The Kershaw gazette. (Camden, Kershaw Co., S.C.) 1873-1887, December 15, 1873, Image 4

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I 111 Ml The i mental method of asking i i a drinl tjjjfc the formula, ir up to look of her tad, clothing ? [*?*?!* xaUeeawajv jlH Tbe> Jacksonville Journal states Itot 3 ?**;... ? . "V.' *? ' XV ^?p ^ _^9LvJBQjHL* \ EX-I^ARTra,. Sacrum* Cclttvj 5 of ytmr October '. inquire# if aalt or "1 On^ofw 3j$6 of your October ^number, state If aaltXe applied ia sufficient quan tity, it will effect ualy destroy it. 1 bed a patch of not grass and, u an axpcriinent, emptied about a half bushel of ?alt on a ?pot of it, spreading the lalt to a thick ness of about one inch, eorering thereby about one yard square of the surftoe w wttu a grub ly dug. In soil. ?Soon the grass was thick and luxuriant Tfc JT. ^-^fOiepla* the sal abcatr solved the salt diffusing it in tho soil. with ? grabbing hoe had the plat thorough rith the afterwards ;ah<3sri' incorporating the salt with was about'the lat of ApriL I men tion the season, because I think tho time when tho application ia to be made may have some iuflueuoe. fjhe grass waS killed. The nuts absorbed the salt, and were com pletely pickled by it, salty to the taate, and their germi acting powers entirely destroyed. ?It is now October, and from that time to this, not a spiir of ant grass baa shown jStasn zsr* ?e" t ?' / 7?-. in several ndu of of oat grW- It did nW prove but a juicier Asms, when a moment in the hot oven. Allowing the steak to hsat but a on each nil* helped ifto retain alt juices, and patttng on the salt the last rnent after ift ?ras on the platUr iuicTO PftOPAOATIWQ vj It RAN HTM R.-A correspon dent of tbe Rural Home girt* this meth od df propngnting geraniums: "In otarting cuttings, t c&i a bo* say 4 or 5 inches deep and 2 feet by 18 inehen io sin. I then fill th? fcox with light garden soil, coarse saw dust, and coarse sand, well mixed together. Now I take ft sharp knifk and cut off limbs nearly As largo ss my little fittger. ? 1 than mate a hole io the dirt, and put h? the cutting 2ot3 bohes deep, pressing tf?o dirt firmly about the bass and putting thorn 8 to 4 inches rt, until the box is full ; then water one timo, keeping the box in tho They should only be watered top of the box seems to " M liiiii " ? ' ? according to now , assy the wa rf when yon pour water H ? Mfl~ " 1. v* ^WmSI ! d?4 lettw otfica. ?W3..* .? I 3 9. Postal c int .flgfl '?Uu^jMsr iV r the mighty roar; .?$%? Yoeenite, leAyi to each Yearly Tim Monthly Magixine. Header*, just thii of Niagara and Yoeemite. "Dienepieturns ?p? vl AVof Wing enshrined __ our botaMt They will be snheeribere on receipt efth . ccnts for postage, with four full ?tM and ed hoTTir^ in *\ inorienshot these Invaluable illustration of art and no potsoaoft ?MHbIHMI <0 be whboat the fli n greatly enlarged, aad of Prof l?o*rF.?Urd,efthe8iaithaQ0i? Institute ,?? ?Kkor?t* PWFWWM of it* intentions or oolor. ftrm la its dev MideaTo* tounder. 1_ that national oftheUaieai ?(??? ___ ?M enemy of vrrong, whether i? the Prjrab)lnen party or in aay other. It defbndait# convic tiona to the extent ef It* ability : but in lta mvti columns it remaaabar* that it* idMin Kara a ??? sec both sides of wtry controversy ami to get the whole troth of every question, whether it tells for or againet tha political the ^And finally, THETRIBUNhokUMhiaft awl ?ra of journalism which is now dawning moat ha distiagniahed by deceary, candor, of statement moderation in debate. It eaehewa tha coarse invective and rulger inimlwpi? whiohj h.ire to often marred the political cont of tha peat; H avoids alander and t quarraU j it la a paper far gentlemen rndladii fit for the parlor, the study and the home tide, rather than the barroom. In its editorial department it demand* the pens of many of the abieet, moat thoughtful and most brilliant wri teTOwhomUe.newapaper profession has yet produced; aad it constantly alms at a higher literary standard, and a aider and wider cul ture. THE WEEKLY TUIdUNK contains a careful summary of aawa, ft very largo proportion of agricultural uuormatioa, a carctul selection of literary and miscellaneous reading, and tho cream of tha oorreepondenoe aud editorial mat er of tho daily edition. GRANITE and feM SPSr "GLASS WANE, Ever brought to env market in thia State. ? My goods are bought with groat care, under ray I personal super Aron, and from tlieflatterlngpet i ronagel have had bettewed epon me, I ssiian that my patrons have found it to their interest to bey from me. I guarantee to sell at prices mach below those charged in Camden aad slee Partiea v lei ting Columbia are eoid tally invit ed to call and examine my stock, which they *<i ...I ?? when you caa ear* 36 per. eeut . MT1 8ttl^|ii|<>j|w?tew ? ateftlaft I ij s . i f;4. '? 3 4 ^ ? t / ^ ?*s ft BRO. WJ^V^R * * ERY" having c OOH8I8IHO m VAKI Of bacobi, pW^yHSr^)fe^ LARD, FLOUK, *&'? L" BUTTER, .. i,c CHEESE, : JL :~r^7 MOLASSES, CHOICE HAMS SUGARS, COFFEES, h-V TT ' - STARCH, Vx TBAftftti PICK1J5S, r JELLIES, *? .. Z candib& ; - BOOTS, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Coats Pnnta, Vests' Calioocs, Hardware, Cutlory, Chewing Toabooo, i,,3X . t. ?-and an? ENDLESS VARIETY O* GOODS. "Purchasers will find it conduciro to their interest to patronise Our House. [ V ' '. t N- B. SMITH k BRO. oct4* > C. F. JACK80NT THR LEADER OF - >W PRICES, HAS JfOW RKADipgNK OF THE 7 STOCKS OF MY QOOOS, TOHS UNDBR8IGXKD. WHO ft A3. FOt M. ?**?ral yaare, supplied Cawden awl Vicin ity ?fth .took, beg* leave to that i? about thr?e f|ll|4| ?fl) Msfifrip Cam dec with a large drove of - M ^ Fj3Tj(|U& A They have beeri ??rc<te-l wKW a new perticu ?... Uaeevjr stock beroflflip oettl*' J A. AbS^C&O. '??$?T?iri'??;v 'm Oongraree ?Iron Works. p^vCX5LUMBIi^pl JOHN ALEXANDER, Proprietor. < ?? '?r--'2kd*x V 3U0AE CANS MILLS. un or i'iucks. 8 RoUom 14 lichee diameter, ??+*. 8 " 12 ?? ?? 80.00. 1 % s us #&2| ? 1 " 10 " " I fio.oo AVkitc prices complofo with fume. Without frame, $10 lesson each mill. 1 8t?un Engines, Hotter*, TortaMe GrUt MMls, Circular and Muley 9aw MIlTs, Mill Gearing of all kinus nMI? le order. tflcvB ami BraaeOuat lag* on short n?ba Oil. <Jearing copetaully mi hand, of the fol 'V'fro1! wWl ^^ '40 ?? Iron aad Braas 0?*inb? o\dl descriptions made to order. ^ Y Aati-frietion plates and batldtaf Cotton at Rnifowd Depot here. .< ? aOTWorka toot of Lad/ Street, opposite the Qraearille Freight Dtpot. '.W \ i. f '? ?? ?? ?l*.1 ii ? ?* ? n< i in Steamer Llllingrton. FAJST FREIGHT ACCOWWODAtlO*. Wl L x?xjaro m lot. 4i|t gtt ? ?^5|Tmi | T ^tfiSSuhis dS^frrer^* I?', #> toOW CHANGE OF SCHEDULR OF TH?i iCAMftfcN AnnQMMOQAr^, TEAH^ ^ South Cai toOotumhia, Mondays, WwBtadyindl ibla >IWI Columbia at 1.&0 a, m, arrive at Camden ?tai...isr>^y^a>jf ?' *? <? TTLdBi V 1 8, B, Piokus. General Ticket agent, 5TeXl t CHANGE OF SCHEDVLBOFtH* W--; COL. & AUGUSTA KAIL BO A. ** Tn bfJu! Kj^vTsctcfSJlrwYl^SIn |TO?ff?et at 3.26 a. *., Monday, TUtuteM DAT KXntM TUIN?MlLT.^i A. Leave Wilmington 6.70 A. w. arrive at Florence 11.90 A.-W. arrive at Columbia >ea ??taiM??4?e Leave Columbia 7.26 a. m. arrivo at Florence _ 11:30 a. m. arrive at union depot WUaia|ten 6.16 p. a. XiaOT EXPHKaSTAAtS?DAILY, SCKDATS K*CSrT8V. arrive at Anputa - 8.20 k m, !.e*ve Augusta .... 5.50 r, U,\ arrive at Columbia 10,35 r, arrive at Florence 3^0 A* H arrive at union depot Wilmington 8.00 a, n, L^ave union depot Wilmington 5,46 r. v, arrive at Florence - 11,26 P, v, arrive at Columbia I,"i a, M. Paseengars arriving at Columbia oi. the T.tJe a. m. train, arrive in Richmond at 6,20 a. at, the following day, Washington 12,60 p m, Hew Tork? 10,88 p. m;*v k The train leaving Columbia at 7,26 a m. oen nects with the Camden tnun at the crossing, r n.l makes doee connection at Florence tor Charleston. Thoee taking the10,86r. u tram from Colom bia, have choice of router at Wddon, either by the Bay Line, arriricgin Baltimore at 8,00 a ?, or by the all rail line,{viaRichmond,) arriving in Baltimore at fi,80 a, m. 1 tf J.iS. A>DEBS0N. Gen 8u?t. 1 ? ? ? '? 1 ? GRKJBNVILLE & COLUMBIA K. R. 1 Passenger trains run daily, Suudays except ed, connecting with tiains on Soath Carolina Railroad up and dewn, with traiaa going HorA ? andSoutli on Charlotte, Columbia. & A ague la and Wilmington Columbia & Augusta Railroads. Leave Columbia at 7,16 a m Leave Alston "... 9,06 a m 1 Mure Newberry., 10,40 a m leave Cokeeberrj 2,00 p m leave Belton ~ ? 8,60 p m arrive at Greenville 6,80 p in DOWN. Loavs Greenville.... ??%eaeee a*e a*? ??????%e?? leave Belteu.. ..... 9,80 A m leave Ctkesherry 11,1* a m leave NewUrry Leave Alston 4,20 p arrive at colutabisu ......... ;i Anderson Branch, and Moe RMLaa Dtv leave W Jlhalla 5,45 a m leavhffhrry^Ue 6,26 a *55 leave Pendleton 7,10 a 1* leave andarson 8,10 a m OF SCHEDULE Of THBf 1 8. 0. HAIL ROADi Coixxbia, 8. C., Sept. 56, 11751. ;ob or acrtFDULE to uo mo ir on ud ?ftarfiund?y tba 28t h i n.t. ?iWf?n mAis. ,-V (jj .M.tKt************..** &.80 A* II* at...- 1 10 P. H. ?.oo a. ? 1.46 r. m iprkss. I IMObATlOX TBA IV. , K? axceptad,} K Hi b Loat* Colambla At 7.18 r. n arrlra at Cbarlasi MS Atvm***!* *???????* S.4fi A* A Uat# Charlotte 7.10 a.* arrWo At Oblvtthio At C.16 r. M CAMpKft ACCOMMODATION TRAIN. Mat* Canutes At Afl ivA it Coluwbi* At 8.40 A. M . *1 At ??.??.................., 10.4 f. H !*<.? 8.26 r. u HURT LINE SCHEDULE. IABIjOTTB COLVKBIA k AtOtBTA K. R. C*. Columbia S C, Juot 18, 1878. iN AND Altar Mon-lay, Juna ,2fltb, lt7t, f tba fbllovring ??hadulo will ba mi btbt jr i road, -'f V''* '4 ?otko VOATV. * Traia So. 8 Trala Na 4. I*btb August a 8,6'J A to 6.60 f ba Uajra OraaitaviUa 4,4ft fc* f8.68 to ?' Arnr* At Cafrmbia #8,98f^B' 10,47 ) a I<aat? ctlumbia 8,42 in Arrtva At ahartotta J8,17 ^C I-wjre OrABiUvilU 4,46 aj4 ArHra At Cafambia * ? f^*Tt ctlumbia 8,48 Ww ,87 OOIHO BOVTM. . 1 ? - Train No* tr?la Kb I, T/Abtb oharlott* 4.90 B to Arrtf ooltimbia &.80 a in ??*... L?ti ?olui>ibiA *9,4n b n? 8.18 ? m ] I<?avA Qranitavill* 1,1'Jpa ArrivB ?? Anguata J2.00 pa ?,? ipl ?br?akfa*t. Jdrnnar. fauppar Standard tint* tdn' aitnutaa alowar lllfca WHIP iMfeoo, aix faster than oolambia. ? ? Both #6u(k bound train* stake aloaa coanaat loa at A ugnfttA for all poiatB marti aa<t ?uSKZ,?*!' 2.7-SttJii ^wntl QOnn, AMI WfH h? Faaaangare leaving oolumbla an ittliiMPH : m *A Ip l?triiilwrf, 7?in p ?i I 7.00 P m. New York 10W p a the fotliaXf ' ^ 1 I ? ? ? ? ' ^1" II .?>! I ' KINARD * W1LST. -? DEALERS IS . ^r7 ^ ? [(IKNT8 FtJRNTBIjTNO GOODS I CLOTHING, HATH JfaMm DMW.l.AI U 1 CAW? fltrwt, (fcfemM*, Sw C. ' ^ 1 ? -. fSOlM . tb# BBl?br*r*d stab ?Mrr, aad V lif