The Columbia daily phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1865, July 14, 1865, Image 2

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. ? ll , , j ?. ; . OOIJITMBIAT^ Friday Morning) Joly 14, 1865. 1 "T" i I -= Provisional Governor. ' Taking for granted that Mr. Perry will accept, or has accepted, the appointment of Provisional Governor of the State, we may reasonably assume, from his known habits of business and energetic industry, that he will proceed at an early day to the re-organization of the State. This im? plies, in addition to a call /or a conven? tion, the adjustment of the popular vote and the appointment of a general magis? tracy; the reconstruction of our educa? tional system, which includes thc common echool, the Military Academies and thc South Carolina College. For the due establishment of the?e, and on thc best footing, much preparatory inquiry, much philosophical thought, are required; aud, wc take fur granted that our conn.ion school system must take in the children of the newly made freedmen. Of course, the freedmen are subjects of taxation for this purpose, the same as any other; and the sooner we adopt a tax on every poll, black, white and "promiscjis," thc better able shall we bo to arrive at a solution oi the question in ways and means. During the continuance of the Provisional Govern? ment, the officers of the State will receive their salaries from thc United States Trea sury, which is now the general receiver ol all taxes. The salary of thc Governor i< put down at ?3,000 per annum-a sun: quite too small, with suth duties on hu handstand tn acorannmity like our;', where the freight alone nearly reaches thc'mar? ket prices of the article. The populalior of thc State before the war was a fractior above 700,000. Down to a comparatively late period, the amount of our annual ex pendituro was some $700,000. How easy to adjust the taxes to thc exigency, hy making every citizen, of all complexions pa3T a single dollar ou his head! and Ilea ven help him! what is his head good for, i ' he is unwilling to pay a dollar for h credit. The tax is equal-all heads, ful or empty, arc complimented with thc sam liberal estimate. Such a tax is honorabl and complimentary; it disdains any con sidcration of your wealth and ho?' yo came by it, aud only rates the man him sell as worthy of the consideration of th assessor and the treasurer, in his own pei sou rather than his mere chattels. It thu puts the man on his dignity. Man, womu and child, black, white and equivocal, ca thus walk tho street?, able to cry aloin "There is a price upon this head!" An where a price attaches, avalu? is suppose to attach also. Thia is not unfrcquently mistake, but the rule holds good in def ance of thc exception. What says Bun iu confirmation of this idea? "The rank is but the guinea stamp, A nina's a man for a' that." Aud yet, it might not bc a bad idea 1 make men pay for the degree of the ; rankness. An inodorous people must I made to commend themselves more co tideralcly to the community, and the pr cess of coercion will be best fouud in tl pocket nerve. But we leave the Prov bional Government for future develo monts. Tho Lunatic Asylum. It ?urely will not need thal we shoal say anything lo our people, or tho couuti at large, in respect to thc eoiuiition of tl inmates of the Lunatic Asylum, after tl publication of the simplo and unatlVete but impressive, representation of Dr. Par cr, its able superintendent. Wo entreat the families personally interested; of tho citizens who have the means of succor their hands; of those authorities whi< possess the necessary power and resourci to be prompt in their efforts to relieve tl institution, dedicated to the relief of t most cruel forms of human Buffering, V Uarn that the rations of yesterday, wi all the efforts of the superintendent, ha partially failed, and unless relief is ve coon provided, the rations must aitogelf fail. There was no meat whatsoever! the inmates yesterday, and if the morn shall bring forth no succor, the next d and the next will have such painful rc.' lotions to make as no good citizens will quite willing to ht^r. He who giveth tho poor lendeth to the Lord, and th arc the poorest of all the poor and mi rabie of earth. It should he very 'gr'a ful to bc a creditor of the Deity. Let charitable think of it, and, to use the. 1 guage of Strift, "If they do not distr ttl? strvi'y. I ; 'he? do wa with th? du - .-?T- .-. --T-7 . "* .Cotton. By our last European dates, we se? that cotton has considerably advanced, and that it maintains itself firmly in the mar? ket. We have also reported sales.of up lauds iu Charleston at 314;. Estimate as you will, there cannot be in the whole of the Sooth more than a million and a half of bales. The crop of the present .year will add but little to the number. We doubt, indeed, if thc whole stock, includ ing that of the present year, will be found to reach a million and a half. Let holders, j especially in first hands, see that they make the most of it It is a vital consi- j deration with us to secure to first owners and to the community-winch need? all the capital it can raise-to hold all the proceeds cf this cotton in our own suction -to sell not a pound, except at good prices; those prices only falling short of , the several standards in Liverpool, New York and Charleston, as lo "leave a sufi!, cient margin for the expenses of ship pine, freight, insurance and acrency. Do not suffer any eager desire fir money in ! hand to beguile you into any unnecessary sacrifice. LATEST.-We have a Charleston Courier, of the 10th, from which we make extracts We note that gold ranged in thc New York markets, on thc 1st, at Ul to 139?. The range of thc thermometer in Charles ton from the 8th to the 10th was from 92 to 'JGA degrees ia the shade. Capt. T. C. Lewis, Harbor Master of the port, died suddenly of congestion of thc brain, probably from sun stroke. S. G. Courtenay lias been appointed chief of tim fire department. GliOWTU AND PROGRESS OF THE PuONlX. We are preparing for expansion. Our limits are cabinned, crib! ed. confined. The demand upon our columns enlarges daily-, and we need to enlarge with it. We ex? pect new supplies of printing material this week, and next week, should this material arrive, thePhcenix will tako he flight on a br?ader wing. The mails are now be? ginning to be carried with great regulari? ty, the routes are opening to nearly all the divergent point?, aud, with very little delay the P?nevix eau now he ruado to reach every District in the State. Our country friends, accordingly, will do wtll to secure themselves, by prompt subscrip? tions, the benefits and blessings of tbs only daily paper in the SliUe, the Charles? ton Courier excepted. On Saturday, the New York German Sch?tzen Corps, consisting of sixty men, sailed for Bremen to take part in the ia ternational shooting match at Bremen, which will begin on the 16th of this month and end on the 23d. The Sch?tzen Corps is composed of the best marksmen of this city, nearly all of whom arc wealthy Germans. The company is commanded by Capt. Buscti, who is a splendid speci? men of the Teutonic race, weighing 356 pounds.-New York Post. CKOWOED-Notwithstanding thc large additional hotel accommodations given us by the erection of the Sea Island Hotel, both houses are crowded to-day. The hot weather drives ihe burnt np citizens of the inland cities and towns to the sea-const, and, as" we have said several times before, we are getting to be the "Point Comfort" of this section of the sunny South. \jfort Royal New South, Si//. I A STKI" IN THE RIG UT DIRECTION.-An j attempt is making to organize free schools j for the children of the poor 'whites at ' Richmond. This is a st?p in the right, direction. Every child in 1 he South should have a good educadoo, if possible. In communities where five schools spread their enlightening influences, there is less crime. All loyal persons in Kentucky whose slaves have enlisted in the army bf the United States are entitled, hy Act of Con? gress, approved February 24, 1864, to a just compensation, not exceeding ?;iuO for each slave enlisted. lt now seems that the indians commit? ting outrages in thc West are the A rapa boo tribe. For some time previous to the OM ! break, they were fed fey the Govern? ment. Three columns are preparing to march against them. Junius Brutus Booth, brother of tho Booth who killed Lincoln, has been ac I quitted and released from custody-not a tittle of evidence having been found against him. Western Texas is full of guerillas and robbers- Wagon trains are. attacked and plundered daily. Even the property of passengers on the cars in Texas is plun? dered. St. Domingo has been evacuated by the Spaniards. Although the families who assisted the Spaniards were protected hy treaty, they have been compelled to leave. The. rebellion in Hayti is gaining ground. GefTrard's forces aie Buffering reverses. "Doestieki." is editing a paner at Al lints, Ga Weare again uuder obligations to tho Southern Express Company for late copies of Charleston, Port Royal and Augusta papera. ; . See the new advertisement of Henry M. Drane, General Superintendent of the Wilmington and Manchester Railroad, makins* a change in the schedule of run? ning time on the road, and indicating the several points of connection -which the cars will make, and at what times and days. To of travel are now open from Columbia in nearly all direc? tions. To that of Sumter, the Pee Dee, Ch.?raw, ?fee., -we have Shivers hack?. At Kingsville, you take the Wilmington and A Manchester ears. Ey ibis route, also, if j you please, you take your way, via the North-eastern Railroad, to Charleston. Another route, including several lines Hates, Coffin and others-is by way of ,Orangeburg C. H. At this poiut there is a line of slades for Augusta, via Johnson's Turn-out. Courtenay's and Olney's line -a light spring wagon being the vehicle. -conveys pnsienr*ers to and fro between Columbia and Alston. This connects with the trains running lo Newberry, Greenville, Abbeville, cte. Passage to "V\ innsboro, Chester and Camden can also be procured at the general agency of Dar? bee & Walter. We thus indicate all the commanding places, at all the points of the compass, now all attainable from Col um- ! bia by comparatively eas}-, safe and ch-np j conv eyances. FIXE Airrs ABOUT TOWS;-We hoar of robberies in and about the town, which prove that the chevaliers cTindustrie have resumed those branches of the fine arts which were in such active operation just before the arrival of the United State? forces. Shops have been broken into in this city and plundered to tunes sounding in hundreds and even thousands. We hear of-fields and yards stripped of their matin cern. The professors of these arts are growing bold. They have long since proved themselves dextrous, in manipu? lating and appropriating; and there is an ugly fate standing at the elbows of each which cries, in sepulchral accents, "Root, hog, or oie!" Now, these hogs, famous at rooting, are never famous at sowing or working. They think it quite enough, to do the harvesting from the fields sown by their neighbors. the policy of States, cities and communities with regard to all these rooting animak-J What was j the secret principle involved in the law r.gainst vagrancy, vagabondage, ?.lioness, and the absence, in the case of thc indi vidual, of any visible means of earning his own livelihood? A revival of these ancient laws is absolutely essential to the security of those who sow ami work. The}- should be protected. We need a penitentiary, especially now, when the whole population is elevated to the rank of freedmen. Freedmen have their re? sponsibilities, and are to be reached by judicious punishment. The pocket nerve is that of keenest sensibility in present times. Touch that! The white man re? lishes least the heinz amerced in the pocket. Ile finds the argumentum ad cru mcnam, thc most impressive of all areli nie nts. Try the fleshly freed population b}' the annie nerve. It will be found quite ns sensitive as that of the white man. He has just as much money now in Ins pocket, ss any white man among us. J Sweat him in that rog:-MI for lareeny and j other similar practices in the firse arts, j The effect will be to elevate him in ?sense of social responsibility, lt will make him more scrupulous in his thimble riggings and priggings in ftther men's diggings. Let fine and forfeiture, as well as hard j working, solitary confinement and bread '. and water, be among his pains and penal- I ties, bet him understand that the money ! for which he perils his iiewdy created ! status vhnli be taken fr. rn him, whenever it is shown to be ill-got cn, and you will find him amenable to pious exhortation. He does not like to disgorge his stolen fruits. Ile Wili t^roan and make wry faces but, if the penalty be insisted on, and the punishment adhered to, he will rise to the social dignity of one who feels and can boast that he hath had losses. We throw out these hints for those in power. As j stolen fruit:, aro always sweeter to a boy than any, to the grown plunderer, the deprivation ol' his stolen chattels is felt more seriously than any loss incurred in legitimate progress. String up the offender by his thumbs, if you will; huck bim and pillorize; but make him empty bis pockets also. So shull he be persuaded to heeonie virtuous-minded in coarse of time. Lost, BETWE'"'" Columbia and Orangeburir, a LAL i 'S GOLD WATCH, open face. The finder viii be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this office. July 14 2* I Butter, J& VLttG>j?m JUST received from 1 lie country, 100 lbs. fresh BUTTER. For sale bv 1 july 13 IIJ.K? ? x .'.0L0MO? CO To the Patrons of the Lunatic Asy? lum. The argent necessities of this institution require that I should, in the most public and expeditious method, call attention to its condition, and urge .upon all having friends within ita walls to come forward promptly and cancel their indebtedness; and to the benevolent and the humano throughout the State, to contribute to? wards the support and comfort of this unfortunate and afflicted class of the com? munity. For the la*t ?ix months, it has been upon the borders of Buffering. None of the luxuries.'few of the comforts and scarce the neeesnnries, of life have been within reach. Owing to causes apparent to all, my appesls to the Board of Regents and to the late Governor for aid. have met with no response. My application to the commanding-General of the Department was promptly answered by an "'order for rations and medicines," but the denian?! upon the supply at this pout bas been *o great, that only five days' rations have been furnished. By my own personal exertions, the Asylum 1ms beor so far sua-* tained and actual want averted. But my resources are now exhausted, and I "nave only to look to those whose duty nnd iu terest it is speedily to being succor und aid. Communication is now compl?te,or being rapidly opened, to every . portion of the State. Crops are now made, and travel by wagon no lovger unsafe. Pro? vidions of nil kinds will be received iu lieu of mccoy, at. tho market price i ri this city. Let there be no delay. I appeal to you in behalf of the most afflicted of our race. .?. V. PARKER, Sup't and Physician Lunatic Asylum, S. C. Information Wanted Q OF JOiiN .1. DAVIS. Compauy D, 15th S. C. Regiment. Was a tailor, a:id lived in Camden, tr*. C. Was well on the ltd of February. ^Any enc knowing bis late or whereabouts, will confer tv favor by communicating the information to his afflicted anti destitute wile at Columbia, S. C., or to thia office. Exchanges please extend this not iee. July 14 Headquarters Military District of ? Charleston, CHARLESTON. S. C.. *ULY R, 1S65. GENERAL ORDERS NO. 69. A NY officer or soldier having in his X'IL. possession captured or abandoned property of any description, will, on the demand" of T. C. CA LL I COT T, Esq.. Sup. Sp'l Agent U. S. Treasury Department, de? liver the same, to him. Means of Transportation held by the Quartermaster's Department, tb? neces? sary Dooks, Storehouses and Offices, with the Furniture pertaining to the same, will be retained by the .Military Executive Departments. By command of Brevet Maj. Gen. JOHN P. HATCH. LEONARD B. PERRY, Ast't Adj't lien. July 14 G "NEW GOODS/ Jixst jReceivcd AND FOR SALE LOW, AT SBEITOX, CALVO & CO.'S, Bull Street, JVext to Old Pout Office. 1 N addition to former sti ck, we have just received the following articles: Ladies' Heeled SLIPPERS. Congress GAITERS. Balmoral BOOTEES. " ^ Glove Kid GAITERS. Misses' SHOES in great variety. Men's SHOES of all kinds. Children's SHOES of all sizes. Men's fine Felt HATS. " Wool '? 20 doz. HOOP SKIRTS of finest quality 12 doz. Ladies' CORSETS, 6" doz " Silk VEILS. Toilet COMBS and BRUSHES. Tooth BRUSHES. Toilet EXTRACTS. Ladies' HOSIERY, Men's HOSE. White Crushed SUGAR. *. Powdered " Light Brown Cotfee " Cumberland SAUCE. Buttel and Fancy French CRACKERS. Adamantine and Sperm CANDLES. Old Java COFFEE. RAISINS. STARCH. MUSTARD, OLIVES. Smoking and Chewing TOBACCO. Mason's BLACKING, Shoe BRUSHES. LIQUORS. CHAMPAGNE, quart bottles. Old Bourbon WHISKEY. Scotch ALE. Whiefr w/ll be sold on proper certificate. E^TParties bringing COTTON to mar? ket will do well to ctdl upon ns before dis? posing of it, as wc are paying the highest market rates. GOLD ard SILVER bought and sold July j 4 AUCTION SALES. By Jacob Levin. , rHlSfMORNING, at IO o'clock, I wilt;, sell, at my Auction Room, Saet?n* articles of Furniture. Carpenter's Tools, &c , ALSO, ' iiO bushels Corn. j 12 bags Rye. ' ? Lot Rope: j 250 Empty Bag?, lot Bab els, &c. ALSO, ? fine young Mule. . July 14 1 Change of Schedule on the "W.i mington and Manchester Bailroar?. SUMTER, JULY lt, lSi',5. ON and after July 10, trains will run tri-weekly over this road, as follows: Leave Kingsville, every Tuesday, Thurs? day and Saturday, at 4 45 a. m., for Pee Dee and all stations on the Cheraw and j Darlington and North-eastern Railroad passengers reaching Charleston same night. 1 Returning-Arrive at Kingsville every Monday. Wednesday and Friday, ot 8 42 p. m., from any of the points indicated above. HENRY M. DRANK, July 14 12 General Superintendent. I-aw C^XJELG?, lt. DESAUSSURE has rebuilt his buna office, adjoining tim Coflrt House, where he may bo consulted during the usual office hon rs. ^ July 13 3* "BOUGHT OB. SOLD. COIN. SILVERWARE, ?c. Highest price.? paid bv ZEA LY, SCOTT-,* BRUNS. Brokers. Auc'Joneers and Com. Merch'ts. July 12 B Exchange Er.nk, COLUMBIA, S. C., JI-LY 12. l?G.r>. * MEETING of Stockholders of this .i\ Bunk will be held nt Mr. C. J. Bol lias dwelling bouse, on MONDAY next, the 17th ll o'clock a. m.. for elect? ing a President and Directors of the Bank, and for other purposes. july 13 ALEX. LAUGHLIN, Cashier. Change of Schedule. C^qjsj-p PASSENGERS for Kings-villa ? 5 ? ?- and Charleston are in formed-.1 thal in consequence of a chung.*; of sehe?! nie on the Wilmington and Manchester Uailroad, the CARRYALLS frc m tl?.- .do? ver House will leave Columbia hereafter on Monda}-, Wednesday and Friday, at 5 5 p. m. j n'y 12 5'* BES. No. i MACKEREL Jj 4 boxes fine CHEWING TOBACCO. 1 chest extra fine TE \. 20 ba^s N EW FL< >U R. 5 ENGEISH CHiEESE, very fi -e. 20 boxes SMOKED HERRINGS. 1 bbl best VINEGAR. 10 boxes RAISINS. ] hex OLIVE OIL. '5 boxes COLGATE'S PALE SUAT. 20 doz. BLACK INO. TOILET and TOOTH BRUSHES. TOILET SO A P, GINGER, SPICES, ?fcc. Together with a variety ot other goods, which will be sold LOW. July 13 2 WHOLESALE . "rv 20j ms rt cs y> a *?. q I ?J- SsE mi <xk ssc S?jb sss e V 153 Meeting Street, Opposite Char? leston Hotel, CHARLESTON, S. C. JUST received; a fail supply of DRUGS, C1 i EM I CA LS, GL ASS W A K E. DY ii STUFFS, PAINTS and LIQUORS of nil kinds for medicinal purposes, ?tc., which we offer to the trade at lowest rates. . AGENTS roa DB VICE'S PLANTATION BITTERS, STERLING'S AMBROSIA, Pure KEROSENE OIL, And KEROSENE LAMPS. Ju!v ll 6' PIANOS TO RENT. ONE seven-octavo INSTRUMENT, of exquisite tone and finish, and two, others ol good quality. Tho rent will bel moderate, to ap. roved parties. Apply iaJ Winn street, near Charlotte Depot ?Inly 12 wf2*_W. SHEPHER\ AND A FINE stock of DRUGS and MEDI l\. CINES just, received by H. SOLOMON ? CO., Assembly street. West, below Plain, t Brass and Copper Wanted. HSOLOMON & CO. still continue tc . purchase BRASS omi COPPER Thu highest market, pri?e will be paid.* H. SOLOMON <fc ca. Wes* ":dc of Assembl-r street,