The Abbeville banner. (Abbeville, S.C.) 1847-1869, January 14, 1858, Image 1

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; ^0 OOaRS P^R^ ?htt xia btmh waii -yx on x. ajj oe ~ " *~~ ~ [PAYABLE IN AHVAW. ?v IMfS & CKlffS. ' I ; IfBBCVlLLE. S C , TlI^RSitA'V MORNING, JANUARY 14. 1858. VOL. XIV NO. : HJED BY A SNAKEi'l I was l?roii Jl up near the ',no * ? \ orinorit, ihere my fatlirf)Wnc^ a large farm. fa far from hilrm was a lake, where ^o^usWl to enjoy ripclvea fishing and sailiig;.. One aftep/n 1 8aw a Hock of blncl} ducks fly over/* lio"s<?> ?nd I was sure they lighted on'h* lak*' crt T seized my double-barreled ffauid siition, and st*rted off a/foj&cm. - -Tfuaoiiud WIt|,in 8),6oJtg d is tap < wcks .iroso, and I fired, Urging tw< t-' ^lietall grass near 'tltj fcove. A duck,I sjw the hen out aim catch it ? *'Aa\v the head and ? tho reptile, a^'ni 'no idea how %vas; and if I. probably I slioul done just as fur T had nq fear c ? crcature, s< ist ran up and sn , the bird awn had left my gun I boat, and ha ling to kill the eliaj hut as I tool duck, I put my I the tliicPs m The grouti ? moist and slimy, : "lie snake lififlbouy braced :uno Tools of the reeds, lie took hi.' J> out from un? y foot about as <ju a man could jrt.ibly think. I tli I'd run back e b'jat, and get my and try to ki ife'lo " I felt sotn< strike my If though some oik thrown a rowuid it. 1 looked < and found lift snake had taken < around my ft. with liis tail, am in tho a^t jojing liis body frot v.vS?. dropped the duck, and $ / vlftV'k i hut didn't loosen liini ; / -put my right foot on liini and / ^nvw-v '"S ?w?y ; hut I might en ^.ied to put my foot on a strea |ic"S! . . ';i id forgotten the proporlionato size of v , ad of this species of black snake. I had V led to sec a snake four or five feet f, but instead of that, lie was nearly 8 a half feet! Still I hadn't anv creat for I supposed when I should como to /put my hand on liiin, I could easily take hiui off*, for 1 was pretty strong in the arms. ( In a few seconds he had his body all clear, and it was then that the first real thrill shot through me. There he held himself by the simple turn around my log, and, with his. back arched in and out, he brought his head on a level with mine. I made a grab for him, but missed him; and then as quick :is you can snap your finger, he swept his head around under my anu, clear around my body, and then looked mo in the face again. I made another grab at him, and another as quick as I could ; but he dodged ?n ?i.?? t ,i,> UIV> 111 Oj'ltVi VI Oil lilltb JL. WUI'J uv. I ext felt the snake's body working its vray/up. The turn of the tail around my leg whs changed to my thigh, and the coil arounl my stomach began to tighten.? Ahou: this liino I began to think that there might be sonic serious work, and that the sooner I could take off the snake, the better. So 1 just grasped him as near the head as possible, by taking hold where he was tround me?for he couldn't dodge that part, you know?and tried to turn him'off. But this only made him worse. The feU ' JuJ had now drawn himself so that he whipped' anStheFVturn around me. His tail was under my1 left thigh, and the r?t of him twice around my body?oge of tfie coils being just at the pit of my stomach, and the other just above it. All this had :..i .. e 4t._ uii'ujJieu jmv ciuuub unit ?i inmuiu nuiu liiu time he lirsl got the turn around my leg. liis head was now right around in front f my face, and lie tried to, make bis way ' my mouili ! What his, intention was I .nnot Buruly tell, though;: I have always lieved that he thought h$ could strangle 10 in that way. Ho struck ine one blow in the mouth- that; hurt me considerably ; and after tbat I got him., by the neck, and '.here I meant to hold hjm?at least so he liouId not strike-itfe agaifo. Tbfe moment grasped hiin by the neck, he commenced' tighten liis folds about'my body ! . I w^on covered he'd aoOri ^.ttjlieezo thei breath' of me iu that way/and I determined unwind him. j?ow tried_ to unwind -Uie reptile; but all iny atrehgth it was>in vain. t~': nil this movement I had not reallv lie ned. I,' fa ad "believed I could Jl the serpent when I should try. I ?%dreamed what' power ho badi I ;dl until I knew..I/co tj|d .n?t do it, and >n tgavo it up. tliought was "hinaclc knifecoil.of tiiej .ake directl^ oj^Rft^ftpocket, and T| >uld *m. get jt. I n6#'f^]fHhe first' tin)S ricJ ov fur i,t|p. yelled'with nil mymgU: ml knew the triat'W^pext to uMr ess, tor"ut)lUj gain the pln&P coueu cm,hoping ^e snakey the hod/iitwifplHw;' I t^j|| \brcak i.neck, Thi? plw '^jMnled^ leam of^njjse, hut afDddnt^' to notfe lg? I roighas well have,tried to break || >po by beting it backward and forwa*^ A full raiate had now psaaeA^rom t^e Bfl when Jried to .pau tho head arpund iny bok. Ilia body bad become td tbHmlArl V'UU ~?J 1._ uiuil..*i , M ??! prcpurf wvuuvf I^Xpod/, that'lie' liad room 16 ^0^7 fay4>iomd in a free and sjunmetrical mij , i ! ik??k$ i& ' : V ' I >1 iiiiBiinX" me from noticing this until no?fF<?r '? few moments I was in a perfect h??Ay** I j leaped up anil clown?cried as L& as I " * VI. 1 nuvcu cotiicl?and grasped the simko witMl my ^ ^ might; but it availed mo nothin?3Es Hp ^ slipped his head from my weakencl^mdS j and made a blow at my face, -*vi dg w i 3 i )0 I It 0 0, t w >\ << Jj .1 .ivt icn^iii i siitgycioii i i <??? IUMII" . Sj ( strength rapidly, and tlie pani of my-b<??j 1! t'ou become excruciating. A dizzy sensation |lClK vas in my head, a Inintness ?i my heart, tvwa and a pain, the most agonizing, in my body. [ fc.|| The snake now had three feet of his body a wjf free. He had drawn himself, certainly, 3 wjte feet longer than before, lie darted liis iw?n head under my right arm, and brought it amj f ip under my light shoulder, and pressing an it lis lower jaw firmly clown there, lie gave a stop < Hidden wind that made me groan with pain, and iCach moment was an age of agony?each at nij tecond a step nearer to death. i hc-r, i My knife ! Oh, if I could reach it!? l>y ni V'hy not ? My arms were free. Mercy! she < wlV ha<l I.not .thought of lluit beforo when 6nmr nw hands had some strength in them ? I and collected all my remaining power, ami 'twoi luide the attempt. My trowsers- were of Well bl'ie cotton stuff, and very strong. I could the ! rto, tear, it,! I grasped the cloth upon the speni ingde of. mv thigh, and c?ive my last atom Vun ofxst'rength to the effort! The stitches to a ga're way 1 This result gave me hope, nnd must hojo gave me power.-. Another pull with coun both hands, and the pocket was laid hare ! and W'th all the force I could command?with coul< hope of life-r-of home?of everything I thro' loved on earth in the effort?I caught the 6he, pocket upon the inside, and bortfdown upon " ( it*riiere was n cracking of threads?a " soujd of tearing cloth, and?my knife was so fi in ny hand 1 < , g( V Villi one quick, nervous movement, I nigh prewed the keen edge upon the tonse skin, mas flntfdrew it across. "With a dull, tearing " snap the body parted, and the snake fell to I cai theground in two pieces. I stitggcred to ' " the boat?I reached it, and therft sank mon down. I knew nothinir rftore. until f lipnrVl an' i o -9 ~ ~ a vojce calling me .by liami*. My father G 8tood over me witiTterror* depicted on his up. countenance. I told him my story as best St I conld. lie told me that ho had heard in v me cry, and at once started off in the largo I cai boat'after mo. Iliad lain thereover half I an hour when he found mo. mor< When we reached homo, the snake was- 6Ctt?l found to be eight feet four incyf#i^^^ohv head It was a mpnth before I fujl^ up. from that hugging, and to this day there I dr is something in the very name of "snake!" fl?or that1 sends a thrill of horror through my' over heart. v.- / " , us u ?r it The A<fe of Seeds.?The fact that age g|cj. add* value to seeds may be perfectly familiar. ? ,jd agriculturists, but it< is ne\r to us. A ? gentleman in this city is in ihc bab?V,.of Mr. saving m?ion 8eeci9 until tuej are^si.sjjpr I $even jears oKl, ^4 maintains wjth'entire' 8he ^confidence, tliey gcinunato riiore -fftpidjy, wflg 1?nd| Originate m^Ye nVolific plants. This ? thcbrfcJ^y recently r^ejjgd'strikjng con- c]0tl !iriuation i&France.-'ln 1852, as we learn ?? ro& the Paris cpftespogjj^fit of. the Ne^ j!^ iorfr^yWW grams 9f wheat were ? lisdpvered ircUhe some ancient ain't nuintnies fpdpj in th^south of Prance, sup- j> po^STto'bave beei^2?0 yvfr* old. They: hanc frer&plantfed andtoro^ced the astonishing Q< ainj>unt of ^aSSpr^bs to. one; The; gov- j'll ernm^nt as?u?(l c^argo of tlid matjg|r, and ? >nod"tlmt theTrodiictiiasboen'Tiiacrimed in ??:? ^iP,nonse,^rtion( that me^, instuotiona fkfe towr' W ns to ? the b?^?1od^p^gj^b^K' .. *% .. " tivenesa of thfe wlioat \n frriMPtygUbflOTO -foey^ ro?l of the keed./ imagine that^P||^jld bold be biml to fli^^uiCLt ?*??<? in any^jb^Bpfcf^ .# * 1 f-H <tl ;r-:, M\ ' ' ';tv;' From (he Xrto Orleans Delta. Still SPADE'S TRAVELS. lw no more of after our mislure at tho roadside tavern, until we ^ id Monroe; where tho popular Honif tho "H. 11.1 lotcl," evidently expecting r-f I spell nightly, considerately packed hree .in a bed." So harmonious an j. amation was too pleasant to last long, ^jlQ e took stage next day for the Missis- wjn River. Have you not traveled by sez ! Ah ! you have. AVell then, you sj 0 ssibly aware of the fact that at such j,at( a few good stories thrown in from gun ;o time have a very wholesome fcfiect u j'i temper, and serve to render miles j r And the roads considerably smoother. j j our pnWtir and clever hack driver, j tilis, as well as a thing or two besides; ret_j l eu relieved for a time from tho free , -sion of his overwrought feelings upon i! jk, would favor us with sonic of the ,j ( ii<| stoiies. One of these is too good v lost, and I accordingly give it you.? ,o j 'Vace tell it: \in o1 widders, gentlemen, they're r characters; and wunst they git {?w tfimb oti :i young man, l>y gosh, lie's ^ jiftc ! I know tliis by experience, pe||( v ieh?and I've had a good deal ov j.n0 s y teachin. I was lucky, though, WJU >n- c,nd got outen her chipper-claws j *.n tip. Got a piece terbacker, Mr. jon 'Thankee. sorl P-rfes ? s a young feller, 'bout twenty, ^ ( Vvi seo]and jist begun to feel my ffi*rabotrow, when I tuk it into my t]m; j .'gio t(t marred, and be hanged to j1(JV 1* mast. Well, I was driving then ^oll m Git uj^ville road, and 'bout ten jjs<1 fc" AS fore you git thar, lived the ' She had two children, was rccj an' pore as Jobe's turkey u ^didn nd that. Her whole sit- wj(( lio? in lixl dn't matter much to me. . wni L i><\vcrfuv nrt, an' was goin' to get J wQt e. Gollyjs it a mouthful that word wjg| is ii ihe tcV of a fool hoy 'bout t(Juj ty v?t old. "mill, I sot in to courlin, tQ t ihe sorter shieVff I thought, but had lea she was dr&in me on. I used to every day when uidn't lusv passengers; when I did, I'd lie back and see her g? ght. She wouloK' never let mo kiss lessen she wanttVumpen from town le; and then, th times outen four, lidn't give mo thAnoncy to git that j-or >en with. 1 didn'?>er,slie kissed me, ^cC I'd hardly take a ?iw terbaceer, fear |lu.j ild take the taste oiul my lips. Git up. a,rQ , I don't wanter to *all day tellin' of ^ story, but arter say irVtty things and j.u|J I'm tn/M'A fliir* 1 - vut?u ...? _mils wages, 1 to think I might as 111 bring things pint. Thinks I, Pencflp-morrow you u , ax'bout it. "When tl-norrow cum, d?y se there was a big loa<* passengers, Ina' course they was in ^urrj', an' 1 so,v l'nt stop. That night 'i?d ten miles ^oo the rain to sec her. l\y lor," sez rosc " what brot you here, Mr.Vace ?" l',a' Oum to see you, my darlin,Vez I. t0 t Aw, hush!" soz she ; " yob always ll? f inny, Mr. Peace." \ :z I, " my love, you look mitV)jrty to- "ne t'; won't you marry me, bV Chris- ?'10 f" y. Aft Law Mr. Peace, how you talW^r-W'liy stre i't think o' sich thing." \a has! Cum* cum," sez I, " none o' ya^gnm- beii ; come up to your fodder, mwjjrtyf pea jay 4Y-a 8,' rite sweet." Yl sere ecminy ! I was a fool, gentlemeni-Git the V drei iz she, " This hyars gone fur enuf. *tra hou arnest, and tho' I think a heep of Ur, bin: n't think of marry in' you." / was kerflumixed, and didn't know U wj,-( j'n a fool wot to say. I an'she w? )lM, ti on a chist, an' I eortcrhilt d~ 1 to think, an' she begun to ch I groaned and she talked^arrot apped oft^n tho chist full ldngjjtf , groanin' powerful. As 1'fefl ki the table with the candle onl, lea l the dark. ^ Wot's tho m after,"flJrT Peace Lre v r s V . No ; I ain't sick." ' Wot's the matter, then ? 1 tell Peace". groaned, and rolled, and walle-fl roiin' kccpin' ft coaxin' of mo to 1^' wlfet' tho matter. J w ! Do git tfp, Mr. Tcnce; you'll g\ yrjur ie? all si led." ^ ^ ^ Don't keer," says I, an' I groatfc-LqV $ d wusa an ever, and then 8topp<ji,$v- jjri Wiiero are you, Mr. Peace?sajfcpo a dyin* are you ?" m ctil y this time 1 heerd her down ofcer a% la and ,knees, feel in for me. W &;g iz shd, " Mr. Peace, ef you don't Ak feat boiler for a light and help." Sr. pHj That won't do" thinks I, an I graft , and.hyarshecum on all fours towM >1 wns onderneath the bedside,? is shegotin reaohl grabbed her ^lwt| Let go^Jr- Feafce, or I'll holler." ttitri eez.I, "art wot'U people sayWhe ^t'giaK to let go tell y<5u my yo'U'llfce Itiv and rrrosin. arwl rr.11 icked liec piity Hps, and rid back t( nvjllc. Gollysl I was the biggest mar r n'cx mornltog, an' tolo all my friends U rcddy for a^big splurge. 'Twas com n talk, an everybody believed it?but j at murhj.theHoidder Taylor? 'Why! both asked in breath. Well, you see days a'ter that wight, she cum out t( stage to ax me to bring her som< e?that .she wa'nt zactly well. Certinglv I ; an that night I went to the drugp ad tole tho long-legged, lank-sided ahet faced whelp of a clerk that I wanted 1 wine. 'Wot kind?' scz he. 'The besl got," sez T, as a matter of course. Scj wo liavo several wines; white, Ma a,- and sum other names he give (ar did'nt have half of 'ein) but 'to ily he grinned, and scd antimonial wine Matrimonial wine,' sez I?I had pick'il the meaniu of that word, and sez I l's what I want; fill that flask. It.< ; dear, sez he. 'Dot rot vcr, charge il veen & Co., (they was my bosses,) thej good for it, ain't they?' lie grinned i, and I wanted to punch his durneil -lied like thunder. I give it to my wid that nito, and looked daggers at tlx ;r that was seltin talkin' to her. ] w*d lie boarded tliar, hut he was in 1113 an L wanted to let him know it. Sc; akc some of it now, my dear. Tliei es looked at me, right sassy like. Sh< er blushed, an poured out sum and drunl makiu' a nasty face at it that 1 iled Sez I, its best in Ratnsville an cost a ndcrin sight o' money to git it. I did'm timo to say much more when out six ,ed on the gallery, and?a?well, I fel justed at her ignorance. Jones run on r her, an I sot still?mad like. To cly, back he cum, and sez he, wots ilia (nil* mw ? yniivo .1 r..,.i t t w> ?? ? J II IIU A VU IV/ ?? 1VVI 0*J*J J )'s your wife? I give "NVidder Tayloi le matrimonial wine, and she docs n< s good, an's gone and heaved it up. lit she was your wife, your plenty gooc T for her; but let me caution you no :all her your wife, as I've got suinpcn t< tliar, and you might git hurt. Scjs he tlin' up, I married Widder Taylor tlii: rnin' and she's my wife, an you've bit 11 her pison, I believe, to kill her. Nov outer here ! Well, gentlemen, I was 8< 2n 'back by what he scd, that he jis c me right the house, 1113' clisgus him an her both licin' too grate to no liim, or resenlify the kicked. Wa'ot ! cy in gittin' red of her ? Did'nt I man well ? Thar's Columby jist ahead.? up !" 13*** and I Blopt well afler ou jh. SPADES. 1 Wife's Practical Juke.?Last Satur evening, a gentleman, residing at Ja ca Plain, was sitting with his wife anc le friends at their parlor fire, when tin r bell was violently run<*. The lnd\ % 3 !, but then suggested to her husbant I as the girl was out, he had better g< he front door. According!}', he oponec md found no one there; but there wai icely done up basket, covered with whiU n, at his feet, and he thought he heart rustling of a female dress departing.? er looking vainly up and down th< et and around the portal, he look th< ket into the parlor. On the covering ig removed, a beautiful little child ap red some five months old. The ladj amed, one of the lady visitors took uj uwi/j ituu iVUUVl rt HVIO I'lIJIICU IV IU >3, which charged the gentleman of th( so with being its farther, and implored i to support it. L rich scene ensued between the injurei j and the iudignant husband, the lattei lying all knowledge of the litth asserting his innocence. Tli< rfered, and at last the wife wai o'rgive the husband, althougl id* to it like a Trojan that Ik ee$ ft faithful husband. Fi * Very roguishly told her bus Hvas strange he should nol child, for it was their mutual t:had just been taken fronn tairsby the nurse, ft>r tin ^laying Jlie joke; and the \d finally joined in tlx raised at bis expense.? V'> '2?ufype.?An Amer vas;;at Stuttgart dur Vtfce ^Emperors, thus sexr-as represented W:i-A . olland is a mosl ^ant woman?still (though 'she hai '(iks English per J, the most neeom rB. mL. T> _ ( AN INTERESTING CASE. A Washington correspondent of tlio ] Southern Cilezen gives the following no j)U\ count of a very curious case, which may |lcr j occasion considerable diplomatic trouble lo iizc , the United States and England : am Tho Ashberton treaty?the same that lnc provides by its eighth and ninth articles i his that each, the American and British Gov- .iri, ermncnts, shall keep a fleet of eighty guns suj| ' on the coast of Africa, with a view to the van I prevention of the Slave trade?provides by OV( I its tenth article for the extradition by the ;UK ^ two Governments, respectively, of fugitives 15U from justice, charged with murder, arson, diir robbery, forgery, ?fee. In May last, a Mr. J|c.j James, of Davidson County, in your State, 0f; had two negro boys, who,_.iiy means of I a forged paper, (purporting to bo the wri- J the j ting of their master, but in fact their own.) : lc.,l procured certain articles of merchandise not ' from a dealer in Nashville, and immediately nai thereafter lied to Canada. Supposing them- tizc selves secure from pursuit in that remote ; the ^ and free territory, one of them dared to ad- j Mo i dress his master, from the town of Chatham, i sea Mr. James, being thus advised of their j bio whereabouts, proceeded at once to charge j l,ii: j them in furtn of law, with the forgery they i Mo had perpetrated. The affidavit preliminary I ho to the issuance of a warrant in such cases, (tyc was made before Esquire llaworth, of Xash- clo ville, which being properly certified by the Iv I Magistrate, and authenlicaled by Governor ! Ho I Johnson and Secretary Cass, the rcquisilion contemplated by the treaty was formal- it ly made. civi Mr. James proceeded to Canada, fully l,ili ^ prepared to establish the forger}*. Arriving am ^ at Chatham, he called upon the Mayor, who tou is invested with all the powers of .1 Justice ran of the Pcace, and demanded the issuance ma of a warrant, with a view to the return of ligl the fugitives as contemplated by the treaty, of The negroes were apprised of the visit of an | Mr. James and his companion and iinmcd:- thn j ately proceeded to call their friends both pec while an black into the streets by the ring- elu ing of a bell and the cry of "kidnapper." doi The Mayor not only positively refused to sec ' issue the warrant, but admonished Mr. lit-.' James that his life was in perril from the Jus mob, and that he had better leave the place, giv As no effort was made either to restoro the o\v fugitives or protect the life of Mr. James, wo he did leave, feeliner that upon British soil Mir ^ and in tlic presence of a British official, the An ^ treaty afforded 110 protection of tho life of pn an American citizen, whose only offence rail was that he asked a compliance with that An treaty, and this too, with the sanction and it? by the authority of the American Govern- frei ment. Mr. James returned to Tennessee, wil and recently submitted a statement of the Co * whole transaction to the State Department, thn * Gen. Cass has addressed Lord Napier upon In 1 the subject. Up to this time the British ma 3 minister has done no more than acknowl- De ' edgo the receipt of Gen. Cass' communica- pre 1 tion, and to state that a letter had been ad- cot } dressed by him to the Canadian Governor, ter'< I : -1?? ' uinnillg Mll|UII ICS illKJUt iliu Ill.'lliur. U|) 10 wo i this day, (lGlh December,) tlie State Do- bili 5 partruent is not advised that any reply lias mo ' been received by Napier from Canadian the " authorities. the From this narrativo of facts you will per- obi 5 ceivo that ono or two very nice questions rise are arising out of the case. First, will tlie Pro British Government, in violation of its ?d\ ' plighted faith, sanction the refusal of the tun ' Chatham dignitary to issuo a warrant for 01111 ' the arrest and detention, or extradition ] ! rather, of tho two fugitives? Or if the asf ' British Government do not this, but rather m0 to manifest a pretence of purpose to have vje ' the treaty observed, shall in a diplomatic ;n p correspondence, censure the Chatham May- rfei * or, and say that the fugitives shall be arres-1 (]oC ted and surrendered, m?y not they have notice and escape before a warrant can be cf executed, and in that event, will that gov- sm, ernment make the reparation which is one am not only due to the American government, ^n but also to Mr. James ? In other words, sotT will England pay Mr. James $2,500, tho anc value of the two fugitives which she has^ ^at in violation of her treaty obligations, shiel- 8jzc ded from arrest? If tho fugitives are not cep surrendered I have every reason to believe gci: that not only may this reparation bo insisted upon, aye demanded, but Congress will ^ be asked to regard this infraction of tho ^ei treaty as a substantial abrogation of the en- tjie tire instrument, and then?and then into jn ( what other seas will the fleet of eighty guns __ j . * . /. r w ??u [ now cruising on the coast<&f Afnoa be or- jlefl dercd? Th< I It is said 'minister in In5 diaoA, who somewhat mixed j*0. up in land sn^cttT rtffegntly announced ' to his conjapfifrr ^rktext would be 00n . 1* \ : / i AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP. [f, in tlie fairest days of llio Roman Ite lie, it was the pride of the humblest of I freeman to siiy?civis sum?1 am a ci- i n ; with much more pride, not of a false I ignorant, but of an honest and com- j ndablo kind, may an American boast of citizenship. We are not inclined to 1 Jo jn a general way. Boasting does not ' L lis. Of the weakness of the one, and 1 lily of the other, years have not passed ! r our head without an attempt to check ' I fully restrain their natural tendencies. ' I, if anything on earth gives us pride, a nilied and conscious sense of the inn- 1 lablo right that no man can deprive us 1 and if feeling this, and sensible of its ' rating character, '.rft ?irc utterance to ! sentiments of justice it inspires, and arc ' to magnify and boast of it, then we say, Cicero himself exulted more in the 1 no of lloman, than wo of American, ci:n. There is moro in this than inters dreams of most.people's philosophy.? 1 rc than the fanalic dreams of when lie Iters the firebrands. More tiian lite od-thirslv thinks of when the pnlpit 1 sties with the weapons of warfare.? 1 re than the vile wretch conceives while ' scatters the (Inst in air, to blind the weak s of his fellows, or, like another Cy- . ps, inhumanly -puts llicm out, more easito destroy. Citizen, American citizen, w comprehensible! It includes the bati of heroes, and the glories of the brave; proclaims Liberiy and Independence, il and religious liberty. Hereditary notv and hiurh sounding titles, vnssahife V (3 O ? C 1 feudal rights, baronical lialls and lordly rcrs, the insolence of aristocracy and tyny of kings oannot enter within its gic circle. J3nt all the rights of an enitened jurisprudence, all the privileges a perfect equality, all the advantages of universal suffrage, and all the gu rds it a free constitution can throw round ?,ne )plc's lights at home and abroad, are inded in the appelative. All that tells of nestic pe:ice that none dare invade, of urity of person and property, and all the irl holds dear, is included in citizenship. >ticc holds an equal balance. Judgment es an equitable decision. A man in his ii nomo is a King, ine nations ot tno I'M pay him tribute. The treasures of i East ami West wait on his industry.? invisible army, or powerful Armada, >teots his freedom, and his voice is not sed in vain. If foreign nations say an tierican boasts, has lie not a right to do lie feels his strength, he enjoys his edom, and while lie exults in these, he 1 never be rendered unworthy of either, ntrast tlio condition of a citizen with it of the subjects of any other nation. France, and in most European States, a n must act and speak by prescription, spotism, or some other ism nearly as bad, ivails. In England, the freest of any miry oui our own, Uaste anil family inest stand in the way of promotion, that uld fill the posts of honor and responsity from the ranks of middle life, with re advantage to the nation. Tlie war in Crimea is a notable instance of this. In American nation, every man has a mce; any citizcn, if meritorious, may ! to a place in the public councils, and vided qualification give a just title, no 'entitious circumstanco of birth or fore will stand in the way that leads to^ olumont. 3r. S. G. Morton gives the following unong the results of the internal measurents of C23 human crania, made with a w to ascertain the relative size of the brain various races and families of man:?The itonic or German race, embracing as it is the Anglo Saxon, Anglo American, glo Irish, tfcc., possesses the largest brain any people. The nations having the illest heads are the ancient Peruvians I Australians. The barbarous tribes of lerica possess much larger brain than the li-civilized Peruvians or Mexicans. The tient Egyptians, whoso civilization antees that of all other people, have the leastid brain of any Caucussian nation exling the Hindoos,?the small number of nitic heads hardly porinilting them to be nitted into the comparisou. The negro in is nine cubic incites lass llian tlio itonic, and three cubic inches larger than ; ancient Egyptains. The largest brain lie series is that of a Dutch gentleman, I gives 114 cubic inches; the smallest d is an old Peruvian of 58 cubic inches. 3 brain of the Australian and Hottentot s far below the negro, and measures cisely the same as the anoiont Peruvian. 8 extended series, of measurements fully ifirms the facts stated in the "Crania lericana,*' that the various artificial dos of distorting the cranium occassions diminution of its internal capacity, and isequntly do not aflect the size o?^he in. Sir ^William Hamilton, on the er bahd, claims to have established the t, apart from the proofs by average#,.that. : ONE SECRET TO A HAPPY LITE. Wo were in company tlie other day, s the Youth's Penny Gazette, with a gen man apparently fifty or sixty years of a who used, in substance, tho following h guage: Were I to live my life again, I shot make it a point to do kindness to a fello being whenever I had tho opportunity, regret very much that my habit ha9 bet so different, that I induced feelings so u like those which lead to such .a course life. It has been too much my way to let otl :*rs take earo of themselves, while I too. ?are of myself. If. somo little trespass w committed on my rights, or if I suffo some slight incovenicnce from the thoii lessiu-ss or seltishness of others, I wa3gi ly annoyed, and sometimes used harsh reproachful language towards tho offer I am now satisfied that my own hi ness was greatly impaired by this coi :ind my conduct and example contribLo tho irritation and unhappincss of otl It was but the other day, continued gentleman, that I was passing along street, and a coachman was attempting draw a carriage into a coach hous< lie tried once or twice without success, just as I came up, the carriage occupied whole sidewalk, and prevented tny pass The fellow looked as if it ought not ti exactly so, and there was something lil faint apology in his smile. It was on tongue to say, "In with your carriage m. and not let it stand here blocking up passage." But a better influence prevail I went to the rear of ihe carriage and sa "Now, try again, my good fellow !" wh with the end of my umbrella I gave a I tie push, and in the carriage went, and o came the pleasant "Thank you, sir?mu obliged." I would not have taken a twe ty dollar note for the streak of sunshii that this one little act of kindness llire over and lighted up the coachman's fac And when I look back on my intercoun with mv fellow men all thfl wnw nlnn? ? "*V I can confidently say that I never yet o kindness to a being without being br.4 4>ie So that if I wero governnd by mere gelfis motives, and wanted to live the bappie& life I could, I would just simply obey tli Bible precept, to do unto all men as I ha< opportunity. All this was said with a?r of sincerity and deep conviction, which we cannot give to our report of it. And does the experience of the youngest of our readers confirm or contradict this statement? Is there a hoy or girl among all of them who can say, "I did a kind act once to my brother, or playmate, and was afterwards sorrv for it?it should have been an unkind one."? It is very likely that a kind act has been illy requited or misconstrued; but if it was performed with proper feelings, it is as certain to promote happiness as sunshine is to produce warmth. We counsel our young friends, then, to seize every opportunity of contributing to the good of others. Sometimes a smile will do it. Oftencr, a kind word, a look of sympathy, or an acknowledgment of an obligation. Somotimes a little help to a burdened shoulder, or a heavy wheel, will be in place. Sometimes a word or two of good counsel, a seasonable and gentle admonition, and at others a suggestion of advantage to be gained, and a little interest fn SOPII I'A if will Ko rn/*/iIrA/l *??#!% ? - ? ?uu . .wig gratitude. And thus overy instance of kindness done, whether acknowledged or not, opens up a little well spring of liap-. pincss in the doer's own breast, the flow of which may be made permanent by habit, A MOVING* SERMON. On a Sunday morning a parson told liia flock that he shou!d preach a sermon to them in the afternoon, touching many sina that he <?rievcd to SCO SO tfOJlSnip.liniia ainnn? O 1 ""'""b them; and that ho hoped that they wouldlutou attentively, and not flinch if be should' happen to (>e severe. The afternoon came, and the house was full. Everybody turned out lo hear their neighbors "dressed dowu*' by the minister, who after well opening hi^Bremon, commenced upon the transgressors in a loud voice, with the question?"Where is the drunkard ?" A solemn pause succeeded this inquiry; when up rose Deason M., witli his face rndiant from copious draught# of his favorite drink at his noontide ineal, and steadying himself as well as be could' by the pew-rail, looked up to tho parson: and replied, in a piping and tremuloati voice?"Hero I am." Of course, a con* ,i strernation amongst the congregation the result of the honest deacon's responds jl; however, the. parson went on with his^re* marks as he had written them, commenting!, severely upon the drunkard, and, winding Up by warning him to forsake at evil habits if he would seek salvation and flee tho coming wrath. The deacoh-tj^pfe made a bow and seated. himself again ^ uAnd now,M out-spoke thepreacher, mar his loudest tones, "Where is the ijyp&er \tise?but no one rtspondfcd.' \inwl imAit ill!*