The Camden daily journal. [volume] (Camden, S.C.) 1864-1864, August 23, 1864, Image 2

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-. QBITXJAR-y:. 'llr-MEMOnYAAT. 7 ''; The noblo- youths who havq- fallen in ^his snngtiina. * -'ry at' ugglo are entitled to the gratitude and affection of Hioir-coitntrymvu. with huarta full of patriotism, nnd'spirits proud and itidoinitablc they stood to tlioir posts until striekbu -to deatl^ challenging alike the love of their ^omrnilcs undtho ^respect of the world. And although it is sad to xamitemplate tlioir loss to . their families ' and country, yet #thpir memories arc .breathed in it halo of soft and beauteous splendor ; tlioir deeds are cherished with fostering rare too sacred tor, rode.orit'apie?and their names will.he handed down tw tituo as'typlcal of this sWrnrevolution. Amongst this^band of youthful martyrs glands the nanio of Sergeant Til OS. LANG 130-YjtIN, whose spirit returned to its God on the 3()ih of May, 18(51 at "Old Church,, V.a." Counoctiog himself in September 1S62 with the "Wateree Mounted ilillos," his Father, ' Major 111. M. Boykin, ho served from that time until April lust in this Slate,-when his company was transferred to Virginia and attached to the 7(li S. C. Ciivalry. ilo was untiring in the discharge of duly, and .e.ver ready to undertake anything, however arduous or hazardous. Devoting*his whole energy to the service, lie was beloved by his comrades for his inanli*. liess, impartiality nud courage, .1 fis charm ter was of that mild vol linn order which qipetiy inafccs Irietids, hut grasps them wirli.hookS of steel, and in theyourso of life dcVeh T.CS into a solid, useful type, conducing .to tho guod ol society and the cultivation ol the higher t -graces. ' " He was truthful, candid and generous. His heart was the centre ol ,puro emotion", high purposes and elevated sentiments, surmounted with a profound respeel for everything sacred. Ilia mind was bright and cultivated, "giving promise of'rich fruit. As* a son and brother he was alVeetiumite, as a friend, true and sincere?inoralj upright and reverential, we helievey that his sypl is busking in the. Himlight^f 'heaven. Alas that ho should have fallen'o'i thivjlirpsliold? of life, when liis promiseb were so bright atra his future radiftut witltTmppiness and good. He lias heen transplanted, we trust, to those lands where in angel company lie will dovelppe those ipialilies of heart ?*i id mind winch endeawd liini to family and friends. "Spirit.look not on the strife, Or the pleasures-of earth with regret?r l^tuso not on the threshold ofclimitoless lilo To nioiirriifur the day that is set,"' O. Headquarters,. . CONSCRIPT DEPAHTM EXT. ' Coi.l'MUIA, Angust 17, 1S61. general orders no. 10. I - l'U.HSUANT TO OlMlKUS OF T! f'\ W.tft T>e|mi-tiDoitf. -Enrolling Ollicors are lierebj; re-' quired to execute all ordersofMaj. (Jen. Jones, coin mantling Department of South Carolina, Georgia and Florida, for the impressment of slaves to labor on the coast defence?. II Reports of their^ction will bo made to the Major-General commanding, or to such ollieer as iio may indicate 0. D. MKLTON, A ug. 22 1 j Major, Comm'dt Conscripts, C.3V" GvanUnn. Courier and Mcrcuiy publish twice; oil other papeiK in the Statu once. * , Headquarters,. <}.)\'SCIMPT GKPAJITMKXT, Coi.rMau, August 17, 160-i. . general or Hers no' o T11 K ATTKX'HOX OF PKPSOXS KXKM PTKD A? or detailed "for agricultural purposes,* and who have giv.-n liond to the (Joveriunent, is directed to thn tidlowiMg t aragraph from Circular No. 21, Uureau of Conscription: "2. '1 lie sale to the Government, or <o the families of soldiers, al prices lixcd by tiic Commissioners of,the Stale under the Impressment Act,-, of the inarkclnhle supplies remaining alter .furnishing the. Government, with the stipulated iiuoiititv of nrovisions, and whieh ho may raise Irom year to year while his exemption . -continues, as made. by liio Act ol Congress, approved .February 17, ISlM, one ?sf the conditions of exemption -allowed to an overseer or agricultural. A claim is averted bysqino of those exempted asngrieullurmts to exchange such part of the aforesaid .surplus as they may please of provisions, clothing and the like, to be consuiiied-in family use. and to sqll to (lie Ooveruiiio'it or tlio families of soldiers only what 111113' . remain ofsneh surplus after making such exehnnges. This claim is iu violatiou of law, and of their contract wltn the Govcnunetyt, and eannot lie allowed. "Upon satisfactory evidence being furnished thatf persons exempted as overseers or agriculturists have or are thus disposing of ihcir surplus productions by exchange as aforesaid, Unrolling 0Ulcers will arrest .all* such persons, lor ward them to their nearest Catups of Instruction, to bo retained there until linal action shall be taken and announced in their eases, and fbr ward through the proper channels of communication to this Bureau a retort of all the facta and circumstances of each case. "livery agriculturist, or overseer, upon receiving his eertiliento of exemption, should be informed that the action h alien tin above will he taken in thy event of liisnol disposing of lYni marketable surplus in accordance with the requirements of Ipw.V / If. Officers and agents of the subsistence and Quartermasters' Departments are requested to communicate information to tho Enrolling Officer of n'l instances coming to their knowledge in which persons exempted or detailed Cor agricultural purposes have violated the stipulations ot their bonds to tho Government in the , sale or other disposition of their .marketable surplus. C. I). M ICLTOJC, August 'i'i -> Major, Coni'dt Conscripts. is?" Cuartitan- publish iivo times; Courier and Mercury' three times in daily and same in iri weekly ; all other papers in the Biaie ihreo times. "ua ?'a,'a,n.'3fc . - - ANKflltO WOMAN C'ANLS 11 Hit NAMK Mary and says lliot sla- belongs-1" Mr. Brown on Black Biwr, ami that Mr. Brown'nnd Ui.s wild arc both dead., Said woman is a bent live ami a half f,.oi high, and about fifty years ( Id. (50 or r?f?.) she is very simple or playing oil'so, T cant tell.wluoh. The owner is requested (o ooincr forward prove !>roperly. j?iy expenses and away. July *22 DUNCAN SUKOKN, Jailor. % . Special 3STotices. - V, NOTICE. MY BUSINESS TJERKAFTiCH WILL BE CON-, ducted strictly on the cash system. All orders must positively be accompanied with the cash. . . .Those imlebtf|n to me will please con\o farward hud pay up. ^ ' -A \VM. McKAIN. July. 7 , (it. . - A'JSTINTO IJIS"O.EMENTB. i Mil. Editor: You will please annouheo the following. gentlemai^ as candidates for re-election to the Ilouso of Representatives, from Kershaw District, at the ensuing election iu October, and obligq. their friends: ?,: - 1 ? Major J. XL DeSAUSSUIIE. Capt/D. I). PEltllY. July lt Mi.. .. a o .i~ i.s i? ?? i?iu UIHM/U. iin tnu biliic ID Viypi UilUUIll^ WIIU11 nit: people e l Kershaw District, will b:ivc to select, those who will represent thorn,- iu tho ensuing Legislature \ve'respectfully recommend the following gentlemen as a caudi'liiles. 'For Senator. * Maj> A. II. U0YK1N For Representatives. Mnj. J. M..Dt:SAUSSUItK, (.'apt. W. Z. LKITNKR. JSy inserting the above, you will oblige . \ April is; ^ MANY VOTKKS. For Representative. Tho fricuds of Gopt. W. L. DkI'ASS, announce him a candidate for Representative to the South Caroliua Legislature, at the noxj. October election. July 1 ' ^ For fiepresentaiive. A*o are authorized to announce Col. A. P. GOODWYN, as a cnudulate for tho Legislature at* tho ensuing election. April 22 . tf . . Fir Representative. . We are authorized to announce Col.W. R. TAYLOR as a cundidatttwor the Legislature at the ensuing eleetifin. Juno 1ft . tf . Mtt. Million: You will please nnnouunce- Cupt. WLLIjl^AM OLYIUJRX, as a candidate lor re-election as clerk of tho Con i t of. Com mou Pleas, for Kershaw District .' and oblige , MANY Fl|IKN!>S. April 13. - * ' Sijive Labor for the Coast, *1 ilVISION' NO. 2. T COMMISSI* ?XK1!K OF IIOADS ' AND ""HE II town authorities williin the Judicial #>i.striets of Lancaster, Kershaw, Chesterfield, Darlington. Marlboro, Marion, .Vnnifer, Clarendon. Williamsburg, and Horry, wilj J^jrihwith summon all slaveholders within their respective limits to deliver ON IS-HALF of their slaves, liable to road duty. at. the Hailroad depots nearest their residence, on TL'ISSDAY THIS 2 7 Til DAY OF' SKl'TKMl'IOIt X1SXT. at 8 o'clock, n. in , there to await transportation to .Charleston, for thir'y days labor on the foriiHeat ions. . li. The Confederate authorities have made a requisition npot: the State tor Two Thousand laborers monthly. The proportion ofoue-fout th heretofore called for. had tailed to supply half of this number. In view of this' fact iinil the great urgency of the demand for labor at i lhis time, it is deemed expedient to shorten'? the interval between the calls, iyjd increase the quota. TJus is | no violation of the law. for it does not lis the quot.-^if J labor, nor the interval between tho calls, but prescribes | that such proportion shall be called for as will till the I reqnsition, giving thirty days notice. Each Division j in tlio order lixe'd will be required to lurmsh this ( quota, and no injustice will bo done to nny. HI. All pnrtiosfwhcther individuals or companies, who,own or employ more than one,road hand, are required to furnish their quota, (one-half) unless relieved l^y detail lrom Department Headquarters. -This can relievo only those hands permanently engaged 011 the | specific work for which the detail was granted. Commissioners of roads will give their ,'ittenlion to this matter and ruporl to this otliee. !Ar. Great eonfusiou exists from the jinperfeel manner In which the names of owners are given to agents at the several depots.*' It is the duty of one, or more of the Commissioners, to bo present to verily the quota of each owner, ajid prepare correct list?. "Within five days alter dclivery'on this call they will please forward to this office nam^s of defaulters in their respective divisions of roads.* R. 13. JOHNSON, Agent of the State of So. Cn. August 20. ^ Headquarters, CONSCRl PT DKPA RTM KNT, ) 'COI.L'MIUA, Aug. 17, 18(1-1. " J SPECIAL ORDERS NO. 1G<1. nr dinilng 1'iie absence of the com. 1 inandant of Conscripts from his Post, lieutenant R. 13. BOAHjESTON will act as Commandant of Conscripts, and will be obeyed and respected nccord * mjiiy. by command of Maj. Mki.ton*. Oomdt. of Conscripts. ' J AS. WOOD DAVIDSON". * Lieut, and Adj't. ?gj?J Carolinian three inseilioris?every other paper in tho Stale oneo encli.^ August _ 1_ Wheat Mill." . . J AM NOW PREl'AKKDTO GRIND WHEAT AT .u short notice. My Mill is in good order, and produces as lino llourift can lie desired by any ono. Parlies sending wheat tQ me may rely on my personal attention. ' * J. II. VACJGHAN, July 28?Cd ' 0 roiles above Camden. 1' t , ' ' '?." ' D I ST It I C T DIR E C T-0 Ii Y* DISTRICT OFFICERS. . / * * Legislators. A. II. Boykin?Senator. . Jolm M. DeSaussure, JL). D. Perry?Representatives. u ( Magistrates. John K. Witherspoun. \Yni? D. Hogari, \WR. Tay. lor, Ilenry Brace, Jolm 11. Slmw, Richard I.. Whitaker, J. T. Barker. Commissioners of Roads. J. jM.< DaSaussure Chairman, B. T^.McCoy, W. E. Hughes, Daniel P, Kiitfcland, J tunes L. llcDowall, Lewi? J. Patterson, J. English Doby, Fred. JBowcn, John- L. Mickle, Qillam Sowell, Richmond It. Terrell, Emauuel Parker. The sixth section of*the "Act to establish certain Roads, Bridge and Ferries," passed December 17, is as lollhws : fc l> Thai each Commissioner of Bonds now in of lice, or heVoal'tcr appointed, shall serve" until u successor is appoiutcd%nnd has accepted. This section to be in l'urce during the war. Commissioners of Free. Schools. Wiley Kelley, Win.- Dixon, James Teaui, C. Ci Jlaile, J esse Trucsdel, Daniel Dethune, A. L. McDowfcll. ' i Commissioners of Public liuilJiiif/s. John Workman, K. M. Kennedy, 11. 1*. Johnson, F. L. Zemp, b. W. It. Blair, James B. Cureton, Wu?. , D. McDowall Chairman, C\ 1*. 1/., Coliu Alucrca Treasurer. , * Commissioners to Approve Public Srcuriitk. John M. DeSaussure, James Dunlap, Win. 1?. Johnson, sr., A. M. Kennedyj Tlios. K. Shannon. Commissioners of the Pooh. K. Burn as, A. A. McDowall, John Q. lliggins. It. M. Kennedy, J. S. Dei'dss. W. II. Hughson, Sec. i and Treus. . president ami Directors of'Camden JJridye Co. Prau'uliinl 1M Directors?John Macrae. I.?. Perkins, James Team, Colin Macrao, Sec. ^Trcas. Soldier's Hoard of Jlclicf. John M. DeSaussurc, E. Karnes. James Duruhrp, J. Ross Dye, C. Mosely, James Team, Jes^e Truesdel, John R. Mickle, Charles Haley, John Gns lvius, Daniel Gardner. Cforonerl John S. Merouey. Managers of Elections. CauuleM?John >S., Meroney, C. A. MoDonald, Win McKuin. ? Oureton's Mill?Frederick liowen, James Team, Emaunci Parker. Flat lloek?Jesse Truesdel, James Fletcher, George R. Miller. Uulfalo?Win. Mungo, Gillam Sowcll, Win. Onto. Lizenby's?Jolm McGougnn, Daniel 'MoOashill, Donald McDonald. | Sehro'ek's Alill?II. T. McCoy, Alexander McLeod, Henry Radolilfo. Goodwin's Store?benjamin Cook, John ]J. AIickle, James II. Vaughn. ' Liberty Ilill?A. I). Jones, jr., .R. C. Patterson, II. It. Cunningham. Ojjirers of Court. Joseph D. Dunlap, Commissioner in Equity; W. Clyburn, Clerk ; A. L. McDonald, Ordinary ; Duncan Shoorir, Sheriff. Tar Collector. William McKuin. < Confederal* Dandling. Oj)iccr. W, Uiiner. Confederate Wdr Tax-Collector. A. M. Kennedy. Assessors John Cantey, II. M. Kennody. ? ? Collector of Tax in Kind. James Jones. (?/<<>/* Commissitry Agent. J. II. Dcveroaux. * Confederate Quartermaster s\Agent. James Sowers. t State Quartermaster'* Agent. A. Markley Lee. Receiving and Delivering Agent. J. M. Gnvle. . Officers of flic Totrn of Camden. 4 . . , < ' Infemlant. * James Dunlup. Wardens. N. D. Baxley, I). D lfocott, L. M. Boswcll, R. M. Kennedy. Recorder. R. M. Kennedy. Marshal and Market Clerk. ,l* W'm. Jolinson. Professional. Physicians now Practicing. , L. TI. Deus, D. L. DcSnussure, T. Rcensfjernn, W. R. FLikos, Benjamin II. Matheson, J. McCaa, J. T. Tranthnm, W. L. Pickett, B. S. Lucas, T. F. McDow, L. M. DcSau&surb, Thomaa W. Sftlinoud, F. L. Zcmp. \ % ? ffllMlil ! I 11 | t *"|| in, mmm??qy? . * Lar.ycrs, Wdi/M. Shannon. _ W. Z. Leituer. W. jr. Kennedy,.. < W K. Taylor. Joseph D. Dunlap. * JJtnlist. ' M. Bisscll. , Surveyor.*. Colin Macrae, Daniel Betliuno, C. GVlIailc Scholastic, Mercantile, & Medianleal: Ac-idcmics and Prim artt Schools in Camden. L. RIcCaudless' jMale AcademyF; Stalidcumyer,. male nendemy; O. Bailey, F.rofessor of Foreign Languages ; Mrs. McCaudless' Academy lor Young Ladies, Mrs. McCreight; Miss Dawson ; Mrs. IV.ufc-; Miss Maggie DcJsoou. Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware iV^-. ?$c. E. W. Bonne}',, James Duulup, George Aldeu, 'Mrs. Al. T. Campbell, R. Al. Kennedy, Airs. McLcish, Alendal Smith, Mrs. Conner, Mrs. Crosby, "Benjamin, Alatheson & Co., A. T. Lnlta, W. D. MeDotynll, S. Oppenhcim, M. Baum & Bro., Aleroliey, Boswell & Bro., J. M. Gayle, Joseph Sommers, T. S. Myers, James McEwen, W. C. Gerald, it Co., George Douglas, J. II. Oppenhcim & Bro., Win. Johnson," D. D. Ilocot.t, B.' Sikvs.j Druggists. .Wui. AlcKuin, F. L. Zcrnp. ' Hook Seller runl Stationer. 'James A. Yoting. Walches and Jewehg jaiues A. Young, 1. B. Alexander, A W Wehrhan. Mack-smiths, Wagon and (Xirriage Makers.. S. Shiver, llobcrL Alan, Nathan B. Arrauts, Thoina* Shiver. IV. B.^.blacksmith. * Cabinet Wardrooms and Undertakers. C. L. Challeii, Wm. Tarver, J. 1'. Sutherland, . Builders. J. F Sutherland,C. L.Cliattcn, II. C.Roberts. Merchant Tailor. Charles A. McDonald. , Saddlery and_ Harness.' F. J. (Jakes, Mr. Bulger. * Wheelwright and (2 in maker , ' It J. McCreight. Bakers. Mrs. M. A. Kennedy, F. Shoemaker, Win. Daascli. Tan-Yards. ^ Ij. B. Stephenson, F. L.. Zemp, John S. "Bradley, Alex. McLeocl, Lewis J. Patterson, John Brown. . '* Hotels. Mansion House, by - E. G. ltobiuson. Delvulb House, by - J. II. Jungbluth. ?- ?s i J'rirgte Boarding. J. W. Hodgers. r J.Milinary and Dress Making. Miss I). 11. McEiven, Mrs. llamuierBloug Chtirches. Methodist?J. T. Wightmau, pastor. Presbyterian?S. II. Hay, 14 Kpiscopal?T. J?\ Davis, jr., 44 Baptist?W. 13. Hughson, 44 Grain and Lumber Mills. F. Ti. Zcmp, llowv ami grist: Jus. II. Vaughn.i flour and grist ; James A. Kivkland, grist; J F.Sutherland, lumber And grist; W. 13. Hughes, limber and grist; Charles Perkins, lumber; Col James . 0*. Ilnile, lumber and grist; A. II. Boykin flour, grist and lumber; L. \V. R. Blair, flotr and grist; Charles Raley, flour ayd grist; J. I'. Sowell, grist ; John IV. (inskins, flour, grist ant lumber; John A. Voung, grist and lumber; T. J. Cauthen, lumber; Robert Kirkley, grist,, estate .'? Win. Shields, grist and lumber; Qiorge R. , Miller, flour and grist; L. J. Patterron, flour ' and grist; John S. Miller, flour and gr fit; estate ' of T. Rung, grist, and lumber; IV. A. Kelley, grist, John Chcsnuf, grist and lumJcr; James Chesnut. fir., grist ami lumber; Jrttn McRae, ^iiat auu iuiuuui , uuiui jjiuwu, i imuiu u1 Harwell lloykin, grist and lunfb'ir; estate of Lemuel Roykin, grist and lumber ;. ilrs. Jane J. lvnox, grist.; Richard Ilyalt, flmr and grist; Lewis Peoples,-.flour, grist and lunber. * -*? POST OFFICE, CAMDEN, S C. MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. RICHMOND, CHARLESTON, COLUMBIA, WESTERN AND WAY MAILS. Due?Daily, by . 7 30 P. M Close?Daily by r ' G 00 H LANCASTER, FLA? ROCK, A'O. Dao?Monday, Wednesday & Friday by 12 00 Af ' Olno? ?? 11 00 A \r rkd him., hu{jkl i'j.ace, tfco. % Duo?Thursday, by > 12 00 if Closes?Sumo Way, nt A 11 00 A. M's Fpr/'cv, .iekferson, &c. Duo?Monday, by 12*00 Closes?Friday, at, 10 00 A. M 0\FJCK HOURS. ' 0 - From 8 00 A. to 2 00 P. M., and for short? tiijje nftqr openit)-. tho mail at nijrht. T. W. PEGUES, P. M /