The Abbeville banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1847-1869, September 29, 1869, Image 3

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Water $kp i Grind Day &%ht! Give iliis < & P'^lIt has nil tho ijr;?no?t?>P.mivJiuig tUie Fain . AfPl'vuUi:bl? t . Plpur, and it} <* 'W^t. business it bus c*VC' I T"-\ .,A ITUECIlTIt fo1' /Hl Puinily aJ?a,4*-W?jJ|b?> wo Iiuvo Fpai od mo '/ """r iken eapdcial tttte. to rjfy PP?l?a?*- tb supl'iy Uw don.uu.i; rtnfi?Jlty; hiid. hiJsit.c n-Jr'X ?*tended (o J#'1 f''om t?e ?-*<waion8 of ttpi.rovnl bv'?0n3erB' 'ff W?"?rcd lhat our ? ffortiyu eu.tlrely ?ue-?fuL To thus* who''1 itnu .our neM11'J' we. would eny < ueliuve it to bi? tln-ir in turret to fiv^r,Q'* At'1'!' ty Ihivo tru-u tue am , *" ?j. * Their iuUfi-?|,r"Pt l"ei" t0 <** bacK. Our .M11 1. J,aa? keen growing. puMie fivur lor i lie i'e0 ft"J r,v *>??e it Una been r?j,l'u' up sw, th-* i>us'ncbrt liiuul L Wc would to our avi ior facility for tljr'3 Wheat. ^Imvun p.jr.ntur anV'*''.'f '"test ! mo t iniproviil j>aw i" "ie iu tl Unite i States, wlii'.'f ' 1( ; if Cleans tisat fitlioiijffaste. This "a!oiie^'te,n ?f iutet;e?and, wi: think, of ?v|[nt(ige io runners. Il runs b until"' " superior tolytliing of he kind no'"* . i^ui' JJoltingjotli id uoj fcurpassed, j'uaehiiiery in ibieet. We have'0''a,l,l 'lablesf the etock of those xti from a distance All Grs Weiglieitrefore th^s are Unpd. Tlie Mj'VC3 the person# upervi?i? n "mid iiltuijul1 *xpeciHiootIV1i!jci\ and Ukjsu wlii"9 wit'\ tbfir-cg^ muy assured ol iHenrton beitifjiiiW-o Uicir iutoivst, t t',c b**1- <jiuiliw?nd the bi-.-l vicM of j' given tor quu^fty of tbuir Wt GI7US A iJIAL. j ? Tlmi.Wwt favors, w^vould Hclicit a contiijii&',e same. i B>fy. ; .. ?II WlLShY, Jr. Sopt,W. ISO?tf I ' , ' * ilHl?!35B iD H IJ iiyuuiuvff oiiiici. ; BANKRUPTCY. w \ y v "TJIf'C "V" order ( directed, issuing 4yv! X3 ;l?e Dintriot C<?t <if the United SiatrF Dfctriot of.SnutH Carolinu, iu their*''" J. HX'liriWscDt-(!, DankruptftH Alrii?vi|IC. IJ,. cn the first MoiW'^'kar ??*t, 4l.o ltftil iirttute of .. AVilli.iiiikr<c:ilert1 iuft of Twenty (20jk L.ud. being i*ll?jicateid which ' iMKle'y exvn?j?ti<4 wm *fet?pnrttu from, the Home tract ou adjoiuin lands of A. CMa scn^Alewiiip *nd thettf.' ! i'urchalr lo pay far papers audi .. , t U.*L WAltpLAW, , Assignee. c. n. ) - , '. | ihr r ; '{JE TOST ... - ? . iv r v n 4 VfjrentU yenr. will-ten on MON? j \iVY^ the 4Tb Oober, Faculty qa*>r years yaat. ' "*i per Session 00 ?k' 4< >5 00 j 24.00 ingin.tbe Col Inge .?? . fey ' "Prufc* Kenedy,^pcr ': in <^*. - j. 4 2.Op - <"kuA Washi^gipeiMniUi,,3O.0( ^ -ef e-. ' Tariffs', o?iiU m tyfdace. 1^0-. ?i .^cKiijwle-uH-to rouke(tlnirtmUI "charge iXWncti. ' Latfo i?: 'M*hi wifhbuL ww.i. i. Bote, * . . rrfcaeiit, s c- W?V&' G.iJSepl.' ' jPSSRr?! /I r": " .?* ? ' faruRUsnra, ' ^irWiieHw,'; ' ; ;:y. : v f'/So 'an<yp4ncy 8o?W U* j [;I*ndkcrcuief BxtrflClfl|rA-- |i . , ' fcf.ny White and other. ?clea, jWlilte Load and otjver ffinU>" - ; ? " ^rbstttfer'a^P t v'rs>'\ '/" ../ ? ' / P'jouuhou wnu^rv. i, ' , i j&uft# % ^or^?ut,e/. ;-j';li ' 4 , 7 Parker & Thoiata'sv' {17; 18?9; - ; H* -!j 1 > '' " "'] *" - ?< " ,yr f ptf iKf ./ Mtf ,;. - , ; ?|'| ii,, Jt *- - ! - A/.^' .<Q(yi4?i(l?H? - ' I I Jt-'i1'' ' " ft 1 i r , ry T&? jtesTt&CT CO URT or \>: fffJQ "UNWED ST A TVS, FOR j _ THE. DISTRICT OF SOUTH \ . C4R?f<f>N4.. , , In Lbe matter of . . / J? W. Pofrfe^ ^ T -4?- Id? Bpoklrugtw. ,;... . ? IJankrtibfr. ) ' i BY^ Vlrtcra of an 6Yia?T lwulogr from the Jjfon. Court aforesaid, notice i$ htreby g vtn ie ' aty'ltin Urecfttbr* of thV bankrupt aforesaid, 10 establish thoir iienS' before W. J. i Glawson, lU^Utiar, within thirty dars from ;tUe.<l*t?;0?rtie first publication liereof,.or he barred froqj-alj benefit of tbe,decree to bier made In this case. U. H. WAltDLAW, Assignee. All i'.hV n tr \ ^vuuavuiA u u, | I Sept. 52. 1809. f 22 40 31 " IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STAES, FOR TIIEs DISTRICT OF SOU MI CAROLINA. To the mailer of ) John G. Boozer, > Iu Bankruptcy. Btukrupt, ) BV \ir1ue of an order issuing from the Hon. Court aforesaid, noli'cs is hertby given to all lion Creditors of the Bankrupt afore* 1 Rai<), to establish tlieir liens before W.J. ClawBon, Registrar, within thirty dayfl from the date of the first publication, hereof, or bo barred from all benefit of the decree to bo made-in this rase. W. II. WABDLAW, Abbeville C. II., ) Assignee. "Sept. 22, 18G0. J Sept. 22 40 3t IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF ftl I 7 T.l 7 * -*r T m ? t A r? m ? m ? . r. ? ^ J. II l!d UxMJ JjL/ Ol A l JUa, svu THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH CAROLINA. In tho mnlU'f of 1 1 T. J. MeCJracken, > In Bankruptcy. i Baukaupl. ) BY virtue ofau order issuing from the Hon. C'-ouTt ftfoivsaid, notice is htrcby given to utllirn Creditors of' said Bankrupt, to es- , tublUh tlntir liens before \V. J. Clawson, Jtfgisirnr, within thirty days from the date of the fiibt publication, beieof, or be liarred from nil bonefil of t Ire decreo for distribution to Le fnsdo lu this case ; and thai ihc.i-nid Creditors, within the lime aforesaid, do further show cansp, if any they have, why tbe Ecta?o of the Bankrupt, hhould not be 6old/"m? from incum braucc. 11. II. WAHDLA W, AbbevilleC-"IT., ) Assignee. Sept. 22, 1809. J Snnt. 99 .Til Si ' IX THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR \ THE DISTRICT OF SOUTH ' CAROLINA. : In tbe riirttler of ) t Jno. II. Ligon, > In Bankruptcy, liankiupt. J ' BY virtue of oh order hailing from tbe fto*. ' Court aforesaid, notice is hereby e/iven to all lien Creditors of said IJankrupr' ee- 1 tablish (.heir liens, before W. J. CIhv? >&n, , Registrar, within thirty days from tbe date of tbe first publication.bert-Qf, or be barred' ? from nil benefit <>f tbo decree for dHtribntion to be made irt' this case } and (bat the said Cruditor?, within iho time afore* said, do further show cause, if any they have, why ihtf Estate of iJte Bankrupt, bliquldT.oL he sold free from incumbrttttco. ... . & a. WA&VliKWi Abbeville C IT., I Assignee. .6ep?. 22, 18G7, f .;. . Se*, ?2 40 3t j* , .. ;;.i. ~P. P. TOAIJB, CharlesldDj S.'C.-,'Mao?fftiVore*:i}1f v DOOKB, SASH, BLINDS. HAVWtf TBE LARGEST MOST COMI'LBl't; l^AC'fOJiY iu thp^oMf.Wn.Slates, 4iid:kte*piiij; lrlw?ivf>'on hand' a tAr'ge Al/cf mw 1 ^v?bvI?toitoeV,'vf W>OH^ 8ASflKa.-KLl^ 1>8, ' Saidr Doors, Store Doocp> Elfutteia, -Moulding* Ac.,* &on I nffl ett billed''tb b?U loW- and at manfaotorere' prices.' \ v ! N. B.?-Strict attention paid Jo bhipplng in good oYder. f ' _ , . '* ?.-r-ru'!-' . .v "' ? - '] It. \V7,F?W)6^.,....JAM>Aliii9?,if..-$jso. ButeDbE , ^OST, ju^ejLv&;co-, i ' Vv * % "r" ? ' wtel^olo aud Kelait' Manufacturers of add ' - Dpalersm, ' fjj ft'i.f} EJI&N ITIJStE; or tivmt Yf4.mvTv<'.,r\-i. i e?BOtVXBY,iica? Cana|-*t? W.Yi 6Tfi.^Mtf0Al^. iSfW0tSr&. PUBLIC fftjIL^ ' DING?, FuMhtred tto> aftuttM*.MotijHu- , j-' All goods purchased of onr lieuse ga*r?jtee4 ' as represented:: *;L'- T"!-;.;/ j I Satfl. 4ft &t ~ ?. ~ ;t; 1'.. .i ' i Soiwi PtSptrtfl ^lOR*b^ ^f ^/atJging the i^ th* Public Square'near tb'e Oobfri" Xlouse. ,? ..V "1 '.ft #T rwfZ rr& --./ -, : *<'? N / . '1 4 , , '/* . * r ?* * i' f n , i - n..ii -rv,.r-> .w -fv?. ?TCTV"--'"* I Pli*"waving Banner of Health. , J|l EINIT8H*? WEEN'S DELIGHT. ^. G^EAT AND GOOD'Medicine. , , Hcihilslt'sf Queen's Delight. rne New Theory wp/Health. riEE lifo of all Flesh is Blood?The Health of all life is Purity of > Flesh ? "Without purity of Blood no Flesh can be ... " free fropa Disease. HEINITSH'S QUEEN'S DELIGHT, An Aijttidote to Disease. Tho Great American Alterative and Blood Purifier* For the cure of all those Diseases which may be traced to a vitiated condition of the Blood. The theory is that Blood is the Life of. all Flesh, and if impure, the Lire of all Disease. Life and Health is only to be maintained by the circulation of pure arterial blood. Such as Scrofula, llheumatism, Hepatic Disorders, Inflammations, Fevers, Liver Complaint, Consumption, King's Evil, Carbuncles, Boils, Itching Humor.of the Skin, Erysipelas, Skiti Diseases, Tetter, Kougbness of the Skin, Pimples, Blotches, Pain in the Bones. okl Ulcers. Syphilis and Sypliilitio Sores, Indigestion, Inflammation of the Bladder and Kidneys, Pains in the BacK, General Debility, and -for all complaints arising from deficiency and poverty of blood. Heiniteh'a Queen's Delight IS THE WONDER of MODERN SCIENCE. No medicine has attained such a world-wide reputation as this justly f>l<lphrnfni1 COJIPO UND. Its cxtrao&inary healing powers arc attested to by thousands, and every mail is freighted with letters bearing testimony to its excellent character aud worth as a medicine. Orders are coining in from all ^darters, und all bear unmistakable cyiiencc of its great popularity. Be sure and ask for " IIeixit h's Queers Delight.0 And see tliat his name is on itLook out and avoid baae imitations. Wholesale Agents, > FISHER1'k HEINITSU, Columbia, S. G. For Bale by all Druggists. -Jnly 28, l&G^ 88?Cm ' - - i ? UNIVERSAL LIFE INSURANCE CO., IS incorporated under Ua laws of the State New York, wbioh legalize eu expenditure if ?300 jior annum. out of ifce fuodu o tjifl Inlabiind for the purpose af.>Life Insurance, for [lie'tienefit of wife aud children, wbloh la at-I ivaya'ejuiBpt from ?4re claims of tfee husbands' I jreditoru- THERE IS A SECURITY 1>KSinBD BY ALL Vi'JIO HOLD A LlF? I'LOICV-. : ' - ' V . : *-/ >: . . . IS 80 If SB. \f ' ? Ratio of Assets to Miles 189 telOD The plans of the UNIVERSAL, secures ihe ' isrgest amtmfct oT Insurance for the ?tnalle4t j possible prerpimn. . . Life Insurance is Hot an etpense, It li wooing up for a futoro day. APo|loy in the UMVEteAL ia far pr*fe* 1 able to a deposit ip a Savings' Bank, in (aerely business, view, ' l In ihft IjNIVERSAL, the insured is is aafy j Itgawfetf ft)ffoitur?. ' The conditions are Tew and clear.^ The canli-aotfdaui, and rate* of 'premiUnt as low ft pwaiblc. Joint Policies are itotied iu fator of | the Suryjyer, payable at tbs 4ealit JOf tithe* pany. . In advantage! lo the,insured, Ihe UNIVERSAL ranks hlgli. ' TSo privilege, or setileipg r'rth (j6t> Comp*Hy, ? tortfiphunitfthaiift*a ' b?80 paid, and rooei?ingUfceni ift >'<OA8fl. An ' juit^bje v?tn? pf ? P^licy i#?mopK lfre inw}y .< ud vantage* botisd fo th?*JNlY|?IlSAJ?. .fttqoli LtU bean Blftj about payjpg loaSc*, . (Polkifs). . rii6 tfSlVEi&BAL was io oorporat?d to do 1 tbirt And b&8 donas?, and ' JVWdo so promptly,-upon receiving' tire ie-; ' oeuiry proof# a<d>a*h, Yb? {JNIVBRSAL L* ?t. y?rk,/i!?4 to'ih*pfl?fif*Uka ?wh!i>SWP a'PfUot* life. Yiofl ?r??ur? Vo dieasme { lh?refnt^/,wcdfe your famiQr; ag*ibit ' g '' V/Cj-' ' < { i:j' ?2.< / z. ."J"<f. r.-V .^Ww ^Pi'5 w.ARftftWV v* {,J - -I-^''i'iirTZn?9b\? .'<**}* 8?pu 143? -!?ik IBB? *****"' HAVE opened their stock, aud beg leave \o call attention, to the lieads "^j of Departments. STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS,< A oomplere liuo. CROCKERY. China, Granite, CC, and Glasswaro. SADDLERY. McClellan, English and Spanish Saddles. j] TVT>/WI CTJ ft /T /v /t KTk ir* In great variety. j| READY-MADE CLOTHING,0 Tho largest stock we have ever opened Hats and Caps, All of the novelties of the season. BOOTS & SHOES. * To the ladies we can oiler MILES' celebrated Philadelphia work. HARDWARE & CUTLERY. Tho planter, mechanic and housekeeper p can be supplied with every article desired. GROCERIES. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Under the charge ef Mrs. M. J, LYTHGOE, whose skill, ability and accomplished taste as a Milliner and Dress Maker is too well known for ns to make any comment. * MILLER & ROBERTSON Wilson's1 Mill a Success! Those who . wish Fine a Family Flotir SHOULD TAKE THEffl flRMN TO V. wmmm? ." * ' . * **. ITJ: has recently bean fitted ?p with new Smattor, new Separator, now Bolting Cloth ?nd new Machinery of the test ltind now in use in the United States. ntTGH WITjBON. . Sept. 15, 18G8, 43?tf ' . ? ' B STAT EOF SOUTH CAROLINA. ABBEVILLE COUBTT, THE CpMMOK pijEAS. 4 I . *vr . . . Joseph Ellis &.") g SSSw< }PU'"F.mio?>Mo..g>,,^ M. Harrinir(r?i> 1 tt:'. IT appearing toy satiafaotion, t|*at Mich?? Co HarriDgtonl the defendant resldea tmnoat Af the limit* of iaid Slate. Ot) motion of Thomson &Fatr, Complainant's "l Solfoitow, ordered, that fluid defendant, pl<?d> M. uVWQjrot demur to tkid bill 6tCJonipWut.^Ubin forty days (Wfi ilia data Of tin* order, or . iudifmentpio cpnfttio will be taken aeahiai Ui?u ? .. MATHBVT Mc&ONALDi i' " ' i - 'C. G. Pvr' Septeajbet'ial, 184$. ; . S*p. 1 it 6'V ' j, &**{ *; -... > ' ' tj x - Kdle^'^&bl&g 'lo b?y 8ne Honnet.o nice JT toon el, * ftsMoniibl . JkiaAwt, for a UU1# ',1^ #ouey, will fiud itaWUe v< ;' . .. ^ rEMPMl OF FASHIONS, NO. 2 GttAMTB ^ , , . RAN (Hi, ; :.v; . 1 tfn Orfcn^lhJttgJtfthe tfjliluefyltae. A lar^e'loi frt^ rf 8PNDOWfs wd'Oikerttat?ha?eJrtst #?n Ar#ctivod. Coram Aud get onp before ibjy/Afa ,4? *q?U v.' J- 9irjv ~ syjt.' -rv r f rtchf*v:'- 'v TLOST, 5 F?"*W* ?itt *> w* Jj - A * .s'^ -Ljimgieij i 1 ii , in msssmemmm -,r>. 4RL,E! .; Jjf?J|SqK9 \ ' ? * I . v > ; r . -\nl ;-ilT 1 731 sell the ^following ai TftY 3DT>TKTf?" DAt?TT 31 lllHU IULUL mmmai WSIT& MPMM, M LINEN SUITS, CASSIME 711ITE DUCK PANTS AND VE& WHITE ALP AC C. JVRGE STOCK eneral Prim, Velocipedes, Alpine, Felt, White X.MGH32RK, VWt 1 WT m "W "W U I L i I ,: Rodgera and Wostenliolmes To ans! Fans! Fans Parasols! Ps QUARTZES. PTC1 May 7, 17C9, 2t 10GEBIES, PROVISIONS,- HAM TH08. I Is now receiving supplies of the following art Sugar, Coffee and Molasses. ] 2 Bacon, Sides, -Shoulders and Hams, T Lard, best kettle^ ! 1] Bakers, Spiders, Ovens and Pets, | Ii A large lot of extra "Cover*, . i S Brooma, Buckets-and Tubs, . 8 Cast and Plow Steel, F Horse and Mule Shoes, T Horse Shoe Nails, S Iron.aH sises, . I C 100 sacks Liverpool Salt, ! C 25 bbls. Elour, * ! ^ MWfflW Of M Best selection, from tfce lowest Collins' Axes, Loog Handle Shovels, Forks p n>t Guns, Leather and Shoe Fiodiogf, Coil, itb many other articles useles to meodon, all.i &3T Persons indebted are required to pay up, >sts should be added to their accounts, tliqv rILL be' resorted to, if settlement is sot mad< <& JEfeU'SRo Fob 19, ;te69, 43-tf ;i.;y ~ sim m jS l J III! i V1'- ' r. . _ .. .. y wa? 01 tno-uourt or jn?obate tot Abbeville County. ? ' " **T*. T . JQBJ ^? ,i, ..v. f . >\ * WILL cell on 8ale,Pay in October otxt, the . . "x . Stat eal Estate t>f Tho?. Norwood o <fteo'<L, < f, . : - r*piH staining ONE HUNDRED 'AND SEVEfi jj;|| JRtti, more ar Itdr, on waters of Saloda ^ere ver, bounded by lantta of Jetties Taylor, B Latimer, Mra, Julia Johnston.and other* Terms of sale to bo bash. ' . :i"r - wt .-.a: i : k 4[;' ft 'CAS0Wi'-,L' s ' ii' . ^boriffAbbevilJrCpaiity. M T?. t " ' M j IIP ; JiAiiii.' - -> ' - ' ft / I 1 " ! ' 8U(SRX^$ ? vi'v >Y :ytrui?./?f?pitdry vtitfeoL'Fieri Fa-> * ^ ?T.1gasc|6 ?jfl J will rail SbevUIo CH., 9n if flS ^obor next, wjtbfivlfeeTtffe&l bourioTBifo . ! {be interest ^hi6U Rid^yha$ ' V . a ttwji vof land* conuining tbvtw hnotix ''%* ad apd tbi rty-<fi*> seres, tawJM>r > J1 ntog. lapdai y^cWro. 1)uuo^Jm. Blaiue, / m SberfflFV OflV, <-\i Ui."C, "': MinlaiAOiJ J.--.' A l iTjJV ; if??; LOBS AND MEil l ,| Mb jte m yo" lot of ?B?orio?^yLOlIft, jffiAtt OhA **& ijsxocn ^lioir/ 1.1 'I jU'igi'i umm llillHiBft j*v %. !'. . no & co, ttelw #t low priori. II& iT ffloa UKVS8, RE 'T, WHITE MXW fiUJTS A SACKS. [OF HATS, and I3laek, Straw 11?U, at 85 Ciuut ITILATBD. SHY. cket JCnives nrd trasols! Parasols! for t*le, EtRIN & CO. >WA&E?Ain> CXnXEBY. 5 AKIN icles, which are offered at low .price*: 0 bbla. Planting Potatoea. ?Uo *nd Pocket Gallery, [dole and Bat flinges, [and Saws, Drawing Kqiv?S, crews, of all size*, ilteni, Brass Kettles &c? ine Smoking, aod Cbfwipg Tobacco, upeotiao aod Toilet Soape, taroh, Soda, Powder, Load And shot, lanned Goods of all km^** Iheese aod Maccaroni, fackerel, in kits, 1-4'aridi-* bbis. jh SIMM. I to tbe higbect price. md Spades, Wasb Boards aad Scrubs, Trace, Breast aod Dogs Cbaias, Ac., which will be sold Iqv for Casb. Indulgence will ftot be granted. Its can onlf HA{n4 themselves. Tbe law > immediately. '*, JkAJHIe > * , AfflfilC&ft '..-x , ;.. i&v I I 11,1 U-ll'"!J|j '' '"BB ite - of South Carolina, C,xKr>i .1 j.iif' .'j.'iii}. isnaiiflNnr. THE PROBATE COt'RT. met T. Porter ft, John Y, PotUr, Ells. K. Porter tnxj otWt. tioa for Partition of Real EtUtto of Eliz. K. Porter, deceased, > i* i*t- '.'i .yi.-" appearing that Joho Y. Potter ft&d ?erN. Porter, d6fcad?nts iii the above iealde beyond tW limits of tbife r .0 "'i i? "ri^ntcfooo tjr fl&o>w#rt fe Pirtlc^ Sol. atid ?<i?wer orcfcmOr ttvtrsid wltbftj flirly days from tbe-publicadou of, w SAmo witt b4Utoo Q8t them. , t ;... ; ;nl^u.LtAM iita,, 2 H &4hi s s&:*** sir ' ..r,, Ii32iu."s'> t Si e State ?f < ., ; ';> . ?/^:jl) vJ i.^.{ > ' Abbeville: Coanntv^ .. . / r y ? -Vm T W M\J /.< I?iMtV^y 'if pj THE PRG8ATB (JOCST. ' rtaO* pr?yiDg ?odific4*fai? $f.IV rt'jj 'k> ??k.\> . HE PAMtnetn; Ur&g^meA tbmr Mi * t*& of Ootofcfcriiri^ JrbJr ttir. Jwwpr ^ p<rtiU0D4mt*^i^ul Wjlfr U t^Q;'i^^3V -' ^Mw0 t