The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, January 02, 1866, Image 1

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THE MILT Daily Farer $10 a Year HY J. A*. SELBY. "Let our Just Censure PHOSI?. Attend the True Event.' Tri-We?kly $7 a Year. COLUMBIA, S. C., TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 2, 1866. VOL. I-NO. 23^ THE PHOENIX, rvBuaaxD DAILY AND TRI-WKEKXY, BY JULIAN A. SELBY. STATE PRINTER. TERMS-m ADVANCE. . \ SUBSCRIPTION. Daily Paper, six months.$5 00 " Tri-Weekly. " ". 3 50 ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at il per square for the first in? sertion, and 75 cent? for each subsequent. OSS' Special notices 15 cunts a line. LETTER FROM GENKKAL STERLING PKICE.-Tho New York News pub? lishes the following extract of a lefter received iii that city, from General Sterling Pjice. It refers to the lands set apart for colony by Maximilian : They are about seventy miles from VeraCruz, and on the railroad lead? ing thence to the City of-Mexico. This road is being rapidly constructed and is now in operation to within fifteen miles of this place, and will be completed to the town of Cordova within a few months, and to the City of Mexico within two years. These lands are three thousand feet above the level of the sea, and are as fertile as any of the Platte lands. [The Platte purchase, which is Mie North? western part of Missouri, comprises the richest lands in that State, an I perhaps in the Union.] They are unsurpassed in the production of corn, tobacco, coffee, vegetables of every kind and all the tropical fruits. The lands, which be between this elevated country and the coast, pro? duce as much and as good cotton as the Louisiana lands. We are practi? cally as near th^^ markets of New York and New^^ftvns as the people Central Ml Ai are; and the Jimate is th^ Bthc world. The ?Jk, 3d SO? OF CARRIER OF J A IN T I Ifc Another plume in Time's rough hoary crest, ? Another year gone from us to its real I But oh ! those days of bitterness arid strifo, Mccall them not, nor wake agaiu to life Those passions which so long have borne tho sway Among tho counsels of that grim array Of prating fanatics and practised knaves. . Renounce them all, for now the country craves Peace and its blessings. Let them all unite To crush out wrong and elevate the right, Loyal and true to him who, good and grer.t, So thinly, wisely holds the helm of State. Close up the ranks in every patriot band, In every State throughout our stricken land, He stands between you and the men who aim To clothe the South'with misery and shame. THE GALLANT DEAD* Fill np the record ! 'Tis not one of shaine To thee, my State, or to thy future fame ! Heroic deeds till everv page and line, And glory crowns each noble son of thine Who, battling-, as he thought, fer truth and right, Fell in the struggle overwhelmed by might. Enrol the names of G LAUDEN, GBEGO and KETTT, Of MEANS, of .TEN KIN s-a nd of BEE-'tis ftt That those who fell, as brave men love to fall, Should have their names enshrined, revered by all. Had we the space, in this mere sim plo lay, To mention all, oh, what a galaxv Of Carolina's noble sons would shine In every stanza-, vea, in every line. .It may "not be : the deeds of these brave men Must justice claim from history's truthful pen. COLUMBIA. But thc fortunes of tho conflict, Brought our own loved city woe, "_the homes o^bousands perished, " .struck low. THE PHOENIX 18 6 6. Like him, like your own HAMPTON, too, Your efforts ne'er should cease Until, by earnest work, you've eunod The rich rewards of peace. Until you see your cherished hoiaes, In beauty rise once more Until your crowded marts and street* Recall the days of yore ; Until disordor, vice and crime, Shall hide themselves in shame, And Carolina win again Her ancient, noble fame. Her fame for virtue, honor, truth These paths her sons e'er trod For all that crowns with deathless bloom The last, best gift of God ; The fame ncr gallant sons once won, Beyond tho Rio Grande, Where, wider ".the old flag *' they fought That brave "Palmetto" band! The fame achieved in latter years, When, at their State's behest, There gathcied round her own proud Hag Her bravest and her best. The fame she now so justly wins, Beneath an adverse fate. All prove her sons to be the men Who " constitute a State !" THE YEAH OF DESOLATION. Sad changes have been wrought, I ween, Within the year that's fled, For manv loving hearts now mourn Their dear and honored dead. And many a roof-tree in thc land, Where plenty once did smile. Has been, by war's sad havoc, made A eharred and blackened pile. And many a pleasant home, which hailed The opening of that year With cheerful hearts, has now become Most desolate and drear. And many a smiling landscape fair, By nature's pencil toped jm*<~ And many a te- ming, ?.p,?.\fJw<rI?om ? Now lies a dreary wa* - JACOB SULZBACHBR. M. FOOT. J.S?MCHMH ? WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Dry Goods, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, \ \ LADIES' AND GENT'fci \ - N \ ---- St Mary's College. vw*. THE exercises of this insti z/^Sk tut ion wiil be resumed on the c^rr^^B^8tb of Januaiw next. ^SMr??g Terms for Primary Depart "^P^?F meut, per session of 5 months, <^fWr in advance, $10* Mathematics, including all the branches of an English education, $25 per session; Ancient JLan ?nages, including Hebrew, Greek and atin, and Modern Languages, $r?'cach, extra per session. \ Dec 28 jl J. J- O'CONNELL, R^t. Columbi??Male Academy. ^ H. S. THOMPSON, Instructor in Mathe matics.French and English Branches. RICHARD FORD, Instructor in the Latin and Greek Classics, ^?fc. THE exercises of this Acade /TyBk my will be resumed on the 8th . -ali iwU?f January next. Pupils will - *\J&?"~. be prepared for admission into j&^?? &n.v university or college. The <?5s?r course of study will include a now and improved system of Book-k?ep ing, and special advantages* .v ill be afforded ? such students as mav desire Ito fit them? selves for mercantile life. v Thc scholastic year will be ^uiVidcd- into ^ three terms of four months each: Tni?oj^^^H at thc rate of seventy-fly* '(?<."?) doliursMj year for the Classics and French, and sflH "($C0) dollars for the English'- BiancuM payable at the beginning of each tciS Pupils who enter for less than .a ^flp term, will be charged at the above VmmS^B Dec 20 ___^Hra^? Wo?ford Colkfl S PARTAN BURG C. TL-jfl ?3*. THE next .-c~^fl thc instittitioB<jB|iBMra College, i^^^fl^^i ?vf??.-^r^i^^&f^^T^^^ cult" [J^?m I ? 1 .'..ii " ?r ~A ;> ?. ? Bra 'r>^H