The Camden daily journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1864-1864, October 24, 1864, Image 2

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Headquarters, RESERVE FORCES, S. C. ) Columbia, Sept, 30, 186L ) GENERAL ORDER NO. 7. . I PURSUANT TO GENERAL ORDER NO. 73 Ajulant and 'Inspector General's Office, curren1 8eries^, (hereunto appended) tlie Brigadier General commanding Reserve forces of South Carolina hereby assumes control and direction of the conscription service in the State. II. Except as hereinafter specified, the organization , of the Conscription Department in the State, including . the. Examining Boards, will be preserved; and all existing orders, regulations and instructions of the Commandant ol,Conscripts will be continued of force until otherwise ordered. * IIL Local Enrolling Officers and Examining Boards \vill report immediate^- to the Commandant of Cou ecripts, and through him communicate with these Headquarters, and will, through him, reeeivo orders :and instructions. IV. All communications in relation to the Conscription service in the Slate, aud all applications for exemption and detail, must be nude through the Commandant of Conscripts; communications on all o.her subjects will coniinuo to be made through the A. A. General of the Reserve Forces, S C. V. The offico of Congressional District Enrolling Officer being abolished, all officers heretofore acting in that capacity will report by letter to the Commandant of Conscripts for assignment to other duty, selling forth thoir rank, corps, position and iiresontiissiiriiinri'it i -toduty. Competent officers will he unsigned as "Inspectors of Conscription," in the several Congressional Districts. VI. With a view to compliance of Tar. Ill of said General Order No. 73, the Commandant ol Conscripts will, without delay, order the medical examination of all commissioned officers and other persons (except those of the "Invalid Corps-") employed in the enrolling service of this State. Commissioned otlicers. as to whom no disability is found to exist, will hold tliem 'selves in readiness to be assigned to duty iu tho held as soon as practicable. VII. Application for assignment to duty as I'm rollir^t Officers, Assistants, Clerks, and toother positions dn the Conscription service in this State; wll bo re'ceived from officers, non-commissioned officers and privates belnngiitg to the Reserve Forces, and from retired and light duty officers and men, and from persons not liable to service in the Held. Such applications, enclosing testimonials of character, intelligence and fitness, will be addressed to ilnj. C. D. MELTON, Commandant of Conscripts, Columbia. S. C. By command Brig. Gen. Ciiesxut. * ed. ii. barnwell. 1 A.-A. Gen. Get. 20. t^"State papers copy three times. Wanted to Purchase For the use of the confederate States?Scrap Iron, wrought or cast, lor which I pay a fair price in cash, or, if preferred, will exchange Tolled plantation Iron for the same. Planters or others having any ol'tho abovo to dispose of will inform mo of Llie fact, a? I wish 10 collect it together us speedily aspossible. J. S MERONKY. September* I tf. Notice. All persons holding notes, or lawful . accounts against the Kstutu of Thomas J. Clybmi, will present them to tne for payment within ninety days from date. After that time 1 will not pay ?ny claims against the Estate. W'M. CLYHURN, Oct, 21?:U. , Adminisualor. "Confederate" please copy three timesCouncil NoticerpiIF, TOWN AUTHORITIES HAYING CONI_ TRACTED with a party to cut all grass nnd Weeds in the Cemetery, (outside private lots) do hereby forbid any one else cutting grass within the euclnsure. .By order of Council. It. il. KENNEDY. # \ Clerk of Council. Oct. * tf. NoticeI7UTHER STRAYED OR STOLEN LAST MON_J DAY?A wliite and black spoiled MILCH COW and a gray collored HEIFER two year* old. Any in formation leading to the recovery ol'the same will bo liberally rowarded. JOHN H. J.UNGRLUTH, Oct 8 tf DoKalb House. Roads fHECOMMISSIONERS OF ROADS FOR KERSHAW District will meet in Camden, on the * jurth Monday in October, at 11 o'clock. COLIN MoRA E, Clerk. Oct*? 1 tw.tii. Musical Instructions --blSfaOTfl MISS M. L. ARTHUR, WILL RKCKIV E V ff*n U limited number of pupils, for Musical Inction. crma?$50 per quarter. 'ctober S . 61 Servants to Hire. S/OTl FURTHER PARTICULARS APTLY TO jts. l*. uuiiliUHN, Ictobor 8 6 at Kirkwood. j i : . amp Chimneys and Wicks j *OR SALE 1JY D. D. HOCOTT. , < Soptembor 1 If t epot Soldier's Board BeliefCamden, S. 0. Oct 12,1SG-1. LL PERSONS WHO II AVE NOT PAID TlIEilt j _ two (2) por cent Tax in corn, wheat and rice, pjeaso deliver it at once, withont further notice, y order oiM&j. Jno M. T)eSauksure, Chairman. -<eh. 12 iff M. ?AY LB, Agent. AT ' r J. SOMMI3RS. Black alpaccas ; Black ami colored Calicoes; Ginghams, Paper Cambrics; DeBeges and Delaines; Brown ami bine Denims; Superior Knglish Longcloth; Ladies Silk Gloves, Whalebone: ' Gilt Buttons and Trimmings for ludiea drosses; Black Italian sewing Silks ; Blnek, white and colored spool Thread?all Noa.; Black flux Thread ; Pins, Knitting Needles, Needles, Buttons, Tape; Combs and T >ilct Soap, Hairpins; Ladies Hair Notts; Ladies white, shite and blue Ilosr; Servants Handkcrchie s. and e great many other articles, too numerous to mention. ? : a 1.80:? Potion Card* and Yarn?all Numbers; * 7-8 and -1-4 Granitevillc Shirtings, and an assortment ol'Groceries?also Gun Powder. Call and examine the stock at J. SQMMERS, Opposite the Market. October 18 tu. th. a. 6 Notice. All pkrsoxs auk foukwarnkd not to trade for n note civcn lfy inc. to. John Baker, for five hundred dollars dated some lime in .June, 1864, as i lie properly for which it was given, has proved iinsound, I will ot pay said note unless compelled bv law. JAM MS A. THOMPSON. Sept. 3 KAG.S rE.AGsT! ~ 'pnrc h1gmkst pricks paid for whitr H linen or cotton rairs delivered large or smal quantities at this office. STAVE or SOUTH CAHOLISaT ft. EXKCUTIVE DEI1 AHTMKNT, Cot.UMlSlA, S. c.. Oct. 12, 1SG1. IX ACCORDANCE WITH TI1E RESOLUTIONS ol'ilio General Assembly, the following persons hare been appointed by the Governor to the Military Academy, and will rejiort at the Arsenal Academy in Columbia, to (Jnpt. J. P. THOMAS commanding. 011 c r - j tlio fir.-4 day of January nexi: First Congressional DisOict.?Sergt Mangnm, Co. F. 8. C. V., B. II. Owens, Fee I)e? Light* Artillorv. Fecund Congressiona I District.?Sergt. A. F. <.)" liricn, Co. !. 1st S. 0. V. Third Congressional District.?Benjamin J. Johnson Fourth Congressional District.?L. Yancey Dean, Co. H, Hampton Legion, S C. V. Fifth Congressional District.?Theodore O. Waid, Co. i). 22d S. 0. Y. ' Sixth Congressittnal District.?Sergt. M adison F Hawthorn, Co. F, 12th 8. C. V. The apiilieants who have not been appointed and who may desire to renew their applications tor the next year, should give notice thereof to this Hrpaitment. By order of the Coventor. B. F. AUTiUMt. Cel. 18 1 1 Viva to Seoetwy. Columbia and Charleston papers publish triweekly for two weeks. All other papers in the Stale publish once. Office Q. M- Department, Oamdks, Sept. I dill, 18G4. PLANTERS A UK ITRGKN.TLY REQUESTED to haul in immediately all'new fodder and peas asiv II as old fodder and shucks, in order to riieot the pressing demands of our armies. They are also notified that they can have credit on their Tithe of 1864. for Heir deliveries of corn if thoy prefer it to payment in casli COX WAY HELL Agt. A. Q. M. Sept. 16 if Readq'rs En- Office, OAMHKN\S. (T., Oct. 11, 1864. PURSUANT TO AD.IIITANT'ANP 1XSRHGT0R General's Order No. 77, heieiofore published, all detailed men, and those v. h- so applications are pending, and all light duty men. who a>e uua&sigucd, and all who have ii<? ecrlilifat- of exception from examining Hoard or exempted under teeenl Ac's of Congress, who are not in active service bet ween 13 and 4a are hereby ordered to report promptly at this ollico prepared to go forward to Camp ot Instruction. W. WALLACE, Oct 10 3 Act. IS. O K. I). EMIOM THIS PATIS WIS SHALL CHAlltity I three dollars Omnibus fare to ar.*,l from any part of the town. To or from Kirkwood, or beyond the limits of tho to vn, six dollars. The high prices of horse Iced compel us to advance our rates J. K. WITH ISR3POON. E. G. ROUJNSQN. October 4 41 1 DISTRICTDIREC T QRYDISTRICT OFFICERS. Legislators. A. II. Boy kin?Senator. Joliu M. PeSuussure, D..D. Ten}*?Kept. ,<mtatives. \ Magistrates.John K. lYitherspoou, Wni. D. llognn,' 1\r. It. Tuy- : lor, Henry Brace, John 14. Shaw,- Kichard L. Whitaker, J. T. Barker. Commissioners of Roads: J. M. Da8auasurc Chairman, B. T. McCoy, W. E. Hughes, Daniel 1). Kirkland, Jnmc3 L. McDowall, Lewis J. Patterson, J. English Doby, Fred. Bowen, John L. Mickle, Oillum Sowcll, Hichmond It. Terrell, Emanuel l'arker. The sixth suction of the " Act to establish certain Jtoiuls, Bridges aud Ferries,'* passed December 17, is as follows: ' That each Commissioner of Itoads now in of ticc, or hereafter appointed, shall serve .until a successor is uppoihted, and has ncci-pted. This section to be in l'o/be during the war. Commissioners of Free Schools. Wiley Kjclley, Wni. Dixon, James Team, C. G. Hnile, Jesse Truesdel, Daniel Bcthunc, A. L. McDowell. Coinmissioners of Public Buildings. John Workman, It. M. Kennedy, 11. 13. Johnson, F. L. Zcmp, L. \V. 11. Blair, James B. Cureton, Win, D. McDowull Chairman, C. P. 13., Colin Mncrea Treasurer. Commissioners lo A/iproi'C Public Securities. John M. DeSnussure, James Dunlnp, Wm. E. Johnson, sr., A. M. Kennedy, Thos. E. Shannon. Commissioners of the Poor. E. Barnea, A. A. McDowall, John 0. Jliggins, It. M. Kennedy, J. S. Dcl'ass. W. E. Hughson, Sec. and Treas. President and Directors of Camden Bridge Co. President?John M. DeSaussure. imeuiurs?jonn .uacrae, i>. rerKins, James Team, Colin Macrae, Sec. & Treas. Soldier's Board of Jlelief. John M. DcSnussure, E. Barnes, James Dunlap, J. Ross Dye, O. Mosely, James Team, Jesse Truesjj/jilel, John B. Mickle, Charles Haloy, John Gas^kiua, Daniel Gardner. |Coro/ier. John S. Meroney.' 'Managers of Elections. Camden?John ?5. Meroney, C. A-JJMoDonald, Wm MeKain. Cureton's Mill?Frederick Boweu, James Team, Emanuel Darker. L'1a> n.v?l. 1 'n 11 1 ? ? i on uuin?ju33b .iruusiu'i, jamey rieiciicr, George U. Miller. ' Bull tilo?Win. Mungo, Gillam Sowell, Wra. Cuto. Li/.enby's?.lolm Mctiougan, Daniol MeCaskill, Donald McDonald. ISchrock's Mill?B. T. McCoy, Alexander SIcLcod, Henry Radclift'e. Goodwin's Store?Benjamin Cook, John B. Mickle, James 11. Vaughn. Liberty Hill?A. D. Jones, jr., It. C.J Patterson, 11. B. Cunningham. Ojlieera of Court. Joseph 1>.* Dunlnp, Commissioner in Equity; WJj Clylmrn, Clerk; A. L. McDonald, ^Ordinary ; Duucan Sheorn, Sherifl". Tar Collector. William McKain. Con federate Enrolling Ojjiter. \V. '/. Leitner. ? Con federate. ]\"ar Tar-Collector. A. M. Kennedy. 5-4 JMfffSor*' |*J?hn Cantoy, It. M. Kennedy. Collector of Tax in Kind. James Jones. "Chief Commissary Agent. J. II. Devereaux Contcrteratc Quartermaster't Agent. James Sowers. fltate. Quartermaster's Agent. A. Markley Leo. Receiving and Delivering Agenh J. M. Gnyle. Ofllccrs of the Town of Camden. % i Tntendant. J allies Dunlap. Wardens. N. D. liuxley,|I).^D3;iIocott, L.^M."Bo3WclIf It. M. Kennedy. 11 reorder. It. M. Kennedy. Marshal and Market Clerk. Win. Johnson. . Professional. Physicians now Practicing. L. II. Dean, D. L. DcSaussure, T. Rccnstjerna, W. It. Sikcs, Benjamin II. Matheson, J. McCaa, T. I. Trnntham, W. L. Pickett, It. S. Lncas, T. P McDow, L. M. DeSaussure, Thomas W. Salmond, F. L. Zemp. \ Lai i/crs, Win. M. Shannon. \V, Z. I.eitnor W. M. Kennedy. W. H. TuylorJ Joseph D. Puulap. C. Bailey. Dentist. ' } M. Bissvll. i (Surveyor*-. I V Colin Mucrne Daniel Bcthune, (J. C. Ilnilc ? Scholastic, Mercantile, & ftsetan_ka t Academies and Primary Schools in fhimditri. h L. McCnndlese' Mule Academy: F. Siaudcnniyer, V male academy ; Mrs. McCandless' Academy lor f Young Ladies. Mrs. McCreigln ; Miss Duwson Mrs. l'cck;. Miss Maggie DeXoou. 1 Dealers in Dry Hoods, Groceries, Hardware ?J-c., ^ c.J K. IV. Bonney, .lames Dunlap. (Icorgc AlUen, MrsA M. T. Campbell. 11. M. Kennedy, Mrs. McLeishfl Mciidnl Smith. Mrs. Conner, Mrs. Crosby, j Benjamin, Miuhcson & Co., A. T. Lattu, W. D. < McDoVrall, S. Oppeulieim, >!.Bain?& lire., Me- , roncy, Boswell & liru., J. M. Gnyle, Joseph / Soinincrs, T. S.% Myers, Jnnics Meiiweu", W. / (J. Gerald & Co., George Douglas. J. li. Op- / penhcini & llro., IVmi. Johnson, D. 1>. Hoeott, 11. Sikus.l . i i ' / truggist's. ' . Win. McKniu, K. 1j. Zemp. Book Seller a ml Stationer. James A. Young. . j )\ W utches anil Jeirelrg ? Jaincs A.(Young, I. B. Alexander, AJWJ Wehr- \ lian. Blacksmiths, Wagon and Carriage.Makers.. S. Shiver, Robert Man, Nathan li. Arrnnty, Thomas Shiver. R. R., blacksmith. Cabinet ll'drcruowj and Undertakers. C.'L. Chatten, Wni. Tarvcr, J. F. Sutherland, ' Builders. ^ 1 J. F| Sutherland,C. L. Chatten, H. C. Roberts. 1 Merchant Tailor. Charles A. McDonald. Saddler;/ and Harness. F. J. Cakes, Mr. Bulger. ' Wheelwright and Ginmukc.r It. J. McCreiglit. Makers. F. Shoemaker, Wm. Daasch Tan- Yards. L. B. Stephenson; F. L. Zentp, John S. Bradley, I Alex. McLeod, Lewis J. l'atterson, John Brown. Hot ils. Mansion House, by - E. G. Robinson. DeKalb House, by - J. II. Jungbluthj Private Hoarding. J. W. Rodgers. Mil in org and Dress Making. Miss 1). II. McKwcit, Mrs. llnunucrsloug 1 \Ch arches. "Methodist?J. T. Wightman, pastor. (Presbyterian?S. II. Ilay, Episcopal?T. l'\ Davis, jr., " Baptist?W. K. llughson, . " Grain and Lumber Mills. P. L. Zeiup, flour and grist; Jas. H. Vaughn, flour and grist; .lames A. Kirklnnd, grist ; J F.^Sutherland. lumber and grist ; W. E. Hughes, lumber and grist: Charles Perkins, lumber; Col Jam en i 0. Hailc, lumber and grist; A. II. Hoy kin, flour, I gpist and lumber; Ij. W. R. Blair, flour and \ grist; Charles Haley, flour and grist ; J. R. fioiv?11, grist; John AV. Gaskius, flour, grist and lumber; John A. Young, grist and lumber; T. J. t ' Cauthen, lumber; Robert Kirkley, grist ; estato .'f \Vm. Shields, grist and lumber; George R. miner, nour nnu gnsi : i/. J. J'nncrtson, nonr and grist; .Tolin S. Miller, flour and grist ; estate of T. Long, grist nnd lumber; TV. M. Kellcy grist, John Chesnul, grist- nnd lumber ; Jmncs { Ohesnut. sr., grist and lumber; John ' Mcltne, grist and hind er ; John Brown, grist ; estate of Ilurwell Bovkin, grist and lumber; estate of Lemuel Boykin, grist and lumber ; Mrs. Jane J Knox, grist.; Richard Ifyatt. flour and grist. I Lewis Peoples, flour, grist and lumber. POST OFFICE, CAMDEN, S. C MAIL A RRANCEMENTS. RICHMOND, CHARLESTON, COLUMBIA, WKSTKHN / AND WAY MAILS. i Due?Bail)', by 1 30 P. M \ Close?Daily by 6 00 P. M LANCASTER, FLAT ROCK, ifcc. Due?Monday, "Wednesday A Priday by 12 00 M Close?Same days, at 11 00 A. M RED HILL, RU88EL PLACE, &C. Due?Thursday, by 12 00 Closes?Same day, at 1100 A. TILLER'S FERRY, JEFFERSON, tfco. Duo?Monday, by 12 00 M Closes?Friday, at 10 00 A. M OFFICE HOURS. From 8 0(V A. M. to 2 00 P. M.,*and frr shorl time after opening the mail at night T. W. rEflUKS P.M