The Camden daily journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1864-1864, December 29, 1864, Image 2

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fMi Wanted to irurcliase BR THK U?lC{,.bJ? .XHK CONFKDKirATK * c?.?? fM^ ^i?#.i.? <utni iv.H ...i.:Mt. i I OIU I ilji AJVMI, Ul UIJJlj IUJ ? illUII J fair price in cost), or,- iCpreJprred, Will exchange plantation, Iron for the' srii#?. Planters or others HHHpfiug any pft.ho f\l>ovc to disptip^pf wjll inform me J'uct, h? I wish t? togethet as speedily felble. ' . J. 3, MKUONKT: lumber 1 tl. Nqtiee. . * ? ? ? U AGENT CAIOJ. MADE ON THE FARM; . fER&^rvsvn||(cons"lor ar.few days,, t must deliver * DontU,;iyithiu eight dnye, ip,?'O0 bushels of com. ?. | full poiveis to impress?-jtfie pern-mast be de? L ' J. Hi DEYKftKGX, 7?3t. , - Cnpt.- and A; O. S. Tex in Eind' : CAMDEN, S. C., Nov. 3(1, i&6A. i tKTKRS ARE EARNESTLY REQIJESTK# U i? bring in tlioir Titlios of Com, Pens, Ontf^ Rj'e, riEwW?!?!. IJoji "id Sorghum, A T ONCE. Stor-n nrtf ftnioh needed. .. , tU AJ,.101CEStK 1?6d. .. . , . AgciJt T. T. K. , Iron, Iron, Iron. : ) ,OT OF B A U 1RON ON CO\TRIG NM KNT A ND / >., >r sale by . MATHESQN & CO. f./;e 1?Ud. Notice. ^ id, PERRONS HAVING DEMANDS AGAINST .{ n. tbe Estate ol the late Dr. Henry Cantey, will ri^ u uieui properly attested, anil tliose indebted, mike pnrmeiit to Jolin Canter. MARY C. OANTEY, . 12 tr. AUuiltilnirctii.T. t . rii? ? v! iTi! toF SOUTH CAROLINA, APJ'T AND INSPECTOR OKN.'S OFFICE, Coiajmria, December 18, lS'O-i. xrr:cral orfrrs *rn a-. I': flic Al'POT VTHKS TO THE STATE MIMTA I; Y Ae ulomy will immediately report to Liout. ?F P AATIUCK. com mil tiding Arsenal at Columbia, S. ?utead of Major J. B. White, commanding Bat .*>?; n. Cadets, as heretofore ordered; aud these orders apply to iheso who have already reported to Major White, as well as to those who have not. They \vi|| '"port to Lieut. Patrick, propared to take the /ield. . it; .lk> much of Special Orders No. 20 as conflicts with nese orders igcountermanded. Bv* order of the Governor. A- C.'G ARLINGTON, Thv 2il?2t Adj'tniid Inspector-General S. C. I.V.; rs of State cojty twice. * Stock Raisers. Having been solicited to purchase'a line Stalion, in order to improve the stock of my n.-itihnnrhood, I have selected and purchased, at a high i r'!H> t!ie hcautifid young thoroughbred-horse JEKP ?sirr \ by the celebrated imported horse Itrt'A, ' . . "il in England by Col. Beaty, of Union . nrohaHcd without regard to price, . "^"'h. All that see JEFF. .. , iy well the selection . V, . .' J ' Iftecn and a'half V-, ; mahogany i model, ' '-the liia. i 4f .and one ii-..o'kVic'gtuom, o ?.ai ejiie \vftl be taken to prev accidents, but T will not bo responsible should any o.irnr.. > ?ALSO? T\nv a supply of hammered Irou Dough Moulds?n nuj-era . article?for sale at ?2.50 per lb., or exchange Jor co? .?u, one pound of Irou for two of cotton. J.. W. FORD. T >! ,-. uber 1?will. &?/'" Lancaster Ledger copy four timosouce a month *r four mouths. Negroes to Hire. ' I "\i.) LIKELY NEGRO WOMEN, BELONGING. J I \jii jniuor heirs of James Olick, ?.VLSOr-!. / I' t kpty v^pipen, belonging to the minor heirs ef .'an;- Wilson, deceased; wjll,bo. hired on.the, 1st dav nf ? " v.. j lur tno year 1865, in the town of Camden, >re the Coyrt House, at ' tjie usual hours for Vrf . ' " ' 1?- GASKIN, Agent for Jaa. T. Trucsdell, Trustee. ''! i'??ld2w : / For Sale. SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR SALE A ty negro follow?age ,over ilfly years. For articulars apply o / D. D. HOCOTT. . 15 NOTICE. \ I It 15, ON TIIK FIItST MONDAY IN JANl! BY, TWELVE LIKKLY FELLOWS, accu3 o'.. both tteld and turpentine. J?Notes With approved securities. Hirer to sach two suits of clothes, ono pair of sftbos, d(otors' bill, Z. 0ANT1CY, v S^td Agent for Mjs. C. F. Can toy. "'I Fink dressing comfisj.fobfe&t d&;! Pcnrl Apnte Bullous, Shoe Knives: rti.^1. rt<I 1 T>i_* ri. _ti y-i . t uwvjiv rm* i iirvuu, rina loom UOinus; Knitting Nwdlefy'Ktj#) Popp, Poa;IIolderi; 20 ooxos Tobacco, f >'y . ' 80 groat'gfosa Bono Btiltons, M^tal_ Button*; . "40 ?o7.. Children's Slpfckiugs, Tiicksf 40- 14 ,ir "i Socks, Red Flnnneh, . Lady Pens, Sweet Potaloop; English Cotton Cards; . 1 ; Biogfinp, p< ggod and .sowed; 20,000 Needle Writing Ink; at ;y r S. A. BKNJA MIN'S. Decerilbcr 12;^ ' Estate SaleBY PERMISSION OP Till? COURT OP ORDIN ARY.for Kershaw District, I will pell at tin Plantation dfCol. "William- A. Afiemtn, "deed... on,Fr* day, 30th December, mst., the Stock, Provisions, Tool flt?d Utensjls of said Plantation, consisting in part a jweive ionics, qpp }ture and .Colt, about thirty head o fine Caltip, tuiief^' head qj iiiheop,. l^^of Ibg", Corn rouuur, x-eas, ore, qc., Willi Wngnn?, Plows, lloef c. y r' Terms made known Jit ?nle. ._..u J. P. KIRKPATRICK, dec 9?2nw\td Admr. \STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA. OFFICIO OF AUDITOR OF S. C.t ) Columbia, Dec 24, lSG-i. J HnilK FOLLOWING REGULATIONS HAVl I- been adopted fo*\ tbo , presqhtation and |^}\57'.p,ont through this office, of requisitions and claims upon tht Executive Department ef this State s 1. Whenever practicable, nil- requisitions for funds by tho heads of military Isprcaux nnd works of the State, nnd all claims against the Kxccntive Department of tho State, shall be trnnsmfUrd to this office for, examination and audit, a{ Ienstone week before the firs! day of cacli month.. .Requisitions and claims apprievec by the Governor will be paid iiptweeii the 5th and I Oil: days of the month next subcoeding the one iu whicl they were submitted for fludit. ' 2. Except, under -speckfl circumstances, funds wil not be remitted by mail. Parties tyho desire*to rcceivt amounts through agents/ will pieaB* ebsurvo tho fol lowing form of power of attorney: \ I, , do herebyr appoint r-r my true ami lujwfui attorney to sigll receipts for a\id receive pi<y incut of all money-winch ma}' be now vduo or comiup to me from the Executive Department of the State ol fim.< I. . JVUVII VUIUIIUO. I \ Witness my"hand afad seal , this -* day. Witness . /, \ , (l. s!) . 3. No bill wiUA'e paid unless sworn tp\^y the claim ant, arid no requisition ^ ill be allowed Wess j>er pared as nenr a)f may be, nccordinjr to tho Iprms prc> scribed by the/army repulations - of the Confederate Sthtes, and eof t<fleil in duplicate by the proper oflicei of the department or service for which the rdquisitior is made. / \ 4. All requisitions and claims of the character here in referred to, that were rendered previous to thp date of this notice, and which have bepn audited -nnc\ np proved, .^ill be paid as heretofore, upon application tc this office. JAM US TUPPKR/i / Auditor of 3. C^. Approved: A. C. Magratii. J5ec 28 1\ /pyAll papers in the State insert once. '< Office Commissary Dep't., ~ CAM.DKN, Dccomber 13, 18U4. lOT'O BONDED AGItlCDLTURBSTS. YOU ARK REQUIRED TO F^TilN'TRW Turc r\v FIOEJ with answers to the following cjuestious prior tc 25tli inst * How many acres of land had you planted in con tlii'a y&ar ? How pian}' planted in wheat and other small grain' How1 many planted" ih sorghum ? How many liogs have you raised this year ? / ' HoW. many hogs have you killed? How mam' hogs will you kill Ihi^fleaBon-? now raany^hoad of cattle kuvo you now How many* horses and mules have you ? What amount, of. provisions have you titrniaH'-d t< the government oyer and above yourTase in1 Rind 1 What amount <>f provisions havo you sold tc sol dier's families ? .-) What amount of provisions-havo you-now on hand' What amount oPsurplus hnVo yon ? How many slaves havo von V I - - *' ~ ' How many whites in family ? All bonded n on failing to answer thoso qncstioni by the tirao abovo specified, will be reported to tin Conscript Department J. H. PKVKIU5UX, dec 14?3t.d.2t.w. Capt. and A. C. s. > Notice. All partiks having claims against the Commissary Department for HIDKS will conn forward and receive tlieni. i am now prepared to set tie all claims. .Apply to J. P. SUTHKRLAND, ? dec 14-3?d!W. Supt. C. S. at Magazine Hill. -J ' */ V* *M * TUB Southern Field & Fireside! GRAND LITERARY COMBINATION! - * - ' ' ' , . t . ' ?. .? ??? A VAST CONCENTRATION OP TALENT, SURpassing any combination ever before attniued in llie history of PERIODICAL LITERATURE of Europe . . or America 1 'The Southern Field and Fireside," OF AUGUSTA, GA., ANB ''Theflllustrated Mer.cur^"' OF RALEIGII, N. C. i .i ii ?a: > ??*' >' VUIIH'IHVU .nuu uuMtliiuuu UIIUCI' lllti UlU popu, lar title of " TUB f SOUTHERN FlELI)?fl& FIRESIDE. r i pt" ' ? THE F.SfTIR# .EDITORIAL AND CONTRIBUTORS AL CORPS OF BOTH JOURNALS RETAINED. rr,HE PROPRIETORS OF 1'flE "jlKRCtJRY J. having: purchased tlio "Southern Field aycf Plreside'' and finding it impossible to make arrangements which would insure a regular supply of paper, upon uccount or tno irregulurity apd uncertainly of trniisporta-ion Tor tho-"Field and Fireside" at Augusta, On., tho same having to be supplied from tho mills at Knleigh, N. C.. have removed the "Field and Fireside" to ltaleigh and comUiip?d these twosteHng Literary Journals. The "Mercury" !b therefore merged into the "Southern Field and Fireside," and will be so published until the state oT the country will justify a divergoinent, when both.pnpcrs will be resumed and continued as heretofore. Subscribers to boti>>( -'ronls will receive tho paper to tlfe full tune of subscription without delay or interruption. The entire Kditorial and Contributorial Corps of both j papers are retained upon the emerging journal. It is anno.uneet^witltout fear of contradiction that the cx' tensive and Array of Coinbhicd Talent | now employed in writing for the ' Field and Firesido" k m?< |iunowo ii.^cmiiiic i|iunt, uuuay, ccieoruy oud nilp unericul strengthens,combination or engagement ever "t before attuned in the history of Periodical Literature . ' of Europe of America. . f. ( It is a large eight page Weekly Joufnnl teeming witji ( original Romai|ccs, Sketches, Tales, Poetry, History, Essays, Criticisms,',}Yitlicisms; including Translations I from the" French, German and. other Languages; Agricultural, .Mechanical and Scientific; articles, etc. The Proprietors Confidently assert that tho ''Field ami Fireside" shall ?t once far excel in real merit every publication of the kind cvpr beiore .attained or attempted in tho United States of the South. Tho arrange* ments now effected fully Justify* tho assertion. f Terms : Ono subscriber one year, - - - $20.00 One subscriber six months, - - - 12.00 Five subscribers six months, ... 50.00 Addsess wm: b. smith .t co., ; Nov. 14. Raleigh, N. C. ' The Richmond Examiner, t ' ' PUBLISHED DAILY, SEMI-WEEKLY, A ED WEEKLY. TERMS:?THE DAILY RICHMOND EXAMINER is mailed at Fifty DolJara por year; Twenty-live Dollars foe six months; Fifteen Dollars for three months, and Five Dollars fur one month. THE SEMI-WEEKLY EXAMINER is issued every Tuesday nod Friday, nud sent by mail at Twenty-live Dollars per year; Fifteen Dollars for six months, and Ten Dollars for three months. . TIIE WEEKLY EXAMINER is issued every Friday, aialWRiled to subscribers at Fifteen Dollars per year, and Ten Di-llars for six months. > The Examiner is published on the cash system, and will not depart from it under any circumstances. Persons whodeslro lo pet the paper will please accom yuny men uruL'ra v. iiu uie casn. Carriers nnd Nowa Dealers will be furnished at the ^ rate of Twenty Dollars per hundred. Advertisements will be inserted in tho Daily, SemiWeekly and Weekly at. Two Dollars per square of eight linos or leBs for ovory inaerl'ibh. Persons-Bendingsubscriptions must do it at their own ribk. Wo will, under no circumstances, roturn unsolicited 'find rojectcd communications.- ' Notice. I WILL HIRE ON TflLE ElRST MONDAY IN January next, at the Court House in Carudcn, two ? negro boys, Spencer and Alfred, belonging 10 the Estate of William-Wilson, thohirer'to give bond and two good securities, ' jenish two suits of clothes, one pair of shoes, one blanket or quilt, one hat or cap, and pay Doctor's bill; said negroes to bo delivered to mo on j thelirst Monday in January, 1866, at the Court Il6U9e in Cnindmi * I will also rent, on the same day nil the lands belonging to said Bstnto, renters to give bond nnd 'two good securities. J. J. HUCKABBK, Admr. W. b. HUCKABBK, Agont. December 1?lit* For Sale, At magazine hill, shanks, livers Hearts, Heads, ami other offal from slaughtered lo. dec 9?Gt. A CUAKMING NEW BOOK J VST OUT. The Captain's Bride> ; A . THR1LIJNGTALE OF THE IV^AR. 11Y W. D. IIBHRINOTON, 3D N. C. CAY. . -Neatly bofliid iff jjapkerv pri??.*. $1. Upon receipt of the pries it wilf be nailed to sari part of the Confederacy postag4 prepaid. A libsmi discount to the Trade. - . v As the edition is limited, the Trade will do wsM to forwaid their order nt once. ; . f I IN PRESSi C ASTIxnE; op, i * The Maid of Kirklaiid, (illustrated,) , , HY EDWARD EDQEYll&B. Prick, $1 The Deserter's Daughter,. A TALE FOUNDED UrON REAL INCIDENTS <* r THE WAR.IN NORTH CAROLINA. by it. d. USIlItlNflTOX.' 3pn -w , - > < v. V..T I rtLUI . ^ PalCE, ROSE EMMERSON, R, , THE BDIDAL OF THE FOTNDL1NG, (illustrated,) BY EDWARD KDGEYILLE. Price, $1,6* Upon ull our publications we allow a liberal discount to tlio Trade. Upon account of the insufficient supply of paper each edition of these beautiful N'ovellettes will be limi ?i._ t>_~ J- t > ' .. ... inviviuic me xihuo mm uener tonvnrrt their order* _t.. j nt once.' Address ^ WM. If. SMIT T k CO.?Publuiheis, V . , .... Rfcleigh,^N. 0. EPS?" Eattpra iuserting this advertisement, with tii noto, will receive a copy of each book. Nov. 14 Printi ,* r T.-sgisIavarj PERSON j. G /"'** ' "" ' v.-R THIS PRIN' ' '"*??; . ^egiala-1. tore of Sou * ill sub? mi%.meir pi 1. a: lumbip, on or befor .! / " The following, oo ... <? wlil be the character and quantity ot" tne Bills, in Pica, 62 lines, of 35 ems.?2,110 ema per n page. Reports and Documents, Long Primer, 55 lines, of I 31 ems each?1,705 ems per page. . Permanent Journal, Long Primer, 55 lines, of 31 em3 S each?1,705 oms per page. G t'alondara of the two Houses, Loug Primer, 65 lines, 1 of 31 ems enoh?17OR Amo imr - , " The Bills to he printed on good writing.pnp^r^pnd^ all other printing to bo done on printing paper, of as tine quality as can be procured. .Extra copies of every paper ordered to bo printed by either House, must be furnished to each member of g the qther'brunch of. the Legislature. , 1 Of the Bills, Reports, Documents, Journal and Cal- , endar, two hundred copies are required daily, one hundred and till}' lor the members of tho House of- 1 Representatives, and fifty for tire members of the Sen- 1 ate. .,, , .... . The Journal and Calendar must bo delivered punq-. ' tually at or before tho liour of iqeetiiig of the Houses 1 of each day, and one copy by the same hour, to be delivered at the Executive Department, and ono copy to f the State. Auditor. ,? The Acts and Permanent Forms of tho Houses mus^, be printed, stitched and ready for delivery by the 20tK of February, after tho regular session. Rule ppd ure work to count double, and nnfres mwi b;.1o t - 0 u?viw iiVlOO If be estimated at tlio rate of 1,705 oms per page. . The two Houses will separately choose the Pointer of their daily work, aucl will unite in the selection .of the Printer of their permanent work, viz: Acts, Reports, Resolutions, &e. Proposals for the Printing of the two Houses, or af either House, must conform to the foregoing* speoiflca- * tions. W. E. MARTIN," . > Clerk of Senate* W JOHN T. SLOAN, ?2 1 Clork of House of RoprcsentaUvefli J nov 11?td. THE LAWS OF NEAVSPAPAttS. 1. SUBSCRIBERS WHO DO NOT GIYB EX-' PRESS notice to tho contrary, are cousidored as wishing to continue their subscrij>tion. 2. If subscribers order the discontinuance of their newspapers, the publisher may contiuue to se^d them until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their newspapers from tho offices to which thoy are directed, thev I.OJ ** ' * ma iimu ii-.spnuaiuie until they have settled the bill* and ordered them discontinued. . . , . 4. If subscribers remove to othor places without is?f forming the publishers, and the newspapers are seat to the former direction they are held responsible,, for' the same. 5. Tho Courts hnvo decided that refusing to take, newspapers from tho office or moving and loaying thein uncalled for is "prima facis" evidence of intentional fraud. _ , t 6. The Coiirts have also repeatedly decided that a postmaster who neglects to perform his duty of giving reasonable i.i>?,'.ee, as required by tho Tost Oflico Department, of tho neglect ol a person to tnko from the ollico newspapers addressed to hiai, renders tho Fo^tr inasterH|linhle^ toJthc|publi8li?rs for. the| mibeoription price. %