Columbia phoenix. (Columbia, S.C.) 1865-1865, April 27, 1865, Image 2

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. ??????msim. mmsm * ******** ?Sort of medicar tk?H, lat ci) Lepo was gos?! .; {?. TB? ATTEMPT TO MIX SEWARD. f WASHINGTON, April 14.-Wb?? the excitement at the theatre was ?tit? wildest height, reports were circul?t td that Sec re tary Seward had also been assassinated! f- The appalling laeta ar? substantially a? follows: About 10 o'clcck a man rang. tho bell, and the call having been answered by a colored serrant, be said he had cern* fren) Dr. Verdi, Secretary Seward's filthily physician, with a prescription,.at the sxtne tinte holding in his banu a (mall piece of folded pa^en and saying in answer to* a refusai that he must see the Secretary, a* be was entrusted with particular directions concerning the medicine! He still insisted On going up, although repeatedly informed that ao one could enter the cbiuober. Tht man finally pubbed the serrant aside soo .'. walked hastily towards the Secretary's rccni and was there met by Mr. Frederick W Seward; of whom he demanded to see th? Secretary, making the sam? repr?sentation! which he did to the serrant. What fartl.ei passed in the wey of colloquy is not known, but tbe assassin struck Mr. Seward a blov on the head with a billy, severely injuring the skull and felling bim almost senseless. The assassin then tushed into the chambo ard attacked Major Seward, Pajmastei United States Army, and Mr.' Hansell, ? messenger of tbe State Department/ ar.c two male nurse?, disabling them all. IL then rushed upon the Secretary of State . who ?was ly mg in bed in the same room and inflicted ihr ce stabs in the neck, bu severing, it is thought and boped, no arte rire, thoogb he bjed profusely! The assassin then rushed down stair? mounted his horse at'the door, and rod* off before an alarm could be sounded, ii the same manner of the assassin of th President. TBS IXC1TEMENT DI WASHINGTON. WAsni?GTON, April 14 -Aa immense thron speedily gathered in freut of the President' liOQ??, ind a strong guard was stationed then afr ri.v ? errons evidently supposing that h ?renie he brought te bis house. Tho (otite city tonight presents a scene c tv;..- fxcitcmens.* The military .authorities have despatch* ir ? ruted patrols in every direction, in order, : potublt. to airest the assassins, while the M< tu j ?di tun Police ar? alike, vigilant for the saw pTtrpose: v la* assassins' attacks, both on the Presider aad ?-a Beeretarr Seward, toc-k place at tit - same hour, 10. .4elecklutbca shewing a preeoi sorted plan te^aasaM?Bat? both. Vite President Johnson ia in the city, an his hotel quat tera ate pu? rd rd by troops. /TH* riBmtiTM? O?-TBS MELS FOOD PCT. WA?sn?e70M (irv,-ho. 4(8 TVatb Street. 4.1 A. M., April la-Jf0?6'm Dix, F tte Tori The Prsajoeat cobtmuts insensible, and it sinl jag. 0 Beereiary Beward romain* without ch eng?-. ' Frederick Reward's skull is fr pul ur ed in m plates, besides a severe eut upon th? bead. Il atuideav i? still alive. Int bis condition b?tale**. Maj. Seward's wennda are ?ot danserons. - 4 fl?,ie row aeeetteintd with r?a??oti&ble en sainty iVat two a?sa?sina were engsyv'd in tl kerrible srin)*t-vV ilkes tom h fceirg ihe oi kbel Skat the Isseidaat; the i thor a tcm\ ana ? .of *Mr wfcnse Bice is ?ot ?sown, bat whose do-criptloa is se ?lear that bo can hardly es? capa. it. appears from a lotter found ia Booth's (rank 4hat the murder was planned before the 4th of Marah, but fell through then, because the accomplice "backed ont until Richmond could he heard frena." Booth cud his accomplice were at th? livery ?table at 6 o'clock last evening, and left there with their horses about 10 o'clock, cr shortly before that h?ur. It would eeem that they had for revel al days been seeking their chance, bot for some unknown reason it waa not carried into * fleet until last' aigtit. One of them has evidently made bis Baltimore. The other has not yet bean traced. (Signed,) E. IL STANTON, Secretary of War. LINCOLN'S DEATH. Was DEr/r.rwEvr. WASHINGTON, April 16. Jiej. Got. Dix: Abraham Lincoln died thia inteiniDg, st tweaty-.t wo minutes aller 7 o'clock. EDWIN M. STANTON, [ . . . . Secretary of War. I CArTCBE or BOSTH AND BIS ACCOMPLICES i WASHINGTON, April l's.- A steamer arrived at bis city from Baltimore last evening, stating 'bat thc assassins have all been arrested. Booth was caught somewhere in the vicinity of Balti? more, and the murderer? of Mr. Seward, two io I'liniber, were alco arrested, locality not known. From evidence obtained, it is deemed highly probable that the man who stabbed Seward was John Smith, of Pi ince George, Maryland IAKLBXW JOHNSON SWOBN IN as PRESIDENT. WASHINGTON, April -15.-vice-President An "drew Johnses was sworn in a? President of the United States, at ll o'clock, thia morning. The ceremonies were very impressive. Mr. Joha -on received the oath of President with thr most profound grief- The eily ia draped in mourning; all business, publie and private, u 5uspend?d; the people, one and all, move through the streets with tho most solemn, sombre faces; intense feeling atill prevails throughout the country. DEATH OX MB. HANSELL. * WASHINGTON, April 15.-Mr. Hassall, the me stenger of the Stste Department, who was in attendante on Mr. Seward, died to-day. Mr. Seward is in a precarious condition. JOHNSON ANO TUB CABINST. ^WASHINGTON, April 16.-President Johnson, at 12 o'clock, Vail ed a meetiug of his Cabinet, ?nd told the different secretaries to oontin?e ?he dutiss of their cfices, and proposed arrange? ments" fer the funeral of the lat? President. 9 BU BR TO BB PEES ERV BD IN BALTTMOBB? HEADQUASTEM MIDDLE DETAINMENT, Ehrhth Army Carps, Baltimore, Md., April 15, 1866. Spteial Or der $ Ac. M.-Par. 1. Tba assassination of the President of the United States and the Secretary of State call tor tba following orders: Iheutiroat rigor of military discipline and authority will he enforced in this city and de partment until further Orders.? All persons ara hereby tfVUfied that assent biaga* of moro than three peraena will net b* permitled. Ihe pickets on all tba road? are hereby or? dered te arrest all suspicious persons. Mankft wagons will lie permitted td oom? into the cit}*, bot must aol oe allowed to-'psN ? ut without s written pass .from- thtrttovos. Marshal of the Department. " [ Ko brats or traits will he permitted 4? les vi I he eily until further orders, without a peraau I ? n from these headquarters, j N<- vt Lisle* Will t>? j ? Tnitt?d lo pass ?Ot tl ; i ? citv on any af tho roads. I Girf-d i sdrr most prevail in thi?%ity.' Tl . M.vii-I Msrtfh?! of tba Cotpe-i?<4it:r*l-y dlrtt-t t?t t-o ?.|:?rste ?Ti|h the felice avthonttea ai . . i rt*r*e the peace of Ibo city. it it? initiative upon au erood and loy'i t*f* lo fctsu-t tn < H;*.).)? g ail t|ic orner* . ?-.cly th? ?i? ii or miMai} Mrtr i riti * in tr.?. f ' ' ?a . i - I' ll'lil Br?inan (fori( to tnppTTw all manifestations of aympa thy^witb tb? fiendish crime ?o grossly i? vieta tioo. of all law, human or divin*. By oeaamand ?f ' Brevet Br i?. Gan. MORRIE. SAMU" kr. B. LAWBXSCB, A. A. O. ?TtAXnSO AatOMG TBS TAHBBI SOL?MUM. FoBTBxaa IAOBBOS, April 16.-The news of Line?lo'? death caused a profound eensntiori among the troops in Grant's army. If tlio war should continue, they threaten to tr.k<* i.?> j .. i sonersT DESCKIFTIOB OF BOOTH. j. Wilkes Booth, the murderer, i* the journ* est SOD of the elder Booth, t e tragedian, ll? is a man of violent disposition, and is reported to be. at times partially insane. A t the com? mencement of the war, be resided in Uarfo.d -County, and was then kntfwn ua extreme in his secession proclivities nnd syn.pot hy with th? South. In the endeavor to.throw Mtiiyland into the vortex of the rebellion, he wai an active though obscure agitator. Vii.rc then, TC" l'are heard little of him, excepfl^s an actor in this and ether cities. WbethVaswii: undertook .he terrible work which lins plunged the nation into sorrow of his OWB volition or at the in? stigation of other and more prominent traitor?, is a feet that may never be known. COLUMBIA, Thursday Morning, April 27, 1865. Assassination of Lincoln. The reports Which we give to day, from th* Augusta papers; of theassoeeination of Lincoln, und the attempt on th* life o?-?Seward, mutt, we think, settle nil doubts Upon' the. subject. The information comes from unquestionable sources, and the details are of a toi t, which prevents any suspicion of their spurious manufacture We have co commente to make, except upon the evident desire with Mr. Stanton, and per haps the Yankee authorities generally, to fusten suspicion upon tfie leader? of the Confederate^ at Richmond. We'hardly need say to o?r readers that this effort' will fail, as it is so manifestly inconsistent with the frank cours? pursued by the Confederate authorities, and their absolute superiority, from individua} ?karaeter, to any sush resort for the good et' the country, even if th* death of Lincoln could be produetiva of. any benefit to ua We have no ?ort of tympathy with the victima They deserved their fat?-we anny say, provoked it~ .and we only woader that something of tb? kiad did not take place long ago. Their brats1. di?? j'?gard Ol huruanity-their reek)*-?? usurpation of power-the destruction of the liberties of their own people; their invasion and destina? tion of a neighboring country, whose liberties they wonld also oysiihrow-all combine to make tl?*m odious everywhere to hifjnaijity* a nd the dnj? of tb? Bruiii are destined De ver o cud asn?i>g any people, who can fee) th? s. um of wieng, and .willi passion* warm # i.etipb to f!cau ib. m to ?vet gc and pu aub it Bat ve l.j u r. ti ?j n path he with assne?ii<atH)u] W* rs nv I-leetifthe Cagier that j-lr?ke? doeu tb* t tnt we wotted rather know nothing cf . r b vi i be w?ll tor bim, ir, ir the ; -. :* , ?,;.. :''.t ?;.,"n. ?I ell L* ai .-?*... lifter liia ?pf .* . . Si ' i k-ri?d ?.?.'-.Vi ?.TC'-'fehtUrei ir ?!.? ?el ff KlleeeSr . ... ? .'i'-'y -u M-? fii< ottl ?ra:? ? ..t t- et .. - .-'.-...s...- ?I./- . br ar. j of