The daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1878, July 31, 1865, Image 3

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- The lord's Day. 3Y SIR K. B. LYTTON. , Fresh glides the brook and blows the gah ,, Yet yonder halts the quiet mill! The whirring wheel, the rushing sail, How motionless and still! Six days of to?, pfoor child of Cain, Thy strength the slave qf want may be; The seventh"" thy limbs escape thc chain A God hath made them free! Ah, tender was the Law that gave This holy respite to the breast, To breathe the gale, watch the wave, , And know-thu wheel may rest! But when th*> waves the gentlest glide What image charms, to lift thine eyes? Tho spire reflected on the tide -Invites thee to the skies. ? To teach the soul its nobler worth This rest from mortal toil is given: Go, snatch the brief reprieve from earth And pass a ?. .cst to Heaven. Tiiey tell thee in their drnamin* school, Of Power from oki dominion hurled, When rich and poor, with juster rule, Shall share the altered world. Alas', since time itself began. That fabio,hath but fooled the hour; Each age that ripens Power in Man, But subjects mun to power. Yet every day in seven, at least One bright republic sicill be known; Man's world awhile has surely ccaat, "When dod proclaims his own. Six days may Hank divide the poor, () Dives, from thy banquet ball; The seventh the Euther op"s the door, And holds His feast, for all! Delving-About Dead Men's Bones. At its last session, the City Conned j passed an ordinance requiring the hu- j man remains in the old City Cemetery, i on Arsenal street, to be removed to the Quarantine burying ground, and 1 the land laid off in lots and sold. For j several days past workmen have been j enga ged in removing those bones, and j transferring them to their new vesting i place. Tite cemetery is about seven- j teen acres in extent and is well filled with graves. The removal *of these j remains is a laborious task, and will ' require several weeks and a considera- ! bio number of laborers. The cemetery i lias not been used for several years, j and the graves are nearly all tdd, und : but few coffins remain. This grave-yard was extensively ? used in the spring a .d summer of 18-10, when thc chub-rn raged in the; city, and 6,000 persons were stricken : dowe, by tho. pestilence. In those j days-thc coffin makers grew rich, and ! the public administra;.??- amassed a I fortune. Corpses multiplied so ra- I pidly that lhere was no time for making j wills, shrouding the bodies, or holding i wakes over thfi dead. A. man would : rise in the morning in perfect health, and before night his remains would be ; carried to the potter's field, without a ; mourner to drop si tear upon IKS: collin, or a friendly hand to m?irk the! spot of his repose. Strangers who died were tumbled into rude collins, ' with their clothes on, ?ind hurriedly placed in thc ground in tho old city j cemetery. We understand that iii digging up ' some Of these old graves, the laborers have found money enough to make j the work interesting; not such vaina- ' ble treasures as were discovered in the graves at Chiriqui, but still enough to excito their cupidity. In one grave the sum of 3500 in French gold coin was dug up; it appeared to have been sewed up in the collar ol' the owner's coat? who doubtless had died of cho? iera, and had been buried without being undressed. In another grave, $150 was unearthed and S120 m tin other. Larger turns may be found, and the laborers tire on the qui vice for the precious metal. Greenbacks were unknown in those cholera times, and gold and silver were more plenti? ful than at present. . / Among the graves dug up was that <5f Mrs. She i. an Trish actress, who was kdied ten years ngo on* the stage of the St. Louis Theatre, by the fall? ing of a w..'j gb t from one of the beams supporting the scenery. The play was "Jack Sheppard;" Ben. DeBiu' was playing Blueskin, and Mrs. Shea was acting the part of Mrs. Sheppard. The weight fell upon her head, frac? turing her skull and killing her in? stantly. She was buried in a metallic coffin with a glass lace, and was in? terred in her stage costume, with her bracelets, breast-pin,'.?fcc., on her per? son. On opening the grave, the re? mains of Mrs. Shea were ffltind in a good state of preserva tion. The work? men examined her bracelets through the glass, but did not open the coffin, although it was reported among them that the jewelry was worth over 85,000. The fact is, however, that it is only litage jewelry, and not worth tiver 810. Mrs. Shea's relatives ure all bi Europe, and ber remains have never been sent for and probably never will. \St. Louis Democrat. * Thc people o? Christ Church Parish hive petitioned the General oonimand iug at Charleston to remove the uegro troops from their parish. Three Montis were .promenading, a number of years ago, on the Boule? vards of Paris. In the course of con? versation, one of them remarked: ' | "I should like to take a good Jun- j cheon, if one could be obtained for about ten francs." "I would not care if it were even cheaper," replied another of hw friends.' "And ?I should like to take any- | tiling which could be called a lunch," j added thc last friend. , "\Yh#re can we get ten francs?" asked the first speaker. "Hold on!" exclaimed thc second youngman: "I have un idea. Come along wit* me." And "they went together, to a nmsio store, which they entered, led by the friend who had "thc idea." The young man stepped up to the music dealer's desk and said, "Sir, we j have come to offer you a new song. The^vords are by*bis gentleman, the music by the other, and I will siiig it for you," and accordingly sat down and performed. "Well," said the publisher, after having heard the music, "I confess that tile song is very simple, but I will take it for fifteen francs."' The bargain was immediately closed, and thc three friends enjoyed a good dinner. But who were they'? Nobody but Alfred,de Musset, tho poet. Hippolyte Monpon, the .composer, ?ind Gilbert Louis Dupresj the tenor of. tenors. The name ol* the song was "L'Anda louse," and it brought forty thousand francs to the publisher. IXTEEXAIi REVENUE DECSTIOXS. Where a bond is secured by two mort- j gages, tho stamp duty required to ! validate all Hu- instruments will be. double (if governed by tho mortgages, ) j when it would have been in the cuse j of one mortgage. If, however, tin- ? stamp appropriate to a bond be allix- ? ed to the same, then tin* bond .will be valid, thong1.) thc mortgages might ! not be. The Commissioner of Internal | Revenue decides that thc attorney or ' agent of the drawer of a check may j affix a stamp thereto, ami cancel the I same if duly authorized so to do, such ; drawer bein::; absent. but. thcinitials ; of the drawer shoidd bc used, if a; td)eek is' used before the stamp is ! r.-Uxed and cancelled, the user is Liable to penalty; consequently the attorney or agent should allix am', cancel the stamp before ?a e thereof. j The late tornado in Minnesota kiek- | eel up "some queer pranks, lt blew eight oxen over a river SOO yards wide. It took all the vate)- out of a pond, carried it a mile ?md then set it down on Mayor Duran's farm in the shape of a. small lake, lt blew a man's boots j off. Another man's coat was not only blown short, but -actually buttoned from top to bottom. Onefold lady went up like a ball-ion. was carried two miles and a half, and was finally j landed astride a telegraph wire, where j she was lound by her grand-son and j relieved by a ladder. Judge Morgan 1 says the wind not only carried oil bis | dwelling house, but sub-cellar and two wells. " The long talked of International j bridge at Buffalo seems about to be realized. Two million five hundred thousand dollars has been pledged for the work, which will consist of a du? rable and elegant iron bridge to spun | the Niagara at that point,' :is well as for the construction of a grand union depot building, and the seven miles of railway around tho city to connect the Eastern lines with, the bridge. The. contract has been let. Architect and Oivil Engineer. ?PROFESSIONAL BUSINESS attended to in North and South Carolina. Office at Mrs. II. Lyons' Garden, Colum? bia, S. C. . ' July 20 Jacob Ha ? vi rca., Auction and Commission Agent, Corner of j'laiu arid Assembly Slrcetx, WILL cive particular attention to the disposal of Real Estate. Cotton, Provisions and Geno;-;.! Merchandize. Will attend to the sale of Furniture, ?tc, at any part of the city that owners may require. July 7 fl3 THOMAS C. VEAL, Architect and Civil Engineer, WILL furnish plans, specifications and personal supervision, with all ne? cessary details for public buildings, dwell? ings; cottages, bri 'ges, ??c., for city or country. Surveys for "city lot? made on application. Oflice at A. It. Phillips', Be? dell's Row. y July 6 wsS* Brass and Copper Wanted HSOLOMON ?fe CO. ?till continue fo . purchase BRASS und COPPER. The highest market price will be paid. fl. SOLOMON ?fe CO., Wo?t side ol' ^isernbly street, July 6 Imo ?plow Pi?do. BAGAMAN & WATIES, * ATTORN IE S AT LAW, HAVE resumed the practice of their profession. Office No. 1 Lav.' iiange. July 20 wlm2 NEW GOODS JUST received and daily nrrivinc Libe? ral discounts made to wholesale buyers: LINEN. SHIRT COLLARS, NECK TIES. HOOP SKIRTS. SHIRTINGS, L. C. H AN DKERCIl'FS, CORSETS. MEETON CLOTHS, CAMBRIC, II K\I> NETTS, BROADCLOTH, NANSOOK, Belts njui Belt Ribbon, Comb?, Muslins, buttons, plum and tansy. Brushes, Berag? Veils, Huckaback, Needle*, Ladies" Show, Sugar, i Table Cutlery, Pocket Knives, Mackerel, Cents' Shoes, Coffee, Herring, French Calf Skins, Tea, Bacon, Raisins, Cheese', Syrup, Currants, Pepper, Flavoring Extracts, Citron, Candy, Bitters, Spice, Soap, Blacking, Mustard, Tobacco. Fruit and Vegetable Cans. Fairbanks' Seules, all size?. A few doz. pairs superior Spectacles. JAMES G. GIBBES, Geueral Commission Merchant. July 28 ? ?Gr. J^. 3XTOUI??"C-K-, Commission and Forwarding MERCHANT, CHARLESTON, S. C IAM prepared to promptly forward all ' Merchandize consigned to me, arriving in this ei\y from Northern and foreign ports. Also, Consignments hy railroad, to be forwarded to dornest ic or foreign ports. Liberal cash advances made ?oi all con? signments ot COTTON, RICE, <fcc.. to my friends in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore. C. A. NHUFFER. ^~ Mr. GEO RUR H. WALTER, in Orangeburg. S. C-present terminus of the ! South Carolina Railroad-will receive ned i forward nil Merchandize consigned to him. | ways. July 23 wi'7' WHOLESALE A > sa -u Sec XX % O & v3 J . ir>:-'. Meeting St rf rt.. Opposite Charles i ton Hotel, CHARLESTON, S. C. TUST rocoived. a full supply of DRUGS, C H EM i CA LS. GL ASS W AI i E. DYE STUFF'S, PAINTS and LIQUORS ol' all kinds for medicinal purposes, <fce., which we olfer to the trade at lowest rates. .' ll KN TS F"U DRAKE'S PL\NTATIOS BITTERS, STERLING'S A M ! '. K OS IA. Pure KEROSENE OIL And KEROSENE LAMPS. Julv 27 ' 16 Dissolution of Copartnership. j r S lIIE copartnership heretofore ^ ) X. between the subscribers, mohr the j name, style and firm of KILLIAN ct WING, is this day dissolved bv mutual i consent. F. W. WING, having purchased the del>ts due to the concern and assumed those due by it. persons having demands ; will present them !o him, and persons in- i debted will make pavment-to him. ELI Kl bbl AN, j F. W. WING. Thr subscriber having purchased the interest of EM KILLIAN' in the above \ firm, the business wi':! hereafter be con ducted bv Ibm in his own name. Ile respectfully solicits a share ol' public pa-, tronnge._ F. W. WING. 1 The subscriber takes pleasure in recom? mending hii late partner, Mr. F. W. Wing, to tb? support of the former patrons of tho late firm of Killian ?i: Wing, nnd of the publie generally. ELI KILLIAN. July 2'2 _lt? W."-H:7QIJ??CY, (Formerly of Baltimore, Md., lalo ot South Carolina.) No. 52 Wall Street. Nnc York. AND . ' COMMISSION MERCHANT, GROCERIES. LIQUORS, PROVI? SIONS. DRY GOODS, T: 0 0 T S . Shoes, Hats,Crockery, Hardware, Leather, Petroleum, Oil and Lamp*, Drugs, a id a general assortment of Goods, at lowest wholesale prices. COTTON, RICE. TOBACCO. ROSIN, ito., purchased, sold on commission or taken in exchange for goods on favorable j terms. Orders respectfully solicited and | and advances on consignments made. . I REFERENCES. Messrs. "?lson, Gibson <fc Qo., Bankers, j New YorkT Tilomas ife Co., Bankers. Ballimore W. T. Walters <? Co., Baltimore. L. D. Crenshaw, Esq., Richmond. ' Jolm Brutton, Esq , VVinnsboro, S. C. Asbnry Coward, Esq., Yorkville, S. C. Joseph Walker, Esq., Spartanfturg. S. ('. M Lu Geary, Esq., Attorney, Edgefield, S. ? ', bdv 22 7 TOWNSEND & NORTH BEG leave to inform their old friends and patrons that they will shortly bave a sleek of BOOKS and STATION M HY, quit? sufficient to supply oil demand?; I bat, for the present, they will keep ft I vu ri ?ty store. I They ?re now receiving and OQening Paper, Envelopes, Pens, Pencils, Tinware, j Ink, Wnt*r Buckets, Brooms, , Scisscra, ! Pocket Knives, Matches, Needle?, Mustard, I extra fine Smoking and Chewing Tobacco, I Segara, Sweet Oil, assorted Jellies, Pickles^ I Hyson Tea, Water Crackers, Butter Bis I cuit, Ginrrer Cakes, Sugar and Flour. They ? will endeavor, as f*r as possible, to k^ep I such articles ns areTicedtul catii they can I get on their ptock cf Booke. Store nert j io Biddis. July 20 f | 3Etc>~fc>o"?.,B-t Bryce ! WILL renew, on and alter the TW FA"- j TT ET H OF JULY, that part of hi? j former business, which poibmccd the sedl j iug of GOODS or MERCHANDIZE aitd COUNTRY PRODUCE on commission. His long acquaintance with the business' ?ind wants of this community ?dil give j him some advantages which shall b? u*ed I lo the benefit ol his patrons. H.- has I associated with himself his eon. JOHN 1 EDWARD, and the ne* Jinn will be i known ns j ROBERT BRYCE .fe SON. The undersigned b?g leave to <?all atten? tion to the abov? notice, ntiil to state that, they will be found near thf^old stund, cor? ner of Main and Blanding streets, No. 7 Bryce's Range, where they will endeavor to give their best, attention io such busi ? ness as m av be consigned to their care. i " ROBERT BRYCE & SON". j , July 15 HW 8* r~THE UNDERSIGNED 1RESPECTFULLY notify their friends 1J and customers that they have Ut'. I OPENED their store at their oh! stand, No. 88 East Bay, 'corner of Vendue Range, Charleston, S. C., where they will constantly keep on hand and for sab-, at LOWEST MARKET PRICES, a general nssortnienC of GROCERIES, imponed and ?loiiiestic ALES, WINES. LIQUORS and I SEGARS, of well know ii-li m ods. BOLL .M A N N B R< ?TH ER S. .Tnlv 20 ? wf8 DIRECT IMPORTERS .y ASH WU 01. ES A L E DEA L ER S is FOREIGN BRANDIES, WISES, SEG-AB.S, AND J. A. J. NOLETS IMPERIAL Xi io? JU> X? w Xv And Aromatic Schiedam Schnapps TO AitntvK: i j AA PIPES Imperial EACLE OIN". 1'lU i .OOO boxes AROMATIC SCIIIE ' DAM SCHNAPPS. . , I 50f? boxes RITTERS, (Magenlrophen.) ? i 100 Mille Cigars, nf all grades. I Quarter and eighth cas' s Cognac Broody ? .t " .? oclielle " " " " Port and Slier?v ! Wines. Scotch Ales and London Brown S'ont. \ Porter July 20 ?fs \mmim BROTHERS . XT AVE now on hand and ?rein weekly T l. receipt of ail grades lt E F I N E ?> SUC ARS. bags of COFFEE, boxes Soap. Starch, <te. Also, all grades of H yson and l^founc Hys?n Teas, and every other arti? cle connect id with a wholesale grocery. Our senior partner is residing at. tho North for the present, and attending in person to all our purchases, winch ?re for cash only. We assure our friends und cu.-:tomers that we can and will do as wei) by them ns any other house in this cite. Cotton and all Country Produces will he purchased at highest market prices, or taken in exchange for groceries. uv Charleston, S. C., July 20. *vfS By the Provisional Governor of the . State of South Carolina A I' ll (?C L A .ll A TI O A' ! TV ETEREAS His Excellency President T T Jolinson has issued his proclama? tion, appointing me (Benjamin F. Perry) Provisional Governor in and Ter the State of south Carolina, with power to prescribe such rules and regulations HS may be ne? cessary and propor for convening a Con? vention of the State, compose I ol dele? gate* to bu chosen by that portiou of th? people of said State who are loyal to the United Stales, for the purpos- of altering ut amending the Constitution (hereof; and with authority to exercise within Hie limits of the State all the powers neces? sary and propor to enable such loyal peo? ple to r?store said State to its constitu? tional relations to the Federal Govern* ment, ?md to present such a Republican form of State Government tv* will entitle the State to the guarantee cf the United otab.i therefor, and its people to - V M^^niui?gmiBg ?_M?_ SSS gfeg 5559 tion b}' thc Unit.eo Stutts against in vasion. insurrection ?nd domestic violence: ! Nov, .therefore^ in "bedien?? lo the pro- ' elaruntion of his'Andrew John eon, President of the United States, I, BENJAMIN F. PERRY. Provisional Go- , I vernor of the St ute of South Onroliu?, for I the purpose of organizing a Provisional I Government in S-jutii CaroHna, reforming th" State i"'?nsii'ntion and restoring civil I authority in said Strate, tindo*- the C'-n.-ti t u' i ort and lu ".-i1 of the United Stater, d? , hereby proclaim and declare that nil-civil officers in South Carolina, who were ic" office when the Civil Government of the State waa suspended, in May Inft, (except th-ese arrested ' or under prosecution for ! treason,) shall, or, faking the oath of alie? giance pi escribed'* in the President's* Ara neely Proclamation of the 29th day of May, 1S?5. resume the duties of their I offices and continue to discharge- them j under the Provisioned Government till further appointments ure made.? j And 1 do further proclaim, declare and j make known, that it is the duty of all loyal citizens of the State of South Caro? lina to promptly go forward and take the . oath of allegiance to the United Slates, I some magietrate or military officer j of thc Federal Government, who may be) ? qualified for administering oaths; and such are hereby authorized to give ceifified copies thereof to I be persons respectively by whom they were made. And such magistrates or officers are hereby required to transmit the originnls of gindi oaths, nt KS early a dav ns may be convenient, to the Department, of State, in the city of Wash in ito ti. I). C And I do further proclaim, declare and ^ make known, that the Manacers of Elec tions throughout the Senile of South Caro, lin*'trill ludd an election for members of a State. Convention, at their respective precincts, mi the FIRST ilONDAY IN S KITE M Pd-; It NEXT, according to the laws of >outh Carolina in foi-i-e*before: th? secession of the Stale; and Unit each Elec? tion District in the State ?ti ni I elect as (many members of the Convention as the said Di.-triet, has members of die lions? of Representatives--the basis of representa? tion being population and taxation This will trive one bundled and twenty four members to thc Convention--H. number sufficiently large to represent every por? tion of the Stale mos,', fully livery loyal citizen who has taken tho , Amnesty oath and liol wubin the excepted (.hisses in the President's Prvel unation, ! will be entitled .to vote, provid-d he whs I a ie^.'il vol? r nuder ihe Constitution as it sin..(I prior to the tecest-iou of Souin Carolina. And nil wini ar'- within the excepted classes must take the oath anil apply for a par-Ion. in order to entitle them to vo e or become members of the Cori ven I ion. 'I bo members of the Convention thus ! elected, on ;h,- firs;. Munday in September j next, are h-rehy reqilir<?d lo. convene ;;\ theVity of Columbia, on WEDNESDAY, the l.;,5, dar ol September, lol'..'., for the of altering ?'o! amending thu present, Constitution of-South Carolina, <>r remodelling an.i making a new one, which will conform io the great! changes which have taken place in the Mar.-, and l?i j more in accordance with Republican priii I Clplcs arid equality of r>-pi-e?'*n ai.. n. I .-ind I do further proclaim aro! make known, that the Constitution ?nd ali laws ?ol' forc? in South Carol i tm prior to the I secession rf the State, are hereby mude ot foi ce un,h-r t he Prov istmia i Government, ? except wherein they rnfljpeoiiHk-.l witb iii? provisions of this proclamation. And the . Judges and Chancellors ol' the State ur? hereby required Ni exercise all the power* I aid pel-form ail the dirties?which apper? tain to l.lnjir respective offices, sod-espe? cially in criminal cuses. lt will be expected of lite.Federn! military million? ths now in South Carolina, to lend their authority lo the civil officers of the. Pro? visional Government, for the purpose of enforcing iee laws and preserving the [.euee ai.d good order of the State. And I do blither command and enjoin all good and lawful citizens of the Suite lo unite in enforcing the laws and bring? ing to justice all disorderly parson.*; all plunderers, robbers nm! marauders, nil vagrants and idle persons who arc wan? dering about, without, employment or any? visible means of supporting themselves. II. is also expected that all former own? ers of treed persons will be. kind to them, and not turn oil' the children or aged to perish; and the treed men and women are earnestly enjoined to make contra?is, just. > and fair, for remaining with their former owner". In order tc facil?tate wis much as possi? ble the application for pardons under the exeepte-1 sections of Ihe President's Am nest ry Proclamation, it is stilted for infor? mal ion that ill applications must be by petition, stating the exception, and accom? panied with the oath prescribed. This petition must be first approved by the Provisional Governor. n.mi then forwarded to the President. Tim headquarters of tho Provisional Governor wiil lie at Green, ville, where all communications to him must be addressed. The newspapers of this State will pub? lish this proclamation till the election for members of the Convention. In testimony whereof] I have hereunto set 1113' ''-and and seal. Don-? at th? 11_ S.l town of Greenville, this 20th dav of July, in the year of our Lord I8ti6. and of the independence of the Unite! States the ninetieth. B. F. PERRY. Bv the Provi-ioaal Governor: WnAWU R. PrrtT, Private Secretary July" 25 -. ' i