The Kershaw gazette. (Camden, Kershaw Co., S.C.) 1873-1887, March 24, 1887, Image 4

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KERSHAW^ GAZE ITE CAMDEN, 8f 0. FRANK P. BEARD, Pbopbibtou. UBNBKAL. SKW8 INOTEH. . truia ot Interval Gathered from Various * nx, OttWUHu i'4fcv s '< 4* ?o . A big.boom Is under way for Ilomc, Ga. The wOrld'a vMblo 'supply Of cotton' Is 2,881,878 beJea. ' ' A new ooUoa'wed otl company baa been started at Vleksbui*, MtoB.*'* ? > The eaafrawgea' ? p. dcrhom. Oenwiy, Im bcw wp?noJ. Tbc next guest at the rWhlto House will be Mrs. Hoyt, tho President's lister. Tbc greater portion of ox-Secrctary Man ning's vacation - will be pasted In sunny Franoe* ,? *C? ? -*?** '1: ' * ? Ex-Governor Hoadly bas been admitted to practice la th? different courts of the Stato of Now York. Eugcno Oliver Ingram, of Clarendou county, has won an appointment to West Point.: ?*> -*V ,vt>?- ? '?? It la tioa botwoou Germany, Austria and-Italy places tbcm on an equality. The pioprietQivMr the Wilmington Stat has been lndiptedfor publishing a lottery It is Mated'toil two more Ilussion officers were banged at the ot. Petersburg barracks on Saturday. 1* Forest BUK i near * Boston, accumulates tcrsbuttMcontinuo?oi^chargcs of 1being oon cernod ^anBalllTa^Qipt on' the Czar's life. John lCyuaston Cross, formerly a mem ber of SW - EngUih.. Parliament, banged himself In London on Sunday. He used a tehto*?" ? Walter RJdgeW* living near Texarkaua, , Texas, recently filled four men within as many dayd. Tho men, from all accounts, deserved to be killed. j A J. Cassatt has just added to the Btock on his fcrm.W Chester oounty, Pa., an Arablan-Percheron stallion that cost him $1,000., ?; (JuoeaVlctoria'a jubilee, will l>o officially celebrated in Canada on the dial of June, the authorities qt the various cities having agreod UpatytW ' Telephone and telegraph wires interfered witli so munh Mlth tbo escapo of-guests frotft a burning hotel IttBuffato that it haB been determined <?? have them removed. A lire alanaJ?aifce flMfflobplas .Hotel, Decatur. ITT, daUs&l itiitny gneste to rush n. George Sparrow, a lawyer, and Mrs. Swindell, " " * ' wnO desortfl a husband and two chlldron, have run away ftom Washington, is to remnin araob* hefr otd friends in Miqh* igan untUhorgrlbr nf' Mr bother's death has been partially; forgotten. Thetri^^JBofUar Cleary has already cost thaciuly www York more than $5,tKK), the bigger part of which, says the Phila at*i5Br -w wf .. :Tha*l|i/ ij&flefetlotf5 'of-J ax-Governor ?I rtaud.numbprlug about one bun4r?d andsixty picture* In all, was _ o sale i? Now York.' p oiplosfon occurred In Clio Mont Maifte coal mino at St. Etionne, Frauco, yesterday. Six persons wero In jured, two, it is feared, fatally. Tbo steamship Hartvllle, from Norfolk, bound to Liverpool: put ihUltf Halifax on Saturday mornirftf with bowa damaged, having boon in coUMpn^th an iceberg/ Inquiries lmve beopmado at tho Agricul tural Departmental to uvallablo water powers, aud any one having theso will bon ellt themselves by communicating with tho A St. Aurttne special says that Mr. Sollg man, who was re?*ted to have committed snlcido, accldrni&Uy discharged a pistol while showing It to a friend, He Is not injured. J Ex^Cottgrcsfliuan Bragg, of Wisconsin, has boconio suddenly blind as tho result of being struck Kquaroly In tho oyes by a stream of water from tho hoso of a lire engine years ago. It is believed tho blind ness can bo cured. Mrs. John Morloy, of Lansing, Midi., angry over tho punishment Inflicted on her grandson, went to tho room of Principal 'Carmen'last wook with a rawhide conccnled undor her cloak and lashed him soundly before she was disarmed. Mr. Watterson ohoorfully nominates John Sherman for President and Samuel J. Randall for teoond plaoo. Ho doesn't mean it, of ooursc, but tickets, With less brains have boon frequently placed In nomination. In the Virginia House of Delegates a res olution was offered, calling a Constitutional Convention, to amend the Constitution so as to prohibit any Legislature from recog nising any part or tho St at o debt not funded under the fSddlebergot settlement., ? . svm wrluwtwenty-jqurllnqiof verso in tho Bos ^ rather rather M e has just i In ono of tho ly tippa. the l&28?a Jk71 bond t6 appear for liavo been In tho habit of ttlnltig young k jjirta^ and tUen forcing thorn tou>%wdy; rngM SKI???r??? to molett PPVHH ( wrvTwnwiinr with M. def<oMttp#.M?ft iltustraUnn of the ncklehws of pSpntiip favbr: "I w"ar sportk li?g to you Just ttowof my popularity. This is almost as awkward as atUimthy. / This pavement of Berlin, wldoh formerly I could not tivad without tfm fteoplo I met spitting n* I passed to show tholr disgust for nic, ft now so orowded with friends when I set foot out erf doors that 1 am reduced to ghowlog u^rselt us Jlttle us possible.- The day may como when there will rigid u ho spitting on my path." The Mtafotfif Mver M'fearfully on the rampage; Tho Buford rino lnts ranched Bisqiarck, Dakota, and the stream law risen a foot iu oue day?equal to oue foot in tho upper river. Six Inches of snow foil on Saturday. The river is high in all quarters, aud rescuing parties are hard at irortt. People in Fort Llneolu wero seen standing on haystacks and trees. Unless 'toon rescued, they must perish. At Painted Woods parties it^ tfeee aud on haystacks for tfcfeo days, and roscucrs hayo been sent out. The ico lu tho river is con sfacnibly broken, and tho Northern Pacific road will establish a transfer lino of boats. No loss of life is yet reported. 1 ! Daring and Mynterloui Murder. A daring and mysterious murder was oomipitted in Charleston Thursday. William Reury Baxter, a colored boy sixteen years old, employed at "WernerV irou works, on HOrlbeck alley, was called to tho door by fiomo bbys.' (When Baxter reached the dooti ono of 4ho l?oys stabbed him in the left hicast. Frank Whitman, a black smith, was nt work in the rear of the build lug, aha Bays he saw two or three boys come to tho uoor and heard them call Bax terln a few momont he saw Baxter return and cling for a little while to his bench, tlMB^failto the floor. Baxter vomited, shook aa if In convulsions aud* died in a - iw minutes. No one was found who saw 3 blow struck. The wound was nuulo tw a wide blade, probably a? dagger, 'ft entered thq,hrCtf8Vjuql ^Ijovo' the left nipple and evidently pierced the heart. . Mr. T. W. Sires. manager of tho Iron works, found Baxter (lying. > Tho boy was then taken homo,1 Neither the father nor mother of the boy know of any quarrel that might have led to the murder. The police nro fcOW working on the matter. Whitman, tho blacksmith, thinks ho could identify ono of the muderers. The scene of the murder was between Meeting and King streets?a public, open spot?the crime yoB committed iu noonday., . Tlio?e "Ilollneui 1C> ongolUn." , A special to the Nates and Courier, dated Iiulolgh, N. C., March 14, says: "Yester day ft party of people known as 'Holiness J Evangelists' arrived licre. Some wore whlto and some co^red. In the afternoon one pt them?a woman?preached on thoj streot. Last night they went to the col Ssd churches, whore the most extraordi ry," scenes occurred. Tho Evangelists j tola the nogroes that all jewelry must he given up. They took earrings from tho cars of nogro. women, and thoy took also other jowcliy. They kept this and have not returned it. To day tlie negroes aro j greatly excited about this matter, and liavc made complaint to the Mayor. One of the i Evnngolists. jfcj reported as hayipg Pidled down pfcttm* in' fhe eolored church/day ing thojfmubt be burned. ^Mayor. JJottU issued orders this afternoon -that hereafter j neither jwese Evangelists nor. the Solvation Army audi be allowed to cahdtfet services on tho Seots. TheatfT^ftagC to be Ufo same whMp Columbia, B. C., by r Keprony In !Vew Orloan*^ While,, delving for infor^afeU^ ou tho subjocEgif the city's health, I ascertained what rbellevo. j#, not geuorally known In NcSw (moans?that leprosy oxlsts here to a consldAble extent. It has been known In u vliuc sort of way that thero were, some ofleA of Uio dreaded cVacftoo in tho lower parishes, but not that it prevailed to any extent in New Orleans. TUoro aro now under treatment iu tho Charity Hos pital no less than 18 cases. I am informed that the victims of the disease do not know' with what thoy are afliletcd, and are going about tfieir usual vocations. . One of these, a woman, is a cook. I nnrfold tho naturo of their disease is conceatod so as to sparo thorn from isola tion. Perhaps the distinguished medical gehtlciflcn'at the hospital ' know best what is proper in the promises, but the unpreju diced observer would say, far letter these unfortunates bo shunned and forced into isolation than that they spread the malady by contact and by bearing children, which they are now in danger of doing inno cently.? C'or. Cltimyo Times; A 11 ii in mi Dody lit n Ilnrrfl, Tlio Adams Expross Company recofved at Daltdn, Indiana, on the 10th a turret from Now York, via the New York & Now England railroad, for delivery to tho American Ejypress Company and to bo for warded to parties In Now Brunswick. Tho Amurloan Express Company refused to re ceive the barrel on account of certain sus picious marks on it resembling blood. Tho barrel . was then taken buck to tho train ofllco of the Adams Express. On tho bar rel being oponod tho head of a woman was discovered packed in straw, and enough was soon to oonvinco the olllcials that other | 1>ortions of a human body wero contained a the barrel. Tho head was carefully re placod and tho barrel, with Its contents, taken to JinkluimV^mdertaklng establish ment, on Howard street. Although tho aifalr is surrounded by mystery, It. was generally belfevod that tho body was In tended for sopao modical collogo? ?< ' V' v AIarrt*ge?. . .. , ^tarried. Mtfoh lHh, 1887, by W. E/ "**'?* . Southern JPoxaud tea, all of Aiken county. Fannlo Jones, (01 of Ai , fcAlsd tfo state1 that Uio brides In the above nuptials are mother arid daughter, and tho grooms aro first cousins. By tho marriage, therefore, cousin Fox I* While tho nd&tJrofdaughter hftt#lfml the Uc of omurin added totlijte'rolatlonshlj), Tho curious itfOuure at their leisure with 'Wi w&ce^to tiiat:lfm. jenes la tho JLmplon ft/A Himwi in that' towMtlp, having caught eight nt |/>he chase tho old F6x and soyon young All (it tlif fmrtlf"! Are industrious and highly respected citizens. and between two P tree hmulred people Were present to witness the happy ceromdji Monitor. 1 flgureKoflt that opefotwlf,' Ihewidfng domestic servants, wr<> 50 per cont. hotter off tl?an they wore .'Ity is said that tho pocullnr sunsets are caused by ihO o^tvi f> f Iiir to set by the rtetf standard time. , , Tho pralso oi a rival is rarely sincere: a spontaneous movement of antjor or of Jeal ousy Is a surer appreciation, and conse quently more flattering. ' Diamonds: Their Origin, Formation ? l itnd.yjgjEtt , < Diamonds havo boon objeots'of inter est both to the ancients as woll as tlioy aro at present to all classes, but more especially to Bolentists and savants, to ?\vnou), oven up to this present ago. they arc a mystery, as to their origin or for-, mution.,. Though known to bo com-'| posed of pUro cftrbou, Pliny, as well as i otlior ancient writers, sei?ms to have j been ignorant as to their characteristics, being Imbued with moro suporstitious idoas than a true practical knowledge or estimate of their powers of resistance, belioVilig they could only bevcrushed by a proyious bath of 'goat s blood. Tcr si aus givo special voneratlou to tho dia mond, owing to their bolief that they fell from tho heavens at the earliest creation of tho world. Others attribute them to be of colostial origin, as aerol ites, possessing oloctric light; others, again, believo thom of vegetable origin, as soino aro found with water cavities, also vegetable as well as animal matter embedded in them. Workers in thom scorn to havo a uiore true and practical knowledge of thom, and feel convinced they aro more of a volcanic origin, and their surmises may bo correct, by tho recent discovery in South Africa, whero most of tho supply is derived from the bud or mouth of an exhausted crater. Also in tho discovery, withiu the past half contilrv, of its sister morphonio gom, called "carbonato," which, to an luoxperioncedeye (in some stages of its -fefftHlttOu) has tho outward appoaranco of crystals of ornery, and When brokon looks' liko fractured hardened stool; again, in otnor stages the appearance of porous lava; but eveu to the worker, as well as tho soiontist, their progres sive age of formation still remains a mystery. It is impossible to say wheth cr'tho above is an old or young dia mond, being an opaquo combination of . nainuto gray crystals, compressed to gothor by ?omo natural force into such a donso form and temper as to mako its sister /lamellar and transparent gem subject to its attrition, and au invalu nblo adjunct In tho mechanio arts. Again, we seo tho diamond in its transi tion state of formation from carbonato to that of a granular lamellar diamond flakes, and thott progrosBing (if one may presume to so call it) into the opaqilQ oatfjonaoql at form called borts (like rough molten bails of glassy, and whon broken furnish fibrous splinters like asbestos, which aro used for drill ing holes in jewels, etc. Finally, they verge into tho lamellar trunslucent and transparent stato, having a cleavage like mica, of goometrical forms. Sonio of those crystals aro formed with other small octahedron diamonds ombodded in tho sido facols. As to the uses of the di?W?adin yajipvp ages and by diflor onl nations, ihoy are undoubtedly pro hifjtOilo, ,and mlght jHj, Classed in their It has been ivauts that they Vthe days of tho 'pluuro^lii fo^dibiotbhik hosidos amulets. At ft jqp^ylt\g*M t^MFtooyologlcal 1 n stitute of koudou, uol Jong since,, uy a reading before thciu, Mr W7M. Flinders haU col looted ayidoncotn a tomb at Ujifeh tools pYmtfA'wIth iowols had been urfoa fri tn6 Wrntof fiolld or tubular drills, ah woll as - saws. 'JLHe unfinished obelisk at tho Kgvp tian* quafrlos,- which has boon lying &orn frtr oVeir 4'000 yovs, .hfc^ooiitlnu pltt : spit-rtl grooves, being df uniform depth, '^hoWmg tho outting edgo of tho topi riot In any wise impaired. l)ia-1 mouds had different names in various ag$i, among pattern6 and tribes. In tho days ot iJoJomon, "samor" or "sliamer," after tho . .miraculous ftoiic-working I worm of that narno; Dy tho Egyptian* auorchihs or chalazlas; Grecian, adanvas or'- adamantine; and by the Jews, iahaome, oto, Tims lost arts are being restored to usdJT fSfintlflo research, and in rceont yoars as woll' as tho pros ont. Wo now soo tho diamond adver tised in multitudinous branchos of arts. Thoj* havo for somo time been grow ing rapidly in favor for trimming or truing ehiflod iron, paper calender and porcolain rolls, omory wheals, sawing ami trhumlng stone, boring rook for tunneling and. prospecting mines, etc. the Proper Uiifiisb Wallc? Son^hitt^'W^'^p^t^d tn ? New York a short time ago, but though it is English, and has apparently oome to stay, it lifts Hob mot with a fervid re ception. It is tho lurohing English walk. *? J'orb ftps tho most pfofiolOnt of its votwios is a Londonor named Ben son, who came here with A lot of letters reoenlfjjr, and has spont' all his time since in dashing up and down the steps of Fifth avenue residences leaving vast quantities of cards upon $he citizens of New *0rk. His manner of walking was rooognized at once ai distinctly the thing In London this year, aud olub men Mid Anglomaniaca Jay In wait along Fifth avonue to so# him paw by. Of all tho walks this is tne most absurd. To begim in good form, the knoes must nevor be strwightoned *? imiUlj ftny <?? r - oumstafaeo*, and the toea should be tnrnoa oat an far as possible without put I ing I lie linn Is Id advance Qt them. to tho legs from the froi*ielevation, but it Is undoubtably correct? neverthe less. Having assumed this jiostute, the walker should leart hid body forward slble, and then start off with tho info hanging straight at tho side.' Bend the kneos outward at every stop and movo as rapidly as possible. Repeat as be fore, and then rest eight minutes In a * oriwftlA! ftijsltrrt*. Altogether" the alk is not Unllko that affected by varie AOtors mimicking old plantation 'kles, and I am told that if a man Fitfui* gently some such strain as* -'limbing Up the Gotdon Slklrs" while perfecting himself in tho minor details of tho walk ho " bo vastly aided thereby.-- Wuahinyton Mar. ! . ?> ? m*> m Whoti Airs. Homespun read that Mary Andefson had abandoned "TJte Hunch back," she remarked, "You can't really blame hor. It wotild havo Wri too bad for a jKK>ty ftaUMko tier to mwrry a hunch M J\' t | It Is Said that "Satan Is ovef watching to find us tj]nomploy$d." .Tho gentleman rq erred to hGvor WatChfts newspaper men. It would l?o a waste of Valuable time. A health journal tells ItA readers "Ilow to tsUo Cold," What most of us want 1o know Is how to lot go of it, MISS1NO LINKS. Lady Randolph Churchill is a clover pianist and often plays at charity con certs. Mrs. A. S. Colo, of Pooria, 111., chased her husband to Portland, a,u' took him home with ner. Mrs. Ponscyers, of Buffalo, N. Y., tnar ried a fourth husband and then kiilod him because she was jealous. George Alfred Townsoud, after Uictqt ;ng for some hours to a stenographer, found out that ti.o fellow was insane. The friends of the late Sojourner Truth, of Rattle Creek, Mich., are mak ing an efl'ort tt> erect a monument over her grave. Queen Victoria has ordered a tea >< t of lifty picccs of Burmese ware, to be made for her by a New Bedford. Mass., manufacturer. M. Stamboulofl', the statesman whom tho Czar is said to fear more than any other man in Bulgaria, is only a trillo over thirty-seven. Miss Ella Martiu, a Now England girl, is editor of tho North Nebraska Argus. Tho Argus has a sharp touguc as well as keen eyes. Tar as a fuel for ocean steamers is about to be experimented upou by a German who has constructed a novel furnace for tho purpose. In a recent case at Seattle, W. T.. Judgo Green held that tho territorial law pronouncing tho smoking of opium illegal was unconstitutional. A Danish hound on exhibition in a Philadelphia museum stands as high as a man. He Is tho largest dog in tho world, and cost his ownor $5,000. M. Pasteur, being urged by his family to rest for a time from his labors, re plied, "When I am not working 1 wecm to myself to bo committing a thoft." John Crossraan, who died at China, Me., recently at tho age of ninety-six years, leaves six sons and one daughter, thirty-two grandchildren and forty groat-grandchildren. In 1849 a doposit of $19 was mado in tho savings bank at Dover, N. 1L it re mained in tho bank until tho other day, when the book was presontod and tho account closod by the payment of $196.88. Willie Abronson is tho naino of a lit tle Russian Jew, 12 years old, at present stopping in Philadelphia, who has trav eled ovor Russia, Germany, and En f;land and is able to black boots in ten anguages. Mrs. Anna L. Murphy, widow of the San Franoiaco millionaire, is a woman to bo commisserated, Sho caunot live comfortably on her allowance of $2,000 a month from the estate, and petitions to have it increased. The Baltimore American, speaking of the wicked city of Cincinnati, says that its inhabitants "put sugar on thoir oy s ters, and anybody who will put sugar on oysters will put vineg&r or lyouai&u dressing on ico oream." Industrial people tho imperial family of Austins are. The Crown Prince has lately publlshod a big book, tho Arch- j duchess Maria Valorio is writing a play, and tho Archduke Karl Salvator has just got a patent for a new repeating riflo* t A Mir.'and Mrs. F. W. Parsons, of Fair mont, Neb., are thoparents of a diminu tiro boy baby weighing only two and a quatter pounds. It is only thirteen and a half inches in length from the crown to tho feet, and measures across the bac)? of tho hand sovou-cighths of an inch. While tho nails on its littlo toes, as the lather says, look liko small dots. It is now two weeks old, is perfectly form ed, vigorous, healthy, and takes its rations with as much enjoymont as big ger boys. J. L. Cole, a hardware merchant of Huffalo, has a remarkably intelligent dog, a small white our of uncortain pedigree. This dog knows any nurabor of difficult tricks, and so confident is Mr. Colo in its abilities that ho Is now willing to bot a large sum that tho dog oau walk a tight rope across tho Niagara gorge, and he'll givo him a chauco, pro vided the trailroad companies or tho Niagara Falls hotel folks will cbntributo 91,000 toward the oxpenso of stretching tho ropo and not. ?< #..; The mother of lire now-horn ahepherd puppies, near Huston, Was mourning tho jaoath of four of hor babies that had boon taken from hor, when a vory young pig, Whose mother had lost it, came squealing around tho doghouso. The shopherd dog at once adopted tho littlo porker, and it now sitcklos along side of the pup, and folio we its foster mother about, squealing vigorously whenever it fools hungry. Tho collie KooniK to lovo tho pig quite as much as ?he 0oos her own pup. An ol^lady of Now Hampshire who rocently celebrated hor eightieth birth* day by giving an elaborate supper, at whtoh 0Y0ry artiolo, Inoludiug iheeliocso and hultor, was made with hor own 6, thus explained, the socrot of hor Und hqnlUir ;'T,i??vov fr9?$ver| I cannot help; I take a nap, and tlmeattfp, ^yery day of my life; I r tako my work to had with mo, and i oil thoAiany wheels of a busy life by an implicit faith that there is n Wain and a hoart to this grtiat universe, and that I oan trust thorn both." 'tho wonderful "(Jlaoial Pot Holo" in Lackawanna tfotuity, Pennsylvania, itill attracts many visitors. Tho hole Is bowl shaped, with A width of thirty f??ct and a depth of thirty fnet, and is filled Tnth oval-shnped ootiglomornto stones from tho Hi'/.e of a hen s egg to double lite sl/x) of a goose egg. It was discov ered in sinking a coal shaft, and is said to bo the second one discovered in tho world. It is said to be of vohmnio ori gin, and tho conglomerates aro supposed to have been worn into their form and iinoOthncss by glacial action. Religious |>eacOcks Is the name whuTi Mr. Tolmage applies to |>ooplc who cotnolo church In an excessive amount of fine clothes, 'That's niy <//?/>?*/"?*<"/'." as (he printer ?Ud to a pretty elrl, when hft kissed hen "And thnt's a toMn of my regard,'' replied the lady IkixIhk Ills earn. To l?e sliort in his accounts K in n <'n*h ler, a crime; In n reporter It^sa virtue. The thermometer like rt man, ri?e? liy degrees. il' i :? lf??|iiUtiu,M 1,1 111,11,U. ^fore Governor Gordon ]oft for N Wk appheation was umdo to him to issue a warrant for the arrest uf M T coU?",tU Vr V"- " ' Uw ',o S-? arz"uX regularly presented, but the counsel for the prosecution were notified that tin ???? r"'1 uot <*> "" rC)iJ - nU\Vril0r U;l" ',bsCUt the rtquiMt.ou \%;i^ contested. After th?? Governor left a re<pu.x,,ion was ,, Jo . C.ovoruor (.Jonlou on the Governor of ?^outh Carolina for W s s , i a hft?! NVUl' O,l'?nco 111 AVigusta'/ou blank ) *ro vion** l v Kicm . i / * Kichurdson, of bouth Carolina 'nmVle ?a miiu^Uoa cm Governor Cordon, he hail left, for a party in Co floe count v I t W V? W'W rcJUHed ou *t!)c 8?>?e grounds that the one from Indiana had been b, cause the C.overnor was absent and' the ?n??S||a0LffK'Zt,S^,2? mcmtli aloue, g?*M Ufaj wow Oiuminwl ami Aled out, all j b> tile Governor before the election I in ft ?> ro;ilUHlti(J"?. being embraced i m the Federal act, is uniform.^itC, Cor. Augusta News. -"Junta Uomnn* Won d run a IMiuli. Pan nT?n?LCX1 raoi< 1'n;.ry pluck on the ! for II,, < tiiijc ..rlvulWHvi.T u" 1 ,lv ??? I .W t' srEKEFS H~r riiouldcr, laid on " /? ,Uk' buried the Knif,, in lll0 Vut' ^ ?scraped the .ImMhen' u V'"1"!'" , ?v'y! ;ri.t,?ilu7,,r ,ut ^ \ ;h;m.s iooLed l,1,, u,e ' 1u j von,an and marveled how >l'e ? ial^' -ul 1 a?y as u^Siy i1,s.,"-.">ller,uion US 1 ' NX l iilon In n ||nj Wn>. j rtpp^rs Vo'li" I1,,"10" Tt,|<,Kr?P1? ??'??'Panv I ?| peats to he i? a worse way than ever i Ihesuaement for the ..uartei- endimX i?,'i' 1" the directors Thurs- < company would earn U per cent. ! r ' Kvcn.hisisbn.edo ?Mhc ^ual : y?ir the | 'ri ,1'? nc,Ual earnings proved to l* ovw SIS," "C,HI,rn!,ji? !" V>'<- ""alkwi saws rt:" i i. Miy, up the securities inia ran tee.l in the Western 1/nion issuing ttu iefor Intend trUst Inn,,! at tiv,. per cent \ |^ve Your Repairing Done1 AT THE i MCOI MB lUEtr StDPS,1 The unilorsigncd takes pleasure in an nouncin^' in tlio jnitili? (hut i f lins taken chargc or Hits WAtidN A N I) HU(1(IV SIIOP8 of M. A. Melts, where, with competent a? BiHtanl.x, he i.s prepared to do all kinds ot work iu Ids lino on short notice and at rea sonable terms. Repairing Done on ?hort notioo and in workman I :.p manner. * Horseshoeing. Cnroftd attention Riven to horseshoc ln?. The palronn^c of tlio public is respect fully sollcite With ovor v,v?>.ity-five years oxperienco in tho busincHB to whioh I call your atten tion, and with cxpevouOtd assistants, I feel confident of giving ontiro satisfaotlon to all who favor me with their pulronitgo. ' O. V. METT^ South Carolina Railway Company, nOMMMM'IMi SI' N DAY, MAY Htli, V ls-Mt, ui m,, l'i*?8oiiKt'r Traill* will run as lollows"Kastern Tlmo." TO AND 1KO \l c 11 AHLESTON. kaktu>a i l. V.) Popart Columbia i! SO r in ">'27 p in l>uc Onirics Mi i lll"0,>,.i U 00 |> in \V I S 1 < HA 1 1.1 .1 Imparl i-li:ir'n ?Si?n , '21'n in f? 10 p m Due Uil'.nniiM I0;'>a in 10 iA) p til TO AN!' KKOM I'A M DKN". . i:.\s i' (t> in v KNi Ki-r sr.N day.) liopiitt i\.:utni'ia li^ ><?"> p in 5 27 p in 1 Hi** I tim!<n >7 i' in 7 I'.'pm 7 4'2 p 11) w l.? l 11> v 11.\ K\i KIM' M S DAY.) I >ipar( ('am-ieii t I". am 7 lift III :i l'? p ill Du?> C'oliuiiD'.a !? '."> a hi ItCi'iii in inuoplll Ti) A\D I i :? ?M AI\H>1'.\, r \ - i n.\ 11-v .> IVparl i t:'i si>!? 1.1 (i a in j '.*7 p ill I'lie Aimu-la 1 i in 10 li'i p in \\ l > I , l?A 11. Y .1 liipxtl Aiij-r-'i li'i'iani pi imp ill l?uo~l \)l ?i ill t? i a I'l l ) a in 10 00 p 111 ION N l'.n'UIN's Made a'. Columbi.. Willi Columbia timl iirvci?viiIo liaiiroail iy train tmlvlnt; itL !ii :?"> A . M. aM'.l >lc| a rl i im at .'| "J7 l'< M. At 1'olumbiu .1in! in;, with t'? i'. A A. lliill load by same iriilti to ami from all points oil 'i >tli I'uail*. PsiKseiiKt'i< lake "-upper al Brunch vllle. Ati 'Inirles on w iih-umiiicis r*?r New York, Willi steamer lor Jack soil vlllo niul points on st. Itiiin'o Itlvcr ToesilnyK ami Saturdays, Mil li i lull lesion ami Sa villi nail Kallroad to ami 11 >>m ^avannali niul points in Klorula ilully. At Augusta ? It a o-xift ami reulra) Hull ? roniK to and from a'.l points West mil South. At llluek \ 11Umo ami irom polntK on Harnwi 11 Hiillroad. Thro,.?ti tickets enn be purchased to nl I points souih and West by uppl> tiiu lo D. >lrtJ,U I-'.KN Agent, Columbia, S. C. .lollN B. l'Kt-'K. (Jvnernl Mnnnuer. D. C. ai.mcn, (jen. 1'iikk. and Ticket Ajjl. THE HOTEL WINDSOR, King Street, I Poors .South of Academy of Music, CIIA RLKSTON, SO. OA. DeKalb House J. N, Nicholson, Prop'r, fomw, 8. ?* fgy-Newly painted and rc-furnishcd throughout. CwyTables best (lie Charleston tuid Cam ion m.nktls a (lord. ?%"Hackf? nice! till trains ninvO Modeled and' Newly fimiiM JLalfium House, CAM DKN, S. C. Transient Board Per Day Ample accommodations. Table supplied with the best ilie market affords. livery attetiiion paid to ilm comfort of guests. Connected wilh the ilotiso is a first class l?.i 11, which is orderly kept. liaek to and front the depot. Fare 26 cents ??leh way. i e? d mil l.iverv Stable on premises. 1". LATHAM, l'roprietor. LOOK OUT FOR THE .! WEL ion MO I IT AH. V 01 COME TO TOWN The beautiful sign will iliivct you to The Oldest Drug Store. ' m IM7.) | Where you will tin I a ci>hi|>lo'c stuck of Fresh ami Pure Keflicincs, At lowest juico> for Kirj't ('lnsa (Jootlt. j !S|Hcki1 attention i.i ^iven to tliu lilling of l'hysieiuus' l'resoiiphons ul nil hours. SHEDS i SEEDS ! SEEDS I A Full Variety of Garden Seeds For Spring Planting. Onion Seta and Early Garden am) Field Corn. At - M Dr. F. L ZEMP'S. \ Henry Stelts&j Importer and Wlioleaalo dealer Ifi ii Foreign & Domestic Fruiti Apple*, Oranges, Banunae, OooftauutLyl. Lemons, Pineapples, Potatoes, OuionL ? Cabbages . J M. E. Cor, Mooting wul Market Btrooty. HARucfiriroN.a. v ? 1 ' I - 0. MAYHK'V ^ ,1, Mir/I'ON MAYIII' W C.MAYHEW * SON 1 OoliimiDia. 61. o. M A RBLE WORKH. M n ii n fuel ii rer* of and doftloTs lit all kind* ol ? ' Xj ., I American and Italian Marble Work. MTK tJl'A 111! I KM AT WA 111)8, H. ('. M ON IIM l-'.N'I'M, TAllf.KTH A I HON KAIMNO furnished nt tovr?Hl||>irl > 0?).rii|,IHMi;i> OH \ NI'Cl\ W'okK, either foreign or nnil vo, toonlor, o?>_i 'ori(>?iH)inli'iioc m>ii?l ifil, nnil hmIsfiH'tif?ti 11 ii(I prompthcrh Kiinrnntecd, Ooor?o R. Lombard, db Oo, FOUNDRY MACIIINK AND BOILER WORKS, .A.TJC3 U ST.A., - - Q Jyi: 1(1*1 IJlKltS Ol' l!iif?ine<? iiml Iloil'r.o, .?* n w Mill*. (liiM \1111 p. nnd nl n Mnchinery <>f the 1 uI* ?i improved ny!e?. Mlniftlng, II nn^crn, Pulleys, (J n lull lloxi'i We hfive n hirj<e n??oilmenl of PuitertiH, Siigftr.KollorS anil Qin 0 IM4AI.KKM IN F.nginc and Mill Supplies, C'lroulrir 8ft ws, File*, OtlramerH (Jlulio ('heck mid Snfety Vulvei, WhiMlen, Oniigofi, St cam Pipe nnd Pltlingn iiH-inl from I') In to nciiia. Ki lling. I.ncing Rubber, flcmp, HoApfllone and I'lickinn oil 'iii'l Oil I'upn, Wrenches, Kmory WhoelH, eto. I AflKVTH KOI! I'Vlipn- bniibli* Turbine Wheel, Korliiig's l.'niversfil InjeotorH, the bent iihiiJo. ltruilfiii-.I Mill Oh'h. I'orlnble Mills, N'ordyke ?"i Mormon (Vs. Plantation Corn ''H mil Keril Mill". Alias l-tnui n <* Work* nriil Krl? GMy I foil Works, Portfiblo nnd llnginen. Kunkle's Poo Hnfely VfilveH. (Moti'l CreoK Mill Hooks. in>n uri'l 1'rasn Castings, find fill klii'l* of Itepriira promptlyylone We ensl ilnyy ; !V | in<1 aro working ubout one hun'lrf.l liuiiil*. '