; Old Government Java Coffee, 3 lbs. for Si; .Roasted and Ground Coffees, 5c. additional, each grade. Duryca's Starch, 1) 1-2 lbs. for Si. Satin Gins-. Starch, 75c. jkt box. Corn March, 13c. i*-r pack, Box Blueing, 33c. |K-r dozen. Barley, 12 l-2c. per lb. Durham Smoking Tobacco,fine, per !b. Martins Celebrated Gill Edge Butter, 40c. per lb. Choice Goshen Butter, 35c. |>er lb. Good Tabic Butter, IHe. per lb. Cooking Butier, 4lb<., 5I1?*.. ami Gibs, for Si. Biscuits?Soda, 12 lbs. for Si; Extra Pilot, loe.; Lemon, Wine, Ginger and Butter, at 15c per lb.; Xic Macs, 18c. per lb; Fancy Cakes 25c. per lb. Black Pepper, 30c. per lb.; Spice, 30c. per lb.; Nut megs, 15c. per ounce; Mac*, 15c per oiaice; Ginger, 25c. | er lb. Rose?and Vanilla Flat Stick Candy, a fine article, 25c. per lb.; Ordinary stick candy, pure, 2l?c. per lb.; Roek Candy, auy color, 22c. per lb. Colgate's Toilet Soaps?G'J di.T?rent kinds, a specialty of ours, at maunfaeturcr's uric s?from 25c., to ?4. in per dozen cakes. Colgate's Handkereliief Extracts, .>Jc. per bottle. <'ashmere Bouquet P?wder, 25c. per box. Cleveland's Pomade Vasaline, a restorative and preservative unequalled for the hair, 20c. per ; iioitle. Old Corn Whiskey, SI.80 per gallon. Rye ' Whiskeys,$1.60, ?2.00, $3.00. and $4.HJ |>er gallon. J Black lie rry and Cherry Cordials, a pleasant drink. I $1.81) per gallon. Table Port and Sherry Wine, if2.50 i per gallon Fine 011 Mad ira. $4.00 per gallon. English and Scotch Ale and Porter, hotted, $2.70 perdozen. Bremen Lager Beer, bottled, $2.70 per dozen. Demijohns for Liquors, extra?1-2 gallon. 4'ie.; gallons, 50c.; 2 gallons, G'Je.; 3 gallon's, 75c.; 5 gallons Sl.oo . ah. A very Extensive Assortment of Crockery and j Glassware always on hand. Plates?Dinner size, | $1.50 j?er dozen ; Breakfast, ?1.25; Desert, ?1.00; i Tea, 85c. j?or dozen, Cujis and Saucers, SI.( 'I p- r set. j Covered Irishes, 05.-. 75c., ami 31.00 each. Tumblers 60c.. 75.. Si .'Hi, *$1.25. ami $1.50 per dozen. Table ! < t>, Sl.'io, S1..50, $.\tn, :inrt per u-i/an Wine Glasses, ;MX> per dozen. laitup Chimney's j Sum O aimI A's, 4 fur 2 >e. 1"? ;t ?>r 23c. Student <?r Arjrand Chimneys S fur 25c. XumIktIcs* articles nmiiciitioncu. Information c e-ilully {riven. Our j firm was established in IC, and >?ur business rpiitsti ii an I facilities are of t!ie highest <?r?l- r. ! j We will u > all wo promise. All urd-ri should be I address d to JOHNW. L1KLEY, & CO., .! (Key Box isi> ZOO JESt., j Jue.lT-ly. CHARLESTON, S. C. BRANCH & SMITH, COTTON FAC10RS, AUGUSTA, G-A. RESPKC TFU LI, Y solicit consign merits of Cotton, to the sale of which they jtive TIIKIR PER is XAL ATTENTION. Our charges from this date will he' reduced as follows:^ COMMISSION, ode. per bole. STORAGE, 2.5c. per month. All Cottou entrusted to us will be carefully baud ' led and prompt returns made for same. , scpt.23-3ui. BRANCH A SMITH. 6rist and ?tt&. S W. WALLACE, Cotton Factor AND GRIST MILLER, Wholesale Dealer In ' j mil ihst, mi fees, Etc., Soa Island Cotton ; Bought, Ginned and prepared for mar j ket. | Advances Hade on Consignments. * | Having the best machinery for ginning ; cotton and grinding corn and meal, he is : prepared to execute all orders on the j shortest possible notice. ^ ! The hlgnest price paid for -Cotton and Corn. ~ Cotton ginned on tod!. jan.7. G. P~ GARDINERDEALER IS * GltOCZ!RZES, Liquors, Dry Hoods, Boots, Shoes, Etc,, HILTON HEAD.S. C. ?S Cotton Ginned and Corn Ground at the above place. Grist, Bread and Feed, ! always on hand. For cash all orders ' will be promptly attended to. .V. S. ELLIOTT, BtmUforl 8. C. MJ VMUYJBL, K CO., (hcrLtion 8. C -i THEBEAUFOfiT STEAM MILL COMPANY Having put up a grist mill at tiieii old stand, are prepared to furnish )t Grist, Feed and Meal, n any quantity, and at reasonable rates. ?f. S. ELLIOTT. lib.-IS * v\ . * * 'r y # *i 11 v <--- c ; f a * c i * < i \ 1 e 7 ? v K.? V. A J6_ Ji-i -i - -* * ^ %? rr- _ /A v,~. ~r^l J , v 1 / "J. 1 j ~ rtfj ji I3H 'J' ;;;'" !r";#4^ l?g -? ;... * -, 'J& 1 n 'jfT^v i.V/-. ^,-AR, ,.y|/ gM^'y|pS FAMILi GG0CEEIE5 ;.MW iliOii RHHBM CPODS, '^^^MjOatiar (?j, Bariwiirej^p^ SEA ISLAND HOTEL, IZAS BE EX JtE-OPEXED. THE PATRONAGE OF THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC 18 SOLICiTFDi Tsriaie, 02.00 r?BR SD-A-TT. JAMES ODELL, - - - PRonuiroi KE^OFEWlSTG ' OF TI1K 1EIF0M0TEL, If AVIMi REMOVED MY HOTEL TO MORE COMMODlOtJS PRE.MlStfc, CLUB HOUSE, BEAUFORT, and having fitted it up in a neat ar.d comfortable mariner, I am prepared to ?* commodate the travelling public. This hotel is the nearest hotel to the Beaufort Depot, and commands one of tint best harbor views in the town. Terms Two Dollars per day. J. A. I)IJPONG? PnopRiETtaLfM..7th-mn. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! QUICK SALES ANETSMALL PROFITS! ATT II E C II E A? STORE. Jacob Apple, ANNOUNCES TO HIS FRIENDS AND THE T'UBLIO, THAT HE HAS JtJ?? received direct tiom New York, ;i large and Well selected stock of FALL AND WIN-* TER GOODS, which lie wiii offer at the lowest prices. Consisting of DRESS GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTION. Silk*. Poplins, Lustra, Black ami Col'd. Aljucas, R(?j s, rrrul i'laids also a ft no lot of Prinfi aid Bleached goods. Fine Plaid a lid ()t lotus a :-ilir.wls, I Kid Gloves, Centennial Pivs Elevator*. Hosiery end Fancy Goods, Balm -ml Hose. Binding and Iju broideries, Latent styles of Trimmings and Butt' ns, Viinges ant'. Laces. A tine I.t of Perfumery and fancy Soaps. Baskets and Domestics, oil Cloth and Matting. Special attention is called to the Gents' Furnishing Department. Which is complete with the latest styles of Br.rs and Ties also. thp celebrated Oalonnlai per I oilar. Clothing Boots and Shoes, Hats and Cans, and other articles to suit the wants of all Como and. Too Cc^nvinoecl, Bay Street. JACOB APPLE, Beaufort, S. hezTusse y , ? ? ?. . ? V-VA Wholesale and Ketail (if0061% ?and dealer in? Country Produce, and Plantation Supplies, 173 Bread St., (Under Augusta Hotel,) Augusta Ga. 0 JrEEPS eon- fr.nt'v on hand a large and selected stock of GROCERIES nod PLAN-L TATION SUPPLIKS all of which we offer cheap to the trade. Satisfaction guaranteed. The patronage of Beaufort and'adjoining Counties respectfully solicited. ~~ TIE WEED SEWING MACHINE COMFY, Is prepared to offer the most liberal terms TO MERCHANTS AND OTHERS, ?Who will deal iu?= Sewing* Machines of its Man'fture, o ? FAMILY FAVORITE, Its Name Indicates its Qualities. Refer to 250,000 Families Who Have Them in UsC< NAMED GENNRAL FAVORITE, BECAUSE Adapted to every possible grade of work.?Our competitors acknowledges that 9 \ | For Tailors arid Shoemakers, IT STANDS WITHOUT A IUVAL. Address, Weed Sewing Machine Company,PcO>. Nos. 51 and 53 Si. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. S. MAYO, w? H. GALYERfi ] Sa 3" St. 33oa^> S. O' Licii'o^s, &c. rin Sheet Iran- Coppef Wofkdf NET YARNS, Dealwi in J r,in?r j t wo 4 via pAPn \ p V Tjwnnwl iikI Stswpw! Tin Wiri#.' comulujtftf FhSH Ll.N hn AMI tUlw'AuJi. J bawl, Cooking Farior and Box StotM, CHass, Paint s and Oils, terms cash. WHITE LEAP AN1> TURPENTINE. Ajent for theOk-hrat^ ' Special attention given to mixing paints Charter Oak Cooking StoMS, ' and G1-? <* o: 1 r of a-v: ize. w- h- CAfcTEJtT, ' De<\6 ! J5ay St. betwor n 8th A ytk sts. V troftirt. P. f*V