The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, October 02, 1877, Image 4

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THE DAILY PHCENIX Issued every Morning, except Monday, TRI-WEEKLY PHCENLX, Taesday, Thursday nud Saturday, BY JULIAN A. SELBY. Office Phoenix Building*. The Old Stand. No. 160 Main street. The Daily Piubnix will l>e distributed >y c.uriors in the eiiv and regularly mailed. SUBSCRIPTION, ihiily, 0 months.. ?3 50; a mthsl 25; 1 mtb IWc Tri-wcekly,? mths 1 50: ? mtlia I 00; 1 mill 40c ADVERTISEMENTS I nnertud at T5 cents a squui-u of eight lines one insertion; $1.25 two; $1.75 three: 2.25 lour, 3.75 six; weekly or seini-w jekly 7oc. ouch. Spe:ial Notices 15c a liue first insertion; 10c. each time .il'tcr wards. JOB PRINTING Of every kind executed at short notice and on most reasonable cash terms. Notable Conflagrations.?Tho Augusta Chronicle und Constitution? alist says: Oar readers may remember it was publicly and confidently predicted ' that, in the event of the ii.augura-1 tion of Mr. Tilden, there would be 1 extensive fires in the Departments at Washington. Whether reported truly or falsely, many thousands of I people were convinced that the Rad? ical loaders never would allow a De- j niocrut to become President, if they i could help it, or, failing in that, they j never would permit a man like Mr. i Tilden to get at tho records of their party for investigation and exposure. To prevent anything of that kind, it was boldly charged that the public buildings of Washington, containing damning documents, would be con? sumed by fire. What gave color to these alegalions, was the destruction by fire of the files and correspon? dence of-the General Land Office. As the fire chauced at a time when Boss Shepherd had fully away, sus? picion was aroused that there was "something rotten in the State of Cenmark"?that is in the Kadical regime. Tho burning of the Patent Office has created fresh alarm in these premises, perhaps because Mr IlaycB has unexpectedly turned out to be quite as much a reform .r and rogue-repeller as Mr. Tilden. The New York Sun recalls, that "when tho Democratic House was known to be a fixed fact, Secor Robe Jon's and Belknap's departments took fire; and, but for prompt exposure by the press of the motives for such fires, the records of those depart? ments would, doubtless, have disap? peared in smoke and flames." The saifie paper adds: "The Land Office records were f?ll of evidence of frauds committed ander Delano and others; and when committees of the next House inquire into such frauds, they will be confronted at the start with the 1 tck of proper records. Tho Indian Bureau and the Pension*1 Of? fice, iu both of which fraud is known to have existed, arc in the same buildiug; auu\it is not unlikely that their record^ will be fouud ' to have partly or wholly vanished in connec? tion with this fire." These are grave charges or suspicions, but they possess elements of' fact that must seriously alarm the public. A big fire among the Treasury records would almost compel the skeptical to believe that there is some method in this incendiarism, and that the rncu who have "organized - hell" since 1860-61, up to the inaugura? tion of Mr. Hayes, are determined, if possible, to smother present in? quiry and to make impossible, so far as they can, future punishment iu this world. The New York Evening Express hits the nail on the head thus: "Ac? cording to Pasha Conkling and his followers, Hayes has committed three unpardonable sins. 1. He got the Cincinnati nomination, which the Pasha wanted. 2. lie put Evarts and Schurz, the Pasha's moat inti? mate enemies, into the Cabinet. 3. His civil service order, if carried out, would knock the Republican ma? chine to pieces. And the Pasha is the machine." Fitly Said.?During the trial of a case Confederate money received during the war, an attorney having made an able argument, adorned with beautiful figures, and noble sentiments, Judge Mackoy said, "as iu the eye of the chemist, the diamond is but a piece of carbon, and tho tear of sorrow but a drop of salt water; so a court should strip questions'of all mere sentiment, and decide them in the light of principles of law," The Boston "Atlas," in 1837, ad? vertised that "an experience of five years has demonstrated of Fairbanks' Soacs that for accuracy, convenience and durability they are uurivalcd." The Atlas and most of. the men who made it are dead, but the Fairbanks' Scale, retaining and increasing its merits, has enlarged its domain until it has become the recognized stan? dard of the wo,hi?all within the I le-time of its in von tor.?N. Y. Even? ing Post. A Judicial Indictment.?True bills have been found against Judges Grason and Yellott, at Towsontown, Md. An extra presentment was found against Judge Yellott for drunkenness, rendering him unablo to discharge tho duties of his posi? tion, aud bringing tho Court over w^bich he presided into disrepute and disgrace. A bench warrant has been issued fur Judge Yellott's arrest. The opposition to the Moffitt bell punch is taking a practical turn in Virginia, and the private bottle is on the increase. By buying as much as five gallons, the special tax of 40 cents a gallou is avoided, and drink? ing at home is morn popular. So ' are the private chib roomB more po-1 pular. ? i The London Times, in a leading article on the war, Hays: "The end , of the campaign must. Im near and it promises to present something like a drawn battle. Formally or inform- . ally, the powers will then, no doubt, i attempt to avert the necessity of an- , other campaign by the aid of diplo- , macy." The assignment of Frank Leslie, the publisher, for the benefit ol bis 1 creditors, with a nchcdule annexed, has been filed. The total liabilities are set down at $330,134.5*2. The nominal assets at $230.308 GO, und actual assets at $75,166.93. Singular, isn't It.?The New York Commercial^ Advertiser. Rep., says: Even the most prejudiced bloody shit List most admit that the annual crop of negro shootings is remarka? bly backward in South Carolina this season. Gov. Hampton has commuted the I death penalty of John Johnson, a colored man, of Edisto Island, con? victed of murder, to imprisonment for five years in the penitentiary. Thos. E. Tabb, about nine years old, son of Dr. Tabb, of Beach is? land, was caught in the gin machine? ry of B. B. Latnar's cotton giti.arfn almost instantly killed. Sudden Deaths.?Judge Barnard Hill, of Georgia, died on the bench, in Crawford County, on the 26th. YVm A. Short r, Esq., of RnmerGa., died suddenly on the 27th. A man named McGuirc, who has been travelling with a circus com? pany, committed suicide in Nash? ville, by cutting his throat from ear to ear. Justice Swain, formerly Presiding Justice of the Cape May, N. J., Co. Courts, cut his throat with a razor, at tho GutEiier House, in Dennisville, and died on Tuesday. Among the models destroyed by i the late tire in the Patent Office, was the original cotton gin invention, which has done so much for the South. T. J. Kercheval, Republican, has been re-elected Muyor of Nashville, Teun., by a majority of 1,150 votes The election passed ofl quietly. A difficulty between several color? ed persons in Augusta, on Saturday night, resulted in the death of Brad. McKines. with a knife. Thos. Wi.liams, anollicrv ictiin -if the phosphate boiler exp'osiou, died in Charleston An entire family, colored, five in number, has been committed to jail in Lancaster. Oper? XXoufeo Two N glits Only. Monday tind TurNday, ??<? i. The famous Orig nal PROF. COGKE. 1 PROP. COOKfi v :il IVifonu urn! Explain all the Test* of Hit- moat fainmi- Mediums, in eluding ilic Mutet lali/.nliou Sea lie u of MRS. UILLKR, of Memi ii a, in wt ich THE SPIRIT BRIDE Will appear upon the OPKX ST AUK, ill hill View "I ll <? iiud'i'll e. JCf*AdniNsloii t'ent- (iullery P0 (,'ciits Seats cull lie see ii red without extra eliarge at Pollock's. Sept 'Hi 5 ??They are extraordinary."?P. T. IIakmm Opera, Houlqo hi:ii\i>oav HTKiVW, OCT.:?. Re-appearance, alter four years' absence, of CALLENDER'S FAMOUS G50RG1A MINSTRELS jcURGIA ^"iSXiVie MINSTRELS GEORGIA ? MINSTRELS GEORGh 2?'Artiste" MINSTRELS UPROARIOUS Plantation Minstrelsy! New , Aetb! Juhilee Songs'. New Sketches! Hilly Kersands, Dick Little, P. Devonear. ??They far excel their white imitutors."? A' Y. Steroid. "Thoy are abaolutely the best in America."?Boston Adoertiver. "They are uu surpassed."?N. Y. Uruphic. 12th Tear. All the Old Favorites. E3~Pricc of Admission 50 and 75 Cents. Re? served Seats 25 Cunts extra; to be had at the Pollock Uousj^_Sept SO 3 Excursion Tickets to Charleston. SOUTH CAROLINA RAILROAD. CHARLESTON. Smtbmbbr 85, is?7. EXCLUSION TICKETS to Charleston will lie sold from all |minta on this Road, from 1st to nth October, and good to return within ten days from date of s ilc. at the following rates: From all points ilmve lllackvillc, on the An crusts Branch, and above Lewlsville, on I ha Co? lombia Branch the rate will he $4 for the round trip. And from Blsckvilln and Lewlsville. mei all points South of them, tho rate will t>u 0.,L FARE for the round trip. 8. B. PICK ENS. Sept 47 S (Jencrel Passenger Agent. ft A Blaoksmith's Tools, At the Sign of the Golden Anvil. Jfk BLACKSMITH'S BELLOWS, from 28 ?J? to 40 inches. \r Wright's Patent Steel-faced Anvils. Solid Box Colter Key Vises, Farrier's Knives. Files, BaBps, Blacksmith Tongs. These goods are of the very liest quolity, and are marked down In conformity with the decline in gold and labor. For sule by ^ept27_JO?In agNKNV. Horse and M?le 8hoes. 100 KEGS HORSE and MULE SHOES, on hand and for sale at very low figures by * JOHN AGNEW. Jjept 12 Shovels, Spades and Forks. AFULL line of Long and Short Handled Shovels, Long and Short Handled Spades, ami Long and Short Handled Manure and Spading Forks, of the most approved make, on hand and for soic low by JOHN AGNEW. S |it 'X)_ Springs and Axles. V^^J-L- HUGO Y and CARRIAGE SPRINGS, r?*t*. assorted sizes. Loiirf and Short Arm AXLES, all sizes. On bund and for sale low by Sept 18 JOHN_AGXEW._ Patent and Enamelled Leather. PATENT and Enamelled LEATHER: also. Enamelled MUSLIN. Enamelled DRILLS and Enamelled DUCK. A full supply on hund and bar sale iow by JOHN AG new. Sept 12 Royal Safety 0O~ PULL supply of this very superior OIL is uistHftly Kept on hand by the undersign' eil. who cuarsiitces it ol Us high fire test as P rail's Astral or any other high test Oil in the market. This Oil is absolutely safe, and the pr i e is only :i0e. per gallon. Sept 15 JOHN AGNEW. Machinery and Tanner's Oil. 1 \ MACHINERY OIL, assorted 1 0\J qualities. UM) ?als. Bunk & Strait's TANNER'S OIL. On hand and lor sale low by Sept 14_ _JOHN AGNEW. Nails! Nails!! Nails!!! OK(\ KKtiS NAILS AND FINISHING /Cfjyj NA1L8, assorted sizes, on hand and lor sale ut reduced prices, wholesale ninl retail, by_John agsew. BROOMS. C/\ DOZ. HEARTH and HOUSE BROOMS. *J\J On hund and for sale at low prices, ut wholesale aud retail, by JOHN AGNEW. Sept 25 * Pocket and Table Cutlery. Ill AVK now on hsudn full lincof Pocket and Table CUTLERY,marked down at the recent decline, caused by the reduction in gold and the price of labor. My stock of Table Cutlery com prises mi extensive un ity and will be sohl far below ruling prices of 'as: season. In Pocket Cutlery 1 oiler uu assort incut which, us to qua l lity and pr.ces, defies competition. C?ll nad . examine ut tho store of JOHN AGNEW. Sept 27 I Straw* Cutters! Straw Cotters! AFULL line of STRAW CUTTERS or the most approved kinds, on hand and fur sale low by JOHN AGNEW. Brashes! Brashes!! Paint und varnish brushes. Sash Tools and MuiKrV.j_' brunVcs. \Vh tc-wssh and Wall Brushes. Kalsouiiuc and Iiiistinfr Brushes. Wooden and Leather Buck Horse Brushes. Hioe. Si ii.bbing und Stove Blushes. In gieat variety, on hand und lor sab* low by Sc|i 21 john agnew. Powder, Shot, Lead, Etc. Ill AVI", on hund a lull lim- or Impoi.r- c,-ictouted POWDER, in paeKnees IIlid Ut lel.i l BLASTING POWDER and SAFETY FUSE, loop and Buck SHOT, nil numbers, liiir leah, Metallic and Paper Cartridges. Percuss.oti Cups, Gun Wads. Ac, Ac. For sal.' low, by_JOHN AGNEW. Hubs, Felloes and 8pok?& AFULL nssortiuctit of HUMS, FELLOES and SPOKES, on hund and for sule l>y Sept 1? JOHN AGNEW. White Lead and Linseed Oil. 5.000 !&PU,,E Al,*n"e W",TE 150 gals, pure Rawtand Roiled linseed OIL. t>u hand and lor sale low for cai-h bv Sept 14 JOHN agnew. Kerosene! Kerosene!! 50 ?IM* OIL <>n liatid and for sale at I 7A<-. per Gull.y the bairel, lit wholesale, or 2Ue. |H-r t.allon ut retail. Terms cash. Sept 14 JOHN AGNEW. Axes! Axes!! Axes!!! 1 t\{\ 'M'^EN Kentucky Pattern, l.esl war I \ f\J ranted axes, just reeved mid for sale ut re lnced piic?s wholesale and retail by Sept 12 .H i!N At;NEW. iron! Ir-I.!! Irni;!:'. ? FULL .i.tmn.i of Rclbml IRON.. l\ ? .1 in nl Tile. I'vul, IL.ii Oval, Bound Half Round qii-ire I and. Nail Rod Scroll uml I loop iron. I'm .-ate : reduced pr ,s l>v s. pi ia Jo s" vonew. Hardware, Paints and Cils, HAVING sohl out my interest in the Gro? cery biioiness, to my Stm, .IOIIN AG NEW. .Ii:.. I w ill give my exclusive attention i ii..- Hardware business. An experience ut over "M years, in this line, warrants me in as sn:ir. _my friends, and the public, that I can supply their wunts, both as legnid to quality nud price so us to meet their approval and Be cure theT patronage. JOHN AGNEW. Gold and Silver Watches. IWILL sell, from ibis date until the first of November all ?.Is in my line below New York cost. PciMiiis in want of Gold Juwelry and Diamonds, in fact all good articles kept in a llrst-clasa jewelry store, should call. I have the largest Block kepi in the Mute. The goods niu-t lie sohl. Those in want will call and see for themselves All kinds of JOBBING done mid the best of ENGRAVING. Sept 9 2mu _ WM. CLl/.K. Ursnline Convent. Valle Crucix. near Columbia. THIS Institution has resumed its fi.Academic exercises. For circulars, apply to THE MOTHER SUPERIOR. Sept 4 lin Pure Milk Promptly Delivered. ??W T~% i-a pmc unadulterated, unskimmed ^"C? ?if MILK, delivered In any part of the .?jX*?l*rity. ?M EN CENTS A QUART. All Milk delivered from this Dairy is warranted pure. Or no sale. Remember the name, "OLD PALMETTO DAIRY." Fel?5 1877. M'CREERY & BRO., 1877. OF THE GRAND CENTRAL DRY GOODS ESTABLISHMENT, ILL open their Fall and Winter Stock on MONDAY, September 3, and will offer the GREATEST BARGAINS in FALL and WINTER GOODS that has ever been known in any market. Our Stock will consist of Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets, Boots, Shoes, Hats, bo., Which wo will sell to our customers very much below anything ever offered In this city. For the benefit of our country friends, wejwonld any that wo nave extended our SAMPLE DEPART? MENT, and their orders for Sample? or floods will hnve our best attention. We will pay Express Freight on all packages amounting to *10 or over, when orders the are accompanied with the money or sent C. O. D. Our Stock will comprise everything in our line needed In the fumily, and all of the nest styles and most reliable makes. We quote a few prices, at which wc propose to sell you such Staple Goods as you may require: Rest Standard Prints, 0 1-4 to S 1 Sc.: Bleached and Brown Homespuns. Oc. upward: Ladies" Dress Goods, 10 to 25c., in all new styles: Black Alpacas, beat makes, at 25 to 75c..: Ladies' White Cotton Hose, 5 to 50c. per pair. Genta1 Half Hose, 8 1-8 to 50c; Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs, 00c upwurd. Extraordinary Boigains always on hand in Hamburg Edgings. Ac; Jeans. T weeds. Cnssimeres at prices to meet the wtmu* of nil. We have bought for ('ASH. an immense stock of BOOTS. SHOES and IIATS fiom the late Trade Sales in Boston, und will sell them ns low as they can be bought nt wholesale or retail in New York. We do n 1.Alter; and LIVE BUSINESS. We warrant nil goods to be ua represented, and guarnntec|to give satisfaction.'' MoCREiBRY ??5 :B!FL?0 T. A. MrCREERY. It. It. MC'RKERY. B. A. HAW LS. THE Proprietor of R">E'S HOTEL returns his thanks to the public tor the liberal patronage received during the past six years, with the assurance that he will spare neither trouble or expense to continue t-< deserve It. My Hotel has been thoroughly renovated, and I am fully prepured to give the Imm accommodation b-r the least money. Having bad twenty years' experi? ence in the business, I know what the traveler needs. My OMNIBUS and CARRIAGE will be at the different depots on the arrival of all trains, and carry Passengers to the Hotel Free of Charge. The location of the building is convenient to the principal depots and the State House. Terms TWO DOLLARS A DAY v* !rl. K. ROME, Proprietor nnd fllaunircr. For Schools. MAGIC INEXHAUSTIBLE INK STANDS und INK WELLS, especially for use in I School*. No ink required for fen years. Just received by E. H. STORKS, j Sejd 10_Stationer and Hook Binder. DI!. .1. W. 1' A 11 K Kit OKO. W. l'AKKEK. J. W. PARKER & CO., Real KstateBrokiTsanl Insurance Agts O?ict: Scott's Hank. Columbia, .*>'. C. EXPERIENCE in business warrants us in guaranteeing prompt und satisfactory utten j lion to all business that u ay be entrusted to us. i __^"K 0_ 8mo Home, Sweet Home. TIIEIIK is nothing which demoralizes u man so badly as to breakfast him on bud bread. ? This is not always the cook's fault, although. , of course, slid comes in for her shure of the j russiu'. ] ii order to avoid this unpleasant net* j ut tho table, buy MRS. PRICE'S YE.VS! I CAKES and, my word for it, you will have the 1 lightest, sweetest und prettiest bread mid bis? cuits possible. We have got so into the way of buying i everything we need away from home, and into . the habit of thinking we can do nothing our ; selves, that I am almost afraid to state tlmt I Mrs. Price's Yeast Cakes are a home prodlic . tioti?che.ip. infallible and only ne- * a trial to insure n eon Munt demand. Use th?m once and i vou will use tkeiu always. tiEO. SYMMEBS, ? Sept 3 City HalPt.'ioccr. Sole Agent. Sonth Carolina Railroad. PASSENGER Trains over this road run as follows?beginning July 15, 1877: I J)ay Passenger. Sunday excepted. Leave Columbia.. H.15pm Arrive.. 13.15 p m I Leave Charleston. 5.45 o in Arrive.. 10.Oilp m i Night Express Accommodation 'Train. Leave Columbia .. 7.00 p m Arrive . 7.15 a n j Leave Charleston. 8.15 pin Arrive.. 11.40 a m Cainilen Train leave Cumden at 7 :;u u. in., on I Monday, Wednesday and Friday, und connect : at Kiugsvilta with up day passenger train for Columbia. Tuesday. Thursday and S.iturdny, i-oiincct at Kingsville with dou n passenger train j from Columbia, and arrive ut Cnroden 8 p ni. Connectduily with Charleston trains. s. S. SOLOMONS, ?miertntendeiit. Greenville and Columbia Railroad. 1) ASSEN t? El. '. rains run daily, Sunday cx eepted, con net t ng with South f'in oliua Day i 'I'mins up und do\\ u. W. 0"\\ V Leave Columbia.. 12.45 p ra Arrive. 3.50 p m Al.-tois. 2..S5 p ni 1.05 pm I Xuwbcrrj .. 54.455 p ?i 14 55 a u Hodges .... 0.50 p in S.?7 a m Reltou.K.30 p in l.'.O u m Arrive Greenville lO.oo p m Leevv . 5.40 a m Anderson Branch <(? Blue hnUji Dir. Leave Walhalla. .4.'J5 u in Arrive.. 11.15 pn Peiryvllle .5.00 u m 10.40 p in Peiidlcton 5.10 a m 10.10 p ni Anderson. tt.HO a in O.SJt' p m ! Arrive Helton... 7.10 am Leave... 8.510 p in J.aureus Branch Trains1. I Leave Clinton .. 0.00 a III New berry :i.00pm Tnestldys. Thursdays and Saturdays. TIIOS. DODAMEAD, Gen" Sup. I .Iabkz Nomton. Jr., Gen. Ticket Agent. j Charlotte, Columbia & Augusta R. R. ON and alter tbi-date. Passencer Trains will i iiu as foliov, s: Daily Mail E?ju c.<s. UOIKO KOKTll. OOIMI SOt'lll. Leave Augusta... S.15pm Ainve.. A.iViti lit Arrivi (Columbia 11.35 p m l eave... ino u m Leave Columbia. 11.45 p m Arrive..13.50 a in' A.Tive Charlotte. 4.IOa in LenVe... 7.515pin . 11 eoni niudaliou. Sunday excipled. ill v It in vision. Leave Columbia. 8.00 am Arrive.. 10.00 p m Leave Charlotte.. 4.50 p in Airive.. 2.00 p n AI'tirSTA IMVISION. Leave Columbia.. 0.50 a m Arrive.. 51.57 pm Leave Augusta... 1.45 a in Arrive.. 5.52pm .JAMES ANDERSON, Gen. Sup. A. Pock. Gen. Frc'ght and Pass. Agent. Wilmington, Columbia h Aug. R. R, ON and alter this date. (Juno 3.) I'nssengei Trains will be run as follows: Nigh! Train? Xorlh and Easl {Hail'/.) stop only nt Kastover. Snniter,Tiutmonsville, Florence, Marien. Fuir Bluff, Whilevillc and Fletiiington. Leave Columbia..! 1.15 p m Arrive. 1.25 an. Florence... 3.40 a m 10:02 p tn Wilmington P.82 a m 0 00 p m Pullmaii sleepers on all night trains. Through Freight Train (Daily except Sunday) Leave Columbia.. 500pm Arrive. 10.10 a nt Florence... 4.510 am 2 35 n in Wilmhiglon 0.:'.0 n m 12.00 a m Local Freight Train leaves Columbia Tues? day. Thursday ami Saturday only, at 0.00 a m. A n i vo I- loiciico 3.550 p ni. JA.MKS \NDERSOV Q 'up. A. Pom, Cen. Freight and P.i.-e-^i. ../nit, R. Tozer's City Machine Works. j'fjT^C^r M A N U F A CTU RE Portable s nd Jf3H^|gg||Stiitioimry ENGINES, Saw Mills, J^-^wBHSHjJ |"li i;i r ii nil tirist Mills. Ken pi rs BttsajWP ?wjm'd Threshers. Foundry Work in Iron and Brass. MnvO WINTER RESORT. Orange tirovc, Alken, S. C. ? ^ PERSONRdesiring PRIVATE r** BOA HD will find it to their ad? vantage 10 call and examine tlic * arrangements, before locating for tlic Winter. Rooms large nnd finely-fur nishcd. Table first class in every respect. For terms, address MRS. L. C. WILLIAMS, BeptgO Imo Post Office Box 4. THE PH.(EKIX, Established March < 21st, 1865. is the < heapest Daily in the United States! Only $5 A YEAR! CONTAINS ALL THE Telegraphic and General, Done. Up in Compressed Form. It is published every morn? ing except Monday, contains ? the Associated Press Telegra ?phic News, collated from all I' tarts of the World; Market teports from principal cities; Thougbtlul Editorials: Local IteniH e btertalBilig Storiesaud Poetry; Miscellaneous Rending; Scissored Selec? tions, with a summary of the General News of the Day. Nor will the interests of the Fsrmer, Fruit Grower and Working Man be overlooked. ADVERTISEMENTS will be inserted at low prices. We endeavor strictly to carry out the udage. "live and let live." The Pmcknix Is now issued from its old quarters, ,\o. IttO RI oltB ????- - n ?>"???=^f. The i lliee is fully equipped, from the Largest sized Wood Poster Type to the Smallest Card and Fancy Letters, for any kind of BOOK AND JOB PRINTING Such as Pamphlets. Briefs, Postcis. Dodgeis, Hand? bills. Programmes, Blanks, Letter and Bill Heads, Bills ' of Fare. Ac; Business, Vi? siting and Wedding Cards n sjM'cialty. Prices below any oilier establishment in the city, nnd work delivered in shortest time. GOLD! Great Chance to Mafcu Mom y. II you can't get gold, yon can j;et greenbacks. We need a person in 'every town to take subscriptions tor the largest, cheapest and best illustrated minify publication in the world. Any one can become n successful agent. The most elegant works of art given free to subscribers. The price is so low that almost everybody sub? scribes. One agent reports making over ?180 in n w eek. A lady agent reports taking over 400 subsetIhci8 In ten days. All who engage make money fast. You can devote ull your t ime to the business, or only \ our spate time. You need not be away from home over night. You can do it as well ns others. Full partim hi rs, directions and terms free: elegant ami expensive outfits free. If you waut profitable work, rend us your address at once. It costs nothinu to t'y the business. No one who engages fails to make it pay. Address "The People's Journal." Port? land. Maine. Aug 4 (>nu> IC. R. NTOKKN, 155 Richardson Street, Binder and PI rink Book Manufacturer, ALL work promptly attended to. ^Full lines of evervtgrade of Paper and Envelopes. The Intest styles of Ladies' Papetrie. May il "bAViD~EPSTlN, DEALER in CLOTHING and flPurnishihg Goods of nil kinds, at prices To suit the times. Give me a call In Columbia Hotel How, and examine my extensive stock. Ap 20 G G. NEWTON, Sign Painter, a ALL business promptly attended to. fOfllce No. 4f Washington Street. J 2